Official aliexpress affiliate program. Alibaba Group affiliate programs in Russia: how to start working with the Chinese giant

Did you know that on the well-known Aliexpress website you can not only buy, but also earn good money? Aliexpress affiliate has been working for a long time, but most have never heard of them, but in vain, because you can make money here quite simply!


NOTE: Although this article will primarily focus on the EPN affiliate program, which is adapted for the CIS countries, other ways to make money with Aliexpress will also be discussed.

Earning money on Aliexpress is available to everyone, since you don’t even need to have your own website (although this is the best option). You just need to have a page on a social network, a group or just a public page.

It is clear that you need to have a well-promoted page, group, or public page, otherwise your earnings will be almost zero. But that's not a problem here is my article about that How to easily promote your VKontakte page. There are many other ways, paid and free. If you have not yet registered on Aliexpress, then in the article linked above I wrote how to do this.

How to make money on Aliexpress?

The essence of making money is simple: many sellers on Ali are willing to pay a percentage of the sale of goods if you bring a buyer. The percentage can be different, from 2 to 50%. The more buyers you bring to Aliexpress, the more you can earn. And here everything depends on your agility. More details about this are written in the article at the link.

I started doing this not so long ago, but the result is obvious, I’ll show it to you a little later. But first, let’s talk about which Aliexpress affiliate program is preferable, because there are several options.

I can especially mention and briefly mention cashback - I now earn even more from it than from the Aliexpress affiliate program. and how to make money on it, read the article at the link.

Official affiliate of Aliexpress

The official Aliexpress affiliate program is located at this address . First minus, which immediately catches your eye is the English interface. Second minus- $10 for withdrawal.

I just started working with the official Aliexpress affiliate program (less than a month, and I only put up a banner and a couple of links) and I already have almost $10 in my account. How to start working in the system?

After registration you need to go to Ad Center to receive affiliate links and banners. I recommend using links first, since people are more willing to click on them than on those boring banners. Let's see how this can be done in practice.

It is very useful to first install the cashback plugin, which I wrote about in the article ““, since it immediately shows which product is participating in the affiliate program and which is not.

A real example of how to make money with Aliexpress

Let's take, for example, a product that almost everyone needs - a FLASH DRIVE! I also need to buy a new flash drive, since my 4 gigabyte one is already as old as the world. Looking for interesting flash drive, which has cashback (in other words, which participates in the affiliate program). I found this one, very stylish:

As a result, we receive an affiliate link of the form Take this link and go to your VKontakte page (you can use any social network). Paste the link and BE SURE to write your ENTITTING comment:

That's all, now if a person follows this link and buys something on Aliexpress, you will receive your commission. Yes, it is not necessary that a person buys this particular product, he can buy any product on Aliexpress that participates in the affiliate program, and you will still receive your money.

And what’s great is that if a person buys something within a month, you will also receive a commission! Tempting, isn't it?

How to withdraw earned money from this Aliexpress affiliate program? First you need to earn at least $16 and only after that you can receive the money you earned into your bank account. But don't rush to withdraw money! They will charge you $15 for the transfer! I haven’t filmed it myself yet, but this is what they write (translation):

You can withdraw from your account on or before the 20th of each month. The balance must exceed US$16. There will be a US$15 withdrawal processing fee.

Therefore, you need to earn more so that out of the 16 dollars you earn, 15 are not withdrawn from you 😉 All this is not very happy, so I want to talk about another affiliate program, more profitable and convenient.

Aliexpress EPN Affiliate Program

This is the best Aliexpress affiliate, at least for CIS residents. You can register in it by TO THIS ADDRESS .

As you can see, everything here is in Russian and the functionality is MUCH wider than that of the native Aliexpress affiliate program. After registration, go to TOOLS - MY CREATIVES.

Now we need to create some kind of creative, let me explain a little what each button means:

CREATE SMART- a banner of the required size will be created. Such a banner can only be placed on the website. But it’s worth considering that the adblock plugin cuts this banner.

The best thing is to use the second point, create links to a specific product. Let's do this operation, take again some fashionable flash drive, for example, like this:

Original, right? Maybe no one will buy it, but if they go to a store with the product, they will. And that's all we need. Take a link to the product, click the CREATE LINK button, write the name of the product (so that you can later understand what it is) and insert the link.

As you can see, nothing complicated. Pay attention to the link in the post - https://site/links/f. I have created my own short link service, and you no longer publish an affiliate link, but a link to your website. But if you follow this link, you will be redirected to the product page through the affiliate program. Why is this necessary?

Why do you need link shorteners?

People don't like it when people make money on them - this is purely a psychological barrier. If a person sees an affiliate link, then he may fundamentally not follow it. If you disguise the link, then the person will not be so scared.

There is also another benefit for those who have their own website: since the link goes to your domain, the site only benefits from this, the link mass increases. If you need such a short link service for your website, then for $25 I’m ready to make it for you, set it up and tell you how it works. It looks like this inside:

Admitad + Aliexpress Affiliate Program

I decided to finish the article, since the largest aggregator of affiliate programs Admitad was unfairly ignored - link to affiliate . You can also earn money on Aliexpress and receive 8.5% of each product sold through you. There are practically the same tools as in EPN:

You can get banners or deep links, but the difference is that the banners here come in a regular format (EPN in IFRAME), which for me is more attractive, you can hide the link. In terms of links, it’s almost the same here, so it’s up to you to decide where to work, for now it’s more convenient for me in EPN, Admitad is convenient for making money in, I just recently joined.

I described the affiliate programs that I worked with personally. But there are actually many more of them, here are all that are worthy of attention...

All Aliexpress affiliate programs

Affiliate Interest rate Year of creation
Aliexpress 8% 2006
EPN 8,5% 2014
ADMITAD 8,5% 2009
AD1 8,5% 2005
Where is the elephant? 8,5% 2010
Cityads 8,5% 2011
Advertise 8,5% 2003
Actionpay 8,5% 2013

There are other opportunities to make money with Aliexpress, but they cannot be compared with these main affiliate services. More details on working with these and other affiliate programs will be in the following articles. I can also recommend an article about a very useful service.

Reducing rates - sadness and sadness!

It’s unfortunate, but Aliexpress is tightening the screws - the percentage this year has been significantly reduced, and at the moment this is the following in the EPN affiliate program:

But there is good news - now you can earn money from the MOOL MOLNIYA section - the rates here are as follows:

The percentage is not large, but before this didn’t exist at all, so you can advertise products from this section and you will make a profit.

About Alibaba about how the Chinese giant is increasing its presence in Russia through affiliate programs.

Ilya Petrov, FIX group of companies

How did this happen

Our company is a relatively new player on the Russian affiliate (partner) market. At the same time, we have been successfully working with the foreign market for quite a long time, we have a number of large-scale, high-load projects oriented to the West, in most of which the question of making money has always arisen one way or another - we had to deal not only with traffic extraction, but also with its monetization.

Although we have extensive experience in search engine optimization, we do not currently engage in client SEO. But we actively help large strategic partners with SEO. This is what happened with the direction of the “affiliate program”. The priority is to help large partners, which eBay Russia was and is now. Due to the fact that eBay wanted to try itself again in the affiliate niche in Russia, it was necessary to quickly create a large and flexible platform. Strategically, we were interested in this in order to integrate with eBay Partners Network in the future and work not only for Russia (these plans were not yet destined to come true), so we took it on, carried out integration with partners in the Russian market, did a series of tests, tried to increase volume. Unfortunately, due to the lack of a “purchase confirmation” tool on eBay’s part, the affiliate program had to be suspended, since without tracking tools, continuation of the project was of no interest to both parties.

Partnership with Alibaba Group

Well, then, with the already built platform, we offered cooperation to Alibaba Group, which has all these tools and whose affiliates are held in high esteem. Again, from a strategic point of view, this is interesting, since Alibaba operates in the international, not just the Russian market. But we started with Russia.

In the article by the CPU “The Chinese threat: How Alibaba Group is taking over Russia,” the partner “side of the coin” was not touched upon, which I would like to dwell on in more detail.

One of the main marketing tools used by AliBaba Group for most of its products, be it the B2B platform, the social network iTao or the retail hypermarket AliExpress, is the CPA model for attracting traffic.

The source of increased attention for AliExpress is the affiliate program, the essence of which is to attract a flow of potential buyers to AliExpress. AliExpress launched an affiliate program in Russia in 2013. This greatly accelerated the growth of the monthly audience of the AliExpress website - from 3.1 million people immediately after the launch of the program to 12.4 million people by the end of 2013. Every month, AliExpress pays over $5 million to webmasters who drive traffic through its affiliate program.

AliExpress Affiliate Program

Anyone with a source of traffic - for example, a website or group on a social network - can register in the official AliExpress affiliate program.

AliExpress treats traffic sources quite loyally; almost everything is allowed: from teaser networks to doorways. Only motivated traffic, contextual advertising for a brand, and any attempts to place an affiliate cookie without the conscious desire of the user (for example, clicker directly) are directly prohibited.

An advantageous feature of this affiliate program is the differentiated interest rate that webmasters receive for affiliate products, that is, participating in the affiliate program (of which, by the way, there are more than 60 million). This is due to the fact that the rate is set by the sellers of goods themselves, of which there are more than 8 million on AliExpress.

Initially, AliBaba Group used a fixed interest rate, which the company paid from its own funds. But, having become convinced of the ineffectiveness of this approach, sellers were asked to independently set and pay the interest rate for each product. In the near future, AliExpress plans to make all products in the online hypermarket affiliate products.

The affiliate program has a good cookie duration value of 30 days: this means that the webmaster will receive income (interest on purchases) for all affiliate products that the user who clicks on the webmaster’s affiliate link buys within 30 days after the click.

Affiliate remuneration is paid only after order confirmation - despite the fact that a hold of several tens of days can irritate the most impatient webmasters, this is a very wise decision, eliminating the possibility of fraud. You may recall that eBay did not provide this particular tool, which is why their affiliate program was eventually suspended.

What else can the AliExpress affiliate program boast of? Yes, everything is the same as for everyone: deep links (not given to everyone), a set of subids (though their number is limited to 50), extended statistics on transactions with product names, banners of the most popular sizes for various product categories, sales and promotions (here are only Russian-language banners not enough), daily confirmation of orders, payments to a bank account.

Our solution for AliExpress

The official AliExpress affiliate program is available to everyone, but they receive the bulk of their traffic from foreign affiliate program aggregators cj/neverblue. Russian users, as a rule, prefer to work with CPA networks/aggregators for the Russian market, of which there are also quite a lot in Russia. We also decided to offer our solution to the Russian audience (and subsequently to the international one) - and to do it in our own way.

Russian banners were added to the standard tools, the number of subids was made unlimited, many payment methods were added, and specific payment periods were designated so that the words “delayed payment” did not appear. The latter is usually extremely important for all webmasters, since people count on payments, but they are told: “oh, sorry, we haven’t received the payment from Alibaba yet, wait indefinitely.”

While most affiliate aggregator programs use a fixed interest rate, we decided to follow in the footsteps of the official affiliate program and set a differentiated rate of up to 50%. (in the affiliate program you can check in advance and find out the approximate commission percentage for most products). Statistics on hours, countries, operating systems and postback will surprise few people, but this is also there. Operational support in Russian also turned out to be an extremely attractive factor for webmasters from Russia.

Five special spices for Chinese pie ePN AliExpress, available when working with the affiliate program:

1. Product dumps, API and custom CMS based on product lists with maximum commission. Based on dumps, participants of the ePN Aliexpress affiliate program can create XML storefronts and their own online stores. To speed up their development, we provide webmasters with our own CMS - a site content management system; we are planning to integrate with uCoz soon. This is a quick and easy way to create your own website - half an hour and the site is ready.

2. A specially developed link shortener to increase conversion in social networks, officially approved by the VKontakte administration for use in posts, comments and blocks of targeted advertising, as well as adaptive previews of links in the social networks VKontakte and Facebook

3. Autobanners are an interesting new and simple solution in the ePN affiliate program, leading to increased conversion. Using specially developed intelligent optimization algorithms, autobanner analyzes information about users, their history, technical characteristics of devices and behavioral factors in order to gradually learn to maximize profit.

4. Layers for PPV-type traffic - popunders, clickanders - we have a whole range of spacers, which we now help large partners set up so that it is profitable for them to work and it is within the rules. A release of some new pads for all webmasters is planned in the near future.

5. Referral program - attract new webmasters and receive 5% of their income! (there is no referral program in the official affiliate program).

It's hard to find a person who doesn't know about AliExpress. The Chinese service for ordering goods has won the love of Russians. But, despite how many people regularly place orders from AliExpress, and even recommend products from there to friends, few people know that you can make money on the service. Below you will learn how to become a partner of the AliExpress website and make money from it.

What is an affiliate program?

The essence of the affiliate program is this: many sellers are willing to pay a percentage of their goods for bringing a client to them. Accordingly, if you posted a link and a person clicked on it and then bought the product, you are paid a percentage for this. The percentage depends on several parameters, most often it is 8.5. Some affiliate programs offer bonuses that increase this percentage.

Imagine that you left a link to a coffee maker for 5 thousand. If one of your friends follows this link, then taking into account the minimum percentage - 8.5 - you will receive 425 rubles. A nice little thing, nothing more. But if 10 people follow the link, this will already give you a certain profit. What if 100 people switch? It turns out to be quite a decent income.

Of course, for this you need to have a well-promoted website or group on VKontakte. But there is plenty of information on promoting resources on the Internet, so if you have the right desire, promoting a site or group is not a problem. At the same time, there are a lot of advantages to making money on an affiliate program.

There are no expenses, except, perhaps, advertising. And then, advertising is only needed for the first time. Once you promote your store, your earnings will turn into passive income: you won’t even have to make an effort to maintain it.

You are not creating a new store with a new brand. You are using a ready-made and very well-known brand: AliExpress. People know what it is, almost everyone has heard about the advantages of this site. Meanwhile, there are also enough people who, although they have heard a lot about the service, have never ordered anything from it. Focus on them.

There are still people who know about AliExpress and know how to order from there, but at the same time do not want to waste time searching for the right product, a reliable seller and a convenient ordering option. But if you make the task easier for them by providing them with a ready-made link to the required product, they will be happy to order through your links.

If you spend a lot of time on AliExpress, then compiling selections of interesting products is not a problem for you. Unite them with a common theme: for example, children's products or goods for the holiday.

The main thing is to interest your target audience and regularly offer them lists of products that may be of interest to them. This way you will gain a live audience that will constantly use your links, because it is really convenient for them.

Official affiliate of AliExpress

So, you have decided to join the AliExpress affiliate program. Which one to choose and how to connect it?

The official AliExpress affiliate program, at first glance, is an obvious choice, but not everything is so simple. This affiliate program has a number of disadvantages that may make it worth looking into other options.

The first disadvantage that becomes immediately noticeable is the interface is in English. If you are not fluent in English, you will have a hard time getting used to it. The second disadvantage is that there is no referral program, which in the long term brings additional income.

The official affiliate program does not contain any additional features, except for banners that your potential clients will click on. However, similar banners are available from other affiliate programs.

If you look at it in general, an official affiliate program is an acceptable option when you don’t want anything extra. If you do not plan to promote your store and make purchases through links to the stream, an official affiliate program will be enough for you. But there are more interesting options.

EPN— Partner Service Center

EPN is an official partner of AliExpress, through which you can also enter into an affiliate program. Unlike the official AliExpress affiliate program, EPN:

  • fully supports the Russian language and has a clear and user-friendly interface;
  • has a referral program;
  • supports the ability to create a website with products from AliExpress on your own domain;
  • provides complete statistics on views and link clicks.

EPN has many nice details and features that make working with the affiliate program easier. These are, for example, self-learning banners that not only offer the user a product, but before that analyze his actions in order to understand what will interest him more.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site.

One of these projects is groups on social networks, namely VKontakte. Since there are not many subscribers in these groups yet, no one will buy advertising in them. Therefore, I decided to somehow monetize VKontakte groups by selling Chinese goods from the site through the Aliexpress affiliate program.

The AliExpress website has long established itself as a seller of very cheap Chinese goods. We order various electronics, accessories and travel items there. Honestly, the quality of the goods is no different from what is sold in supermarkets, but costs 3-4 times less. You can make money from this difference in price, but more on that a little later.

First of all, I want to tell you, how to make money on aliexpress, simply by advertising products on your social networks and other resources.

AliExpress Affiliate Program

The AliExpress affiliate allows you to earn from 1 to 45% of the amount of each product sold. To start earning money, you need to register on the official AliExpress partner website - E-commerce.

Also participating in this affiliate network are the following stores:

  • GearBest
  • Asos
  • Ozon
  • Bang good

Click on the picture (you will be taken to the E-commerce website) and go through the usual registration:

At first glance, it seems that everything is complicated, but once I figured it out, I learned how to announce a product in a group in a minute. The only disadvantage of the aliexpress affiliate program is that there are millions of different products on the site and you need to create a separate affiliate link for each. So that the buyer, having become interested in a particular product, goes straight to its page.

What other ways can you distribute affiliate products? You can read my previous article, where I talk.

How to work with the Aliexpress affiliate program

After you register, your partner’s personal account will be available to you. Go to the section Tools and create one DeepLink, which we will work with later.

Through the created DeepLink, it is subsequently more convenient to work with a large number of products than through the “Affiliate Link” tool.

When you create a new DeepLink, go down in the “Tools” section to the “My Creatives” tab and select the created tool. Then you can only work with this window. To generate and shorten affiliate links, click on the “Get DeepLink Code” button

Paste the following URL of the product from AliExpress here and generate the code, and then shorten it so that it is not huge. You paste the resulting shortened code under the product announcement on VKontakte under the photo or in the post.

How the affiliate system works

An interested person opened the photo and followed your affiliate link in the description. There are 3 options for subsequent events:

  1. He looked and ordered this product for himself. You have received your commissions. Or he started looking at something else and ordered another model or another product. You will also receive your commissions.
  2. He looked and closed it. But the next day I decided to buy it. I went directly to the website and ordered. You received a percentage. The system remembers the affiliate login device for 30 days.
  3. He looked and closed it. The most common option :)

I think I clearly explained how to make money on the Aliexpress affiliate program. If you have questions, ask them in the comments, I will be happy to answer them.

How to make money selling Chinese goods from AliExpress

Another method that we began to practice in our small town. Due to the fact that people still have not learned to trust the Internet and it is easier for them to order from a living person than on a website.

Typical buy and sell. By the way, it also does not require cash investments. We simply post information about a product with a price that is 2-3 times more expensive. All terms of payment and receipt are discussed in person. We take an advance payment (transfer to a bank card) and use this money to order from Aliexpress. When the product arrives to us, we ship it to the buyer.

I repeat once again that we use this method in a small town, where people’s trust in each other is much higher. You can also build trust through reviews in the group. Nothing works better than reviews from satisfied customers.

That's all, leave your comments, if you liked the article, share it with your friends on social networks.

What is the Aliexpress affiliate program? How does the affiliate program work and how much can you earn from it? How to use the ePN AliExpress affiliate program?

Hello, dear readers! Would you like to have passive income without waiting for retirement age and without hoping for an inheritance from an unknown foreign relative?

Rest assured, such an opportunity exists! And not even alone. The World Wide Web provides many options. One of them is Chinese trading platform Aliexpress.

This resource will help you not only make profitable purchases, but also have an income a certain volume and different levels of stability. Where to start and how to earn a lot and constantly?

The HeatherBeaver online magazine and I, Anna Medvedeva, are happy to help our readers understand this topic in our article.

In the article you will find not only step-by-step instructions for working on Aliexpress, but also practical advice for beginners.

Read the publication to the end and learn a new way of earning money!

1. How does the AliExpress affiliate program work and how much can you earn from it?

For those who are completely unfamiliar with this area of ​​​​work on the Internet, we will reveal the essence and meaning of affiliate programs.

The general definition is as follows.

Affiliate program- This is a form of business cooperation between the seller and partners. This type of collaboration is in demand in the field of sales or service provision. It allows sellers to significantly reduce the cost of finding and attracting customers.

The affiliate program of the AliExpress website (we will talk about the ePN platform) makes it possible to earn money on the world's most popular Chinese online store by attracting customers.

The range of the site is limitless - you can find anything here. Accordingly, this makes the circle of potential buyers unlimited.

The big advantage of working with Aliexpress is that you don’t need to have initial capital to generate income. If you take the time to understand how this works and commit it regularly, you will achieve tangible results.

How much can you earn from the Aliexpress affiliate program? Yours depends entirely on the traffic to your site and the number of registered orders. Therefore, it is impossible to answer the question unambiguously. Some people receive money that is not enough for pocket expenses, while others have already reached the level of $1000 a day.

2. What does the AliExpress affiliate program provide - an overview of the main features

The Aliexpress website provides good opportunities for both buyers and partners. Absolutely everyone can collaborate with the resource. The main thing is to understand the principle of operation and use all the options provided by the system.

Let's see what are the benefits of earning money on Aliexpress through an affiliate program.

Opportunity 1. Earning money without investment

The most significant cost you will face is your personal time. Conventionally, this type of income is called passive, but even here you will have to try a little to create your own platform for work.

Since you will work as an intermediary, you are not required to invest money. Although there is an option with financial costs.