Why is the call recorder not recording? Call Recorder - Record telephone conversations from the line

Do I need to buy the program again when changing the device or firmware?

No, the program is linked to your Google account. Therefore, the Play Store should allow you to simply download the program. If the Play Store still offers to buy it, clear the Play Store data and restart the device, it should help.

What's the difference between full and trial versions?

The trial version runs until a certain date. The full version does not have such a limitation. There are no other differences.



How to disable automatic recording?

In Settings > Recording, set the default action for incoming and outgoing calls to do not record.

Can the program record VoLTE, VoIP, Wi-Fi Calling or Skype/Viber/Whatsapp calls?

No, this is technically impossible to implement on Android.

Can the program notify the interlocutor that the conversation is being recorded?

No, this is technically impossible.

How does the program handle parallel calls?

The program adds a note to the current entry with the phone number of the parallel call. Even if you dropped the call. .

The program is working well now. Does this mean that the program works just as well on other firmware or another device?

No! As per the description, recording in Android is not an easy task. If a program works on one device with a certain firmware, this does not mean that the program will work the same on another firmware, much less on another device.

Folders and files

Interface and appearance

How to call directly from the program?

Clicking on the avatar will open information about the contact. You can also call from there.

How to filter posts from a specific contact?

A long press on the avatar will filter posts from that contact.


Is it possible to set a password to enter the program?

Yes, you can create a key in Settings > Security. The password from the created key will be used to access the application if you enable the "Ask for password" option. This key will also be used for encryption. Although you will be required to log in to the program using a password, files are stored unencrypted unless you manually encrypt them. Therefore, they can be listened to by anyone from the file manager, without any problems.

Quite often, users are faced with a situation where they need to record an important conversation. For example, this is relevant for business workers, salespeople, consultants, because then you can listen to everything again without any problems.

But how to enable recording of phone calls on Android, what is needed for this, what changes have come with new versions of the operating system? GuruDroid. net invites you to familiarize yourself with useful information and find answers to your questions.

How to enable call recording on Android 6, 7, 8

Starting from version 6, Android devices now have a built-in call recording feature. She is also present onNougat 7 andOreo 8 , but not everything is so easy here. The fact is that manufacturers often block this option, and no amount of fraud can enable it. This usually happens on budget Chinese phones; companies simply don’t want to spend time expanding functionality due to the low cost of the product.

Fortunately, you will not encounter this problem on well-known brands such as Xiaomi, Meizu, Sony, etc. Samsung smartphones usually support 100% system call recording.

Now let’s look at how to enable it, and at the same time check its presence on the device:

  1. Let's go to "Telephone", dial the number we need or open it from "Contacts";
  2. As soon as the call starts, click on the ellipsis image. It is usually located on the right side of the screen;
  3. An additional menu appears in which we select "Start Recording". Now the conversation will be continuously recorded, and to stop this, just repeat the above steps and click "Stop recording".

The same should be done for an incoming call. If you don’t see the recording function, it means that it is not provided on your smartphone. Only third-party applications will help here, which we will discuss below.


  • Clear sound, no interference; You can hear your voice, as well as the voice of your interlocutor, perfectly, which, unfortunately, not all recording programs can boast of.
  • Does not take up additional space on the internal memory, as does the recording program. Quite easy to turn on/off.


  • Quite poor functionality; there is no way to change the file resolution, its quality, or size. There is also no automatic recording stop at a certain minute of conversation.
  • It is impossible to sort calls by date, name, add notes to them, or mark important conversations. After recording, the file can only be found through an explorer or in a music player, from where it cannot be configured in any special way, but simply turns into ordinary audio, intended only for listening.
  • It is not available on all smartphones; if it is missing, it is difficult to enable even with it.

1 Don’t want to constantly repeat the same procedure, but need to record all incoming and outgoing calls? Then the ideal solution would be automatic call recording, because it’s very easy to enable it on Android.

2 Do you communicate with a large number of people, but an appointment is required only for certain subscribers? So, set up the “Favorite Contacts” option, and no longer worry that you once again forgot to activate it during an important call. 3 You already know what call you will make, you need to record it, but you don’t want to quickly turn on this function during the conversation itself? In this case, you can easily set a one-time entry in the settings, and at the first call it activates itself.

We have described three possible situations, and now we will find out what algorithm of actions they have. First, go to the “Contacts” settings, at the very bottom of the list we see the “Call Recordings” option.

  • For situation #1: just move the slider to mode "Enabled" against "Auto call recording". An additional small menu appears where we put "All contacts".
  • For situation #2: reactivate "Auto call recording", but now we choose not "All contacts", A "The Chosen". Next, we are asked to mark these numbers. The quantity is usually unlimited.
  • For situation #3: click on the second item "Call Recordings" and choose "Disposable." Made.

Pay attention! This setup is only possible if the smartphone officially supports the built-in recording function. If you achieved this with the help of root rights, special programs, tools, there is unlikely to be a positive result.

3 Best Phone Call Recording Apps

Has everyone already encountered a situation where there is no system function, but recording a conversation is simply necessary? Don’t despair, there is a way out, and a pretty good one – special recording applications.

There are hundreds of applications that differ radically in support options, quality and availability. Most are free utilities, but there are also paid ones that provide the user with maximum comfort.

“Call recording” from Appliqato

One of the best apps, which won the favor of thousands of users and featured excellent functional functionality. We are immediately greeted by a rather banal, but laconic design and clear interface.

There are only two folders on the main page "Inbox" And "Saved." All recorded conversations are located in the “Inbox”, and if desired, they can be saved, that is, moved to a second folder. The only downside is advertising, but it's easy to can be disabled in the paid version, which adds a few more useful little options.

The application has three operating modes: “Record all”, “Ignore all”, “Ignore contacts”. In the first case, by default, absolutely all conversations are recorded, in the second - only the numbers assigned in the settings, in the third - calls from unknown numbers, that is, not saved in “Contacts”.


Another worthy application that allows you to work more flexibly with call recording. The main advantage is the built-in editor, thanks to which you can easily apply filters to a conversation, add comments, and send to another user.

The user can also configure the duration, start and end of recording. For example, disable recording of short conversations, activate recording to start at 1 minute or end after 3 minutes.

There are also sound notifications indicating the end of auto-recording, automatic deletion, or an error. There is another bonus: the presence of a voice recorder application. You can access it almost instantly; the recording is of high quality and free from interference.

Auto Call Recorder (formerly CallX)

Also a good program, considered one of the best in 2018. Allows you to adjust the sound quality, select audio formats and their size. You can enable automatic conversation recording or manual recording during the call itself. We are also pleased with the stylish updated design and intuitive interface.

There is an interesting feature: you just need to shake the device and the conversation will be recorded. Synchronization with cloud storages and free transfer of files to an SD card are possible.

The volume of recordings is not limited, the only obstacle is the memory of the phone itself. Works perfectly on all popular phones, not the slightest interference or error was noticed.

By default, files can be found using Explorer., For example, ES Conductor(you can find out more about this application in the article “”). Let's move on to internal memory, click AudioRecorder. The path may vary slightly depending on the brand and specific model.

If you recorded the conversation using a third-party program, then the files are stored in it. Typically these are the “Inbox”, “Outbox”, and “Saved” folders.

In case of instant transfer of audio files to cloud storage, look for materials there.

Recently popular Viber, Skype, whatsapp and other similar applications has increased noticeably, because users are offered free communication from different parts of the world, the opportunity to correspond, call each other, without spending a penny. And increasingly there is a need to record such conversations, but system recording or some programs may not work.

  • Android application Call Recorder Unlock, version: 3.0 beta07.1, price: 399 rub.

There is also a demo version of this application (limited time of use, not functionality):

  • Android application Call Recorder - SKVALEX (Trial), version: 3.0 beta07.1, price: free.

I admit that my memory does not always please me. I may forget something important that someone said just a moment ago, and there are reasons for this that, perhaps, are not worth discussing in this review, because it is much more important to learn ways to deal with certain inconveniences that you , dear readers, you can also encounter this every day.

For myself, I decided that I needed software that would automatically record all conversations, both incoming and outgoing, without exception. After all, I personally, unfortunately, never know exactly what information I will forget. These could be various work moments, or, for example, requests to buy certain goods in a store. You can, of course, call your interlocutor back, but this is not always convenient - in some cases I would prefer not to do this at all.

And this is where the Call Recorder software - SKVALEX - began to come to my aid, which I came to use after testing other applications that, for various reasons, did not suit me. Moreover, thanks to the hero of the review, I understood the root of some of the problems that I encountered in other recording software. But first things first.

To begin with, it should be mentioned that I currently use the ASUS ZenFone 4 Max (ZC520KL) smartphone, my review of which you can find. Only now I purchased the 3/32 GB version, and even though there are more interesting mobile devices for 9,000 rubles, I decided that the main thing is comfort, which I fully felt even while writing the review. So, in my new smartphone, initially during a conversation there is a button to record the conversation, and it would seem that you can simply press this button every time you make a call and you will be happy. But this is not my way - do not forget about my memory problems ☺.

Then, in the settings of the standard dialer, I discovered the auto-recording function, which always worked flawlessly. For a while, I decided that the problem had been fixed, but when I then played back the recordings, I heard an unpleasant overload for the ears, making it difficult to perceive the information. No, it won't work that way! Moreover, the quality settings changed practically nothing; on the contrary, it could only be made worse. By the way, here is an example of a recording made on a standard ASUS ZC520KL voice recorder, and, as the smartphone discussion topic on w3bsit3-dns.com showed, it’s not just me who is not happy with the sound.

Starting to study third-party applications, I, by chance, first of all tried to install ACR call recording, which, despite good functionality and a large list of recording methods, was not able to “absorb” even a single word that was spoken to me interlocutors on the other end of the line.

Next, I moved on to review Total Recall Call Recorder, which already perfectly recorded all conversations. The overload disappeared, but over time problems appeared again. So, when using headphones and after automatically locking the display, virtual buttons designed to stop and resume recording began to disappear from the call screen somewhere (this is the functionality of the application). There was also absolute silence in some sound files, which, of course, is unacceptable, since the dialogue was not being conducted on a telepathic level... You can also, of course, mention the not-so-nice interface, but this, against the backdrop of the previously described problems, looks more likely as a subjective quibble that doesn’t affect anything.

The call recording function is not something unusual for Android, however, for its full functioning, the smartphone must have special software, which includes numerous mobile applications.

Technical limitations

Recording telephone conversations is illegal in some countries, so smartphone manufacturers often play it safe and disable this feature at the kernel or system library level, despite the fact that it is standard for Android. Therefore, the applications described below may not work for you.

There are two ways out of this situation:

  • Use a different phone model, the creators of which are not so scrupulous in legal matters.
  • Get root rights, and then install a custom kernel, which includes the necessary recording driver. This option does not always work, since one of the conditions is that the phone's chipset supports the selected kernel.

These are the main problems that arise when you need to record a telephone conversation on Android. However, to ensure their presence or absence, you must first download an application for recording conversations.

Call recording Appliqato (Automatic Call Recorder)

One of the most popular and downloaded applications for saving conversations is the program from Appliqato. It is distributed free of charge, but also has a Pro version, which includes several additional features. The main program window has two sections – “Inbox” and “Saved”.

In the first you will find recordings of all calls (their number is limited in the settings), in the second - only those conversations that you have saved.

The application does not require any preliminary setup and starts working immediately after installation. You only need to indicate which cloud service to save the recordings to (Google Drive or DropBox).

By default, the recording mode is set to automatic, so when you make a call you will see a red dot at the top.

After the call ends, you will be notified that you have one new entry. You can view it on the “Inbox” tab in the main application window.

If you do not want to record the conversation, turn off automatic mode in the settings. Don't forget to activate it again afterwards, otherwise the app won't work.

In addition to playback, you can perform the following actions with recording:

If you saved the recording and enabled synchronization with a cloud service in the settings, you can find it on Google Drive or Dropbox. In the Google application, the file is located in the “Auto Call Recorder” folder.

Application Settings

The Appliqato call recording application has a convenient settings menu in which you can specify all the significant parameters of the program. In addition to the above possibility of deactivating the program, there are the following functions:

One of the most important sections of the settings is called “Filter” and allows you to specify the number of calls that will be saved in the “Inbox” folder, as well as configure the recording mode.

By default, the Record All mode is selected, but you can set it to ignore all contacts or only certain calls.

Other similar applications

In the Play Market you can find many applications that allow you to record a conversation on Android. They work according to the same scheme and differ mainly in the quality of communication and the presence of additional functions.

Call recording (Clever Mobile)

This program for recording telephone conversations has similar functionality to Appliqato, but differs in some features:

  • Recorded conversations can be blocked from being automatically deleted.
  • Ability to specify channel mode – mono or stereo. Sometimes it helps to improve the recording quality.
  • Supports 3GP and MP4 formats.

Sending recordings becomes available only after purchasing the full version, which is a significant disadvantage compared to Appliqato. In addition, the Clever Mobile application rarely works immediately after installation: you have to select the optimal settings on different models.

Call recording (VictorDegt)

The program has another name - “Call recording and voice recorder (2 in 1).” Unlike the applications described above, the utility from VictorDegt has a built-in voice recorder (in the same Appliqato you need to download it additionally).

The main advantage of the program is manual control of recording, stopping and starting it right during a call. There are several ways to start recording a conversation:

  • By clicking the “Favorites” button (the entry will automatically be added to the “Favorites” folder).
  • By shaking the phone.

In the settings, you can specify the application's operating parameters, including the file duration (do not save short conversations) and the presence of a pause before starting recording.

Automatic Call Recorder (Global Effect)

The main difficulty when choosing an application for recording conversations is the lack of original names. All programs are named the same, with minor differences; they can only be identified by the developer.

This application has the same name as the one described first. The functions of both programs are similar, however, Automatic Call Recorder from Global Effect also has the convenient option of restricting access to recordings by setting a password.


These are just a few programs that have been tested on Android 4.2.2 and showed good results. Hidden recording when using the described applications turns out to be of quite high quality, but sometimes you have to struggle a little with choosing the right settings.

Using a Bluetooth headset for recording is possible in almost all cases, but the quality of the resulting file decreases, so it is better to talk through the built-in microphone and speaker.

“Call Recorder Pro” is a voice recorder designed only for recording telephone conversations. This is exactly what is needed in most cases. The settings and functions are in complete order here: in this sense, of all the programs reviewed, “Call Recorder Pro” is the most focused on recording calls. The disadvantages of the program are standard: the program does not have an autoload function and beeps when recording a conversation.

Program settings

Consist of two parts. The first is general settings. This includes the items “Activate” (what starts the corresponding process, and makes it possible not to keep the program completely in memory), “Record format” (select AMR or WAV), storage location (phone memory or memory card), recording time (not limited or manually from one second to one hour), beep volume (low/loud). It’s the last point that upsets me most: they could have done more, and “turned it off” - there would have been no price for this program.

The second part of the settings is “Rules”. These settings make the program very advanced. Rules are the way the program reacts to incoming and outgoing calls from certain numbers. For each rule, actions are specified: Question, Incoming, Outgoing. The first means that before recording, the program will ask whether this conversation should be recorded. The second and third are the absence/presence of a reaction to the corresponding types of calls.

By default, two rules are created: for all calls and for unknown numbers. You can also create rules for selected subscribers from the contact book, for groups, as well as for any numbers in general that can be specified using a mask. The mask is specified by the digits of the number, as well as the symbols “*” (any number of digits) and “?” (any one digit). That is, if you want to allow all numbers with the code “903” to be recorded, you should write “*903*”, for numbers ending with “29” you will need to write “*29”, and for numbers +79131872260, +79131872261, ..., +79131872269 you will need to write “+7913187226?” The most inconvenient thing about this is that the created rules cannot be edited completely, you can only change the actions for them.

Program operation

We launch the program, configure it, activate it, and download it with a clear conscience. After activation, a process will be stored in memory that will monitor calls. It’s a pity that the developers did not provide for autoloading of the program.

The list is common for incoming and outgoing, and the entries do not differ in any way from each other. The program does not want to substitute the names of subscribers instead of numbers; instead, they made the “View contact” function (called by the “*” button) and additionally put the name in “Options”.

There is a function for viewing information about a call (“Options”, called up by pressing the “5” button), which, in addition to the date, time, number and duration, includes the path to the recording file and status (read/not). For the list, the functions of sending (Bluetooth/IrDA/MMS/E-Mail), deleting and packing work (those entries for which a corresponding file is not found are deleted).

Listening to recorded recordings - no pause, no rewind. Volume control only.

Pros, disadvantages, conclusions

The program is built competently, but minor imperfections spoil everything. Beeping while recording, lack of normal listening to recordings, “incomplete” call list, no autoloading. If we combine all the best that is in ALON MP3 Dictaphone (working with lists, player), LivePVR (no tweeter), AudioNotes (additional recording, recording levels) and “Call Recorder Pro” (call response system) - we would get a normal program for recordings of telephone conversations.