Popular programming programs. Convenient tools for creating programs

So you have an idea for great program, but you have no idea how to implement it? No problem, we'll help. True, you will have to spend a lot of time learning a programming language, but that's normal. Let's say even more, many successful programmers are self-taught. Once you learn the basics, you'll be able to create simple programs, spending a minimum of time on it. Creating more complex programs, of course, is a more serious task, but, as they say, patience and work will grind everything down!


Part 1

Choosing a programming language

Part 2

Program development

Part 3


    Focus on one function of the program. More precisely, a prototype is always the main function of a program. Let's say you are creating an organizer program - then the main function will be a calendar and the ability to add events.

    Get your prototype running smoothly. The prototype must be such that it can be used instead of the program being developed. The prototype will become the basis, the foundation of everything, so it must work accordingly. In other words, every feature of the prototype must work flawlessly.

    • You can make urgent changes to the prototype and test them.
    • Of course, the task of testing a prototype requires the participation of many people at once.
    • The prototype can and will change, that's a fact.
  1. Don't be afraid to rework your prototype over and over again. This is its essence - first experiments, then release. It is with the example of a prototype that you can see whether everything works as it should. If the prototype turns out to be unsuccessful, it doesn’t matter, just rewrite it from scratch and start all over again. It's better this way, believe me.

Part 4

Creating a program

    Create a pseudocode base. This will become a kind of skeleton of your project and the basis for future work. Pseudo-code differs from regular code in that... it is not “compiled” (not processed in the compiler), but it is perfectly readable by programmers and helps to understand what should happen at one or another step of the program.

    • Pseudocode, however, uses the same syntax as regular code, so you write pseudocode in the same way as you write a program.
  1. Improve the prototype. You can take the prototype itself, you can take the pseudocode - in any case, the point is to make the prototype better, more perfect, faster!

    Start working on the program code. So, actually, we got to the point. It is the work on the program code that will take most of time, not to mention countless compilations, equally countless tests and bug searches... If a whole team is working on your program, then it’s worth starting with pseudocode so that everything goes smoothly.

    Don't forget to comment the code. Describe the functions and features that you implement in the code. This is necessary not only so that someone else, having opened your source code, will be able to figure out what’s what, but also so that you yourself do not get confused in your own code if you return to it, say, in a year.

Part 5

Testing the program

    Test all new functionality. Everything you add to the program must be tested, retested and retested. And the more people have a hand in this, the better, the more errors can be found. Testers, of course, should be aware that they are working with a far from final version, and therefore errors are possible.

    • This stage of work on the program is often called “alpha testing”.
  1. Test final version programs. So, all the functions that should have been in the program have been added to it. What now? Now tests again. Long, meticulous, thorough tests - and work on errors, of course. Now your program should be tested even more people than before.

    Test the release version. Continuing to make corrections to the program and additional materials, don't forget to test everything.

Modern computer world in its development has already reached the point that in the operating systems themselves under which computers operate, it is possible to use specialized programs for programming, which can be downloaded for free from our website, to create additional controls or advanced features. For the most part, programming programs that can be downloaded are cross-platform environments that use some kind of language. Programming is becoming commonplace. Even without knowing the basics, you can create some pretty interesting things.

If we consider programming programs from the point of view of their capabilities, especially those that can be downloaded for free, then it is necessary to highlight several aspects. Programming has several areas. Here it is worth noting the most popular ones. Among them, platforms for creating educational materials(Lazaurus), free programs for programming in the field of working with databases (Database Browser), free programming programs related to the development and testing of new software(Free Pascal, Python), as well as modern utilities for those who use programming in the field of web design. As is already clear, they can be downloaded for free even on the official websites of the developers. You can also download them in this section. Of course, this is not all, since programming now affects almost all areas. For example, programming can be used in modern factories with their most powerful equipment. But for now we are talking specifically about home or office conditions. It goes without saying that software developers know that many applications that can be downloaded for free are, at their core, little different from paid analogues. The fact is that even the developers of such software themselves are simply interested in making programming widely available. That is why many applications can be downloaded for free, in some cases such products are even open source, which allows any user to change or modify the program they downloaded at their own discretion. And the developers themselves quite often pay attention to the opinions of users or changes made to the main product.

There is also the simplest programming solution. For example, programs like Notepads can be downloaded for free. Despite their simplicity, they support many languages ​​and syntaxes. You can download the programming program in the form of Notepad anywhere. Even in operating rooms Windows systems there is such a tool. Beginner users are very untrustworthy of this application. But in vain. Many programmers and developers prefer to work with Notepad because it offers a very wide range of functionality. Today, you can find as many free downloads of a programming program as Notepad with support for programming languages ​​on the Internet. The basic operating principles of all programming software are almost the same. Differences can only be in additional funds development.

In general, if we talk about programming applications, then you should not get hung up on professional utilities that cannot be downloaded for free. Even though free programming software can be downloaded for free from world wide web, their functionality is no worse, and in some cases even better, since, slightly open source code, such applications are modified or made better and more functional by the users themselves, while the content of paid analogues is monitored by the developers themselves and often do not keep up with the introduction of innovations or additions from the rapidly developing field of programming.

So, in order to download programming applications for free, just enter in the field search query“programming software free download.” All will appear in the search results accessible content. You can additionally enter the scope of the application. It's up to you.

IN this section On our site you can find the best free programming programs that you can download for free. Each file has been thoroughly checked and is completely safe. With our software, even the most complex programming process will be a pleasure for you!

Computer programs have become an integral part of life modern man. We encounter them everywhere: from simple electronic watch and ending with complex computer technology(laptops, smartphones, tablets and other electronic devices). When you're surrounded by programs, it's helpful to know what they are.

What is the program

A computer program is a set of instructions written in a special language that your computer “understands.” Thanks to these instructions, we can safely use complex electronic equipment, although without programs it would be a useless piece of metal.

Living in the world digital technologies, it would not hurt anyone to find with them common language. Modern computers, in conjunction with correct instructions, can become the best helpers for a person.

How to create your own program

Fortunately, those terrible times have passed when computer programs were written in their native language. binary code, using ones and zeros. Through the efforts of pioneering programmers, they were created special languages, thanks to which programming reached new level accessibility and convenience.

There are 2 types of tools for creating programs:

  1. Visual development environments. Easy to learn, but often have limited functionality. Allows you to create programs with zero language knowledge, through visual editor. Such tools are perfect for beginners who want to quickly create their first program.
  2. Integrated development environments (IDEs). Serious tools with almost limitless functionality. Working in such environments requires knowledge and understanding of a programming language. Modern IDEs have simple and user-friendly interface, which greatly simplifies the creation of programs.

If you want to make a simple program with beautiful interface, but don’t want to waste time learning languages, use the visual environment. Many tools of this type have flexible capabilities that allow beginners to create unique products.

For those who want to seriously engage in programming and create truly ambitious projects, it is better to pay attention to the integrated development environment. The difficulty of learning a language will pay off when you learn to understand the very essence of how programs work and bring the most incredible ideas to life.

Choosing a tool for creating programs

To date, several thousand programming languages ​​and more than a hundred development environments have been invented. The variety is solid, and young programmers are often overwhelmed by the abundance of offerings.

We value the time of our guests, and therefore have selected best tools for programming and placed them in a single directory. To help you choose your ideal development environment, each resource has been supplemented with: detailed description and educational material in the form of a video course. Download programs for creating programs absolutely free, via torrent or file-sharing services (Yandex.Disk and MEGA).

Have a nice day and good luck at work!

Tired of boring books and lectures? We have made a selection of resources for teaching programming languages ​​in an interactive way.

We all sometimes get bored with tedious video lessons and meaningless assignments. That's why we decided to make a selection of free educational platforms, courses and games for programmers.


Hexlet- collected here free courses in C, PHP, JavaScript, Bash.

The main difference from other projects (for example, Codecademy or CodeSchool) is that there are no simulators here: in each lesson the user works with a full-fledged machine connected to the network. The site offers 8 completely free courses.

HTML Academy

HTML Academy- courses for those who dream of becoming a layout designer. During the learning process, a novice programmer completes tasks according to the model. The courses are aimed at those who are not ready to study only theory by reading books and watching lectures, but provide an opportunity to test their skills in action. Eighteen courses are available without a subscription. They are quite enough to get an idea of ​​the layout.


Codeacademy - popular resource for beginners, reaching 24 million users in 2014. Here you can find courses on the most popular languages, tools and much more. Assignments are written as much as possible in clear language, and if something doesn’t work out, you can use a hint or look for a solution on the forum.


Codeschool- another popular platform for beginners and those already in the process of career growth. The learning process comes down to watching videos and exercises based on them. It contains more than 60 courses, including HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, .NET, iOS, Git, data analytics, of which 13 are available for free.


CheckIO - online game for learning programming in Python or JavaScript, built in an adventure format.


CodinGame- an online platform for programmers, where problem solving is accompanied by visualization in the style of video games, and the IDE supports 23 programming languages. Besides, large companies take as an example the code written in CodinGame when applying for a job.


Codecombat- one of best games for those learning programming. It allows players to gain basic knowledge of several programming languages, such as JavaScript or Python. It’s also nice that the game is localized, which means it’s accessible to those who have problems with English.

Code Hunt

Code Hunt is a game from Microsoft Research that teaches you how to look for errors in code. Having solved the problem, the player receives points and can move on.

You can write in Java, C#, or both languages.


CodeFights- another platform for solving problems. You can fight with bots, friends and unknown players. The interesting thing is that by participating in tournaments, which, by the way, take place quite often, you can get an interview with a well-known IT company.

Ruby Warrior

Ruby Warrior- funny game to learn Ruby and artificial intelligence. You need to write scenarios for your hero to fight with others and achieve goals.

Programming is a creative and interesting process. In order to create programs you do not always need to know languages. What tool is needed to create programs? You need a programming environment. With its help, your commands are translated into understandable terms for the computer. binary code. But there are a lot of languages, and even more programming environments. We will look at a list of programs for creating programs.

PascalABC.NET is a simple, free development environment for the Pascal language. It is most often used in schools and universities for teaching. This program in Russian will allow you to create projects of any complexity. The code editor will prompt and help you, and the compiler will point out errors. Possesses high speed yu program execution.

The advantage of using Pascal is that it is object-oriented programming. OOP is much more convenient procedural programming, although more voluminous.

Unfortunately, PascalABC.NET is a bit demanding on computer resources and may freeze on older machines.

Free Pascal

Free Pascal is a cross-platform compiler, not a programming environment. With its help, you can check the program for correct spelling, as well as run it. But you won't be able to compile it in .exe. Free Pascal has high execution speed, as well as simple and clear interface.

Just like in many similar programs, the code editor in Free Pascal can help the programmer by completing the writing of commands for him.

Its disadvantage is that the compiler can only determine whether there are errors or not. It does not highlight the line where the error was made, so the user has to look for it himself.

Turbo Pascal

Almost the first tool for creating programs on a computer is Turbo Pascal. This programming environment is designed for the operating room DOS systems and to run it on Windows you need to install additional software. The Russian language is supported and has high execution and compilation speed.

Turbo Pascal has such interesting function, like tracing. In trace mode, you can watch the program work step by step and monitor data changes. This will help you find the hardest errors to find—logical errors.

Although Turbo Pascal is easy and reliable to use, it is still slightly outdated: created in 1996, Turbo Pascal is only relevant for one OS - DOS.

This visual environment programming in Pascal language. Its user-friendly, intuitive interface makes it easy to create programs with minimal language knowledge. Lazarus is almost completely compatible with the Delphi programming language.

Unlike Algorithm and HiAsm, Lazarus still requires knowledge of the language, in our case Pascal. Here you not only assemble the program piece by piece with the mouse, but also write code for each element. This allows you to better understand the processes occurring in the program.

Lazarus allows you to use a graphics module with which you can work with images and also create games.

Unfortunately, if you have questions, you will have to look for answers on the Internet, since Lazarus does not have documentation.


HiAsm is free constructor, which is available in Russian. You don't need to know a language to create programs - here you just assemble it piece by piece, like a designer. There are many components available here, but you can expand their range by installing add-ons.

Unlike the Algorithm, this graphical environment programming. Everything you create will be displayed on the screen in the form of a drawing and diagram, not code. This is quite convenient, although for some text entry I like it better.

HiAsm is quite powerful and it has high program execution speed. This is especially important when creating games that use a graphics module, which significantly slows down the work. But for HiAsm this is not a problem.

Algorithm is an environment for creating programs in Russian, one of the few. Its peculiarity is that it uses text visual programming. This means that you can create a program without knowing the language. An algorithm is a constructor that has a large set of components. Information about each component can be found in the program documentation.

The Algorithm also allows you to work with the graphics module, but applications using graphics will take quite a long time to run.

IN free version You can compile a project from .alg to .exe only on the developer’s website and only 3 times a day. This is one of the main disadvantages. You can purchase licensed version and compile projects directly in the program.

IntelliJ IDEA is one of the most popular cross-platform IDEs. This environment has a free, slightly limited and paid version. For most programmers, the free version is sufficient. She has powerful editor code that will fix errors and complete the code for you. If you make a mistake, the environment tells you and offers possible options solutions. It's an intelligent development environment that predicts your actions.

Another handy feature in InteliiJ IDEA is automatic control memory. The so-called “garbage collector” constantly monitors the memory that is allocated for the program, and, in the case when the memory is no longer needed, the collector frees it.

But everything has its downsides. A slightly confusing interface is one of the problems that new programmers face. It is also obvious that such a powerful environment has quite high system requirements for correct operation.

Most often Eclipse is used to work with the language Java programming, but it also supports other languages. It is one of the main competitors of IntelliJ IDEA. The difference between Eclipse and him similar programs The fact is that you can install various add-ons to it and it can be completely customized.

Eclipse also has high compilation and execution speeds. You can run every program created in this environment on any operating system, since Java is a cross-platform language.

The difference between Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA is the interface. In Eclipse it is much simpler and clearer, which makes it more beginner-friendly.

But just like all IDEs for Java, Eclipse still has its own system requirements, so it will not work on every computer. Although these requirements are not so high.

It is impossible to say with certainty which software for creating programs is the best. You need to select a language and then try each environment for it. After all, each IDE is different and has its own characteristics. Who knows which one you'll like best.