The principle of operation of a graphics tablet for drawing. Types of graphics tablets

Many people imagine a graphics tablet to be different from what it really is. Many immediately imagine graphics tablet in the form of a regular tablet for surfing the Internet.

But this idea is often wrong. Graphic tablets for the most part look like large touchpads that we are used to seeing on laptops (replaces the mouse).

Essentially, a graphics tablet is a large touchpad equipped with a “pen” (stylus) and connects to any computer as additional equipment(in principle, it’s like a second mouse). You move the stylus across the tablet, and all your actions are displayed on the computer screen. Of course, this is less convenient than if you drew on paper, but it will just take a little getting used to. I would also like to point out that tablets have a fixed work area and it does not cover the entire area of ​​the tablet. I have marked the work area of ​​the tablet with a rectangle, the arrows show the work area marks on the graphics tablet.

Unlike a laptop touchpad, a graphics tablet’s work area is “linked” to that displayed on the monitor, that is, there is no need to repeatedly move the pen over the surface to move the cursor, but simply point the pen at a certain area and the cursor will instantly move to the right place.

Of course, there are graphics tablets in the form of large ones touch screens, but such graphics tablets are very expensive and are used by professional designers.

That's why we'll talk about more budget options for graphics tablets.

Why do you need a graphics tablet? This is a great tool for photo retouching and painting. A graphics tablet can not only completely replace your mouse, but also expand your surfing capabilities. The main highlight of the tablet is that using the stylus we can achieve smoother movements, just like when drawing with a regular pencil on paper.

If you doubt that a graphics tablet is much more convenient for working with graphics, conduct a small experiment. Try to follow the outline of any figure with a pencil on paper and then with your mouse. graphic editor. If tracing a contour doesn’t seem like a very difficult task to you, then make it more difficult and try writing any word with the mouse.

I think we will get similar results. Another important advantage of the tablet is its sensitivity to the pressure of the pen, just like when working with a simple pencil, depending on the pressure, we get strokes of varying density and line width. You cannot perform such an action with the mouse without changing the tool settings.

I use the most budget option graphics tablet from Wacom. But despite all its “low-budget” nature, with its help I have greatly reduced the time required for retouching and applying masks when processing photographs. A graphics tablet is almost indispensable when using the “Dodge and burn” technique, and drawing without a graphics tablet is completely impossible.

In addition to the convenience of working with graphics using a pen, the tablet can be used for surfing the Internet. Tablets perfectly recognize various movements, such as we are used to using on touch phones and tablets, for example, touching the surface of the tablet with two fingers and changing the distance between the fingers is perceived as increasing or decreasing the screen content. And there are a great many such combinations.

Graphics tablets have additional buttons, to which you can assign any actions, and utilities will allow you to customize the pen to suit your hand.

If you want to seriously engage in retouching, photo processing, drawing or creating collages, then you cannot do without a graphics tablet. Well, which graphics tablet to choose is an individual matter for everyone.

The graphics tablet has the ability to select a workspace, for example when working on two monitors.

Basic operating principles and characteristics

There are many interesting things to do in life. For example, when your humble servant went to school, he really liked collecting model airplanes. You know: the plastic ones, made from many small and large pieces. They also require special glue with paints that are quite smelly. So I painted them first with a brush. It didn't turn out very nice. And then my parents gave me an airbrush. And less paint was wasted, and the process became much more exciting, and, most importantly, the satisfaction from the work done increased.

From a very young age I liked to draw. I remember I learned how to draw people thanks to a magazine with stickers about Mortal Kombat. I drew with a simple pencil on plain paper. Sometimes I took markers. I didn’t touch the brushes and paints at all: then wash the brushes, wash the clothes, dry my hands and face. But I always wanted to try to draw something with smoothly changing tones, with a play of light and shadow. Then, when I had a computer and Internet access, I learned about computer painting. For a long time I didn’t understand how they computer artists, they do it. I thought, as often happens, that everything is simple: you only need the right tool.

I have always dreamed of buying myself something that masters use to paint electronic paintings. Graphic tablet. It is also quite rarely called “digitizer” or “digitizer”. In English, its names are written like this: “graphic tablet”, “digitizing tablet”, “graphic pad”, “drawing tablet”. I started looking for some useful information about this device. And I didn't find anything concrete. Neither about how it works, nor about its purpose. I ended up buying a tablet for myself. But I had to do this with my eyes half closed. The thing turned out to be very useful and exciting, but still not a word about it. Let's try to correct this circumstance. Let's first understand what a graphics tablet is and why you might need it at all.

Subject and its purpose

In short, this is a sensitive surface and a pen. The cursor on the computer follows the movement of the pen on this surface. Why is this necessary? The first thing that comes to mind is for drawing. At this point, a red light probably comes on in many people’s heads: “Not for me.” And indeed: not everyone is interested in just drawing. And even if someone is interested, they don’t have enough time for it.

Recently I wanted to do a little cleanup of old photos of my parents. I digitized them, but never got around to retouching them. Cover up scratches, remove particularly large dust, something else: I usually had to do all this with the mouse. And then I tried it after working with a tablet... and couldn’t stand it for ten minutes. A mouse and a pen are completely different things. How often do you write: handset or a fountain pen? If you need to perform a rare and rough movement with the cursor highlight text, aim then the mouse has no competition here. But for the exact and, at first glance, routine work the pen is much more comfortable. You can enter some data by hand and do basic photo retouching. In addition, this is a wonderful toy for children who have grown up to use a computer. Let them not play shooting games, but learn to draw. :-)

Among the devices for home use It should also be noted comparatively inexpensive devices for entering information by hand (manufacturers sometimes call them digital notepads). Typically, such devices are equipped with memory and can work without connecting to a computer. Let's remember about professional graphics tablets that can display information on a sensitive plane. In fact, these are monitors (some of these tablets have a diagonal of 21 inches), but are sensitive to the influence of a special pen. These two types of devices are beyond the scope of this article, and their characteristics will not be discussed in detail.

We figured out what a tablet is and what it can be useful for. Let's assume that we have made the decision: “Buy!” Open the product catalog and find there huge amount different devices in the “graphics tablets” section, the cost of which will differ by one and a half orders of magnitude. What's the matter? Here you should understand a little about the characteristics of tablets and carefully study the model range.


Let’s take, for example, the line about a graphics tablet from the price list of one store.

  • Graph. tablet A5, 5080 dpi, 1024gradation + mouse (USB)

I remember previously collected system units also sold. They write a bunch of letters with numbers and think that the average buyer will figure out what’s what. So, the first part of the encryption is “A5”. It’s quite easy to guess; here we are talking about the geometric dimensions of the sensitive area of ​​the tablet. Dimensions are usually made approximately corresponding to one of the ISO standard paper formats. A4 sheet size 210 x 297 mm. A5 is half of A4. A3 will be obtained if you connect two A4 sheets with the long sides. All other things being equal, than larger size sensitive field, the more expensive the tablet. Professional designers and artists often use A4 tablets. However, this does not mean that smaller devices will greatly limit the ability to realize creative potential. For example, the painting “Always in my heart” was drawn on an A6 tablet.

When choosing a device, the first thing you need to pay attention to is not the size, but the aspect ratio. It is important that the aspect ratio of the monitor and tablet are the same. Simply put, if the monitor is wide (16:10), then the tablet should be marked wide. To be fair, it is worth noting that there are other opinions (for example, in the article “Before you buy a graphic tablet” by Sue Chastain). In principle, the tablet driver makes it possible to configure the device in such a way that some part of the tablet completely “covers” the monitor. But, you see, buy a tablet knowing that O Most of it will not be used, which is not entirely reasonable. Someone may object, saying that the tablet area can be “stretched” onto the surface of the monitor in the settings, thereby distorting the proportions of the device. This will greatly interfere with the creative process. Imagine the situation: you are trying to draw a circle on a blackboard with chalk. The board can move in a vertical plane. As soon as you begin to move the chalk not only to the left, but also up, the board moves with your hand. IN best case scenario in the end you will get an ellipse.

Further in the encrypted position of the price list it says “5080 dpi”. This is resolution, sensitivity to influences in the plane of the tablet along the “x” and “y” axes. Simply put, how many tiny movements of a pen will be detected if the tip of the pen is moved an inch (2.54 cm). It is important here to dispel one common misconception that the size of the monitor and the size of the sensitive area of ​​the tablet must match. It is because of sensitivity that it follows that this is not so. Monitor resolution 72 or 96 dpi. You can do some simple arithmetic to show that even an A5 tablet will be comfortable for working with a 19" monitor. We also note that sometimes instead of “dots per inch” (or DPI dots per inch) in stores you can find another unit of measurement “lines per inch” (or LPI lines per inch) In fact, what sellers mean is the number of dots per inch, which is not applicable to the tablet: this is a rather detailed term. various measurements resolution is described in the article “LPI halftone resolution” by Jackie Howard Behr. Of course, the greater the sensitivity, the more expensive the device should be. However, this characteristic, as a rule, is “tied” to others, which influence the price to a much greater extent. By own experience I can notice that for home use 2000 dpi is more than enough.

The next number is the number of pressure sensitivity levels (1024). It's about about sensitivity to influences in a plane perpendicular to the plane of the tablet itself along the “z” axis. That is, how many different pressures the device can recognize. Practice shows that for solving household non-professional problems, the number 512 is quite sufficient. The situation with the influence of this characteristic on the cost is the same as in the case of a permit. Product line of the main companies presented at Russian market, is characterized by the “linking” of this parameter to others that have a greater impact on the price. However, this is quite reasonable approach, both from the point of view of the producer and the consumer.

It is also worth noting that there are devices that are sensitive to the angle of inclination of the pen relative to the plane of the tablet to the position of the pen in XYZ space. This feature is inherent in models for professionals. It is intended, for example, to work with different instruments. For example, you can purchase an airbrush pen for such a device, the trace of which will differ depending on the angle of inclination relative to the sensitive plane. To be fair, we note that the absence of this function will not hinder amateurs, and in some tasks, even professionals.

The penultimate part of the line that we are parsing reads as follows: “mouse.” This means that the tablet comes with wireless mouse. From the point of view of the device, this is also a pen, only it is deprived of the ability to transmit information about the pressure applied and has the usual form of a “mouse” type manipulator. In principle, the presence of such an accessory should allow the user to refuse regular mouse in general, however, the rather heavy “mat” (the tablet itself) and the inability to use the mouse outside the device leaves a place for the classic manipulator on the desktop.

At the very end, the interface through which the tablet is connected to the computer is indicated in brackets. As a rule, this is USB or Bluetooth (there are also wireless tablets).

History and operating principle

This part of the article is mainly for amateurs. We will indicate the information important for the purchase at the very beginning. Next, let's delve a little deeper into the technical details.

Tablet pens come with batteries and some without batteries. Typically these are AAA batteries. This is more than 12 grams. Plastic ballpoint pens are lighter than one battery, and adding additional weight leads to a shift in the center of mass. You need to keep this in mind when choosing a tablet. It is best to ask the seller to test the device in action (especially since the Consumer Protection Code allows this).

Unfortunately, it was not possible to find reliable data on the history of tablets. But, analyzing general information, it can be argued that the first device whose operating principle was similar to today’s was the Grafacon (an abbreviation for the English Graphic Converter). The device was a coordinate grid of conductors under the surface of the tablet. Upon contact with the surface, the pen received a magnetic signal with encoded information about its position. Further processing of the signal made it possible to determine the location of the pen above the surface of the coordinate grid.

Today's tablets can be divided into two types based on their operating principle: passive and active. It is worth noting here that information about tablet technology was obtained only from one company present on the Russian market - Wacom. From Genius company Unfortunately, there was no response to the request for materials. Therefore, when describing the operating principles, only data from one company was used.

In the first case, the tablet sends signals to the pen. Signals are received and returned to determine the position of the pen. This method avoids the use of batteries in the pen. It is based on the principle of electromagnetic resonance. The pen is a rather complex device with a resonant circuit (acts as an energy source for transmitting a response signal) and a microcircuit that encodes information from pressure sensors and pen buttons into a response signal. During operation, the tablet grid changes signal transmission mode and signal reception mode approximately every 20 microseconds.

Active tablet pens use a battery to create a signal. In this case, the pen becomes heavier and its balance is disrupted, but the tablet does not have to switch between signal receiving and transmitting modes. However, the user should not be concerned about the need to switch modes. The change every 20 microseconds is so fast that it does not affect the operation of the device in any way. After performing a couple of arithmetic operations, it is easy to find out that the tablet changes mode 50,000 times per second. It turns out that for the passive pen feature to interfere with work, you need to change the state of the tablet-pen system 50,000 times per second. The margin of stability is quite substantial, especially if we remember that we change the state of such a system continuously and quite smoothly


I hope this article will somewhat expand the circle of users of graphics tablets, especially since today manufacturers are trying to lower the price bar for these devices. I also want to believe that the material will help you avoid making mistakes when choosing suitable model, will broaden the reader’s horizons and arouse interest in computer painting.

Materials used

  1. Graphic tablet, (), article in English Wikipedia;
  2. How cordless pen and tablet works, (

Ilya 2735

Have you decided to purchase a graphics tablet? Great idea! This device has become today an indispensable assistant for people who work quite a lot with graphics: photographers, designers, artists. At the same time, a graphics tablet is very convenient for business sphere. It can be especially useful for engineers, architects, and designers, as it allows you to make various handwritten notes on documents, draw graphs and diagrams for business presentations.
What basic parameters should you pay attention to when choosing a graphics tablet?

1. Tablet working area: the size of the tablet may vary depending on the model and here your choice may depend solely on your own preferences. For example, when working on an A6 tablet, it is very inconvenient to draw individual details. Along with this, it is easier to make smaller and more accurate images on A4, but the working surface of this device is quite large and it is better to work with a tablet if it is lying on the table.2. Sensitivity or resolution, which is measured in lines per inch (lpi). For novice photographers, designers, artists and hobbyists, models with a resolution of up to 2000 lpi are quite suitable. To use tablets in professional activities You can choose models with a resolution of over 2000 lpi. But for creative professionals, models with a resolution of 5080 lpi are already intended.

Prices in online stores: RUR 27,305 RUB 15,695

3. Pen characteristics. There are many feather options with different characteristics. Suffice it to say that the difference between them is related to how close they are to ordinary pens, pencils and artistic brushes how accurately the pen angle is recognized, how wide are the possibilities for realistically applying lines or ink, shading or paint, etc.

4. Purpose. The leading companies and developers of graphics tablets are Wacom, Aiptek and Genius. To make it easier for customers to choose electronic devices, they initially indicate the specific purpose of each model or even model range, while quite clearly indicating both the type of occupation and the degree of professionalism, and sometimes even the age of potential users. For example, there are lines of tablet models for users entry level- they are designed for amateurs and beginners in the field of photography or design, and there are separate lines of complex models - they are designed for professionals and business people, since they are intended for subsequent work with electronic documents and presentations.

Prices in online stores: RUR 4,400

Electrozon 6,850 RUR

Electrozon RUB 5,990

Joint Stock Company "Graphic Tablets" Graphic tablet Wacom MobileStudio Pro 13" 128GB RU (DTH-W1320L-RU) Electrozon RUB 141,620
More offers

Which brand to choose from the many manufacturers?

If you need a tablet for professional work, then choose Wacom - it will be the most best option both in quality and price. One of the advantages of Bamboo tablets is that they come in A6 and A5 sizes and include the branded Bamboo Dock entertainment mini-applications. Also, depending on the type of model, a variety of products are simultaneously supplied with the tablets. software necessary for design and drawing: Photoshop Elements, Art Rage, Corel Painter Essentials.

As for the Intuos5 professional series tablets, they have about 2048 levels of pressure sensitivity and pen tilt sensitivity. There are also ExpressKeys™ hotkeys that allow you to program extremely individual, but specific to each separate application combinations. And the presence of a user-programmable touch ring with the ability to switch modes allows for intuitive control during operations such as rotating the canvas, scrolling, selecting a layer, resizing an image, etc. In addition, the Intuos4 series tablets have a fairly ergonomic and stylish design , they provide both the possibility of tilting the palm and providing support for the entire arm, which helps reduce fatigue during long hours of work.

Prices in online stores:

Joint Stock Company "Graphic Tablets" Graphic tablet Wacom MobileStudio Pro 13" 64GB RU (DTH-W1320T-RU) Electrozon RUB 117,790

There is no definite answer to this question and there cannot be. It all depends on you, what methods you work with and what exactly is convenient for you. I’ll answer right away what is spent on graphics tablet It is not necessary for those photographers who do not know how or fundamentally do not process their photographs. Also, a tablet is unlikely to be needed by those who make only minimal changes in a graphics editor (increasing contrast, sharpening, working on color channels).

Those actions that are applied to the entire image at once by moving some sliders can be easily done with the mouse. And it’s even more convenient to do this with a mouse, despite the presence of a tablet.

Why do you need a graphics tablet when editing photos?

For detailed portrait retouching : covering up pimples and skin unevenness is much faster and more convenient with a pen than annoying your loved ones at night in silence by clicking the mouse;

For work, when you need to literally draw chiaroscuro over the photo. Of course, all this can be done with a mouse, but drawing with a pen is much more natural, the lines are more accurate, work in progress faster without stress on the joints of the hand.

For retouching small parts in the photo, as well as work in areas where precision of lines and contours is needed. In addition to maximizing the scale to work out small details, it is convenient to work with a 1-5 px brush point and use graphic tablet. An example would be replacing the background around the model (finely working along the contours of the main subject) or removing unnecessary details from the background that are close to the contours of the main subject in the frame.

Spot or partial image editing: partial work with color, contrast, sharpness, exposure. Partial work involves the use of , which is where the main work is carried out. Thus, applying a black mask allows you to hide a layer completely or parts of it. A white mask, on the contrary, reveals all changes made on the layer. So in order to open (close) separate areas layer, it is convenient to draw a layer mask exactly on graphics tablet.

For example, you need to lower the color saturation in Photoshop only on the model’s hair (to remove the unpleasant yellowness from light hair). To do this, create an adjustment layer “Hue/Saturation” or “Hue/Color Saturation”, in the settings of which we reduce the color saturation (Saturation) by about –30. But at the same time, the color saturation is reduced throughout the entire layer, and we need to apply these adjustments only to the area with the hair.

Automatically, when creating an adjustment layer, it will have a white layer mask (i.e., all layer settings will be visible). Select this layer mask with the left mouse click and press the combination Ctrl keys+I in English layout keyboards. These hotkeys invert the layer mask - turn a white mask into a black one (or vice versa if you had a black mask). Now the photo is back to as before– color saturation is normal.

Take a Brush with soft edges and select it in the palette white. Depending on the case, you can set the Opacity to 100% (if you need to apply the settings dramatically right away) or to 20-80% if you need to achieve the effect gradually. Now use a white brush to paint over the desired areas of the image. Important: make sure that it is the layer mask that is active, and not the layer itself, otherwise you will paint with white color from the photo and only spoil the working layer.

“Developing” a layer from under a black mask in this way is much more convenient using graphics tablet than mice. But in many ways, the choice of tool depends on the complexity of the outlines of the image. In most cases, similar work can be done no less efficiently using a regular computer mouse.

Disadvantages of using a mouse:

- the process takes longer;

- less careful work;

heavy load on the joints of the fingers and hands, which after n number of years of such work can lead to unpleasant symptoms, including sharp pain when trying to operate a computer mouse;

— unpleasant clicking of the left mouse button when performing point processing of numerous similar areas of a photograph.

If you are used to processing photos with a mouse, then at first it will be difficult to get used to working with a tablet. But after about a week (or even earlier), you will realize that working with a graphics tablet is more like natural movements- as when drawing with a pencil, pen or brush.

Features of working with a graphics tablet:

— at first it is difficult to coordinate the physical position of the pen and its projection on the screen;

— at first it’s difficult to navigate, because the tablet lies horizontally on the table, and the monitor screen stands vertically. For example, it is still more convenient for me to hold the tablet on my lap rather than on the table - this imitates the usual position of an easel or paper stand for me when drawing;

- you will have to adjust (or adjust the settings to suit yourself) the pressure sensitivity and speed of the pen movement.

How to choose a graphics tablet

I bought mine graphics tablet for photo processing more than two years ago, but since then the situation on the market has not changed much. There are several manufacturers of graphics tablets, but the industry leader is Wacom. Their line includes professional tablets from the Intuos series, which cost accordingly. My budget at that time was only enough for a very small professional tablet or a larger tablet, but from the amateur Bamboo series.

My main criteria when buying a tablet were:

Size (at least A5, preferably A4). Size A4 is a regular printed sheet, A5 is the same sheet folded in half. There are tablets of a smaller format, but for me personally it seemed very inconvenient - you will have to constantly “shift” your hand, and working with long strokes is completely inconvenient.

Pen pressure response(simulation of pressing). I don't see the point in buying cheaper tablet models that don't have pen pressure simulation. After all, in this case, you simply change the “awl for soap” - the same mouse, only more accurate and a little more convenient. But achieving precise repetition of pen movements taking into account pressure allows you to achieve maximum results for complex photo processing. Somewhere you pressed a little harder - the effect was stronger, somewhere a little weaker, etc. Also, if you buy a tablet not only for photo processing, then this function is very important for those who draw on the computer.

Reliability and ease of use. Reviews, photographer forums helped here, graphic designers and artists - those people who have been working with a graphics tablet for many years. It was thanks to reviews on the forums that the choice fell on Wacom, especially since it specializes specifically in graphics tablets, and does not produce everything in a row (and tablets in between). Also, thanks to feedback and reviews, I realized that for photo processing purposes it is not necessary to buy a professional series tablet (where, in addition to the response to pressure, there is also a response to the tilt and position of the pen, as well as many additional functions). The Bamboo Fun series tablet suited my needs quite well.

After 2.5 years of use, it has never disappointed me, it works stably and without serious glitches. The first pen tip has not yet failed, although it is quite worn out (I work a lot and enthusiastically). A set of 3 spare tips was included with the tablet, but I accidentally lost them in one of the moves. That is why I never change the tip, as long as the old one reacts to my actions.

From the experience of friends, I know that many artists and especially diligent retouchers wear out 1-3 tips per year. You can also do a little trick: Increase pen sensitivity in settings graphics tablet, thus it will respond even to slight pressure. Due to this, you will have to work with lighter strokes, and you will be able to save the life of the tip (it will wear out more slowly).

What problems arose while using the Wacom Bamboo tablet:

1. Drivers crashed several times. Usually this happens unpredictably, but the problem is quickly solved by reinstalling the “firewood”. If you have saved installation disk, you can call installation file from there. Other options are to download from the manufacturer’s official website or Control Panels -> Devices and Sound -> Wacom Settings(or another graphics tablet) select command "Download device driver updates".

A characteristic sign that your drivers have failed or are outdated is that the tablet stops responding to touch and any other manipulations with the pen. Moreover, if the tablet has buttons, then they can continue to work quietly. Only the pen may not work, which is confusing. First of all, try reinstalling the driver.

2. Pen freezing– lag of the feather projection from real movement by hand, incorrect repetition of lines (instead of curves, straight lines are drawn from point A (beginning of movement) to point B (end of movement). The reason was empirically determined - in the settings of the graphics tablet ( Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Pen and Touch -> Change Pen Settings Dialog Box) I recommend disabling the function "Use press and hold as right click".

To do this, in the pen settings window double click select a line "Press and hold - Right click" and in the window that opens, uncheck the similar function at the very top of the window. Click OK and check the result. After changing this setting, my pen began to work in normal mode- no freezes or crashes.

Please note that changing the settings must be done while the graphics tablet. Otherwise, these settings simply will not be in the toolbar, since the tablet is not recognized. If the settings do not take effect, try restarting the computer and reconnecting the tablet. If the problem is not solved, perhaps the problem is with the tablet itself and the pen.

3. Replacing the tip in the pen. Use this only as a last resort if the above methods of “treating” problems with your tablet do not help. Video instructions for replacing the tip graphic pen For Wacom tablets Bamboo is given below. Knowledge of English is not necessary, scroll to the middle, where the process of replacing the tip itself is shown - everything is clear and intuitive.

4. Reaction of the graphics tablet to finger movements. In addition to working with a pen, many graphics tablets are designed to work on the principle of touch input with movements finger touch Pad (Touchpad). Personally, I don’t need this function at all, and it even gets in the way when processing photos. Because when you touch the touch surface with your hand, the canvas with the image in Photoshop begins to rotate, or the image viewing scale changes. Therefore, I usually disable the touch input function using gestures immediately every time I connect the tablet (I have one of the buttons directly on the tablet responsible for this setting).

You might find some of mine useful practical advice by selection and operation graphic tablet for photo processing.

Before you present best graphics tablets of 2019, I will talk about the subtleties that need to be taken into account when considering this or that model. I think many artists and designers understand that this gadget is a working tool. Therefore, choosing a tablet is a very important step before purchasing.
So, designed for digital drawing for designers, photographers, artists and others. The tablet should cope with its main task - to get closer to real drawing. The tablet works on the principle of a mouse, that is, when drawing on the tablet, all data is displayed on the computer screen. but there are also models where there is a additional screen and you can draw directly on it.

Criteria to consider before purchasing a graphics tablet:

  • working surface area;
  • pen (stylus) sensitivity;
  • wireless connection;
  • set of tips and their quality;
  • availability of drivers;
  • manufacturer.

And now I propose to take a closer look.

1. Working surface area

The most popular size is A4, A5. For beginners, the smaller size will be uncomfortable. The larger the area, the higher the resolution, as well as the price of the tablet. But it is not always convenient to use large graphics tablets and most often they are used by professionals.

2. Pen sensitivity

Firstly, the pen should fit comfortably in the hand, the shape, size, weight of the pen - important criteria. You need to pay attention to the buttons and their functionality. The sensitivity of the pen and the thickness of the lines depend on the pressure applied to the tablet. Feather Can be battery-powered and connected via Bluetooth.

Graphics tablet styluses

Of course, the most convenient thing is wireless styluses. But if it is battery-powered, then you should take into account its weight with batteries.

3. Wireless connection

If this is a wired graphics tablet, then you need to understand that the longer the wire, the more convenient it is to work on such a tablet. The best option is wireless tablets, also with the function Wi-Fi.

4. Set of tips, their quality

The pen has the ability to wear out and usually lasts for several months, sometimes longer depending on use. The best tablets are those that have a pen with several sets of tips.

Stylus tips

And it’s even better if the tips are different in functionality, that is, different in thickness.

5. Availability of drivers

Many tablets work using installed drivers. Drivers must come with the graphics tablet. But there are also models that work perfectly without installing drivers. This naturally makes the work easier.

6. Manufacturer

Of course, the main manufacturer in the production of graphics tablets for drawing is WACOM. For many years it has pleased professionals with its quality and convenience. Also in recent years Tablets performed well Chinese manufacturers, which are much cheaper.

10 Best Graphics Tablets for Drawing 2019

In the list below we have selected the most popular models that are relevant this year. Let's start with the tops.

#1 HUION GT-156HD V2

This tablet can be classified as professional class, which stands out for its built-in display, high-quality stylus and rich equipment. The pen is so obedient that the sensitivity of the panel rests while working. Wireless pen with Bluetooth function. The tablet panel has buttons with the ability to set various functions on them. Suitable for both beginners and professionals.


  • Convenient stand;
  • Supports all OS;
  • Buttons and touchpad on the tablet;
  • Convenient stylus.

Cons: The stylus needs to be charged.

#2 HUION GT-220 V2

Average cost - from 30 thousand rubles.

This is a graphics tablet for true professionals, artists and designers. It has amazing color rendition. Touch display almost 22 inches good resolution FullHd and color rendering. It has a rich set, many additional tips. A very comfortable pen with different pressure and angle recognition.


  • Sensitive display;
  • Rich equipment;
  • Branded stylus;
  • Wireless;


  • Not found.

#3 HUION inspiroy Q11K

This model is now 30% off!

Tablet with a large working surface. Well suited for beginners and advanced designers due to large quantity function buttons management. In addition, the stylus recognizes the degree of pressure.


  • Large working area;
  • Lots of buttons;
  • Price.


  • A good computer is required for work.

#4 XP-Pen Star 03

This is a professional tablet. Suitable for both beginners and experts. Comfortable pen that has switch button from pen to eraser. The tablet has buttons for setting up functionality. A decent combination of price and quality.


  • Excellent equipment;
  • High resolution;
  • Comfortable pen with switch;
  • Price;


  • Not suitable for professionals;
  • On old Windows versions Sometimes it requires rebooting drivers.

#5 XP-Pen Star 06

This is the lightest graphics tablet, it weighs only 670 grams. Optimal in price and quality. The kit includes additional tips. The sensitive panel responds well to the stylus. This model has become the choice of many artists and professionals.


  • Works without drivers;
  • Sensitive;
  • Price;
  • A mongrel job.

Cons: No.

#6 XP-Pen Deco 02

✨ This model is now discounted 23% !

Another representative of a worthy middle peasant. Made of pleasant plastic, without any backlash or abrasions. As in most models, it supports 8192 levels of pressure sensitivity. Apart from everything else, it has full compatibility with Windows 10, including hotkeys and scrolling.


  • Passive pen that does not require recharging;
  • USB Type-C support;
  • Price.


  • Not found

#7 Huion WH1409

This model is now on discount 50% !

It is distinguished by its simplicity and large working surface. Suitable for beginners. There are 12 buttons conveniently located on the tablet. Has a built-in memory of 8 GB. The price is about 16,000 rubles, but now this model can be bought with a 50% discount!


  • Very large work surface;
  • Built-in memory;
  • High surface sensitivity;
  • Convenient equipment.

Cons: No.

#8 Parblo A610

Wireless drawing tablet. Has a large area for work. There are 8 buttons on the panel for operation. It is actively in demand and has a good rating among designers and artists.


  • Design;
  • Wireless connection;
  • Functional buttons.


  • Small resolution.

#9 VEIKK A50

There is now a 15% discount on this model!

In my opinion one of best representatives budget segment. We already did something like this. On at the moment The tablet continues to be our work option.


  • Rich equipment;
  • Large working area;
  • Convenient control keys and touchpad;
  • Full compatibility without dancing with a tambourine;
  • Supports 8192 pressure levels;
  • Wireless pen.


  • Not found.

#10 Gaomon m106k

This model is now 30% off!

Amateur tablet for drawing. Its stylus is battery-powered. If you compare price and quality, the tablet has decent sensitivity and good pen performance. Good for beginners.


  • Working area size A4;
  • Long wire;
  • Price;
  • Several pen attachments.