Program for checking the battery of iPhone 5s. How to find out how old your iPhone battery is? How to find out the number of iPhone recharge cycles completed directly on your iOS device

If you are not buying an iPhone from a dealership, then you immediately want to know about the condition of the battery; in this article I will tell you how to do this.

In fact, knowing the current battery life is necessary not only in the case of buying a used smartphone. You will also be able to find the answer whether the battery has really become weaker or whether you have simply become more active in using your gadget.

In order to check the battery status on the iPhone, we will use our favorite program - iTools!

Download and install, you can find it on the main page of the site.

After which an information window will appear, in which there is enough information to analyze the current battery status:

Let's go through the data provided:

History full charge cycles - current number of recharge cycles

Actual Capacity - The current capacity of your battery. The lower the value, the worse your battery performs.

Design Capacity - Battery capacity during production, or how much should be in a new battery

Electric Current - Current battery consumption

The remaining parameters are not so important for us.

The most important thing in this list is Actual Capacity and Design Capacity. Thanks to these values, you can determine how worn out the battery is, and whether the problem is really the battery, and not the active use of the smartphone.

iPhones and iPads have decent battery life, but their batteries, unfortunately, don't last forever. After some time, they lose their capacity and subsequently require replacement. The iOS operating system continuously monitors the state of the standard battery, so owners of smartphones and tablets can always determine the degree of battery wear and the need to replace it.

Any modern batteries have a limited number of full discharge cycles. After this, they begin to lose the capacity declared by the manufacturer. A full cycle is considered to be the process of discharging a device from 100% to 0%.

The iPhone battery loses up to 20% of its capacity after 500 such discharge cycles, the Apple Watch and iPad battery after 1000 full recharge cycles. The iPod battery provides up to 80% of its original capacity after 400 full cycles.

How to check the battery status of iPhone and iPad

If your iPhone and iPad were purchased on the secondary market, then assessing the condition of the battery is quite problematic. For such cases, a third-party application will come in handy. A useful program is called Battery Life. On the main screen, it shows the degree of battery wear and gives a rating: Perfect, Good, Bad and Very Bad. If you go to the Raw Data menu in the main section, then in the Cycles line you can see the number of battery charging cycles.

You can also find out the level of battery wear on your iPhone and iPad using the iBackupbot desktop application. After launching the program, you need to connect your iOS device to your computer and in the Devices section you need to select the gadget. Technical information will appear on the right side of the window. Here you need to click the “More Information” button, where the number of battery charge cycles – CycleCount – will be shown.

How to Extend iPhone and iPad Battery Life

In order to extend the life of the battery of your mobile device, you should try to keep the charge level at two-thirds, or more precisely between 80% and 40%. It is not recommended to keep the device charged to 100%, this significantly reduces its service life.

You don't have to charge your new iPhone or iPad for 72 hours before use for it to "remember" what it feels like to be fully charged. This is a myth. This advice is valid when working with nickel batteries, but in the case of lithium-ion batteries, which are used in the iPhone and iPad, it is completely untenable.

Charging the battery too often can cause minor damage. One complete discharge/charge cycle should still be carried out approximately once a month.

Experts also advise not to expose the device to extremely low/high temperatures. The recommended storage temperature is 15°C (59°F), and the maximum safe temperature generally ranges from 40°C to 50°C. At an average temperature of 25°C, a lithium-ion battery will lose 20% of its maximum capacity every year. At 40 °C its capacity will drop by 35% annually.

Let's find out useful information.

Apple smartphones with poor performance can be speeded up by replacing the battery. This guide told you how to check the condition of the iPhone or iPad battery and determine whether the battery in the device needs to be replaced or not.

Step 1: Download the free app Battery Life from developer RBT Digital LLC from the App Store. Note that in the App Store there are two almost identical applications called Battery Life, but, according to user reviews, the utility from the developer RBT Digital LLC works more accurately.

Step 2: Launch the Battery Life app and wait for the iPhone battery status to be determined.

The battery condition is critical - what to do?

If the battery wear on your iPhone 6/6 Plus, iPhone 6s/6s Plus, iPhone SE and iPhone 7/7 Plus is more than 15%, then the smartphone starts to work slower. To speed it up, it is necessary to replace the battery. And there is one very important point here.

The iPhone battery must be replaced with an original one.. Replacing a smartphone battery in service centers that use non-original components will not speed up the iPhone. In other words, iPhone users with badly worn batteries are advised to contact Apple authorized service centers in Russia.

What about other iPhone and iPad models?

In its official statement dated December 20, 2017, Apple stated that the impact of battery condition on performance is only present on the iPhone 6/6 Plus, iPhone 6s/6s Plus, iPhone SE and iPhone 7/7 Plus. The company said nothing about other iPhone models, for example, the very popular iPhone 5s in Russia. Apple also ignored iPad tablets.

Because of this, it is assumed that non-listed iPhone and iPad models are not affected by this iOS feature.

After severe wear and tear, your iPhone's battery will not be able to work at full capacity and, accordingly, the device will. Unfortunately, this is typical for any battery. Over time, with constant energy saturation and consumption, it gradually exhausts its resource and fails. But ahead of schedule, this is most often observed among the most active users who use their iPhone for heavy games or constant Internet access.

We will tell you about all the existing ways to quickly check the condition of the battery and the percentage of wear in order to determine whether it is worth changing it or buying a new smartphone. It must be emphasized that when used for a long time, replacing the battery is a completely normal practice. This is done in many service centers, and it is not as expensive as, for example, replacing the display and so on.

From the article you will learn

In what cases is verification necessary?

You will need to find out the battery wear:

  • If you buy either used;
  • If you want to see how bad your battery is and whether it’s worth buying a new one.

Methods for checking wear

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Use the built-in capabilities of the iPhone operating system;
  2. Download a third-party application from Apple's official application store called the App Store.

Both options can be done quickly and without any problems. And thanks to them, we find out the overall percentage of battery wear.

In simple words, this percentage shows how much of the battery from its ideal state no longer works. For example, if the wear is 20%, then this means that with each use you lose 20% of the charge. When you buy a new battery, you will have a battery increase of this same 20%. This figure is not always accurate, as it is influenced by many factors. But, one way or another, it can show whether it’s worth thinking about changing the battery.

Checking through iOS system functionality

It’s easy to check wear and tear using the built-in capabilities of the iPhone operating system. This option appeared in iOS 11.

You need to find “Settings” in the main menu, then go to the “Battery” section. Here you can find basic information about the applications you consume. We are interested in the “Battery Status” section.

As can be seen from the screenshot, in our case the battery capacity of the relatively new one is 96%. That is, the wear rate is 4%.

You can also see which applications are using the most on your battery. By removing or disabling them, you not only extend the life of the battery, but also save power, which will lead to a longer service life of the device. It’s not worth demolishing all applications just to make your smartphone last longer, since the iPhone is still suitable for such loads. Your task is to identify highly consumed applications and eliminate them. But this does not mean that they need to be deleted. You can, for example, turn off push notifications in the settings, or disable some functions.

Special programs for determining battery status

There are a lot of applications for checking the battery status on the iPhone. All of them are available for free in the AppStore. Essentially, they do the same thing - they show the percentage of wear and other little things.

Below we have described 2 good applications that do the job perfectly. These are Battery Life and Battery Pro.

Battery Pro

A convenient and pleasant application for checking many parameters related to the smartphone battery.

After downloading, the application will show the general characteristics of the battery, or rather its current condition. It can be ideal - this is for new batteries, normal or bad. If the condition is normal, you can think about changing, but this is not critical. For poor condition, changing the battery is highly advisable.

What can this application show besides general characteristics?

You should not fully trust the information received, since the program calculates everything through algorithms that are not always correct. It's better to see for yourself. To do this, the application provides detailed reports on how much capacity is currently available and how much should ideally be. You can also check the charging speed of the device and the amperage of the charger.

Detailed reports on charge consumption are shown in individual settings. You can find out which actions drain the battery the most, learn about the most demanding applications, overheating and other CPU information.

Battery Life

A simpler app to check your iPhone's battery health. Everything in it is very simple and clear. Downloaded, launched and you can immediately see how many mAh were spent during the operation of the battery. We recommend using this app to check wear and tear and nothing more.

On the main screen we are offered the following information:

  • The battery capacity is current and in perfect condition;
  • A colored bar indicating the current battery status;
  • Battery charge;
  • Number of charger volts;
  • Battery temperature;
  • Amount of battery capacity wasted.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the amount of volume spent. This figure is shown at the very bottom of the table in the appendix. If this parameter shows approximately 200 mAh, then this is an excellent condition. If the number is more than 500 mAh, then you should think about buying a new battery.

Wear detection via PC on macOS or Windows

You can view battery wear through your computer using an excellent program called “iBackupBot”. You can download it completely free of charge from the official website.

After downloading, install the application and run:

  1. Connect the iPhone to the computer using a USB cable;
  2. We unlock the smartphone and in the window that appears, confirm that we trust this computer;
  3. In the iBackupBot program, look for “Devices” in the left menu. The line “iPhone” should appear under this item;
  4. Click on “iPhone”;
  5. In the dialog box that appears, go to general information by clicking on the “More Information” button at the bottom left of the window. The button is highlighted in blue and underlined, indicating that it is a hyperlink;
  6. Next, another window with information appears;
  7. At the top, under “Battery,” detailed information about the battery status is shown. Let's look at each item separately in the following table:

Quite normal results would be approximately 200 mAh per year. If the battery has dropped by more than 500 mAh, then you should think about buying a new one. If the difference is within 300 mAh, then the battery is almost new.

It's more appropriate than ever to think about the health of your smartphone's battery.

We will tell you about 4 ways to check the battery status of your iPhone.

Don't waste time on apps

First of all, don't waste your time searching for and checking apps that promise to tell you everything about your battery. In iOS 10 and later, Apple has limited access to battery information for third-party apps. Therefore, all these applications are simply pointless.

Check the battery in Settings

The easiest way to check the battery status is Settings > Battery, where there may be a message indicating that the battery needs servicing.

If this message is not present, your battery is fine.

Use the Console program

More information can be found in the standard Console program on Mac.

Just open Console, connect your smartphone to your computer and enter in the search batteryhealth(iPhone must be unlocked).

This way you will learn more details about the battery of your device. For example, the current battery percentage, type of power source, etc.

But for most users, the fact that their battery is simply in good condition will be enough.

Use coconutBattery program

If you need even more information, download the free coconutBattery program. It is usually used for Mac, but you can also find out information about the battery of an iOS device.

Open the program and connect your iPhone. You will see data such as maximum battery power, initial battery power, number of charge cycles, etc.

This is a very convenient program, but it has limitations. The data is displayed accurately only if you have not restored your device. After recovery, the number of cycles and maximum power are not displayed correctly.

Gold standard for battery testing

The best way to get a full report on your battery is to contact Apple and have the company diagnose your device. You can do this at an Apple Store or by contacting Apple Support.