Make VK mutual friends. How the "Possible Friends" section of VKontakte works

Sometimes it is very interesting to see who your friend adds as friends on the Vkontakte social network. Someone wants to know with whom his wife makes friends, someone is not indifferent to the social circle of their own children. There are many such reasons. Previously, this information could not be obtained, today it is not difficult to do so. This article will tell you how to find out in VK who a friend added as a friend, and also what else can be seen on the friends page.

In order to view the information we are interested in about friends, we will use the view of updates on the site.

VK updates provide various information to the user: what photos were uploaded to, in which you are a member, what happens on the pages you follow, and so on.

To open search by name, press Ctrl+F and enter a phrase that is the name, and in some cases an alias, of the person you need. But there are conditions under which this method will not work. The user we are interested in can opt out of showing the friends they add in their settings in the news feed. But fortunately, not all users know about this setting, so it is rarely used. To do this, you need to go to the section - privacy. And remove the corresponding checkboxes.

Important friends on a friend's page in Vkontakte

Not all users know that the size of the list of friends has a limit of 10 thousand. Although most of the list does not exceed 300 people. Perhaps you have ever wondered how friends are distributed in it? After reviewing your page, you can easily understand that in the top you have those with whom you communicate most often. But there are times when a person with whom you have not communicated for a long time is at the top. These are the accounts you most often visited, commented on, and viewed photos. Recently added friends also get to the top, if your activity subsides on their page, they will go down the list.

But when you open your friend's page, you will notice that friends are distributed differently on it. You will be in the first place. Next are mutual friends with this user, the more mutual friends the user has in the list, the higher this user is in your friend's list. When mutual friends run out, users will be placed on a friend's list by the date of registration in VK. Therefore, the importance of friends in your friend's list cannot be known in the usual way. This suggests that user privacy is important to the social network.

How can I see photos that a friend has closed for public viewing?

Closed photos can be viewed thanks to the innovation of the Faster Photo View service.

  • We turn on the new function (accelerated photo viewing mode).
  • Go to the item "Photos where the user is tagged" (you need access to this section, otherwise it will not work).
  • We select any open photo and view it together with the closed ones, as in normal mode. All photos from the closed album will be available.

This method is possible due to the "curve" of the development of this function by VK programmers. Most likely, this "bug" will be fixed in the future, but for now you can use it.

Access to private sections of a friend in VK

One of the most popular and interesting topics is access to closed pages and sections in VK. Sometimes friends close sections on their page, for example: audio recordings or photos. But still they understand, closed - it means something interesting. You can satisfy your curiosity with the help of small manipulations with the address bar of the browser on the Vkontakte page.

Each user has his own ID. Who does not yet know what an ID is - this is a unique number that is assigned to each user. In the browser line, it looks like this: Each section has its own name in a line, after the main domain and a slash. For example, it looks like this: By combining the friend's ID and the name of the section in the browser line, we will get access to the closed section. Thus, you can access any private profile and section by combining the name of the sections in Latin letters and the user number.

In contact with

VK mutual friends help users to actively expand their circle of contacts. This category includes users who are friends with both you and the owner of the page you are viewing.

See common in VK pretty simple. To do this, go to the user's page and pay attention to the menu under the profile picture. The first block is called "Common Friends", where users from this category are displayed. There is another way, which also will not cause any difficulties. Entering the page of a person, click on the section with his friends. At the top of the screen, find the "Common Friends" tab. If you wish, you can quickly add as friends those of them who are most attractive to you.

Attention! The list of possible friends is formed on the basis of "general". First of all, those people with whom you are connected through the maximum number of comrades get into it.

Common friends of two people in VK

At the moment, there is an interesting way to see mutual friends of two VKontakte users. It's about service 220 Here is a short guide on how to make working with VK even easier:

  • We go to the site
  • There are two fields on the screen. In the first we write the identification code (ID) of one user, in the second - the code of another. If desired, instead of the ID, you can replace it with links to them copied from the address bar of the browser.

    Click on the button "Search for mutual friends" and get the result.

In addition, the site can reveal the user's hidden friends. vk, find out the blacklists you are on, as well as identify the users who have listed you as "hidden friends".

Here, perhaps, is all the information about what mutual friends on VKontakte are, what they are for and how to view them. It remains only to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, expanding your opportunities for communication in a social network.

This is a convenient and useful feature of the VK website. It will come in handy for newly registered users, because it saves a lot of time searching for their real friends at school, university, and mutual acquaintances. Let us consider in more detail the mechanism of getting people into this list.

The key search parameters when information is filled in the VK profile are the following data:

  1. School, university or other educational institution, place of work. If you have indicated such information about yourself, then possible friends are immediately identified in the list: your classmates, work colleagues, colleagues. Some of them you probably know in real life.
  2. Mutual friends. If you already have at least one friend, then users from his friend list will also be present in this section. They can be selected there randomly or according to some criteria of similarity with you (region, membership in some communities, etc.).
  3. Your activity on the site. With frequent visits to groups, publics, when communicating in the comments and regularly viewing the personal pages of individuals, those on whom this activity is focused can be added to the section of possible friends.
  4. Internet activity analysis (controversial point). The VK administration in every possible way disowns the collection of third-party information about users. However, many claim that even when creating an empty page with a fictitious name without the specified information, you can find friends from your real page in this section.

This indicates that the system is scanning for cookies or other digital traces in the browser.

It's a fast and convenient way to populate your contact list with the right people.

Possible friends are viewed in a few simple steps. Consider them using the example of the web version of VK for a personal computer. In the mobile application installed on the phone, the procedure will be the same, the difference is only in the interface.

  1. Go to the “friends” section and you will see a column of “possible friends” in the lower right side.

There, a list of 5 people should be randomly formed.

  1. To see the full list, click "show all" below.

Now almost all Internet users have accounts in Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram, VKontakte. Social networks are evolving, constantly offering the latest services and features. But the option “add to friends” was originally.

In principle, social platforms were just created for the purpose of communicating people at a distance.

How to add to friends in VK

Fig.1. Search and add to friends VKontakte
  • 1 in Fig. 1 - in the left column there is a link "Friends". If you click on this link, you can see your friends, as well as use the link "Write a message" to friends.
  • 2 in fig. 1 - blue button "Find friends",
  • 4 - you can set parameters for searching for friends: city, age, gender.
  • 5 in fig. 1 - "Possible friends", where first of all it is proposed to add those who have mutual friends with you.

VKontakte has restrictions on adding friends - no more than 50 applications per day, otherwise the function of adding friends can be blocked or even banned from the account.

Help from the official website of VKontakte "Adding friends"

How to add friends on facebook

  1. Make sure your profile is clean and up to date.

From time to time, review and, if necessary, adjust your profile on the social network.

Analyze what personal information will be available to your future friends.

Timely add new information and delete irrelevant and outdated data.

  1. Follow a user if they have reached the friend limit.

By subscribing, you will become a subscriber and will be able to track events in his life and send messages if necessary.

Staying forever in the role of an observer or becoming a friend in the future depends entirely on you.

The social network VKontakte unites people, and various algorithms are constantly being introduced into it, so that it is more convenient for users to find their friends, relatives and just acquaintances with whom they could see several times, but did not have time or did not want to add friends to each other when they met . One way to quickly replenish your list of friends with people you know is to use the VKontakte “Possible Friends” tool. In the framework of the article, we will consider the principle of operation of this algorithm, as well as how to use it.

How to see possible friends on VKontakte

To see the users whom the VKontakte social network considers your potential friends, just go to the "Friends" section on your page. In the lower right corner of the page that opens, under the lists for filtering current friends, the block "Possible friends" will be located.

Each time you visit the page, it is formed in a new way. This block displays 5 people you may know. If you want to see more possible friends, click on the "Show all" button in this block.

After that, a page will open that displays all the users who are defined as possible friends for your page. Depending on how actively you use your VKontakte account, as well as on a number of other factors, the amount of user data may vary. Scroll down the page and new suggested friends will be loaded automatically.

Please note: Despite the fact that there are all kinds of filters on the top and right of this page, they in no way allow you to filter the list of possible friends. That is, if you use the search from above and, for example, try to find all possible friends with the name "Sergey", the social network will simply start looking for users with the name "Sergey" in its database, not focusing on the list of possible friends selected for you.

How are possible VKontakte friends determined?

The VKontakte company does not disclose the algorithms by which a list of possible friends is formed for each specific user. However, observations show that clearly the list of possible friends depends on:

It is important to note that the user does not have the opportunity to see who he is listed as a supposed friend for. That is, this information is not mutual for users. If you see that a VKontakte user is displayed as a possible friend, for example, since you often visit his page, this does not mean that you will be displayed as a friend with him. Of course, with the exception of the situation when, when you visit a page, you show activity on it in the form of likes, reposts, comments, and so on.

How the "Possible Friends" section of VKontakte works

Probably, many of us noticed the “Possible friends” tab on VKontakte, but not everyone knows what it is for and how it works. This is what will be discussed in this article.

  • Conclusion

How are possible VKontakte friends determined?

Let's take a look at what the "Possible friends" tab looks like, maybe someone did not notice it.

And how many of those who know about it have guessed how this function works, and by what principle does it determine people with whom we may be familiar? Everything is very simple. Let's open this section and study it in more detail. By doing this, you will notice that most of the people who are there are those with whom we communicated, but did not add as friends, or we have mutual friends with them. Now it's a little clearer how this function works, but that's not all.

First, this list is formed based on the people with whom you have mutual friends. Then there is the whole chain. Those users are searched for whose profile contains the same city as yours, the same job and other factors. That is, it is a smart algorithm that constantly updates the list of your possible friends. Let's say you added someone as a friend and immediately, from the list of his friends, there will be those who have friends in common with you, and they will be offered to you as your possible acquaintances. That's the whole principle of the section "Possible Friends".

Of course, accurate and reliable information is impossible to obtain. Only the developers of the VKontakte site know this. It can be assumed that VK collects anonymized data that is tied to an identifier, or buys it from other networks. But this is just an assumption, and do not be afraid, your personal data is not collected.


We hope you now understand how this function works. With the help of it, you will find your old acquaintances or even meet people from your city, educational institution.

We are glad we were able to help you resolve the issue.

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Common friends of VKontakte friends how to do


VKontakte ( is the largest social network, one of the most visited. Upon entering it, a registered user sees a news feed, stories (photos or videos that are deleted after 24 hours) and a question at the top “what's new with you?”. However, everyone knows that the main one is "My Page". This is your business card in the open spaces of VK.

If for some reason you still do not have your own page, then click here! There we explained in detail how to go through the registration procedure.

The page is multifunctional, there are a large number of settings. This allows you to personalize it, adjust it to the desired goals and objectives. What are the main functionalities of the My Page VKontakte section?

Actions on the site are carried out using the menu settings, which are located both in the left part of the window, and in the lower and upper sections. Let's look at the sections in more detail.

1. Menu on the left side

In order to be able to customize the page and manage, you need to go to it. The most significant navigation element is the menu, which is located on the left side of the window. With it, you move around the site, you can access confidential information (for example, messages, your own photos, videos), as well as all the resources that are available on VKontakte. The left menu can be changed, customized according to individual preferences. It is possible to hide (and later reopen) some sections. You can hide any section (group information, photos, video and audio recordings). The exception is 4 sections - "News", "My Page", "Messages", "Friends". They cannot be hidden.

In order to hide a section, you need to move the cursor over it, a gear will appear on the left. When pressed, the settings menu pops up. Checkboxes are used to mark the items that you want to see in the list. The absence of a mark indicates that the section will not be visible on the page.

1.1. VKontakte my page

My Vkontakte page is the first and main menu item. When you click, you see a personal page with an avatar, a wall with publications, friends, etc. Wandering through the expanses of the social network VKontakte, you can always return to your personal page by hovering over this inscription.

1.2. News

This is where you go when you log in to the site. You can also go to this section by clicking on the inscription "News" in the menu on the left side. It reflects the posts of friends and those you follow, community records (another name is a group) VK. Thus, it is not necessary to visit the pages of friends (or groups) to get acquainted with the updates. It is convenient to learn the news by simply viewing the materials of the feed.

The subsection contains a variety of filters. You can watch only videos separately or get acquainted only with the information that caused responses from users. A separate section shows the materials that you personally commented on.
The search function helps to find materials on current topics (the list is attached below). You set the search parameters yourself: the type of message, the mention of links, the number of likes, etc.

The news feed can be of 2 types: "smart" and regular. If you have a “smart” feed, then in the first posts you will see the posts that have received the most likes. In a regular feed, posts are sorted by publication time. If you don't want to see the posts of a particular person or group, click on the three dots located in the upper right corner of the post and select "This is not interesting." Next - "Do not show Ivan's news."

1.3. Messages

The third item in the list in the left menu is "Messages", the section cannot be hidden, it is included in the required information for display. Messages from users are saved here, there is a search system. In this section of VK My Page, you can start a conversation with a friend by hovering over the profile picture. On the right is a small submenu, which consists of 2 items: unread and important messages.

1.4. Friends

By clicking on the inscription, you will see a list of your friends. In this case, the system will display not only their number (and photos), but also the number of those that are currently online. It must be remembered that after leaving the portal, the user will be indicated as "online" for some time. To quickly search for a specific person, data (name, surname) is entered in the search bar.

VKontakte lists can be customized (relatives, colleagues, etc.), add, remove people to them. In addition to the lists offered by the system, you can create others according to the specified parameters. It is possible to search for new acquaintances by name, surname, place of residence, gender and age. There is a function to remove from a friendly list.

By opening this VKontakte tab, you can work with the list of friends:

  • - to write a message,
  • - view user's friends,
  • - offer yours
  • - remove from the list.

On the right side is a calendar that tracks birthdays. The calendar month is highlighted, and the photographs of the birthdays are arranged on the corresponding days. The next line displays all your friend requests (both accepted and ignored.

The third line is the phone book, in it you will see a list of friends who, during registration, indicated a phone number or skype. A little lower is a list of new friends (they are sorted by the system depending on the time they were added), and then a search.

If you click on "Search for friends", the system will first display users with whom you are united by mutual acquaintances. If you connect an advanced search, then additional filters appear (region, educational institutions, age limits, etc.). When filtering, keep in mind that if the user did not indicate some parameter during registration (gender, age, region, etc.), and you selected this criterion, then it will not be in the results.
It is possible to invite new users by phone number or from other social networks.

1.5. Groups

In the "Groups" section of VK there is an arsenal of tools for managing them. At the beginning, you pay attention to the VKontakte communities that you are a member of. Here you can unsubscribe, create bookmarks, receive notifications.

A list of all groups created by VKontakte is offered. On the right side, a list of recommended communities, as well as upcoming events. Above the list of groups is a search bar where you can enter the name of the group you want to find. There is also an advanced search. When expanding on the right, additional filters open (by community type, by region, etc.), which make the task easier.

You can create your own VKontakte community by clicking on the button of the same name.

1.6. Photo

To get quick access to VK photos, click the corresponding inscription on the left side of the menu. Your photos are located here, as well as photos in which you were tagged (you cannot delete such photos, but you can untag them by clicking on the cross above your name). Photos can be uploaded, deleted, transferred from one place to another. Many actions can be performed on the albums themselves, from creating, renaming, to managing comments and marking varying degrees of privacy.

1.7. Audio recordings

The above section of VKontakte provides access to the music database, it is inexhaustible. You have the opportunity to enjoy any music that is on the VK website. These can be favorite songs that you yourself uploaded or those shared by other users. You come up with your own playlists (choose any name), and their number is unlimited. Working with the filter located on the right, you the following subsections:

  • - updates (music recently added to albums by other users);
  • - recommendations (based on audio recordings from your albums);
  • - songs popular in the network (grouped by genre);
  • - listened to (the music you listened to recently is saved here).
  • - The final item of the filter is your albums.

1.8. Video recordings

Intuitive section with videos. All actions are similar to manipulations with audio files: uploading your own materials, searching for the proposed video directories (videos and films are grouped by topic), creating and managing albums. There are also live broadcasts.

1.9. Games

The range of games presented by VKontakte is inexhaustible. Listing only genres will take up a lot of space: desktop, gambling, simulation, economic, role-playing, strategy and much more. It is very convenient that the games are divided into groups depending on the novelty, popularity. It should be noted that all VKontakte offers are free. The games you have visited are displayed at the top of the page, and the gaming activity of your friends is visible in the right corner.


This is a commercial department, here you can post ads for common friends of friends on VKontakte how to sell goods. A wide range of products offered for sale. Search helps you find the product you are interested in. On the right side, you can set additional options. It is possible to re-view the goods you are interested in (Favorites), as well as the products that you personally want to sell.


The next item is Bookmarks. They display all the notes, photos and videos that you liked and you liked them. This makes it possible to return to interesting materials, spending a minimum amount of time.

In the previous version of VKontakte, there was no "subscriber" status, but the user was added to bookmarks. Now subscribers have appeared, they are reflected in the block, which is located to the right, and you can bookmark a person’s profile on his page. In this case, you will not see updates from this user on the feed. If you want to know the news of a person (without adding him to the list), you must activate the inscription "Receive notifications" (it is located on his page).

1.12. The documents

Contact can be used to store files. Typically, documents are downloaded to be sent in messages; somewhat less often for the purpose of distribution (for example, animated gifs). To facilitate the search, folders are divided into groups: sent, animations. There is a search function that allows you to easily find the desired document by title.

1.13.Advertising, blog, developers

Previously, this list was at the very bottom of the portal, and it was difficult to get to it. The location at the bottom of the left menu made the rubrics more accessible.
The site has a blog company VKontakte. By clicking on the link, you will see the following list:

  • - product (about new launches in the social network);
  • - company news (everything is clear here);
  • - competitions (competitions with a prize fund are periodically announced, for example, for animators and illustrators);
  • - special projects (for example, a historical feed, by connecting to it, you will know not only current news, but also what happened on that day 100 years ago);
  • - advertising tools (it was reported about the launch of geolocation advertising, the choice of a support service, etc.);
  • - technologies (about improvements, in particular, the link shortening service, etc.);
  • - archive (in it you can find all the materials of the blog).

The VK administration talks about innovations and upcoming changes. You can subscribe to news. A separate section contains information for developers (webmasters). In addition to programmers, few people use the materials in this section. They are used for application development, cooperation with gaming and payment platforms. Various protocols are also located here.

The VKontakte site is extensive; an advertising network has been created and is actively operating in it. Advertising tools are available to every user. You can spin targeted ads, order the promotion of posts in communities, games. There are retargeting services. To help advertisers, a lot of reference information is given, which can be found by going to this section. News related to advertising activities are constantly published here.

By clicking on the inscription "More", you will see additional lists:

  • - about the company (information about the company, statistics and various reference materials);
  • - vacancies (there are always open ones, experienced and competent specialists are constantly in demand);
  • - rules (legal information, rules of use, bilateral responsibility);
  • - help (contact technical support, also available at the top of the portal);
  • - language (the default is Russian, you can switch to any other, even comic - pre-revolutionary).

2.Top menu

The VK website has a top menu. It is visible all the time, no matter what page you are on. We see only a few icons: the VK logo, the search bar, the bell, the music string, your name next to the avatar and a small arrow. What is behind these symbols?

2.1.Name, avatar

The main function of the lists located at the top is access to the profile and its settings, making changes to the profile, and contacting the technical service. They can be used to log out of your account. All these possibilities open when you click on the name, profile picture or arrow. Inscriptions appear: my page, edit, settings, help, exit.
You can edit any information about yourself, both basic (name, surname, year of birth, education, etc.) and additional (interests, life position).

Large and multifunctional settings box. In the general settings, you can change the phone number, email address, password, language. It is possible to customize the page itself in different ways. For example, it will show only your recordings or videos will play automatically, etc. Changes can be made to the security settings (in particular, to activate the login confirmation service via SMS) and privacy (here you control the ability of other users to access your personal materials, it is possible to see how other users see your site).

Notifications provide a rich selection of settings: about gifts and birthdays, about personal messages and invitations to events, about comments on the wall and tagging photos, and much, much more. Notifications can be received directly on the site, or via email or SMS.

Here in the settings you can create a black list and add people to it with whom you do not want to communicate. You can also set up various applications, mobile services, make intranet payments and transfers.

Information on all technical issues is located in the "Help" section. Here are ready-made answers to the most common questions and before writing to technical support, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with them. Questions are grouped by topic: access to the page, privacy settings, communities, etc. If there is a specific problem, it must be briefly described in the search bar, and possible answers will appear. If the options do not suit you, click the inscription "This does not solve my problem" and then there is the opportunity to write directly to technical support. The answer will come within 24 hours.

Log out - the inscription helps to log out of your account. In order to re-login to My page, you will need to log in, that is, enter your username and password.

2.2 Notes

It is intuitively clear that when you hover over a symbol, your VKontakte audio recordings open. You will be able to work with them to the same extent as when entering the "Audio Recordings" section.


By clicking on it, you see absolutely all the notifications sent to you on VK: who accepted your friend request, who rated your photo, about live broadcasts, etc. It is possible to hide any of them. On the right there are settings, they are the same as in "Settings-notification".

2.4 Search

The search bar is a VKontakte global search system for people, groups, and various information. Through this system, you can also find interesting audio and video files.


The VK logo is the leftmost icon in the top non-disappearing menu. When working with it, a page with news (feed) opens.


In this chapter, we will look at how your own VK page looks. We will see what parts it consists of, how to work with it.

3.1. Vkontakte My page, full version

The official website address is The full address of personal pages looks like this: (id is a unique code for each user). Instead of the id offered by the system, you can write some other word (or a combination of numbers and letters), provided that it is free. You can change the address in the settings.

At the top center are your first and last names. Just below you can write any small text - status (limit - 66 characters with spaces). In the status, you can even broadcast music. To the right are information about your visits to the page:

  • - Online - you are online and on the site,
  • - time (date) of the last visit,
  • - if they are not indicated, then the person has been absent from VKontakte for several months, or maybe access to the page has been lost.

In the upper left corner of the central part of the VK is your avatar - a photograph. It is recommended to post pictures where the face is clearly visible, so it is easier for people to recognize their acquaintances. Although you can upload any picture as an avatar, as long as it complies with moral standards and legislation.
Under the status there is a block of personal information, it can be edited at any time. To do this, click on the appropriate inscription under the photo or through the menu above. The information block is quite voluminous, so it is displayed hidden. The "Show detailed information" button helps to open all the information in its entirety. Just below the block there are numbers that indicate the number of friends, photos, audio and video recordings.

Then there is a tape of photographs, but under it already - "Records" (the so-called "wall"). The most important ideas that you want to convey to users can be pinned to the top of the wall (“pinned post”). Your notes are visible right there, on the wall, and it is impossible to hide them. But the notes of friends, their comments can be removed. To do this, in the top menu we find the heading "Privacy" and with its help we regulate the activity of friends and subscribers.

On the left side, under the profile picture, there is a block about friends, their number is indicated, those that are currently online are marked. There is also an update button, by clicking on it, you are transferred to another page and view all the updates of your friends (their notes, additions, information about joining communities, comments, etc.).

Even lower, "Interesting pages" are the groups that you personally enter and the users you subscribe to. You cannot hide them using the settings, visitors who have looked at the site will see which topics you are interested in and which groups you participate in.

Under the community block, you can see all the video and audio materials that are valuable to you.

During a visit to another person, the information block will be different from what you see on your own. You can write a message, send a gift, add as a friend. And if you click on 3 horizontal dashes, a list will open with which you can complain, block the user or bookmark, set up notifications. This method is very good if you do not want to become friends or subscribe, but there is a desire not to lose this person. You can simply use bookmarks and subscribe to news. 3.2.Mobile version

The mobile version of VKontakte is limited to somewhat less functionality, but the most necessary for use and settings is present. The official addresses are somewhat different: the full one is, and you can find the mobile version at

The screen of mobile phones and tablets is much smaller than that of computers and laptops, so most of the material is presented in a condensed form. This is the main difference between the versions. There are additional buttons "Full information", "Other", "More". In general, the interfaces are very similar, logical and understandable.

Well, that's all that can be said about this social network. I look forward to your comments under this post.