Social network is trending. Short video content in the news feed

Social networks have been actively developing this year - a large amount of interactivity has appeared for users and new formats for advertisers, and messengers have finally separated from social networks. Digital agencies explained how brands’ SMM strategies have changed in this regard and what they will have to rely on when promoting content on social networks in 2018.

The real boom in stories and live broadcasts has already happened: 2017 passed under the auspices of supporting clip-based thinking modern society due to the development of tools for “disappearing”, momentary content (although there has been a slight rebound - stories can now be made even eternal). The effectiveness and relevance of the format has already been proven by Instagram - they won’t embed advertising tools into something that barely works. We are waiting for similar monetization steps from Facebook and VKontakte.

Anyone who really wanted to jump on the chatbot hype bandwagon should have done so in 2017. Those who didn’t have time, don’t have to try anymore - you won’t make a splash and will fall into the “one of the” category, especially after the Coca-Cola cases. Or just come up with something out of the ordinary.

Adding artificial intelligence to chatbots will help make it not only (and not so much) image-based as functional. This will help both for image and possibly for sales (isn’t that what we all work for).

In 2018, due to technically more complex mechanics social media will become more and more actively used in a large split of digital tools (and not as a separate channel) for deeper involvement of the audience in communication with the brand.

Due to the increase in the share of situational content and the audience’s reaction to it, all brands will be even more active in Stories and broadcasts. Among the disadvantages of this trend: the lifespan of such content will become shorter, and the speed of its writing will increase (which may affect the quality). On the plus side (especially for agencies): the time for reducing the number of posts in exchange for increasing the coverage of these same posts is slowly ending - more “disappearing” content will be needed.

And, of course, messengers will develop even more actively next year. I think that everyone is waiting for Durov’s statements at Mobile Congress 2018. This will give an even greater impetus to the development of the application than the scandals with Roskomnadzor, especially considering that Durov mentioned monetization of the service in 2018.

1. The growth of mobile. The trend continues this year, with people still more actively accessing social networks from mobile devices.

2. Chatbots. Having received their first successful cases, almost all brands have toyed with chatbots to one degree or another; the tool is interesting, but quickly gets boring.

3. Masks, gifts, sticker packs. Brands actively gave gifts for activity, messengers added new trendy masks, etc.

5. The video format is still going strong. Users have become even more accustomed to simplified content consumption.

6. Brands have become more active in using non-standard formats for integrating content (videos, covers, stories), which is not surprising: direct targeting has long ceased to produce stunning results.

7. The top Russian social networks have already become equal in age and purchasing power. One cannot safely call VKontakte a social network for teenagers, FB a platform for marketers, OK a social network for my mother, etc. Brands being proactive on key platforms, rather than exclusive ones, began to yield better results.

1. Social networks are actively being feminized. This is more about engagement. The female audience is rapidly dominating comments, likes, shares and promotional activities. Many brands have already taken steps towards adapting content and advertising campaigns and will clearly continue to invest large budgets in the middle solvent segment of the audience.

2. VR and AR technologies have already begun to be integrated into sites, which is facilitated by the active development of neural networks and site statements (FB).

3. Brands will significantly increase their social media budgets (as usual).

The algorithmic news feed in all social networks (which replaced the chronological one) had a tremendous impact on the principle of work in SM. The vast majority of large brands have abandoned the priority associated with increasing the number of subscribers, moving to work on maximizing reach and increasing the engagement rate. The involvement of subscribers in communication with the brand is what the “client + agency” teams strived for in 2017 (there is no doubt that this goal will continue in 2018).

Situational marketing has moved from the “nice to have” category to a must have, compulsory program. There is no point in once again talking about the importance of quality content, but it is worth noting that this year the speed of work on the rapid processing of news feeds in connection with the brand and its content policy on social networks has sharply increased. In fact, relay races and flash mobs are born in a matter of hours, and selections of the best situational posts regularly appear in specialized media.

All social networks from Instagram to Odnoklassniki have increased the number of new tools (plus the frequency of updates has increased). All year there was a kind of competition: who would be the fastest to use new targeting capabilities; which brand will be the first to release dynamic covers or will direct buttons to go to the site in “story”.

In general, we can safely say that in 2017, social networks became one of the key channels of communication between brands and audiences. This is completely logical in light of the general trend towards increasing advertising budgets for promotion on the Internet compared to TV and the dynamics of growth in mobile traffic.

The visibility of a post on a social network, as in 2017, will depend on the content, its relevance, uniqueness and interest to the audience (and of course, on how professionally the content promotion strategy is built). We remember that the post is evaluated by a neural network that takes into account tens of thousands of factors. The rate for each community will be different. The principle of the algorithmic feed changes daily as the neural network learns.

The principle of “here and now” will increasingly extend to content: disappearing “stories” in at the moment available on Instagram and Vkontakte, it is obvious that next year other social networks will also integrate the format. This means an even more interesting and active fight for the attention of users; it is literally necessary to convey the message before the content disappears from the network. Of course, the majority of posts will be posted in standard forms (but even here it would be appropriate to include the fashionable meme “but that’s not true!”).

The influence of bloggers and the scale of projects with them, judging by the colossal number of requests in 2017, will only continue to grow in 2018. More and more brands want to move from single activations to long-term contracts. I would like to believe that the new stars will respond with a new breakthrough in the quality of content and the level of creativity; after all, it is not for nothing that most of the top leaders have already acquired their own production studios.

In conclusion, I would like to note one of the most pleasant trends of the year - the interest of large brands in original image projects, in which the desire to convey brand values ​​prevails over the desire to directly advertise the product. There is no doubt that next year we will see many challenges and surprises on social networks.

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Text: Deep Patel

Translation: Ekaterina Bochkareva

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5. Business activity will increase in messengers

More than 2.5 billion people around the world use instant messengers, but companies, out of habit, continue to look for clients only on social networks. In 2018, brands will begin to spend more money and time interacting directly with customers using instant messengers. Artificial intelligence, voice assistants, chatbots will allow businesses to be closer to customers and provide them with personalized services and products on platforms like Messenger, WhatsApp and Kik.

Daria Milshtein

SMM Director at Womenbz

A new trend in marketing and sales is chatbots, which are ready to give a quick and accurate answer to any request. Online chats and messaging apps are the most convenient and preferred way to contact a seller for more than 29% of buyers. Over time, this figure will increase, and chatbots, with a relatively low development cost, will be able to provide assistance to an endless number of people around the clock.

6. Live broadcasts will be included in content plans

What previously seemed like a curiosity has now become an integral attribute of social networks. Small and large businesses are already starting to actively broadcast live to attract the attention of more subscribers.

It is likely that in 2018, more companies will realize the need for live broadcasts and begin to include them in their monthly content plan.

GORUCK Facebook

Daria Milshtein

SMM Director at Womenbz

If you are not yet in live, then rather add periodic broadcasts to your content plan. True, filming “what I see, I sing” is not content yet. Prepare, think through everything that happens in the frame in advance, draw up a script, take care of the quality of the picture - this is a real marketing tool for sales and popularization of your brand.

8. Focus on “virtual parties”

More than a million people every day log into the application for joint parties and live video calls - Houseparty. Now this is the most convenient way for Generation Z to communicate with a group of friends of up to eight people in real time. The platform was so popular that Facebook began to look for ways to create similar functionality within its social network.

Today it’s no secret that video content in social networks plays a key role, so broadcasts of group video chats will be a logical continuation of this trend. Perhaps in 2018, Facebook will announce the release of an application similar to Houseparty in order to lure users to itself, thereby repeating the success of introducing Instagram stories.

9. Development of the Facebook Spaces project

Facebook is not just interested in video broadcasts: the company has long

Social Media is one of the most effective ways to expand your reach, connect with your target audience and grow your business. However, along with all other channels (Inbound Marketing), social media is constantly changing. For example, take a look at 2017.

Just last year, Facebook lured many users of the online service Snapchat to its side. new option Instagram apps- the ability to publish so-called “stories”, which are photographs and 10-second videos with overlay of text and other handwritten notes, which, unlike regular posts in the feed, are deleted after 24 hours (a similar function was previously an exclusive feature Snapchat). Current President of the United States in the most active way used Twitter to communicate its official positions on domestic and foreign policy in 140-character text (Trump now has the option to use 280 characters, but we'll get to that in a moment), and Apple announced plans to change the way it interacts with mobile devices through its platform for the Augmented Reality (AR) system - Apple's ARKit.

As more and more brands expand their presence on social media, competition on these marketing channels increases and the reach of target audiences decreases.

So how are marketers planning to adjust their social media campaigns in 2018?

SMM specialists need to stay on top of events and be prepared for sharp turns in social strategies. As we move further into 2018, we will see an overall increase in time spent major brands to be present at social platforms oh, which will be accompanied by much larger investments in SMM. In 2017, social marketing budgets increased by 60% compared to 2016, and this trend will continue in 2018.

You want to stay ahead of your competitors, but you also don't want to waste time and money on something fleeting that won't last in your marketing efforts. So how do you figure out which marketing channels you should invest in?

We've done the hard part for you and identified the hottest trends in the social media world for 2018, hoping to give you enough time so that your social media plans can be implemented as soon as the new year arrives.

But before we get into the nuts and bolts of the new trends, here's a list of some of the biggest challenges social media marketers will face in 2018.

Social Media Marketing Challenges in 2018

Declining organic reach

As more and more businesses increase their presence on social media, the platforms themselves have made great contributions to the fight against spam. In most cases, this means marketers have to contend with declining organic reach.

With organic returns declining, brands are likely to take a more selective approach to social media marketing. They will have to be very careful about where and what they post, and invest more in paid advertisements to maintain their numbers.

The peak of popularity of marketing video on social networks

According to research conducted by marketing company Kenshoo, spending on video advertising on social platforms has increased by 130% this year, with no sign of a decline in investment in this traffic channel.
The problem is that the market for social video saturated Now companies will be asked to create even more and distribute it correctly if they really want to get noticed.

Tired of “new tools”

Social media company Hootsuite conducted several studies and found that many of its clients were tired of the never-ending list of new tactics, tools and formats for their social media marketing campaigns. 2018 will see a shift back to basics.

Marketers will have to try to prove the return on investment (ROI) of existing tactics. This means that metrics will be more important than ever as the criteria by which brands try to determine which strategies are working and which are not.

So, there are problems in the area of ​​SMM. But what can you do to overcome them? Let's take a look at the list of leading social media trends for 2018.

Social Media Trends for 2018

1. Instagram Stories

Yes, Snapchat was the first social service to allow users to share short videos that are deleted after 24 hours, but it worked! This approach worked so well that Facebook decided to take a stab at the rival service both through Instagram network, and using an application called .

With Facebook's massive audience, it's no surprise that within the first year of launch... Instagram Stories- let’s not forget that it spread immediately as mobile application and option standard service— it surpassed Snapchat's views, getting its well-deserved 20 million views per day.

With the continued growth rate of popularity of this option, almost half of all Instagram users will be using Instagram Stories by the end of 2018.
This means that brands trying to connect with their customers through Instagram should take the time to get into the new marketing process with their Stories. Whether your business is B2B or B2C, stories are a great way to demonstrate your company culture or business processes.

Stories are easy to use and view, allowing you to add filters, tags, and text. One of the most great benefits Instagram's brand is that "stories" are discoverable, meaning that users of the service can view stories even if they are not your followers (Followers).

Additionally, as with any post on this platform, you can use keyword-relevant hashtags to help users find you as quickly and easily as possible. These tags are interactive so brands can drill down into their market niches and target their advertising more effectively than ever before. Brands will try to use new ways to communicate with the audience of their stories, using polls and asking questions through their publications. You can even tag your location.
This technique is currently quite risky for most marketers, but anyone with 10,000 or more followers can also add links to their stories, which is a huge advantage since Instagram does not allow you to link to posts in any other way.

2. Social media influencers and micro-influencers

Not long ago, the quickest and easiest public relations tactic was to hire celebrities to endorse or promote your brand or product, but this can come at a hefty price for the advertiser - and now famous American basketball player Kyrie Irving is joining the bandwagon. "To the Flat Earth Society."

Nowadays, a smarter solution is to invite Social Media Influencers or Micro-Influencers who are celebrities in their own circles.

Micro-influencers can have incredible reach, typically in the hundreds of thousands or millions of followers. Brands' advertising practices are shifting toward paying these influencers to promote their advertisers' specific products, as "micro-influencers" deliver an 11x ROI compared to traditional digital marketing, and 49% of respondents to a survey conducted by micro-blogging service Twitter, believe that their purchasing decisions are influenced by the influence of “social influencers.”

It's not just a trend, but an emerging billion-dollar industry. Many of these influencers earn six-figure incomes for everything from brand promotion to massive follower acquisition. Take Ryan ToysReview for example. Ryan is an irresistibly charming 6-year-old who, according to Forbes, earned $11 million this year through his YouTube channel. Ryan unpacks the toys, plays with them, and then gives his opinion about them. With his 10 million followers, he leads the social influencer industry as of 2018.

More than 90% of marketers who use the mentioned marketing strategy, believe that it is effective. In 2017, brands struggled to reach their audiences using traditional advertising tactics, so expect “social influencers” to earn even more than they have done so far.

3. Augmented and virtual reality

Although Augmented Reality (AR) made its initial impact on the mobile games, it is likely that social media platforms will find more ways to apply this new technology.

By teaming up with Bitmoji, Snapchat is already working on this to give users the ability to design their own animated avatars in the real world while doing a variety of different things. And that's without mentioning Pokemon GO, a game that has been allowing players to catch their favorite "pocket monsters" in their real-life environments for a couple of years now.

Even Google's new iPhone 8 and Pixel 2 smartphones include augmented reality support with talking emojis, among other features.
Once augmented reality sheds its brand newness, its marketing potential for brands will be enormous. Companies will be able to showcase their products to customers in entirely new ways, such as by letting them see what advertised clothing would look like on them or how a particular chair would fit into their living room decor.

Incorporating AR into your marketing efforts can require significant time and budget, but we expect a more flexible solution for AR customization to emerge this year thanks to social media.

When it comes to (Virtual Reality, VR), most technologies require at least another year of development and optimization before they are ready for mainstream markets.

However, there is hope for 2018.

For example, Facebook is working on a project called Spaces, which allows friends to communicate in virtual reality. Since Facebook owns Oculus, a VR headset company, it's no surprise that they've taken this leap, which opens up exciting prospects for marketers.

Facebook wants to bring Spaces to life in 2018, and when the company completes its plans, it will likely be the first virtual reality experience in the social media space. Although Facebook's goals are far from being achieved, marketers must begin developing strategies around this exciting opportunity.

4. The number of Internet broadcasts in real time will increase

Although Facebook Live and other live streaming services have been around for quite some time. long time, the ways in which people and brands will use them are changing.

We'll see a lot more live internet streaming in 2018, and people who do it well will enjoy the increase in organic audience reach brought about by live streaming. Significance streaming will not gain additional popularity from this, but the technology with which we must broadcast is improving.

Every year we get better and better smartphones with improved equipment and software, which means better and more affordable video recording and processing. In 2018 more brands will start using real-time and include them in their monthly content marketing plans. And like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and even VKontakte, more social platforms are sure to follow in an attempt to capitalize on the trend toward increased streaming.

5. "Generation Z"

What is the main feature of Generation Z? “Generation Z” is a younger relative (Millennials, also known as “Generation Y”), born in the late nineties of the last century/early zero decade of the current century.

This generation is the first to "grow up 100% online" and their technological knowledge is unmatched. According to a report from the analytical agency RetailDive, “Generation Z” is 2-3 times more likely to be influenced by social networks than by advertisements about sales or discounts.
In other words, they value social media and what others are doing more than the actual low prices. This is a huge shift from the thrifty, price-focused shoppers of the past.

Currently, most marketers won't worry about Generation Z for at least a few years, but the oldest of them are already around 22 years old and graduated from college in 2017. The Gen Z workforce is on its way to their jobs, and marketers need to be proactive, especially in the B2B space.

Experts at one of the world's largest investment banks, Goldman Sachs, argue that Generation Z is more valuable to marketers than Millennials in 2018 because their spending power is only increasing, and so we need to reconfigure our social strategies accordingly. networks.

There will be a shift in social media investment to Gen Z-friendly platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram, due to lower marketing costs on networks such as Facebook.

6. Online chats are becoming the norm

Online Hangouts provide the perfect balance between live streaming and Gen Z. Houseparty, for example, is free application, in which you can have a “live” video chat with several people. It's no surprise that Houseparty has seen rapid growth in popularity over the past year, and more users are starting to take notice of the app.

Because of this, you guessed it, Facebook is reportedly exploring ways to implement similar functionality on its video streaming platform.

7. Twitter is still here

And he probably doesn't even know why.

For most businesses, it would make more sense over the next year to invest more time and money into increasingly popular platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

Twitter has been literally fighting for survival over the past few years, and in order to remain relevant in 2018, it needs to make some significant changes.

In 2017, it was the slowest growing of all the major social media platforms, despite viral coverage of President Trump's statements on Twitter. Many users are leaving Twitter due to the unfair application of the code of conduct towards the president.

With that in mind, expect them to go back to the drawing board in 2017 and make every attempt to change the current state of affairs. They've already increased their character limit to 280 characters, and experts predict that Twitter will soon fully launch its subscription model for advertisers, among other things. Bottom line: Be wary - they haven't delivered on their promise yet.

8. Tightening the rules of conduct on social networks

Similarly, as with Twitter's code of conduct, many platforms are rethinking how they regulate the behavior of their users.
After addressing a number of controversial issues that emerged during the 2016 presidential election, social media platforms have taken a more participatory approach.

For example, Facebook recently submitted political ads to the US Congress that appear to be linked to the so-called “Russian hack” and has invested in new forms of monitoring activity on the platform, both through artificial intelligence and by human employees. .

After several video streaming events, some of which resulted in deaths, Facebook also had to hire more employees just to monitor visual content.

For now, these actions seem more like damage mitigation than a proactive solution, but we expect platforms to take more proactive and long-term measures when it comes to monitoring content.

As a marketer, you need to know and understand these new guidelines to ensure you are not penalized by social media administrators.

Key Findings

The 8 social media trends listed above (and likely to become many more as time goes on) will significantly impact users and brands in 2018.

Started New Year and with these trends in mind, it's time to rethink your approach to social media marketing to maximize your ROI. 2018 is here and it's time to hit the ground running - put your plans into action so you can stay ahead of your competitors by following the latest SMM trends!

High conversions to you!

Based on materials:

Greetings, dear friends! 🙋🏻

Today we will have a slightly unusual topic for the blog ABOUT SMM, but we assure you that it will be very interesting! Today we will talk about the hottest trends that await us in 2018. All trends will be divided into categories to make it easier for you to navigate them. In the end you will find out TOP 100 current topics/products/trends that will be most popular in the coming 2018.

This rating is based on a global analysis conducted by the social network Pinterest, as well as data from ComScore. As you know, social Pinterest is a place where users collect images/articles that they find interesting and want to save for future use. A huge number of pins are photos of products that users would like to purchase at some point; photographs of places they would like to go; photos of something that inspires people at the moment. So, getting a summary analysis of this data, and even broken down into categories, is worth a lot.

I really hope that the selection presented in this article will inspire you to new achievements and set you in the right direction to make 2018 even more interesting, productive and creative, no matter how you approach this list 😀 Just use these trends for yourself , to create or develop a business, or, finally, for a variety of content on social media. networks or blogs. It's up to you!

Note. For your convenience, I've linked to each trending section, so jump to the sections that interest you most. Moreover, for simplified visualization, each section will end with a board where pins for each section position are collected.

Women's fashion: trends 2018

✪ Structured earrings of huge sizes from various materials will decorate the ears of our ladies in 2018. Growth in popularity for the query “structured statement earrings”: +947%.

The symbol of Parisian chic - beret- comes back into fashion again. Increase in popularity for the request “berets”: +269%.

✪ Upgrade your shoes. In the coming year, stilettos, pearls and bold buckles will become must-haves for fashionable footwear that will help make your wearer's feet stand out from the crowd. Increase in popularity for the request “shoe decorations”: +222%.

✪ Wide-cut trousers, Apparently, the already boring trousers and slim jeans will replace them. The oversized theme continues to gain popularity, and wide trousers of different styles, lengths and colors will be in trend next year. Increase in popularity for the query “wide legs”: +213%.

✪Logomania is with us again.The popularity of clothing with large and pronounced logos is again in fashion among the fairer sex. Increase in popularity of such clothes: +203%.

✪ Original cuts and cuts They will decorate not only a tunic or dress, but will also make fashionable trousers even more interesting. Increase in popularity for the request “side slits”: +147%.

✪ Traditional blue jeans are coming back into fashion and will become a must-have item in any capsule wardrobe. Increase in popularity for the query “100% cotton denim”: +115%.

✪ Plastic fashion. Lucite (transparent or translucent, durable and wear-resistant plastic from which jewelry is made) and patent leather will definitely be in trend next spring. Increase in popularity for the query “lucite” and “patent leather”: +110%.

✪ “Layered image” will be on the crest of a wave in 2018. Sweaters, sweaters, knee-length jackets will make our women's looks more comfortable, and fashionable kimonos and dusters will add grace and chic. Growth in popularity for the query “long layers in clothes”: +102%.

✪ Socks are different. In 2018, light, transparent socks will be at the height of fashion. These cute socks can be worn with anything: sneakers, sandals, and in general, anything you feel comfortable in. Growth in popularity for the query “transparent socks”: +72%.

Men's fashion: trends 2018

✪ Small drawing and print will color men's outfits from shirts to sweaters and suits. Increase in popularity for the request “small print”: +476%.

✪ Rolled up pants and sleeves- one of those tricks that will make any outfit especially fashionable in 2018, and will also save on a visit to the dressmaker. Growth in popularity for the request “rolled up short sleeves”: +340%.

✪ Monochrome- hit of 2018. Ideally matched tones of clothing will make your look fashionable and harmonious. Increase in popularity for the request “monochrome”: +289%.

✪Bye bye your favorite jeans. Fashionable flex trousers are replacing denim from the wardrobe. Tactical pants are not just comfortable, but also practical and stylish. Increase in popularity for the request “flex trousers”: +242%.

✪ Large logos will be popular not only among the fair sex, but also among men. In 2018, fashionable young men will also not refuse T-shirts and sweatshirts with flashy logos. Increase in popularity for the query “logos for men”: +241%.

✪ The best jacket is a big jacket. The oversized style is gradually becoming fashionable in men's outerwear. Increase in popularity for the request “oversized jackets”: +216%.

✪ Men's jewelry They will help complement any look or simply break up the routine in your everyday wardrobe. Next season everything will be fashionable: cufflinks, glasses, rings, bracelets, chains, etc. Increase in popularity for the request “accessories for men”: +201%.

✪ Well-groomed beard remains at the peak of fashion. A beautiful beard is a lot of work, and only regular trims and daily facial hair care will help you stay on top of the wave in 2018. Increase in popularity for the request “beard trimming”: +200%.

✪ Traditional workwear (approx.editor: American style) you can now see not only on workers, but also on the most advanced urban fashionistas. Increase in popularity for the queries “sheepskin fur”, “corduroy”, “truck jacket” and “work coat”: +160%).

✪ Backpacks and messengers (approx.editor: a bag with a shoulder strap, like a postman) will become the most sought-after accessories for a guy who is always on the go. Growth in popularity for the request “leather backpacks”: +146%.

Beauty: trends 2018

✪ Cleansing oils- elixir of beauty and youth. In 2018, oil will become the hottest product for soft skin, smooth hair and healthy lips. Increase in popularity for the query “cleansing oil”: +555%.

✪ Lip tints- an ideal product for beginners and more! Affordable price, ease of use and, as a result, beautiful, juicy sponges. What else does a modern beauty need? Growth in popularity for the request “Lip tints”: +414%.

✪ 50 shades... YOU! The hit of 2018 are cosmetics that will help create the perfect skin tone. Primers, numerous shades of foundations, powders and highlighters will take their place of honor in the cosmetic bags of fashionistas and beauty bloggers. Increase in popularity for the query “color match”: +378%.

✪ Facial rollers: From jade to quartz, this extraordinary beauty gadget will be one of the most sought-after beauty tools in 2018. Increase in popularity for the request “derma roller”: +345%.

✪ Waves, curls, wet hair and back styles will be the most popular hairstyles in 2018. Increase in popularity for the request “back styling” and “waves”: +166%.

✪Flash your eyelashes and take off Groomed brows are still popular, but thick, luscious lashes (and how to get them) will increasingly occupy the minds of girls and women of all ages. Growth in popularity for the query “eyelashes”: +152%.

✪ All-in-one kits. When you see thousands of products in modern beauty stores, it’s hard not to get confused. For this reason, more and more beauties are inclined to buy professionally assembled cosmetic kits. Girls are also actively looking for expert advice on how to put together the perfect makeup bag for themselves. Growth in popularity for the request “all-in-one cosmetic bags”: +147%.

✪ What about pixies? If you don’t know what it is, then a pixie is a haircut, a slightly modified bob with carelessly decorated hair tips in the form of “feathers”. Increase in popularity for the query “pixie”: +130%.

Graphic design nails: geometric patterns, thin lines, negative space - new trend among those who like to decorate their nails. Growth in popularity for the query “geometric nail design”: +83%.

✪ Oh those bright eyes! Next year, bright, eye-catching shades of eye shadow will be especially popular. Increase in popularity for the query “bright shadows”: +63%.

Food and cooking: trends 2018

✪ Oh, hot Morocco! This delightful North African country is attracting gourmets and food lovers like never before. Now everything related to Morocco is trending: from teas and spices (cumin, coriander, cardamom), to recipes for everyday dishes based on them. Increase in popularity for queries with the word “Moroccan”: +2579%.

✪ Roasting that won’t harm your figure. Fans of deep frying are simply crazy about a new, dietary way of preparing dishes - frying in a newfangled device called an “air fryer”. With this kitchen gadget, you get perfectly crispy fries (and more) using 70% less oil than a traditional fryer. Growth in popularity for the query “air fryer”: +1809%.

✪ Vegetable proteins. As you know, meat is far from the only source of protein. Lentils, hemp seeds, and quinoa seeds contain plenty of healthy protein, are easy on the stomach, and taste great. Growth in popularity for the query “vegetable proteins”: +417%.

✪ Products of plant origin. Not everyone knows that most dishes and desserts can be easily prepared using only plant products. Replace butter with coconut oil, and eggs with flax seeds... Increase in popularity for the query “vegan desserts”: +329%.

best friend in the kitchen - blender. Healthy, soul- and stomach-warming pureed soups are a great way to diversify your diet in 2018. Growth in popularity for the request “puree soups”: +306%.

✪ Peas and beans. Gone are the days when fatty, unhealthy snacks attracted the attention of snack lovers. But there is a growing demand for products such as sugar snap peas and edamame beans, which can be used to make a variety of healthy snacks. Growth in popularity for the query “sugar peas”: +273%.

✪ For spicy lovers. Move aside the already boring Sriracha sauce! Spicy Korean seasonings are taking center stage in the kitchen in 2018. Growth in popularity for the query “Korean seasonings”: +222%.

✪ Super coffee- this is another one fashion trend the coming year. Want to recharge your energy and make your coffee even richer? Then add protein powder or a scoop of your favorite superfoods, such as maca root or acai berries. Growth in popularity for the request “coffee for health”: +218%.

✪ Mocktail now on the crest of a wave. Drinking something stronger has long been out of fashion, and store shelves are already full of even more delicious options for non-alcoholic drinks. Increase in popularity for the request “virgin cocktails”: +160%.

✪ OMGhee! Indian ghee, as well as clarified oils with a pleasant nutty aroma, are an ideal option for a lactose-free diet for anyone who needs it or simply for lovers of healthy food. Increase in popularity for the query “ghee”: +155%.

Parents and children: trends 2018

✪ Eco-kids. Ecological reusable diapers, clothes made from recycled fabrics, toys made from natural materials, simply put, everything that harms our planet the least is now very popular. Modern parents not only want to give their child the best, but also take care that their decisions do not harm the environment. Increase in popularity for the request “environmentally friendly clothing”: +750%.

✪ Pom-poms and everything that can be made from them is now at the peak of popularity. Cute pom-pom rugs for babies and pom-pom decorations for children's rooms - cute, and you can easily make them yourself. It’s beautiful and useful around the house! Growth in popularity for the request “pompom decor”: +444%.

✪ Blankets “with a weight”, sensory or weighted blankets are known for their superpower to put even the fussiest baby to sleep, as well as their parents! 😉A weighted blanket is an innovative invention for drug-free therapy in the treatment of insomnia, depression, and various anxiety disorders. Such blankets will be especially useful for children with cerebral palsy, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Increase in popularity for the query “weighted blanket”: +259%.

✪ Wall stickers Where best option than children's wallpaper or painting walls with paints. Such removable art is easier to change when you get tired of a certain topic or the child grows up. Increase in popularity for the query “wall stickers”: +219%.

✪ Parenting a new generation. Modern mothers and fathers preparing for the birth of a baby do not leave anything to chance. Knowing that there will be little time after the arrival of a new family member, parents prepare food for future use. So, homemade dishes that just need to be cooked or reheated are gaining particular popularity among expectant parents. Growth in popularity for the query “preparing for the birth of a child”: +207%.

No plastic! Environmental wooden toys are gaining popularity among parents, and their variety is no longer inferior to toys made from artificial materials. Growth in popularity for the request “wooden toys”: +173%.

✪ 2-in-1 jewelry for mom. How do you like the idea of ​​beautiful wooden beads for a new mother, which can not only become an interesting toy for the baby, but also help him at such an unpleasant moment as cutting his first teeth? It’s beautiful and pleasant for mom, and the baby has something to chew on 😀. Increase in popularity for the query “teething beads”: +146%.

✪ Castles for princesses and knights. Weekend forts made from blankets and pillows are becoming a thing of the past. They are being replaced by permanent “fortresses” that are part of a child’s, usually bunk, crib. Increase in popularity for the request “children's fortress”: +108%.

✪ "Adult" children's rooms. Modern rooms for young children no longer need to look overly childish. Simplicity, elegance, not too much bright colors is trending now. A big plus: you don’t need to redo the room several times when your child grows up. Increase in popularity for the queries “mature children’s” and “modern children’s”: +85%.

✪ Trackers for kids, which are electronic or paper versions of various lists and cheat sheets, are increasingly in demand. Thanks to such signs, it is much easier for parents to write down everything important points caring for the child, as well as marking the stages of its development. Growth in popularity for the request “trackers for babies”: +58%.

Home and comfort: trends for 2018

✪ Goodbye empty walls! Huge posters, works of art and photographs will brighten up the walls of even the most boring rooms in 2018. Growth in popularity for the request “large posters on the wall”: +637%.

✪ Green plants with patterns on leaves. Geometric shapes and beautiful patterns are the brightest trend in the coming year. Even indoor plants are now chosen taking into account the latest fashion trends. The arrowroot plant, thanks to its beautiful, brightly patterned leaves, is a bestseller in flower shops. Increase in popularity for the query “patterned plants”: +533%.

✪ Metal magic. Next year, metal decorative elements will be especially popular. Chairs made of wire mesh and metal, water taps made of brass, ceiling lamps made of “red gold” - all these accessories will make your home not only original, but also truly fashionable. Moreover, you can safely mix different metals and finishes in one room, this does not contradict at all latest trends decor. Increase in popularity for the query “mixed metals”: ​​+423%.

✪ Half-forgotten terrazzo returns. By definition, terrazzo is a seamless mosaic floor that is created exclusively from natural materials such as lime or cement with the addition of stone, marble or glass. But in its modern interpretation, the terrazzo style can have any decorative element, for example, candlesticks, bookends, napkin rings, wall prints. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the products be made of cement or lime with real inclusions - they can even be simply painted on a white background. Increase in popularity for the query “terazzo”: +316%.

✪ Manifest ceiling. Who said that the ceiling is not interesting? According to the latest fashion trends, the ceiling is becoming the center of attention in any room. To make the room more sophisticated and modern, in 2018, decorate the ceilings with bright colors, original wallpaper or ceiling coverings with complex textures. Increase in popularity for the request “ceiling statement (manifest)”: +310%.

✪ Home Spa. Instead of heading to the spa, why not design your own bathroom according to the latest trend? Beautiful, comfortable baths, flower petals, candles, soft blankets and rattan furniture. All this will create coziness in your bathroom and help you relax after a long day of work. Increase in popularity for the query “spa bathrooms”: +269%.

✪ The bone inlay technique is back in fashion. Moreover, it is far from necessary that the inlay be made of real bone; what is important is to create the effect. In 2018, wardrobes, chests of drawers, mirrors with a “bone” pattern, floor tiles and everything your imagination can handle will be at the peak of popularity. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Increase in popularity for the query “bone inlay”: +207%.

✪ Shades of sage reach the peak of popularity. Add softness to any interior with this pleasant, natural, and fairly neutral color. Increase in popularity for the query “sage”: +170%.

✪ Tree is the winner. Wooden wall and floor coverings are now at the height of fashion. Shades of gray and a herringbone pattern are versatile and will make any space feel more modern. Growth in popularity for the request “herringbone pattern”: +131%.

✪ Colored doors. Brightly colored front door or a friendly message on the doormat is the best way to welcome guests in 2018. Increase in popularity for the request “colored doors”: +121%.

Tourism and travel: trends 2018

✪ River cruises. Travelers are now not averse to exchanging the open sea for relaxing trips along the rivers of Europe, Vietnam or Egypt. Increase in popularity for the query “river cruises”: +346%.

✪ Travel logs. Last year's popular dotted notebooks (or Bullet Journal) are finally giving way new category- travel magazines, in which especially creative individuals can diversify their entries with watercolors, decorative washi tape and calligraphy. Growth in popularity for the query “travel magazine”: +169%.

✪ La vida local experience. Those looking to relax no longer want the tourist traps and beaten paths shown in guidebooks. They want to get a real-life experience by visiting the places where the locals go. Growth in popularity for the query “local travel”: +146%.

✪ Day trips. You don’t have to go on long trips to change your surroundings. If you plan your vacation correctly, then one day will be enough to reboot your brain and break up your routine. Increase in popularity for the request “24-hour trips”: +134%.

✪ Escape to the desert. This is not a mirage at all, but a real trend! Morocco, Dubai, Atacama Desert and Joshua Tree are the hottest destinations of 2018. Increase in popularity for the request “travel to the desert” +125%.

✪ Mediterranean islands are on fire. The islands of Croatia and Mykonos in Greece are becoming one of the most favorite tourist destinations. Increase in popularity for the request “Croatian islands” and “Mykonos”: +96%.

✪ Mexico City - a city of contrasts. Even the most demanding tourist will find something interesting here. Some people come to Mexico City to immerse themselves in the vibrant life of South America's largest metropolis, some come to enjoy the famous Mexican street food, while others are attracted by the sparkling beaches and ancient pyramids. Increase in popularity for the request “Mexico City”: +96%.

✪ Back to the past. History is not at all boring, and interest in it is growing rapidly. More and more tourists are interested in visiting historical places to get at least a glimpse of what happened in the past. Increase in popularity for the query “historical trips”: +92%.

✪ From the depths to the sky. Scuba diving is slowly losing ground, while mountain climbing attracts the attention of outdoor enthusiasts. Increase in popularity for the query “mountain climbing/climbing”: +82%.

✪ Our world is a canvas. In addition to historical sites, travelers are also eager to enjoy the vibrant colors of street art, which is why cities such as Miami, Lisbon, Melbourne and Valparaiso are especially popular right now. Increase in popularity for the request “street art”: +79%.

Traditions and holidays: trends for 2018

✪ Baby shower in boho style. Mother's holiday has always been very popular all over the world, but in the coming year it will experience a real boom and some kind of rebirth. Of the 10 celebration-related trends for 2018, 3 are related to this event. The boho style wins the hearts of expectant mothers who want something more interesting than the already boring party decorations in blue or pink color. Growth in popularity for the request “baby shower in boho style”: +306%.

✪ Quizzes are the best way to entertain guests in 2018. In order to have an unforgettable evening, it is not at all necessary to spend it in a bar or nightclub. Why not stretch yourself a little and come up with a fun at-home quiz for your friends? Home is so cozy and comfortable! Growth in popularity for the query “quizzes for guests”: +279%.

✪ Personalized T-shirts for celebration. Personalized t-shirts for parties and birthdays will be a huge hit in the coming year. Why not make original T-shirts with slogans for all guests? It will not only be fun, but such a birthday will also be remembered for a very long time, because guests will be able to take their “ceremonial uniform” to their home. Increase in popularity for the query “birthday T-shirts”: +250%.

✪ Sip and see party, that is, “sip and see ( approx. editor for a newborn)". “Sip and see” is very similar in style to the holiday of the expectant mother, popular abroad - “baby shower” (translated as “showering a child with gifts”). While attending the Sip and See party, you will also be treated to alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, as well as a little gourmand at the beautifully decorated buffet table. But the most important thing is to celebrate the birth of a new family member and get to know him or her. Increase in popularity for the request “Sip and see”: +218%.

✪ Guest books, can now be made from anything. It could be a traditional album or a beautiful notebook, or it could be something completely unusual, for example, Jenga blocks or even a surfboard. Increase in popularity for the request “guest book as a keepsake”: +216%.

✪ Fun sprinkles for the future mother's holiday. As we already understood from the trends above, the baby shower celebration is becoming more and more popular, and the hit of next year is sprinkles, which can now be bought for every taste and color. Increase in popularity for the request “baby shower sprinkles”: +180%.

✪ Anniversaries. Birthdays ending in zero are a great reason for a big celebration or party. The topic of anniversaries is now more relevant than ever before. Increase in popularity for the query “anniversary”: +154%.

✪ Summer wreaths for doors. Beautiful wreaths are one of the most popular decorations during the Christmas season. But why shouldn't the front door be decorated at other times of the year? Growth in popularity for the request “summer wreath”: +116%.

✪ Skillful hands. In 2018, why not host a small party with a DIY taco bar or hot cocoa stand? Buffets of various types are becoming even more popular, and the growth of requests for ideas on this topic is steadily rising: +114%.

✪ Oh, these difficult balls! Balloons, as a decorative element, become more complex and reach a new level. Forget about ordinary colored balls in 2018. Aerial works of art filled with leaves, glitter and other pretty oddities take the stage. Increase in popularity for the request “filled balloons”: +86%.

Health and healthy lifestyle: trends for 2018

✪ Vitamins for glowing skin. Vitamin C serums are experiencing a boom right now. They help improve skin texture and complexion. Growth in popularity for the query “vitamin C serum”: +3379%.

✪ Essential oils for food. "What?" - you may exclaim. It turns out that essential oils are effective not only as aromatherapy, but can also be consumed as food. The main thing to remember is that not every oil is suitable for food! Make sure your essential oil is labeled for internal use! Growth in popularity for the request “recipes with essential oils”: +689%.

✪ Self-care. It’s not for nothing that they say that if you don’t love yourself, no one will love you. It is likely that for this reason, self-care will come to the fore in the coming year. People caught up in turmoil and stress are increasingly looking for ways to find time for themselves, to find peace, and to take care of their health and mental well-being. Growth in popularity for the query “self-care”: +537%.

✪ Strength vs size. What a pleasant feeling it is when your body can do everything you want. Building muscle is no longer fashionable, but developing a strong body is, on the contrary, relevant. Increase in popularity for the query “strength training”: +415%.

✪ Clean air- the key to health and well-being. Our health depends not only on what we eat, but also on the cleanliness of the air we breathe. In this regard, there is a growing demand for technical and natural products that help clean indoor air. Increase in popularity for the request “air purifier” and “air purifying plants”: +270%.

✪ Gut health takes a leading position in 2018. More and more people are trying to cope with digestive problems, trying to establish a balance in the intestinal microflora on their own, so issues related to improving intestinal function are more relevant than ever before. Growth in popularity for the query “gut health”: +251%.

✪ Hair health continues to excite women and men of all ages. Homemade hair masks, restoring moisture and shine without leaving home - these issues are back in trend. Growth in popularity for the query “tips for healthy hair”: +219%.

✪ Tai chi for soul and body. Modern wellness warriors have turned their attention to the art of tai chi, which will not only help reduce stress and relieve pain, but also establish harmony throughout the body. Increase in popularity for the query “tai chi”: +189%.

✪ After training. It turns out that stretching after a workout and eating healthy energy snacks to replenish your energy can also help. great value for the strength of the body. Increase in popularity for the query “stretching after workout”: +105%.

✪ What to rely on? Yoga wheels are a simple but effective assistant that will help you work your back well and also support you when mastering complex asanas. Increase in popularity for the query “yoga wheels”: +72%.

Hobbies, interests and more: trends for 2018

✪ Home is where you can... park🙂 It is possible that the love for caravans has not yet reached its peak in our country, but their popularity continues to grow all over the world. Modern caravans no longer look simple as before, but are more reminiscent of modern mini-apartments, which can rightfully be called a house on wheels. Increase in popularity for the query “caravan conversion”: +933%.

✪ Here and now. You can spend your whole life mourning the past and fearing the future. Today, people are increasingly realizing that they can only become truly happy by living in the present moment every day. Interest in advice and guidance on how to be mindful and live in the present continues to grow. Growing popularity for the query “life in present moment": +464%.

✪ Fashionable fence. Horizontal lattice fencing creates an optical illusion, making your garden/plot appear larger, and the fence itself looks more airy and does not create the impression of an impenetrable wall. Increase in popularity for the request “horizontal fence”: +333%.

✪ What is our life? - Game>. Game consoles and additional monitors are home entertainment not only for gamers, but also for entire families who are not averse to having fun in this way. Growth in popularity for the request “setups for gamers”: +302%.

✪ Budget pool. The demand for pools made from spare tanks is growing rapidly. After all, it is not only very easy to build such a pool yourself in your yard, but it will also cost several times less. Increase in popularity for the query “pools made from spare tanks”: +300%.

✪ DIY jewelry. Do you want to have unique jewelry that no one else has and that won’t cost a fortune? Then you will definitely like the new trend in the world of jewelry - DIY jewelry. Make them yourself or buy ready-made ones from your fellow craftswomen. In any case, you will be in trend. Growth in popularity for the request “DIY jewelry”: +280%.

✪ The knot will be tied. Why not start creating stylish decorations for yourself and your home using paracord? This art is quite easy to learn, and you will be on the crest of a new trend 😉 Increase in popularity for the request “paracord”: +275%.

✪ Tiny tattoos. Is it scary to paint your body with voluminous tattoos, but you really want to try? What about the hottest trend of 2018 - finger tattoos? With their help, you will express yourself, and at the same time you will understand whether this is your topic - body art. Increase in popularity for the query “tattoos on fingers”: +252%.

✪ Second life of the garage. If you have a less cluttered garage (or utility room), why not start using it for your hobby projects (big and small)? Increase in popularity for the request “workshop in the garage”: +218%.

✪ Giant loops. Giant knits and thick yarns are taking the craft world by storm, while soft blankets and oversized scarves are captivating social media audiences with their beauty. Increase in popularity for the request “giant knitting”: +200%.


Well, here we come to the very end of the 100 trends of 2018. Share your impressions in the comments. What trends and trends surprised you the most? What do you like and what don't you? We will be very interested to hear your opinion.

I wish you all the best for 2018!


At the beginning of the year Facebook changed the news feed generation algorithm. Thus, actually burying the era of organic promotion in social networks. Nikita Treshchev, project director of the media communications agency “April”, author of the telegram channel @odigital, spoke about this and other current trends:

The death of “organic” in social networks

The decline in the organic reach of posts is most noticeable on Facebook. In 2012, according to SocialBakers, 15-17% of subscribers could be reached organically. Gradually this share decreased, and in 2018 we are already talking about an average value of less than one percent.

The new version of the algorithm, which has been working worldwide since March 27, shows even less posts from companies and brands in user feeds. Priority was given to user posts and local news.

Facebook is a business, and any business must make a profit. The company is interested in receiving more money from brands that advertise on the site. But globally, these changes, of course, are not related to the fact that Facebook is an evil corporation that wants to profit from everyone. Their main problem now is that very few users create unique content. Therefore, for example, now comments on a post mean even more compared to likes and reposts.

And that's why they come up with formats that will interest users and make them create personal content more often - for example, Lists and audio statuses.

And we must not forget: more and more companies are promoting on social networks, which means the amount of content is growing. On average, there are more and more posts for each user, competition between them increases - which also leads to a drop in organic reach.

What to do about it?

First: increase budgets for promoting posts. Don't invest in followers - they are not that important because they may never see the brand's posts organically.

Second: use new post formats as soon as they become available. A couple of weeks after its appearance, the social network artificially increases their reach in order to test and increase the recognition of the format among users. A good example is the recently appeared longreads on VKontakte: at first, posts with them reached a larger audience compared to other publications.

Third, quite obvious: publish more videos. They will get more organic reach anyway. And conduct live broadcasts - their social networks rank even higher.

Fourth, only for Facebook: use Audience Optimization to narrow the post’s audience by social demographics, geography and interests. This way you will immediately show the content only to those who are interested in it, increase engagement and increase your viral reach.


The four largest messengers - Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat and Viber - already overtook the four largest social networks in audience a couple of years ago. Telegram is growing fastest in Russia, although it lags behind market leaders WhatsApp and Viber.

In practice, this leads to brands allocating budgets and coming to messengers, but not knowing how to work with them. Some publish the same thing as on social networks - and fail.

This happens because instant messengers are not like social networks: there is no news feed, brand posts cannot be commented on, and the interface is designed for communication with people, not interaction with brands. The space feels much more personal, and any major advertising intrusion will cause negativity. Direct advertising, as a rule, does not bring the same effect as in social networks - and in Telegram, for example, there are no official advertising tools at all.

I would also like to note the emergence of the Yandex.Zen platform. It cannot be called a classic social network, but it is a platform where users can express their opinions. Yandex.Zen already has good authors who write high-quality, interesting blogs. So far, brands are not actively working on this platform, but in the future this could become a promising area.

As a conclusion: for successful SMM it is important to study the target audience in detail. Without this, it is difficult to formulate insights and develop a competent digital promotion strategy. And working without a strategy is basically pointless. And it is important to remember that social media is only one of the channels of working with the audience, and it cannot be considered in isolation from the others. Only with integrated communication in digital can significant results be achieved.


Over the past few years, both the technology to create complex bots and the platforms on which to host them have emerged. Brands began using them at the beginning of 2017, but they began to appear en masse towards the end of the year.

For example, by February 14 and March 8, we made a chat bot for PANDORA, which helped choose a gift for a girl or friend. He analyzed the user’s profile, her hobbies, compiled a psychological portrait - and offered products from the PANDORA range. And also a promotional code for the purchase to encourage users to come to the offline store and buy a gift - the company’s online store was working in test mode at that time.

Another good example- Sberbank SberCat. Having started chatting with the bot, the user received a sticker pack as a gift. After the promotion, the brand can use the bot to send out newsletters necessary messages: from financial advice to announcements of banking products. In other words, in exchange for a sticker pack, Sberbank received the opportunity to communicate directly with the audience - and the news feed algorithm is no longer important here, because communication takes place in private messages.

Let me clarify that this is not a tool for everyone: the cost of developing a sticker pack on VKontakte starts from 5 million rubles.

Newsletters on social networks

You can send mailings on VKontakte not only using a bot. About a year ago, applications for communities appeared on this network with the ability to create lead forms, questionnaires, tests, functionality for purchasing tickets - and, among other things, send mailings to users in private messages.

like this mass mailing can only be done by those who have subscribed to it, and it will not be perceived as spam. According to the experience of Semyon Efimov from Grow Food, they are much more effective than email newsletters: the open rate is 80%. At the same time, 20% of people follow the links.

Facebook also has a similar tool - a special Sponsored Messages format. Its difference is that it is only advertising - sending messages is paid. You can only send messages to those who have previously communicated with the brand via PM. An entertaining chat bot or game in Messenger will help increase the number of such people.

Yuri Shishkin

General manager 24ttl

Until recently, Russian brands in social media They spent a lot of effort and money on attracting new subscribers to their communities, as well as increasing their loyalty through interesting content. However, this tactic due to the change in coverage " smart tape» news on Facebook and the growing popularity of instant messengers began to lose effectiveness.

In addition, current trends indicate that Russia is moving towards creating a unified ecosystem in social media, like in China. Already today, the Chinese WeChat messenger includes online stores, payment systems, a search engine and much more.

Such an infrastructure - when the user has the opportunity to pay within the social network itself - allows brands to focus on activities that are aimed at directly selling the product. The stage of attracting new subscribers can be bypassed.

In general, for SMM to be effective, you need to focus not so much on tactics, but on a holistic brand promotion strategy in digital. It is important to track the consumer’s journey at every stage and use all digital tools in a comprehensive manner.