Help support windows 7 error. Getting help from other Windows users

2010-06-22 Microsoft 0

In this article: Show Collapse

While working with a computer, problems may arise or a task may be difficult. To deal with this, you should know how to obtain the necessary certificate. This article provides an overview of the best practices.

Windows Help and Support

Windows Help and Support is the built-in Windows help system. It allows you to get quick answers to general questions, offers troubleshooting methods and instructions for performing certain actions. However, it should be noted that it will not help solve problems outside of the Windows composition, - for this you should refer to the help of this program (see below).

Start button and select Help and support.

Search for help

Most quick way find the information you need - enter one or two keywords and in the search field. For example, to get information about wireless networks, dial wireless network

Windows Help and Support search box

View Help

You can view help by topic. Click Browse Help , and then click one of the headings in the list that appears. The topic title can contain a Help topic or the titles of other topics. Click a Help topic to open it, or another heading to go to a lower-level topic.

View help by topic

Online help

The blue compass at the top of the help section (see picture below) means that it is available. Instead of reading step by step instructions you can see them in action. Online help can perform operations such as opening menus, launching programs, or pressing buttons. All that remains is to watch and remember. Online help can also only show each step, leaving the user to perform all the above steps themselves.

Help topic with online help

Online help step

Help about the program

  • "View Help", "Call Help" or something similar (this text may vary)
    - or -
    press the key. This function key opens help for almost any program.

In addition to the program's help, some also contain links to help topics about their specific functions. Click a question mark inside a circle or square, or a colored, underlined text link to open that Help topic.

Posting a message to a newsgroup


  • Required Windows Live ID (formerly called Microsoft .NET Passport) to post a question on a newsgroup site (does not require this). If you don't have a Windows Live ID, you'll be prompted to create one the first time you try to post a question. You don't need a Windows Live ID to search and read messages in newsgroups.

You can ask a computer-savvy friend or relative to connect to your computer using their remote assistant. This person will be able to see your computer screen and exchange messages with you. With your permission, the assistant can even control your computer remotely, allowing them to directly resolve the problem. Click the link

Internet resources

If you can't find the information you need regular search, try searching on Web sites dedicated to Windows or computer problems. Here are four useful links.

Not finding necessary information, you can seek help from a specialist technical support- someone whose job it is to decide computer problems. You can contact a technical support specialist by phone or in a conversation program.

Who you should contact depends on where you purchased Windows. If the computer was purchased with already installed system Windows, contact your computer manufacturer for support. If Windows was purchased separately, support is provided by . Support may be available for a fee or free of charge, depending on the terms of purchase and compliance with previous recommendations.

0 2010-06-22 Microsoft 0

In this article:



While working, computer problems or difficult tasks may arise. To cope with this, you should know how to obtain the necessary certificate. This article provides an overview of the best practices.

Windows Help and Support

Windows Help and Support is the built-in Windows help system. It allows you to get quick answers to common questions, offers troubleshooting methods and instructions for performing certain actions. If you need help about a program that is not part of Windows, you will need to refer to the program Help (see section below “Getting help using the program”).

To open Windows Help and Support Center, click the Start button and select Help and support.

Get help updates

Once you're connected to the Internet, make sure that the option is turned on in Windows Help and Support Center. Online Help. Online Help includes new Help topics and latest versions existing sections.

  1. Click the Start button and select Help and support.
  2. From the toolbar in Windows Help and Support Center, select Settings and then click Settings.
  3. In the area Search results check the box When searching, use online help (recommended) and click OK. If you are connected to the Internet, the words Online Help.

Search for help

The fastest way to find the information you need is to enter one or two keywords in the search field. For example, to get information about wireless networks, enter wireless network and press the ⏎ key. A list of search results will appear, with the most useful ones at the top. Click on one to read the corresponding section.

View Help

You can view help by topic. Click Help , and click one of the headings of the list that appears. The topic title can contain a Help topic or the titles of other topics. Click a Help topic to open it, or another heading to go to a lower-level topic.

View help by topic

Help about the program

Almost every program has a built-in help system.

Launch help system programs.

  • In the program's Help menu, click the first item in the list, for example, "View Help", "Get help" or something similar (this text may vary.)
    - or -
    Click the Help button.
    • You can also press the key to access help. This function key opens help for almost any program.

Help with dialog and work windows

Supplementing the program's help, some dialog boxes and other windows contain links to help topics about their specific functions. Click a question mark inside a circle or square, or a colored, underlined text link to open that Help topic.

Getting help from other Windows users

If you find the answer in reference information If it doesn't work, you can try to get help from others Windows users.

Inviting Remote Assistance

Internet resources

A large amount of information on the Internet gives you hope of finding the answer to your question on one of the many websites. Thus, you can start searching for information with a regular request on the Internet.

If you can't find the information you need with a regular search, try searching on websites dedicated to Windows or computer problems. Here are four useful links.

  • Windows website. This website contains an electronic version of all Help topics current version Windows, how-to videos, in-depth reviews and other helpful information. (Go to website.)
  • Microsoft Help and Support. Solutions to common problems, instructions, step-by-step troubleshooting procedures, and the latest downloads. (Go to website.)
  • Microsoft TechNet. This site contains resources and technical information for information technology professionals. (Go to website.)

Obtaining help from a consultant

If you don't find the information you need, you can ask for help from a technical support specialist - a person whose job is to solve computer problems. A technical support specialist can be contacted by phone, email or in a conversation program.

Who you should contact depends on where you purchased Windows. If the computer was purchased with already installed Windows system, support is provided by your computer manufacturer. If Windows was purchased separately, support is provided by . Support may be available for a fee or free of charge, depending on the terms of purchase and compliance with previous recommendations.

To view your computer support options, including telephone numbers, click the Ask Now button at the top of the Windows Help and Support window.

Help service Windows - You do you use? I'm not! And as far as I know, most users of this system do not use its services either.

In my computer youth, as a trusting person, I hoped that I would find answers to my many questions in this help and support service. But imagine my disappointment when the machine stubbornly answered my question with a question.

Not only is the certificate useless, but also Windows startup The entire service that ensures its operation starts automatically! Accordingly, this help service sits constantly in memory, takes up computer resources, monitors our actions in order to lend a helping hand in time. In short, he's mocking.

Experienced users disable Windows Help and Support immediately after installing the system. And I will show you how this can be done in 2 seconds. As they say, better late than never.

Instead, I suggest using the wonderful Windows reference. It's absolutely free. Made in the same system help format. In this guide you will find detailed answers to more than 300 questions about Windows 7. Very good collection answers to popular questions about the system, I’ll tell you.

First of all, of course, you need to download it...

Download Windows reference: 5.6 MB

In the archive you will find the following file...

This is our guide! Let's click on it...

Looks like normal Windows Help, Truth? On the left, select the category we need (click on the plus signs - there are a lot of things hidden under them)...

And we get answers in the right window of the program...

Help service - how to disable it?

For this we need the second file from the archive. Without him, I would have to tell me for half a day where to go, where to go and what to press, but with him...'s very simple. Let's click on it...

It's okay - the file has been tested on many computers. Everything is clean and safe. Like all files on this site, this one is not harmful to health.

It takes a very long time and hard to earn a reputation, only to lose it in an instant by advising and pushing all sorts of bullshit. We got distracted. So... We get a response to our actions...

That's it, now the next time you start the system, the help and support service will not load. That's what we wanted to achieve. Elementary, Watson!

Don't forget to subscribe to updates via RSS.

It is likely that at some point there will be a problem with your computer or an incomprehensible task. To solve this problem, you need to know how to find the appropriate help.

This article provides an overview the best ways search for help.

Using Windows Help and Support

Windows Help and Support is a built-in help system for Windows. This is where you can quickly get answers to common questions, troubleshooting tips, and instructions for performing certain tasks.

If you need help about a program that is not included with Windows, you should use Help for that program.

  • To open Windows Help and Support, click the Start button and select Help and support.

Get the latest help content

If you have someone who is computer savvy among your friends or family, invite that person to connect from their computer to yours using the remote assistance feature. This person will then be able to see your computer screen and discuss with you online what you both see.

Once authorized, the assistant can even remotely control the computer and then directly fix the problem.

Using Internet resources

Because the Internet contains a large amount of information, there is a high chance that the answer to your question is located among billions of web pages. General Internet search is good start in solving the problem.

If general search did not give the desired results, try searching on sites dedicated to Windows or focused on solving computer problems:

  • Windows website. This site contains an online version of all Windows Help topics, as well as video clips with instructions, detailed reviews and other useful information.
  • Microsoft Help and Support. Find solutions typical problems, sections practical advice, troubleshooting instructions and the latest downloads.
  • Microsoft TechNet. This site contains resources and technical data for information technology experts.

Getting help from experts

If all else fails, you can get help from a technical support representative. This person's job is to fix computer problems. Customer support can usually be reached by phone, email or online chat.

Who you should contact depends on how you received Windows. If you purchase a new computer with already installed operating system Windows support is provided by your computer manufacturer. If you purchased Windows separately, Microsoft provides support.

Support may be free or paid, depending on the terms of purchase and previous support requests.

To find out what consumer support options are available for your computer and to find out support phone numbers, click the Ask button at the top of the Windows Help and Support window.

The easiest way to find help on Windows 7 is to use the built-in reference book. To do this, click the Start button and select Help and Support.

Rice. 1. Where is Windows 7 Help?

After this, the “Help and Support” window will open, where at the top we will see the following buttons:

Rice. 2. Buttons to control Windows 7 Help

In Figure 2 above, the numbered buttons for managing Windows 7 Help have the following purposes:

1 in Fig. 2 – Back
2 – Forward
3 – Help and Support Center – Opens the Windows 7 Help page for new users
4 – Print. If the printer is turned on and this button is clicked, the help page displayed on the screen will be printed.
5 in Fig. 2 – Call up help – this button arranges all help topics by topic.

Finding the Windows 7 Help you need

To find necessary information, enter one or more keywords in the Search Help box at the top of the Help and Support window.

For example, in Figure 3 below, the query “Icons” is entered. There are 30 results for this query. At the very top are the results that are closest to the query.

Rice. 3. Example of a Windows 7 Help search

If the help does not fit in the window, then vertical and horizontal stripes scroll.

You can use the Forward, Back, and Help Center buttons to navigate Help.

If you can't find the information you need, you should reformulate your request differently. For example, if instead of the general query “Icons” you enter the specific query “Change icons,” you will get 23 results that are more accurate than the general query.

Copy and print Windows 7 Help

First, select and copy the information using one of the two methods suggested below:

1) If you need to copy all the information presented in the Help window, right-click ( right click mice). Will open context menu, in which click “Select All”. All information will be highlighted, then right-click on it again (right mouse button) and select “Copy”. So the highlighted information is copied and placed on the clipboard pending further actions from you.

2) If you need to copy only part of the reference information, you need to select this part. To do this, place the mouse cursor at the beginning of the required information. Then, without letting go left button mouse, select the required piece of information. Now right-click on the selected information (right mouse button) and select “Copy”.

All that remains is to open the document where the copied information will be placed, place the cursor where the information was inserted and select Paste from the Edit menu. This way, information copied to the clipboard will be retrieved from there. All that remains is to save the document.

You can print information from this document using the File – Print menu.

To print on a printer the information displayed in the “Help and Support” window, just use the “Print” button located at the top of the window, as already mentioned above.

Getting Started Window

Rice. 4. Windows 7 Help “Getting Started”

If you are just getting started with Windows 7, then use the programs presented in the “Getting Started” window. Here is a list of tasks that may be needed when setting up your computer.

To find this window, click Start and at the bottom, in the search field, enter the query “Getting Started.”

Setting up Windows 7 Help

Rice. 5. Setting up Windows 7 Help

To go to the “Windows 7 Help” settings, click on the Options option (1 in Fig. 5).

The “Help Settings” window will open, in which you can remove or check the boxes next to the parameters:

  • “When searching, use online help (recommended)” (2 in Fig. 5) and
  • “Take part in the Help Improvement Program.”

Computer literacy exercises:

1) Copy the help text in the Help and Support window, paste it into any existing text editor(Notepad, Word, etc.), save.

2) Print the help from the Help and Support window to your printer.

Microsoft has dropped support for the .HLP help format in favor of the newer format (). But not all third party developers they know about this, so in some cases we get an error when accessing help:

Can't find Win file Hlp32.hlp

How to open Help file.HLP in Windows 7

There is no file in Windows 7 WinHlp32.exe, so HLP help files do not open. MIcrosoft released a patch that returns WinHlp32.exe in its place.

You can download the patch from the website, but you will have to pass verification Windows authenticity. If not everything is in order with authenticity, then on request: Windows6.1-KB917607-x86.msu, or Windows6.1-KB917607-x64.msu, if the system is 64-bit.

Installing update KB917607

Everything can be made simpler.

From any computer on which Windows XP is installed, copy the file winhlp32.exe from the C:\WINDOWS folder, then delete the file of the same name from the folder of the same name from the Win 7 computer using a utility such as Unlocker and copy the above Win XP file there.

What if this file is not in Windows folder on computer Win 7, it’s even easier, you don’t need to delete anything, just copy the winhlp32.exe file there and that’s it. Simply, often instead of a normal file there is a stub file with this name.