Technologies of the future in computer science. Scientific and practical conference "information technologies of today and the future"

The development of information technology is closely intertwined with other areas of human activity, subject areas and professions.

Today, the development of IT is always accompanied by its penetration into some new areas of application where they did not exist before or where they were used to a limited extent. At the same time, in a sense, the population of IT users (demography, psychology) and IT professionals (subject areas, specialization, educational background, form of employment) is changing. And now we go to 2012-17. and I would like to know what we will see there? And we will see some coming into the mainstream key trends, which today are the lot of a small minority, but have already emerged and are rapidly developing:

- hardware as a development object- in the broad sense of the word, now there is a boom in DIY solutions on basic platforms, people suddenly want not only to code or design, but also to solder, assemble something, etc.;

Respectively platforms for this gland- Arduino, Pi or something like Parallella (remember? they still managed to raise their $750k) - one of the promising areas for corporations;

Further separation of computing and interface subsystems in the architecture- when the device’s CPU serves primarily for current user interaction, and specific numerical tasks are transferred to separate module, for example, or a multi-core “home supercomputer” (the prospects of which should be assessed not by how many today’s PC users it can be useful, but by how the PC itself has evolved when it was still the lot of a few geeks);

- crowdfunding- for many projects there will be more in an accessible way financing than classic startup investments; most likely this is how platforms will be created that will then go to the masses in 2017-22;

- startup as a combination of web service, mobile client and hardware- against the backdrop of investor disappointment in the social networks, interest is shifting to something more tangible, and meanwhile hardware is becoming easier to order and produce;

- 3D printing, home robotics(including under the influence of online courses) as examples of new classes of user devices that attract the attention of developers (and begin to conveniently monetize);

Another rapidly growing area of ​​IT application is medicine and health management, where increased mobility and compactness means an increase in the range of devices used by a person for self-administration (besides the traditional medical market);

In themselves information systems, which are now beginning to process even more diverse data, their number is growing like an avalanche and requires special solutions in terms of their processing - the so-called. Big Data. This, apparently, will become topic No. 1 for “pure” IT specialists, systems specialists,

In the field online education, as the author has already noted, there is further accumulation of capacity and structuring, projects of “digital diplomas” are appearing (integrating the results of courses completed by a student from various providers), thanks to which online projects are gaining the weight necessary to invade previously closed professions outside of IT;

At the same time, in terms of IT professional structure the spread of these technologies to hardware, medicine and education, as well as the spread of IT education in an online format for the masses, means a further increase in the number of IT specialists subject areas and industry specialists who have mastered the IT profession;

In terms of demographics IT, which the author has already touched upon a little, at the global level there will be more and more not only Indians, but also, for example, Africans. The domestic IT specialist will become a little older, more mature and, which is good news, will achieve even greater popularity in the global market as a developer of complex, non-standard, extreme solutions. In general, the coming era of hardware, monetization of DIY in defiance of the corporate-consumer approach is our element, we will revive Soviet practices amateur work with soldering irons, technical education, we’ll open even more hackerspaces and start conquering the world :). It's only a matter of time.

Regarding forms of employment, apparently, the lines between and corporate will be slightly blurred, freelancing will go into some previously difficult-to-reach niches as career and education management will be increasingly based on simple, easily accessible online profiles and new specialized services, including certification this data. Among startups, which is already noticeable, a certain structuring is beginning; they are classified according to the degree of radicality, economic effect, expected payback period, etc. - everyone has already heard the saying about Apollo and Angry Birds and more and more people understand that entertainment, for all its market potential are not the only useful application IT for humanity. Far-sighted venture investors are appearing who, instead of guaranteeing quick monetization, for ideological reasons, invest in more fundamental technologies (what I call “super venture” - Peter Thiel, for example).

Economy in general, under the influence of IT, it demonstrates the crises of old industries and the rise of new ones, and often they are not even directly related to IT, but are side effect the entire range of technical and social change. The stronger the crisis, the more intense this process and the more the post-crisis (or chronic-crisis) world is qualitatively different from the pre-crisis one. To correct the consequences of the crisis for a particular subject, at least a qualitative shift is required in understanding the role of education, professional and general development in a dynamically changing economy. IT workers in general are at the forefront of this trend; they have been accustomed to upgrading for a long time and therefore react constructively faster than inert capital- and labor-intensive industries. A specific feature of this particular stage is the accelerated automation and robotization of production not only of high-tech products, not only in developed countries, as we see in the example of Foxconn in China. This results in some “reversal” (but not a literal reversal) of the usual process of displacement of industry into developing countries. In addition, a number of purely “human” professions such as doctors and educational workers (who also need IT - in the form of even more user-friendly Apple-type devices and services) are becoming relevant.

One could also add about IT and energy-saving, green technologies, but here everything is still somehow muddy. In general, these technologies follow the general trend of shifting emphasis on hardware and reducing the cost of its development; in 5 years they will most likely come out of the anti-hype and we will see many solutions, good and different. For IT itself, energy efficiency is primarily about further increasing mobility and scalability. What can bring both a breakthrough in supercomputers and new, even more compact and economical applications of hardware up to implants, sensors, microrobots, etc. This is already a matter of technology, the timing varies; Our task is to identify the general trend: energy is interesting and relevant.

Copywriters will most likely continue to rage even more furiously, but as they mature alternative models monetization, in particular crowdfunding, their authority in society will fall even further, and pirates will strengthen their political positions. Compared to them, patent trolls are in a more advantageous position, since they often attack corporations for which society does not have much sympathy. However, concerns about the destructive impact of patent trolling on the pace of innovation will likely prompt many to revise patent laws.

Politicians will continue to try to regulate the Internet, as well as limit the spread of some new hardware technologies, such as glasses with hidden cameras, or use them to the detriment of society, such as the Saudi project to monitor women. However, they will not achieve much success in this. Even VKF will weaken as the number of literate users interested in unfiltered content grows. The reason is that society itself becomes the driver of these changes. Censorship does not and cannot work in the long term. In some countries, technology will undoubtedly help society achieve significant changes in political power during this period; and I will deliberately leave open the questions “who?”, “where?” and “when?”, noting only that IT is only a lever that multiplies society’s efforts to achieve the desired changes, which depends on many hidden factors, therefore accurate forecasts are inappropriate here. But the vector is clear, and this is an objective historical process: technology helps society evolve. This must be perceived adequately and be prepared for this, as well as for repelling the aforementioned political attempts, which will clearly become even more evil and sophisticated.

Science and IT are merging in increasingly unexpected ways. Historically, IT came out of “big science,” but today we observe phenomena when amateur users unite through either distributed computing, or for “human” processing of some data difficult to recognize by a machine (classification of galaxies), or for searching for “human” solving scientific problems instead of stupid brute force (protein folding, RNA design), which is often most effective in the form (in the general trend of gamification of everything and everyone, which is now a little boring and, apparently, has entered a period of public disappointment, but real achievements are yet to come). How can you try to monetize these and other examples of open science, DIY science in 5 years? Most likely, today they are similar to Linux or Wikipedia, that is, the prospects for commercialization are very vague, but these trends can become a platform on which some derivatives will grow tomorrow, applied solutions, and now they will attract money and, in turn, form new directions for the development of IT and other technologies - like the very Homebrew Computer Club and other hacker initiatives of the last century, the authors of which rarely thought about money.

Finally, " purely IT"or the frontier of Computer Science in the context of all this movement. It has been said here many times already - big data, high loads, high-performance computing, AI, machine learning and other topics in the same online courses. The general evolution seems to be visible, but the qualitative phenomena are interesting. For example, DDoS, which has recently become almost an ordinary means of competition and has essentially formed an entire industry of protection against it. All due to the fact that “regular” business with its own operating characteristics has moved to the Internet.

This social trend - the “invasion” of seemingly already established IT systems by significant elements from outside (remember “eternal September”) - is worth highlighting separately. It requires from professionals, accustomed to steering in a particular community, flexibility and readiness to respond to the challenge of hordes of amateurs. Popularization brings not only benefits, but also new organizational tasks. Now, in the coming years, many predict an increase in the number of Internet users due to the spread of cheap and other devices to most of the world's population. The “rising billion” of users is powerful and undoubtedly useful resource for all humanity and for yourself. But one should take into account his current educational level, beliefs, and psychology. The phenomenon of “shit comments” and “shit sites” comes from here. We've already seen it. how hundreds of thousands of economically illiterate people got into MMM, having the opportunity to promote their dubious ideology with the help of the Internet. Of course, they screwed up and couldn’t help but screw up, but before that they managed to make a mess information space and instead of productive activity, get carried away economic resources into the pipe. As the Network and its services become more popular, such destructive memetic phenomena may become more numerous; they should be recognized and, if necessary, protection should be developed against them, including monetized ones, as the anti-DDoSers guys recently showed.

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Google Glass - smart glasses from the search giant. They became available in mid-2014. The only reason this technology has not yet become popular is the price. If you want to buy smart glasses from Google, you will have to spend $1,500.

But don't discount smart glasses. Once upon a time cell phones Not everyone could afford it either. Titans like Microsoft and Sony are working on their own devices. This means that in the near future you will be able to watch videos of cats during your morning jog.

2. Smart Data

Automation is one of the main tasks that is solved modern technologies. Although most of the processes happen automatically these days, there are some things we have to do manually. For example, adding information to your phone contacts list. You probably won’t have to do this yourself any time soon.

RelateIQ is already working on technology that will create a contact based on information about your current contact list, mailbox, messages. In the end, all you need to do is say the person's name. All information will appear on your phone.

3. Wearable electronics

Smart glasses and watches are devices that connect us with outside world. But there are also technologies that connect us with our body. They are being developed by large scientific institutes, corporations and small companies. We are talking about headphones that measure heart rate, lenses that track blood sugar levels, and NFC technology.

As soon as developers are able to make such gadgets available, the market will be filled with various implants that will read important information in real time and display it on the same smart glasses.

4. Smart home

This technology has already become a reality. Refrigerators tell you which food is low, and you can control your oven using your smartphone.

In the future, the oven will learn to heat up food while you're driving home, and the refrigerator will order the groceries itself. At this time, you will be able to focus on more important matters.

5. Virtual reality

Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR is a completely new gaming experience. Of course, science fiction writers have been flirting with the topic for a long time, but who has thought about it seriously?

Game publishers and developers are spending multi-million dollar budgets to give us new experiences. virtual reality. VR devices have room to grow: they are bulky and have a lot of wires, but a start has been made. Soon we will be able to go anywhere on the planet without leaving home.

6. Holographic images

Remember the holographic interfaces in " Star Wars" and "Minority Opinion"? Now such technology no longer seems like something fantastic.

The applications of holographic projections are not only limited to games and media. Imagine contact lenses, which project an image onto the retina. People with vision problems will be able to see better without surgery.

7. Neurointerface

A similar neural interface has long existed and has been successfully used in medicine. Quadriplegics - people with complete paralysis of the body - talk through a neural interface using a computer.

Of course, the technology is far from perfect. However, with the development of neurotechnology, a paralyzed person will be able to return to society and live a full life.

Food delivery using a universal service

The globalization of the Internet has reached incredible proportions. You can access the Internet almost anywhere on the planet, and if Elon Musk’s large-scale project is successful, the Internet will be available everywhere.

It's no surprise that services like Uber are popping up. This is a taxi that you can call in almost any country using mobile application. Recently, Uber has also started delivering food. Soon there will be even more universal services.

9. Digital distribution

The world is changing rapidly. Some 15 years ago, we could not even imagine that we would no longer have to store stacks of discs with music, movies and games in our home. Steam and online cinemas have replaced going to the store for us. Instead of a new album from your favorite band, it’s easier to buy a subscription to a music service at a similar price and get access to the entire discography.

Of course, digital distribution has not reached its apogee, and many continue to use physical media, but there are fewer and fewer such people.

10. Robots

Robotics has come a long way over the past 10 years. Of course, more than a dozen years will pass before the appearance of terminators, but machines capable of shouldering hard and monotonous work on their titanium shoulders will appear in the near future. For example, thanks to Boston Dynamics.

Solar panels are an environmentally friendly source of renewable energy

It is almost certain that within the next 30 years we will switch entirely from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. Oil and gas will eventually run out, but solar and wind energy will not. Besides, solar panels much more environmentally friendly.

Constantly growing volumes of Internet traffic set the pace of development for mobile networks. Messengers, video calls, 4K video and streaming services require new data transmission technologies, so the emergence of 5G Internet in the near future is inevitable.

14. Artificial Intelligence

Creating a full-fledged one is only a matter of time. This will be a turning point in the development of human civilization, after which the world will change forever.

In fact, artificial intelligence no longer seems out of reach, especially with the rapid pace of development of neural networks. Machine learning has already reached high level and is capable of many things, including writing scripts, books and songs.

Of course, the programs do not work as well as we would like, but the neural network is an excellent example that we are moving in the right direction.

15. Graphene

In 2004, the first sheet of graphene was released. Since then, scientists have been trying to find a way to mass produce the material.

Graphene is a versatile material with exceptional properties. It can be used in almost all areas of our lives. High-speed data transfer, filters for water purification and even an unbreakable smartphone case are all graphene. When the production of this material is put on stream, another industrial revolution awaits us.

On January 26, 2016, within the framework of the XXIV International Christmas Educational Readings, a scientific and practical conference “Enlightenment through books” was held. Social and information technologies in the Orthodox library." The theme of the conference was chosen during collaboration Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Department of Library Science and Book Science of the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography.

The conference introduced a new concept into the circulation of Orthodox libraries - social and information technologies. The concept is complex, not reducible only to what first of all catches our ears - to information technologies, to new means of transmitting information. Scientific school N.A. Slyadneva (IPC), defines social and information technologies as a set of methods and means information impact on society in order to obtain a certain social result. And it is precisely this understanding that allows us to talk about librarianship and many other phenomena familiar to us as social and information technologies. In this regard, it would be more correct to talk about social and information technologies in the Orthodox world, in spiritual development and enlightenment.

Natalia Andrianovna Slyadneva, a famous Russian bibliographer and author of the theory of social and information technologies, includes in the content of this concept the totality

firstly, content: information messages, meanings, key imperatives, with the help of which people are influenced in order to obtain planned reactions,

secondly, the social and information infrastructure, that is, the system of means of broadcasting this content to the audience, these key imperatives. This system may include both traditional or technically new channels of information dissemination, as well as social institutions, institutions organizing processes of information interaction.

Nowadays, social and information technologies have become priority tools social management due to the possibility of prompt global coverage of the audience (many social subjects) with a single information content. But the possibility of effective influence on the individual, on the masses information means was not discovered and put into practice today. Social information technologies underlie the functioning of a number of basic social institutions, including education, libraries, and religion.

The Church unites the Orthodox world through precisely the means of informational nature - information of spiritual content, “words” filled with a special value meaning, which are broadcast to everyone who needs them, using information channels that permeate society in certain historical eras. Once upon a time this happened only with the help of oral communication and handwritten books, then printing was added to them, later this circle was very effectively supplemented by radio and television, and today they are joined by the Internet.

And it is precisely this process - the emergence of new information and communication formats - that causes the greatest concern among those who devote themselves spiritual enlightenment, development of the younger generation, preservation and promotion of humanitarian values.

In this regard, it is advisable to talk about the existence of a fundamental law of development of the information environment and information communications - the law of conservation of all forms and means information activities, methods and techniques for handling information ever invented by man.

Today more and more often we're talking about that the computer and the Internet will supplant the book, and spiritual enlightenment and development will become impossible. Let's remember how long Orthodoxy existed without a printed book - much longer than with it. Typography as a technology for transmitting information in space, cumulating and preserving public knowledge appeared in response to the needs of religion as a social institution for the inexpensive and mass distribution of biblical texts, which became necessary under the conditions of the Reformation. The printed book, as a new information format for that time, was adopted not only by other faiths, but also by other social institutions - education, science, politics, remaining the dominant information format for several centuries. Dominant, but not the only one - did the printed book bring non-replicated writing out of cultural and everyday practices? Could a book replace the living word, preaching, communication?

“Each new stage, based on one or another dominant type of replication, recording and transmission of information, does not deny, but absorbs all previous types of communication” (1, p. 59) - this is worth remembering at the time of the emergence of new methods of transmitting information spiritual content. For completely natural reasons, we are afraid of the new; quite often my students and I try to reconstruct the moods, relationships, emotional coloring that accompanied the transition from a handwritten book, which is created by a person, when the hand rules the soul, to a printed book.

The most ancient types of information communications (mimetics, plastic, ideographic and hieroglyphic writing) and more recent ones (oral communication, handwriting, etc.) not only did not disappear from human life, supplanted by current and dominant methods of information exchange, but also found their niches in modern information environment. They are preserved “not only and not so much in the information environment of society, but in the individual consciousness, thoughts and actions of a person.” (2) And this is - most important factor spiritual development and enlightenment, which turned out to be incredibly significant in the context of persecution of the church.

Let's remember that most of us learned the basics of Orthodox culture through oral communication, because in those years book culture could not play a significant role in spiritual development and enlightenment. For my generation - those who are now a little over 40 - the main source of information of spiritual content was communication with grandmothers and nannies, many of whom did not know how to read and write, but retained in their memory and passed on from generation to generation what is called today " intangible cultural heritage." This format has not disappeared today. We read to our children and grandchildren wonderful books that the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church publishes for them, but “Our Father” and their other first prayers, they, just like us, learn “by ear”, from our words, before how they learn to read.

Information and communication formats are changing - that with the help of which we broadcast unchanged content to the world, to the social space: spiritual values, meanings, images, canonical texts, interpretations, explanations. And the main thing is not what method of recording and replicating information is used, but rather the Word reaches the person to whom it is directed. And our task is to promote this, so it is important for a librarian to understand the continuity of modern information and communication formats and those that existed in the “pre-information era”, understanding the target, conceptual, structural and functional unity of new phenomena and habitual forms in human information behavior.

This is especially important today - at a new stage of interaction between the Orthodox Church and librarianship, at a stage characterized by thoughtfulness, professionalism, and community. The priority in our activities is the result that we want to obtain by disseminating information of spiritual content. The result of any social information technology is always planned changes in people, individual groups and social groups: their views, values, behavior patterns, needs, goals and motives, life guidelines.

Unfortunately, modern public administration- not only in Russia, but also in most countries of the world - is focused not on the result, but on the process of functioning of social institutions and institutions that form them - libraries, schools, museums, etc. It is no coincidence that in the work of modern cultural institutions only attendance is assessed, and the level of enrichment of a person with knowledge, the effectiveness of his emotional and aesthetic development, the possibility of harmonizing the system of individual and public values, establishing humanitarian priorities, relieving social tension and much more are not analyzed. The queue of people who want to visit the exhibition of the great artist’s works is delightful, but they are not interested in what they came out with? What did you carry out in your soul and head? Have you experienced catharsis, or does the whole result come down only to selfies posted on social networks?

The applied significance of the theory of social information technologies lies in the fact that these and other similar issues are put at the forefront. Orthodox libraries are not burdened by the need to follow formal standards, and all forces and all possibilities are subordinated to a single goal - both declared and real - spiritual enlightenment and human development. And we, with an open soul and great desire and joy, take professional part in this wonderful work, preserving traditional and creating new forms of work with the Orthodox reader.


    1. Slyadneva N.A. Bibliography in the system of the Universe of human activity: experience of system-activity analysis: Monograph. - M.: Publishing House of the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography, 1993.

    2. Slyadneva N.A. Homo informaticus - a man of the information era // Scientific and technical information. Ser.1.- 1999.- No. 3.- P.9-13

Author information

Lopatina Natalya Viktorovna - doctor pedagogical sciences, Head of the Department of Library Science and Book Science, Moscow State Institute of Culture


The world is improving every day, inventing and discovering something new, and without these advances we would not have come this far.

Scientists, researchers, developers and designers from all over the world are trying to implement things that will simplify our lives and make it more interesting.

Here are some technologies future , which raise our lives to a completely different level.

New technologies of the future

1. Biorefrigerators

A Russian designer has come up with a concept for a refrigerator called the "Bio Robot Refrigerator" that cools food using biopolymer gel. There are no shelves, compartments or doors - you simply insert the food into the gel.

The idea was proposed by Yuri Dmitriev for the competition Electrolux Design Lab. The refrigerator uses only 8 percent of the home's energy for the control panel and requires no energy for actual cooling.

Biopolymer refrigerator gel uses light generated at cold temperatures to preserve food. The gel itself is odorless and non-sticky, and the refrigerator can be mounted on the wall or ceiling.

2. Ultra-fast 5G Internet from drones with solar panels

Google is working on drones at solar panels, distributing ultra-high-speed Internet in a project called Project Skybender. Theoretically drones will provide Internet services 40 times faster than 4G networks, allowing gigabytes of data to be transferred per second.

The project involves the use of millimeter waves to provide the service, since the existing spectrum for transmission mobile communications too full.

However, these waves have a shorter range than mobile signal 4G. Google is working on this problem, and if everything can be resolved technical problems, the Internet of unprecedented speed may soon appear.

3. 5D disks for eternal storage of terabytes of data

Researchers have created a 5D disk that records data in 5 dimensions that lasts for billions of years. It can store 360 terabytes of data and withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees.

The files on the disk are made of three layers of nanodots. The five dimensions of the disk refer to the size and orientation of the points, as well as their position within the three dimensions. As light passes through the disk, the dots change the polarization of the light, which is read by the microscope and polarizer.

The Southampton team behind the disc was able to record the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Newton's Optics, Magna Carta and the Bible on disc. In a few years, such a disk will no longer be an experiment, but will become the norm for data storage.

4. Injection of oxygen particles

Scientists from Boston Children's Hospital have developed microparticles filled with oxygen that can be injected into the bloodstream, allowing you to live even if you can't breathe.

The microparticles consist of a single layer of lipid capsules that surround a small bubble of oxygen. Capsules measuring 2-4 micrometers are suspended in a liquid that controls their size as bubbles larger size may be dangerous.

When administered, the capsules encounter red blood cells and transfer oxygen. Thanks to this method, it was possible to introduce 70 percent of oxygen into the blood.

5. Underwater transport tunnels

Norway plans to build the world's first underwater floating bridges at a depth of 30 meters underwater using large pipes wide enough for two lanes.

Considering the difficulties of moving across the terrain, Norway decided to work on creating underwater bridges. The project, which has already cost $25 billion, is expected to be completed in 2035.

Other factors still need to be taken into account, such as the influence of wind, waves and strong currents on the bridge.

6. Bioluminescent trees

The development team decided to create bioluminescent trees using an enzyme found in some jellyfish and fireflies.

Such trees will be able to illuminate the streets and help passersby see better at night. A small version of the project has already been developed in the form of a plant that glows in the dark. The next step will be trees to light the streets.

7. Roll-up TVs

LG has developed a prototype TV that can be rolled up like a roll of paper.

The TV uses organic polymer LED technology to reduce the thickness of the screen.

Besides LG, others large manufacturers electronics such as Samsung, Sony And Mitsubishi are working to make screens more flexible and portable.

Future technology development

8. Bionic lens for lightrxhuman vision

Canadian doctor intends to conduct clinical testing "bionic lenses" that improve 100% vision by 3 times with an 8-minute painless operation.

The new lens will be available by 2017, enhancing the natural lens of the eye. During the operation, a syringe inserts a lens containing saline into the eye, and after 10 seconds, the folded lens straightens and is positioned over the natural lens, completely correcting vision.

9. Spray clothing

Spanish designer Manel Torres invented the world's first spray-on clothing. You can apply the spray to any part of the body, then remove it, rinse and wear again.

The spray is made from special fibers mixed with polymers that give the fabric elasticity and durability. This technology will allow designers to create unique items of clothing with original designs.

10. Portraits obtained from DNA

Student Heather Duy-Hagborg creates 3D portraits from DNA found on cigarette butts and chewing gum on the street.

She enters DNA sequences into computer program, which creates the appearance of a person from a sample. This process typically produces a 25-year-old version of the person. The model is then 3D printed with life-size portraits.

11. Shopping in virtual reality

One of these stores was opened at the railway station in South Korea where you can place an order by photographing the barcode, and your purchases will be delivered to your home.

Chain of stores Homeplus installed six screen doors with life-size images of shelves containing items you would buy in a supermarket. Under each item there is a barcode that can be scanned and sent using the app.

You can place an order at the station on your way to work, and the goods will be delivered to your home in the evening.

12. Self-driving cars

It is expected that by 2020 there will be about 10 million driverless cars, which would reduce the number of deaths by 2,500 between 2014 and 2030.

Many car manufacturers have already started implementing some automated driving features in their vehicles.

There are also many companies trying to develop technology for self-driving cars, such as Google announcing a self-driving car prototype. A fully autonomous car is expected by 2019.

13. City under the dome

Construction underway in Dubai shopping center called "Mall of the World", covered with a retractable dome, which controls the climate inside and supplies air conditioning.

The complex will occupy an area of ​​4.46 km2 and will include a large beauty and health center, a cultural and entertainment district, hotels with 20 thousand rooms and much more. This will be the biggest shopping mall with an indoor theme park.

14. Artificial leaves that convert carbon dioxide and sunlight into fuel

Scientists have developed new solar cells, converting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into fuel with the help of the Sun.

Although there have been many attempts to convert carbon dioxide into something useful, this is the first time that real method. Unlike other technologies that require noble metals such as silver, this method uses a tungsten-based material that is 20 times cheaper and 1,000 times faster.

These solar cells use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to produce syngas, a mixture of hydrogen gas and carbon monoxide, which can be directly burned or converted into hydrocarbon fuels.

Technologies of the near future

15. Plasma force field that protects cars from accidents and collisions

Boeing has patented a method to create a plasma field by quickly heating air to quickly absorb shock waves.

The force field can be generated using lasers or microwave radiation. The created plasma is air heated to more high temperature than the surrounding air, with a different density and composition. The company believes it will be able to reflect and absorb the energy generated by the explosion, protecting those inside the field.

If the technology can be brought to life, it will be a revolutionary development in the military field.

16. Floating cities

Floating ecopolois, named Lilypad, was proposed by architect Vincent Callebaut for future climate refugees as a long-term solution to rising sea levels. The city can accommodate 50,000 people using renewable energy.

V. E. Volkov


The history of the development of information technology and computer equipment. The presentation is not entirely traditional and informal. Particular attention is paid to the direct relationship of the level of development of information technology with the achievements of technical progress, the “electronic-computer” nature of modern information and communication technology is emphasized. The issue of computer generations is considered in detail; It is shown that fifth generation computers have not yet been created. The close relationship between computer science and cybernetics is shown (in the absence of identity of these sciences). Automation is interpreted as “practical cybernetics” or applied cybernetics. Considered current state and prospects for the development of information technologies. Pointed to
the special role of smartphones and photonic computers in the near future.

Key words

Information; information technology; information and communication technology; informatics; cybernetics; systems analysis; artificial intelligence; automation; control; computer.


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