Parental control is installed. Install parental controls on Microsoft operating systems

Problem safe internet for children is very relevant these days. The child returns home after school and is completely on his own. While his parents are at work, he can freely play on the computer and use the Internet. The games that the child plays can be controlled, the Internet is another matter - in two clicks a child can be on the "18+" website and see scenes that are beyond the understanding of even an adult or worse than that find pictures on the Internet with scenes of violence, beatings, etc. That negatively affects the child's psyche, which has not yet fully formed.

An older child can be attracted by bright advertisements of various sweepstakes, online casinos, fortune telling and horoscopes, which are fraudulently forced to send SMS and much more. We cannot prohibit a child from using the Internet all the time, but try to protect him from negative impact worldwide network... For this you need to devote only a little time.

1. Standard tools Windows 7 to install parental controls.

The first step is to go to the control panel and select " Parental control".

Second step - if we don't have account for the child, create it ( regular user). The administrator (you) must have a password, otherwise the child will quickly bypass the restrictions.

We go into the account and enter the necessary parameters.

Options are available: time limit, launching games, launching programs.

The third step is to set up the working time at the computer for each day of the week.

The fourth step is to set a limit for games. It is possible to block the launch of all games or select the category of games that matches the age of the child. The classification is carried out according to the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). For younger children school age the games of class "E" correspond to scenes of mischief, and for adolescents "T", with moderate scenes of violence and swearing.

If the classification does not suit you, you can manually adjust the parameters for games.

The fifth step is to indicate the programs that the child can run.

To hide potentially harmful content from children while surfing the Internet, use special additions to browsers. With their help, you can both block access to certain sites and hide ads that are not intended for children's eyes.

The Opera browser has a site blocking mechanism, but you will have to manually configure it and add unwanted websites. Over time, the procedure will have to be repeated as it appears new advertising which is not very convenient. For this, there are complex automated solutions with ready bases advertising links and ads. By installing such a plug-in for your browser, there will be no trace of advertising, and if something remains, you can always add such an advertisement to the black list.

List of plugins for the most popular browsers.

Opera AdBlock- the plugin is on the site

Adblock plus - for Mozilla Firefox download on the site

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Google chrome- you can choose AdBlock or Adblock Plus in the application store

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Simple adblock for Internet Explorer will need to be downloaded from the official site.

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3. Blocking unwanted sites.

The above plugins allow you to get rid of ads on the pages, but they cannot block unwanted content on the pages or prevent a child from visiting a particular site. To filter out unwanted sites by their content, you will need additional tools for browsers.

Firefox - plugin FoxFilter, download it from

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Google Chrome - plugin WebFilter Pro

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WebFilter Pro has a large database of sites with questionable content, which has a very positive effect on filtering and blocking sites with impartial images and texts.

In the plugin settings, you need to select the categories (sites for adults, gambling, weapons and bad habits) for which sites will be blocked. If you see fit, you can additionally block social networks and browser games.

If a child goes online to a site that falls under the selected categories, he will only see the next message.

And to prevent the child from unblocking the site and making changes to the filter settings, access to it can be password-protected. Moreover, you can specify the email address in the settings. To which notifications will be sent when a child tries to enter a particular site from the black list.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, unfortunately, WebFilter Pro, no matter how excellent it works, still sometimes skips sites. So let's move on to the next steps.

4. Setting up parental control in antivirus software.

The parental control function in antivirus software is available only for paid versions. Let's take a look at setting up parental controls using an example. Kaspersky Internet Security

Launching the antivirus double click by the icon and in the window that appears, select "Parental Control" and set a password to prevent the child from changing the program parameters without the parents' knowledge. We select the account that belongs to the child. Press the enable button and configure the parameters.

The following options are available:

Account Settings - Configurable appearance(avatar) and you can assign a nickname. You should also make sure that the checkbox is checked (enable user control).

Use of the computer - the time spent at the computer is configured, it is possible to specify rigidly days and periods in time. V this case the child is allowed to use the computer only 12-00 to 14-00 and from 18-00 to 20-00. And on weekends, it is allowed from 11 to 21 hours.

The additional parameter "limit use during the day" - allows you to set the time that the child can spend at the computer during the day. For example, you installed possible time work from 11-00 to 18-00, but it is additionally possible to limit the duration by setting the working time, for example - 5 or 7 hours. And although the time range is 9 hours, the child will not be able to spend more than the specified time.
The time spent by the child at the computer can be viewed in the reports.

Launch programs - allows you to create a list of programs that will be blocked for launch. The program can also be blocked by time, for example, to allow using Skype or some kind of toy only from 17-00 to 20-00

Click on the "Add" button and in the window that appears and select the program we need from the list or specify the path of its location on the hard disk.

Internet use - the function is similar to "Computer use", we adjust the time according to which the child can turn on the Internet. You can limit in time, for example, spend no more than 3 hours a day.

Website visits - restricts visits to websites that fall under the selected categories. With the help of these settings, the child can be protected from a number of negative information on the Internet.

This item the menu also allows you to "Deny visiting all websites except those allowed in the list of exclusions." In other words, the child can open only those sites that you indicated in the list, others will not be available to him. These sites need to be added to the list by clicking on the "Exclusions" button.

Downloading files - you can prevent downloading of certain types of files. In order to protect against viruses and Trojans, Recommended to be disabled (programs and archives). Video and music at your discretion, if the Internet is unlimited.

IM-correspondence - blocking unwanted contacts in popular chat programs (ICQ, QIP, Mail.Ru, Skype and others).

Social networks- permission to correspond with certain contacts... It will be possible to add a contact only after the child is active in a particular social network. In the reports, you can view the correspondence with the selected contact. Social media contains a lot of information that is not intended for children.

Personal data - a child may, due to inexperience, send personal information: home address, phones, credit card and much more. By entering into the register necessary information, You will be able to prevent its transfer to third parties.
To do this, pre-form them and add them to the list by clicking the "Add" button.

Keywords - by making a list of words, such as vodka, gambling, etc. You will be able to track the searched for their child and on which sites.

Parental control is configured in the same way on other antiviruses.

5. Gogul is a children's web browser.

For schoolchildren of primary grades, I would like to highlight a wonderful federal program safe children's Internet - Gogul. (

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). By downloading and installing a component for Mozilla Firefox? You will turn a familiar browser into a pretty one children's internet-reviewer. But main feature of this project allows the child to use useful resources the Internet for learning and development. To do this, set the site as the home page

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... "Internet and Children" is a directory of sites for children, which are carefully selected and grouped by subject.

First of all, we go to the Gogul website. ( and register to create a personal account. V personal account you can configure the schedule for using the Internet, configure the list of allowed sites, view statistics on visited websites, etc.

The second step is to add child accounts and set up internet usage.

Installing the add-on "Gogul" - download the add-on to Mozilla browser Firefox. (Pre-download and install this browser if you do not have it). During the download, a request will appear for permission to install the add-on - we agree.

After the installation process of "Gogul" is completed, a shortcut to launch the program will appear on your desktop. The first time you start, you will need to enter the address Email and the password specified during registration, and then click the "Activate" button

During the launch of Gogul's children's web browser, a list of children's accounts will be clearly indicated and how much time is left for anyone to use the Internet today.

We also recommend downloading on this site small program, which excludes the launch of other web browsers, except for Gogul, and also has other useful features(restricting access to folders, files and removable media) to restrict the child's access to the computer.

Let's summarize.

1. For the introduction of restrictions for the child to work on the computer, you must create a separate account.
2. Use browser add-ons if you do not have paid version antivirus.
3. Use complex solution by configuring your antivirus.
4. For children of primary school age, set up a children's Internet Gogul.

All this will take you a little time, but you can to some extent protect your child from the negativity of the Internet, as well as control the time spent at the computer while you are at work.

Unfortunately, sooner or later, the child will still face this problem - friends on the computer, children at school can "enlighten" using a tablet or smartphone. It all depends on the parents' approach to this issue and the methods of upbringing. It is necessary to have time to instill the correct moral principles in the child, before the "street" teaches him to perceive everything completely differently.

Any parent wants to protect their child from bad things in this world. The Internet is no exception. The Internet itself is not bad; it is a mirror reflecting human reality. Are there good things on the Internet? There is! But there is also a bad thing ... for children.

This article is designed to help parents keep their children safe from inappropriate content online using filters. And it's free! All that is required of you is desire. Because good protection- layered protection from several stages, then our protection of children will also be multi-stage ... the enemy will not pass.

Regardless of the level of your computer knowledge, you will have to learn and understand a couple of points.

1) Computers operate with numbers among themselves and site addresses for computers are also numbers, and it is easier and better for a person to operate with meaningful text. DNS is a translator of "text" for people (like to "addresses-numbers" (like and vice versa. The first stage of protecting children from inappropriate content will be based on the fact that there are DNS servers that can also filter during the "transformation". In other words, if a child browses to the site in the browser, then this good site in the DNS will be converted into his computer-numeric address (IP address). But if a child willingly or unwillingly gets on, then such an address will be converted NOT into his computer-numeric-address (IP address), but into an address where there will be a warning about inadmissibility or that such a site is not available on the network.

2) This stage protect the child from unwanted results search results... You must use Yandex with Family Filter as your home page in all browsers on all computers available to you.

3) Third party free software solutions and services from Internet providers.

DNS protection.

On the Internet, from free and serious protections for children through DNS filtering, we will take 2 representatives: Yandex.DNS and OpenDNS FamilyShield (OpenDNS Family Shield). Why 2?

1) You never know who of them will start to "blunt", and timeouts during conversion affect the speed of your work in Internet networks, regardless of your provider's tariff.

2) One head is good, but two are better.

3) In many operating systems there are 2 fields under DNS hint servers.

Before proceeding to registering DNS defender servers, you need to decide where it is better to register our defenders. DNS servers can be registered on the end device - a computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone or in your router-node (if any), which displays your home network on the Internet.

Each method has pros and cons.

1) Register on the router - access point. Your computers receive network settings from home router on DHCP... The router will issue all your devices and devices who have come to visit friends, an instruction to use it as a DNS. And he himself will use the higher-level DNS server-defenders. In this scheme, friends will be protected too.

2) But the superior scheme is bad when your child leaves with his smartphone or tablet in a cafe with friends and there he will not be protected by someone else's router. Therefore, prescribing DNS defenders on the end device has its advantage.

It's up to you - to protect yourself through your access point and / or through the end device.

Access point.

1. Enter the IP address of the router in the browser to enter the admin panel.
2. Enter your username and password.
3. In the router control menu, find the DNS server settings.
4. Register the Yandex.DNS address as the Primary DNS server and save the changes. In the Secondary DNS server field, write the OpenDNS FamilyShield address

On the computer.

Windows XP.
1. Open the Start menu -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Network Connections.
2. Click right click the desired network connection and select Properties.
3. In the connection properties window, select Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) and click the Properties button.

5. Enter the Yandex.DNS address as the Preferred DNS Server. In field Alternative DNS server write down the OpenDNS FamilyShield address And save the changes with the OK button.

Windows 7.
1. Open the Start menu -> Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Network Control Center and general access ->
2. Right-click on the required network connection and select Properties from the menu that appears.
3. In the connection properties window, select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IP) and click the Properties button.
4. In the window that will open, select the Use the following DNS server addresses item.
5. Enter the Yandex.DNS address as the Preferred DNS Server. In the Alternative DNS server field, write the OpenDNS FamilyShield address

Windows 8.
1. Hover your mouse over the Start menu (lower left corner of your screen), when the menu appears, right-click on it and select Control Panel.
2. Open Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center -> Change adapter settings.
3. Right-click on the required network connection and select Properties from the menu that appears.
4. In the connection properties window, select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IP) and click the Properties button.
5. In the window that will open, select the Use the following DNS server addresses item.
6. Enter the Yandex.DNS address as the Preferred DNS Server. In the Alternative DNS server field, write the OpenDNS FamilyShield address

Mac OS X.
1. Go to System settings-> Network.
2. Select the network for which you want to configure DNS (AirPort, Ethernet).
3. Click the Advanced button, go to the DNS tab.
4. Enter the address Yandex.DNS and save the changes.

1. Click the icon network connection, select Edit connections from the list.
2. Select the network for which you want to configure DNS and click Edit.
3. Click the IPv4 Settings tab, in the Method group, select Automatic (DHCP) addresses only.
4. Enter the Yandex.DNS address in the Addresses field. DNS servers) and save your changes.

In a smartphone or tablet.

Android 4.x
1. Go to Settings, select Wi-Fi.
2. Long press (press and hold until a dialog box appears) select the desired Wi-Fi network.
3. In the dialog box that appears, select Configure Network.
4. Check the Show advanced settings checkbox below.
5. In the IP Setting item, select Static from the drop-down list.
6. Enter the Yandex.DNS address in the DNS 1 field. In the DNS 2 field, write the OpenDNS FamilyShield address
7. Click Save.

Apple iOS.
1. Go to Settings -> Wi-Fi, click on the arrow opposite the network you are using.
2. Find the DNS item and enter the Yandex.DNS address in it.

Search results protection.

This stage will protect the child while searching for information. You can use Family search Yandex, which filters search queries and does not produce results that are not intended for the child. Protection is based on the fact that by default all new open tabs the browser uses the Yandex search engine with Family filter as the home page. Most likely, the child will not switch to other search engines, but will use the already proposed one with filtering.

Google Chrome.
1. Enter the browser settings: Top right icon of the three horizontal lines-> Settings.
2. Select: Start Group -> Next Pages.
3. Click Add, in the Add page field, enter
4. Click OK

Mozilla Firefox.
1. Enter the browser settings: Edit -> Settings.
2. In the General tab, select: starting Firefox Show home page.
3. In the field Homepage specify:

1. Enter browser settings: Opera -> Settings -> General settings.
2. On the General tab, select: On startup Start from home page.
3. In the Home field, enter:
4. Click OK.

Protection with free programs and browser plugins.

V this section are considered software products that can help a parent for free to protect the child's psyche from the horrors of the Internet and make him white and fluffy.

Hope these free solutions will reliably protect you and your children!


Find the Start menu on your computer's desktop. Open it up. In the list of services that appears, select "Control Panel". Inside this folder, find the "Internet Options" command. She is responsible for any change in display settings and connection to local network the Internet. Click on the icon to run this service... A small new window will appear, at the top of which are contained various tabs responsible for general functions, security settings, privacy, internet connection, additional configurations and, of course, for the content of the incoming information. Go to the appropriate tab titled "Contents". In the upper "Access Restriction" field, click the "Enable" button.

In the lower field "Access restriction" go to the "Age categories" tab. Will appear team list, in which select the category you need to view the grade levels. For easier viewing of commands, use the sliding slider on the right. Next, decide which information to allow the children to watch and which to prohibit. The categories you choose can be very different. Here are just a few of them - "Bad Example for", "Portrayal of Gambling", "Sexual Content", "Smoking", "Naked Body", etc. Before installing on a particular group, carefully read the tips below. This will help to correctly establish the degree of restriction of information.

In the next section, "Allowed Sites", you can remove some resources from your "blacklist" of sites. Before doing this, make sure that the texts, photos, animations, audio and video materials contained on the site are safe. Enter the URLs of the exclusion sites you trust. The next step is to click on the "General" tab. In the upper field "User parameters" uncheck the box next to the value "Users can view sites that do not have ratings." Next, check the box next to the "Allow password entry to view restricted sites" value. After selecting this category, set a password. It will perform the function of access to this service... Except you, no one else can change and disable installed settings.


To enable Parental Control in Windows 7, you need to go to the Control Panel item of the same name (via the Start menu). Here you select the user profile in which your child works: is it for him that you are now setting restrictions? if you have one profile, then you need to create a special profile (account) for the child.

The parental control function in Windows 10 is designed so that parents can monitor the actions that their child takes on the computer, restrict the child from visiting unwanted resources and set the length of time spent at the computer.

Also, this feature will negate the likelihood of breaking something in the system by deleting system files or changing settings that are critical for it. You will learn more about all this from the proposed article, it also contains detailed instructions on creating an account and rules for using a computer for little user.

In Windows 10, parental control has become less free - there are restrictions on the use of this function. They consist in the fact that in order to exploit family safety, it is imperative to work from a Microsoft account (the software giant wants to know about everything, even about the restrictions that parents impose on the pastime of children in virtual world) and be connected to global network... The function does not work without the Internet. For users, such solutions will not bring any benefit.

The first step in configuring parental controls is creating an account for the little user. The easiest way to solve the problem is through the new "Options" menu.

  1. We call it by holding Win + I.
  2. Go to the "Accounts" section.
  3. We activate the tab "Family / other users".
  4. Click on the icon with a plus sign "Add a family member".

We stop at the first option "Add a child's account", after which we set the personal e-mail address, if it is absent or unwilling to enter these data, select the item "No mailbox address". Although, on the next iteration, you will have to enter it or accept the offer to start an email.

The next iteration is the indication of personal data (first and last name), as well as mail, if this was not done in the previous step. Next, you will have to enter the child's date of birth (Microsoft wants to know everything, because here you can cheat, as in the case with the name), city of residence and set a password for the account being created. If you indicate that the child is under 8 years old, Windows 10 will automatically activate increased precautions for the new account, and if the child is over 8 years old, all settings can be changed manually.

The developer then goes even further and asks you to specify personal number phone and one more mailing address, suddenly you will have to restore your account. The phone number will have to be confirmed, so you won't be able to cheat here.

At the final stage, it will be proposed to use Microsoft service Advertising, which is not worth doing. This service collects user data and uses it to demonstrate advertising messages based on his interests.

We close the window and we can log in to the new account. For this, as mentioned, an internet connection is required. After entering new account you need to perform its additional configuration, and a message with data that parents can follow the child's actions pops up only at the first authorization in the account.

Configuring account restrictions is carried out by following the link after authorizing on the Microsoft resource from the account of the parent who created the restricted account. This page can also be accessed through the "Parameters". In the "Family / other users" tab, click on the "Manage settings via the Internet" button.

Setting up a limited account

The following options will become available in the main window:

  • Activity reports - activated by default with email alert function;
  • InPrivate Browsing is a function of anonymous web-resources browsing without storing navigation history (disabled by default for children under eight years old).

Below is a list of other parameters and settings.

1. Browsing web pages. By default, resources that are malicious and unwanted for children to visit are blocked, and search engine switched on Safe search... If necessary, you can correct the list of prohibited sites.

The settings (site filter, safe search and collection of web navigation information) are applicable only for integrated web browsers (IE and Edge). If you want a complete record of user behavior on the computer, other browsers should be blocked.

2. Apps and games. The window displays a list of programs installed on the computer, including those integrated into the operating system, user-installed... These include both portable applications and all discovered games. It contains data on the time of starting and shutting down the software.

The menu allows you to block applications that will appear in the list (this will happen only after the first launch of the program / game from under a limited account), regardless of whether the game / program is installed or is portable. Getting content from Windows Store can be limited by age.

3. Timers of work for the PC. The window displays information about the duration, start and end time of the session. Here you can specify the duration of working sessions and indicate the time when the child can enter the account.

4. Shopping / spending. If there is money in the account of a small user, you can track the expense of his personal funds spent on the purchase digital content in the Windows Store or making purchases through the functions built into the games. Here you can replenish an empty account without providing access to the attached bank card.

5. Finding a child - this function is necessary for parents whose child takes with them portable device, for example, to study. It will help to track the user's location during the operation of the device (laptop, tablet).

In principle, there is nothing complicated or incomprehensible with the work of parental control in the top ten, apart from a couple of disappointments:

  • obligatory presence of the Internet;
  • input confidential information about yourself and other family members;
  • the impossibility of blocking applications before their first launch from under a limited account;
  • updating the configuration of the child's account with a significant delay (it is worth stopping at this a little).

How parental controls work

After configuring a child account, you have to wait for a while until the settings take effect. Of the features of this function, the following should be noted.

2. Information about running applications and the operating time of the PC appears with a significant delay (up to several hours). In this case, it automatically becomes impossible to prohibit the child from working longer than the specified time (seeing that it is near midnight on the clock, you cannot end the work session).

3. Information about visited web resources is not always displayed, even for Edge and IE.

4. Information about purchases is also displayed with a delay or not at all, but data about running games and software are presented at their best.

Another unpleasant moment for parents is that a child, having mastered some knowledge and skills of working at a computer, can easily remove everything established restrictions... You don't need to have access to parent mail or Microsoft accounts... But it will not be possible to do this without leaving a trace - the corresponding notifications will immediately come to the specified mailbox... We will not dwell on this mechanism.

2 votes

Good day, dear readers of my blog. Today I will step back a little from my main mission. We will not talk about making money on the Internet, but we will discuss one very important thing. Let's talk about protecting children from malicious sites, games and applications.

In this article, you will learn how to put parental control on the Internet, I will show a video on how to protect your children from harmful effects computer. I'll tell you which phone to buy for the smallest and set the lock so that no one will even guess that something is forbidden to him.

Windows parental controls

If you have Windows 7, like mine, then you can prohibit the use of some programs, games and determine the time at which children can be at the computer.

If you need to ban not only the use of the computer itself, but also the Internet, you will have to download additional extensions on the official Microsoft website to increase your management capabilities. It's free.

If for some reason you do not like this method, then you can install another additional program. However, in any case, first you have to learn how to create additional accounts users. Let's figure it out as soon as possible.

Create a new account

Go to the control panel to create a new account. It is needed to control only children and not have problems using the laptop yourself.

Now open the Parental Controls tab.

And create a new account.

It is not necessary to use for this account. Only you (the administrator) need it so that teenagers cannot enter the system and reconfigure the conditions for more comfortable ones.

To check the box or not is up to you, and, probably, the child. After entering the name, click on "Create".

Ready. Let's set it up now.

Time limit

In order to apply additional settings you need to go to the account created for the offspring. Click on it.

So that is all. You are where you need it. Turn on parental controls at the top of the window that opens.

Without additional programs you can limit the child in time, games and applications used. Let's click on the first parameter.

Be careful, in blue you mark the time when he cannot be at the computer. After completion, all that remains is to click "OK" and you're done.

Ban on games

Tracking and control programs

If for some reason you do not want to install Windows Live, but you need to implement the ban, then I offer you the program KidsControl... Thanks to it, you can also deny access to unwanted resources, exercise control over time, see which sites the kid visited.

The operation of the application itself will not be noticeable, and when accessing a forbidden resource, the site will display an error 404, "Server not found" or "Page unavailable." The utility is shareware. You will have 14 days to free use, and then you have to pay 870 rubles for the use.

To use it, you, as in the first case, will have to create several accounts, including one for the child. I think it won't be such a problem. KidsControl will only open when you start the system and log in with your (first) account you started with.

In the future, no one will understand that you have this program on your computer. To open it, you will need to restart the operating system. It's funny, but even the ubiquitous one does not see her, that is, even a nosy teenager will find it difficult to get to her.

So, download the program and reboot the system. This will open a window in which you can make settings.

As you can see, there are two accounts here: the administrator, the one who downloaded the program and has all the rights, as well as everyone else.

You can create multiple users who will have access to this program. You don't have to limit everyone.

The blacklist will include sites that the child is not allowed to access.

Prohibited resources are determined by the program itself. It has a built-in base with automatic system an update that periodically monitors the internet and adds sites not suitable for children.

If you want, the "Forbidden Files" tab will block the ability to download some files: music, videos and programs.

Well, the access schedule will not allow your child to enter the computer at a time that is not intended for this purpose.

That's all. Now you know how to protect your child from the computer. Let's move on to the phone?

Parental control on the phone for the little ones

To begin with, I would like to talk to you about protection for the little ones. In the case of them, I would recommend you not to put protection on the Internet or phone, but to purchase BB-mobile ... You add to it yourself phone number, on which the baby can call and write SMS.

There are no complicated buttons here, additional unnecessary functions... At any time you can press a couple of buttons and get a map with the exact location of your baby. Likewise, you can access the baby's mobile from your phone and turn on the audio broadcast of what is happening around. The phone will call you back automatically, without the child's participation.

When it comes to the smallest, this thing is simply irreplaceable.

Of course, a rare child in the second or third grade will calmly walk with a BB-mobile and will not arrange a tantrum with a request to buy a fancy phone. We will talk about how to work with an Android tablet and phone in a future article. Subscribe to the newsletter not to miss.

Until next time and good luck in your endeavors.