Installing standard windows 7 programs. What standard programs should be on the computer

Standard programs Windows 7

Together with the operating room Windows system 7 you get a set of applications that will be useful for daily work. Although their capabilities are weaker than specialized software packages, they will most likely be sufficient for most cases.

You have at your disposal graphic editor Paint, WordPad text editor, editor for working with simple text files Notepad, Calculator, program for recording sound from a microphone and some others (see Fig. 2.54).

Rice. 2.54. Group of programs Standard All of them are located in the Standard folder. To get to it, you need to enter the Main

menu (click the Start button), click All Programs, and then find the folder named Standard among the folders that appear and click on it.

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. Go to work tomorrow"

Graphic editor Paint

Graphic paint editor allows you to create simple color and black and white drawings, and also perform some image processing operations. Compared to previous versions of Windows, which also included Paint, it appearance has changed a lot. In Fig. Figure 2.55 shows the view of the Paint graphic editor window.

Rice. 2.55. Paint window view

To launch it, you need to enter the Main Menu, find the Standard folder (see Fig. 2.54) and click on the Paint item in it.

There is a Paint icon at the top of the window

Next to it is a button to save the image to a file.

The moment you click on this button, the current state of the picture will be written to a file. If you finish drawing something else, and at this time the computer's power turns off, all changes after last entry will disappear into the file. For this reason, do not forget to periodically click on the save button, even if you have not yet completed the drawing. When you first click on this button, Paint does not yet know in which folder and with what name you should save your drawing. For this reason it will open standard window saving the file shown in Fig. 2.56.

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. Go to work tomorrow"

Rice. 2.56. Standard window for saving a file Find the folder in which you want to save the file with the picture, enter the File name in the field

name for the file (instead of the default name Untitled), select the format in which the image will be stored in the File type drop-down list, then click the Save button.

When you subsequently save changes to the image by clicking the button

the standard file saving window will not appear, since Paint already knows which file to save the image into.

Following the save button there are two buttons responsible for undoing and repeating actions -

What are we talking about? The fact is that in many programs several of your recent actions can be cancelled. For example, you drew beautiful image, and then added a detail that looks completely unnecessary. What to do? Redraw everything again? For such cases, a cancel action button is provided.

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. Go to work tomorrow"

Click on it with the mouse, and the last change you made will disappear as if it never happened. But what to do if you suddenly decide that you got carried away and canceled in vain? latest changes? The redo button will help you

Click on it with the mouse and the undone changes will reappear.

Below the window title is the ribbon area. What is this? The ribbon is a strip made in the form of tabs with buttons and other control elements on them. At the top you can see tab shortcuts (Home, View), by clicking on which you can switch from one tab to another. The Home tab is initially visible. But you can click on the name of another tab, View, and you will see its elements. And then you can return to the Home tab again by clicking on the word Home.

At the bottom of the window there is a status bar. It displays various auxiliary information. To the right of the icon

shows the location of the mouse pointer in the picture. It is shown in dots, starting from the upper left corner of the image. The horizontal coordinate is shown first, and then the vertical coordinate. To the right of the icon

The total size of the image is displayed.

There is a scale in the lower right corner of the Paint window.

It is used to change the image scale. The current scale value itself is shown to the left of this scale. By default it is set to 100%. To change the scale, you can either drag the slider with the mouse

left (decrease) or right (increase), or click on round buttons- (decrease) and + (increase). What does "drag and drop" mean? This means that you need to move the mouse pointer over the slider, click left button mouse and, without releasing it, move the mouse in the right side. When you move the slider to the desired value, release the mouse button.

It must be noted that, By changing the scale, you do not change the size of the image.

nia. It only seems to approach you or move away from you. Usually they change the scale when they want to examine or edit some small detail.

We all beat around the bush, but how do we start drawing? The Pencil tool is enabled by default. You can draw with your mouse the same way you would draw on a piece of paper with a pencil. To draw a line, place your mouse pointer

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. Go to work tomorrow"

V right place white sheet in the central part of the Paint window, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the mouse pointer where the line should go.

Of course, you can choose the line color. To do this, there is a color palette on the right side of the Home tab. By left-clicking on the corresponding colored square, you can select the current line color. If the set of colors in the palette does not suit you, you can click the Change colors button and in the dialog box that opens, add a color from a wider range to the palette.

In addition to color, we can also change the line thickness. To do this, click on the Size button. A list with example lines will open. Click on the desired sample.

You can set not only the width of the line, but also the way it is drawn. To do this, click on the Brushes button (on the word itself). A list of brush types will open (Fig. 2.57).

Rice. 2.57. Types of brushes The pictures show the principle of each brush, but it’s better to experiment

on one's own.

You can not only draw lines by hand, but also use ready-made figures. To do this, click on the Shapes button. This will display a list of available shapes

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. Go to work tomorrow"

Rice. 2.58. List of available shapes Let's look at some shapes.

Line – draws a straight segment. To do this, place the mouse pointer at the place where the line should begin, press the left mouse button and move the mouse pointer to the place where the line should end, then release the mouse button.

You can choose the line thickness as we discussed earlier.

Draw a line when pressed Shift key Creates vertical, horizontal or 45° inclined lines.

Drawing right click the mouse colors the line with the background color.

Curve – designed for drawing curves with smooth bends. Drawing is done as follows:

A straight line is drawn.

An inflection point is selected on the straight line and “dragged” to the side. The straight line turns into a curve passing through the inflection point from the starting point to the ending point.

Another inflection point on the curve is selected and “dragged” to the side. The curve bends again.

Rectangle – draws a rectangle. To do this, place the mouse pointer in the place where the upper left corner of the rectangle should be, press the left mouse button and move the mouse pointer to the place where the lower right corner of the rectangle should be, then release the mouse button. The rectangle is painted in accordance with the selected scheme:

outline only;

contour and background;

only background.

Drawing a shape while holding down the Shift key results in a square appearing.

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. Go to work tomorrow"

Polygon - used to draw a sequence of line segments in which the beginning of the next segment is at the end of the previous one, and the end of the last one falls at the beginning of the first. This sequence forms a polygon, which, upon completion of construction, is painted over as a rectangle.

Ellipse – draws an ellipse. To draw, imagine that the future ellipse will be inscribed in a rectangle. Next, proceed as described for the Rectangle tool.

Drawing a shape while holding down the Shift key results in a circle appearing.

Rounded Rectangle – Draws a rectangle with rounded corners. Additional Shapes can be seen if you click on the button

In addition to the tools we mentioned, there are others. For example, you can fill a limited area of ​​a drawing with the selected color.

Fill – paints a closed area with the line color when working with the left mouse button and the background color when working with the right mouse button. If the area is not closed, then all areas up to the closed boundary will be painted. If you see unexpected coloring of another area, cancel the action using the button

and find the boundary break. Zooming in (the scale in the lower right corner of the Paint window) can help with this.

If you need to erase some of the lines, you can use the Eraser tool.

Eraser – erases objects in the path of the mouse pointer, filling the trace with the current background color. The width of the trace is determined by the selection in the Size drop-down list. When working with the right mouse button, the eraser will replace the background color with the color of only those points for which it coincides with the current line color.

In addition to lines and shapes, the image can be decorated with text. To do this, click on the button

After selecting this tool, click the mouse in the place on the sheet where you want to place the text. A rectangular fragment will appear, defining the area where the text will be placed.

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. Go to work tomorrow"

This will open the text attributes panel (Font), in which you can select the font, size and style (change boldness, italic and underline).

Once you've set your text attributes, click inside your selection and type your text. As long as the text area selection frame exists, you can make any changes to the text: choose a different color, position, size, style and font.

Clicking outside the selection turns the text into part of the drawing.

In addition to choosing a color to draw from the palette, you can specify desired color right in the picture. To do this, click on the button

and then move the mouse pointer to the element of the picture whose color you want to make the current color and left-click.

You can do some work on areas of the image. useful actions. To do this, the fragment must first be selected. To select a rectangular fragment of the image, click on the button

In the menu that appears, click on the Select item, and in the submenu that opens, click Rectangular Area. Then position your mouse pointer where you want the top left corner of the selection to be, press the left mouse button and move the mouse pointer to where you want the bottom right corner of the selection to be, then release the mouse button. In this case, a dotted frame appears, in the corners of which and in the middle of each side there are squares that allow you to change the size of the selection in the same way as resizing a window (by dragging the squares).

The selected fragment can be dragged to another place in the picture. In this case, the previous location of the fragment is filled with the background color. If you drag while holding down the keyboard Ctrl key, then a copy of the fragment is created.

The selected fragment can be placed in the Clipboard using buttons, a list of which appears when you click on the Clipboard button (Fig. 2.59).

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. Go to work tomorrow"

Rice. 2.59. Buttons for working with the Clipboard Cut – moves the selected fragment of the picture to the Clipboard.

Copy – creates a copy of the selected fragment of the picture in the Clipboard. Paste – inserts a fragment located in the Clipboard into the picture. Fragment

appears in the drawing as if on top of it and must be moved to the right place. A fragment pasted from the Clipboard appears in the left top corner drawing and

remains selected, allowing you to drag it to the desired location in the drawing. Clicking outside the selection deselects it.

We mentioned the Clipboard. What is this? This is a “pocket” in Windows where you can temporarily put part of an image or text. This "pocket" is common to all applications. This way, you can put something in the Clipboard in one application and retrieve it in another. For example, you can put a fragment of an image that you drew in Paint on the Clipboard, and remove this fragment from the Clipboard when working with word processor Microsoft Word(we'll talk about it later) and place it as an illustration to the text.

So, we can select a fragment. What additional actions can we do this with him? For example, you can rotate a fragment by a certain angle. To do this, click on the Image button. In the menu that appears, select Rotate. A submenu will open where you can choose exactly how to rotate the selected fragment.

For more accurate and convenient creation some images can be included additional elements Paint windows. To do this, go to the View tab. There are check boxes for Rulers and Grid Lines. When you enable the Rulers checkbox, horizontal and vertical rulers appear, along which you can precisely position the mouse pointer.

Turning on grid lines will help you draw fine designs. To do this, it is convenient to turn on the Grid lines checkbox and zoom in on the drawing using the scale in the lower right corner of the Paint window.

We've dealt with various instruments to create an image. We also know how to save a drawn picture in a file. But how can you open a previously saved image?

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. Go to work tomorrow"

To open a file with a picture, click on the button

located to the left of the Home tab shortcut. This will open a menu. Select Open from this menu. A standard file opening window will appear, familiar to you from the section where we discussed setting background images for the Desktop. Find the folder where the file with your drawing is located, click on the file name, and then click on the Open button.

If you need to start the drawing again with clean slate, click on the button

and in the menu that appears, select the Create command.

And that the next time you click on this button, the file saving window will no longer appear, but what if you needed to save the image with some changes in a file with a different name? To do this, click on the button

And In the menu that appears, select Save As. The standard save file window will appear again, where you can specify a different name for the image file.

The commands responsible for setting up image printing are collected in a submenu that appears when you click on the button

And selecting Print (Fig. 2.60).

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. Go to work tomorrow"

Rice. 2.60. Commands for printing an image When you select the Page Setup command, a dialog box appears where you can

adjust print settings such as the size of the paper used, its orientation, and the margins from the edges of the sheet to the drawing. When choosing portrait orientation The sheet is positioned vertically, and when selecting landscape, it is positioned horizontally.

The Centering group checkboxes allow you to automatically align the image to the center of the sheet.

When all parameters are set, click OK.

Before printing a drawing on a printer, you can see on the screen how it will look on a sheet of paper. To do this, click on the button

and select Print, and in the submenu that appears, the Preview command. Your drawing will be displayed in the main part of the window as it will then be printed. You can zoom in or out by clicking on the buttons

A. N. Lebedev. “Windows 7 and Office 2010. Computer for beginners. Go to work tomorrow"

When to exit mode preview, click the Close preview window button.

When you decide to print the image on the printer, click on the button

In the menu that appears, select Print, and in the submenu that opens, select Print. A window similar to the one shown in Fig. will open. 2.61.

Rice. 2.61. Print pattern window

IN In the Select a printer list, you need to click on the name of the printer on which you want to print your picture.

IN The Page Range group lets you choose which pages to print if your image is so large that it won't fit on one sheet. If you want to print not the entire image, but only part of it, you must first select a fragment and select Select in the print window.

To start the printing process, click on the Print button.

To finish working with the Paint graphic editor, you need to click on standard button closing the window

When installing the operating system, by default a whole package of standard Windows programs is installed, about which to a simple user we just don't know anything. Some standard programs can be found in the menu Start - All programs. Next we open the sections: Service, Standard, and further Service, Accessibility . Some programs are intended for specialists and access to these programs can only be done through the command line or through the command “ Execute».

Using the command " Execute» You can quickly launch programs, open files and folders, and navigate to websites when your computer is connected to the Internet.

To run the command " Execute", you can use one of the following methods:

All that remains is to enter the name of the program to launch it

Now let's proceed directly to the description of those programs that are of interest from the point of view of their use, not only by specialists, but also by the common user.

appwiz.cpl- Programs and components. You can uninstall a program if you no longer need it or need to free up space on your hard drive. To remove programs or change their configuration by adding or removing specific components, you can use the " Programs and components».

control- Control Panel. Used to change Windows settings. These settings almost completely determine how Windows looks and operates, and allows you to customize Windows in the way that best suits your needs.

cipher.exe- utility for maintaining EFS (Encrypted file system(EFS) is a Windows component that allows you to save information on your hard drive in an encrypted format. Encryption is the strongest protection Windows provides to protect your data.) Also, using this utility, you can delete a file, folder or data from a disk without the possibility of recovery.

cleanmgr- Disk cleanup. To reduce the amount unused files on your hard drive to free up disk space and improve computer performance. It deletes temporary files, empty the trash and deletes many system files and other unused elements. More information

control folders- Folder options. Using the Folder Options component, you can change the way you work with files and folders, as well as the display of items on your computer.

control desktop- Personalization. You can change individual parts of the theme (images, colors, and sounds), and then save the modified theme for own use or for sharing with other users

comexp.msc- Component services. Using the " Component Services" V MMC consoles can be customized COM components, COM applications+ and DTC distributed transaction coordinator, as well as administer them. Equipment « Component Services» is intended for both system administrators, and for application developers. For example, administrators can manage components, and developers can configure desired component and application behavior, such as participation in transactions and object pooling

compmgmt.msc- Computer management. Console Microsoft management(MMC) groups administration tools that are used to administer networks, computers, services, and other system components.

credwiz- Saving usernames and passwords. If usernames and passwords are damaged or destroyed, you can use the backup copy to recover them.

charmap- Character table. Serves for insertion special characters into the document. Special characters are characters that are not found on the keyboard. These characters include complex signs mathematical operations, scientific notation for numbers, currency symbols and letters of other languages

certmgr.msc- Certificates. Certificates are primarily used to identify users or devices, authenticate services, or encrypt files. Typically, certificates are used unnoticed by the user. However, sometimes you receive notifications that the certificate is invalid or has expired. In these cases, you should follow the instructions provided in the message.

taskschd.msc- Task scheduler. If you use a particular program regularly, you can use the Task Scheduler Wizard to create a task that will run that program automatically according to established schedule. To complete these steps, you must be logged in as an administrator. Otherwise, you can only change the parameters of the current account user.

devmgmt.msc- Device Manager. Using Device Manager, you can install and update hardware device drivers, change device settings, and troubleshoot device problems. A device driver is software that allows Windows to communicate with separate device. The device driver is installed to provide Windows operation with new equipment.

diskpart - Console utility to manage partitions in volumes of hard disk. The /add parameter is used to create a new partition, and /delete is used to delete an existing one. The device variable is the device name for the new partition (for example, \device\harddisk0). The drive variable is the letter assigned to the partition to be deleted (for example, D). The partition variable is the name of the partition to be deleted according to the partition naming rules (for example, \device\harddisk0\partition1); it can be used instead of the drive variable. The size variable is used to indicate the size of the new partition (in megabytes) Full list utility commands can be obtained by entering HELP

dxdiag- The DirectX media technology package is used by many Windows games. If the required software is not installed on your computer DirectX version indicated on the product packaging, the game may not operate properly. If you have any problems playing a game or movie, the tool DirectX diagnostics will help you find their reasons. DirectX is a set of technologies used in many multimedia programs Windows OS

diskmgmt.msc- Disk management. Disk Management in this version of Windows is designed to perform disk management tasks such as creating and formatting partitions and volumes and assigning drive letters. Control hard drive differs from managing programs and information stored on disk. Some control operations lead to hard change disk, such as formatting or redistributing partitions. Managing information on your hard drive refers to organizing files and folders to make information easier to access (or adjusting their properties). You can also use the DiskPart command to perform disk management tasks with other command-line programs.

eventvwr.msc- View events. Program " Event Viewer» is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in for viewing and managing event logs. This indispensable tool to monitor the performance of the system and troubleshoot problems that arise (for example, programs that do not start properly or updates that are downloaded automatically).

eudcedit- Personal sign editor. The Personal Symbol Editor allows you to create your own symbols and insert them into documents using a symbol table

ftp- FTP protocol. File Transfer Protocol(FTP) is a protocol used to transfer files over the Internet. FTP is typically used to make files available for downloading by others, but can also be used when sending web pages to build a website or host digital photos on the website with shared access to the images.

firewall.cpl- Windows Firewall. A firewall is a software or hardware complex, which examines data incoming over the Internet or network and, depending on your firewall settings, blocks it or allows it to enter the computer. A firewall can help prevent hackers or malicious software (such as worms) from entering your computer through a network or the Internet. The firewall also helps prevent sending malware to other computers.

iexplore - Internet Explorer. Microsoft Browser

intl.cpl- Languages regional standards. You can change the format that Windows uses to display information (such as dates, times, currencies, and units of measurement) to conform to the standards of the language you choose. For example, when working with documents written in two languages ​​(French and English), you can change the format to French and use the euro as the currency, and display dates in the day/month/year format.

mmc- Management Console (MMC). A place to store and display administrative tools created by Microsoft and other software vendors. These tools are called snap-ins and are used to manage hardware, software, and network components Windows OS. Some tools located in the Administrative Tools folder in Control Panel, such as Computer Management, are MMC snap-ins.

msconfig- System configuration. The system setup program is additional remedy, designed to help identify problems that may prevent Windows from starting in normal mode. At Windows startup You can turn off regular services and startup programs and then turn them on one at a time. If the problem does not occur when a service is disabled, but appears after it is enabled, then that service may be the source of the problem. System Setup is intended for troubleshooting purposes, but not for boot management.

msinfo32- System information. Component " System Information" (also called msinfo32.exe) displays detailed information about hardware configuration, components and software computer, including drivers

msra- Remote assistant. Sometimes the best way to troubleshoot a problem is to have someone show you how to do it. Remote Windows Assistant- This convenient way for someone trustworthy, such as a friend or service professional technical support, connect to the user’s computer and help him find a solution to the problem, even if this specialist is not nearby

msdt- Microsoft Technical Support Diagnostic Tool. Used to collect information about problems that occur with your computer and then send this information over the Internet to Microsoft Product Support Services.

mmsys.cpl- Sound. You can set the computer to play sounds when certain events occur (an event can be either an action performed by the user, such as logging on to the computer, or an action performed by the computer, such as notifying you that a new email message has arrived)


OptionalFeatures - Windows components. Some programs and features included with Windows, such as Internet Information Services, must be turned on before use. Some other features are enabled by default, but can be turned off when not in use

osk - On-screen keyboard. Instead of regular keyboard You can use the on-screen keyboard to print and enter data. The on-screen keyboard appears on the screen with everyone standard keys. You can select keys using a mouse or other pointing device, or use a single key or group of keys to switch between keys on the screen

odbcad32- Source administrator ODBC data. ODBC is a technology that is used by programs to access various databases data (or data sources). For example, ODBC technology can be used to import data from a database MySQL data V spreadsheet Microsoft Excel. To do this, you must have the required software installed on your computer. ODBC driver and the data source is specified.

perfmon - System Monitor Windows. Can be used to analyze the impact of programs on computer performance, both in real time and by collecting log data for subsequent processing. System Windows monitor uses performance counters, event trace data, and configuration information that can be aggregated into data collector groups

psr- A tool for recording actions to reproduce problems. You can use the Troubleshooting Activity Recorder to record the activities you perform on your computer, including text description where you clicked the mouse, and images of the screen for each click (called screenshots). The recorded actions can be saved to a file that can be used by a support technician or other person helping to troubleshoot a problem on your computer

powercfg.cpl- Power supply. A power plan is a set of hardware and system settings that control how a computer uses and saves power. Power management plans can save energy, maximize system performance, or provide optimal ratio between them

rstrui- System recovery. Allows you to undo changes made to the computer system without affecting personal files, For example email, documents or photographs. System Restore is optimal choice when installing a program or driver that caused an unexpected change in the configuration of the computer or Windows OS, and removing the program or driver did not solve the problem

regedit- Registry editor. A tool designed for experienced users. This tool is designed to view and change settings in system registry, which contains information about the operation of the computer

recdisc- Create a system recovery disk. System recovery options can help you recover Windows in the event of a serious error. To use system recovery options, you need the installation Windows disk or access recovery options provided by your computer manufacturer. If you can't get either of these, you can create a system repair disc to access system recovery options

gpedit.msc- Local editor group policy. Local Group Policy Editor is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that provides a single interface for managing all Local Group Policy object settings.

sdclt- Archiving and restoration. Program Windows archiving allows you to create a system image that is an exact image of the disk. The system image also contains Windows and system parameters, programs and files. System Restore allows you to restore the state of your computer's system files to a previous point in time.

secpol.msc - Local politics security. Used to view and change Group Policy security settings

sfc- Checking the integrity of all protected system files and replacing wrong versions correct. Run on the command line with administrator rights. Run Command Prompt as Administrator

sigverif- Checking the file signature. Digital signature is an electronic security label added to files. It allows you to check the publisher of a file and helps you determine if the file has been modified after adding a digital signature to it

taskmgr- Dispatcher Windows tasks. Task Manager displays applications, processes, and services that are in current moment running on the computer. You can use it to monitor your computer's performance or stop applications that are not responding.

TabletPC.cpl- Feather and touch devices. When using a tablet PC or touch screen You can use your tablet pen or finger to perform movements called gestures to quickly navigate and perform actions

verifier- Driver Verification Manager. A driver is a program that allows a computer to interact with hardware and devices. Impossible without drivers normal operation equipment connected to the PC, such as a video adapter or printer

lusrmgr.msc - Local users and groups. Use the Local Users and Groups snap-in to create and manage users and groups stored locally on your computer

wscui.cpl- Support center. The Action Center lists important messages about computer security and maintenance settings that require your attention. Marked in red Important messages, indicating significant problems that need to be corrected as quickly as possible

fxscover- Fax cover page editor. Fax and Windows scan", included with this version of Windows, contains four ready-made title pages. You can also create your own cover pages with this program

If some standard program does not work or malfunctions, then you can try to reinstall it. Open Windows Components by entering the command OptionalFeatures in Start - Run. Select the component that needs to be reinstalled, uncheck it (When some components are disabled, a warning appears) click YES and after restarting the computer, again check the box next to the component that was disabled. You will have to reboot again for the changes to take effect.

For more information, visit the Windows website. Visit the Windows website, which contains additional information, downloadable materials and ideas for making the most of effective use computer running Windows 7

In this chapter, we will look at standard Windows 7 programs that always receive little attention, although the programs are quite useful. Standard programs are placed in the program group All programs => Standard. You've probably already worked with previous versions of Windows and used some programs. So, in Windows 7, many standard programs have been improved, and you will be pleased to notice the changes that are “evident” in this version of Windows. Descriptions of standard programs are given in the table.

Notepad and WordPad. Text editors

Windows 7 has two text editors, but neither is suitable for editing complex documents. In other words, without office suite you can't get by. The text editor Notepad remained unchanged, but the text editor WordPad processor has been slightly modified. However, the changes mainly affected GUI. Now WordPad looks like MS Office 2007, but in terms of functionality it is very far from MS Word. Although WordPad can format text and insert pictures (that’s why it’s called a word processor and not text editor), but still can't work with tables.

Graphic editor Paint

But the graphic editor Paint not only gained new interface user (in the style of MS Office 2007), but has also become much more convenient to use. It has new tools (quite useful tool Cropping), and the behavior of the program itself has also changed: now graphic files are saved by default in the PNG (Portable Network Graphic) format. PNG format provides lossless image compression: combined high quality images and small size file. Previously, the graphics editor used the BMP format - the quality was high, but the file size was the same. In Vista, for reasons unknown to me, Paint saved pictures in JPEG format- The file size was small, but the image quality was low. Now everything has fallen into place - high image quality and low file size. If you wish, you can still save the file in another format: BMP, JPEG, TIFF or GIF.

Calculator in Windows 7

Even the Calculator program in Windows 7 has been redesigned! Of course, they didn’t “screw on” an interface in the style of MS Office 2007. The new calculator has new mode. Before this mode there were two: Engineering and Normal, in new version Programmer and Statistics modes appeared. There will probably be users who will appreciate these modes.

Notes, scraps. Electronic sticky notes in Windows 7

Yellow sticky notes are still popular in offices. Users glue them everywhere, including on monitors, and then they have to clean the monitor from glue residue and dust.

Various developers offered their programs - electronic analogues of stickers. With the advent of Windows 7, electronic sticky notes appeared as part of the operating system - this is the Notes program.

Scissors in Windows 7

If you are going to write an article about Windows setup or other program, you will need a screenshot tool. The Scissors program can cut an arbitrary section of the desktop and save it as a graphic file. But if you need to take a screenshot (window snapshot) of a program, then it’s easier to use the key combination - the screenshot will be copied to the clipboard. After that, open the Paint program and paste the image into the Paint workspace (using the keys ), then save the image as a graphic file.

To take a screenshot of your entire desktop, press the (without) key and then paste the image into Paint or any other graphics editor.

Remote computer access

Remote access is a godsend for the administrator. Once you set up remote access, you can manage the remote computer in the same way as a local one. If you have colleagues who are not very good at setting up their computer, you can connect to their computer and help them - you won't even have to go near their computer, which is very convenient.

    To allow a remote computer to connect to your computer, you need to follow these steps:
  • Select Start => Computer;
  • Click on the System Properties button;
  • Click on the button (on the left) Setting up remote access;
  • Enable the Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with network level authentication option;
  • Click on the Select users button;
  • Select users who can connect to your system;
  • You can turn off the Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer option—in most cases, you don't need Remote Assistance.

Windows 7 Utilities

The program group Standard => Utilities contains utility programs that can be used to maintain the system. Descriptions of utility programs are given in the table.

Program Description
System Restore Allows you to restore the system after a failure, for example, after incorrect installation of a driver or program. The recovery service is described in detail in the chapter Windows 7 Recovery System
Disk defragmentation Why you need to defragment a disk and how to use a defragmentation program is described in the article Disk Defragmentation
Computer Brings up an Explorer window. I don’t even know why this program was placed in the System group, the same window opens when you select the Start => Computer command
Resource Monitor A useful information program providing information about system resources. It will be discussed in detail in the article System Monitor
Internet Explorer (no add-ons) Internet Browser Explorer will start without add-ons, which is useful if some add-ons are buggy
Transfer Tool Windows data Used to transfer data from one computer to another
Windows Easy Transfer reports Allows you to view Migration Tool reports
Personal Sign Editor With this editor you can create and save your own symbols, which you can later use in your documents
Disk Cleanup General cleaning disk: temporary files, temporary IE files are deleted from the disk, the Recycle Bin is emptied, etc. You can run the same program by clicking on the Disk Cleanup button in the disk properties window
Control Panel Windows Control Panel is the control center of Windows
Job Scheduler Allows you to run programs, display messages or send emails on a schedule. This program will be discussed in the article Task Scheduler
System Information Information program, which allows you to get information about your laptop hardware
Symbol table With this program you can view the available symbols and copy them to the clipboard. This program is convenient for entering special characters, for example, ®

How to start Task Manager in Windows 7

Sometimes you need to crash a process that doesn't respond to user input. To do this, press the keys and select Launch Task Manager. The Task Manager will appear with open tab Processes.

This operating system aims at visual appeal and user comfort. The OC, by default, provides background images. Where to find standard wallpaper for windows 10 and how to download them?

Where are the default wallpapers stored in Windows 10?

To find background pictures, you need to do next steps:

3. In the window that opens, in the list (located on the left) we find the icon for the drive C – OS (C:).

4. In the list of folders on drive C, go to the “Windows” directory.

5. In it we find the “Web” folder. This is what we need, as it contains all the standard windows wallpaper 10 per desktop.

The “Web” folder contains three directories:

  • Screen;
  • Wallpaper.

The first 4 K directory contains nine similar drawings in corporate style dozens of Hero. They are specially made in various resolutions, to ensure high-quality display on various types screens and monitors.

"Wallpaper" contains three groups of preset image files in different resolutions.

Windows Spotlight

In addition to the usual background pictures, to ensure the operation of the “Windows: Interesting” function (automatically changes images on the lock screen), additional photographs are placed in the system. How to find them?

  1. Pressing the Win + R keys simultaneously will open the Run window.

2. Enter the following command in the “Open” field:


3. After clicking OK, a window with a list of files will open
9. The drawings need to be copied to some new folder.

Now their format needs to be made usable. If there are few files, they are manually renamed with the addition of the extension - .jpg. For a large number of documents, the name can be changed as follows:

  • in the folder with the copied pictures, click the address bar;
  • introduced cmd command and press the Enter button;

  • will appear command line, in which the combination will open: Ren*.* *.jpg;

  • press Enter;

Everything is ready to use.

How to download standard windows 10 wallpapers

To download system background images to a storage device or other device, you need to go to the desired directory, select the file of interest and, in the standard way (Ctrl+C – copy, Ctrl+V – paste), move it to to the right address. Renamed files for the design of “Windows: Interesting” can be easily downloaded to required device similarly.

New versions of standard Microsoft background images can be downloaded from the company's official website. To do this, enter a query into a search engine - Microsoft help.