Voting widget. Blogger is not for dummies: Voting for a blog

Today we will talk about VKontakte widgets for websites. Let's look at all 12 and tell you how a close connection between a social network and any website - informational, corporate, online store and landing page - will provide synergy.

Yana Lavrova, communications manager at, explains how to organize this interaction and direct it in the right direction.

These 12 VKontakte widgets are the best way to increase audience engagement

Yana Lavrova

The site and the VKontakte group should have common goals

In our opinion, if the site and the group exist on their own and their goals are different (for example, the site performs a representative function and talks about services, while promotion and sales are carried out in the group) - this is fundamentally wrong.

This does not mean that information flows and commerce should be duplicated, but presupposes their competent combination. It’s very easy to build this integration using ready-made widgets « VKontakte” – guided by the documentation, even a novice webmaster can configure and connect them.

Widgets « VKontakte - applications (information blocks, buttons, windows) that create a two-way connection between the site and « VKontakte" (group, individual user account, as in the case of sharing).

The simplest example is a widget « I like”, with which site visitors can like materials using their account.

Widgets perform different tasks, but they have one thing in common - they all make the site more convenient. People stay longer on convenient sites, view more pages, and take more actions.

All this works for behavioral SEO factors and, of course, for conversion. And also integration with social networks - if the communities are alive and active - this increases confidence in the business. Neither a classic website, nor a page in a catalog or on a recommendation service - nothing so clearly and comprehensively reflects the spirit, customer focus and speed of solutions.

Of course, there is no need to install all 12 widgets on the site. Let's try to figure out which ones will be useful for you.

1. Authorization

What gives: more registrations (your potential leads), more active audience; social data; visitors do not leave the site when faced with the need to register. Friends are displayed in the authorization block- which means the site is more likely to be trusted and there will probably be something useful on it.

Remember yourself. You want to access the continuation of the article, download a book, buy something in an online store, express your opinion on the forum, but all this can only be done after registering via email and subsequent authorization using a login and password.

It would be good if the site at this stage does not require you to fill out a detailed questionnaire, including questions about age and professional interests.

Now remember the sites where you can create your personal account in a few clicks: just log in through any social network. And at the next stage, if desired, fill out the questionnaire. Convenient, right?

In 2016, Janrain conducted a study that surveyed 600 of its customers. According to received:

2. I like it

What gives: assessing the success of the material; increasing social coverage; the ability to explore the audience; track comments on the wall of users who shared the material.

Sometimes you like an article so much that it’s difficult to resist expressing gratitude to the author. You can do this in three ways:

  1. Find contacts of the author or company and make a compliment in person (not the closest way).
  2. Register on the site and gain access to local rating operators (this will also take time).
  3. Just click on the heart through the widget « VKontakte" (1 second).

Using the widget you can:

  1. Evaluate the success of materials by the collected likes.
  2. Increase the social reach of the material: after sharing, a link to your favorite article or product will appear on the fan’s wall in a couple of seconds. Don't deny yourself social reach.
  3. Create a portrait of the audience of supporters: no one forbids you to go through the profiles of people who rated the publication.


What gives: increased involvement in the discussion; virality, ; the ability to explore the audience; track comments on the wall of users who shared the material.

This is time saving and openness. And openness today for most representatives of generation Y (the most active Internet users) is more of a plus than a minus.

A typical Y will even be flattered if the participants in a dialogue or polylogue are not lazy and go to his page in « VKontakte” to form your idea of ​​him as a person.

Perhaps many did not pay attention to one very useful option:

The widget synchronizes comments on the site with comments on the wall of the user who shared his comment. What does it mean? If a friend of the commentator joins the discussion during « VKontakte”, a new comment will immediately appear on two platforms at once: on the user’s page and on your website.

Synchronizing responses to a comment leads to virality - but you are interested in ensuring that the maximum number of people know about your product?

A comment block can be useful not only on article pages, but also on product cards. With its help, buyers and potential buyers will be able to find out the parameters or delivery details of interest, leave reviews and communicate with those who have already purchased the product.

It is sometimes physically impossible to track new comments on a site manually: some news sites have a number of pages that can reach several thousand, each with a widget. It’s more convenient to control communication through the site’s administrative panel; you can hire several employees to help you, who will act as moderators.

Another advantage that many people don’t know about is the indexing of comments by Yandex.

  1. Firstly, the more often the content is updated, the better this affects the rankings in itself.
  2. Secondly, comments can generate additional traffic from low-frequency queries relevant to the discussion.

4. Community messages

What gives: online consulting and sales support, audience research tool

Most online consultants ask visitors to introduce themselves before asking a question. Widget « Community Messages" makes it one step easier to initiate communication on the part of the user.

An avatar is automatically loaded into the dialog window, messages are sent to the widget on behalf of the user « In contact with". On the other side of the dialogue are the administrators of the community connected to the site.

The widget offers benefits to both businesses and clients (or simply site visitors):

  • The former receive another source of leads and the opportunity to study their social profiles,
  • The second is the opportunity to quickly get advice in a familiar environment.

Moreover, even if the visitor leaves the site, communication with company representatives will continue in messages « In contact with". True, the question remains open whether such personal communication will become a psychological barrier for some users (we all understand that a business receives a link to a user’s personal account).

There are two options for implementing a widget presentation on a website: less intrusive and more intrusive.

  • In the first case, the inactive consultant is a static button, when you click on it. This widget visualization can be recommended to article sites - the widget will not be aggressively marketed and will not distract from reading materials.
  • In the second case, the online consultant is open by default and invites you to dialogue. We recommend this option for sales pages and online stores, as well as businesses with complex products: industrial equipment, machinery, consulting, all goods and services that require individual payment.

5. Publishing links

What gives: increase in social coverage of material

6. Communities

What gives: increase in conversions to join the group

Communication in the group « VKontakte" is in most cases less formal than on the website. Emotional presentation of news, live reaction of administrators to comments, broadcasts of work moments - intuitively expecting this, users move from the widget to the group.

Show that it exists, invite you into it. Expect that the client will go looking for you in « VKontakte itself is not worth it, one can only assume that only the most active users, those who are really interested in your company, will do this.

In the block with subscribers, the user's friends are displayed first. In addition, another block option is available, in which the latest posts from the group wall are displayed instead of friends.

7. Write to us

What gives: increase in the number of leads, increase in the number of members joining the group

Simplified widget form « Community messages." The difference is that the widget is not an online chat in which you can get advice on the site, but a button that opens a dialogue with the community in « In contact with".

If you are more focused on increasing the conversion rate for joining a group, it is better to use this widget: while waiting for the operator’s response, the user will probably want to look into the community - it’s one step away.

A button link to a dialogue with the community can be embedded in any element of the site. At the same time, you need to understand that not all audiences are ready to communicate with the company through their social account. In addition, if the company operates in , an additional argument against this idea may be a ban on the use of social networks in some offices.

The main thing is that the transition to dialogue should not be the only opportunity to contact the business - such a simplification of communication can cost the company dozens of lost customers every day.

8. Subscribe to the author

What does the widget do? By subscribing to an author or community in one click, a site visitor automatically adds all the latest news from the blog or specific person they like to their feed.

The widget will be useful primarily for authors who want to increase their recognition and popularity on VKontakte, as well as for businesses that promote themselves through the personal brand of their representative. You can unsubscribe from the author from the page with outgoing friend requests, from community news - from the community group.

What gives: SEO effect, increasing browsing depth and time on the site; increase in usability due to the navigation block for the most popular materials; increase in engagement with site materials

This is a simple tool that allows you to keep the user on the site by recommending a couple of more interesting materials for him to read. The most popular articles are dynamically loaded into the block, their rating is based on the collected likes.

The more users immerse themselves in your materials, the more:

  1. Your business is remembered more;
  2. More points of contact with the business appear (for example, with proper placement of the same widgets on the website);
  3. The behavioral factors of the site improve: greater browsing depth, longer duration of visits - all of this also affects the site’s position in search.

10. Polls

Creating surveys on your website using the widget is as easy as in « VKontakte: to organize a vote, enter the question and answer options, after which we embed the resulting code into the widget.

In this case, the widget is not synchronization of a survey with an existing post with a survey in a group, but an independent block. In this way, non-overlapping voting can be carried out on the site and in the group. (For example, to compare the preferences and views of the audience of two different platforms).

In addition, site visitors can share surveys on their pages, popularizing your site.

11. Writing on the wall

What gives: increase in conversion to join the group; a simple solution for adding multimedia documents to the site; increase in social coverage of a specific group post.

We recommend installing it if you notice that one of the posts in the group received more engagement than others: it was liked a lot, commented on and reposted. Most likely, the site’s audience will also like it, which means it will work well for conversion to join the group. Well, it will just show you from an interesting side :)

In addition, the widget can be used as a very simple solution for integrating a block with multimedia content into a website: photographs, videos, as well as products from the recording.

12. Allow the community to write

What gives:increase in conversions to join the group; increasing touch points with the business.

Another widget that can become a point of contact on an external site is “Allow the community to write.” With it, you can deliver your news directly to the subscriber’s personal messages: it will be difficult to miss them. As a result, users who subscribe to news in private messages will always be in your information field. Potentially, the tool can compete with traditional email campaigns.

Now let's summarize

Well, we’ve looked at all 12 widgets available for websites today. We hope that now you have learned a little more about them.

To summarize, the integration of the site with« In contact with» can give:

  • improved usability (true for almost all widgets);
  • increase in the number of members joining the group;
  • increased social coverage of the material;
  • improving positions in search results;
  • leads and sales.

In addition, it can become a tool for:

  • studying the site's audience;
  • tracking the path and tone of discussion of material on VKontakte;
  • increased engagement in site materials;
  • growth of loyalty to business.

Click on image to enlarge

What widgets have you installed on your website and how do they work for your business?

Sometimes you need to evaluate and find out the attitude of your website visitors towards a specific topic, find out the general opinion of readers, or you simply need advice on something. All this can be found out through a survey that you can easily place on your page. Surveys are used not only as a source of data on the opinions of visitors, they also play an important role in increasing the level of interaction, which has a positive effect on readers by allowing them to express their opinions.

You can easily place a survey on a page with a little programming knowledge and using available services that nowadays allow you to develop surveys in the desired style that matches the overall appearance of your site. In this article, we have collected 10 online services that will help you create and integrate free surveys into your website or blog.

By using Pollcode You can create your own surveys without even registering, but if you need some of the survey's special features, the registration process won't take more than a few seconds. The service allows you to edit the appearance (you can choose the desired font, colors and design) so that it matches your website template.
The service is completely free to use, but the condition of use is that advertisements will be shown in your survey results (only visible after someone votes or views the survey results). There will not be a single ad posted on the website itself, just a link back to

ProProfs presents the possibility of creating simple questionnaires. The free version allows you to create an unlimited number of surveys, but after 7 days, advertisements will appear on them. Using this service, you can easily create and edit surveys, as well as fill them with unique functions. These features will help you avoid rating fraud (checking can even be done based on determining the geographic location of each voter), and you will also have the opportunity to post images or video files, and integrate the survey with MySpace, Facebook and other social networks.

Snap Poll offers the ability to easily and quickly create surveys. You will spend no more than a couple of minutes on installation. You have the ability to edit the color, layout, and appearance of the survey to match your website template. You are not required to register or make any financial contributions - the application is absolutely free. The only aspect of the two-way agreement is that you will not attempt to avoid the display of advertisements.

Free (backlink required) service Modpoll has already been used to create questionnaires on sites such as,,, and You can create as many surveys as you need and then add them to your blog or pages on your own website. It is also possible to publish a survey on popular social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, FriendFeed, Digg, Gmail, AOL Mail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, Blogger, Tumblr, TypePad, LiveJournal, AIM, Yahoo Messenger and many others.

MicroPoll provides the simplest opportunity to create online surveys. Using the ultra-simple tools in this app, you can easily design your survey exactly the way you want. It is possible to create a survey with radio buttons, checkboxes or drop-down menus, and there is also a huge selection of pre-prepared design themes.

By using Vizu, users can create surveys in just a couple of minutes. The tool allows you to monitor the current status of the survey, receive notifications via email, and users can leave comments directly on the survey.
The service is absolutely free, but all you need to do is post a link back to Vizu.

BlogPolls allows users to design surveys that match the look and feel of their website. The service is free, but you are required to post a link back to BlogPolls.

QuestionForm is a powerful survey creation tool with a desktop-like interface. You can simply drag and drop questions to create or edit them. The service also provides many different functions, such as tracking repeated responses via cookies, real-time alerts, exporting data to Microsoft Excel, XML or any other type of document (CSV or TSV).
QuestionForm is paid, but you have the option of creating two free surveys.

PollDaddy is probably the most powerful and professional service for creating surveys presented in our selection. An online survey creation service collects all your information and turns it into a complete reporting system, allowing you to create a more thoughtful survey. You can also use your own design templates and CSS, change languages, export data to XML, CSV and receive results via email or RSS, and there are 11 question types to choose from.
PollDaddy is also a paid service with free options, including the ability to create polls with 10 answer options, 100 votes per poll, and a link back to PollDaddy.

Tell us about some plugins that will allow you to do this directly on your website, in order to find out the interests and preferences of your readers. Of course, this division is very arbitrary - and the tools discussed earlier and presented in this review can also be used for educational or entertainment purposes.

However, let's assume that the purpose of my review today will be tools that allow you to better learn about the interests and preferences of your readers, obtain an objective assessment of the published materials, and thereby increase traffic to your site or blog.

YOP Poll

This free plugin has capabilities that allow it to compete with its paid counterparts. Creating/copying/editing surveys, simultaneous inclusion of several and inclusion of scheduled surveys, a list of all existing surveys on the site (for the visitor) and the ability to select any desired (if the administrator provides such an opportunity), the ability to vote only for registered users and/or for anonymous , blocking visitors based on IP address and much, much more.


If you do not strive to conduct sociological research and do not plan to organize an educational portal and test students, then the capabilities of a simpler plugin will be enough for you - WP-Polls. There are fewer features here, but it is very easy to install and configure, fast to use, as it uses Ajax, allows you to change the appearance using... However, over 100,000 downloads speak for themselves!

WordPress Survey & Poll

The interface is very beautiful, especially the reports. WordPress Survey & Poll excellent choice for organizing a survey or voting on any website or blog based on Wordpress. However, it's not just the impressive reports and statistics that make it so memorable - more 30 animation effects, parallax effect, the ability to act as a social lock (hiding certain content until the visitor answers a series of questions). The survey can be added anywhere on the page using a shortcode.

If this doesn't seem enough to you, the developers offer a more functional option called Modal Survey and costs only $29.

Poller Master Ultimate WP Polling System

A great premium plugin built on . Fully designed, an incredible number of various settings, over 85 visual effects and 40 checkbox and radiobutton styles, the ability to use images, videos and maps in questions... Definitely an outstanding plugin!

Cost: $18

Responsive Poll

A simple, but pleasant-looking and very functional plugin, which, moreover, allows you to place several surveys on one page at the same time. Amazing summary charts that leverage the power of Charts.js.

Cost: $15

TotalPoll Pro

Another good and very nice questionnaire. But its main feature is different. Six levels of protection - sessions, cookies, filter by IP address, IP address range, black list of addresses, captcha and user registration - are aimed at obtaining the most reliable results.

Cost: $19

WPolling System

An effective and stylish plugin that combines functions that allow you to survey and testing of visitors, as well as evaluating the material using the so-called “star rating”. The plugin works well on all screen sizes and in all modern browsers. You can use image thumbnails in the answers next to the radiobutton or checkbox, and use shortcodes and widgets to place the questionnaire in the required place on the page.

Cost: $18

Relevance of the article – 06.2019

Are the impressive costs of conducting research with the help of marketing agencies always justified, and is there an alternative to agencies at all? Of course, to conduct an in-depth analysis of the market or tasks of comparable scale, there is a direct route to marketers, if, of course, the budget allows. But in less global studies, online surveys will help - there are services that allow you to conduct online surveys as simply as possible: you create a survey, distribute it and receive already processed results. Which service should you choose and how do these services differ?

I propose to evaluate them according to the following parameters:

Is there a trial version?
- Is there a free version, and what does it include?
- Cost and capabilities of the basic tariff.
- Optimization for mobile devices.
- Opportunities for distributing the survey.
- Design settings.
- Finding the server.
- Support.

You can get acquainted with the testograf survey and test designer without registration for free, the survey itself is not saved, you cannot collect answers and, accordingly, see the survey results. If you need to test all the functionality of the service without the limitations described above, demo access is available upon request. The service does not have a free version, and the approach to pricing is somewhat different from the usual.

All functionality of the service is presented in three tariffs: One-time license (1 survey, 60 days, 4,990 rubles), Annual license (unlimited number of surveys, 1 year, 24,990 rubles) and Annual PRO+ license (different from the previous one with an increased level of confidentiality and instant support , 49,990 rubles).

In addition to independently collecting responses via direct and additional links, it is possible to embed a survey on the site, a pop-up window (auto-display or click on a button) and a survey widget with auto-display settings and branding. It is also proposed to search for respondents according to a given targeting, while the respondents are not panel respondents and answer the survey voluntarily.

The possibilities for customizing the survey design are quite wide: the color and font of texts, the color of buttons and check boxes, adding a logo and customizing the survey header, changing the background (image, color).

The company’s server is located in the Russian Federation, and testograf is the only service presented that complies with Federal Law 152 on personal data.

The stated Russian-language support by e-mail and telephone really exists, it is really prompt and adequate.

With the free version, you can create 5 questionnaires with an unlimited number of questions and collect max. 100 responses per month.

The minimum tariff ($29/month for a one-time purchase or $14/month for an annual tariff) allows you to create an unlimited number of surveys and receive a maximum of 1,000 responses per month – not a lot.

The service is optimized for mobile devices.

In addition to the standard survey distribution via a direct link, there is an embedding of the survey on the site and a pop-up window, however, both of these options do not have additional settings. Also available for collection is the paid use of the CINT panel of respondents, which has 2 million panelists in Russia.

Customization options include adding a logo, changing the color theme, or using pre-made backgrounds. However, on the Minimum tariff, design customization options are very limited. Work with results (filters, uploads) is also limited.

The company's server is located in the Czech Republic.

They promise email support “as soon as possible,” but my request went unanswered.

Has trial and free versions.
You can create 10 questions and collect 100 answers for free.
The basic tariff (1,999 rubles/month or 1,499 rubles/month when paid annually) does not limit the number of collected responses.

The service is optimized for mobile devices.

It is proposed to distribute the survey to collect responses yourself, there are several possibilities: direct link and additional links, embedding the survey on the site, a pop-up invitation to the survey (there is a design setting and % of auto-display), a pop-up window of the survey itself (with customization of the design and % of auto-display). There is also its own Surveymonkey Audience panel, but it is not provided for the Russian Federation.

The design of the survey can be changed using prepared color and background themes, or you can use a custom theme with customization of the color and font of the texts. Of course, you can add a company logo to your survey. The basic plan has many of these settings.

The Surveymonkey server is located in the USA.

Based on the actual request, the declared 24-hour English-language support cannot be called prompt or at least somehow useful.

Google Forms

Google, with a server in the USA, allows you to create a survey for free, without limiting the creator by the number of surveys, questions and answers received, which, however, will have to be collected independently using a direct link or embedding on the site (without additional settings).

There is also a mobile version of the service. When customizing the survey design, you can use prepared color schemes, and also add a header and logo.

No support.

The service has both trial and free versions.
The free version allows you to create 3 surveys, limits the number of questions in one questionnaire (max. 10) and the number of responses per survey (max. 100).

The minimum tariff (250 rubles/month) offers 5 surveys with 25 questions in one questionnaire and 1,500 answers to one survey.
The downside is the lack of optimization for mobile devices.

You are also encouraged to search for respondents yourself. In addition to the direct link, there is an embed on the site and a pop-up window (without settings).

Design settings include changing the text color/font and changing the survey background (color).

The service server is located in Estonia.
No support is promised.

Each of the listed services is constantly working to expand its functionality, trying to offer its users something unique. But in addition to functionality, when choosing a service, you should pay attention to support (it is really necessary), the possibility of concluding an agreement (who owns the rights to your surveys and their results?) and the company’s compliance with legislation (especially important for large companies and state-owned companies). .sector).

Sometimes it can be useful to get your users' opinions on what they think about the new design of your resource or what topics on your blog are most interesting to them. In this article I will tell you how to install a survey widget on your website. The finished survey (voting) code can be taken for free from the VKontakte social network.
If you are a registered VKontakte user, follow the link

If you are not registered, you can.

Let's move on to the widget settings:

→ in the field "Site/application"– indicate which site you want to install the survey on;
→ in the “Survey Subject” field – write the question you want to ask users;
→ in the field "Answer options"– write the answers that the user must choose;
→ “add” and “delete” link – you can use it to add or remove a field for answer options;
→ the “Width” field is the size of the widget. But for some reason it doesn't work. More on this later.

These are the widget settings I got for my blog.

That’s it, click on the “Get code” button.

A new window will open called "Embed code".

To install poll widget onWordPress, you need to copy the code that I highlighted with the number 1 and paste it into the file “header.php” ( “admin panel” => “Appearance” => “Editor” => “Header (header.php)”). The code must be placed between the tags .

Copy the following code, which I have highlighted with a 2, and paste it into the “sidebar.php” file, in the place where you want the poll block to appear ( “admin panel” => “Appearance” => “Editor” => “Sidebar (sidebar.php)”).

Now you can update your blog or website and look at the result:

As you can see, the poll (voting) block has appeared on the blog, but it’s somehow crooked. For some reason, the size in the widget settings “width” does not work. But it is not important. You need to go to the file "style.css" ( “admin panel” => “Appearance” => “Editor” => “Style sheet (style.css)”) and add this style at the very end of the file:

#vk_poll iframe (width: 210px !important;)

instead of a number 210 indicate the size you need.

Let's look at the result:

Just like that!

How to view the results of a VKontakte survey on a blog?

The poll results are visible to those who have already voted (both the user and the site owner). You can vote only once (i.e. choose only one answer option), but if your opinion has changed, then you have the opportunity to re-vote.

to install VKontakte poll widget to standard website created in HTML or PHP, you need to do the same steps in the widget settings. The code here is also simple. The code marked by me 1, insert between the tags .
The code designated by me 2 , insert between the tags , to the location where you want the poll (voting) block to appear:

Example for beginners:

VKontakte poll widget The code will be here The code will be here

That's all! I've already covered every detail! If you have any questions, write in the comments.
If you liked the article, click on the social media buttons and let your friends read it too. If you liked the site and you are interested in the topics that I write on the blog, subscribe to blog updates to always be aware of when a new article is published.

Good luck!!!

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