Virtual engineer. Virtual web server

How does shared hosting work?

One of the most popular types of hosting services is shared hosting. In fact we're talking about about multiple hosting accounts that are located on the same server. Simply put, Internet sites are hosted on one storage and at the same time they have common server resources (we are talking about installed programs, bandwidth, RAM, CPU load). Typically, each website is located on its own section of the web server, but they all share the same software.

What makes Beehosting shared hosting better than others?

Beehosting shared hosting is better due to our unique approach to hosting infrastructure. We provide amazing server speeds, unparalleled site performance and 100% uptime backed by a guarantee.

What tools or software can I use to create my website?

All Beehosting clients can use free software for installing applications - Installatron, which is designed to install programs, applications and CMS (content management systems) on your hosting account. For example, blogs, guest books, galleries, forums, pages, online stores and much more. IN total, more than 100 various applications can be installed automatically using Installatron..

What Web Hosting Plan Do I Need?

What are the differences between the cheap plans and those that cost a little more? Before choosing a web hosting package, you must first determine what you need from your website. The goal of any website is to encourage the reader to take some action. What action do you want them to take? What message do you want to send? How are you going to send this message? The answers to these questions determine the amount of bandwidth you need, the website availability you require, and the peripheral services you should include (like video hosting). Once you know the answers to these questions, you can make an informed decision about which web hosting package to purchase.

I purchased a hosting plan, what should I do now?

Once you receive confirmation that your order was successful, it will take up to 15 minutes for your package to be activated virtual hosting. After activation, our system will send a welcome message about your hosting with all login details to your contact email address. Make sure you also check for receipt of this message in your Spam/ Unsolicited messages. You may find that you don't have any content for your site, but are eager to get started. cPanel is equipped with an automatic installer called Installatron - it free application, which contains up to 200 scripts that can be activated for your domain in a few steps.

What servers do you use to host my website?

We use Supermicro virtual storage infrastructure. Each component is fully redundant from power supply to network card and high-speed SAN, delivering unparalleled uptime, performance and reliability. Result? 100% uptime, every month.

What does free domain registration mean?

Beehosting offers all shared hosting clients the service of registering one domain for free! You can register a domain for free in the following domain zones: .ee, .lv, lt, .com, .eu, .us, .biz, .tel, .org, .net or .ru. Free registration available with the order of a hosting package for a period of 1 year. You can also transfer your domain to us for free by ordering hosting for 1 year. Domain renewal is carried out at a price from the company’s price list.

How can I transfer my web pages to your server?

When migrating an existing website to our servers, the best way for you to handle site content is to ensure that you have a copy of the website files on your computer, after which you can publish the files to our servers. You need to upload your website files from using FTP(File Transfer Protocol). We have a built-in FTP file manager that you can access using cPanel (hosting control panel). However, if your files are larger than 25 MB, it is recommended to use the FileZilla tool, which works with operating systems. Windows systems®, Mac®, and Linux®, or another manufacturer's FTP client. For more information, see Uploading files to your site (FTP) in our knowledge base. This will ensure that you have your own copies of the files and that you know how to post any changes you may need to make in the future.

Can I host multiple domain names with my hosting account?

You can add domain names to any type of hosting account. However, what you can do with additional domain names depends on the type of hosting account you have. By hosting more than one domain on a single hosting plan, you essentially get powerful solution hosting that you can use for multiple web pages without any problems.

If I already have a website, can I transfer it to your web hosting?

Migrating your website to a website is a simple process. If you have access to existing site files, you can upload them through our Hosting Control Center (file manager in cPanel) or via an FTP client. If you don't have a current copy of your site, you should be prepared to request one from your current web hosting provider. If you have any related questions, our support team is available to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We can help you determine best way to transfer your site to Beehosting servers.

What control panel will I receive with my hosting account?

All of our shared hosting packages come with cPanel, which gives you full control of your site through your web browser. cPanel is the number 1 control panel worldwide and is included for free with all accounts. cPanel is a web hosting control panel for Linux based, which provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to simplify the website hosting process.

Often users starting to study own capabilities online, encounter concepts that baffle them.

Exploring a remote virtual server

Virtual servers are obtained using specialized virtualization technologies. These technologies are applied to very real servers, and so, on their basis, several virtual servers are created. Any resulting virtual server is individual. He is completely isolated. He has own system files, own processor, own memory. The virtual server is completely user-controlled. Such servers are not free. Providers who sell servers charge quite reasonable fees for using them. After all, providers also pay for programs, equipment, and personnel who service the servers and monitor them permanent job. In general, selling servers is the business of providers, which is why they are paid. Payments are presented to users in the form of tariffs. Users can purchase servers based on their needs and, of course, personal capabilities. Remote server very convenient for users and absolutely safe.

Exploring a virtual mail server

The services of virtual mail services are used by those who need to organize an operational mail service for domains. The user should have little or no involvement in the sending or receiving of mail. Everything is done by the system. Users do not need to spend money on purchasing the appropriate equipment or setting it up correct operation, and worry about system security. Doing this on your own is simply not realistic. Only an experienced programmer can do such actions. And their services are very expensive. It’s easier, and much more financially acceptable, to rent a server and entrust the care of it to the provider.

Mastering a virtual web server

Today, many users have websites or projects. They need easy access to these resources. Many people prefer to search own project through a browser search, endlessly entering the address where you can actually find it. This method is very inconvenient, which is why web servers were created.

What is good about a virtual web server?

They make searching simple and convenient. You just need to enter the subject of the site you are looking for in the line, and the server will do the rest. Advantages over manual search, are generally obvious. The service is paid, but the fee is moderate.

The Bitte company offers everyone to order a virtual server at a reasonable price. This type of site has significant advantages over conventional hosting. Accordingly, its cost is a little higher, but it is fully justified. Virtual servers operate on the basis of modern equipment, which you can customize according to your requirements and wishes. In addition, you will install any software you see fit. This way you order virtual servers with full control access to configurations, but without the ability to influence its physical state.

Our provider has developed a convenient management system and helps its clients throughout the entire time. In addition, we have various ways payment and polite technical support. By ordering a virtual server from us, you will receive all necessary information on time and ask any question. Each staff member has undergone qualified training to ensure you get the answers you need. A virtual server, which can be rented for a long period, is equipped with a standard set of programs or only yours. We offer basic free setup. In addition, we have an unlimited number of web resources in any tariff plan. The only restrictions that affect the virtual web service are its traffic, RAM and disk quota. All other parameters are the same. Of course, the more expensive a virtual web server is, the greater its capabilities. Our control panel is provided free of charge if it is Webuzo. If you want to order ISPmanager Lite, then payment is charged every month.

The virtual service works with several operating systems: Centos, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora. The interface is understandable to everyone, working with such programs is simple and does not require the involvement of a specialist. There are virtual servers and 4 tariff plans to choose from. Each of them is designed for specific web resources, ranging from medium to large Internet projects. Moreover, if necessary, we will transfer all data absolutely free of charge. A VDS virtual server is the best option for this.

In order to order Bitte services, you just need to leave a request on our website. After this, our specialists will contact you. We provide several services: regular hosting, virtual server VDS and domain registration. When choosing a site, you must take into account your financial capabilities and the scale of the project. If you order a virtual server from us, its rental will cost you at a reasonable price. But this also applies to other services, but think about whether this power will be enough for you. Virtual server and hosting, as well as domain name must be taken seriously. Only in this case will you ensure development and uninterrupted operation Internet project. We provide dedicated server, hosting and other services to everyone who appreciates excellent quality at the right price.

Or a site on the server, you can view what you got by typing the following address in the address bar of your Internet browser: http://home.. Such access to a site is not always convenient, especially if it is a thematic one website or website of any organization. In this case, it is desirable that your site opens when you indicate in the address bar a characteristic domain name that corresponds to the topic of the site or the name of the organization. For example, It is possible to organize such access to your website by ordering the “Virtual Web Server” service.

This service is provided in two options:

  • virtual web server in the website domain,
  • virtual web server in the customer's domain.

Virtual web server in the site domain

In this case, access to your site will be carried out at an address that looks like<домен>.website. In the name<домен>Only lowercase Latin letters, numbers, periods and hyphens can be used. In particular, the name must not contain an underscore (_). Ordering a service is carried out with or through an application at sales and customer service points. When ordering a service, you must specify a domain name (<домен>.site) and a valid URL to access your page (http://home.)

Virtual web server in the customer's domain

This option for providing the service implies that you want to use an arbitrary domain name that is not a subdomain of the site to access your site. For example, or In this case, the registration procedure virtual server It becomes somewhat more complicated, since before ordering this service, you need to register the domain you are interested in with the registrar. For example, registration of second-level domains can be carried out.

Thus, to receive the service “Virtual web server in the customer’s domain” you need to perform the following steps:

  • Register your domain name with a domain registrar.
  • Order a service from the subscriber's page, indicating the domain name and a valid URL to access your page (http://home.).
  • Make changes to DNS so that your domain name refers to the IP address of the server. This can be done by making the appropriate settings on the DNS servers of the domain registrar. You can also delegate your domain to our DNS servers ( and (, and then write a letter asking to register your registered domain on our DNS servers.

Additional features

Using a virtual server also makes it possible to use CGI scripts in your home directory on the server By default this feature is disabled. If you want to use CGI scripts for your virtual server, then you need to write an appropriate request. After enabling this functionality, the cgi-bin directory will appear in your home directory, in which all your cgi scripts should be located. It is advisable not to change the cgi-bin directory itself (do not delete it, do not change access rights), as this may lead to the inability of cgi scripts to function.


If you encounter any difficulties, please contact technical support.

Payment for the service

The service is charged according to the current tariffs (volume 4, part 4.3, “Registration of a virtual WWW server” and “Support for a virtual WWW server”).

IN lately More and more web browsers with support (virtual reality, VR) are appearing. In this article we will look at exactly how things stand in this area today.

The state of virtual reality and Internet technologies

Previously, the Internet community had already experimented with virtual reality, namely VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language). virtual reality), but then WebVR appeared, which is a completely different approach to virtual reality, more suitable for modern Internet. With the release of WebGL in 2011, we were able to speed up working with 3D graphics online. Now virtual reality is possible on the Internet thanks to new web APIs that take advantage of VR devices.

These APIs make it possible to display WebGL content in 3D using a VR headset. They also provide headset and controller tracking data to create an immersive experience for the user in the virtual world.

WebVR was developed in 2014 by . In 2016, an earlier version of the standard was available for desktop Chrome browsers, Firefox and Samsung browser with virtual reality support (Samsung Internet for Gear VR).

WebVR support (as of June 2017)

WebVR is an open-source standard source code, which is being worked on by companies such as Mozilla, Google, Samsung, Oculus, Microsoft, and more recently also Apple.

This means that any site using WebVR can create an immersive scene and then deliver it simultaneously to all major virtual reality platforms, both desktop and mobile.

The internet's ability to render VR content makes it easy to share virtual reality experiences via URLs and view them in a browser without having to download complex apps.

Additional APIs in Samsung Internet

These APIs are not part of the WebVR API, but are useful when viewing immersive content on traditional websites in an immersive browser without using WebGL.

These APIs are being developed for the Samsung Internet for Gear VR browser, but we hope that developers of other browsers will also pay attention to them and they will be standardized.

1. Panoramic video

We are talking about the ability to play panoramic videos (monoscopic and stereoscopic) with an immersive effect by setting the attribute type="dimension=360;" tag video. Panoramic videos allow the user to move around within the video by moving the image with their fingertips.

Possible values:

dimension=3d-lr: side-by-side 3D video
dimension=3d-tb: top-to-bottom 3D video
dimension=360: 360-degree video
dimension=360-lr: side-by-side 3D 360-degree video
dimension=360-tb: top-to-bottom 3D 360-degree video
dimension=180: 180-degree video
dimension=180-lr: side-by-side 3D 180-degree video
dimension=180-tb: top-to-bottom 3D 180-degree video

2. Change the background

Another API available in Samsung Internet for Gear VR is the JavaScript API for changing background image(background image) VR browser.

You'll still see your traditional 2D site, but the background will be changed to be more consistent with its environment.

window.SamsungChangeSky(( sphere: "//" ));

What is WebVR?

WebVR is a set of cross-browser APIs that provide a variety of VR utilities for placing the user in an immersive environment generated using WebGL.

These APIs are successful in displaying undistorted 3D stereo images.

We won't go into details about the implementation of the standard as it is still changing. Plus, most users will never have to deal with it directly, since WebGL tools and libraries can usually do everything for you.

WebVR API Status

The current version of the API is known as version 1.1. In version 2.0, the names of some methods will change and a number of unused methods will disappear. There will also be additional features for some devices and use cases that were not anticipated during the first iteration of the API.

In general, the WebVR API provides the following capabilities:

  • Headsets with tracking technologies allow the user to look around while in a virtual environment. Thanks to built-in frame interpolation, all head movements are tracked.
  • Support for "six degrees of freedom" and "three degrees of freedom" allows controllers like the HTC Vive and Gear VR to work in virtual reality. This allows a person to use their hands to interact with the virtual environment.
  • Provides information on how 3D information should be displayed for the headset. For example: visible area and how to ensure per-eye rendering in canvas.
  • The new requestAnimationFrame parameter syncs with the headset screen refresh rate.
  • There is a method for sending rendered frames to the headset in the form of a WebGL-supported canvas element.

Diagram describing the VR loop. The headset provides position and rotation data; the developer uses this data to render the scene from the user's perspective, and then sends the rendered data to the headset, where it is distorted accordingly and displayed to the user

Creating an Immersive WebVR Experience

Oddly enough, creating a virtual reality website raises many of the same issues as creating a good mobile site or progressive web app.

1. Quick start

One of the most big problems Internet today is network performance. Solving this problem is extremely important because:

  • Users' attention span is reduced,
  • networks are becoming increasingly congested, and websites are becoming larger.

WebGL and WebVR sites are certainly no exception. They can also be quite weighty.

Right now, virtual reality has an advantage over traditional content, since it is new and interesting enough for users, and therefore they are willing to wait more time. However, it is still important that your 3D experience loads within seconds as users are becoming increasingly impatient.

Until your VR-enabled website loads, to the user it's nothing more than a 2D website and a promise of something interesting in the future.

There is no need to pre-load everything at once. Download instead sufficient quantity to get the user started, then load dynamically and start caching the rest.

Even if you just show a blurry 360-degree skybox and some low-poly content to let the user look around, this will give you precious seconds to load additional content and improve engagement.

Showing something simple but quick is much better than losing users because they are tired of waiting for the download to complete.

But keep in mind that network operations can be computationally intensive. CPU and block the main thread. If this happens very often, it can result in a bad user experience.

It may be worth downloading one or two very large files beforehand to avoid breaking up the experience. However, if you have a lot of them and it will take a significant amount of time to get up and running, then you might want to consider finding a more efficient alternative.

Effective use of Service Worker and Cache API for caching static files and, accordingly, more fast loading page when revisited is a great way to keep users coming back again and again.

2. Progressive enhancement

The two major virtual reality platforms are polar opposites: high-end desktop computers with advanced controllers, and mid/high-end mobile phones with either a single rotation-tracked controller or none at all.

This poses two problems for us:

  • maintaining constant speed frame rate transmission on platforms with completely different capabilities,
  • ensuring good user experience on VR devices with various parameters.

So far, phones have the biggest reach thanks to the popularity of Gear VR and Daydream, as well as the cheapness and high availability of the Google Cardboard headset.

Below we have described some typical controller configurations. Support for all configurations is not required.

Some libraries, such as Universal Controls from A-Frame Extras, try to do the best they can with what they have.

Web-compatible controllers (from left to right): eye tracking, traditional game controllers, rotation controllers, position and rotation controllers, gesture recognition

3. Asymmetrical playback

As with progressive enhancement on the Internet, support for all levels hardware doesn't mean you have to provide the same experience for everyone.

A user with two fully tracked hands in a virtual world will have a much more engaging experience and should not be limited by giving them the same experience as a user without a controller.

For example, a VR application may use tracking controllers on powerful machines to create virtual reality; on a mobile phone, the user will be able to view everything, but will not be able to edit.

Another example would be a multiplayer online virtual reality game in which players use tracking controllers; a mobile viewer can watch the game, choosing one or another angle using an eye tracking device.

4. Test as you develop

In any modern web design The key is to develop an optimized site primarily for mobile phones, the so-called (“mobile first”). As you create your scene, test it regularly for real smartphones mid-range without controllers to ensure it works for the majority of your users.

WebVR allows you to target both platforms at the same time. However, serving the same content to both platforms can lead to problems on mobile devices or desktop computers not being used to their full potential.

There is no problem to have high quality graphics. Stylized appearance low-poly can look fantastic and render very quickly.

To improve graphics, you can give the user a choice of quality before they start using WebVR. If the user requests high quality, upload graphics that are large or difficult to display.

Alternatively, start with the lowest quality and see how well the device performs, using commands like requestIdleCallback, or by measuring how long it takes to render. If the device works well, then you can improve the quality of the graphics. If frames start to drop, then dynamically reduce the quality.

When you improve your scene, there are a few things you can do:

  • increase the draw distance,
  • download and use high resolution models or textures,
  • use more complex retouchers (shaders).

This ensures that users on mobile and desktop devices get the best experience possible. However, for most use cases it is probably acceptable if desktop users receive mobile experience, as you can guarantee that it will provide excellent frame rates on desktop if it does so on mobile devices as well.

Don't forget, too, that a great scene requires much more than just visual fidelity. Highly stylized games like Team Fortress 2 still look great today, while "realistic" games from the same period don't look so good.

A great scene must be well thought out graphic style With bright colors and strong silhouettes. This will help them look good on devices with low power consumption and resolution, but also look great on desktop devices that just need a little extra polish.

Remember that in virtual reality, most users will have the equivalent of poor vision. Therefore, keep text and anything that causes the user to strain their eyes to see something to a minimum.

What does the Internet bring to virtual reality?

The Internet is trying to solve some of virtual reality's pressing problems.

One of the biggest problems is that the user must make a large commitment for a one-time experience that they may not want to return to.

In the case of native mobile and desktop virtual reality, a person needs to download special application from an app store such as the Oculus store for Gear VR or Steam for HTC Vive or Oculus Rift.

This option is well suited for expensive video games in which users have already invested a certain amount of money and will return to them again and again. But for a one-time experience, like shopping, watching a movie, or meeting a new social platform, this can become a high “barrier to entry”.

Typically, users don't like having a bunch of apps on their device that just waste space or waste large number Internet traffic for downloading. This idea is especially distasteful to those users whose mobile devices have limited disk space or limited network data caps.

On the Internet, once a user has left a page, they don't have to worry about content taking up space—if space is needed, the browser can clear the data. Subject to availability free space the developer can cache content on the device in case the user returns, allowing the developer to kill two birds with one stone.

Of course, this requires that the developer create a VR site that will not be stored as a single giant bundle; otherwise, the benefits that the Internet can provide may be missed.

By delivering VR files dynamically and individually, just like web page files, you can take advantage of smart caching (from CDN to HTTP caching and Cache API).

In addition, the user will be able to quickly immerse themselves in virtual reality without long waits.

A well-optimized WebVR site should render the first frame a second after the user lands on the site, eliminating any lengthy initial downloads or app stores and actively increasing engagement.

Virtual reality can be shared through a URL, which can be distributed on social networks or by email, or even be written on a wall or displayed on a TV. This will increase the likelihood of your VR content going viral due to the low barrier to entry.

1. Making the most of fast internet

One of the features of most WebVR sites is that before entering the virtual reality, the user can view and interact with the scene on their 2D screen. As the phone rotates, the view on the screen also rotates, thus creating the appearance of a “magic window” into virtual space.

This “magic window” is a powerful pattern. It gives the user the ability to preview virtual reality scenes without using a VR headset. This can be useful in cases where users do not have a VR headset with them or when they are on public transport.

After the user has read the content, he will be asked to bookmark the site in order to view it later in virtual reality mode.

2. The Internet provides high-level interfaces to low-level APIs, providing cutting-edge technology to any developer

Many web APIs you may have heard of or used have become more relevant in the context of virtual reality:

  • WebSockets. They are used to transfer text and binary data to the server in real time. In the case of virtual reality, they can be used to synchronize hundreds of users in real time, thus providing a shared experience and the ability to view each other's avatars.
  • WebRTC. WebRTC can also be used to enhance the virtual reality sharing experience. It allows the transfer of binary data, video and audio between peers. This can be used to provide voice chat between two avatars or synchronizing the position and pose of an avatar without going through a central server. In this way, you can connect from six to eight users simultaneously.
  • WebAudio. One of the most powerful APIs. The browser contains everything you need to manage and analyze audio. You can even use a panner node for 3D surround sound in virtual reality. To create immersive virtual environments, WebAudio is more important than ever.
  • SpeechRecognition. Modern browsers contain a built-in speech recognition mechanism. It can be used for voice commands and voice text input in cases where the use of real or virtual keyboard for some reason it is difficult.

What impact might virtual reality have on the internet in the long term?

Virtual reality has already impacted the web platform; WebVR APIs have been implemented on many platforms; and the issue of creating a WebVR working group within the W3C is currently being discussed.

Virtual reality is becoming increasingly popular, and with the proliferation of devices and mixed reality, it is important that the Internet is ready to take advantage of new platforms.

WebVR as we know it today is entirely dependent on WebGL. Optimizing for WebGL means browser vendors need to increase rendering speed. Speed ​​is important because missing frames in VR can have dire consequences, even making the user sick!

WebGL 2 will soon appear on stable versions browsers. Version 2 brings WebGL closer to the OpenGL ES 3.0 specification. Greater visual fidelity and faster rendering of advanced graphics will make VR a truly incredible visual experience.

WebAudio may be required to more accurately convert audio into 3D (known as perceptual audio modeling) and thus provide the high-quality 3D audio required by high-budget projects. Good 3D sound will have important to deliver high-quality immersive video content such as 360-degree movies and immersive audio.

Executing scripts on the Internet will also benefit from significant improvements productivity. There are many JavaScript APIs in development that can be used to improve productivity on the web.

JavaScript itself can be optimized and precompiled. Another option is to compile other languages ​​into WebAssembly (WASM). This can speed things up across the board, providing a package that is much smaller to download and faster to interpret and execute. With a smart and modular approach, WASM can be used to create a core WebVR experience rendering engine that we can still interact with when JavaScript help like we do today.

The browser can use web workers to perform calculations without blocking the main thread. This is good since the main thread is used primarily for rendering. Web workers are useful for managing large amounts of CPU-intensive, computationally intensive data. Thus, being isolated from the main thread, these calculations are less likely to cause frame drops.

Unfortunately, there is a cost associated with sending and receiving data from web workers for use on the main thread. They can be partially reduced using transferable objects. Passable objects, such as ArrayBuffers, allow you to change the owner of the object, but passing that object itself can become challenging task, during which errors may occur.

A new API, SharedArrayBuffer, will allow workers to share the same ArrayBuffer, allowing in this case expedient.

For web workers, part of the problem is that at the moment The thread that renders the web page must also be used to render the WebGL scene. Thus, any side effects Other code running on the main thread, such as memory cleanup or CPU-bound tasks, may cause frames to be dropped.

OffscreenCanvas allows you to render in a web worker. This will help isolate the very important and sensitive rendering loop from other threads.

Another important use case for rendering is pre-recorded 2D and 3D videos. They can be used as textures in WebGL, but they lack more fine settings. Just as we have an audio element and an AudioContext in JavaScript, we will need to add a videoContext to make video management more efficient and facilitate 360-degree video playback in 3D.

An area where virtual reality currently clashes with the internet is document rendering. Rendering documents is a core function of the web platform, but rendering a document in WebGL is almost impossible without very slow and smart re-rendering.

It would be great to reconcile the two by forcing the browser to expose the contents of the DOM to WebGL. This would allow us to take advantage of the Internet for 2D interfaces, but on the other hand it would represent potential threat violations of confidentiality.

Another way

WebGL-based virtual reality doesn't have to be the future of virtual reality on the Internet. Having to replicate even the simplest WebVR use case in WebGL seems shortsighted in best case scenario and could potentially lead to the death of virtual reality on the Internet in the long term.

One of strengths Internet is that HTML is a declarative language. Browsers can interpret the language according to the platform. The site on your desktop computer will not look the same as it does on your phone or TV. Virtual reality is another platform among the variety of media resources to use the Internet.

Being declarative like HTML or CSS, virtual reality on the web can automatically render to balance rendering speed and visual fidelity. A high-end computer can use advanced retouchers and detailed models; and a low-power mobile phone will automatically use a simple retoucher and low-poly models - just like picture element can upload images correct resolution, and then crop them for a specific device.

HTML can be extended to include some common virtual reality use cases, such as playing 360-degree and 3D video and images, displaying 3D models, and moving part of a web page outside the 2D viewport into 3D -space.

Samsung has started working on some of these use cases in the Samsung Internet for Gear VR web browser.

It has built-in support for 3D video using the video element. Displaying 3D stereo video in 360 degree format only requires the following HTML tag:

Middle way

Of course, they do not necessarily have to be mutually exclusive. The Internet can partially process and optimize simple options use of virtual reality, while WebGL can provide optimizations for creating immersive virtual reality from scratch.

The Extensible Web manifesto is based on the idea that the web should not sacrifice extensibility for ease of use and that the community can use tools low level, provided to extend the web platform using libraries.

Virtual reality is a case where this approach seems very relevant. We already have low level WebGL and WebVR API tools.

The A-Frame library provides custom HTML elements for creating 3D scenes based on WebGL. A-Frame can be used either independently or in conjunction with popular frameworks such as React and Angular.

A-Frame allows any web developer with HTML experience to describe and manipulate 3D virtual reality scenes using the JavaScript they are familiar with. Even tools like jQuery, Angular and React can be used to change the scene since it is still HTML at the end of the day.


The Internet is capable of opening virtual reality to the whole world, to every consumer, to every developer.

And although we are still in the early stages of developing virtual reality on the Internet, now is the time to start creating it and see what works and what doesn’t.

The Internet will be able to unleash the full potential of virtual reality and show that beyond video games, it can be used to improve everything we currently do on the Internet and even enable new interactions that are only possible in an immersive environment.

By starting to create VR experiences on the web today, we can ensure that VR on the web becomes a trusted standard that opens up endless possibilities for future developers.

Even if you don't think virtual reality is mature enough yet, what we create today will still be relevant tomorrow. The interface patterns we create for virtual reality are applicable to all immersive environments. Don't let yourself get passed over.