Harmful effects of a computer. Influence of the computer on the nervous system, thinking, cognitive skills, behavior

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No one, perhaps, will dispute the fact that for many people the computer has become an important and indispensable part of the way of life. Currently, no area of ​​human activity is complete without the use of computer technology. A computer helps a person in solving many problems, makes work easier, opens up new horizons for thought and action, and provides new opportunities. But do not forget that there is also a reverse side of the coin. Long-term work at the computer negatively affects many functions of our body: nervous activity, endocrine, immune and reproductive systems, vision and musculoskeletal system of a person, etc. What can this mean for an ordinary person? Anything! From blurred vision to varicose veins in the legs. So what can be done? How to avoid harmful effects of the computer on the body? A possible deterioration in the well-being of PC operators is the object of research programs of scientific medical institutions in many countries of the world, including Russia.

My work is devoted to the study of the influence of computers on human health. This topic is very relevant because it is impossible to imagine modern life without a computer. If we ask any person which of the inventions is the most important, then we will hear a computer. Without a computer, there would be no Internet, cell phones, modern cars. I decided to find out the role of the computer in human health. For this, I conducted an experiment.

Purpose of work: to study the influence of the computer on human health.

Work tasks:

    Study the literature on this issue.

    Consider the role of PCs in human health.

    With the help of experiments and experiments, prove the harm of a computer to human health.

Hypothesis: The computer is one of the most important inventions of mankind. If a person stops working on a computer, then health will change dramatically.

Scientific and practical significance: By investigating this problem, we will learn more about the impact of the computer on human health.

Object of study: Human health.

Study subject: Computer radiation.

Chapter 1. Literary Review

    1. Influence of the computer on human health

Computerization issues, the impact of computers on human health are one of the most important problems of our time. Although a computer makes life easier for a person, it can also cause serious addiction. Plunging into the virtual world, a person seems to be fenced off from reality, ceases to be interested in others. And especially vulnerable in this regard are children and adolescents who have not yet formed as individuals and are easily amenable to harmful influences. Moreover, the computer world is so tempting, colorful and fashionable. The computer affects all biological characteristics of the human body, and first of all, its physical and mental health. The 20th century gave many "technical miracles", including a computer with its many capabilities, including world information and the Internet. One can argue endlessly about the benefits or harms of these inventions, because every phenomenon or event has its positive and negative sides. Undoubtedly, the computer for teenagers replaces friends, school and even parents.

The main harmful factors when working at a computer include: sitting position for a long time, exposure to electromagnetic radiation from the monitor, stress on vision, overloading of the joints of the hands, disruption of the normal course of pregnancy, stresses of various origins, respiratory diseases, allergies 1.

1.1.1. Sitting position for a long time. It would seem that a person sits at a computer in a relaxed position, but it is forced and unpleasant for the body: the neck, head muscles, arms and shoulders are tense, hence osteochondrosis, and in children - scoliosis. For those who sit a lot, a heat compress is formed between the seat of the chair and the body, which leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, as a result - prostatitis and hemorrhoids. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle often leads to obesity.

Osteochondrosis is a disease in which the destruction of the intervertebral discs occurs, which can lead to a herniated disc (protrusion in one direction). A herniated disc can damage both the spinal cord and the nerve processes emanating from it. The consequences of such injuries can be very different: from pain in the back, limbs and internal organs, to paralysis of the limbs and death. Osteochondrosis can begin to develop both in adolescence and at a later age, although it often affects the elderly. One of the main reasons for the development of osteochondrosis is insufficient nutrition of the intervertebral discs, this can be caused by various reasons, but the main one is dystrophy of the back muscles, with the help of which the metabolism in the discs is carried out. Thus, a person who leads a mostly sedentary lifestyle, and does not strengthen the muscles of the back, may well already have osteochondrosis. Signs of the presence of this disease can be: there was either a feeling of discomfort in the back, pain in the head, limbs, or disruption of the internal organs.

Another formidable complication of long-term work at the computer is obesity 2. Obesity has become a serious problem for people in developed countries. Excess weight causes many diseases. Obesity appears due to a violation (weakening or slowing down) of metabolism. The main causes of obesity: poor nutrition; lack of mobility, low physical activity; inadequate response to stressful situations; excessive sleep, daytime sleep; the use of hormonal drugs.

The main effect of obesity is to overload our body with dietary fats. In this case, the following changes occur: in the liver - progressive damage to hepatocytes, and this, in turn, leads to steatosis, the formation of gallstones; in erythrocytes and leukocytes, the activity of Na - K - ATPase decreases and defects in metabolic, transport and other functions occur; the pumping function of the heart decreases due to a change in its position in the chest and an increase in the load (a change in the configuration and position of the heart in the chest cavity occurs as a result of the accumulation of adipose tissue in the epicardium, fatty infiltration of its cells and the high standing of the diaphragm; an increase in the load on the heart is associated with an increase plasma volume, increased venous return and cardiac output). In addition, when fat metabolism is disturbed, the content of exogenous cholesterol in the blood increases, as a result of which it is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which ultimately will lead to the development of such a disease as atherosclerosis. The increased accumulation of fat inside the chest cavity, in addition to the effect on the heart, also affects the function of the external respiratory organs, which leads to shortness of breath and increasing hypoxia of organs and tissues.

1.1.2. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation... Modern monitors are safer for health, but not yet completely. And if you have a very old monitor on your desk, it is better to stay away from it. At present, practically nothing is known about the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body, and we have been sitting at computers for about twenty years. However, some work and research in this area identify possible risk factors, for example, it is believed that electromagnetic radiation can cause disorders of the nervous system, decreased immunity, disorders of the cardiovascular system and abnormalities during pregnancy and, accordingly, a detrimental effect on the fetus.

During operation, the computer generates an electrostatic field around itself, which deionizes the environment, and when the motherboard and monitor case heats up, they emit harmful substances into the air. All this makes the air very dry, weakly ionized, with a specific odor and, in general, "heavy" for breathing. Naturally, such air cannot be useful for the body and can lead to allergic diseases, respiratory diseases and other disorders.

1.1.3. Overloading the joints of the hands... The nerve endings of the fingertips seem to break from constant blows on the keys, numbness, weakness occur, goosebumps run in the pads. This can lead to damage to the articular and ligamentous apparatus of the hand, and in the future, diseases of the hand can become chronic. To work with a computer, a mouse and a keyboard are mainly used, however, these devices force a person to perform thousands of monotonous movements, which, in conjunction with the constant tension of the muscles of the hand, leads to a pinched nerve in the carpal canal and, as a result, to pain in the wrist. In addition, like other electrical appliances, the mouse and keyboard emit electromagnetic radiation, and in this case, the distance between the radiation source and the object (hand) is minimal, and although not much is known about the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body, it can still be the cause of some or disorders.

After several hours of working on the computer, did you feel tingling, numbness, or even trembling in the fingers or pain in the wrists, especially in the right hand, which you were holding the mouse with? These are all symptoms of the so-called carpal tunnel syndrome. Its medical name is "carpal tunnel syndrome" (CTS); often also referred to as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).

The reasons for the development of this disease are a genetic predisposition and joint diseases, metabolic disorders and changes in hormonal levels, trauma to the hand and forearm. But the main reason is long-term monotonous improper work with the hands and fingers. CCC affects people of various professions. Draftsmen, secretaries, musicians, drivers, assembly line workers - this is not a complete list of professions that predispose to CCC. One hundred or two hundred years ago, carpal tunnel syndrome was an occupational disease of clerks who copied various papers from morning to evening. And in our time, PC users suffer greatly from it, who for many hours make monotonous small movements with their hands, moving the mouse or typing on the keyboard.

1.1.4. Effects on vision... The eyes register the smallest vibration of a text or picture, and even more so the flickering of the screen. Due to the fact that the monitor is at a close distance, the eye muscles that control the lens are in constant tension. Eye overload leads to loss of visual acuity. Poor selection of colors, fonts, layout of windows in the programs you use, and incorrect positioning of the screen have a bad effect on vision.

The human visual system is poorly adapted to viewing images on a monitor screen. The essence of working on a computer is to enter or read text, draw or study the details of a drawing. And this is a huge burden on the eyes, because the image on the display screen does not consist of continuous lines, as on paper, but of individual points, which are also luminous and flickering. As a result, working on a computer seriously overloads our eyes. If, moreover, the monitor is of low quality and the interface of the programs used is unsuccessful, then the consequences will not be long in coming. The user's eyesight deteriorates, the eyes begin to watery, headache, fatigue, double vision appear. This phenomenon is called "computer visual syndrome".

1.1.5. Computer work and related stress... Stress occurs mainly when information is lost. Not all users regularly back up their information. But viruses do not sleep, and hard drives of the best firms sometimes break, and the most experienced programmer can sometimes press the wrong button. Heart attacks also happened as a result of this stress. You turn on the computer, and instead of the usual boot procedure, the screen displays "Disk C: not found" or "Boot sector is failure". And you have already forgotten when and where you duplicated your information. Psychologists call your condition at this moment "acute stress".

What is stress? Translated from English stress - pressure, pressure, tension. Psychologists also use the term distress (distress - grief, unhappiness, malaise, exhaustion, need), which, in simple terms, denote a strong unpleasant stress. Without going into scientific and terminological subtleties, we will understand stress as strong emotional experiences, internal tension caused by some events in your life.

Stresses are divided into: emotionally positive and emotionally negative; short-term and long-term, or, in other words, acute and chronic; physiological and psychological. The latter, in turn, are subdivided into informational and emotional. The factors causing stress (psychologists call them stressors) are very diverse and numerous. Especially often stressful situations arise among residents of large cities. Working on a computer adds to our lives a number of stressors specific to it. With all the variety of experiences and shock situations that occur in our life, the body's response to any stress is essentially the same. In the body, biochemical processes developed many centuries ago are launched, the purpose of which is to cope with an extreme situation. Health and psychological implications. No wonder they say: "All diseases are from nerves (and only one is from pleasure)." Shock situations, experiences cause significant changes in the body, mostly negative.

1.1.6. Computer work and respiratory diseases... Respiratory diseases that develop due to long-term work with a computer are mainly allergic in nature. This is due to the fact that during a long computer operation, the monitor case and the motherboard in the system unit heats up and emit harmful substances into the air, especially if the computer is new. In addition to emitting harmful substances, the computer creates an electrostatic field around itself, which attracts dust and, accordingly, it settles in your lungs, at the same time, a running computer deonizes the environment and reduces air humidity. Each of these factors adversely affects both the lungs and the entire body as a whole.

1.1.7. Computer and allergies... Allergy is an increased sensitivity of the body to various substances, which manifests itself in unusual reactions upon contact with them. The immune system, as a result of an imbalance in its functions, begins to react to the most common substances as dangerous, launching the corresponding protective processes. Hence, allergy symptoms such as rhinitis (runny nose), lacrimation, skin rash. In fact, the computer is a fairly serious source of a number of allergens. Have you ever used a new computer you just bought? Surely you remember the specific smell emanating from it. The results of a study by Swedish scientists are widely known, who found that the monitor case, when heated during normal operation to 50-55 degrees Celsius, begins to emit triphenyl phosphate vapor into the air. But after all, not only the monitor heats up, but also the power supply unit, the processor, and behind it the motherboard and the video card. And they all contain various resins, fluorine, chlorine, phosphorus-containing organic and inorganic compounds, which, when heated, can be released into the air.

Another source of allergens is a printer, or rather, a powder (or ink), with the help of which printing actually occurs. Think of the smell that comes from the sheet you just printed.

In addition, there are many places in and around the computer where dust and dirt accumulate, germs and fungi multiply. Keyboard and mouse, mouse pad ... And open the system unit of a computer that has worked for a year or two - there is dust ... In addition, the dust receives an electric charge from the monitor screen, albeit weak, but sufficient to start sticking to your face and settle in the respiratory tract.

Manifestations of allergy to "computer" allergens are quite typical - allergic rhinitis (runny nose without fever), cough, eye (tearing, redness of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, "sand in the eyes") and skin (itching, rash, dry skin) reactions.

Allergy in itself is a very unpleasant condition. Severe runny nose, swelling, red itchy eyes ... Many allergy sufferers cannot even go outside - it gets worse, they close all the windows and sit at home for several weeks. With allergies, fatigue increases, irritability increases, and immunity decreases. Allergies can provoke diseases such as eczema, hemolytic anemia, serum sickness, bronchial asthma. The most serious of the possible manifestations of allergy is anaphylactic shock: difficulty breathing, convulsions, loss of consciousness, a significant decrease in blood pressure, up to death. Fortunately, anaphylactic shock as an allergic reaction to allergens transmitted through the air occurs extremely rarely, more often it can be caused by the introduction of certain drugs, insect bites, and less often food allergens.

1.2. Prevention of possible diseases when working with a computer

1.2.1. Prevention of diseases of the spine.

To prevent the above diseases, you should organize the place at the computer as ergonomically as possible, change your position or get up from the computer as often as possible and, of course, do gymnastics, play sports and develop your back muscles in every possible way.

Ergonomics of the workplace.

While at the computer, the most optimal position is the body position in which: the back and neck are straight, the legs are on the floor with a right angle of bend at the knees, the angle of bend at the elbows is the same straight (90 degrees). To do this, you should:

1. Place the monitor directly in front of you, so that its highest point is directly in front of your eyes or higher. (This will allow you to keep your head straight and exclude the development of cervical osteochondrosis).

2. The chair you are sitting on should have a backrest and armrests, as well as a height so that your feet can stand firmly on the floor. In the event that people of different heights work at the same computer, it is advisable to purchase a chair with an adjustable height. (The backrest will allow you to keep your back straight, the armrests will allow your hands to rest, the correct position of the legs will not interfere with blood circulation in them.)

3. The location of other frequently used things, if possible, should not lead to a long stay in any curved position, and should not lead to bending to the side, especially for lifting heavy objects (it is with such an inclination that the most likely to damage the intervertebral disc)


There are many exercises to develop the muscles of the back, mainly bending in different directions. Swimming and exercises on the horizontal bar are very useful. In the event that you work in an office, try to go for tea more often, stretch and, in general, do as many movements as possible, even without need.

The problem of obesity treatment is an acute problem for doctors all over the world. Safely smooth weight loss, 10-15% of the original in 6-8 months. This rate of weight loss will not lead to re-gain and harm to health.

Fighting excess weight should include: normalization of nutrition or even diet; the most courageous can try fasting; increased physical activity; special sets of exercises; changing lifestyle, giving up bad habits; if possible, correction of the treatment being carried out (replacement of the hormonal drugs used with more suitable ones for you).

Only a set of these measures will allow you to lose weight without harming your health, look great and feel great.

1.2.2.Protection against electromagnetic radiation.

1. If possible, it is worth purchasing a liquid crystal monitor, since its radiation is much less than that of common CRT monitors (cathode ray tube monitors).

2. When buying a monitor, you must pay attention to the presence of a certificate.

3. The system unit and monitor should be as far away from you as possible.

4. Do not leave the computer turned on for a long time if you are not using it, although this will accelerate the wear on the computer, but health is healthier. Also, do not forget to use "sleep mode" for the monitor.

5. Due to the fact that the electromagnetic radiation from the walls of the monitor is much higher, try to place the monitor in a corner so that the radiation is absorbed by the walls. Particular attention should be paid to the placement of monitors in offices.

6. If possible, reduce the time you work at the computer and interrupt work often.

7. The computer must be grounded. If you purchased a protective screen, then it should also be grounded, for this purpose there is a specially provided wire at the end of which there is a metal clothespin (do not hook it to the system unit)

1.2.3. Basic rules of vision hygiene

1. Comfortable workplace. It should be sufficiently illuminated, the light field is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the working space, and the rays of light should not fall directly into the eyes. Equip your computer with a good monitor, set it up correctly, and use high-quality programs.

2. Special food for the eyes. People with impaired vision need to eat foods that strengthen the vessels of the retina: blueberries, black currants, carrots. The diet of myopic should contain cod liver, greens: parsley, lettuce, dill, green onions. With retinal dystrophy, rosehip (infusion, decoction), cranberries help.

3. In addition, there are drugs that can improve vision. Vitamins are useful for the eyes (especially complex multivitamins, in which vitamins are combined with trace elements: zinc, calcium), all preparations based on blueberries. For eye diseases, it is worth taking a course of fish oil once a year.

4. Exercise for the eyes. There are computer programs that simulate eye rest. It's hard to say how effective they are. Probably, it is better to have a real rest for the same 10 minutes than to stare at a screen with an imitation of rest. The greatest benefit of gymnastics for the eyes is for prevention and in the first stages of visual impairment. It is advisable to perform the "eye" set of exercises for those who work at the computer, and for those whose eyes are prone to fatigue. Exercising the eyes usually takes no more than five minutes.

5. Compresses, washing the eyes with black and green tea, warm lotions on closed eyes from a decoction of chamomile help to relieve fatigue, prevent eye diseases.

6. You need to protect your eyes from ultraviolet exposure to sunlight.

1.2.4.Preventive measures for hand diseases.

The main task in the treatment of tunnel syndrome is to achieve decompression (decrease in pressure) of the contents of the anatomical canal, in which the nerve was compressed. In the early stages of the disease, this is achieved by therapeutic methods. In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary - dissection of the fibrous canal, revision of the nerve. The operation is not dangerous and effective, in most cases leading to the complete restoration of the function of the damaged nerve.

But it is better, of course, not to bring it to this. So that long-term work on the computer does not lead to the occurrence of carpal tunnel syndrome, it is enough to follow simple recommendations for organizing your workplace and work schedule, take short breaks every hour, during which you can perform several exercises for the hands. Correct hand position:

1 ... When working with a keyboard, the angle of the arm at the elbow should be straight (90 degrees)

2. When working with a mouse, the brush should be straight and lie on the table as far from the edge as possible.

3. A chair or chair should have armrests; it is also desirable to have a special bulge for the wrist (a mouse pad, a specially shaped keyboard or a computer desk with such bulges).

Exercises for the hands.

The more often you interrupt to do the exercise, the more beneficial it will be.

1. Shake your hands.

2. Clench your fingers into fists (~ 10 times)

3. Rotate your fists around your axis.

Olga Zotova, Tamara Mukhamedova - students of the Samara Trade and Economic College



Olga Zotova, Tamara Mukhamedova - students of the Samara Trade and Economic College.

Head: Sergey Kukarin, teacher of informatics

The negative impact of a computer on human health and protection methods

The second half of the 20th century is the time of global computerization of human society. Receiving, storing, processing and transmitting information occurs hundreds and thousands of times faster than a person would do using conventional means of communication.

During its relatively short existence, the computer has already managed to take a place in many areas of human life, it is no longer replaceable at work, helps children in their studies, and, of course, is one of the most favorite entertainments for them. With the advent of the Internet, it has also become the best way to search for information, business communication, recreation, etc. in general, some people find it difficult to imagine life without a computer. However, in addition to the numerous advantages that a computer brings to a person, one should not forget about its effect on health.

Children began to spend less time on the street, play less active games, Internet users began to communicate less in person, preferring chats, mail, ICQ, etc. Thus, the computer became a two-faced Janus; on the one hand, he tied a person to himself, on the other hand, he became the source of many diseases associated with the spine, respiratory organs, vision and many other disorders of the body, and this even though the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the body, insufficient air ionization has not been properly studied and many other factors, and although a person has not yet been familiar with computers for many years, professional diseases of computer scientists have already begun to take shape, first of all, osteochondrosis, and tunnel syndrome, and visual disorders. The problem of computerization has two components. The first is determined by the physiological characteristics of a person's work at a computer. The second is the technical parameters of the means of computerization. These components - "human" and "technical" - are closely intertwined and interdependent. Studies of such problems are the subject of ergonomics, the science of human interaction, the main goal of which is the creation of perfect and safe technology that is maximally human-oriented, the organization of the workplace, and labor prevention. In connection with this situation in society, government bodies and trade unions in many countries began to develop various norms, certificates and rules in order to somehow reduce the harmful influence of a computer on a person.

So, try to listen to the recommendations that have begun to appear more and more often in the press and in other sources of information, and your communication with the computer will not harm your health.

1. Influence of the computer on human health.

The computer is as safe as any other household appliance. But, as with other household appliances, there are potential health risks associated with its use. Considering the impact of computers on health, we note several risk factors.

These include:

problems associated with electromagnetic radiation;

vision problems;

Problems with muscles and joints;

problems of insomnia, stress, nervous disorders;

respiratory problems.

In each of these cases, the degree of risk is directly proportional to the time spent at the computer and near it.

Influence of electromagnetic radiation.

Every device that generates or consumes electricity generates electromagnetic radiation. This radiation is concentrated around the device in the form of an electromagnetic field. Some appliances, such as a toaster or refrigerator, emit very low levels of electromagnetic radiation. Other devices (high voltage lines, microwave ovens, televisions, computer monitors) emit much higher levels of radiation. Electromagnetic radiation cannot be seen, heard, sniffed, tasted or touched, but it is nonetheless present everywhere.
As for the influence on the human body of electromagnetic radiation of lower frequencies - radiation of very low frequency and ultra-low frequency, created by computers and other household electrical appliances, here scientists and consumer advocates have not yet come to a consensus. However, some work and research in this area identify possible risk factors, for example, it is believed that electromagnetic radiation can cause disorders of the nervous system, decreased immunity, disorders of the cardiovascular system and abnormalities during pregnancy and, accordingly, a detrimental effect on the fetus. According to the Russian Center for Electromagnetic Safety, women working at the monitor from 2 to 6 hours a day experience functional disorders of the nervous system on average 4.6 times more often than in the control group. According to American scientists, women who work more than 20 hours a week at monitors in the first three months of pregnancy have 2 times more miscarriages than women employed in other jobs. According to Swedish researchers, female PC users have miscarriages 1.5 times more often, and the birth of children with congenital malformations - 2.5 times more. Research in this area, verified in recent years, has only heightened anxiety and raised new unanswered questions. Like all devices that consume electricity, a computer emits electromagnetic radiation, and from household devices, with a PC, only a microwave oven or a TV can be compared in the strength of this radiation, however, we do not spend very much time in close proximity to them, and electromagnetic radiation has less impact with increasing distance from the source to the object. Thus, the computer is the most dangerous source of electromagnetic radiation.


If the question of the influence of electromagnetic fields on health is still controversial, then the computer certainly affects vision negatively. In any case, when children or adults are busy with eye strain, their eyes get tired. This problem is well known to a car enthusiast who is on the road for a long time, or to any reader who does not break away from a book for hours. The muscles that control the eyes and focus them on a specific subject just get tired of being overworked. There is potential eye fatigue with any work that involves vision, but it is greatest when you need to look at an object at close range. The problem is further exacerbated if such activities involve the use of high-brightness devices such as a computer monitor.

Children are especially prone to eye fatigue because their eyes and the muscles that control them are not yet fully developed. Reading beyond measure, sitting in front of a TV or computer for an unlimited time require serious stress from young eyes. Most often, visual fatigue leads to the fact that children become lethargic and irritable. As every parent can attest, these consequences are not necessarily limited to computer use. When children overdo it in any activity, they often become irritable. If your child is more excited than usual, and there is no other obvious reason for this, then this may well be due to his long stay at the computer. Overuse of computer work can also exacerbate pre-existing vision problems. Many children suffer from mild visual impairment, which can be regarded as a "nuisance". Over time, vision correction will be needed here, but medical intervention may be avoided until adolescence or adulthood. But if children are so keen on the computer that they spend all their free time at the keyboard, then this "nuisance" can develop into something more that will require correction at an early age. And some ophthalmologists have raised concerns that overuse of computers at an early age can have a negative effect on the muscles that control the eyes, making it very difficult for a child to focus on a particular subject, especially in activities such as reading. If this happens, the problem of vision correction will have to be solved with the help of glasses. Fortunately, most of these problems can be easily avoided. If, despite these precautions, your child complains of a headache, if his or her eyes become sore and itchy, or if he suddenly has difficulty reading or doing other schoolwork, then you should see an ophthalmologist. Do not forget to mention that you have a computer at home, and tell how much time your child spends on it. The doctor can prescribe special exercises for the eyes or choose glasses for the child that are designed specifically for working at the average distance typical of a computer. In connection with the intensive work at the computer, humanity has developed new diseases that are even more dangerous, such as progressive astigmatism. Under the influence of radiation coming from the monitor, the graininess of the image and the non-flatness of the monitor screen, computer scientists observe irreversible changes in the cornea of ​​the eye.As a result of these changes, the image begins to be focused by the optical system of the eye not into a round point, but into an oval. The visually patient observes a change in the shape of objects, unsharp edges, doubling of small images. This disease is not curable, since all currently performed operations correct the imperfection of the optical system of the eye by acting on the cornea, while this disease affects the cornea. In this case, she will not be able to transfer the operation. In the end, this disease leads to blindness - the patient's images are completely defocused, and he sees objects as through fogged glass.

Diseases associated with muscles and joints.

Among people who work on computers for a living, the largest number of health complaints are associated with diseases of muscles and joints. Most often it is just neck numbness, shoulder and lower back pain, or tingling in the legs. But there are, however, and more serious diseases. Pain in the hands, especially in the right hand, caused by long work at the computer has acquired the name of tunnel syndrome or carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as acquired the status of an occupational disease of computer scientists (programmers, machinists and people whose work is carried out mainly on a computer). Pain is caused by a pinched nerve in the carpal tunnel. Pinching can be caused by swelling of the tendons passing in close proximity to the nerve, as well as swelling of the nerve itself. The reason for a pinched nerve is a constant static load on the same muscles, which can be caused by a large number of repetitive movements (for example, when working with a mouse) or an uncomfortable position of the hands, while working with a keyboard, in which the wrist is in constant tension. All this can lead to a constant feeling of pain or discomfort in the hands, weakening and numbness of the hands, especially the palms. It is worth noting that pain in the hands can be caused not only by pinching of the carpal nerve, but also by damage to the spine (osteochondrosis, herniated intervertebral discs) in which the nerve leading to the hands from the spinal cord is damaged. The main diseases of the spine that develop as a result of a long stay at the computer are: osteochondrosis and curvature of the spine. If the possibility of developing a curvature of the spine is greater at an early age, then osteochondrosis is dangerous for people of all ages, it is also worth noting that the consequences of osteochondrosis are more dangerous than the consequences of various types of curvature of the spine. Curvature of the spine (scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis). One of the reasons for the development of curvature of the spine is not maintaining the correct posture, both while working at the table and while walking, etc. Thus, a child who does not sit straight at a school desk or at a computer at home may well acquire a curvature of the spine. It should also be noted that the curvature of the spine not only makes a person unattractive, but can subsequently lead to disruption of the work of internal organs, which will subsequently affect his health and ability to work.
Children rarely have such problems; nevertheless, the most addicted of them do not spend as much time at the computer as adult professionals. However, it still makes sense to monitor the position of the child if he is too late at the computer. Be sure to make sure that the chair the child is sitting on is not too high or too low. (If the computer is used by family members of different heights, then you can purchase a special office chair, the seat height of which is easily adjustable). Make your child do not hunch over while working at the computer. If you get him into the habit of sitting up straight and looking directly at the computer, he will most likely be able to avoid muscle and joint problems in the future.

Stress, insomnia, nervous disorders.

In addition to the fact that long-term work at the computer negatively affects health, which already affects the psyche, it is also associated with constant irritation, the source of which can be different situations. Probably, there is no such person who has never frozen a computer, with the loss of unsaved information, had no problems with any programs, etc. Moreover, according to research results, stressful situations associated with a computer, and especially with the Internet, lead to an increase in the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Thus, we get either mental imbalance or alcoholism, or all together. Another important factor is the neuro-emotional stress in children. It is no secret that communication with a computer, especially with gaming programs, is accompanied by strong nervous tension, since it requires a quick response. A short-term concentration of nervous processes causes obvious fatigue in the child. Working at a computer, he experiences a kind of emotional stress. Our studies have shown that even the very expectation of play is accompanied by a significant increase in the adrenal cortex hormones.

Respiratory diseases.

Respiratory diseases that develop due to long-term work with a computer are mainly allergic in nature. This is due to the fact that during a long computer operation, the monitor case and the motherboard in the system unit heats up and emit harmful substances into the air, especially if the computer is new. In addition to emitting harmful substances, the computer creates an electrostatic field around itself, which attracts dust and, accordingly, it settles in your lungs, at the same time, a working computer deionizes the environment and reduces air humidity. Each of these factors adversely affects both the lungs and the entire body as a whole.

2. Precautions and prevention of diseases when working with a computer.

Whether we like it or not, the duration of PC sessions has increased significantly in recent years. It would be naive to assume that this does not significantly affect the health of users. Moreover, medical statistics in Russia claim that only 20% of computerized workplaces meet modern safety requirements. Neglect of ergonomic requirements when working with a PC can cause stress, increased fatigue, deterioration of health, decreased visual acuity and can even lead to various neuropsychiatric disorders. Modern science has developed a number of simple recommendations, the implementation of which will allow you not only to reduce the damage caused to your health, but also to significantly increase the efficiency of your work. Ergonomics comes to the rescue of users - the science that studies the influence of working conditions, equipment and tools on labor productivity and human health. In the computer field, ergonomics studies the ways in which a person and a computer interact with the devices attached to it, as well as ways to organize a workplace. If you want to maintain your health and improve your well-being while working with a computer, you must follow the rules developed by doctors.

Prevention of diseases of the spine and joints.

To prevent the above diseases, you should organize the place at the computer as ergonomically as possible, change your posture or get up from the computer as often as possible, and of course, if possible, do gymnastics and play sports.

Ergonomics of the workplace, correct hand position.

While at the computer, the most optimal position is the body position in which: the back and neck are straight, the legs are on the floor with a right angle of bend in the knees, the angle of bend in the elbows is the same straight (90 degrees). To do this, you should:

1. Place the monitor directly in front of you, so that its highest point is directly in front of your eyes or higher. (This will allow you to keep your head straight and exclude the development of cervical osteochondrosis).

2. The chair you are sitting on should have a backrest and armrests, as well as such a height that your feet can stand firmly on the floor. In the event that people of different heights work at the same computer, it is advisable to purchase a chair with an adjustable height. (The backrest will allow you to keep your back straight, the armrests will allow your hands to rest, the correct position of the legs will not interfere with blood circulation in them.)

3. The location of other frequently used things, if possible, should not lead to a long stay in any curved position, and should not lead to bending to the side, especially for lifting heavy objects (it is with such an inclination that the most likely to damage the intervertebral disc).

4. When working with a mouse and keyboard, press the keys smoothly and effortlessly, while typing, place your wrists on a table or a special support, which will relax your hands. When working with a mouse, the brush should be straight and lie on the table as far from the edge as possible.


There are many exercises to develop the muscles of the back, mainly bending in different directions. Swimming and exercises on the horizontal bar are very useful. In the event that you work in an office, try to go for tea more often, stretch and, in general, do as many movements as possible, even without need.

Exercise for the hands.

The more often you interrupt to do the exercise, the more beneficial it will be.

1. Shake your hands.

3. Rotate your fists around your axis.

4. Pressing with one hand on the fingers of the other hand from the side of the palm, as if turning the palm and wrist outward.

With these exercises, you will improve blood circulation in your muscles.

Prevention of respiratory diseases.

1. As often as possible do damp cleaning of the room and ventilate it.

2. To increase humidity, you can put an open container with water. For example: an aquarium with fish (firstly, it increases humidity, and secondly, fish calm the nerves), decorative waterfalls (again, they increase humidity, and falling water is a natural air ionizer, although of course there will be no effect like after a rain with a thunderstorm, but still).

3. After purchasing a computer, it is advisable to turn it on and leave it, for several hours, in a ventilated room, since new boards and new plastic from which the monitor case is made emit a very large amount of harmful substances when heated.

Prevention of nervous disorders.

1. Try to make sure that the computer gives as few failures as possible and annoys you less. For example: structure the information so that it is easy to find it, clean the mouse more often so that the naughty cursor does not infuriate, etc.

2. On the Internet: do not wait a long time for the page to load, look at another at this time, try to use high-quality access (1 hour with a normal connection is better than 2 seconds ...).

3. Interrupt your work with the computer as often as possible, spend as much time as possible outside, smoke not at the computer, but on the balcony or where provided, but as far as possible. This list can be continued for a long time, but the main thing that you must achieve is that the work at the computer is comfortable for you and does not cause irritation.

Prevention of diseases of the organs of vision.

1. Requirements for the monitor:
1.1 The number of colors is at least 256.
1.2 Grain size no more than 0.28 mm
1.3 Regeneration frequency not less than 75 Hz
1.4 Ability to adjust the brightness and contrast of the image.

2. The monitor should be at least 45 cm from the eyes (arm's length), its top point should not be lower than direct gaze (looking straight ahead, you can see the top edge of the monitor)

3. Illumination of the workplace should not cause glare on the monitor screen. At the same time, it should be sufficient in order to clearly see the rest of the objects with which you work.

4. When working with a book and a monitor at the same time, it is desirable that they are at the same height, for this purchase a stand for books.

5. Wipe the monitor screen frequently.

6. Naturally, interrupt work as often as possible and let your eyes rest (it is advisable to take a 10-15 minute break every hour), moreover, if you switch from the monitor to the TV, there will be little sense.

Exercises for the eyes.

1. Close your eyes for ~ 10 seconds

2. Blink quickly for ~ 5-10 seconds.

3. Make a few circular movements with your eyes.

4. Change the focus several times, for this, first look at some point on the window (if it is very clean, you can glue a small piece of paper) and then into the distance (at clouds, a distant house, etc.)

5. To relieve irritation, or to relax the eyes, take a brewed tea bag (already cold), put it on your eyes and lie down for ~ 10 minutes.

Protection against electromagnetic radiation.

1. If possible, it is worth purchasing a liquid crystal monitor, since its radiation is much less than that of common CRT monitors (cathode ray tube monitors).

2. When buying a monitor, you must pay attention to the presence of a certificate.

3. The system unit and monitor should be as far away from you as possible.

4. Do not leave the computer turned on for a long time if you are not using it, although this will accelerate the wear on the computer, but health is healthier. Also, do not forget to use "sleep mode" for the monitor.

5. Due to the fact that the electromagnetic radiation from the walls of the monitor is much higher, try to place the monitor in a corner so that the radiation is absorbed by the walls. Particular attention should be paid to the placement of monitors in offices.

6. If possible, reduce the time you work at the computer and interrupt work often.

7. The computer must be grounded. If you purchased a protective screen, then it should also be grounded; for this, a wire is specially provided, at the end of which there is a metal clothespin (do not hook it to the system unit).


From the foregoing, it follows that in the world of computerization, it is necessary to adhere to measures aimed at organizing a safe environment for people working with a computer. And since computer technology is developing especially rapidly today, various technical solutions and standards also quickly become obsolete and die off. What was relevant yesterday and corresponded to the safety standards for humans, today these standards are imperfect. For example: flickering and shaking of the screen and images, a sharp drop in contrast with external illumination is observed when working on displays with vacuum tubes, they were replaced by the most suitable flat plasma, electroluminescent and the latest liquid crystal screens. Electroluminescent screens require high voltages. LCD monitors are more suitable. According to forecasts of various economic and sociological organizations, computer technology and telecommunications will remain one of the most developing branches of the world industry for at least another 10-15 years. So there is no need to wait for a decrease in this number, on the contrary, general computerization, today more and more captures us. In a race like this, where nothing is permanent, it is difficult to make recommendations and set standards. Therefore, until the computer boom subsides, ergonomics and ergonomists will face new challenges related to the organization of a safe and comfortable environment for people working with computers. Nowadays, many companies producing computers are concerned with the problem of computer-related diseases. They are developing new tools to reduce the risk of disease (such tools include, for example, a protective screen, which is currently mounted directly into the display), at least for the time being, these tools remain imperfect. But even the most ergonomic equipment in the world will not help us avoid disease if used incorrectly. By following simple tips for organizing your workplace ergonomically, you can prevent further development of disease.

In conclusion, it should be noted that when working with a computer, you need to monitor your health, and human health depends primarily on yourself.

1. Introduction.

2. Influence of the computer on human health:

A) the influence of electromagnetic radiation

B) computer and vision

C) diseases associated with muscles and joints

D) stress, insomnia, nervous disorders

E) respiratory diseases

3. Precautions and prevention of diseases when working with a computer.

4. Conclusion.

5. Sources used in the preparation of the abstract.

6. Appendix (questionnaire and conclusions).


1. T. Bogatova, I. Laprun "Computer and health are compatible?"

2.O. Timofeev “Computer for health: how to save when working with a PC. Doctor's view "

3. M. Ilyitskaya "My friend is my enemy"

4. A. Zakirov, A. Kostenko "New technologies and health"


As a result of my survey of 100 people using a questionnaire containing the following questions:

1. Do you have a computer?

2. How old are you?

3. What is your gender?

4. What options for working on a computer do you use?

5. How often do you work on the computer?

6. How much time per day do you work on the computer?

It was revealed that out of 100 respondents, 51 people have computers, but 75 people can work. The respondents are from 14 to 45 years old, of whom 37 are women. Options for working on a computer are different: games, typing, preparing tests and abstracts, using the Internet and others. The interviewed users use all of the above options in their work. Mostly they are at the computer every day, on average, up to 4 hours.

It follows from this that the computer has firmly entered our life, facilitating access to various types of information, business communication and recreation.

The question of the negative impact of a computer on a person remains open, given the fact that no more than six months ago, the Ministry of Health was officially allowed to spend up to 8 hours a day at the monitor. Many business owners today specifically invite entire commissions of doctors to their offices to show them the "wonderful" working conditions of their employees. And get permission to increase the hours employees can spend at the computer. However, traditionally, the influence of a computer on the health and psyche of a person, and even more so a child, can be considered harmful if he spends more than 4 hours a day at the car.

What are the consequences of long-term work at the computer?

It is believed that the computer has an effect on almost all organs of the body, including the human brain, heart, thyroid gland, skin, etc. Is it really that serious?

Experts say that a modern PC is no more dangerous to health than any other household appliance. Provided that the person does not abuse the amount of time spent at the car. However, if you sit at the computer day and night, you can get serious health problems.

  1. Muscle problems. Prolonged sitting position negatively affects blood circulation in the body. Especially badly it enters the legs and pelvic region, which over time can lead to damage to the walls of blood vessels and their expansion. From this arise, for example, such troubles as hemorrhoids.
  2. The direct influence of the computer on the spine has not been revealed today. But all the same sitting position will sooner or later lead to back pain, curvature of the spine.
  3. Vision problems. The eyes of a person who stares at a monitor for several hours a day are in constant tension. If at some point you notice that your eyes are watering, the clarity of the image disappears, then the possible cause may be asthenopic syndrome, or, otherwise, the syndrome of visual fatigue. It is a very common disease among PC operators. The influence of a computer on vision is extremely negative.
  4. Disorders of attention and mental fatigue in the process of searching for information on a computer occur much faster than when working with other sources of information.
  5. Influence of the computer on the nervous system. A PC is a technique that can malfunction, break down, slow down ... If, due to the fact that the site is loaded not for 5 seconds, but for 20 seconds, a person starts yelling at colleagues, throwing objects or otherwise showing aggression - a nervous face overwork and severe fatigue. Chronic stress is a faithful companion for office workers who live in constant time pressure.
  6. The influence of the computer on potency, the occurrence of cancerous tumors and cardiovascular diseases is currently under study. So far, only one thing is clear: electromagnetic radiation, the level of which in a computer is higher than that of any other household appliance, does not pass for nothing for a person.

Stress, physical inactivity, being in a closed room with air conditioning - all this has the most negative effect on the human body. All rhythms deteriorate, starting with the cardiovascular system and ending with the condition of the skin. The influence of a computer on human health does not appear immediately, but it has very serious consequences. To avoid troubles, it is worthwhile to clearly regulate the time of work on a PC, do not forget to take breaks from work and industrial gymnastics. By incorporating a gym and daily walks in the fresh air into your life, you can largely offset the negative impact of the computer on your physical and mental health.

A computer- an integral part of modern life. Computing technology is used to solve complex work problems, conduct scientific research, create architectural drawings and works of art. The computer helps a person to relax and have fun.

But for all the benefits of close cooperation with technology, we have to pay with our own health.

This section is devoted to the impact of the computer on human health. Is the fail-safe assistant as safe as it seems at first glance? On duty, many people are forced to spend a lot of time in front of a monitor screen.

Programmers, secretaries, designers have their own occupational diseases, just like people working in hazardous industries. What diseases are plaguing computer workers?

  1. Spine diseases: curvature, osteochondrosis.
  2. Disorders vision.
  3. Respiratory diseases.
  4. Pain in the hands, tunnel syndrome.
  5. Nervous disorders: stress, insomnia, depression.

On top of all of the above, it is customary to single out two more serious problems associated with a PC: chronic fatigue syndrome and psychological dependence.

A few hours a day spent in front of a computer can not harm your health. At risk are only those who regularly sit in front of the monitor screen. But this is almost a large part of the urban population!

Even people whose work is not related to computing are not averse to playing online, surfing social networks or watching videos on the Internet. If the total time you devote to these activities exceeds 3 hours a day, you risk your own health.

To compensate for the damage, you will need healthy sleep, healthy eating and physical exercise... Otherwise, your spine, internal organs, vision and even hands will suffer. However, the psyche will experience the greatest stress.

Most PC professionals are familiar with the feeling of chronic fatigue. Mental work is much more tiring for a person than physical work. Workers who spend all their time indoors are much more susceptible to insomnia, stress and depression than those who work outdoors.

- a constant companion of people addicted to PC. Its characteristic features include rapid fatigue, lethargy and apathy.

The reason is a lack of movement, multiplied by an excess of mental stress.

Fatigue, which does not go away even after rest, is the scourge of all knowledge workers without exception, but for computer specialists this is a real plague of the 21st century. It is generated by information oversaturation.

Over the past few decades, the amount of information that a person has to deal with has increased thousands of times. And if our intellect is able to cope with such volumes of work, then the psyche is not. Sometimes an excess of new information can even make you dizzy.

The human psyche is arranged in such a way that it needs some time to "digest" new data, to highlight the main thing, and the unnecessary - to weed out.

If a person continues to work, play or spend time on social networks, appears headache, problems with memory and concentration.

The only way to get around mental fatigue is to give yourself some rest. And we are not talking about watching movies or playing computer games, because you actually do not change your occupation.

The more time you work, the more quality rest you need.

This issue must be approached responsibly. If you work at a computer for many hours a day, are forced to constantly solve important tasks and process a large amount of information, it is your responsibility to organize your own leisure time correctly.

Otherwise, you run the risk of developing chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, depression. And then you simply will not be able to perform work tasks efficiently. Theaters, picnics in nature, hiking, tourism - all this is a great way to distract yourself and give rest not only to the head, but also to the body as a whole.

A good way out of the situation can be non-computer hobby.

A number of serious scientific studies are devoted to the phenomenon of computer and Internet addiction. For the first time they started talking about this about 20 years ago, almost simultaneously with these concepts, the so-called cyberpsychologists arose - specialists in the influence of computers on human psychology.

One of the areas of work of cyberpsychologists is getting rid of Internet addiction, gambling addiction, and computer addiction. Since 2009, our country has regularly held symposia dedicated to these issues. At one of these symposia, held at the Moscow State University, researchers noted that almost all available Internet entertainment causes addiction: games, videos and movies, online correspondence and even dating sites.

However, domestic and foreign experts came to the conclusion that the scale of the problem was exaggerated. There is no evidence that millions of people suffer from this type of addiction.

The computer changes the microclimate of the rooms in which we live and work. It is a source of electromagnetic radiation, attracts dust particles and dries up the air. So that the computer remains a reliable assistant, and long hours spent in front of the monitor do not harm your health, it is important to organize your own work schedule correctly... In this section, we have selected practical recommendations on how to equip your workplace, how to choose furniture and appliances.

Influence of the computer on human health

This article is devoted to the impact of a computer (more precisely, working at a computer) on human health. Below we will consider the main points of human-computer interaction, as well as human health disorders caused by prolonged work at the computer.

Long-term work at the computer
In fact, only long-term work at the computer can have a significant impact on human health. Nowadays, the use of computers in all spheres of life is becoming more widespread and therefore more and more people are forced to spend whole days in front of computer monitors.

Let's consider the main aspects of long-term work at the computer:

  1. A person working at a computer must maintain a relatively immobile position for a long time, which negatively affects the spine and blood circulation throughout the body (blood stagnation). Blood stagnation is especially pronounced at the level of the pelvic organs and extremities. With prolonged disturbances in blood circulation, tissue nutrition is disrupted and the walls of blood vessels are damaged, which in turn leads to their irreversible expansion. Such vasodilation is observed, for example, with hemorrhoids.
  2. Reading information from the monitor causes eye strain. This occurs mainly because while reading from the monitor, the distance from the text to the eyes is constantly the same, because of this, the muscles of the eyes, which regulate accommodation, are in constant tension. Over time, this can lead to impairment of the accommodative ability of the eyes and, consequently, to visual impairment.
  3. Long-term use of the keyboard strains the joints of the hand and the muscles of the forearm.
  4. Monitors equipped with an electron gun are a strong source of electromagnetic fields. Constant "bombardment" of the human body with accelerated electrons leads to various disorders of the nervous system and eyes.
  5. Working at a computer involves the processing of a large amount of information and constant concentration of attention, therefore, with prolonged work at a computer, mental fatigue and impaired attention often develop.
  6. A person working at a computer is forced to make decisions all the time, on which the efficiency of his work depends. Sometimes it is quite difficult to predict the consequences of a step (especially against the background of chronic fatigue). Therefore, long-term work at the computer is often the cause of chronic stress. Note that the need to process a large amount of heterogeneous (and mostly unnecessary information) also leads to the development of stress.
  7. Increasingly, there are messages about the occurrence of computer addiction... Indeed, prolonged computer work, Internet use and computer games can cause these mental disorders.
  8. Working at a computer often absorbs all the attention of a working person, and therefore, such people often neglect a normal diet and work from hand to mouth all day. Improper nutrition leads not only to disruptions in the functioning of the digestive tract, but also to the occurrence of mineral and vitamin deficiencies. It is known that not a lack of vitamins and minerals negatively affects the metabolic process in the body, which leads to a decrease in the intellectual abilities of a person. Decrease in work efficiency, which in turn causes the need to spend even more time at the computer. Thus, a kind of "vicious circle" is formed, in which long-term work at the computer is the starting point that determines all subsequent violations.

Physical inactivity, stress, bad habits and unhealthy diet are the main causes of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Thus, a person who works at a computer for a long time is exposed to a real risk of cardiovascular diseases, various diseases of the eyes, locomotor apparatus, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, and mental disorders.

Visual impairment caused by prolonged work at the computer
As mentioned above, prolonged computer use has a negative effect on eyes and vision. Recently, several new terms have appeared that define eye diseases caused by long work on a computer.

Display disease(asthenopia: from the Greek. Asten-fatigue + ops-vision), characterized by a violation of the accommodation of the eyes due to prolonged overstrain of the ciliary body. The ciliary body is located just below the iris of the eye and is composed of many muscle fibers. The ciliary body is a kind of muscle ring inside which the lens is attached. Contraction or relaxation of the muscles of the ciliary body leads to a change in the curvature of the lens and, therefore, changes its refractive power. Normally, the work of the ciliary bodies of both eyes maintains the concentration of the light beam on a limited area of ​​the retina. With chronic overstrain of the ciliary body, it loses its ability to contract and, consequently, the eyes' ability to accommodate (perception of objects at different distances) is lost.

Dry eye syndrome- the collective name of the disease caused by a violation of the moisture in the anterior surface of the eye (cornea) with tear fluid. Normally, a person performs more than 20 blinking movements per second. As a result, the anterior surface of the eye is constantly moistened and cleared by the tear fluid. While working at the computer, the blinking frequency decreases at least three times. In this case, the surface of the cornea "dries up". Dry eye syndrome develops after some time working at the computer and is manifested by burning sensation in the eyes, reddening of the conjunctiva, and the appearance of a vascular network on the lateral surfaces of the eyes. If, when these signs occur, work at the computer stops, then the symptoms will regress. However, with prolonged use of the computer, the above symptoms become more persistent and do not disappear after you stop using the computer. This is explained by the addition of an infection and a violation of the trophism of the membranes of the eye, caused by insufficient hydration of the eyes with the lacrimal fluid.

Also, long-term work at the computer can increase the risk of eye diseases such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia, glaucoma.

Diseases of the rectum
Among the diseases of the rectum, hemorrhoids are the most common. The high incidence of this type of disease among people who spend a lot of time at the computer is by no means explained by the harmful effect of the latter on the human body, but by the fact that the computer operator has been sitting for a long time. Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins in the lower rectum. The main reason for this expansion is stagnation of blood in these veins with a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, the dilated veins protrude into the lumen of the rectum and even sag from the anus. In some cases, thrombosis or infection of hemorrhoidal veins may develop. In this case, severe pain and bleeding from the anus appear.

Diseases of the hands
Prolonged use of the computer can cause serious neuromuscular disorders. Particularly sensitive areas of the body are fingers, hands and forearms. The hands do the bulk of the mechanical work when working at the computer, and it is not the amplitude of the physical load that is important (it is usually quite low), but the working time. As you know, the pads of the fingers are the most sensitive parts of the human body. A large number of sensitive nerve endings are concentrated at this level (thanks to this, the fingers perform the function of touch). With prolonged work at the computer (on the keyboard), the nerve endings of the fingers are constantly irritated. Over time, this leads to depletion of the nerve pathways that connect the fingers with the cerebral cortex. As a result, there are impaired coordination of finger movements and cramps of the hand and forearm. British researchers called this disease RSI (repetitive strain injury), which translates as a chronic disease of the hands.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Long-term work at the computer can often lead to poor posture or curvature of the spine. The most susceptible to this disease are children in whom the curvature of the spine is of the type of scoliosis, that is, curvature of the spinal column to the side (lateral). In adults, the formation of a herniated disc may occur, which leads to compression of the nerve roots and the occurrence of radiculitis.

The main cause of the development of diseases of the spinal column is the wrong position in the workplace. As a rule, a working person adapts and after a while ceases to feel that he is sitting incorrectly, while the disease continues to progress.

Diseases of the nervous system
Computer work is purely intellectual work. And therefore, the bulk of the load falls on the nervous system, namely the brain.

Long-term work at the computer can often cause headaches. There are several types of headaches that can be triggered by working at a computer. One of the factors provoking the appearance of headaches is chronic overstrain; constant tension of the cranial muscles and facial muscles is also important.

Disturbances of attention and inability to concentrate are the result of chronic overwork. Sometimes, due to prolonged work at the computer, there may be tinnitus, dizziness, nausea. If you experience these symptoms, you should seek the advice of a doctor and temporarily interrupt your work at the computer.

In addition to the diseases described above, a long stay at the computer can cause gastritis, stomach ulcers, and prostatitis.

Bibliography :

  • Gunn G.E. Computer: how to stay healthy: Recommendations for children and adults, St. Petersburg: Neva; M .: Olma-Press, 2003
  • How to maintain and improve vision: Sat. M .: KRON-PRESS, 1995
  • A. A. Belyaev Private neurology, St. Petersburg: Lan, 2002