What is jailbreak for iPhone 5. What is Jailbreak and how to install or remove jailbreak on iPhone (iOS)

Jailbreak(from English Jailbreak - “Jailbreak”) iPod Touch/iPhone/iPad is an officially unsupported Apple operation that allows you to open access to the file system in the device, similar to Microsoft ActiveSync. Which in turn makes it possible to expand the functionality of the device, for example, change the theme of tweaks, design, and most importantly, install applications and games from other sources (not only from the App Store). Hacking tools are available to protect the baseband (GSM chip) with a special decoupling from AT&T, Sprint, Verizon.

After installation, the program has full access only to a certain part of the memory allocated specifically for the application (in addition, no applications are able to delete, change or add files that do not belong to it). The exceptions are contacts, videos, photos and music; the application has limited access to them after the user’s consent.

Tethered jailbreak

It needs to be done again after the next reboot of the device; there is no need to reinstall the application.

Untethered jailbreak

It does not disappear after rebooting the device, unlike the tethered jailbreak described above.

Semi-tethered jailbreak

Allows you to reboot the device without losing the ability to use it, however, after rebooting the device, the jailbreak functions are lost.

Installing Jailbreak on iOS6

While the hackers from Evad3rs have not announced a release date for the updated hacking tool, the existing vulnerabilities will probably only be used for iOS 7.

In this regard, owners of all the latest gadgets with iOS 6.1.3 installed, and these are: iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad 2, iPod Touch 5G and iPad mini, have to wait for the release of the next untethered jailbreak.

Owners of older devices: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, and iPod Touch are much more fortunate. They can also be jailbroken to iOS 6.1.3, but this jailbreak will be tethered.

A tethered jailbreak is a jailbreak of an iOS device that functions until a reboot. Devices with a tethered jailbreak can function the same way as one jailbroken using evasi0n, but after a reboot, it can only be launched thanks to the computer and the Redsn0w application (otherwise it will not start). That's all the differences.

With help from Redsn0w

Step 1: Download the official iOS6 firmware and install it on iPhone 3GS/4, iPod Touch 4.

Step 2: Download for your Windows or Mac operating system from the iPhone Dev-Team website. Unzip the downloaded file into a separate folder, then run Redsn0w.

Step 3: In the main menu, click on the Extras (Select IPSW) item, specify the path to the downloaded iOS firmware file in step 1.

Step 4: Select "Back" and click "Jailbreak". Make sure the Install SSH checkbox is checked and the iPad, iPhone or iPod touch is turned off and connected to the computer, then click “Next”.

Step 5: Click on the jailbreak button, then follow the instructions on the display. The Redsn0w program may require you to enter your device into a special DFU mode, for this you need:

  • Turn off the device;
  • Turn off iTunes;
  • Hold down the power button for 3 seconds, and after 3 seconds, while continuing to hold down the power button, click on the “Home” button;
  • And after 10 seconds, release the lock button while continuing to hold the Home button.

Redsn0w will jailbreak iOS 6 very quickly. And after auto-rebooting, you will get an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch on iOS 6 with the jailbreak installed.

Loading in tethered mode

Now when you reboot your iOS device, you will need to connect it to your PC and put it into the new jailbreak mode using the Redsn0w 0.9.13dev4 feature. You need to open the “Extras” category and click on the “Just boot” button.

How to install Cydia

This version of Redsn0w does not install Cydia when jailbreaking, the entire installation of Cydia will have to be done manually.

All the necessary commands for installing Cydia via a secure SSH shell were performed in the Terminal application for Mac OS X. Owners of Windows computers will be able to use similar commands in WinSCP. Next are the instructions.

Step 1: You need to select “Wi-Fi” in the “Settings” menu and click on the arrow next to the network name. Copy your IP address, for example (Check whether the gadget is connected to the computer via a wireless network. It is recommended to disable the firewall and antivirus).

Step 2: In a special application or in the terminal, enter the code: ssh root@”device IP address”, for SHH connection of the device (for example: iPhone).

Step 3: Enter the default password. (You can also use other programs to connect to the device, Putty on Windows and Coda on Mac.)

Step 4: Enter the command (via SSH):

wget -q -O /tmp/cyinstall.sh http://downloads.kr1sis.net/cyinstall.sh && chmod 755 /tmp/cyinstall.sh && /tmp/cyinstall.sh

Step 5: The device will respring, after which the Cydia icon will appear on the screen. Launch the store, it will prepare the file system for use.

Now you can install tweaks and applications from Cydia.

Note: Redsn0w 0.9.13dev4 is not able to jailbreak iPad 2, 3, iPhone 4S based on A5X and A5 chips.

How to jailbreak iPhone 5, 4S, iPad and iPod touch

  • Step 1: Download the latest versions of iTunes and Evasi0n.
  • Step 2: Update your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad to the new iOS 6.1.2 via iTunes.
  • Step 3: Connect your device to your computer, open iTunes or iCloud and back up your information. You also need to disable the password on the lock screen, go to Settings -> next General -> Password protection -> and Disable password.
  • Step 4: Evasi0n will display the model of your gadget. Click on the “Jailbreak” button in the program. Now the application will do the injection, install the Cudia store and reboot the device. Do not interrupt the installation procedure and do not turn off the gadget from the computer at this moment!
  • Step 5: After the message “To continue, please unlock your device and tap the new ‘Jailbreak’ icon” appears, unlock the gadget and find the “Jailbreak” icon on the desktop, click on it. The gadget's screen will turn black for a moment, and then a springboard will appear.
  • Step 6: Next, the jailbreak continues: you will notice in the program window information about jailbreaking your device. After the message Done! close the application. Your iPhone device will restart. Please note that the launch process will take a long time.
  • Step 7: And now, after the phone boots up, the Evasi0n logo will appear on the screen. Your iPad or iPhone will reboot a second time.

That's all! You have jailbroken your iOS device.

Question answer

What is jailbreak? It is harmful? Is it possible to jailbreak?

No, it is not harmful, and in some cases it is the opposite. By jailbreaking your device, you can install software packages not signed by Apple that can change the functionality of the device.

Will I be able to buy music and apps on the App Store?

Will my early purchases be lost after the jailbreak?

No, nothing will happen to your Apple ID, you will continue to use the device as before.

There are opinions that the device begins to slow down due to jailbreak. This is true?

No, it will not slow down the device.

What is a tweak?

A tweak is a small program that adds functionality and ease of use to a device. For example, quick settings in a special Notification Center.

As soon as iOS 10.3 was announced, the tech savvy guys were already on the hunt for a way or method to jailbreak this new version of the iPhone. For those who might be a little stranded, Jailbreaking is a form of act that allows the operating system to accept foreign applications and downloads rather than those intended for the device's system or operating system. Different people have different reasons for performing the jailbreak procedure. Of these reasons, the most common ones are:

  1. In order to be able to download external applications on iOS.
  2. Jailbroken iPhones have a more advanced control center that gives the user more options.
  3. A jailbroken phone allows the user to be locked into a one-time fee compared to non-jailbroken phones, which you have to pay as you use it.

Part 1: Is it possible to jailbreak iOS 10.3?

Just like previous versions of iOS, which were easily jailbroken upon their release, the new iOS version 10.3 will be no exception either. According to Apple, jailbreaking version 10.3 will not be an easy task. However, the emergence of complex programs has made things difficult for Apple. In fact, as you read this, I have a list of five different methods that can be used to jailbreak this new version of iOS. Some of these methods are readily available while others await the final stage of development. If you want to jailbreak iOS 10.3, below is a list of the most reliable iOS jailbreak programs.

Since jailbreaking iOS is as risky as it sounds, it is always a wise choice to back up all data on your iPhone before we proceed. We recommend you try dr.fone toolkit - iOS Data Backup & Restore to save everything on your iPhone flexibly, instead of using iTunes or iCloud.

Part 2: How to Jailbreak iOS 10.3 with Yalu

Another way to jailbreak iOS v10.3 is to use Yalu services and Cydia. To begin the jailbreak process, follow these guidelines carefully.

Step 1: The first step will be for you to download the Cydia impactor as well as Yalu 103.IPA files from the official Yalu jailbreaks web page.

Step 2: Using the download program, open Cydia Striker and drag and drop the YAL 103.IPA file and copy it into Cydia Striker.

Step 3: You will be asked to enter your Apple ID username in the spaces provided.

Step 4: Once Yalu identifies the Apple ID, the presented Yalu 103 file will appear on the home screen.

Step 5: Click to open it and click on the “Go” button.

Tip: This will prompt your iPhone to reboot.

Step 6: Cydia version 1.1.30 will be installed on your iPhone. Open the Cydia app to initiate the jailbreak process.

Part 3: Jailbreak iOS 10.3 with TaiG9 site and Cydia impactor

Another great way to jailbreak iOS 10.3 is to use the TaiG9 website. Using this site, you will need to download the Cydia application IMPACTOR as well as the TaiGbeta IPA file. Below is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to jailbreak iOS 10.3 beta.

Step 1: The first thing you need to do is download TaiGbeta.IPA and Cydia IMPACTOR program on your Windows or Mac computer.

Step 2: Connect iOS 10.3 beta picture or iPad to your computer and open the Cydia Striker app.

Step 3: With the Cydia App open, drag and drop the TaiG9 beta IPA file into the Cydia app.

Step 4: To proceed, you will be asked to enter your Apple ID as well as your password to request Cydia Impactor to install the TaiG9 IPA program for your iPhone.

Tip: Although it is possible to have an active Apple account, a new account is generally preferable.

Step 5: Once downloaded, you will be able to see the Taig icon on your home screen. Click on it to open it and finally click on “Install Cydia” to install the program.

Step 6: Your device will reboot and Cydia will be available for use after reboot.

N:B: Please note that unlike the previous Taig jailbreak method, this jailbreak is not permanent. The entire jailbreak process will end after seven days and you will be required to uninstall the Taig beta app and jailbreak again using both Cydia impactor and Taig beta IPA and Cydia impactor.

Additionally, you will need to reboot your jailbroken device every time.

Part 4: Using Pangu to Jailbreak iOS 10.3

Although Panga has been at the forefront of developing jailbreak programs, iOS v10.3 is only available in a tethered process, and the Cydia app is not as stable as previous versions. What this means is that you will need to re-jailbreak every time you reboot your iPhone. In addition, Mac users will not be able to jailbreak IOS version 10.3 as the Pangu version is only available on Windows. The screenshot below shows a Cydia app under development.

Part 5: Jailbreak iOS 10.3 with zJailbreaker

ZJailbreak is another great way on how to jailbreak iOS v10.3. zJailbreak is a non-rooted application that is used to install jailbreak applications for iOS version above 9.3, which simply means that it will be compatible with iOS v10.3. However, as it stands, the zJailbreak method has been tested to determine its applicability with firmware v10.3. In the meantime, you can download the latest version from zJailbreak on your computer, and wait for the development of the v10.3 iOS jailbreak method.

Part 6: Using Evasion to Jailbreak iOS 10.3

Evasion is another great program that can be used to jailbreak iOS v10.3. The program has been around for some time and hence its service cannot be guessed at. Evasion is an untethered jailbreak, which simply means that once you jailbreak the phone, the jailbreak remains unchanged until the recovery process. Below is the detailed process to jailbreak iOS v10.3 using evasion.

Step 1: Download Evasion for Windows and Mac versions on your computer and run the program.

Step 2: Connect your iPhone or iPad to PC using its cable.

Step 3: After downloading, you will be able to see the Evasi0n icon on your computer screen.

Step 4: Open the program and click on the “Jailbreak” button. This will initiate the jailbreak process.

Step 5: Once the process is completed, you will see the Cydia app appear on your iPhone's home screen. This basically means that the jailbreak was successful. You can now download foreign apps using the Cydia app on your iPhone or iPad.

Although iOS 10.3 is a new version, not many jailbreak methods have been developed to jailbreak it. However, with several methods available, as seen in this article, it is not a difficult task to jailbreak iOS 10.3 if you use the necessary steps and the right jailbreak tools. As we have already seen in this article, we can apply various jailbreak methods to jailbreak a completely new iOS version easily. Since all these methods differ from each other in one way or another, using the right tool is essential as it will determine whether the jailbreak will be successful or not.

You can install a jailbreak using vulnerabilities in iOS security systems. To use exploits, the necessary utilities are created, for example, Pwnage Tool, Absinthe, etc. Basically, the user will not need a lot of effort and time - just connect your device, switch the device to the required mode and wait a little until the jailbreak is completed in the accompanying utility.

Most likely, most owners and fans of Apple products do not really like using such a closed system, which makes it impossible to use a file manager; depending on this, there is a ban on downloading and installing programs and applications located outside the store. Installing a jailbreak removes these difficulties and gives you more options when using your gadget.

So, before starting jailbreak, you need to make sure that your device is compatible, and if necessary, update to the required iOS version of your device. How to find out the firmware version? To do this, you will need to launch iTunes, a window with the name of your device will appear on the left, click on it. The firmware version will be displayed in the “Software version” line. By clicking on it, you will see the iOS build.

Installation requirements:

  • iPhone 4S, 5, 5S, 6, iPad mini 2, 3, iPad 2, 3, 4, Air, Air 2 with iOS 8;8.0;8.0.1; 8.1.
  • To avoid difficulties and problems during installation, for example, the “dullness” of the device, the iPhone 5 is least likely to suffer, it is best to install jailbreak on a clean iOS.
  • Using this method, it would be a good idea to create a backup copy in iTunes.
  • Turn off your device's security as it may cause problems and crashes during the jailbreak installation process. Various security methods such as password.
  • Update iTunes to the required update version for iOS 8.
  • Please note that when updating, you need to use iTunes, and not do it over the air.
  • It is not recommended to install iOS 8 on devices that are locked.
  • Do not launch iTunes during the jailbreak process!
  • Windows (minimum Windows XP).
  • PanguTeam hacker team (creators of jailbreak iOS 7 and 8).
  • Before using Pangu8 for iPhone, please create a backup in iTunes.
  • Disable protection (Options -> Disable Password).
  • Turn off Find My iPhone (Settings –> iCloud –> Find iPhone).
  • Put your device into Airplane Mode.
  • Launch Pangu8 (you will need internet)
  • Connect your device to your PC.
  1. When the application recognizes your device, start by pressing the "Start Jailbreak" key. Don’t even think about disconnecting your gadget from your PC!
  2. After this, the user will receive a message from the program; press the “Already did” button.

Later, a jailbreak act will be launched on the user’s iPhone 4s or 5, during which the program will download the necessary data from the Internet, and only after all this the gadget will reboot.

When this program has completed all the necessary actions, it will notify you that the jailbreak process is complete. And again, after all this, the device will reboot. The user remains to disconnect the device from the personal computer and close Pangu8.

  1. After the user completes all the steps, he becomes the owner of the Cydia/Pangu shortcut on the desktop of his gadget.
  2. PROFIT!

Just in case: if the jailbreak was not delivered to the user, then he needs to check the correctness of the actions given in the algorithm. It also happens that the device “freezes” if the “Apple” symbol appears on the screen. It is necessary to restore from a backup copy when trying to revive the device again.

However, the user need not worry. The device will only reboot a few times, but this will allow you to “zero” an iPhone 4s or 5 with Cydia installed on it. After all the painful procedures carried out without anesthesia, the user needs to open Cydia and, having carefully studied the algorithm of the described actions, carefully and strictly act strictly according to the same algorithm. And again the 4s or 5 gadget will reboot. But after all this, all the torment ends, the user has the opportunity to work with jailbreak to the fullest extent of its exploitation.

Benefits of Jailbreak Worth Considering

Point one. Jelbreak allows users of devices with it to download applications and other files without using the App Store. At various times, attention was provided to a wide variety of sources of programs, applications and a variety of all kinds of files for devices such as iPhone 4s, 5, iPod touch and iPad - Installer, Rock Your Phone, Icy, but for a long time the leaders and not giving up their positions Cydia is considered to be such a file store, the brainchild of programmer Jay Freeman (best known as Saurik).

Cydia includes a “collection” with a thousand different programs, add-ons and tweaks, by the way, many of them are free, you don’t have to pay for them. Cydia programs contain those applications, programs and files that are not included in the App Store product range due to the rather strict standards and framework of Apple itself, especially the iPhone 5 or 4s.


It is known that along with the advantages there are also disadvantages. Users are advised to carefully read them in order to avoid disastrous consequences due to the use of jailbreak. Point two. Jailbreak significantly increases the possibility of device failure due to iOS failure in its operation. Since the user can gain access to all system files of the operating system, a poorly thought-out modification can bring the device to such a state that it simply stops turning on. This entails a complete restoration of the firmware of the user gadget.

Point three. Jailbreaking is closely related to the threat to the security of user data in the iPhone 4s. So far, there are not only no viruses that can kill the iOS kernel, but jailbreaking an iPhone, especially 4s or 5, iPod touch and iPad can easily ruin all the data on the device. So one cannot think that just as viruses did not exist, they will not appear. It is simply impossible to predict this.

Point four. Jailbreak at the official level deprives the user of the warranty on the iOS gadget. If the device breaks down at the service center where it was taken, programmers may refuse to repair it if they find confirmation of a jailbreak device. There is one positive thing in this unpleasant jailbreak situation. If the user restores the firmware, he will completely get rid of the presence of jailbreak and will receive a “cleaned” device.


Unfortunately, in the current time periods between the presentation of the latest iOS and the appearance of Jailbreak, more and more time is running out for it. Apple developers are constantly changing iOS security for the better, covering many weaknesses. Therefore, searching for the latest ones seems to be quite a difficult task.

Users need to carefully monitor the outputs of the operating system and Jailbreak to it. If a person does not commit atrocities with his apparatus, then he does not need to think about the dire consequences. But you still shouldn’t forget about the device’s operating instructions.

iOS is a fairly well protected system. This is partly due to the limited capabilities of ordinary users. For example, on Android it is allowed to install applications not from the official store, but on iOS it is not. However, the ban can be circumvented if you use Jailbreak. We will tell you in this article what advantages it provides and what consequences this may result in.

Jailbreak is a hacking of the file system of an iOS device. The irony here is that the title stands for "Prison Break". You're stuck within the boundaries set by Apple, and jailbreaking your device gives you some freedom of action. It's no secret that on an iPhone or iPad you can't just take and view all the files on the device, including system ones. Jailbreak provides this opportunity. You install it and gain access to the entire file system of the device. However, this is not the main advantage.

There are several types of jailbreak:

  • Untied– works even after rebooting the device.
  • Attached– works until the device is rebooted. However, the device also works only until rebooted. Then the device will freeze during the boot process, and the problem can only be corrected with a special program.

Fortunately for lovers of pirated software (although jailbreak is officially allowed in the USA), recently only untethered jailbreaks have been released.

What does jailbreak give?

In addition to access to the system, Cydia appears on your device - a store of applications and tweaks. Tweaks are additional improvements to the system, with the help of which, basically, you can slightly customize the interface.

When it comes to apps, this is what Jailbreak has always been loved for. If you don't have the money for expensive apps on the App Store, you can download them for free from Cydia. That is, Cydia is a store of applications that were not included in the App Store for various reasons, or are hacked free versions of paid applications.

By the way, if you think that after installing Jailbreak, you will no longer be able to use iTunes or the App Store, then you are very mistaken. Hacking the system will not affect the operation of these services in any way; you simply gain access to the file system and the Cydia application store. However, there are a number of significant disadvantages.

iOS versions for which there is a jailbreak

At the moment, almost all versions of iOS have been hacked. Below is a table that lists the hacked versions, devices and utilities for hacking.

iOS operating system version Devices that can be hacked iOS hacking utility
iPhone OS 1
  • iPhone 2G
  • INdependence
iPhone OS 2
  • iPhone 2G, 3G
  • PwnageTool
iPhone OS 3
  • iPhone 2G, 3G, 3GS,
  • iPod touch 1G, 2G, 3G
  • iPad 1G
  • PwnageTool
iOS 4
  • iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4
  • iPod touch 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G
  • iPad 2, 3,
  • PwnageTool
iOS 5
  • iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S
  • iPod touch 3G, 4G
  • iPad 2, 3
  • redsn0w
iOS 6
  • iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S, 5
  • iPod touch 4G, 5G
  • iPad 2, 3, 4
  • redsn0w
iOS 7
  • iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5s, 5C
  • iPod touch 5G
  • iPad 2, 3, 4, Air 1
  • evasi0n7
  • Pangu (iOS 7.1 - 7.1.2)
iOS 8
  • iPhone 4S, 5, 5C
  • iPod touch 5G
  • iPad 2, 3, 4, mini (1st generation) - iOS 8.0 - 8.4.1
  • iPhone 5s, 6, 6 Plus iPod touch 6G
  • iPad Air 1, Air 2 - iOS 8.0 - 8.4
  • Pangu8 (8.0 - 8.1)
  • TaiG (iOS 8.0 - 8.4)
  • EtasonJB (iOS 8.4.1 x86)
iOS 10.0.1-10.3.3
  • iPhone 5.5C, 5S, SE, 6, 6S
  • H3lix (32-bit) Saigon
  • Meridian (64-bit)
  • DoubleH3lix (64-bit)
  • Goblin (64-bit)
iOS 11.0 - 11.3.1
  • iPhone 5S, SE, 6, 6S, 7, 8, X
  • iPod touch 6
  • Apple TV
  • Electra
  • unc0ver

Pros and cons of jailbreaking

In principle, we have already talked about the advantages, but we will summarize them into a single list:

  • Full access to the file system;
  • Installing paid applications is free;
  • Installing tweaks to customize the system.

And now about the cons. Unfortunately, they are no less significant than the advantages:

  • If you have installed Jailbreak, you will no longer be able to update your device to the latest version of iOS.
  • A jailbroken device is not covered by warranty. In case of any troubles, even not related to pirated software, the device will not be repaired for free.
  • Often, the system starts to work slower, and even glitch in places.

However, if something goes wrong, you can remove the jailbreak from your iPhone or iPad. To do this, just use iTunes to return the device to factory settings. After this, all pirated software will completely disappear from the gadget, and you will again be able to contact the service center under warranty. There will be no traces of jailbreak.

Is jailbreak necessary?

Now let’s talk about probably the most important question: is Jailbreak necessary now, in 2018? Even the developers themselves answered this question. Jailbreak - died because it is no longer relevant in modern conditions. Yes, hacking of the system is still ongoing, and just the other day a message appeared on the Internet about a jailbreak for iOS 12.1. However, this is interesting not so much to ordinary users as to hackers or Apple itself (to close new security holes).

Why doesn't it make sense for users? Firstly, many applications are now released under the free to play system. That is, you can download it completely free of charge, and make purchases in the game itself, or for a small fee you can turn off advertising, which brings the developers most of their income. Such a system is much more profitable, because several thousand people are ready to pay for the application, and several million are ready to download it for free.

Secondly, iOS has already implemented a lot of things that users would like to see (talking about customization, etc.). Now the system works quite stably, especially on iOS 12, and people are simply too lazy to install anything additional on the device. The era of interface customization is long gone; most people like the modern look of iOS and Android, so there is no point in changing anything.

Jailbreak hackers were forced to start from scratch. Just like a new version of iOS, a new Apple device almost always fixes jailbreak vulnerabilities. It looks like merciless. Apple patches the holes, hackers break them again... And so on for five years. Will there be a sequel?

So, what's the deal with jailbreaking iOS 6? Will it be possible to hack an iPhone 5?

Yesterday, more photos of a hacked iPhone 5 were distributed on the Internet, and according to the author of the photo, hacker Planetbeing, work on jailbreaking Apple's flagship smartphone is ongoing and significant progress is being made.

There is hope for jailbreak enthusiasts.

Apparently, the responsibility for developing an untethered iOS 6 jailbreak is taken by the same small elite group of hackers, for whom a new hack is not a motivation for making money and fame (although this cannot be avoided). They spend countless hours working on hacking iOS for one simple reason: it is a challenge for them.

iPhone 5 on iOS 6 is a daunting task even for jailbreak veterans like Pod2g, P0sixninja and Planetbeing. Apple has fixed exploits that were used in the past to develop untethered jailbreaks. Creating a new tool will require several new exploits working together in harmony, like a complex symphony.

Hackers have been scrambling to find pieces of the puzzle, but back at the international iOS hackers' rally in September, the future of untethered iPhone 5 jailbreak looked bleak.

Two months have passed since then. In November, things look much more promising.

Well-known hacker Planetbeing, who was hard at work jailbreaking the iPhone 5 during JailbreakCon, yesterday posted a photo of his personal iPhone 5 with a jailbreak tweak installed on the lock screen.

“We are still missing critical parts and cannot release the jailbreak at this time,” noted Planetbeing, whose real name is David. “Believe me, we would be happy to release it as early as possible. The foundation of the jailbreak has already been laid, but its structural integrity must be ensured before release. At this stage, I would characterize it more as finding missing parts rather than debugging."

As usual, David was unable to confirm any release dates for a tool capable of untethered jailbreaking iOS 6, but when asked if the iPhone 5 jailbreak status looked bleak, David replied, “Not at all.”

We will keep you updated on developments.

Stay with us.