What is the RPM file extension? How to open a .RPM file? Rpm open.

*.RPM - files similar to Windows SFX archives and installer programs.
As a rule, they contain collected source codes of programs that can be easily edited.
The source code of the package itself is compiled at the user's command with the .SRPM extension.

Operations with packages from the console are performed using the RPM command.
I remind you:
Help on it can be obtained by typing "rpm --help" or "rpm -?"; and the detailed manual is "man rpm"
(to exit the manual and return to the terminal, you need to press "q").

Here it is suggested that you first read the description of the programs themselves for installing packages
(the main one is rpm), and then with a list of commands and parameters for this program.

Installing software on Linux.

There are three ways to install software on the Linux operating system:

  • Traditional.
  • From RPM packages.
  • From packages containing source code.

Let's consider all three methods in order.

This method consists in the fact that the program is distributed not in assembled form, but in the form of source texts. This method is called traditional because it was the first way to install programs before the advent of the RPM manager or similar ones (apt-get).

1. The traditional installation method is installation from source code.

As a rule, the source text is distributed in an archive. Typically the file containing the source text has a double extension: for example, tar.gz or tar.bz2. This means that this file is compressed by two archivers: first tar and then gzip.

You need to unpack the archive according to the stack principle: first with an external archiver, and then with an internal one. Let's assume that prg-2.00.tar.gz is the file name of our archive. To unpack it you need to enter the commands:

gunzip prg-2.00.tar.gz
tar xvf prg-2.00.tar

The first command will unpack the prg-2.00.tar file, which we will specify as one of the arguments in the second command. The x parameter of tar means that we need to extract files from the archive (the c parameter is create). You can specify the v parameter at your own discretion; it provides more information when running the program.
The last parameter f is required when working with files.
The tar program was originally designed to work with tape drives, so we need to use the f parameter to tell the program that we need to work with the files.
If the external extension is not gz, but bz or bz2, then instead of the first command you need to enter the commands (respectively):

bunzip prg-2.00.tar.bz
bunzip2 prg-2.00.tar.bz2

Then, as in the first case, you need to run the tar command (with the same parameters).

Sometimes source files have only one extension tgz. In this case, you need to enter just one command:

tar xzf prg-2.00.tgz

The z option means extract files using the gzunzip extractor. Typically, archive files created with the tar program and passed through the gzip archiver filter have this extension.

The next stage is the direct installation of the program. After successful completion of the first stage (unpacking), go to the directory containing the source code. Usually this is a directory<имя_программы-версия>:

cd prg-2.00

. /configure
make install

The first command configures the program to be installed to work with your system. This program also checks whether the program you are installing can run on your system. If the program cannot work,
you will see a corresponding message and the installation process will be interrupted.

This usually happens when one of the libraries required by the new program is not installed on your system. To continue the installation, you must install the required library and try to re-enter the ./configure command. After successful completion of the program./configure, a Makefile will be created, which will indicate the necessary parameters (paths to libraries, path for installing the program) for the make program.

The second command (make) “assembles” the program. At this stage, the program is compiled, that is, binary executable files are created from the source texts.

The third command, make install, installs the program and help files into the appropriate directories. Usually programs are installed in the /usr/bin directory, but this depends on the contents of the Makefile configuration file.

After successfully installing the program, you can run it by first reading the documentation for this program.

2.Installing the program from the RPM package.

Software installation on Red Hat and Mandrake distributions is done using the rpm program. RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) is the Red Hat package manager. Even though it has "Red Hat" in the name, it is entirely intended to operate as an open package system, available for use by anyone. It allows users to take the source code for new software and package it in source and binary form, so that the binaries can be easily installed and tracked, and the source code easily
built. This system also maintains a database of all packages and their files, which can be used to check packages and query information about files and/or packages.

Unlike the familiar InstallShield wizards that are used to install Windows programs, RPM packages (files with the .rpm extension) are not executable files, that is, programs. Packages contain files (like an archive) that need to be installed, as well as various information about that package: which package is needed for this package to work, which package conflicts with it, information about the developer, as well as information indicating what actions need to be performed when installation of this package, for example, what directories need to be created. The RPM package manager is used in many Linux distributions (Red Hat, Mandrake, ASP, Black Cat) and is quite easy and flexible to use, which is why it is popular.

For example, for the package software-1.0-I.i386.rpm there are: software - name;

1.0 - program version;
1 - package release;
i386 - Intel 386 platform.

Usually the package file name indicates its name, version, release, platform. The last four characters are ".rpm" - an indication that this file is a package. There is no such thing as an extension or file type in Linux.

Please note the difference between software version and package release. The version indicated in the package name is the version of the software contained in it. The version number is set by the program's author, who is usually not the package manufacturer.
The version number characterizes and refers to the software. As for the release number, it characterizes the package itself - it indicates the number of the existing version of the package. In some cases, even if the software has not changed, it may be necessary to repackage it.

I think everything is clear with the name and version of the program. But with architecture it’s a little more complicated. The most “universal” packages are packages designed for the Intel 386 architecture. This program should
run on any Intel processor starting with 80386DX (or compatible). But if you have an 80486 processor, a package designed to work with the 80586 (Pentium) architecture most likely will not install on your system.
Typically, the following designations are used for CISC architecture processors (with x86 instruction set):

i386 - Intel 80368DX;
i586 - Intel Pentium (MMX), AMD K5 (K6);
i686 - Intel PPro, Celeron, PII, РШ, PIV.

In the simplest case, the package installation command looks like this:

rpm -i<пакет>

Before installing a program, RPM will check the package's dependencies, that is, whether there are other packages installed on your system that the new program requires or conflicts with it. If all necessary
the program packages (or the program does not require any additional packages at all), and also, if the new program does not conflict with any already installed package, the RPM manager will install the program.
Otherwise, you will receive a message that the program requires some additional package to work or that the program conflicts with an already installed package.

If you need an additional package, just install it. But if the program conflicts with an already installed package, then you will need to choose which package you need more: the already installed one or the new one.

When installing the program, I recommend specifying two additional parameters: h and v. The first tells the program to display a progress bar for the installation process, and the second displays additional messages. The status bar will be displayed as # symbols. Given these two parameters, the installation command becomes a little more complicated:

rpm -ihv software-1.0-1.i386.rpm

Installation can be done not only from a local disk, but also via FTP:

To remove a package use the command:

rpm -e<пакет>

Once again, it is worth remembering that when installing or removing packages, you need to keep in mind that some packages may require other packages to be present on the system - this is called package dependency. Therefore, sometimes you will not be able to install a particular package until you have installed all the packages that are needed for it to work. When you uninstall a program, the package manager also checks the dependencies between packages. If the package you are removing is needed by some other packages, you will not be able to remove it.

To skip dependency checking, use the --nodeps option.
This is sometimes useful. For example, you have the postfix program installed, and you need to install the sendmail program. Both programs are used to send mail.

However, for many mail programs to work, an MTA agent (Mail Transfer Agent) is required - a program for sending mail (postfix or sendmail).
Therefore, you cannot remove the postfix program using the -e parameter.
You also cannot install the sendmail program without uninstalling the postfix program, because the packages conflict with each other. In this case, the command will help you:

rpm -e -nodeps postfix

After such removal, normal operation of other programs that require MTA is impossible, so you immediately need to install the sendmail program (or another MTA). In this case, you need to install the program, as usual, using the -i parameter.

To update programs, use the -U parameter. I recommend using it when installing programs, because if the package being installed was already installed, it will be updated, and if not, then a new package will simply be installed. To see a text indicator when installing packages, use the h option. Command to update the package:

rpm -Uhv<пакет>

For example:

rpm -Uhv software-1.1-4.i386.rpm

The text indicator will be displayed as # symbols. You can view all installed packages using the command:

rpm -qa I less

If you need to find out if a specific package is installed, run the command:

rpm -qa | grep package_name

You can view general information about a package using the command:

rpm -qi package

and information about the files that are part of the package:

rpm -ql package

Programs gnorpm, kpackage, apt.

The RPM package manager is a powerful tool for performing operations on packages - creating, installing, updating, deleting. However, the command line interface may not appeal to everyone, especially to the novice administrator. There are also graphical (for X Window) implementations of the package manager - for example, kpackage from KDE, gnorpm and others.
I recommend using gnorpm, which has an intuitive GUI. RPM is more suitable for creating new packages and also for updating a large number of packages. To install one or two packages, it is better and more convenient to use gnorpm.

Functions of the gnorpm program:

Installing packages.
Removing packages.
Get information about a package.
Package check.
Search for a package in the RPM database.

To install a package, click on the “Install” button. If there is an installation CD in the CD-ROM drive, then in the window that appears you will see a list of packages not yet installed on the system.

If a package is not in the list or you want to install a package that is not included in the distribution, click on the “Add” button and add the packages that you want to install to the list. Click the "Request" button to obtain package details.

If the package is not yet installed and you have enough disk space to install it, click the Install button. After this, the package will be checked to see if its dependencies are satisfied: whether this package requires the presence of any uninstalled package and whether it conflicts with already installed packages. If everything is ok, you will see the package installation status window.

You can find a package using the Search operation. To do this, click on the “Search” button on the gnorpm toolbar or execute the menu command Operations -> Search. In the window that opens, you can set search criteria and click on the “Search” button.

KDE includes a graphical user interface package management program called kpackage. Its functions are similar to the gnorpm program. Which of these programs to use is a matter of taste and habit.

It is also worth mentioning the APT program. The APT program is a software package management system. APT was originally developed for Debian Linux. Now included with some Red Hat compatibles
distributions (for example, apt-get is included with AltLinux, but you won't find it on Red Hat Linux). The apt-get program is used to manage packages. The format for calling the apt-get program is:

apt-get [options] [commands] [package. . .]

The Linux Mandrake distribution includes its own package management tool, rpmdrake. By the tenth version of the distribution, it changed a little. It now consists of three parts:

/usr/sbin/edit-urpm-media - package source manager (I’ve already said what sources are, so we won’t dwell on that);
rpmdrake - package installation manager;
rpmdrake-remove is a package removal manager.
You can launch any of the parts from the K menu: System| Setting | Packages.

Installation from packages containing source code.

Sometimes RPM packages do not contain compiled versions of programs, but their source code. A sign of this is the word src instead of the name of the architecture. To install such a package, enter:

rpm --rebuild software-2.00-1.src.rpm

Of course, instead of software-2.00-l.src.rpm you need to specify the real file name. Before installing the program, its source code will be compiled, and then the program will be installed.


These options can be used in all operating modes.

"-vv" Print a lot of debugging information.

"--quiet" Print as few messages as possible - typically only print error messages.

"--help" Print more detailed help than usual about using rpm.

"--version" Print one line containing the version number of the rpm being used.

"--rcfile<список-файлов>" Each of the files from separated by colons<списка-файлов>rpm is sequentially read for configuration information.
Default<список-файлов>looks like /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc:/etc/rpmrc:~/.rpmrc.
Only the first row must exist in this list; all tildes will be replaced with the value $HOME.

"--root<каталог>" Use a file system rooted in for all operations<каталог>.
Please note that this means that the database will also be read and modified by<каталог>, and all pre and post scripts will be executed after chroot() in<каталог>.

"--dbpath<путь>" Use RPM database in<путь>.

"--justdb" Update only the database, not the file system.

"--ftpproxy , --httpproxy " Use like FTP or HTTP proxy.

"--ftpport<порт>, --httpport<порт>" Use<порт>as FTP or HTTP proxy server port.

"--pipe " Redirects rpm output to command input .

Database maintenance:

rpm -i [--initdb]

rpm -i [--rebuilddb]


The general form of the RPM database rebuild command is:
rpm --rebuilddb
To build a new database:
rpm --initdb
This mode only supports two options, --dbpath and --root.

rpm --showrc
prints the values ​​that rpm will use for all options that can be set in rpmrc files.

rpm [-b|t] +
rpm [--rebuild] +
rpm [--tarbuild] +


The general form of the rpm package command is:
rpm -O [build-options] +
The -bfR argument is used if a spec file is used to build the package. If rpmfR is to extract this file from a gzip (or compress) archive, the -tfR argument is used. After the first argument, the next one (OfR) is specified, indicating which assembly and packaging steps should be performed. This is one of:

"-bp" Execute the "%prep" stage of the spec file. This usually involves unpacking the sources and applying patches to them.

"-bl" Perform "list check". In the "%files" section of the spec file, macros are expanded and the listed files are checked for existence.

"-bc" Execute the "%build" stage of the spec file (after executing the %prep stage). This usually comes down to executing some equivalent of "make".

"-bi" Execute the "%install" stage of the spec file (after executing the %prep and %build stages). Usually this comes down to performing some equivalent
"make install".

"-bb" Build a binary package (after executing the %prep, %build and %install stages).

"-bs" Build only the source package (after executing the %prep, %build and %install stages).

"-ba" Build the binary (RPM) and source (SRPM) packages (after executing the %prep, %build and %install stages).

The following options can also be used:

"--short-circuit" Execute the directly specified stage, skipping the previous ones. Can only be used with -bc and -bi.

"--timecheck" Set age for "timecheck" (0 to disable). This value can also be set by defining the "_timecheck" macro.
The timecheck value determines the maximum age (in seconds) of files packed into the package. A warning will be displayed for all files that are older than this age.

"--clean" Remove the tree used for the build after the packages are built.

"--rmsource" Remove sources and spec file after building (can be used separately, for example "rpm --rmsource foo.spec").

"--test" Do not execute any build steps. Useful for testing spec files.

"--sign" Embed a PGP signature into the packet. This signature can be used to verify the integrity and origin of a packet. See section

"--builroot<каталог>" Use directory<каталог>as root for building packages.

"--target<платформа>" When building the package, interpret<платформа>like arch-vendor-os
and set the macros _target, _target_arch and _target_os accordingly.

"--buildarch " Build a package for architecture without paying attention to the architecture
system on which the assembly is performed. This option has been deprecated; in RPM 3.0, the --target option should be used instead.

"--buildos "Build a package for the operating system without paying attention to
architecture of the system on which the assembly is performed. This option has been deprecated; in RPM 3.0, the --target option should be used instead.


There are two other ways to run rpm:

rpm --recompile<файл_исходного_пакета>+"

rpm --rebuild<файл_исходного_пакета>+"

When invoked this way, the rpm installs the specified source package and executes %prep, %build, and %install. Additionally, --rebuild builds a new binary package. After the build is completed, the tree used for the build (as with the --clean option), the sources themselves, and the spec file are deleted.


rpm --resign<файл_бинарного_пакета>+ This option generates and inserts new signatures into the specified packages.
All existing signatures from packages are removed.

rpm --addsign<файл_бинарного_пакета>+ This option generates and adds new signatures to the specified packages.
All existing package signatures are preserved.


In order to use the signing feature, the rpm must be configured to run PGP and must be able to find a public key ring with the RPM key in it. By default, rpm uses PGP defaults to look up keyrings (respecting PGPPATH).
If your key rings are not located where PGP expects them to be found, you must set the "_pgp_path" macro to the directory containing your key rings.

If you want to be able to sign the packages you create, you will also need to create your own public/private key pair (see the PGP documentation). Besides the macro mentioned above, you also need to configure macros

"_signature" Signature type. Currently only pgp is supported.

"_pgp_name" Name of the "user" whose keys you want to use to sign your packages.

When building packages, you add the --sign option to the command line. You will be asked for a password and your package will be collected and signed.

For example, to use PGP to sign packets as user "John Doe" " from the key rings located in /etc/rpm/.pgp, you must enable

John Doe "

To the macro configuration file. Use /etc/rpm/macros for system-wide and ~/.rpmmacros for user-specific configuration.

Maintenance of installed packages:

rpm [--install] [install-options] [package-file]+
rpm [--eshen|-F] [installation-options] [package-file]+
rpm [--uninstall|-e] [uninstall-options] [package]+
rpm [--verify|-V] [verify-options] [package]+


The general form of the rpm installation command looks like this:
rpm -i [installation-options]<файл_пакета>+
This command installs new packages.

The general form of the rpm update command looks like this:
rpm -U [installation-options]<файл_пакета>+
This command updates installed packages. This command works exactly the same as the installation command, except that all other versions of packages are removed from the system.

rpm [-F|--eshen] [set-options]<файл_пакета>+
This command updates packages, but only if earlier versions of those packages exist on the system.
Assignment allowed<файл_пакета>as ftp or http style URL. In this case, the file will be received from the server specified in the URL before installation.

"--force" Same as the combination of --replacepkgs, --replacefiles and --oldpackage.

"-h, --hash" Print 50 "#" characters as the package archive is unpacked. Used with -v to make it look pretty.

"--oldpackage" Allows you to replace a new package with an older one when updating (roll back).

"--percent" Display the percentage of readiness as the package archive is unpacked. Designed to make it easier to use rpm from other utilities.

"--replacefiles" Install packages even if they overwrite files from other already installed packages.

"--replacepkgs" Install packages even if some of them are already installed on the system.

"--allfiles" Install or update all files defined as "missingok", even if they already exist.

"--nodeps" Do not check dependencies before installing or updating a package.

"--noscripts" Do not execute pre- and post-installation scripts.

"--notriggers" Do not execute trigger scripts configured to install this package.

"--ignoresize" Do not check the file system for sufficient free space before installing this package.

"--excludepath<путь>" Do not install files whose names begin with<путь>.

"--excludedocs" Do not install any files marked as documentation files (includes manuals and texinfo documents).

"--includedocs" Install documentation files. This is the default behavior.

"--test" Do not install the package, just test the possibility of installation and report possible problems.

"--ignorearch" Perform installation or update even if the architectures of the binary RPM and the machine do not match.

"--ignoreos" Perform installation or upgrade even if the operating systems of the binary RPM and the machine do not match.

"--prefix<путь>" Set installation prefix to<путь>for relocatable packages.

"--relocate<старый_путь>=<новый_путь>" For relocatable packages: converts files that would otherwise be installed in<старый_путь>V<новый_путь>.

"--badreloc" For use with --relocate. Performs relocation even if the package is not relocatable.

"--noorder" Do not reorder the list of installed packages. Typically the list is reordered to satisfy dependencies.

rpm [--query] [query-options]
rpm [--querytags]


The general form of the rpm query (inspection) command looks like this:
rpm -q [query-options]
You can set the format in which information about the package will be displayed. To do this, use the --queryformat option followed by a format string.

The request formats are a modified version of the standard printf(3) formatting. The format consists of static strings (which may include standard C escape sequences for newlines, tabs, and other special characters) and formats like those used in printf(3). Since rpm already knows the types of data to be printed, the type specifiers must be omitted and replaced with the names of the header tags to be printed, enclosed in (). The RPMTAG_ part of the tag name may be omitted.

Alternative output formats can be specified by appending the tag name:typetag. The currently supported types are octal, date, shescape, perms, fflags and depflags.

For example, to display only the names of the requested packages, you can use %(NAME) as a format string. To display package names and distribution information in two columns, you can use %-30(NAME)%(DISTRIBUTION).

When run with the --querytags argument, rpm will list all the tags it knows about.

There are two sets of query options - package selection and information selection.

Package selection options:

"<название_пакета>" Query for an installed package called<название_пакета>.

"-a, --all" Query all installed packages.

"--whatrequires " Query all packages that require for proper functioning.

"--whatprovides " Query all packages that provide service.

"-f<файл>, --file<файл>" Query the package that owns the file<файл>.

"-g<группа>, --group<группа>" Request packages from a group<группа>.

"-p<файл_пакета>" Request for (uninstalled) package<файл_пакета>.
File<файл_пакета>can be specified as ftp or http style URL; in this case, the packet header will be received from the specified server.

"--specfile "Parsing and query as if it were a package. Although not all information (such as lists of files) is available, this type of query allows you to use rpm to extract information from spec files without having to write a spec file parser.

"--querybynumber "Query directly database record number . Useful for debugging purposes.

"--triggeredby<имя_пакета>" Query all packages containing trigger scripts activated by the package<имя_пакета>.

Information selection options:

Lists information about the package, including name, version, and description. Uses --queryformat if specified.

"-R, --requires" Lists the packages that this package depends on.

"--provides" Lists the services and libraries provided by this package.

"--changelog" Prints the change log for this package.

"-l, --list" Lists the files included in this package.

"-s, --state" Prints the state of the files in the package (implies -l).

Each file can be in one of the following states: normal, not installed, or replaced.

"-d, --docfiles" List only documentation files (implies -l).

"-c, --configfiles" List only configuration files (implies -l).

"--scripts" List package-specific scripts used as part of the installation/uninstallation processes, if any.

"--triggers, --triggerscripts" Show all trigger scripts, if any, contained in the package.

"--dump" Dump information about files as follows: path size mtime md5sum mode owner group isconfig isdoc rdev symlink.
This option must be used in combination with at least one of -l, -c, -d.

"--last" Orders the list of packages by installation time so that the most recent packages are at the top of the list.

"--filesbypkg" Shows all files in each package.

"--triggerscripts" Shows all trigger scripts for the selected packages.


The general form of the rpm verification command looks like this:
rpm -V|-y|--verify [verification-options]
During the package verification process, information about the installed package files is compared with information from the original package and from the RPM database. Among other things, verification checks the size, MD5 checksum, access rights, type, owner and group of each file. All discrepancies are reported. The options for selecting packages are the same as for requesting (inspecting) packages.

Files that were not installed from the package (for example, documentation files that were excluded from the installation process using the "--excludedocs" option) are silently ignored.

Options that can be used during the verification process:

"--nofiles" Ignore missing files.

"--nomd5" Ignore MD5 checksum errors.
"--nopgp" Ignore PGP signing errors.

The output format is an eight-character string, a possible "c" indicating the configuration file, and the file name. Each of the eight characters shows the result of comparing one of the file's attributes with a value recorded in the RPM database. A dot indicates that the test has passed. The following symbols indicate errors in some tests:

"5" MD5 checksum.

"S" File size.

"L" Symlink.

"T" Modification time.

"D" Device.

"U" Master.

"G" Group.

"M" Permissions (includes access rights and file type).


The general form of the RPM signature verification command is:
rpm --checksig<файл_с_пакетом>+
This command checks the PGP signature embedded in the packet to verify the integrity and origin of the packet.
PGP configuration information is read from configuration files. See the PGP SIGNATURES section for more details.


The general form of the rpm uninstall command looks like this:
rpm -e<название_пакета>+

"--allmatches" Remove all package versions matching<название_пакета>Usually if<название_пакета>responds to several packets, issued
Error message and deletion are not performed.

"--noscripts" Do not execute pre- and post-installation scripts.

"--notriggers" Do not execute trigger scripts configured to remove this package.

"--nodeps" Do not check dependencies before removing packages.

"--test" Do not delete, just pretend :) Useful in combination with the -vv option.

rpm [--showrc]
rpm [--setperms] [package]+
rpm [--setgids] [package]+


rpm contains simple FTP and HTTP clients to make it easy to install and explore packages available over the Internet. Package files for installation,
updates and requests can be specified as ftp or http style URL:
ftp:// :@hostname: /path/to/package.rpm
If part Omitted, the password will be requested (once for each user/hostname pair). If not , nor Not specified, anonymous ftp will be used. In all cases, passive (PASV) transfer via FTP is used.

Rpm allows you to use the following options with ftp URL:

"--ftpproxy " System will be used as a proxy server for all transfers, allowing FTP connections through a firewall that uses a proxy to access the outside world. This option can also be set by setting the _ftpproxy macro.

"--ftpport " Specifies the TCP port number used for FTP connections instead of the default port.
This option can also be specified by setting the _ftpport macro.

Rpm allows you to use the following options with http URL:

"--httpproxy " System will be used as a proxy server for all forwarding, allowing HTTP connections to be made through a firewall that uses a proxy to reach the outside world. This option can also be set by setting the _httpproxy macro.

"--httpport " Specifies the TCP port number used for HTTP connections instead of the default port.
This option can also be set by setting the _httpport macro.

Prepared by Dvoe4nik85

We hope we helped you resolve your RPM file problem. If you don't know where you can download an application from our list, click on the link (this is the name of the program) - You will find more detailed information on where to download the secure installation version of the required application.

What else could cause problems?

There may be more reasons why you cannot open the RPM file (not just the lack of a corresponding application).
Firstly- the RPM file may be incorrectly linked (incompatible) with the installed application to support it. In this case, you need to change this connection yourself. To do this, right-click on the RPM file that you want to edit, click the option "To open with" and then select the program you installed from the list. After this action, problems with opening the RPM file should completely disappear.
Secondly- the file you want to open may simply be damaged. In this case, it would be best to find a new version of it, or download it again from the same source (perhaps for some reason in the previous session the download of the RPM file did not finish and it could not be opened correctly).

Do you want to help?

If you have additional information about the RPM file extension, we will be grateful if you share it with users of our site. Use the form located and send us your information about the RPM file.

- Extension (format) is the characters at the end of the file after the last dot.
- The computer determines the file type by its extension.
- By default, Windows does not show file name extensions.
- Some characters cannot be used in the file name and extension.
- Not all formats are related to the same program.
- Below are all the programs that can be used to open the RPM file.

XnView is a fairly powerful program that combines many functions for working with images. This can be a simple viewing of files, their conversion, and minor processing. It is cross-platform, which allows it to be used on almost any system. The program is also unique in that it supports about 400 different image formats, including the most used and popular ones, as well as non-standard formats. XnView can batch convert images. True, they can only be converted into 50 formats, but among these 50 formats there are all popular extensions...

PotPlayer is a free player with many features. Its distinctive feature is very high quality playback and support for almost all modern audio and video file formats. This program can solve most problems that the user needs. For example, the PotPlayer player is able to work with all subtitles and other tracks that can be linked to a file. You can, for example, synchronize external subtitles with a file if their creator has not done so before. In addition, the program allows you to take screenshots, which is very useful if you want to cut out any frame from...

XnConvert is a useful utility for converting and primary processing of photographs and images. Works with 400+ formats. Supports all popular graphic formats. With XnConvert's simple tools you can adjust brightness, gamma and contrast. In the application you can change the size of photos, apply filters and a number of popular effects. The user can add watermarks and do retouching. Using the application, you can remove meta data, trim files and rotate them. XnConvert supports a log in which the user will see all the detailed information about his recent image manipulations.

Universal Extractor is a convenient utility for unpacking various archives, as well as some additional file types. This program is primarily suitable for those users who create archives on a computer, but only download various archives from the Internet and then unpack them. The Universal Extractor utility copes with this task quite well. It allows you to unpack all known archives, as well as dll, exe, mdi and other types of files. In fact, the program can serve, to some extent, as a kind of program installer, because it allows you to unpack some of the installers and then run...

HaoZip is a Chinese clone of the popular Winrar archiver, both in terms of functionality and interface as a whole. The archiver can work with all popular formats, including 7Z, ZIP, TAR, RAR, ISO, UDF, ACE, UUE, CAB, BZIP2, ARJ, JAR, LZH, RPM, Z, LZMA, NSIS, DEB, XAR, CPIO, SPLIT, WIM, IMG and others. In addition, using Haozip you can mount ISO images and view images through the built-in viewer, which is a very useful feature for archivers. As for the interface, the Chinese developers have done a good job here. They not only copied the design and functionality from the Winrar archiver, but also added...

SPlayer is a fairly popular media player that has a very simple but surprisingly beautiful interface. The program can automatically download subtitles for a film on the fly (it independently goes to the Internet to search for subtitles for a given film) and can read popular video formats and much more. While playing a video, you can easily change audio and video settings, add files to a playlist, move the control panel, enable various effects, etc. The program also allows you to play partially downloaded and damaged video files. If you were looking for a simple media player for your projector, then you...

Peazip is a universal and powerful archiver with a graphical shell. An excellent replacement for its paid counterpart - Winrar. PeaZip supports data encryption, creating multi-volume archives, working with several archives simultaneously, exporting a task as a command line, and installing filters on archive contents. In addition, the archiver supports all known and even unknown archive formats including 7Z, 7Z-sfx, BZ2/TBZ2, GZ/TGZ, PAQ/LPAQ, TAR, UPX, ZIP and others. The PeaZip interface is very primitive and at the same time full of useful functions. You can use the assistant to integrate it into Windows Explorer or return it back, install...

CherryPlayer is a high-quality media center that works with many sites such as YouTube, VKontakte, Amazon, 4shared and others. It combines the YouTube player, as well as the YouTube downloader, which allows you to watch videos online, or download videos for free and quickly. A huge library of audio recordings, since the program works with the social network VK, where there are millions of audio files that can be listened to, downloaded or added to a playlist using CherryPlayer. There is also the option to purchase original materials from Amazon. The program supports all audio and video file formats, so there is no need to install any additional...

WinX Video Converter is a program that is distinguished by its exceptional simplicity and clarity. It allows you to convert various types of files into a variety of video and audio formats. File conversion occurs with just three user clicks. The application is equipped with the function of extracting audio tracks from certain films and then recording them in mp3 format. In order to convert any segment of a film, you need to go to the preview search bar and enter data about the beginning and end of such a segment. It is also possible to change the settings of parameters relating to audio and video (change...

When developing the FreeArc archiver, the author decided to create a program that compresses files at maximum speed. This required the best qualities of the LZMA, PPMD ​​and GRZipLib compression libraries. During the packaging process, the archiver forms files by type and performs compression using the most appropriate algorithm. When working, the archiver uses more than ten different algorithms and filters. If you compare this with common archivers, then 7-zip has only three, and RAR uses only seven algorithms. The archiver is easily adaptable for installation on various systems. It is developed on an open platform giving...

TUGZip is a convenient archiver that has a clear user interface and also has a number of additional features. The TUGZip program allows you to work with almost all popular archives. However, the capabilities of the TUGZip program are not limited to this. The TUGZip utility allows you to work with optical disk images, for example, img, nrg, iso, etc. Also, the TUGZip program can be integrated into the context menu. But if most archivers only add submenus to it, then the TUGZip program boasts the ability to use various scripts to automate the process of creating archives, or decomposing them...

7-Zip is a well-known open source archiver. This feature allows you to make changes to the structure of the program, adding certain functions to it. The program has a clear and simple interface and has unique algorithms that speed up data archiving and unpacking. Also, this program can perform standard operations with the archive, for example, you can set a password for the file, or set the compression level of the archive. Also, if necessary, you can create a self-extracting archive with the necessary parameters, which are specified in special comments to the archive.

ExtractNow is a convenient program that allows you to unpack zipped files quickly: with just the click of a button. This option will be especially convenient for those users who regularly have to unpack many files. The only negative is that the program does not support creating archives, because... is exclusively an unpacker (high-quality and convenient), and not an archiver. To unpack a file, you need to drag the archives into the program window and click the Extract button. Supports popular archive formats. Thus, the program can unpack all the popular and most frequently used...

Wondershare Player is a very convenient video player, characterized by high speed and some special features. This player supports almost all video formats, which eliminates the need for the average user to constantly install any players to play videos. Also, this player is distinguished by its operating speed. Compared to other popular players, it plays videos much faster. Another advantage of Wondershare Player is that it consumes very few system resources, which allows you to watch even HD quality movies without freezing or stuttering...

Simplyzip is a convenient archiver with all the necessary functions that most users use. The program works with almost all popular archive formats, including rar or zip. However, due to the fact that the developers of the winRar program do not allow the use of algorithms for their format, Rar archives can only be unpacked or their contents viewed. However, Simplyzip supports the installation of various modules and plugins that can expand the functionality of this archiver. If you install the necessary plugin, the program can be taught to create both Rar archives and archives of other formats...

Ashampoo ZIP is an archiver program that helps you compress and store the necessary information. Works with a variety of formats, allowing users to send large documents in a compressed form. Ashampoo ZIP has a wide range of different functions. Using the application, you can create, unpack and split archives. In addition, the program supports reading, recovery, encryption, and instant conversion. The list of formats supported by Ashampoo ZIP is quite impressive. In addition to creating archives, the program supports unpacking documents in more than 30 different archive formats.

IZArc is a convenient program for working with archives, featuring a clear and simple interface, as well as a number of additional features. IZArc supports a huge number of formats, including the most popular rar and zip. Unique algorithms used in the program allow you to increase the speed of working with archives. However, the main feature of IZArc is that it can easily convert archives from one format to another. This is especially necessary if you need to transfer some files to another user who does not have the appropriate archiver. In addition, IZArc allows you to view...

ALLPlayer is a player with many different functions and features, the main one of which is the ability to play video and audio files without installing codecs on the system. The fact is that the player already contains several codecs, which allows you to play files. Also, the player allows you to open files directly from the archive without unpacking it, which is very convenient when downloading files from the Internet. Another feature of the program is the ability to automatically download subtitles for video files, as well as covers for albums or films. In addition, you can download additional information for albums and files, for which you can use...

RPM File Summary

The RPM file extension includes two main file types and can be opened with Red Hat Package Manager(developer - Open Source). In total, there are only two software(s) associated with this format. Most often they have the format type Red Hat Package Manager File. These files are classified into Compressed Files or Plugin Files. The main part of the files belongs to Compressed Files.

Files with the RPM extension have been identified on desktop computers (and some mobile devices). They are fully or partially supported by Linux, Windows and Mac. The RPM file extension has a popularity rating of "Low", which means that these files are typically not found in most user file stores.

If you're having trouble opening RPM files, or if you simply want to know more about their associated programs and developers, see the full information provided below.

Popularity of file types
File Rank


This file type is still relevant and is actively used by developers and application software. Although the original software of this file type may be overshadowed by a newer version (eg Excel 97 vs Office 365), this file type is still actively supported by the current version of the software. This process of interacting with an old operating system or outdated version of software is also known as " backward compatibility».

File status
Page Last updated

RPM File Types

RPM Master File Association

Used by a number of Linux distributions, an RPM file is an installation package that was originally developed for Red Hat Linux. The files are commonly used during software installation on Linux operating systems.

Other RPM file associations

Try a universal file viewer

In addition to the products listed above, we suggest you try a universal file viewer like FileViewPro. The tool can open over 200 different file types, providing editing functionality for most of them.

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Troubleshooting problems opening RPM files

Common problems opening RPM files

Red Hat Package Manager is not installed

By double clicking on the RPM file you can see a system dialog box telling you "This file type cannot be opened". In this case, it is usually due to the fact that Red Hat Package Manager for %%os%% is not installed on your computer. Since your operating system doesn't know what to do with this file, you won't be able to open it by double-clicking on it.

Advice: If you know of another program that can open the RPM file, you can try opening the file by selecting that application from the list of possible programs.

The wrong version of Red Hat Package Manager is installed

In some cases, you may have a newer (or older) version of the Red Hat Package Manager File. not supported by the installed version of the application. If you do not have the correct version of the Red Hat Package Manager software (or any of the other programs listed above), you may need to download a different version of the software or one of the other software applications listed above. This problem most often occurs when working in an older version of the application software With file created in a newer version, which the old version cannot recognize.

Advice: You can sometimes get a general idea of ​​the version of an RPM file by right-clicking the file and then selecting Properties (Windows) or Get Info (Mac OSX).

Summary: Either way, most problems that occur when opening RPM files are due to not having the correct application software installed on your computer.

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Other causes of problems opening RPM files

Even if you already have Red Hat Package Manager or other RPM-related software installed on your computer, you may still encounter problems opening Red Hat Package Manager Files. If you are still having problems opening RPM files, it may be due to other problems preventing these files from being opened. Such problems include (presented in order from most to least common):

  • Invalid references to RPM files in the Windows registry (“phone book” of the Windows operating system)
  • Accidental deletion of description RPM file in the Windows registry
  • Incomplete or incorrect installation application software associated with the RPM format
  • File corruption RPM (problems with the Red Hat Package Manager File itself)
  • RPM infection malware
  • Damaged or outdated device drivers hardware associated with the RPM file
  • Lack of sufficient system resources on the computer to open the Red Hat Package Manager File format

Quiz: Which file extension is not a document type?


Close, but not quite...

ODS files are OpenDocument Spreadsheet based XML formatting. Even though they are related to performance, these are tables, not documents. :)

Best PC Operating Systems

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Event of the day

TIFF, first created in 1986, is an image file that stores raster images and is preferred by professionals around the world due to its high degree of accuracy. Image information in a TIFF file can be saved as CMYK, YCbCr, halftone, or tiled and the rights to the format are owned by Adobe.

How to fix problems opening RPM files

If you have installed on your computer antivirus program Can scan all files on your computer, as well as each file individually. You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to scan the file for viruses.

For example, in this figure it is highlighted file my-file.rpm, then you need to right-click on this file and select the option in the file menu "scan with AVG". When you select this option, AVG Antivirus will open and scan the file for viruses.

Sometimes an error may occur as a result incorrect software installation, which may be due to a problem encountered during the installation process. This may interfere with your operating system associate your RPM file with the correct application tool, influencing the so-called "file extension associations".

Sometimes simple reinstalling Red Hat Package Manager may solve your problem by properly associating RPM with Red Hat Package Manager. In other cases, problems with file associations may result from bad software programming developer and you may need to contact the developer for further assistance.

Advice: Try updating Red Hat Package Manager to the latest version to ensure that you have the latest patches and updates installed.

This may seem too obvious, but often The RPM file itself may be causing the problem. If you received a file via an email attachment or downloaded it from a website and the download process was interrupted (such as a power outage or other reason), the file may become damaged. If possible, try getting a new copy of the RPM file and try opening it again.

Carefully: A damaged file can cause collateral damage to previous or existing malware on your PC, so it is important to keep your computer up-to-date with an up-to-date antivirus.

If your RPM file related to the hardware on your computer to open the file you may need update device drivers associated with this equipment.

This problem usually associated with media file types, which depend on successfully opening the hardware inside the computer, e.g. sound card or video card. For example, if you are trying to open an audio file but cannot open it, you may need to update sound card drivers.

Advice: If when you try to open an RPM file you receive .SYS file error message, the problem could probably be associated with corrupted or outdated device drivers that need to be updated. This process can be made easier by using driver update software such as DriverDoc.

If the steps do not solve the problem and you are still having problems opening RPM files, this could be due to lack of available system resources. Some versions of RPM files may require a significant amount of resources (e.g. memory/RAM, processing power) to properly open on your computer. This problem is quite common if you are using fairly old computer hardware and at the same time a much newer operating system.

This problem can occur when the computer is having trouble keeping up with a task because the operating system (and other services running in the background) may consume too many resources to open RPM file. Try closing all applications on your PC before opening Red Hat Package Manager File. Freeing up all available resources on your computer will provide the best conditions for attempting to open the RPM file.

If you completed all the steps described above and your RPM file still won't open, you may need to run equipment update. In most cases, even when using older versions of hardware, the processing power can still be more than sufficient for most user applications (unless you're doing a lot of CPU-intensive work, such as 3D rendering, financial/scientific modeling, or intensive multimedia work) . Thus, it is likely that your computer does not have enough memory(commonly called "RAM" or random access memory) to perform the task of opening a file.

Try refreshing your memory to see if this will help you open the RPM file. Today, memory upgrades are quite affordable and very easy to install, even for the average computer user. As a bonus, you you'll probably see a nice performance boost while your computer performs other tasks.

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RPM Package Manager (RPM)
Type Package management system
Author Red Hat
Developer community
Written on Si
operating system GNU/Linux, Unix-like
First edition
Latest version 5.3.6 (March 2, 2011)
Release Candidate
Test version 5.4.0
License GNU General Public License
Website rpm.org

Originally developed by Red Hat for Red Hat Linux, RPM began to be used in many Linux distributions and was ported to other operating systems: Novell NetWare (from version 6.5 SP3), IBM AIX (from version 5) and others.

To store files in RPM format, the cpio archive container is used, using gzip compression. In later versions an archiver may be used star and compression using bzip2, LZMA or . Starting from version RPM 5.0 it is possible to use the XAR archiver.

RPM Database

The RPM database is maintained in the /var/lib/rpm directory. It consists of a single database (Packages), which stores all information about packages, and many small databases ( __db.001, __db.002 etc.), which serve for indexing and contain information about which files were changed and created when packages were installed and removed.

If the database becomes somewhat corrupted (which can happen if the installation or removal process was killed or the partition ran out of space), it can be restored by entering the command rpm --rebuilddb.

If the database was destroyed, it is recommended to get a copy from a previously made backup or restore it using rpm -ivh --justdb according to the list of packages received in advance by the team rpm -qa | sort. Semi-heuristic methods for restoring the database using the list of files in the packages of the repository from which the system was installed are possible, but it is better not to go to that extent.

Package names

Each RPM package has a name, which consists of several parts:

  • The name of the program;
  • Program version;
  • The number of the released version (the number of times the program of the same version has been rebuilt). Also often used to refer to the distribution for which the package is compiled, for example, mdv(Mandriva Linux) or fc4(Fedora Core 4);
  • The architecture for which the package is built (i386, ppc, etc.)

The assembled package usually has a name format like this:


For example:

Sometimes the package includes source codes. Such packages do not contain architecture information; it is replaced by src. For example:


Libraries are most often distributed in two separate packages. The first contains the assembled code, the second (usually adding -devel) contains header files and other files needed by developers. It is necessary to ensure that the versions of these two packages match, otherwise the libraries may not work correctly. Packages with extension noarch.rpm do not depend on the specific computer architecture. They usually contain graphics and texts used by other programs.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RPM

Advantages of RPM over other management and software installation tools

  • Ease of removing and updating programs;
  • Popularity: many programs are compiled in RPM, so there is no need to compile the program from source code;
  • "Non-interactive installation": easily automate the installation/update/uninstallation process;
  • Verifying package integrity using checksums and GPG signatures;
  • DeltaRPM, an analogue of a patch that allows you to update installed software with minimal traffic consumption;
  • Possibility of accumulating the experience of assemblers in a spec file;
  • Relative compactness of spec files due to the use of macros.

Main disadvantages

  • Macro packages can vary significantly between distributions;
  • Fragmentation and incompatibility of different versions. Thus, there are projects to develop RPM 4 (rpm.org), RPM5 (rpm5.org), as well as a large number of patches for RPM in distributions. In particular, this leads to:
    • incompatibility of spec files between distributions (the ALT Linux spec file most often cannot be compiled on Red Hat or SuSE without significant corrections);
    • incompatibility of package dependency names when trying to install a package from another distribution (for example, dependencies in Connectiva RPM builds are created according to different rules than in Mandriva).