How to generate a report on an object in 1C. Generation of regulated reports

Before starting a conversation about reporting in 1C, it is important to point out that reporting can be of three types:

  1. Regulated;
  2. Standard;
  3. Own.

Each of these types is formed on the basis of the primary documentation entered into the program and serves specific purposes.

Regulated reporting is a set of legally approved printed forms and electronic documents that each organization must periodically submit to regulatory authorities.

Own reporting is developed by each organization separately and serves to display the results of the enterprise’s activities at various stages.

Standard reporting represents commonly used forms of displaying business transactions.

Regulated reporting

All standard 1C configurations are intended not only for accounting and recording business transactions, but also for generating reports based on the entered data for transmission to:

  • Tax Service;
  • Federal Statistical Service;
  • Various foundations and supervisory authorities.

Filling out regulated documents, as a rule, occurs at the end of the reporting period (quarter, year). Regulated reporting forms are created separately by each federal service and are periodically changed and refined.

1C specialists carefully study all changes in the legislative framework and, based on these changes, update regulated reports. Thus, if the user has a valid subscription to information technology support (ITS) and systematically updates the configuration, he can be sure that reports for transmission to regulatory authorities will be generated in accordance with all current requirements.

Important! Before generating and submitting reports, check that all business transactions have been entered and correctly documented in the program, and also make sure that routine work, such as month-end closing, has been completed.

Creating and filling out a regulated report

One of the oldest and most important documents for reflecting the economic activities of an enterprise is the “Balance Sheet”. The currently relevant form was developed in 2010 by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and approved by Order No. 66 of 06/02/2010. According to this order, starting from 2013, all organizations operating in the Russian Federation must annually submit it to the tax authorities.

In order to open the required regulatory report, we must (in the Accounting 8.3 program) go to the “Reports” subsystem and select the appropriate command in the “1C Reporting” menu (Fig. 1)

Please note that some objects of the program interface, and, accordingly, the ability to generate regulated documents may not be available if the user does not have rights to access certain subsystems.

In the form that opens (Fig. 2) we will see:

  • What reports are already registered in the database;
  • During what period were they created?
  • Type of report (primary or corrective);
  • The state in which the report is (submitted, in progress, prepared).


Using the corresponding buttons we can:

  1. Create the report we need;
  2. Load it from a file saved on your computer;
  3. Check whether the upload is formed correctly and whether the checksums correspond to the algorithms embedded in the program;
  4. Print a spreadsheet document generated based on the entered data;
  5. Create and send an upload file.

We can find the “Balance Sheet” we need by clicking on the “Create” button. The result of the click will be a form (Fig. 3)

If in the window that opens, on the “Favorites” tab there is no “Accounting statements (since 2011)” item, we will have to go to the “All” tab and select this document.

Before you start entering basic data, the program will prompt you to fill in some fields (Fig. 4)


If the configuration maintains records for several organizations, the “Organization” selection field will be available on the form; in addition, you must fill in the period, information for which will participate in the formation of the balance sheet.

By clicking on the “Create” button we will open the corresponding form (Fig. 5).


You should immediately pay attention to one circumstance: “Accounting statements” are not only the “Balance Sheet”, but also:

  • Report on the financial results of the enterprise;
  • Statement of changes in equity;
  • About cash flow;
  • About the intended use of funds, etc.

And all these reports can be generated by clicking one “Fill” button (Fig. 6) by selecting “All reports”.


To fill out a specific document, you must select “Current”.

The completed “Balance Sheet” form is presented in Fig. 7


You can add your own data to any field by clicking on the “Add Row” command.

All numbers in the key fields can be deciphered by clicking on the corresponding button in the header.

The receivables breakdown form is shown in Fig. 8.

Rice. 8.

Double clicking on any decryption amount opens the standard “Account balance sheet” report.

Standard reports

“Turnover balance sheet”, “Subconto analysis”, “Account card”, “Chess sheet” and many other forms that allow you to analyze accounting data are usually called standard reports.

Let's look at the principle of their operation based on the “Turnover Balance Sheet”. The form in Fig. 1 shows that standard and regulated reports can be called from one subsystem.

Let's open the object we need (Fig. 9)


Before generating a report, the user can set the period for which the data will be taken into account when filling out the form, as well as make its finer settings (by clicking on the “Show settings” button).

In Fig. 10 we see that the program provides such a detailed description of the upload that the settings had to be divided into several tabs.


Let's take a closer look at this structure:

  1. Grouping – checking the “By subaccounts” checkbox indicates that the form will contain data in the context of not only the main accounts, but also their subgroups;
  2. Selection - here the user can indicate for which organization, division or account he wants to see data, and also determine the need to display information on off-balance sheet accounts;
  3. Indicators – it is determined whether figures for accounting or tax accounting will be displayed;
  4. Detailed balance – for which accounts and subaccounts detailed information is required;
  5. Additional fields – determine the appearance of the form;
  6. Design – should negative values ​​be highlighted in red and the auto-indent reduced?

As in the regulated “Balance Sheet” report, you can call up a form for deciphering a particular value in the turnover.

Own reports

Of course, standard reporting mechanisms allow you to seriously analyze the economic activities of an enterprise, but sometimes they are not enough. In this case, the user can (with minimal training) independently display on the screen the information he is interested in in one aspect or another. For this purpose, the program provides several mechanisms:

  • Universal report;
  • Data layout diagram (DCS).

In the second case, in addition to knowledge about the structure of information storage in 1C, the user may need access to the configurator, as well as some understanding of the 1C query language. But the reports obtained using the access control system are distinguished by great flexibility in customizing their appearance and parameters.

The universal report is less universal, but much easier to use; it can be called from the same subsystem. In Fig. 11 we show the appearance of this object


What we see:

  • Standard period selection;
  • The type of object for which we want to display information (in this case, an accumulation register, but it can take values ​​of a directory, information register, document, accounting register);
  • Specific name of the metadata object (“USN information on income”);
  • The table we are referring to is in this case “Turnover” (for accumulation registers it can also take the values ​​“Remaining” and “Remaining and Turnover”).

A more detailed description of what data, with what selections and sorting directions should be displayed in a spreadsheet document can be specified in the report settings form.

Let's look at the process of creating a report in 1C 8.3 using the Data Composition System. For example, let's take the following task: the report must enter data from the tabular part of the goods of the Sales of goods and services documents for a certain period and for the selected organization. He should also group the data by the fields Account, Link to document and Item.

An example of the resulting report can be downloaded from.

Using the File->New menu, add a new external report, give it a name and save it to disk. Let's create a layout diagram using the Open data layout diagram button.

Writing a 1C request for SKD

After creating the layout diagram, we need to write a query that will collect data for the report. To do this, on the Data Sets tab, create a Query data set.

Now you can start writing a query; there is a special field for it in the data set. You can write either manually or using a constructor (which is much more convenient). In our report, the query is the simplest:

|SELECT | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Link, | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Link. Organization, | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Link. Counterparty, | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Nomenclature, | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Amount, | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. VAT Rate, | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Amount of VAT, | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Price | FROM | Document.Sales of Goods,Services.Goods | HOW TO SELL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PRODUCTS | WHERE | Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Link. Date | BETWEEN &Begin of Period AND &End of Period | And Sales of Goods and Services Goods. Link. Organization | = &Organization

Setting Dataset Fields

After writing the request, the ACS will automatically fill out the table with the field settings.

I'll briefly tell you about some settings:

Setting up resources

In the data composition system, resource fields mean fields whose values ​​are calculated based on detailed records included in the grouping. Essentially, resources are group or overall results of a report. In our case, the resources will be the Amount and VAT Amount fields. Totals for resources can be calculated using functions of the SKD expression language, the simplest of which are Sum(), Average(), Maximum(), Minimum() and Quantity(). To set report resources, you need to go to the Resources tab and drag the necessary report fields into the resources table. After this, you need to set an expression (in our case, Sum()), you can also select the groupings for which you want to see the totals for this resource, this can be done in the Calculate by… column.

Please note that you cannot create groupings based on the fields selected in the resources.

All parameters specified in the request will be displayed on the Layout scheme parameters tab. In our case, these are the Beginning of the Period, the End of the Period and the Organization. Let's go through some of their settings:

  1. The Name, Title and Type columns are filled in automatically and their values ​​should not be changed unless necessary;
  2. A list of values ​​is available. If you want to pass a list as a parameter, you need to set this flag, otherwise only the first element of the list will go there.
  3. Meaning. Here you can specify a default value for the parameter. In our example, we will select the value Elements for the Organizations parameter (an empty link to the Organizations directory).
  4. Include in available fields. If you clear this flag, the parameter will not be visible in the settings: in selected fields, selection.
  5. Availability limitation. The flag is responsible for the ability to set the parameter value in the ACS settings.

Setting up the report structure

Let's go to the Settings tab, here we can specify report groupings, fields displayed in the report, selections, sortings, etc. The task conditions say that the report should group data by fields: Account, Link and Item, we will indicate them one by one in the grouping area.

On the Selected fields tab, drag our resources (Amount, Amount VAT) from the available fields into the report fields.

Let's add selections by Contractor and Item for ease of use of the report. We will clear the flags for using selection; the user will set them when required.

This completes the report setup; you can now run it in enterprise mode.

Generating a report

For a report on the access control system in 1C, it is not necessary to create a form; the layout system itself will generate it. Open the report in 1C Enterprise 8 mode.

Before creating it, click the Settings button and fill in the parameter values. You can also set selection, if necessary, change groupings, sorting, etc.

Watch also the video on creating reports on the access control system:

“I need this report in 1C in an hour!”- 1C specialists often hear this phrase from the Customer. What to do in such a situation? If there are suitable blanks, you can try to use them. Download something from the Internet - what if it doesn’t work or isn’t suitable? And this is where it comes to the rescue processing "Query Console".

If you, dear reader, are a Customer and you there is a 1C specialist, then you need to let him read this article, and very soon you will have the report you need.

If you have there is no 1C specialist, you use standard Enterprise Accounting 2.0 or 3.0 or Trade Management 10.3, 11 or 11.1, then you can register on this site, and then in the comments to this article or by email to the site administration in free form write what kind of report you need indicating your configuration (you must specify the release of the configuration and platform). If our library of reports contains the one you need, we will be happy to give it to you with instructions on how to use it.

And now information for 1C specialists:

First, let's figure out what the Customer really needs. In most cases, we are not talking about some complex report with a large number of settings and the ability to edit its appearance, but simply about some list of elements of a particular directory or a list of documents for a certain period with a filter (usually by organization, counterparty or counterparty details). The appearance of the list is often not important to the Customer and he usually does not need any groupings.

And to quickly solve such a problem, the Query Console processing is ideal. In short, the “Query Console” is an external processing that allows you to enter queries in the 1C Enterprise language, fill in the parameters of these queries and display the query result in a spreadsheet document. And most importantly, this processing allows you to save a list of requests to a file and use these requests in the future. You can soon read in detail about how to use this processing in an article on this site, and here we will describe the process of how to quickly make a simple report and transfer it to the Customer.

1. The processing itself is “Query Console”.

When setting up the configuration for the first time, we always save a set of external processors in the database, including the “Query Console”. If this has not been done, it can be done at any time.

It must be said that there are many options for this processing, both for a regular application and for a managed one. You can find and download them, for example, by following the link:

In our work, for the Regular application we use a slightly modified Query Console from the ITS disk, and for the Managed application this (also slightly modified):

Let's open the Query Console. It will look something like this:

Processing window “Query Console”

You can customize the appearance of the window using the top checkboxes.

2. Write a request in the “Query Console”.

In our work, we create general request files for all configurations and a request file for each configuration of each Customer. What Request files you will have is up to you to decide; this is a matter of organizing the work.

For example, the Customer asked us to display in UT 11.1 a list of all Invoices issued (both posted and not posted), indicating the counterparty in the displayed list and selecting by organization and period.

In our processing, on the “Requests” tab, click the “Add” button. We name the request, for example, like this: “Invoices with counterparties.”

Since the Query Builder is not available in the thin client, we write something like this in the Configurator:

InvoiceInvoiceIssued by.Organization,
InvoiceInvoiceIssued.DocumentBase.Amount ofDocument
Document.InvoiceInvoiceIssued AS InvoiceInvoiceIssued
InvoiceInvoiceIssued.Organization = &Organization
AND Invoice Issued.Date BETWEEN &StartDate AND &EndDate

From the Configurator via the clipboard, copy the request text into the “Request text” field. The processing window will look something like this:

Processing "Query Console" with the entered query

Open the “Options” tab. Fill in the parameters there (if they are not visible, then click the “Fill in parameters” button).

Click the “Request” button in the upper left corner.

In the “Query Result” table field we see what the Customer wanted.

We save the list of requests to a file.

That's it, now at any time and anywhere we can open the Query Console, open a file in it and execute a query.

IMPORTANT: If you have a ready-made query file, then you do not need to have programming skills to receive the necessary reports.

3. We transfer the file with requests to the Customer if there is no remote access to it.

If there is remote access to the Customer’s computer, this operation can be skipped - he already has a file with requests, otherwise we save the request from processing to a file and transfer it in any way.

P.S. There is also a processing called "Report Console", in which you can make full-fledged reports in a similar way, but we’ll talk about it a little later.

After reading this article, you will learn how to use a universal report and will be able to create your own custom reports in the program.

As an example, I will create two reports: a report on sales documents and a report on enterprise costs.

Let's open the universal report form (section Administration):

At the top there is a settings panel, and at the bottom there is a table field for displaying data:

Sales document report

Let's start setting up a report on implementation documents. Let's choose a period:

In the next field we indicate that the report will be based on documents:

In the next field you need to select the data source in the document (the tabular parts of the document are listed + Basic data- these are the details of the header). Let's select data from the tabular part Goods to get data about sold items:

Click below Complete and form:

The result was a linear report without any groupings. Let's complicate it a little and group the data obtained by organization. Let's go to settings:

Choose expanded view settings:

Go to the bookmark Structure:

Here we see the only grouping - detailed records - this is where all the data is displayed:

Double-click on it and select the organization field in the form that opens (this is not a property in the Products tabular section, but in the document, so the field will look like this: Link.Organization):

Click Close and Form:

Now for organizations, let's add a nested grouping by counterparties (select the grouping by organization, click Add and select the nested field Counterparty by the field Link):

The report has changed:

But as you can see, we have lost data about the documents themselves, nomenclature, accounting accounts, etc. This happened because we changed the group Detailed entries, let's add it to the existing groupings:

Now the missing data is back in the report:

To configure the list of columns, go to the settings tab Fields and sorting:

Let's turn off the checkboxes for unnecessary fields and reformat the report:

Now the number of columns has decreased.

There is no need to think that we have made a full-fledged sales report. Firstly, reports in the program need to be made not according to documents, but according to registers (internal tables of the system) and secondly, some of the given documents may not be posted or even marked for deletion, so the picture may be incorrect. In this case, we did exactly this according to all the sales documents created (for the specified period).

Cost report

Let's create a full-fledged cost report, only now we'll use the document data instead of the postings. To do this, you need to select an accounting register:

In the left field, the program offers the transaction register data type. The rule here is this: if you are making a report that will show some balances (for example, goods in warehouses), select the type Leftovers, if you need a report that will show some operating information for a period (for example, sales for the month or recorded expenses), choose Revolutions. Balances and turnover you need to choose if you want to make, for example, a statement of mutual settlements with counterparties, which, in addition to the initial and final balances, will also show the turnover for the period.

In our example, this will be revolutions. Go to settings, Structure tab:

We add an upper grouping by organization and a subordinate grouping by subaccount1 (these will be cost items). On the bookmark Fields and sorting we set only the sign of using the field Subconto turnover Dt:

On the right side of the sorting table, click Add and select the name of the organization and subconto1, type - in ascending order:

On the first tab, add selection by accounts:

Click Close and form:

The result was a full cost report. To be able to use it in the future (without having to configure it again), you need to save the report version:

There can be an arbitrary number of saved options. This way you can collect arbitrary information in the system in a form convenient for you.

If some moments caused you difficulties and misunderstanding, watch the video at the beginning of the article, where I show everything more clearly. For a more detailed acquaintance with the configuration, I recommend

To get started with regulated reports, use the desktop form.

Program desktop form

When you start the program, the program desktop form opens.

The left side of the form displays groups of reports, the top shows the selected taxpayer and the period for which the reporting is being submitted, and the right side shows a list of available actions. The main part of the form displays a list of report forms for the current group.

The desktop form is intended for filling out new reports. Before you start filling out the report, you need to do the following.

1. By clicking on the appropriate hyperlinks, select the taxpayer and the reporting period.

2. Select the desired report group on the left.

3. In the list of reports, double-click the name of the desired report.

As a result, a regulated report form will open on top of the desktop form, prepared for data entry, where the details of the selected taxpayer and the specified reporting period will already be inserted.

Regulated report form

The regulated report form is intended for entering data into the report form. In this case, some data will be calculated automatically.

The left side of the form displays the table of contents of the regulated report - a list of its sections.

Filling individual cells

The report form contains cells of different colors.

Cells with a white background are an analogue of printed paper report form elements - accordingly, the data in these cells cannot be adjusted by the user. Cells with a different background color are filled by the program or user, but:

  • cells with yellow background intended for manual filling;
  • cells with green background are calculated automatically based on data entered in other cells, but they are not available for correction.

Selecting a value from a list

To quickly fill out indicators, the program provides the user with a convenient mechanism for selecting a value from the list. By double-clicking on an indicator, you can call up a list from which you can select the desired value.

Setting up a regulated report

The user can configure the parameters of the regulated report and its display parameters.

If the number of lines in any part of the report is not agreed upon in advance, then when drawing up the report, you can add additional lines to the form.

For some sections, it may be possible to add a set of entire pages - in cases where this does not contradict regulatory documents.

Checking the report

"1C:Taxpayer 8" provides the ability to automatically check completed regulated reports for the interrelation of report indicators specified in different sections of the report or for different periods, as well as with other regulated reports.