Beautiful Instagram profile in one style. Single style on instagram

How to manage Instagram for business? How beautiful it is to blog in the same style of this social network? Find out the answers to these questions in the article below.

Instagram is usually compared to a personal photo album. Remember, before there were such in every family: common, children's, army. They tried to make them more interesting and brighter. And then they proudly showed friends and guests: here I am at the sea, this is our picnic, and here we are gathering a first-grader to school, and so on. Approximately according to the same principle, pages on the social network are now filled. Therefore, the question of how to properly manage Instagram worries everyone who wants to succeed and attract followers. I must say that there are no strict requirements for creating a photo album on the network. Everything is very individual. Much depends on the personality of the instagrammer, his aesthetic preferences and goals, and the theme of the page. However, there are recommendations that are suitable for any account.

Find a personal niche (or topic). Well, if you have a favorite activity, then dedicate a page to it. It can be any hobby: fitness, cooking, needlework, car, hunting, film mania, fiction, music, cats and dogs, gardening. The list is endless. Tell us why you got carried away with this, show the process and the results of your work. If you are an ordinary person, but with unusual thoughts and a non-standard view of the world, talk about your mood, express your opinions. Make an Instagram diary. For those who put the hashtag "yazhemat", the main topic, of course, is the upbringing of children. Residents of small towns or villages can share colorful photos with witty descriptions of provincial life. In other words, find something that will make you stand out from the crowd, and users will notice it.

Think of a design that suits your theme. Choose the appropriate nickname, write a short description for the profile. Use beautiful fonts and pictures. And of course, put a "talking" photo on the profile picture.

If you are thinking about how to manage Instagram correctly, you will inevitably have to master at least an elementary school of photography. Without high-quality images, you won’t be able to bring the page to the top of the ranking. Instagram has certainly changed a lot in recent years. But still at the forefront - visual impressions. Therefore, the rule works in the social network: less is better, but better. We will talk more about the quality of photo content and a unified style.

Once upon a time, beautiful photos were enough. And modern Instagram is already unthinkable without text accompaniment. Now subscribers want to not only watch, but also read the feed. Therefore, learn to coherently and competently express your thoughts. These skills are especially needed for someone who wants to know how to blog on Instagram. If you add a share of humor, irony and even sarcasm to a vivid presentation, you will not be worth the price. Self-irony is also welcome. Not everyone dares to laugh at themselves. But with jokes at someone else's expense, you need to be more careful, you can go too far, and because of this, get ill-wishers. Although sometimes such disassembly can contribute to the growth of popularity.

Find your idol on Instagram. Subscribe to the account of a popular instagrammer and make him a role model. Monitor the frequency of publications, analyze photos / videos, texts and stories. Adopt what you like and what resonates with other users the most. However, you should not imitate the celebrity users who have achieved popularity offline. For example, the pages of Olga Buzova or Ksenia Borodina would hardly have attracted so much interest if they had not had starting support in the form of the Dom-2 TV show. And besides, now, most likely, Instagram of media personalities is not run by them themselves, but by hired professionals. Do not look for patterns among the celestials. Pay attention to those who have become popular exclusively in the social network.

Proper management of Instagram is also communication with other users. Cool photos and captivating texts are important, of course. But you definitely need a dialogue with your fans, so do not forget to respond to comments. At least put a smiley. You need not to focus only on your beloved, but look at the pages of subscribers, subscribe in response, like, comment. This tactic will bring you more friends.

You are now convinced that it is not so difficult to answer the question of how to manage Instagram beautifully. It is much more difficult to do this work not once from time, but every day. Sooner or later there will be a creative crisis. It will seem that everything has been said and there are no more new topics. If this applies to you, use our cheat sheet, thanks to which you can issue publications for three weeks in a row, that is, 21 days. This thematic plan is suitable for those who keep a kind of personal diary on Instagram. Read, think and add:

    Let's describe a walking route in your favorite park;

    Let's talk about an obsession that has been tormenting me lately;

    Let's share what we've learned this month;

    Let's write what inspires and inspires;

    What are your favorite apps and why are they in favor;

    Let us know how and where we relax after a hard week;

    Let's talk about the role of habits in life;

    Let's give a top list of 5 favorite books;

    Let's place the quote of the month;

    We will select 5 best films;

    Let's talk about what we are most afraid of now, and about children's fears;

    We will give you the best breakfast/dinner recipe;

    Let's introduce subscribers to someone from our loved ones;

    Let's talk about how to defeat fatigue or blues;

    Let's share musical preferences;

    Make a list for future trips;

    Share your impressions of past trips;

    We will show our favorite corners of the city in which we live;

    Let's write about what we value most in people and what we don't accept;

    Let's see how Sunday went.

You can also talk about friends and advise where to look for them. Talk about the best gifts and the choice of presents. Write about your priorities and plans for the week/month/year. And to turn the monologue into a dialogue, ask questions.

Get likes for Instagram posts for money and get not only the rapid development of your page, but also profitable and effective promotion. This can be achieved due to inexpensive prices, as well as optimal conditions for adding a resource to a profile.

A similar posting plan is a must if you want to grow your Instagram. Then you won’t have to painfully think every morning what to place on your page, in a hurry to implement the idea and end up with a not very successful photo and raw text.

You can do even better, make a list of topics for the month. And then, for example, once a week (if the publication is not eventful), prepare 7 photos and videos at once. And post daily. How to make a delayed post, read here. And if something interesting urgently appeared, add it in a special order.

You will find a lot of information about the rules and secrets of the most famous social networks on the website The life hacks that this resource talks about will help beginners and experienced users.

We talked in detail about the content side of the page on Instagram. Her role is difficult to overestimate. Empty and meaningless publications will quickly drive subscribers away from you. But still, first of all, the eye clings to a bright image. As they say, they meet by their clothes. Therefore, users are more likely to subscribe to an externally attractive account. And only then they notice your intellect, humor, good disposition and a broad outlook.

Let's talk about external beauty, or rather find out how to keep Instagram in the same style. What you need to pay attention to when creating the stylistic unity of Instagram.

    Taste and color. You may be surprised, but this is a fact. There has already been a study, and not even one, about the preferences of instausers. The Curalate service, which also works with Instagram, analyzed the content and compared the number of likes and photo characteristics. An interesting statistic emerged. So what are the most liked photos? Bright ones score 25% more likes than dull ones, with a background rather than a white wall by 28%. Blue tones get 24% more likes, although other studies have shown that warm colors are in the lead (perhaps depending on the time of year and geographic location). Shots that show texture well get 80% more approvals than those that are smooth and polished. Monochrome (mostly in one color) photos add almost 20% likes. And finally, colorful multi-colored photos lose in that they contain no more than 5 matching shades. Choose what is closer to you and subscribers will like to develop your own style.

    Combine images in a series using a single detail, object or character. It can be something from clothes, for example, a scarf or a baseball cap. Or a particularly wonderful chair, or maybe a bench or a tree. And for the guys - a bike or a car. Make your favorite cat your hero. Let it not always be the center of the picture, but appear somewhere on the periphery, show a paw or tail. If you don’t have living creatures, invite a toy as a model.

    Try to use the same filters and programs for processing photos (we talked about the best ones separately). Instagram itself offers almost three dozen filters (the most popular are Clarendon, Lark, Juno, Lo-Fi) and various options to improve the quality of the picture. And on the Internet you will find a huge number of photo editors. From such an abundance of tools, the eyes run wide. The temptation is great to try everything and more. But don't give in to it. If you're determined to learn how to style your Instagram the same way, here's some advice: choose and apply one filter, or don't use them at all. Stick to this rule to avoid variance on your page.

And finally, I want to remind you about role models. Look at the pages you like and try to understand what is the secret of their attraction. Analyze what exactly draws attention to these photos. Maybe a color or an unusual angle, or maybe something else. Try to repeat the best works of this author. And gradually you will find your own unique style.

We talked about how to manage Instagram in a stylish and beautiful way. Now it's time to figure out if it can be made profitable. After all, today's social networks have become a platform for trade, promotion of services and advertising. Therefore, how to manage Instagram for business is a special topic. Of course, some of the points described above are also suitable for a business account. But there are also subtleties and nuances.

Let's summarize the tips of entrepreneurs who have succeeded on Instagram.

    Start running the page you'll be using for your business just like a regular account. You can make it a blog where you will talk about your business, services or products, prepare the ground for a start and acquire subscribers. At first, do not try to sell something, but just make friends and communicate. A few dozen publications and a hundred or two subscribers will be a good help. With such a "starting capital" it will be easier to start promotion.

    Make your profile solid and honest. Write the full name, indicate reliable contacts. The main photo can include your company logo or a personal photo. Your future customers and clients should see that you are an open and trustworthy entrepreneur. In your profile, briefly describe what you do and how you want to collaborate with other users. Be sure to place a link to your site, and if it is not, then to an account on another social network.

    Choose photos for publications in the same style (we talked about it above). If possible, shoot products not by themselves, but with people. Clothes look more interesting on the model, not on the hanger. If you represent a service firm or a real store, post photos of employees and introduce them to potential customers.

    Invent your own branded hashtags that will reflect the type of your activity, the principles of doing business. For example, the keywords chosen by the medical center: #health is the main value of life #we care aboutyour loved ones# - a bit long, but recognizable.

    Place not only selling publications, but also informative and entertaining ones. Help to make the right choice, talk about the operation of goods, give advice on their use, show the production cycle. If your profile is a restaurant business, literally let subscribers into your kitchen. Post photos of cooking, share recipes. And if you're doing something else, do it figuratively. For example, a car service can recommend how to keep your car in winter, a beauty salon can advise you on how to care for dyed hair. And sometimes it is useful to give a funny picture to the topic and accompany it with an anecdote.

    Give your subscribers exclusive offers. For example, report about promotions and discounts, give bonuses for a subscription or review, inform about new arrivals and sales.

    Stay in touch with subscribers and other users. Reply to all comments, like other people's publications, use personalized messaging in the "Direct" section. Conduct polls to identify preferences. Thanks to this, your future and current customers will see that you are not indifferent to you. And this is very important for business promotion.

    Reward your clients. Awaken their activity. Hold contests, draws with worthy prizes. For example, you can offer to write the best review about a product or service, or vote for the most pleasant specialist.

Of course, do not forget about regularly updating your page, about the quality of the photos and texts that accompany them. To say briefly how to run Instagram for business, you can do this: be open, sociable and interesting. Try to show that the interests of customers are more important to you, and not your own benefit. If you manage to convince subscribers of this, you will gain their sympathy and make a profit.

A very favorable cost of views on Instagram can also suit your account. Go to the price list for this service and choose the most optimal solution for acquiring the necessary resource. At the same time, there are constant discounts and promotions on the site, so we advise you to hurry up with your order!

We tried to cover as fully as possible the topic of how to properly, beautifully, stylishly or business-like run Instagram. As you now understand, this is a troublesome and difficult task. You need to know a lot and be able to stand out against the general background. You will have to work hard to acquire your own style, learn how to write texts competently and excitingly, and communicate with subscribers. But everything comes with experience. Already well-known instagrammers also started somewhere. Learn from them, try, make mistakes, find your way. And perhaps, some time later, your Instagram will inspire and motivate someone to move towards success.

The number of Instagram accounts is growing, so users are becoming more selective about content. Hundreds of “faceless” photos flicker in their feeds. At the same time, most of the pictures are not associated in the minds of subscribers with specific pages. By creating a consistent style for your posts, you will increase brand awareness and stay ahead of the competition. Just a quick glance at your photos will be enough for the user to understand who their author is. Here are some bright tricks for creating a unified account style that makes you want to subscribe.

So, in today's realities, the content should be:

  • catching attention;
  • unusual;
  • associated with your account.

That is, with posts you win the interest of users, and they begin to look for your publications in their news. As a result, reach and activity increase, which in turn leads to improved visibility of the brand in the feed. Therefore, each picture should evoke associations with you. A consistent account style is also important because it creates a positive first impression when entering your page, and this has a strong impact on converting visitors into subscribers.

No. 1 - Color decoration

One or more of the same colors are used in all photographs. The repetition of shades in each photo after a while involuntarily begins to be associated with subscribers with your page. It is advisable to use this technique from the very beginning of maintaining an account and maintain a single concept all the time. The colors you have chosen for all photos may appear on your logo. Thus, the connection of posts with the brand is strengthened.

This account is dominated by a color scheme of white, pale pink, brown and green, which can be traced partially or completely in all posts:

Blue, brown and black are intertwined here:

Bright accents in black and white or pastel photographs look unusual.

#2 - Single object or character

It works great for brand memorability by creating a single object or character that becomes a favorite of the general public. A vivid example of how you can win universal love is the @thetravelingmrfox account. A funny plush fox against the backdrop of various world attractions clearly evokes genuine sympathy.

No less attractive are the characters from the cat family in a blog dedicated to the relationship between man and a predator (pay attention to the number of likes and comments):

#3 - Same filter for all photos

If for some reason the first two methods do not suit you, choose one filter for all publications. You can use the option from those offered by Instagram, or choose a more professional processing. Filters also increase the visibility of your content without having to be sourced from social media. Third-party mobile apps offer a much larger selection of options. If you want all photos to be truly unique, ask a designer for help. An interesting effect can be achieved using artificially aged photographs.

#4 - Single photo format, unique idea

The technique is to use the same shape for all or most of the photographs. To understand how the technique works, let's look at a couple of examples. So, selfie pictures are popular today, which can be seen, for example, in the Gopro account.

A very original and memorable idea is brought to life in the @muradosmann account. High-quality photos and videos with women from different parts of the world, who lead a man by the hand to various sights of the world, will not leave anyone indifferent.

No. 5 - Unity of text design

This approach is applicable to most businesses. You can give explanations on photos, post quotes or titles that reveal the essence of posts, put branded hashtags, and so on. Choose one font, use the same text design all the time. Gradually, people will begin to associate it with your brand.


When you have already found your style, or come to a certain idea, it is important not to stop, but to move on. The most important for the development of your Instagram profile is, of course, the persistence of the published content.

When we develop profiles of our clients, we try to make as many posts as possible, at first it can be 1-3 posts a week, then 1 post daily , and then you can go to 1-3 posts per day. This is done to increase the reach of your publications. After all, as you know, Instagram operates in the feed, so not all of your posts are visible even to your own followers.

To be successful regularity is critical publications according to the content plan. But human nature is such that we cannot stick to clear plans for a long time and soon begin to "hack".

To avoid this, use automatic postingpublications. Now there are a lot of cloud services that allow you to make publications in advance. Such services make delayed posting to your Instagram no matter where you are now and what you are doing. They just won't let you forget or miss a post.

Of all the variety of services, we can safely recommend the most reliable and simple service.Parasite :

Allows you to do not only delayed posting, but also analyze your account statistics. For example, to more accurately understand the activity of your audience and post content at the right time. You can try the service free for 7 days .

Also a huge plus, especially for those who accept applications and orders from customers via direct, there is a remote control of your incoming messages from Instagram.

Now, when working with Instagram publications, you can write posts for a week, or even for the whole month at a time, when the “muse” found you, and then just reap the fruits of your work and enjoy the content along with your subscribers.

A lot has been said about editing photos for Instagram. For example, in the article .

All blocks are designed in the same style, often there is text on publications. These are covers.

They help understand what the post is about and motivate visitors to learn more. Without such navigation, navigating through disparate photos is a real challenge. Save only hashtags, but they must first be found.

Here are some account design options you can find on Instagram.

Account registration

The path of least resistance is to choose one template for all posts.

The second option is to alternate two designs, in a checkerboard pattern or in a row.

Often, accounts create sets of covers in the same style for the feed and Stories.

The most difficult option is when several posts are combined to create a single image.

These are the most popular approaches, but your options are only limited by your imagination.

You have probably been introduced to your ideal Instagram account more than once. But how to turn ideas into reality if there is no design education, no budgets for the development of professional templates?

Free mobile tools will come to the rescue. I will tell you about the best of them below.

How to design on Instagram

First, think of a concept. Is it enough for you to add a caption to each post? Or do you plan to create different templates for each post type?

It will be very useful to choose a color palette in advance, for example, on the In Color Balance website and decide on the future style: retro, chic, tenderness, drive, etc.

Having done the preparatory work, you can start testing the tools. Choose which one will help you create the perfect Instagram page design.

17 Post Design Tools

Some of the applications listed below were created to solve one problem - preparing templates for Stories or creating icons for Topic. Others are multifunctional and will allow you to arrange your presence from start to finish.

1. Canva


Perhaps the most popular design tool. It offers hundreds of free templates, icons, background images, and Cyrillic fonts. Canva's creativity is endless: choose any shape, upload your own images, edit photos right in the app. It's easy to work with text too: add a title to a new page, and then select a template, the text will adjust automatically.

The tool is a popular photo editor. But apart from effects and filters, it also has a good selection of templates, vibrant backgrounds, frames, and creative camera effects. The lack of interesting Cyrillic fonts is disappointing, but the application can do a lot without them.

If you've thought about the concept but are unsure how the posts will look together, feel free to download one of the apps to preview your profile page. Go to it, download the prepared posts in the right order and evaluate the result.

This is an iconic photo editing application with a wide range of features. But within the framework of this article, it deserves our attention thanks to stickers with text. You see them on every second post on Instagram. Need to just add a caption to the photo? Then SnapSeed is your choice.

A simple tool that is essentially a set of templates for Instagram Stories. Choose the design you like, upload your photo and download the finished post. Basic settings, some interesting fonts. What else is needed for happiness?

Canva's fast-growing competitor is a full-fledged image editor, which can be a little tricky for beginners. There are really a lot of functions here, including working with layers, editing images, adding various blocks. There is room to expand.

A very simple tool for creating stories. Just choose a template, upload a photo and change the text. Voila, a stylish post is ready!

A wide range of ready-made templates, a smart editor, and user-friendly features make the app an interesting option. However, the free version is too limited for the tongue to call it a great free tool.

A simple application for creating both Stories and posts for an account. Its distinctive features: unusual templates, built-in filters, clear interface.

An app with a good selection of themed templates. However, understanding his work is not so easy. In addition to the standard functions for adding text and background, the tool offers bright effects and stickers.

This tool is special. With it, you can create a seamless design: when several posts are combined into one image. It works very simply. Upload the prepared photo, and the program will automatically divide it into 9 records. Save only the pieces you need and upload to your profile. It will come out unusual.

This app boasts an enviable collection of online store templates. Discounts, sales, new arrivals - cover design options for such posts can be found here. An application from the recognized giant of the industry Adobe. It really stands out from the competition. The most attractive features: templates divided by subject, palette selection, many Cyrillic fonts.

A clear tool for creating Stories with a minimum set of functions: templates, text, background. Conveniently, you can see how the finished post will look after publication.

Choose the tool you like, and go ahead - create beauty and delight Instagram users. Show them a design they haven't seen yet.

This is a thematic material that is dedicated to the topic - instagram in the same style. The topic is revealed for our instagram followers who would like to know a little more about instagram in the same style. And also see ideas and examples of styles that are specially created by designers and help to simplify the problem of choosing a single style for your account. The material will be small, due to the fact that the site, which we will talk about, contains more than 650 pages, with elements of various thematic areas for Instagram. Including ready-made templates, photos, examples for maintaining an account in a single style.

In order to plunge into the world of Instagram in one style, more precisely, templates and examples, we need to go to a huge portal of English origin. Again, this is just one of the options and examples where you can get ideas, buy templates and use them. Leading your Instagram in the same style. We will consider several pages, since it is simply unrealistic to transfer 650 pages here and describe each of them.

creative market- the creative market, one of the names in the title of this website and it truly is. A huge portal with templates for websites, fonts for working in photo editors and so on. We are interested in Instagram, so you can register right away or just look at examples. To do this, enter the word instagram in the search bar, on the English layout. After that, you will see a page with all the mentions in the description, designers and their works that are posted on the site.

What can you find for instagram in the same style

On the first page for the search query instagram, waiting for you;

Instagram templates for competitions, discounts, promotions. These are incredible examples of how to design a post for online stores, cafes, restaurants and any commercial instagram account.

Instagram fashion and everything connected with it, the next package, which is called fashion pack. These are 40 unique templates in three color schemes. And a lot more, sometimes you can’t even get out of there, your eyes run wide from the variety.

Let's see the third sentence, this is instant hipster. In principle, it is immediately clear that this is a set of filters for photos that will be in the same hipster style. For photographers and selfie lovers, super offer.

You can add a description of each package indefinitely, it's almost infinity, from thousands of designers who sell their work, relatively inexpensively. From 10 to 20 bucks, this is less than a thousand rubles, even cheaper than a month of mass following.

Who is suitable for

For design studio instagram accounts, printing houses, ateliers, dry cleaners. Restaurants and their Instagram accounts, cafes, bars. Fitness clubs, gyms, sports schools, individual teachers with their own Instagram pages. As well as dance schools, tourism, hotel business, celebrations, children's animators on Instagram.

Any commercial Instagram accounts, from rental services, car service, sale of clothes, jewelry, to DIY jewelry, shoes, sports shoes, classic. Categories of all representations on Instagram who have the opportunity to present their products, stories, videos in the format of visual content.

Free Package Bonus

On the site, you will find in the top menu, a tab of free goods per week. These are 6 different packages that developers post for free for download. There are fonts, business cards in psd format, templates for websites, including themes for instagram. In any case, it's all free of charge, for those who are registered every week they receive a letter with 6 different offers. Which can be downloaded and used to create your account.

Article author: Christina Zefirova— not smmchic, but loves Instagram with all his heart🤗, writes on your blog specifically about Instagram, and not about promotion in it, as most do

A single style is when all the photos in an account have something in common: a filter, a preset, an object in the photo, a photo format (squares and rectangles with white frames), the same object or character, the repetition of colors or the same pose ( Say hello to the creators of the Follow me project).

Last fall, the concept of “Single style” failed in the stories of one blogger. The girl posted screenshots of accounts and invited subscribers to answer the question “Does the account have a single style”? Accounts with the same style got 50/50 answers. The funny thing is, the accounts of the owners who did not think about the same style, but participated in this experiment, received the same answers (50/50). What's the secret? They were saved by a sense of style and the main paradox of the insta-world, which for some reason many are silent about:

Photos TOGETHER look much cooler than individually.

Remember the cheerleader theory from How I Met Your Mother?

The theory says that each girl in a certain group is perceived as prettier than individually, without a group.

With photographs of a person who has taste and puts in minimal effort for processing, the same cheerleader effect occurs.

Let's imagine that the photos are allegorical cheerleaders, and our task is to choose a cool sports uniform for them that will decorate them even more. Surely you have heard the rule of all instagram divas “photo only in daylight?”.

Now imagine an account consisting entirely of night photos? In my head, the picture turned out to be interesting, agree?

The cheerleader effect in all its manifestations.

About "clothing" for photos

Forget the stereotype "one filter for all photos" and never remember it. Find or pick up a few filters/presets that you like and combine them in your feed. Change. Like clothes.

We change outerwear with every change of season: shorts in summer, windbreaker in autumn, down jacket in winter. Filters and presets are the clothes of our cheerleaders, which should change with the seasons, temperatures and locations.

Many, without realizing it, post photos taken in the same places (home, work, city parks, cafes and restaurants, product photography, again at home). So why not choose clothes for each of these places?

When choosing to trust yourself. You do not resort to the help of a stylist while in the fitting room? It's the same here. Trust yourself and your choice. (but when choosing a filter, always reduce its power using the slider - there are in almost every processing application)

Cheerleader Accessories

Two words about each accessory and application tips:


Quantities of light.

Needed to make the photo either lighter or darker.

Photographed the cityscape in the evening?

Make the photo darker to increase the emphasis on the artificial lighting of the city (lanterns, light from windows).

In daytime photos, it is better to increase the exposure.


The difference between areas of light in the photo.

The slider is to the right - and now the silhouette of a person is better read against the background of the sea (for example).

Contrast is divided into several types, but that's a completely different story. Use it if there are two objects that differ in nature in the photo (a person \ landscape, a book on the table, food on a plate).

big plans we do not contrast.


Allows you to improve the quality of a photo, regardless of where and how it was taken, makes it “chotche”.

Better to use than not to use.

But do not touch on photos with a blurry photo or with defocus.

Secret secret: in a photo with increased sharpness, the figure of a person seems much slimmer.

white balance

Every color in the photo has white. Even the red sweater has a white color.

With the slider, we adjust the amount of white in other colors in the photo. Sounds like nonsense, but visually much clearer.


The slider to the right and poorly visible details in the photo (shadows, folds, dimples) appear at a glance.

In photographs with people, it is better to use it in moderation, but in a photo of nature or architecture it is better to show it with the smallest details.


Needs no explanation.

A little note - overly saturated cheerleaders usually seem fake, not natural, "made."


The ability to either darken or lighten the edges of a photo without affecting the central object.

A must have for all your selfies.


Makes the photo softer, more interesting, warmer.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Allows you to hide some defects.

Grain will make the cheerleader more natural if she has been well retouched before.


It speaks for itself what it does.

It shows itself well in photographs with too hard sunlight. Hello, beach photos, photos from the garden, from the harvest, berries and mushrooms. If such, of course, have a place to be on Instagram.

By understanding how these tools work, applying them with pre-selected filters or presets, you can create a beautifully harmonious tape.

When processing photos that will appear in your feed, keep an eye on the colors. Colors must be repeated.

For example: 2 photos with a blue sky, 3 photos with white, 1 photo with white and a little blue alternate in the tape with an example, warm cinnamon on buildings through one frame, matte green in two photos located close to each other.

The selection is made from photographs provided by Alexey Tkachuk for an experiment on building a single tape from "anything".

Three golden rules for processing

1. There is no one filter / preset on all photos, it is better to combine several.

2. We change filters with seasonality/change of locations. We forget about those that were actively used in the summer, put them on the top shelf for summer things, and select others that are warm.

3. First select the filter (clothes), then align the settings (accessories)

What are the criteria for choosing a cheerleader to enroll in a team?

1. Proportions

There is an opinion that if the object or what we want to focus on is placed in the photo not in the center, but in this part, it will sparkle with new colors and look different.

Millions of high-quality photos floating around the Internet prove it. BUT, you can’t always put yourself in a box and do only what is supposedly “correct”. Many creators deliberately went beyond the scope to create a real masterpiece.

In any case, the grid is better to use than not to use.

Over time, using it, the eye itself learns to divide the frame into parts in order to better understand where and what should be placed or how to place it so that it is more harmonious.

Therefore, fill your eyes, and then turn it off if it's very annoying)

2. Emotion

A cheerleader should evoke emotion. Which one - you decide. It can be your emotion (smile, joy, sadness - turn on the actors).

Emotion from the landscape: you can photograph the sea with an accent of slight sadness, or you can convey the joy of a long-awaited vacation.

3. History

The most difficult one, perhaps. And the most difficult to explain. In short, history is what is born behind the emotion in a photograph.

An ordinary photo of architecture or landscape does not carry a story, but a banal cup of coffee already gives something that you want to stop looking at.

That is why there are so many photos repeating each other. People see history. The history draws them in. They want to pass it on. They are trying. This is how copies and hundreds of identical photos are born, which then become the main object of jokes (feet against the sea, feet in autumn leaves, a photo of a Starbucks cup with a name and a hand).

But, as Instagram practice shows, even a copy of a photo with a story is more attractive than a photo without a story (again hello to the creators of the Follow me project).

Make up your own stories. Add hands, tickets, people, something unusual to architecture and give birth to something new.

4. Accents

Every cheerleader you took (pictured) because she hooked something. In post-processing, place accents on exactly what is hooked. Girls will definitely understand: choose clothes in such a way as to emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws.


The word “Search” is an accent on the photo that needs to be emphasized. There is too much "gender" in the original. We crop it a little in any editor and feel the difference.

Plan your tape in advance to control the harmony.

We are not talking about one cool photo, but about a whole group - about an account. Therefore, planning for those who want to have a harmonious tape should take second place in priority, immediately after processing.