Reduced communication costs. Reducing communication costs: how to optimize by setting up a voice menu

Panasonic PBX capabilities allow you to reduce telephone costs

Communication costs for companies in different fields and industries differ significantly, but we can safely say that using the potential inherent in modern PBXs, reduction in communication costs can be achieved in any area of ​​the enterprise’s activities. Modern Panasonic telephone exchanges have all the functions and capabilities for this.

First, you need to analyze your communication costs and identify the most significant costs. Depending on the type of activity of the enterprise, for some the maximum expenses are on mobile communications, for others - on long-distance communications, there are many options. After the results of the analysis, you can decide which functions of the telephone exchange are appropriate to use to reduce costs.

Each case is unique and this is an indisputable fact, but in general, ways to solve the problem of reducing costs associated with telephone communications can be systematized as follows:

Reducing costs in companies with significant costs for long-distance or international calls from the office:

  1. For all types of enterprises that have a large part of the cost of long-distance communication, a good effect will be the conclusion of contracts with several traditional operators providing long-distance and international communication services in order to reduce prices through competition. The most profitable connection will be selected automatically by the Panasonic telephone exchange if you configure the “automatic call distribution at the lowest cost” function.
  2. For enterprises that have remote employees working in geographically distant branches, or permanent contractors, an effective solution would be to organize a corporate telecommunications network using PBX, IP phones and gateways.
  3. For businesses that frequently make international or long-distance calls to various subscribers, it would be advisable to connect the telephone exchange to different IP telephony operators in order to make calls for each country (city) at the most favorable rate, without thinking about it. An example is the Panasonic KX-TDE PBX, which can be connected to 16 SIP operators simultaneously and the enterprise will have the opportunity to choose:
  • make long-distance calls using SIP, and local calls using ISDN or analog lines
  • choose the most favorable tariffs among SIP operators for long-distance calls

Reducing costs in companies, the maximum cost portion of which is distributed to local communications in fixed payments.

  1. Reducing the cost of local and fixed communications can be achieved with the help of the right Panasonic and the correct use of tariff plans from several telecom operators. For example, if an organization has several analog lines, where the subscription fee is fixed and the number of outgoing minutes is limited, the PBX needs to be configured so that outgoing calls are distributed evenly over time, and after the limit of free minutes is agreed upon, calls are redirected to another operator whose services are cheaper.
  2. You can limit outgoing communication costs while maintaining company efficiency by correctly setting up a call distribution and limiting system for employees. For example, introduce a ban (full or partial) on outgoing communications after the end of working hours.
  3. For a large enterprise with offices or warehouses, it is advisable to build a corporate communication network, even if all premises are located in the same tariff zone. Such measures will not only allow you to save on calls from office to office, but will also increase the productivity of the organization, and will also help you use available resources more flexibly.

Reducing costs in companies, the largest part of which is employee mobile communications:

  1. Panasonic PBX has a built-in “mobile integration” feature that can be used to reduce costs. It allows you to make calls through Panasonic PBX using cheap corporate tariff plans, thanks to which the mobile subscriber pays the operator only for the call to the office, and the organization pays for the long-distance call to the operator. This is significantly cheaper than long-distance calls from mobile phones.
  2. The use of corporate tariffs provides savings on communications both when using GSM gateways and without them.
  3. It is possible to achieve a tenfold reduction in costs for those companies that make international and long-distance calls from mobile phones if they combine the methods described above and the use of GSM gateways. In this case, you pay only the cost of a call from mobile to mobile phone (GSM gateway), which in many tariffs is 0 rubles per minute and the optimized price of long-distance/international calls from the office, which is often also free. Let's give an example: an enterprise that has a regular client in Vladivostok will pay about three hundred rubles for a ten-minute call made from a mobile phone. If you make this call through a Panasonic office PBX with the correct settings, the cost of the call will be about ten rubles.
  4. A number of organizations have the possibility of not paying mobile operators at all. This possibility is achieved using the IP communication function from mobile phones. An employee, being in the WiFi coverage area, uses his mobile phone as an internal phone of a Panasonic PBX. Thus, all calls between office workers are made using short internal numbers, and all external calls are made in the same way as from the office. With all this, the employee can switch to all available mobile communication functions during a conversation.
  5. The use of GSM gateways - devices that provide telephone exchanges with access to the operator's mobile environment - also helps to significantly reduce telephone communication costs.
  • If you use a properly configured Panasonic PBX with a GSM gateway, a significant cost reduction is achieved, since the telephone exchange determines the most economical route and sends the call either through the GSM gateway or through regular communication lines.
  • For employees calling into the office, the GSM gateway allows them to experience the benefits of mobile integration or call the desired subscriber using very low tariff plans.

Whatever the company's activities, the main expense items will include certain communications and communication costs. It is natural for business people to strive to optimize their expenses while obtaining maximum profits. One of the technological solutions to this problem is the installation IP ATC based on Asterisk, to which various operators can be connected. This means that you can choose the most optimal mobile operator package for your type of activity, reduce the cost of telephone communications, international calls and calls within Russia.

The task of obtaining the greatest profit at the lowest cost can be perfectly solved through the introduction of digital telephony. The combination of high quality and reasonable price is characterized in various directions.

Reducing the cost of paying for international, long-distance, mobile calls

The tariffs of existing IP telephony operators are significantly lower than the cost of services of any regular long-distance communication operators; you can choose unlimited options that have a correspondingly fixed cost, or you can also use per-minute payment functions. Cheap communication in no way means low quality; everything is explained very simply. A completely new method of transmitting information is used with a significant reduction in the cost of equipment and maintenance of communication channels.

The costs of conversations are reduced not only with clients and partners, but also within existing divisions of your company located in remote locations. This becomes especially effective for businesses that have a network in various cities (trade, construction, financial organizations). When using IP-PBX Asterisk, calls made within the network do not require the allocation of additional funds. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to use the services of local lines of your company branch for free when making calls to partners and clients.

It will also be natural reduction of communication costs with subscribers using mobile communications, since the cost of calling via landline phones in such cases may even exceed long-distance calls. The use of GSM gateways makes it possible to communicate with mobile subscribers at the rates of their operators. When you call a mobile phone number, the PBX automatically routes the call to a GSM gateway, which, of course, provides significant cost savings.

Saving on the cost of communication channels

The implementation of IP-PBX based on Asterisk involves optimizing mobile communications costs by obtaining SIP numbers from telephone companies via the Internet. There is no need to properly distribute the load on your company's telephone numbers and limit their number. Among the advantages, the ability to save the number when changing the physical address of the company or the location of your office is especially important. In addition, having a multi-channel number, you will be able to receive unlimited incoming calls. Let's also take into account that when implementing a complete transition to IP telephony, you do not need to lay new telephone wiring, since all phones will connect to the Internet.

When installing this type of telephony, VGDnet Media guarantees rationalization of maintenance costs not only for communication channels, but also for the corresponding equipment. After all, the transition to IP telephony provides for automated service, since all telephone signals will be distributed through a computer network. Naturally, this leads to a reduction in telephone operator positions. The automation department will be responsible for communications, one way or another.

Reducing advertising costs and promoting company contact information

As already mentioned, the type of telephony proposed above allows you to save the number when the physical address of the company changes. In fact, this is a very serious expense when changing contact details. Advertising new numbers and notifying customers and partners of the company about changes takes a lot of time and effort, and accordingly, requires the investment of new funds. By receiving telephone numbers via the Internet using the SIP protocol, or using a Volp gateway, you can avoid such problems if you install an Asterisk-based IP-PBX. By reducing advertising and promotion costs, you naturally contribute to a quick return on equipment costs.

Note that the use of this type of telephony makes it possible to systematize control of cellular communication costs, since it is initially planned to introduce functions for recording conversations and statistics of completed contacts. This also plays an organizational role, since employees refuse to conduct conversations for personal purposes during working hours at the expense of the company.

Let us pay attention to the fact that the main advantage of the presented type of communication is quality And mobility, which certainly plays a decisive role in the development of modern business. The experience of clients who installed IP ATC using VGDnet Media confirms the high degree of functionality of this type of telephony both in terms of material benefits and in terms of optimizing the production process.

High quality at an affordable price, a variety of modern communications functionality are the main factors for a cost-effective investment in installing an IP ATC.

Until September 2016, expenses for communication services in our company reached 60 thousand rubles. per month.

We have already made calls via the Internet, but we used the services of two different providers. There were problems with forwarding and communication quality. For using the 8-800 number you paid separately 1500 rubles. per month, the average outgoing price for cell phones in Russia was 1.2–1.5 rubles. in a minute.

In August 2016, communication costs were reduced. We chose one of the mobile operators: 5000 minutes costing 1500 rubles. per month. The package included a cloud PBX, voice menu, and 8-800 number as additional services.

For example, previously it took 5–10 minutes to process one incoming call: the client called the operator, and he wrote into the system to an employee from the sales department, on what issue and who should be called back.

Now the call goes straight to the right employee, and all he has to do is record the result - this takes about two minutes.

Since cloud PBX allows you to connect employees anywhere in the world, we are considering the possibility of opening a call center in neighboring Biysk, where the cost of payroll will be 20% less than in the head office in Tomsk.

An additional bonus is corporate SIM cards. Now employees can make calls from a computer during working hours, and answer by cell phone during non-working hours.

In general, telephone costs were reduced to 25 thousand rubles. per month, despite the fact that the volume of outgoing communications has tripled (we have expanded our user relations departments and increased our sales department).

Russian companies spend up to 4% of their turnover on telecommunications services. How to reduce communication costs?

Refuse conventional PBX in favor of IP telephony. Tariffs for outgoing long-distance calls in this case will be reduced by 3–5 times, and for international calls – up to 30 times, depending on the direction. Calls within the corporate network are free, regardless of the location of the branches.

You will continue to talk on the phone, but the signal will be transmitted via the Internet. The number is not tied to a specific location, and the quality of communication does not depend on distance. When using IP telephony, you can call from a landline or mobile phone, tablet or computer. There are other benefits too.

Number 8-800. The same number that allows customers to call you for free. All you need to do is register on the provider’s website, select a specific number and tariff plan, top up your account using an electronic wallet, create a virtual PBX in your personal account and download the application to your phone or computer.

Virtual PBX. A standard office automatic telephone exchange costs about 40 thousand rubles. A cloud or virtual PBX allows you to use the same features: multi-channel number, call recording, voice greetings, call transfer - but via the Internet and without purchasing specialized equipment.

In this case, the telephone device in a virtual PBX can be either a physical phone with VoIP support or an application in a smartphone. Also available: an unlimited number of lines, call routing, call recording, voice menu, answering machine, conference calling, sending and receiving fax messages.

In addition, you can always listen to call recordings and evaluate their quality.

Free hands. The manager can make calls using a headset, that is, talk and simultaneously type a comment in the CRM system.

There is no need to dial the number - you can simply copy it from your computer and paste it into your IP telephony program. The time required to process calls is reduced and their number increases.

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How to reduce communication costs and start saving?

Calls today are not so expensive, but this is only the appearance, often deceptive. To avoid being ripped off by phone companies, just follow a few simple tips.

Selecting a tariff is half the battle

Savings are needed in everything, and especially in telephony, and the best way to reduce expenses here is to skillfully play with tariffs. Landline subscribers have virtually no choice in this regard, but there are many options for saving on mobile communications. The pricing policy of most providers is divided into three segments:

  • interior. There is no cost for calls within the operator’s network; calls outside of it (including city calls) are subject to a higher rate;
  • balanced. On-net calls are available, but not free; As a rule, traffic quotas are set. Calling outside the network is expensive, but not as much as in “internal” packages;
  • all inclusive. For a certain (considerable) fee, you can forget about limits - calls to any direction within Russia will be completely free. However, such rates are definitely not for those who are wondering how to save on communications.

In practice, of course, there are many more options, but they are often combinations of the mentioned basis. For a significant portion of users, it is enough to analyze their needs and identify the main vector of consumption. But there are also situations when revising the tariff plan is not enough.

How to avoid falling into the traps of providers?

With the growing demand for cellular communication services, offers are constantly progressing, and the cost is decreasing every month. But not a single provider is interested in automatically transferring the user to a more profitable rate - because this means a loss of profit. Having subscribed to a certain tariff, people rarely follow updates, regularly continuing to pay an inflated price. Therefore, for optimal savings, you should regularly study new rates, adjusting to changes.

Sometimes, however, you can encounter real deceit. Thus, providers often enable additional services by default - for example, shareware SMS. You don’t have to use them, but the money will regularly disappear from your account. Technically and legally this is quite legal, but the trick is that the user is not directly notified about this. The conditions are stipulated in the contract or pre-paid offer vaguely or in “fine print”, which only a few study.

The best solution here is to request a service center or technical support hotline for details of expenses on the account. The user may request from the operator an extract-receipt with an invoice for services or at least a verbal notification. Having received specific information, you can easily “cut off” what is unnecessary, thereby saving even more.

How to save money using MNP - operator change service?

Many are not satisfied not only with the package of services, but also with the lack of a suitable tariff at an affordable price. This problem can also be solved - just switch to another operator whose conditions will satisfy you. In this case, you can keep your old number by using the MNP service - transferring the number to a third provider service. It should, however, be taken into account that the procedure is far from free and is quite troublesome; in addition, for a period of time (up to a day) it removes the number from the network without the possibility of use.

In most situations, people make do with an alternative solution - using several phones at the same time. The method allows you to profitably maneuver between bets, but it has two significant drawbacks. Firstly, you will have to spend money on new phones - a very expensive pleasure today. Secondly, carrying several devices with you is inconvenient, given the size of modern smartphones. Those who find this approach unacceptable can choose another alternative - calls over the Internet.

Online messengers: advantages and disadvantages

Thus, in recent years, online messengers operating via the Internet have been gaining significant popularity: Viber, Skype and similar programs. Most of them are free - only the traffic used is paid for, which is spent very modestly when updates are disabled. Online telephony has a number of advantages, which makes it a leader among alternative communications:

  • Landline Internet is now available in most regions of Russia, and mobile has left it not far behind with the surge in the development of 3G and -networks in the country. Thus, the question of how to reduce communication costs loses relevance - such communication is completely free in the usual sense;
  • Even today, roaming remains the “scourge” of travelers - after all, sometimes you have to pay even for the very fact of being online. But it’s enough to connect to Wi-Fi without even inserting a SIM card into the device - and you can talk in the messenger completely free of charge;
  • Most programs allow you to exchange not only voice traffic, but also multimedia materials - photos, videos, texts, etc. Therefore, their use opens up greater prospects than a standard mobile phone.

But there are two factors that completely cancel out all the advantages of the method for some users. The most significant thing is the low distribution of the messengers themselves; the second is the inability to call mobile phones and . But this problem can also be solved!

Internet instead of telephone - it's real

Few people know that the problem with instant messengers has a simple and harmonious solution. The catch is that more than 90% of such software uses SIP technology, built on special network protocols, for data transfer.

Not a single utility has an exclusive ability to work with protocols, and therefore specialized providers have long and successfully mastered this technology. In fact, a SIP network subscriber receives a very ordinary number - for example, a landline number. But the conditions of its service are strikingly different from the standard:

  • calls take place online, but the subscriber can easily call any of the direct and federal numbers. Due to the fact that already existing networks act as repeaters, and there is no need to create your own, the cost of calls is much lower than in “traditional” mobile communications;
  • The transmission quality is perfect in almost any situation. Of course, if there is no Internet access in the subscriber’s area, you will not be able to call him. But for home use, a minimal signal is sufficient;
  • the subscriber is absolutely free geographically. In the Arctic desert and the tropics of South America, he will be able to safely call in any direction - if, of course, he manages to find an Internet access point.

The list can be continued for a long time, but it is already becoming clear that this is an ideal communicator for a city dweller.

How to get better communication at a lower cost?

The main problem in working with SIP providers is the immediate choice. The service package will be especially useful for corporate subscribers.

  • Ability to quickly connect and configure any additional numbers, including 8-800 (free hotlines). Practice shows that the use of such lines significantly increases the number of calls. Considering the affordable price for such services, we can say that the line will be an excellent tool for expanding business.
  • To get started, you do not need to buy specific equipment - the SIP user gets access to all the features by default. You need a smartphone or computer with Internet access - this “set” is enough not only for everyday conversations, but also for organizing the work of a call center operator.
  • Any automation functions can be implemented in a matter of minutes. Auto-recording of conversations, call processing scripts, hierarchical forwarding, etc. - everything is available to each subscriber in one click in their personal account.
  • In case of problems or questions, you can contact 24-hour technical support, which promptly responds to any requests.

The most loyal tariffs for economical calls within Russia and abroad, combined with the provider’s wide functionality, make the site an ideal solution in the context of economy. By concluding an agreement, you will be able to see from your own experience how convenient and high-quality modern telephony can be, and how easy it is to save on cellular communications.
