The corner of the protective glass does not stick. Do you need a protective glass on your phone? How to glue protective glass correctly? D screen and protective glass

You no longer need to tell anyone why you need protective glass or film for your smartphone. Everyone already understands that scratches can be avoided by installing a protective accessory in a timely manner. And if the glass is also shock-resistant, then you can even avoid expensive repairs to replace the display after an unsuccessful fall.

Of course, everyone wants to save money and many install protection themselves. True, not everyone succeeds the first time. And very often dust particles and small debris stick to the glass or film during the installation process. What to do in this case? In our article we will talk about an alternative to buying a new accessory. That is, about what to do if the first attempt fails.

So, you suffered for a long time - and, lo and behold! Finally the film was on the screen. And the cutouts all happily fell into place, and there were almost no bubbles. But what is this?... In some mystical way, a large speck appeared right in the center of the screen. "Oh no!" - you will think and, not knowing how to re-glue a protective film on a touch phone, give up this idea and go for new protection. And even if it seems that nothing can help the matter, we will try to calm you down and put you on the right path.

In order to remove dust from under the protective film with your own hands, you will need ordinary tape. You should start by sticking a piece of tape to the edge of the film to which the speck is closest. With its help you will lift the film. The second piece of tape should be ready. As soon as the speck is peeled off the screen, apply the tape to the adhesive side of the film. Debris will move from one adhesive surface to another - and the film will be clean again. Just be careful not to accidentally bring in other specks. Otherwise, the procedure will have to be repeated.

But if you want to completely re-stick the protective film on your phone, then you should use a different method. For these purposes you will need an alcohol-containing solution. Wipe the screen of the device with it, and then the film itself on both sides. There should be no debris or dust left on the surfaces. While they are still wet, apply the film to the screen and squeeze the liquid out of the display using a plastic card. All you have to do is wait until the film is completely dry and use the protected gadget.

Re-gluing glass on a phone

The situation is similar with safety glasses. Just to remove dust from under the center of the accessory, you will have to carefully remove the entire protective glass and re-stick it, and not peel off a piece, as you can do with film. In this case, you need to be careful and keep the glass with the adhesive side down at all times. Otherwise, dust may immediately settle on it - and then you will have to spend a lot of time cleaning it.

And again, tape will come to our aid. Hold the glass with one hand and apply a piece of tape to the speck with the other. After removing it, carefully aim at the screen so that all the glass cutouts exactly hit the right places. Once you are sure that the accessory fits correctly, you can release it. If dust gets somewhere on the edge, then you can only partially lift the glass, and not peel it off entirely.

Here is the answer to the question: is it possible to glue the protective glass a second time? Yes, you can, if you're careful. The main thing is that when uninstalling the glass you do not overdo it and break it.

We recommend that you apply the protective accessory yourself only if you are truly confident in your abilities. If you don’t know for sure whether it will work or not, it is better to contact a specialist who will help you carefully install the glass or film and not spend money on a new accessory if the film suddenly turns out to be damaged as a result of non-compliance with the gluing procedures.

Protected devices for you, dear readers!

Tempered glass is designed to further protect the display and prevent it from being destroyed if hit or dropped. And the accessory provides the desired result without much difficulty. But only if it is properly glued to the base.
If glued incorrectly, the glass may partially peel off. Dust and dirt begin to accumulate under it, and the smartphone itself abruptly loses its original aesthetics. And its security raises very serious doubts.
How to solve a problem? What to do in such a situation and what may be required for this? Let's consider the issue in more detail, and also study those aspects that need increased attention.

The protective glass comes off at the edges

Often the problem is caused by peeling around the edges of the display. The upper left corner is most susceptible to this problem. Although the right one quite often does not remain on the sidelines. The situation is not the most pleasant, but it can be corrected on your own. There are several options to resolve the problem. Each user makes their own choice in favor of a specific one based on personal capabilities and preferences.
In the first case, you will need to purchase a special product in advance. We are talking about Border Liquid gel, which is offered by a Chinese manufacturer. It has a transparent base and ensures a good connection between the edge of the glass and the surface. Just apply the gel to the edge and press it tightly to the base. The procedure is not particularly complicated, and its implementation will not take much time.
But if a corner has come unglued, you can make do with improvised means. In this case, you will need a napkin, glycerin (vegetable oil) and a thin brush. The composition should be carefully applied to the edge, completely filling all existing voids. It is better to remove excess product with a napkin. The thinner the area that was initially exfoliated, the higher the quality of the work performed.

Why does the protective glass come off?

The reason for peeling can be different. Moreover, often there is not one provoking factor, but several at once. It all depends on the accuracy of the individual user, the conditions of use of the smartphone and the person’s thriftiness.

The most common problem is:

  • The presence of chips and defects on the glass itself;
  • Insufficient cleanliness of work surfaces before gluing;
  • Sudden temperature fluctuations when using the iPhone;
  • Moisture or air gets under the glass;
  • The base is clogged from the inside with foreign particles.

Although situations with incorrect gluing are quite common. Here we are talking about the lack of proper experience and ignoring the basic rules of gluing.

What to do if the protective glass comes off

If it comes unstuck, there may be 2 reasons for this:

  • Preparation and gluing were carried out with violations;
  • The glass itself is not compatible with a specific smartphone model.

In the first case, you can try re-gluing. And here you should strictly adhere to the tips and recommendations that experts offer.

The work itself is carried out as follows:

  • The display is wiped with a special rag to completely remove all extraneous traces;
  • The air flow blows away the smallest particles of dust from the surface;
  • The screen itself is degreased with a special liquid for the most durable connection with the installed coating;
  • The location of the glass on the display is determined and the film applied to one of its sides is removed;
  • The glass is placed on the surface of the screen and gently pressed against the base;
  • The remaining air from below is squeezed out to the edges to ultimately obtain the highest quality protection without the least visual defects.

At this point the work is considered completed. If the glass is not suitable initially, then it is more advisable to immediately replace it with a more suitable option. It can be universal or designed specifically for a specific phone.

About protective glass for smartphone screens and their advantages over protective films. There were quite a lot of comments, some stated that it was completely pointless to stick something on the phone. If you think so, then this post is not for you. But among those who gave advice on how best to glue, no one told the method that I will discuss below. I came across it relatively recently. And maybe I will act as “Captain Obvious,” but I hope I will be useful to someone.

So, the usual way is to create a humid atmosphere to remove all the dust (for example, go to the bath and turn on a hot shower), ideally clean the glass of the phone and quickly, before new dust accumulates, apply the glass. Alas, it’s not possible to stick it more or less evenly the first time. It happened that the glass had to be peeled off and glued again. This increased the chances of catching dust particles, and the sticky layer could be damaged. In any case, the advantage of glass is that it hides almost any hairs; specks of dust and even air bubbles disappear on their own after a day or two. Particularly confused people can remove particles that accidentally fall under the glass using tape. However, as it turned out, there is a simpler way to “sticker”.

Most often, the glass comes with accessories - wet and dry wipes for wiping the screen and a set of stickers. Well, the big one is for dust particles, ok, but what are the small ones for (Guide Sticker) - I didn’t understand, and I didn’t even think about it.

And the casket simply opened. There is no need to remove the film from the protective glass at first. Ideally place it on your smartphone screen and secure it with these very narrow stickers. Then “flip” the glass and clean the smartphone screen thoroughly (you can still do this in a damp room). Remove the film from the glass and apply it to the screen. Ready. Since this method was discovered to me, I glue everything the first time and almost perfectly!

You may ask why I change my protective glass so often? It's simple - I ordered several 0.2 and 0.26 mm glasses for testing and it turned out that they were terribly fragile. They cracked even if the phone was unsuccessfully placed on the table with the display facing down or hit with something in the bag. So I spent it and again ordered the usual 0.3 mm and I’m glad. Yes, they are thicker and it is not as convenient to perform gestures from the edge of the screen (if your smartphone screen is curved like the iPhone), but I sometimes drop the phone and do not want to accidentally break the screen.

In the first one, I also wrote about 3D type glasses, which are also rounded towards the edges, but in the end I stopped using them. The option with a metal edging does not look very good; dirt gets under the edges. Carbon looks great, but is too fragile. Plus, some cases that go over the edges of the iPhone are incompatible with 3D glass. I have a lot of covers and I change them periodically.

A smartphone is an expensive thing. Even when purchasing a budget-class device from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, we want it to serve for a long time and faithfully. The fidelity of the gadget, in turn, depends on two parameters: internal and external. And if we cannot influence the first one (represented by the hardware), then we can overcome external factors. We can protect our smartphone, if not from drowning, then certainly from mechanical impact. And the glass on the phone will help us with this. How to glue it? This is what we will talk about today.

Why do you need protective glass?

It is difficult to disagree with the fact that prolonged use of any smartphone does not imply the appearance of chips, cracks, scratches, or abrasions. This fate is typical not only for the side edges, top and bottom ends and back panel, but also for the front part. And there is perhaps the most important element - the smartphone screen. Protective glasses were invented precisely to protect the display of the device. You can also use film, but it has a lower protection factor. In any case, it is important to know how to properly glue protective glass to your phone.

What does it represent?

The appearance of the protective glass is similar to the exterior of the film. Indeed, the tasks of these two elements are similar to each other. However, it is rightfully considered to be a more reliable component, since it has a higher density compared to film. In addition, it is transparent and flexible, and this also has a certain importance. Of course, it will cost more than film. However, it is worth it, especially in cases where there is either a high probability of mechanical impact, or when the gadget is truly expensive. This level is different for everyone, but most users prefer to buy glass if their devices cost more than 10-15 thousand rubles. By purchasing, the user reduces the likelihood of damage to the main screen to almost zero, since the component described above will take the entire blow. Before we talk about how to glue it to a phone, I would like to focus on the advantages of the element.

Functions and useful properties

Not much can be said about the functions of protective glass. From its name it is clear why it was developed and what it is intended for. Either it’s a matter of features that you can talk about for hours. Their list, for example, includes resistance to scratches and other similar damage. Someone may doubt this parameter, but usually all doubts disappear after a demonstrative test. For this you can use ordinary keys. Run the sharp edges across the glass and you will see that it really doesn't leave marks.

The second useful property of safety glass is shock absorption. We have already mentioned this briefly above. A large number of smartphones, when dropped with the surface of the screen downwards, receive physical damage, up to the complete breaking of the display. With protective glass, this problem will be solved, since instead of the screen it will break. By the way, the word “break” here should also be understood a little differently from its usual meaning. The shards from the telephone protective glass do not fly apart. Finally, we can note the fact that the glass holds very, very reliably. Especially if we compare it with a simplified element - film. Users who so often ask questions about how to properly glue glass to a phone can be glad to know that this operation does not require any special experience.

We are considering the package

A very large number of requests are related specifically to how to glue film (glass) to an iPhone 6 phone. However, it should be understood that the process is generally similar for other devices. Why then dwell on specific models if the operation can be described universally? First of all, let's see what is included in the package with protective glass? Different manufacturers offer different equipment, but usually it includes the glass itself, an alcohol wipe and a cloth made of a special material. If there is no cloth or napkin, then you can use improvised analogues, this is not important.

Glass on a phone: how to glue it? Preparing the surface

If you have previously installed film or glass, these components will need to be removed. To do this, remove the cover, if there is one, then hook the element by the edge. To prevent greasy stains from appearing on the glass, you should thoroughly wash your hands and dry them in advance. By the way, preparing the workplace remains an important step. You need a flat horizontal surface and powerful lighting. This could be, for example, a table. Lighting will help avoid the occurrence of unnoticed stains and dusty areas. So what does it take to integrate glass on your phone? How to glue it? The operation will only be correct if the “bare” screen is treated in advance.

Why is cleaning necessary?

The screen, freed from film or glass, should be cleaned with a damp disc or alcohol wipe soaked in alcohol. The screen should be wiped thoroughly to ensure that no dirt remains on it. After this, you should wipe it with a special cloth, if it is included in the kit. If it is not there, then you need to find an analogue. Now it's time to put the glass on the phone. How to glue? Let's find out further.

The most important stage

There is a special film on the adhesive side of the glass. It needs to be removed. After this, we apply the glass itself to the screen. Care should be taken to ensure that it is aligned with the edges of the device and aligned with the speaker and control elements. By the way, you need to remember that you can only hold the protective glass by the edges. Only in this case there will be no traces after the operation. When the fit is complete, simply lower the component onto the screen. The glass will stick on its own. Great, now we know how to glue glass to a phone.

Are there any disadvantages

Yes, like other elements, protective glass has some disadvantages. Some users who are interested in the topic may think that the main disadvantage is the indicative complexity of the integration process. Like, if you stick it wrong the first time, then you won’t be able to do anything later. In fact, this is not what we are talking about now. The main disadvantage of this component is the fact that the device on which you will glue it will become bulkier and heavier. However, if this does not bother you, and you are not very sensitive to the weight and size of the phone, but want to protect it, then you can contact cell phone stores. They will offer not only the best products, but for additional money they will be able to glue glass with high quality.

Pitfalls and tricks

Most users are afraid of air bubbles. Or rather, they will remain. Few people can boast that they glue the protective glass carefully the first time, and there are no bubbles. However, they can be easily dealt with with a dry cloth. The procedure is terribly simple: we simply squeeze out the bubbles from the center to the periphery. The ability to glue protective glass will save money, which is charged for this procedure in mobile phone stores.


Nowadays, safety glasses are quite important and common accessories. Therefore, a large number of companies are engaged in their production. Budget options are presented mainly by Chinese companies, as one might expect. However, they are not that bad. Glass from different brands differs from each other only in the degree of hardening. However, one should not think that glass from a Chinese company will not provide the necessary degree of protection. Now that we have learned how to glue tempered glass to a phone, we can move on from words to action.

Protective glass. What and why?

The main purpose of protective glass is to protect the smartphone screen and reduce the likelihood of damage. A good safety glass is a multi-layer design that includes a polymer that resists scratches and light impacts, and a thin layer of real tempered glass. Nillkin and DiGi safety glasses use a high-quality layer of Japanese tempered glass Asahi Glass.

A layer of tempered glass allows you to redistribute the impact impulse in case of a strong fall. It is the presence of this component that explains the “cobweb” when the protective glass breaks.
Whether to use protective glass or not is up to everyone to decide. But, given the cost of replacing the display and the difficulty of finding original spare parts (in the case of the iPhone), purchasing a protective glass becomes one of the very first steps to protect your smartphone.

What is a 2.5D screen?

Smartphones with slightly convex screens have been appearing for a long time, although it still seems like it was just a couple of years ago.

This effect is achieved by rounding the edges of a flat "2D" display in the Z axis. This effect can be more or less extreme, depending on how much curved edges are required. Even a slight curve can be used to make the edges of the glass feel smoother, while a larger curve will make the device look more stylish.

2.5D glass is produced in much the same way as flat glass panels, only with additional shaping when it comes to cutting the glass to the desired size.

The advantages of 2.5D glass are purely ergonomic and aesthetic.

2.5D screen and protective glass.

The 2.5D screen is beautiful, convenient and stylish. But, unfortunately, it does not add strength to the smartphone display and does not eliminate the need to use protective glass.

Unfortunately, a number of difficulties arise here. The specificity of the rounded edges does not make it possible to make protective glass over the entire display and leaves the edge unprotected.

For many display manufacturers, physical rounding begins on the visible part of the display. And although it is not visible, it is precisely this that does not allow the protective glass to be properly glued.

As a result, if you glue protective glass onto such a display, the edges of the glass will hang in the air and will not stick.

This specificity is not a defect, which must be communicated to the end buyer before gluing the glass!

Options for solving the problem

There are only 4 basic solutions to the problem of gluing glass to a 2.5D screen:

1. Many manufacturers make protective glass in smaller sizes.
The advantage is that this glass is completely adjacent to the screen.
A noticeable disadvantage is that the glass does not cover the entire visible area of ​​the display.

2. The second solution is also very popular and can often be found in high-quality glass. The glass is made to the largest possible size, down to the perceptible rounding area. The main advantage is that the glass completely covers the display. It is easy to use and when the screen is on, the area that is not taped is practically invisible. The downside is that the edges of the glass are not glued and this effect is noticeable when the screen is turned off.

3. Full Cover and Full Cover 3D protective glasses are made for Apple iPhone, which have painted frames around the display. The glass is glued to the entire screen. The protective frame perfectly follows the shape of the smartphone and completely protects the screen.
Yug-Kontrakta this type is represented by the following models:
DIGI Glass Screen (3D Silicone Edge) for iPhone 6/6s,
DIGI Glass Screen (Full Cover) for iPhone 7 and 7 Plus,
NILLKIN Glass Screen (AP+) for iPhone 6/6s and 6/6s Plus, iPhone 7 and 7 Plus.

4. Unfortunately, protective glass manufacturers produce this type of glass only for iPhone. For many popular positions on Android, there is Full Cover glass, but made using a different technology. Externally, it is very similar to Full Cover for iPhone, but there is no adhesive layer on the visible part of the display.

The glass is glued only along the perimeter and is held along the edge. This negatively affects the touch responsiveness of the display. In addition, the glass peels off very easily and dust gets under it. Due to the specifics of the design and the large percentage of negative reviews from end users, this type of glass is not included in the Yug-Kontrakt product range.