C how to make an exe file. How to make an exe file

  • What to include in the EXE
  • 1.How to compile EXE

    1.1 Compilation technology

    "Oh yes Pushkin, oh yes..."
    A.S. Pushkin

    The technology for compiling EXEs in Visual FoxPro is quite simple. We will not be distracted by such extreme methods as entering commands like BUILD PROJECT, BUILD APP, BUILD EXE in the command window, but will limit ourselves to the convenience provided by the VFP graphical interface.

    So, to create an EXE, we need to click the "BUILD..." button in the project manager. Selecting the Win32 executable / COM server (EXE) option in the dialog box that opens, click OK. ALL. ;-)

    “How is everything?” - you ask - “How about what name to save the file under?”

    I agree... It is necessary to indicate, otherwise everything will be in vain.

    By the way, I think it would be useful to remind you that in order for the compilation process to be successful, you need to fill the project manager with the files of your program, one of which must be as main (in the project manager the name of this file is in bold), i.e. . the file that will be executed first. By default, the first program file (*.prg) or form file (*.scx) included in the project is installed as the main program.

    In general, everything is quite simple! Just..?

    Now about the sad...

    1.2 Related files

    "...and when you turn it on, it doesn't work!"
    M. Zhvanetsky

    All the hassles of the application compilation stage are already over, and you, proud of the awareness of your own superiority over mere mortals, rush by leaps and bounds to the customer, install your application, simultaneously describing to him (the customer) how cool everything will be for him now, and counting in your mind which screw you need to buy something to have left over for beer, and suddenly you come across the fact that your super-duper program doesn’t make any money. Sad. It's a shame. And most importantly, you won’t have a new hard drive or whatever you planned to buy from your fee...

    The thing is that the .exe we compiled is not a self-contained executable file. This pseudo-executable requires support libraries (.dlls) to function properly. I won’t go into much detail about this, but will simply give the names of the files necessary for the application to work properly.

    In principle, up to version 6 inclusive, to transfer the application to the client machine, you can use the standard Setup Wizard, which independently prescribes everything, and in subsequent versions - InstallShield (or another installer).

    All the files below are the minimum required set of files for different versions of VFP (based on materials from http://www.foxclub.ru):

    VFP 8.0 msvcr70.dll, vfp8r.dll, vfp8rrus.dll, gdiplus.dll VFP 7.0 msvcr70.dll, vfp7r.dll, vfp7rrus.dll VFP 6.0 vfp6r.dll, vfp6renu.dll, vfp6rrus.dll VFP 5.0 vfpole50. dll, vfpodbc .dll, vfp500.dll, vfp5rus.dll, Foxpro.int

    The above set of libraries must be placed in the program directory or in the Windows system directory. These directories are different for different versions of Windows:

    Win9x, WinMe c:\Windows\SYSTEM WinNT,Win2000,WinXP c:\Windows\SYSTEM32

    2.What needs to be included in the EXE

    "To include or not to include?"
    drunk electrician

    Everything stated below is the personal opinion of the author, which you can ignore. But when you do it your way, remember: banging your head into a concrete wall is much more painful than taking advantage of a break made before you.

    By default, ready-made.exe includes all the files necessary for the application to work - programs, forms, menus, libraries, classes, etc. except for database and table files (such files can be identified by the crossed out circle next to the file name in the project manager). All files included in the .exe will become unmodifiable (read-only) after compilation. It is clear that table files (*.dbf) should not be included since they are subject to constant operations of changing and adding data, but sometimes there are cases when it is necessary to hide some static data from the user, but provide access to it by the program itself. I can’t think of a better place than the “insides” of an exe-man.

    It is also quite a common situation when you need to “find”, or temporarily, change a report file, or when you have a whole set of reports that are unique for each user. Well, really, imagine: ten operators and ten reports each, and all this in *.exe. The only solution in this situation is to exclude these reports from the final file and supply them with the application.

    In any case, the decision about which files to exclude and which to leave is up to you.

    Anyone who has written programs in Pascal has ever had the question:
    How to transfer your creation to another person without a compiler weighing about 40 megabytes and without source code?

    Of course, you can explain to the recipient how and in what way your project needs to be compiled, but not everyone will do this.
    Because people may have more important things to do or those that bring them joy and pleasure, for example, VKontakte gatherings or games...

    Therefore, all developers who release their program into the world create an executable file “.exe”, and do not throw away the source code.

    How to make an executable file.exe from Pascal ABC.net code?

    Open your code in "PascalABC.NET"

    From the top menu of the window, select “Service” -> “Settings...”

    In the settings window that opens, select the section "Compiler functions"

    In the Compiler Options section:
    Disable the checkbox that says: “Delete EXE file after execution”
    Check the box “Generate output files to folder”
    By clicking the button "Review…" select the location where the exe file will be created (this can be done on the desktop or in the folder with the program)
    Don't forget to press the button "OK" to apply the new settings.

    This completes the settings.

    Now run your program and look at the location you specified by clicking on the button"Review…".

    1.How to compile EXE
    1.1 Compilation technology
    1.2 Related files
    2.What needs to be included in the EXE

    1.How to compile EXE
    1.1 Compilation technology
    "Oh yes Pushkin, oh yes..."
    A.S. Pushkin

    The technology for compiling EXEs in Visual FoxPro is quite simple. We will not be distracted by such extreme methods as entering commands like BUILD PROJECT, BUILD APP, BUILD EXE , but we will limit ourselves to the conveniences provided by the VFP graphical interface.
    So, to create an EXE we need to click the button in the project manager "BUILD...". By selecting the option in the dialog box that opens Win32 executable/COM server (EXE) we press OK. ALL. ;-)
    “How is everything?” - you ask - “How about what name to save the file under?”
    I agree... It is necessary to indicate, otherwise everything will be in vain.
    By the way, I think it would be useful to remind you that in order for the compilation process to be successful, you need to fill the project manager with the files of your program, one of which must be as main (in the project manager the name of this file is in bold), i.e. . the file that will be executed first. By default, the first program file (*.prg) or form file (*.scx) included in the project is installed as the main program.
    In general, everything is quite simple! Just..?
    Now about the sad...

    1.2 Related files
    "...and when you turn it on, it doesn't work!"
    M. Zhvanetsky

    All the hassles of the application compilation stage are already over, and you, proud of the awareness of your own superiority over mere mortals, rush by leaps and bounds to the customer, install your application, simultaneously describing to him (the customer) how cool everything will be for him now, and counting in your mind which screw you need to buy something to have left over for beer, and suddenly you come across the fact that your super-duper program doesn’t make any money. Sad. It's a shame. And most importantly, you won’t have a new hard drive or whatever you planned to buy from your fee...

    The thing is that the .exe we compiled is not a self-contained executable file. This pseudo-executable requires support libraries (.dlls) to function properly. I won’t go into much detail about this, but will simply give the names of the files necessary for the application to work properly.
    In principle, up to version 6 inclusive, you can use the standard one to transfer the application to the client machine. Setup Wizard, which independently prescribes everything, and in subsequent ones - InstallShield(or another installer).
    All the files below are the minimum required set of files for different versions of VFP (based on materials):

    VFP 8.0 msvcr70.dll, vfp8r.dll, vfp8rrus.dll, gdiplus.dll VFP 7.0 msvcr70.dll, vfp7r.dll, vfp7rrus.dll VFP 6.0 vfp6r.dll, vfp6renu.dll, vfp6rrus.dll VFP 5.0 vfpole50. dll, vfpodbc .dll, vfp500.dll, vfp5rus.dll, Foxpro.int
    The above set of libraries must be placed in the program directory or in the Windows system directory. These directories are different for different versions of Windows:

    Win9x, WinMe c:\Windows\SYSTEM WinNT,Win2000,WinXP c:\Windows\SYSTEM32

    2.What needs to be included in the EXE
    "To include or not to include?"
    drunk electrician

    Everything stated below is the personal opinion of the author, which you can ignore. But when doing it your way, remember: banging your head into a concrete wall is much more painful than using a break made before you.
    By default, ready-made.exe includes all the files necessary for the application to work - programs, forms, menus, libraries, classes, etc. except for database and table files (such files can be identified by the crossed out circle next to the file name in the project manager). All files included in the .exe will become unmodifiable (read-only) after compilation. It is clear that table files (*.dbf) should not be included since they are subject to constant operations of changing and adding data, but sometimes there are cases when it is necessary to hide some static data from the user, but provide access to it by the program itself. I can’t think of a better place than the “insides” of an exe-man.
    It is also quite a common situation when you need to “find”, or temporarily, change a report file, or when you have a whole set of reports that are unique for each user. Well, really, imagine: ten operators and ten reports each, and all this in *.exe. The only solution in this situation is to exclude these reports from the final file and supply them with the application.
    In any case, the decision about which files to exclude and which to leave is up to you.

    That's it, the beer is over, we need to go to the grocery store.

    Best regards, Vladislav Kulak

    Today, many products have been created that allow you to create installation files, or simply compile all files into the “exe” format. To carry out this operation, you need to adhere to certain rules. To do this you will need the Smart Install Maker program. This is a free and closed source program. It provides users with a simple and powerful tool for creating highly efficient installations on 32-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems.

    You will need

    • Personal computer. Smart Install Maker program.


  • Download the program from the official website ru.sminstall.com. Smart Install Maker has rich functionality for creating beautiful and reliable installation packages for Microsoft Windows. This program will help you create a complete installation file.
  • Install Smart Install Maker. Try to install the program in the directory of drive "C", since all subsequent compilations will be saved on the system drive.
  • Launch the program. You will see several windows, namely: file, project, settings, service, help. Also, by default, the program opens a window in front of you in which you need to enter the necessary data and specify the files to compile the installation file.
  • First of all, specify the project name. It will be displayed when installing the "exe" file. It is also necessary to specify parameters such as version, company name, caption, compression type, and storage location. Enter your preferred values ​​in the appropriate controls.
  • Click on the "Files" tab. You need to select all the files that will be packaged in the installation package. However, it is worth considering that the time it takes to generate the resulting file directly depends on the amount of data added to it.
  • Go to the "Settings" tab. Here you are asked to set parameters such as “Program name”, “Uninstaller name”, “Title”. All these parameters are also set at the discretion of the user. There is also such an item as “Open a web page during installation.” That is, when installing the "exe" file, you can automatically set the opening of any web page.
  • Press the “Done” key. The process of compiling all files will go through. Once you have created the installation package, it will be located in the C:/setup directory. In order for the installation file to be saved in another location on the local disk, or even on a removable disk, when setting all the parameters in the “Save as” column, you need to specify the saving path.
