The concept of information systems in treasury. Information technologies in the Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation

To obtain registration certificates, you need to install the software and submit an application online. Your private EDS keys will be generated on an external device or file system.

Collect the necessary package of documents and contact the Registration Center (RC) to confirm the submitted application. After that, establish registration certificates according to the assigned application number.

1. Before applying, please read the user manual

2. Software installation

To successfully submit an application online, you need to download and install the software , we also recommend that you read NCALayer user manual.

NCALayer for Windows

NCALayer for Linux

NCALayer for MacOSX

3. List of required documents to be submitted to the Registration Center:

  • Application (of the established form) generated after submitting the application, with the application number and signature of the applicant;
  • Identity document;
  • Agreement or additional agreement on the use of digital signature between the Treasury Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the client on paper (if the date of signing the agreement and the date of submission of the agreement or additional agreement to the NCA of the Republic of Kazakhstan exceeds 3 business days, excluding the day of signing the agreement (additional agreement), then this agreement is rejected );
  • Power of attorney for the representative of the service recipient, (employee of a legal entity) of the established form - when representing the interests of the recipient by a third party.

If documents are not provided within 1 month, the application will be cancelled.

Regulatory and legal documentation of the interaction between the IS “Treasury - Client”, the User of this system and the NCA RK:

Additional agreement

Agreement on the use of electronic digital signature

Application for revocation of a registration certificate issued by the National Certification Center

Republic of Kazakhstan for the information system “Treasury – Client” of the Treasury Committee

Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

and the National Certification Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Terms of use
on the use of electronic document management with the Client (Treasury - client)

Order on amendments and additions to the order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 2, 2016 No. 98 “On approval of Methodological recommendations for user interaction with the Treasury-client system and the National Certification Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

The main task of enterprise management is to ensure solvency, liquidity and financial potential. Control over budget execution is an important component of the budget process. Treasury budget execution ensures control of the operational and strategic development plans of the enterprise.

Treasury automation allows you to quickly manage the financial flows of an enterprise and control budget execution. A modern treasury accounting system should be aimed at up-to-date identification of emerging imbalances and internal reserves, which allows timely development of measures to eliminate cash gaps and increase solvency. The effectiveness of the functioning of the enterprise as a whole depends on the effectiveness of treasury control. Treasury automation makes it easy to handle these tasks.

A methodology for monitoring budget execution should be developed before its execution begins and may include procedures and a set of reporting forms for comparison with plan indicators:

1. Acceptance of requests for payment within the approved budget

For example, the head of a business area accepts all requests for payment in his financial center and is responsible for implementing the budget, and a financial service employee monitors the compliance of requests with budget limits and the implementation of regulatory procedures of the payment system. At the same time, control over compliance with the budget can be carried out automatically - this procedure can be provided by an automated treasury system.

Figure 1. Monitoring expense requests for compliance with the budget using the example of the software product “WA: Financier: Cash Management”.

2. Formation of a payment calendar for the planned period

A payment calendar is a financial planning tool/document that makes it possible to manage the receipt and expenditure of funds in a company on a daily basis. The composition of the payment calendar may be different (this depends on the specifics of the business and the preferences of responsible employees). In this case, the payment calendar must necessarily include data on receipts and payments, as well as planned cash balances, usually broken down by day and source (or place of storage of funds).

3. Coordination of the payment register

By the register of payments we mean a list of justified applications that have been accepted and monitored for compliance with the budget, and are subject to execution on a certain date. Coordination of the payment register by responsible persons is also more convenient and faster using automated systems.

4. Adjustment of the operational plan

It often becomes necessary to adjust some of the payments included in the final and approved version of the payment register. This kind of adjustment may even be required several times during one operational period. This task is also easier to solve when using automated treasury systems.

5. Plan-actual analysis of cash flows

Plan-fact analysis allows you to monitor deviations in the implementation of the plan in absolute and relative terms (in percentage) and make appropriate management decisions.

6. Cash flow report

The cash flow statement summarizes information about the company's cash inflows and outflows. It is one of the main forms of financial reporting.

7. Cash flow analysis

Cash flow analysis can be carried out by calculating various indicators, for example, cash turnover ratios, calculating turnover periods, etc.

8. Analysis of the ratio of cash reserves taking into account the budget

In this report, you can compare the amount of actual and reserved payments (accepted and included in the payment calendar, register) with the amount of payments planned in the budget.

This list of procedures can be expanded or reduced, depending on the needs of the company’s financial management. For example, a company may not use a payment register, but make payments directly based on the payment calendar.

Treasury Information Systems

Treasury automation is of great importance for treasury budget execution, as a tool for monitoring and comparing indicators in various combinations and sections.

The most convenient way to calculate and control financial flows is using the software product “WA: Financier” (Cash Management subsystem). Treasury information systems already include a set of necessary techniques and procedures for monitoring cash flows. The reliability of information obtained on the basis of “WA: Financier Cash Management” allows you to avoid technical errors and, as a result, distorted reports and decisions.

WA: The UDS financier consists of the following subsystems:

  • Planning – formation, approval and adjustment of cash flow budgets
  • Operational planning – formation, control and approval of documents for operational planning of cash flows
  • Accounting for payment schedules under contracts.
  • Interaction with client-bank systems, reflection of actual data in accounting systems.
  • Reporting

The program increases transparency and availability of information, both at the level of company managers and at the level of senior management. The blocks of the software product "WA: Financier" - Cash Management and Budgeting - calculate alternative options taking into account the strategic and tactical plans of the company, and allow you to adapt the enterprise model to changes in the shortest possible time. Automation of treasury and budgeting provides stakeholders with operational information for decision-making in conditions of uncertainty.

Thus, treasury budget execution is most optimally carried out on the basis of a specialized software product designed to automate treasury/cash management.

An analysis of the country’s existing financial system shows insufficient efficiency in accounting for the receipt and expenditure of budget funds, control over their intended use, the length of time it takes for allocated funds to reach the final recipient, and a weak relationship between financial authorities in the process of executing budgets at various levels. Based on assessments of the development and reform of the financial system in 1993 and the processes taking place in the country’s economy, the board of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation identified the following priority tasks of financial policy for the future for the apparatus of the Ministry of Finance and local financial authorities: - improving inter-budgetary relations and strengthening the coordination of financial and tax authorities; - Development of methodological and instructional materials, procedures for conducting accounting operations on issues within the competence of the treasury, mandatory for public authorities and management, enterprises, institutions and organizations, including organizations managing public funds of state (federal) extra-budgetary funds, etc. . Rice. 4.6. Scheme of movement of funds and documents when financing enterprises and organizations through the system of treasury authorities To perform these functions, a complex multi-level system with developed functional and information connections is involved not only between the hierarchical levels of the treasury authorities, but also with the banking payment system, the state tax service system, the system for the formation and execution of budgets at all levels, recipients of budget funds and taxpayers. The complexity of this system is aggravated by the fact that it is deployed over large areas, covering a large number of participants belonging to various departments. The flow diagram of information flows of funds and documents when financing enterprises and organizations from the federal budget through the system of treasury authorities is shown in Fig. 4.6.

Storing keys on hardware keys (Kaztoken, eToken) increases the security of storing and using the organization’s digital signature:

  • It is more difficult to secretly copy stored digital signatures from these devices than from a PC
  • If the token is lost, the use of the digital signature is password protected

To use eToken devices, an organization must have valid EDS keys.

In the article:

Installing EDS keys on the eToken device (video lesson)

Installing an electronic digital signature on eToken media has some nuances (tested as of September 2015).

When using the eToken device for the first time, before writing keys to it, it is necessary to change the default password (1234567890) to a more complex one, only after which is it possible to write EDS keys to the device. Therefore, if you simply insert a new eToken device into your PC and try to install certificates through the NCA website, after the installation is complete, you will receive a certificate installation error message.

Therefore, you will have to download the control program to the eToken device, reinitialize the device, unchecking the box to require a password change before use.

And since the NCA website can write keys to a token only if the password for eToken is 1234567890 (with other passwords, again after installation we get a key writing error), in the control program we force the password to be 1234567890, having first unchecked the box requiring a complex password.

After the completed operations, you can successfully write the digital signature keys onto the eToken media.

Cleaning eToken media (video tutorial)

Fixing the error More than one RSA key detected

If you do not clear the eToken media before installing new keys, the installation through the NCA website will be successful, but when you try to log into the Treasury Client IS portal, you will encounter the following error: More than one RSA key detected:

The solution to this problem is to download the InfoToken() utility and use it to format the device. After which you will have to re-write the keys to the token.

Advice from our reader: you can try removing unnecessary keys using TumarCSP.

From the author:

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