Arbitration is a way to make money. Where to start and what is important to know! Traffic through banner networks

Good afternoon, dear readers!

I know, I know... I promised to give you a review of the next CPA network, but plans unexpectedly changed - the second laptop, along with Dasha, “went on vacation” to the village. And on this I have, as I already said, terrible problems with sound driver(or settings... who knows), so, unfortunately, I won’t be able to please you with a video review today. A little later (when Dasha arrives). So…

The topic of today's article is “ Traffic arbitrage" From this article, you will learn what traffic arbitrage is, where to start making money from arbitrage, and what you need to know if you intend to make money by reselling traffic in the future.

In general, this article will be useful both for those who are engaged in business and for those who are used to working with affiliate programs of the classic format (affiliate program for selling information courses, webinars, trainings, affiliate programs various services, software, etc.)

How were you doing with mathematics at school? I hope it's good, because today we'll have to play with the numbers a little. So…

Earning money from traffic arbitrage

What is traffic arbitrage? I'm sure you've already come across this newfangled phrase. If you have tried to work with CPA affiliates or SMS payers, you have encountered 100% problems. I came across this concept about a year ago.

In fact, the definition is quite simple...

Traffic arbitrage — this is making money from resale of traffic, when you buy traffic (visitors) in one place cheaper and sell it in another place at a higher price.

He said it unclearly, right? I'll explain with an example...

For example, I register in a teaser network, create advertising campaign to sell some product or service, I carefully set it up, deposit 300 rubles into my account and click on the “Launch” button.

Then, of course, I get clicks on my referral link, several sales and eventually earn 1000 rubles. As an example... My net profit in in this case equal to 700 rubles. So now get the point:

I bought visitors to an affiliate site IN THE TEASER NETWORK cheaper (usually 1-2 rubles per click) and sold (directed) these visitors to some relatively expensive AFFILIATE PRODUCT OR SERVICE.

Since my profit was 700 rubles, then you understand that I sold this traffic already much more expensive. The cost per click in this case can even be calculated...

Suppose I bought clicks on a teaser network for 2 rubles and got 150 clicks for 300 rubles. Logical? Logical. Let’s say I sold this weight loss course (corny, I know) and received 2 orders and 500 rubles in commission. Now we can calculate the cost of our click from sales. To do this, we simply divide 1000 rubles by 150 clicks. We get approximately 6.7 rubles. That is, we bought traffic for 2 rubles, and sold it for 6.7 rubles. Not bad…

As I said in the video tutorials devoted to the review of CPA networks, this figure - 6.7 rubles can be called the ECPC indicator, that is, the average income per click.

This is it simple circuit making money on traffic arbitrage.

A couple more examples of traffic arbitrage

  • 1000 impressions = 2 rubles
  • 200 rubles = 100,000 impressions
  • 100,000 impressions = 200 clicks
  • 200 clicks = 20 registrations
  • 1 registration = 30 rubles
  • 20 registrations = 600 rubles
  • Result: 200 rubles spent. Earned 600 rubles. Net profit = 400 rubles
  • EcPC = 3 rubles (that is, 1 click brought me 3 rubles)
  • Advertising for 10,000 people. Cost - 3000 rubles
  • The cost of the course is 3000 rubles (my commission = 1500 rubles)
  • 900 people clicked on the link
  • Ordered a course - 8 people = 1200 rubles
  • Net profit = 9000 rubles
  • Divide 3000 rubles by 900 clicks
  • 1 click = 3.3 rubles
  • Divide 12,000 rubles by 900 clicks
  • 1 click = 13.3 rubles
  • EcPC = 13.3 rubles (that is, 1 click brought me an average of 13.3 rubles)

In principle, traffic arbitrage includes not only teaser advertising, but also contextual, banner advertising etc. It can even be safely attributed to making money from arbitrage. The only thing that does not apply to this is making money on affiliate programs using your website if visitors go to your website from search engines upon request. If it brings visitors to the site paid advertising(, banner, teaser, etc.), then this is again traffic arbitrage.

Here is an example of one of my ads that works in targeted advertising on the VKontakte social network. Simply put, this is VKontakte traffic arbitrage with payment for impressions.

Another screen, but here I pay not for impressions, but for clicks (10 rubles per click).

And here is an example of traffic arbitrage in a teaser network. It is clear that here payment is made per click on the teaser.

Today, traffic arbitrage is actively used in CPA affiliates. What many professional webmasters do is invest small amounts at first - 1000-2000 rubles. They earn 2-3 times more. They withdraw part of the money and live on it, and the rest are again invested in advertising, thereby gradually increasing their advertising budget and earnings. Where to start when working with traffic arbitrage.

Where to start and what is important to know!

Many newcomers who are just starting out often simply waste their entire advertising budget. They don’t know where to send traffic and how to do it correctly. Why? There are dozens of reasons for this:

1) Initially, the wrong offer was selected (affiliate program)

3) Certain affiliate products and services can only be advertised on certain advertising platforms, and a beginner, as a rule, does not know where and what can be advertised

4) Where they are needed, landing sites are not used

5) Incorrectly selected target audience and other targeting parameters are incorrectly configured

This is just a small part of the reasons that can ruin your desire to make money from traffic arbitrage.

In fact, beginners have hundreds of the most various issues, not knowing the answer to which leads to loss of money and, as a rule, disappointment. Personally, it helped me understand many issues.

I am sure that these courses will help you solve most of your problems.

In general, at the beginning of work you need to choose the right affiliate offer(affiliate program). You don’t need to register with dozens of affiliate programs right away. It's better to concentrate on 2-3.

And only then, based on this analysis, select advertising sites.

To be honest, launching a successful advertising campaign right away is almost impossible. You always have to test: change the title, subtitle, banner, link to the landing page, adjust targeting parameters, etc. Many beginners simply don’t have the patience for this and give up halfway through. It's a pity.

I can remember several campaigns that I reworked 20-30 times before they started making me a profit. Yes, I lost a couple of thousand rubles until I broke even and started receiving income. But this is necessary measure. Now, of course, it is much easier. There is already some experience and vision.


That's all for today... And finally, I have prepared a video for you to reinforce the material we have already covered.

I look forward to your comments, questions and additions. And of course, your likes if the article was useful to you.

Sincerely, your friend and assistant Bulat Makseev

We released new book"Content marketing in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


Traffic arbitrage is redirection targeted traffic, purchased as cheaply as possible through affiliate programs or various resources for financial gain.

More videos on our channel - learn internet marketing with SEMANTICA

Most modern business projects are built on the principle of resale of goods or services. They increase starting price and make a profit. Traffic arbitrage can be compared to going to the market. After purchasing a bag of potatoes from a wholesaler, you sell them retail at a nearby market. But the doubled price still attracts many customers. They don’t know that somewhere it is possible to buy a product cheaper. Or let’s draw a parallel with cryptocurrencies. You could buy Bitcoin for $1,000 in 2013, and 4 years later get your capital multiplied by 17 times. The product is the same, the place of sale has not changed, but the price increases over time.

First, you need to learn definitions such as traffic, CR, CPA, ROI, etc. Let's start with a standard dictionary of basic terms and abbreviations that every affiliate marketer should know.

  • Traffic – the flow of people on the site for certain period time.
  • Lead – an attracted client who responded to a marketing move.
  • Offers() – promotional offers affiliate networks, which receives traffic.
  • CPA (Cost per Action) – payment for performing a certain action by an attracted client. For example: registration, ordering goods, paying for services, etc.
  • CPC (Cost per Click) – cost per click when organizing an advertising campaign.
  • CR (Conversion rate) – conversion, that is, the ratio of the number of leads to the total number of unique hosts.
  • EPC (Earn per Click) – earnings of an affiliate per click.
  • CTR (Click-through rate) is the ratio of clicks on your ad to the total number of impressions. Illustrates the effectiveness of your creative.
  • ROI (Return of investment) is a percentage value that reflects the ratio of income to funds spent on advertising.

How to make money from traffic arbitrage

Arbitration is an entire area of ​​online business, which has its own major players, its own laws and rules. Every day, thousands of people from all over the world buy huge flows of traffic, which they successfully (or not so successfully) redirect. Most new players in this market simply thoughtlessly buy advertising wherever they can. This approach rarely brings success, which can often be observed on thematic forums of arbitrage specialists, where such “would-be businessmen” shout at the top of their lungs that this is all a deception and there is no money to be made here. In reality, they simply didn't put in enough effort.

Despite the high competition, anyone can make money on arbitrage. The main advantage of this type of income is that you work for yourself and do not depend on anyone.

To get started, just find an affiliate program. Let's go over the important details you need to know:

Where can you buy traffic for arbitrage?

There are paid and free ways get traffic. Receipt free traffic requires a lot of time and effort, which does not always pay off. If you don't have starting capital, then you can try your luck in getting free traffic. Traffic from personal resources is also considered shareware: your blog, website, VK public page or YouTube channel.

The main flow of traffic is bought for money. How more investment, the more traffic, but does not mean more profit. Earnings from traffic arbitrage occur due to the difference in advertising costs and profits.

Traffic sources

Affiliate networks

Webmasters work for themselves. Everyone chooses their own niche to which they direct traffic. There are many offers different areas and directions: from partner AliExpress programs and GearBest to Vulcan Casino offers.

Many arbitrageurs are engaged in product offers, where they receive a certain percentage of sales. CPA networks in this segment huge amount, they have been working steadily for a long time, paying their webmasters fairly. For beginners, networks such as .

There is also a whole series various affiliate networks that offer gambling offers. These include casinos, slot machines, slots and more. Beginners should not enter such a market, because... a very high entry barrier that requires large budgets. One of these is Welcome Partners, which has been on the market for several years.

When choosing affiliate programs you need to be extremely careful. You may encounter scammers who will not pay you and disappear. Use affiliate network monitoring sites like FFERATOR (

There are a huge number of tools for searching for offers in different affiliate programs; the most convenient, in our opinion, is the search on CPA Daily. The main thing is not to be afraid to try something new, because the market situation changes every day. Stable profits and high ROI today can turn into large losses tomorrow.

Let's summarize. To start making money from traffic arbitrage, you need:

  1. Select CPA networks.
  2. Decide on an offer based on analytical data provided by the affiliate network.
  3. Choose a traffic source, study in detail the features of working with it.
  4. Create, order or copy a creative.
  5. Wait for transitions and leads.
  6. Make a profit.

Last week. In it we will talk about completely basic concepts: what is traffic arbitrage, what are the pros and cons of arbitration, and what is the difference between arbitrage and affiliate marketing.

Text transcript | Presentation

The next lesson will be out tomorrow. In it we'll talk about arbitration market participants. The release schedule for all lessons is available on the Mobio School website. You can ask any questions about arbitration in the comments or in our VKontakte group.

Let's start with the fact that there are several ways to make money on the Internet:

  • eCommerce,
  • advertising on your own content: public pages on social networks, blogs,
  • infobusiness,
  • affiliate marketing, CPA marketing, traffic arbitrage
Despite the variety of ways to earn money, the earnings model is the same:

(Product + People who might buy it) & Tell these people about this product = $

This formula also works in traffic arbitrage. When listing ways to earn money, we highlighted the terms affiliate marketing (Affiliate Marketing) and traffic arbitrage under one paragraph, but it is important not to confuse these concepts.

Difference between affiliate marketing and traffic arbitrage

Affiliate marketing and traffic arbitrage are two different concepts. Let's look at them in more detail.

Affiliate Marketing(Affiliate Marketing) is a way to earn money through a commission from the sales of someone else's product. In this case, it is not necessary to have your own product, you need to help sell someone else’s product. As an example: any store that sells Pepsi engages in affiliate marketing.

CPA marketing - special case any affiliate marketing. The only difference is that in CPA marketing we get paid for specific action, lead or application.

Affiliate marketing requires traffic or users. At this moment, the need to attract traffic appears. Traffic arbitrage is a way to attract paid users to the application. You can attract traffic for free, for example, by launching your own video blog, collecting subscribers and then attracting them to the application.

If we look at the concept of “arbitrage” in a broader sense, in economics this term refers to a type of transaction in which we sell the same product in different markets and earn interest on the difference from the sale. Let's take currency as an example: we bought dollars yesterday in order to sell them a day later and make money on the difference.

Equivalent arbitrage is another arbitrage method in which we make money on the difference in components. Any wholesale sales are an example of equivalent arbitrage. We buy goods wholesale and sell them retail: we make money on the same product by purchasing it in different combinations. As an example, we assemble a computer using components and sell it as whole computer.

In our case, mobile arbitration is equivalent arbitration. We buy impressions and clicks, and sell actions and installs.

Ways to sell paid advertising on the Internet

There are several models for selling paid advertising on the Internet. Let's look at what methods exist:

SRT(Cost Per Time) - we buy a fixed time of placement on the site.
CPM(Cost per mille) - we buy a thousand impressions.
CPC(Cost Per Click) - we buy clicks.
CPA(Cost per Action) CPI(Cost per Install) or CPI(Cost per lead) - we pay for actions, installations, leads.

IN mobile arbitrage We buy impressions (CPM) and clicks (CPC) from traffic sources, and then sell actions, installs or leads (CPA, CPI, CPL) to advertisers. Accordingly, we make money on the difference between buying and selling.

What is good about arbitrage?

Let’s look at how attracting traffic is useful for business, and what are the advantages of being an affiliate marketer.

For business:

  • It's easy to scale your business: if you have a product and you offer decent rewards to partners, they can easily scale sales and start selling your product in different markets.

For the affiliate:

  • There are no production or logistics costs.
  • You are responsible for only one task: attract traffic.
  • You don’t think about Customer Service: you don’t need to communicate with clients or suppliers.
  • Low entry threshold: anyone with no experience can start attracting traffic, it’s quite simple at the start.

Why is arbitration bad?

There are also negative aspects in arbitration both for the business and for the arbitrator himself.

For business:

  • Partners bear less responsibility for the product.
  • It is difficult to control the methods and methods of promotion that partners use.
  • Partners can cause potential damage to their image and reputation through dishonest methods of promotion.
For the affiliate:
  • Instability of earnings, which directly depends on the market situation.
  • High dependence on changes in the rules of advertising platforms, requirements and KPIs of advertisers.
  • Constant level of stress: in the market high competition, working campaigns that worked and converted into profit are constantly dying, we need to come up with new approaches.


So, we have examined the concepts of affiliate marketing and traffic arbitrage, formulated the pros and cons of attracting traffic both for the business as a whole and for the arbitrator himself. In the second lesson we will look at which participants are present in the traffic arbitrage market.

You can ask any questions about arbitration in the comments or in our

Traffic arbitrage is one of the ways to make money on the Internet, the essence of which not every beginner can understand. The process, in general, is simple, but very painstaking and involves a lot of monotony and routine. But when the right approach Traffic arbitrage can bring quite good earnings.

What kind of income is this?

Traffic arbitrage is making money from reselling (redirecting) traffic. In other words, it requires buying traffic (resource visitors) in one place, where it is cheaper, and selling it in another place, where it is more expensive. Profit from arbitrage traffic can be considered the difference between buying and selling it.

Purchasing it means placing advertisements on various platforms. Most popular look arbitrage advertising is a teaser advertisement (an enticing riddle that shows only part of the information about a product, without showing it in full). Contextual, banner advertising and other types also take place. Even advertisements in mailing lists can be attributed to generating income from traffic arbitrage.

Earning money from affiliate programs using your own website does not apply to arbitrage (if visitors arrive at the site based on requests from search engines). If potential clients are brought to a web resource by paid advertising (teaser, banner, contextual and any other), then this is again traffic arbitrage. Where to start? More on this later.

Where to start to make money on traffic arbitrage?

At the initial stage of work, it is important to choose the right affiliate program. You should not register on many resources that provide the opportunity to become a partner - two or three programs will be enough to get started.

Next, you should review all available promotional materials and carefully study the terms of cooperation. It is important to decide on the target audience and only then select places to place advertising - traffic arbitrage cannot be rushed. Where a beginner should start is by studying practical experience professionals.

It is almost impossible to launch a successful advertising campaign the first time. Often in the process you have to adjust parameters, change headings, banners, links, etc., and then observe the results, view and analyze statistics.

There are the following types of traffic arbitration:

  • direct (purchased traffic goes directly to affiliate programs);
  • using a lining - Landing page(in this case, traffic is purchased on the Landing page ( landing page), which is specially created for a specific product, from which the visitor goes to the affiliate program page via a referral link);
  • With using Landing page and Email registration (when going to Landing page to the visitor you have to register on the site; a significant advantage of this method is the gradual compilation of a database of email addresses, which can later be used to send advertising materials).

Beginners in the field of arbitrage traffic have many different kinds of questions, ignorance of the correct answer to which and lack of experience lead to loss of investments and, as a rule, complete disappointment in such earnings.

Traffic arbitrage: training

Various courses and trainings on such income come to help in solving problems with a lack of knowledge. As a rule, the following topics are studied in the course program “Earning money from traffic arbitrage”:

  • arbitrage dictionary;
  • types of offers;
  • offer selection rules;
  • traffic sources and offers for them;
  • offer testing plan;
  • teaser advertising, its disadvantages and advantages;
  • free parsers;
  • list of macros for teaser networks;
  • advertising and promotion on social networks;
  • targeted advertising;
  • contextual advertising.

True, not all professionals consider such courses necessary, since they constantly undergo various changes traffic arbitrage. Learning is most effective on your own, in the process of work, because what brought profit a year, month or week ago may no longer work at all today. Almost any information can be found in specialized groups on social networks, blogs or arbitrage forums.

Affiliate programs

You should begin to seriously engage in traffic arbitrage by searching for suitable affiliate programs. Most often, the following intermediaries are used to make money from traffic arbitrage:

  1. CPA affiliate programs pay for each attracted visitor who completes the target action. Typically, such affiliate programs require you to register, fill out a subscription form, make an order, or phone call. For example, a potential client sees an advertisement for an online game, clicks on the ad and is taken to a website offering registration. If a person decides to become a player and registers, the arbitrator will receive a royalty (fee for the action).
  2. Affiliate programs for making a purchase by an attracted user. If the sale is completed, then part of the earnings from the product is transferred to the affiliate.
  3. "SMS" affiliate programs. These affiliate programs usually ask visitors to send a message or enter a phone number and a numeric code, which will be sent to them in a few minutes. specified number, to (supposedly) confirm that the site is dealing with real person. The visitor, completely unaware that he is subscribing to the newsletter for a fee, performs the action. After a short period of time, money begins to be withdrawn from the user’s balance. Making money from such programs is among the “dark” methods.

How to make money?

You can make significant money from traffic arbitrage if you have patience, develop certain skills, accumulate a certain budget for investments and fully understand the essence of the process.

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the principles of operation contextual advertising. One of priority areas training is the correct launch and organization of an advertising campaign, competent writing of advertisements with mandatory consideration of the advertising mechanism, which allows you to select only the target audience from the entire existing audience and show the advertisement specifically potential clients. Basic knowledge of marketing and copywriting will not hurt in this difficult task for a beginner.

So it’s not such a simple matter - traffic arbitrage. Instructions for making money, even the most detailed and developed by a professional, are unlikely to help if a novice arbitrageur does not apply own efforts to master the Internet profession.

In general terms, making money on arbitrage involves the following actions:

  1. You must select an affiliate program and go through the registration procedure.
  2. Next, you should create teasers for the affiliate program and come up with “catchy” (attracting attention) headlines for them.
  3. Afterwards you need to register in the teaser network and top up your personal account (traffic arbitrage without investments is far from best idea, in this case fast and high income hardly worth expecting).
  4. It is necessary to create an advertising campaign in the selected teaser network, using already prepared teasers and headlines.
  5. Having configured the network, you can launch a new advertising campaign.



I'll start with an example. Suppose there is an offer (supply on the market) for the sale of winter woolen socks from Grandmother Galya costing 50 UAH per pair.

Question - how can an Arbitrator make money on socks?

1. You need to understand who will wear such socks.

2. Understand when it is profitable to sell wool socks (it is clear that in the summer they are unlikely to sell normally)

3. Understand where on the Internet (mostly affiliate marketers work with the Internet) there are those same people (hereinafter the target audience is the target audience) who will want to buy these woolen socks from Baba Gali.

4. After the arbitrator has compared all this factual data and found a source of traffic for himself (that is, the habitat of the target audience), he needs to somehow present this product, and not just present it, but also make money from it!

5. There are several options for making money on this product:

Option 1.

Working directly with Grandma Galya. That is, you found such a grandmother and told her: “I can sell your socks on the Internet.” Create a Landing Page and set up traffic to this Landing Page.

Tell your grandmother: “Would it be normal for you to have 50 UAH from just socks?” She agrees. An entrepreneurial thought pulsates in her head: “If I sell 100 pairs, I will earn 5,000 UAH!!! Wow, that’s more than my pension!” And you, based on this cost, set a price of 299 UAH on the landing page.

As you can imagine, the math here is simple:

a) Payment to grandmother = 50 UAH/pair

This must be a person who has the knowledge of an analyst, marketer, psychologist, mathematician, creative worker, time manager, etc.

In a word, he is a Superhero who is able to earn money from his knowledge.

c) Creation of a landing page.

If you know how to create landing pages yourself, great! This will take on average from several hours to 1 day.

If you don’t know how, then order, prices are also different - from 500 to 50,000 UAH.

d) Traffic optimization.

There's a lot about this on at the moment I will not write, since this is a whole philosophy and synergy of the knowledge described above.

To summarize briefly:

Your income = price on the landing page – payment to grandma – advertising costs – costs of creating the landing page.

Option 2. Working through intermediaries, that is, with an affiliate program (hereinafter referred to as PP)

Affiliate program- these are people who hired a group of such grandmothers and created landing pages for their products. They are looking for arbitrators in order to agree on cooperation with them.

That is, they pay you money for the goods sold, and at the same time take a commission for themselves for intermediation.


Grandma sells her goods for 50 UAH. The PP agrees with the grandmother that she will sell for 30 UAH, but at the same time the PP takes on the responsibility of giving the grandmother many orders, for example 10 per day.

For grandma, this is “wow!” how much.

Also, the PP takes responsibility for creating the landing page. And only then does he agree with the arbitrator on the remuneration that he can receive for the goods sold; in this case, these are socks.

For example, it’s 100 UAH for a pair of socks sold, and on the landing page the price is 299 UAH. But the arbitrator receives a fixed price for a sold pair - 100 UAH.

Here the form of earnings is a little different: Your income = 100 – advertising expense

With the proper knowledge and constant practice, reselling the flow of visitors may well become a regular source of income from the difference between the purchase price and the price of selling it to a potential advertiser’s website.

The essence of arbitration The point is that we buy traffic in one place and then resell it in another, and the difference goes into our pocket.


What we have as a result:

Bought traffic at a price of 2000/250=8 rubles/click

Sold traffic at a price of 5000/250=20 rubles/click

We made a profit.

What are the types of earnings in arbitration?

  • CPT (Cost Per Time) - a fixed time of placement on the site is purchased.
  • CPM (Cost per mille) - payment is made per thousand impressions.
  • CPC (Cost Per Click) - advertising is paid for clicks.
  • CPA (Cost per Action), CPI (Cost per Install) or CPI (Cost per lead) - payment is made for leads, actions or installations

Main sources of Internet traffic:

· Redirect visitors from your own site

· Traffic from video clips on Youtube and other video aggregators

How to find a CPA network and start earning money?

Sites that carry out intermediary activities between a company that needs to sell a product and an arbitrageur are called CPA networks. CPA (cost per action)

Quite often you can find that CPA networks are called affiliate networks. The thing is that these sites present a lot of affiliate programs, which are actually developed to involve arbitrage traders. These sites have collected large number offers.

We call an offer in arbitration the product, service, service, game, or subscription that we are going to advertise, redirecting our traffic to the selected offer.

Typically, an affiliate offer includes:

· promotional materials provided by the company advertiser

· description of the terms of cooperation.

For beginners, I recommend proven commercial PPs: If you have any questions with these Affiliates, write to https://t. me/arbitraj_chat with a note and we can figure it out together

What services should I use for my work?

1. To search for creatives:

2. Working with texts: