Auto solve captcha. Captcha recognition services

For an ordinary user, one page on any social network is enough to communicate with friends. But to promote your own products or services, one profile will not be enough. What to do if you use one SIM card? How to create a second page in VK for one number? Do such methods even exist?

Just a couple of years ago, profiles on a social network were registered using an email address. But the VK administration made identification by number mandatory. For most users, the innovation did not create any difficulties. But group administrators and moderators, SMM managers and people who turned VK from a platform for communication into the main place for making money had to face many problems. Bots are profiles of non-existent people. They are used to send invitations to groups and add friends. Bots are often banned. Sometimes it is impossible to restore a page after blocking. Previously, a “fallen fighter” was quickly replaced with a couple of new ones. But when the process of creating a second page became dramatically more complicated, I had to spend time finding ways to bypass the system.

Owners of old pages whose registration dates back to 2010-2011 are in luck. Five years ago, profiles were linked only to email. If your main profile was created in those years, then you won’t have to rack your brains about how to make a second page in contact.

Just register as usual, linking your account to a valid phone number.

Of course, do not forget to indicate your real last name and first name. In this case, the new page will be easy to restore after hacking. It is enough to contact the administration and provide photos of your documents in real time.

But not everyone is so lucky. Many have already managed to enter the main number into the system. Are you one of them? Don't despair. Let's try to deceive the social network algorithms. How to create a second profile? You need a page linked to your phone. As we found out, you already have it. Action plan:

  1. Go to your profile settings.
  2. Change the first or last digit in the specified phone number.
  3. Save the settings.
  4. Register a second account using your old phone number.

The option of registering two VK pages for 1 number does not always work. Some users are lucky, and some are not. What to do if you are unlucky? Read on!

How to create a second page in VK without a phone number?

You will have to install a specialized application to significantly expand the functions of the social network. For example, read other people’s messages, unsubscribe from dozens of public pages with one click and, of course, register 2 pages for 1 issue.

After installing the application, you must log in and select the “create new profile” function. A familiar registration page with forms to fill out will appear on the screen. Create a password, login, enter the required information. The final stage is entering the phone number.

The program bypasses VK algorithms, allowing you to link a second account to the number that you have already used to register earlier.

Some applications for creating a second page on VK without a phone number are actually a common virus. Its main goal is to steal data from your work accounts. Before using such a program, make sure that it really works. Read user reviews online.

You already know two ways to register two VKontakte pages for one number. None of them gives a 100% guarantee of success. Do you want to protect your second social network profile from hacking, blocking and restore it if necessary? There is only one way out.

One phone number – one social network profile

Due to the emergence of thousands of fake pages, the VK administration has tightened the conditions for using the social network. By registering an account for a non-existent number, you risk losing it the first time you block it. For example, for sending out invitations to your group. Is it possible to create two VK pages for one number? Can. Is it worth investing effort into promoting a bot whose life will be short? Decide for yourself. A new SIM card costs a penny.

To prevent your number from being blocked, it is enough to top it up with a minimum amount and make a couple of outgoing calls a month.

Having real phone numbers on hand, in a few minutes you can create as many working VK profiles as you need, using your real name, surname and photo. If they are blocked, you can always restore them by contacting the administration and continue to use the accumulated customer base!

This is a rather interesting question that is beginning to worry users more and more. Especially those who prefer to work through social networks. So let's start studying it.

Why and when is this needed?

But before that, let’s try to figure out one more very interesting thing with you. More precisely, we will try to understand when a new VKontakte page is really needed.

Such “spare” questionnaires are necessary for store clerks. We are talking about online stores that make their main profit by attracting users from social networks. So, a person can not “clutter up” his profile, but simply use a working profile. After all, the new VKontakte page, as a rule, serves precisely this purpose.

But sometimes ordinary users also create second pages. They are called "fakes". Quite often, such pages are used to deceive users and hack real profiles. Let's find out how to create a second one

If the page is out of date

The first scenario is when the user already has a profile, only it is very, very old. About 5 years ago. At that time, it was customary to link all profiles to the user’s email.

Owners of old pages are very lucky. After all, they won’t have to find a way to create a second VKontakte page. It is enough just to register it according to the new scheme. That is, link directly to your mobile phone. That's all the problems. Enter your login, password, your first/last name, and then your mobile number. created in this way, as a rule, are very easily restored after hacking.

True, there are other options for the development of events. For example, what should users do whose pages are already linked to their mobile phone? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

Option "zapara"

Let's try to use one interesting technique that, unfortunately, does not always work. For it you need to have a page linked to your phone. It is with such a questionnaire that we will work.

First of all, go to “VKontakte” (“Login” - “My Page”). By the way, if you link a second profile, your login will remain the same, but the password will be the one you set. After you log in, all you need to do is go to “My Settings” and see how your mobile phone number is indicated. Change its first digit, and then register your profile using the same mobile number.

As already mentioned, this option does not always work. So to speak, it is based purely on the luck of the users. Thus, if you want to know how to create a second VKontakte page, then another scenario will suit you.


So, now we will try to register a new profile using specialized applications. Now this method is considered quite popular among most users.

For it, you will have to find a special program for VKontakte, which expands the standard functions of the social network. This includes reading other people’s messages, exiting all public pages “in one fell swoop,” and creating a second profile.

You just need to log in to the application and then select the function to create a new profile. Next, you will see the familiar registration page, where you will need to come up with a password, first/last name and fill out some personal information. The final stage is to enter your mobile phone number in the appropriate field to link your profile. That's it. When you do everything, you will have two pages linked to one number.

However, it is worth remembering that this option is very risky. After all, most of these types of programs are nothing more than the most common and real viruses. They simply steal data from your current work profiles. Aren't you afraid? Then feel free to download this application. If common sense takes precedence over desires, then it is worth trying the only logical way out of the current situation.

New SIM card

Users who do not want to be deceived while wondering how to create a second VKontakte page can use one very interesting and logical approach. Since we are linking the account to the phone, we will have to buy a new SIM card and then register a profile for it.

Agree, this is a very simple and quick scenario for work. Go to any cellular store, buy any SIM card, and then just use it once. After registration, of course, it is better to make a call from your mobile phone once a month so that the number is not blocked and transferred to someone else. That's it. Now you are familiar with all the available ways to register a new profile on the VKontakte social network.

In previous videos we learned how to create . At the same time, the captcha was entered manually. Now we will show you how to automate the captcha processing process using the Antigate service.

Antigate is a service for automatic captcha recognition. If we connect it to the script, then when a captcha is found, Datacol will not give it to the user for input, but will send it to the service for recognition. Typically Antigate processes the image from 7 to 15 seconds, after which it returns the processing result.

Don't want to enter the captcha manually every time? After watching this video instruction, you can automate the captcha processing process and significantly speed up the parsing speed.

Let us remind you that in Datacol you will also find ready-made parsers:

    For online stores:

    Let's change the previously created script to connect Antigate to it. Select the captcha processing action. Set the Antigate recognition method. Now it is very important to set the properties of the current captcha. Thanks to this, the automatic recognition process will be clearly faster and, most importantly, more correct. Our captcha is Russian. In addition, the captcha is case sensitive.

    Now all that remains is to enter the API key for the antigate service. It is set in the antigate_key script parameter. Let us remind you that this parameter was automatically created when adding a standard captcha processing block. The key to the service can be obtained in the user panel of the service.

    I recommend increasing the maximum bid setting to at least $10 per 1000 recognitions. You can read more about this and other service settings in the user panel. Well, don’t forget to top up your balance.

    All that remains is to test the created script. Let me remind you that it will take some time for the service to recognize the captcha. Everything worked perfectly! Please note that in some cases the service may not recognize the captcha correctly. However, thanks to the repeat conditions we set up in the script, recognition can run up to 3 times for each page.

    Let's save the script. Let's launch a campaign. We see that the captcha was automatically processed and we received the necessary data. Note that on most sites, after entering the correct captcha, it does not appear for a long time.

The most anticipated and large-scale update of this year: the mechanisms for processing new versions of forum and blog platforms have been updated, the database of answers to anti-bot questions (text captchas) has been increased by 60,000 new text captchas, thanks to which the efficiency of XRumer has increased tenfold, as comparative tests have clearly shown. The update includes over 100 improvements and fixes.

August 20, 2019

XRumer 18.0 - 18.0.1

A large-scale update of the XRumer program, in which the logic for registering profiles on a variety of platforms has significantly evolved, work with the Bitrix, Joomla, WordPress Forum, MyBB, VBulletin, XenForo platforms has been improved, a mechanism has been added for modifying the sent text depending on the subject of the recipient site (new macro # theme), the attached databases have been updated and enlarged - the total volume has exceeded 8 million sites, work with HTTPS and Google ReCaptcha-2 has been improved, and much more...

January 26, 2019

XRumer 16.0.18 + SocPlugin 4.0.63

The attached databases have been checked and updated, the total volume has been increased to 8 (!) million supported resources - blogs, forums, guest books, boards, BBS, CMS, and other platforms. The database of known text captchas has been increased by more than 2,000 new answers to anti-bot questions and now amounts to 324,000 text captchas. The stability and speed of operation have been significantly increased, resource consumption has been optimized: the ceiling reaches up to 500 or more threads (depending on the operating mode). Improved work with HTTPS. And the main, key improvement: the efficiency of sending personal messages has been greatly increased - MassPM mode. Plus, many other improvements and fixes :)

September 14, 2018

JavaScript must be enabled for the site to function correctly.

Captcha recognition / automatic captcha entry

Surely almost everyone has already come across the inscription when registering on any site: “Enter the number you see” and a distorted picture. This is a captcha (CAPTCHA, pictocode, ticket) - a graphical protection designed to distinguish between people and programs.

During its operation, the XRumer program is able to recognize captchas, automatically downloading the picture and decrypting it. As practice has shown, decrypting this kind of captcha takes no more than 1-1.5 seconds, and usually even less on a computer with a processor with an operating frequency of 1 GHz. This requires very little traffic, because... Such pictures “weigh” no more than 3-5 KB.

But that's not all! New XRumer 19.0.3 Elite is now able to recognize and bypass even such types of captcha as ReCaptcha and DLE! A The total list of recognized types has more than doubled compared to XRumer 5.0:

And these are not all types; quite trivial captchas that were used in early versions of forums and still remain on many of them are not shown here. XRumer automatically recognizes the type of captcha and uses the appropriate algorithm for this type.

If you often work with services that require captcha recognition, then sooner or later you begin to think about how to automate this process. This is especially true for those users who work with iMacros scripts.

For example, you use the iMacros script to automatically submit advertisements to free message boards (or place advertisements manually), and on each board you need to enter a captcha.

In fact, this task is very easy to solve using the Anti-Captcha automatic captcha recognition service.

The service allows you to automatically solve captcha directly in the browser. To do this, you need to install a browser plugin and, if necessary, configure it to suit your needs.

When you visit a page containing a captcha, the plugin will automatically detect it and send it to be recognized (you can disable this option in the plugin settings).

A huge plus is the ability to solve the boring reCAPTCHA using this method. We installed the plugin and forgot how to select images with road signs, houses, etc.

An example of automatic reCAPTCHA recognition using a plugin.

Sending captcha for recognition.

After a few seconds the captcha is solved.

A few more examples.

Yandex captcha solution.

Solving captcha on a bulletin board.

In the same way, you can solve other captchas, for example, VKontakte captchas or captchas on Bitcoin faucets, etc.

If the plugin does not see the captcha, you can use the menu to specify the captcha and the input field for the captcha.

Prices in the service are the same as in all similar services. The minimum price for 1000 solved captchas is 0.7 USD. The average time to solve one captcha is 8 seconds.
You can top up your account in the system in any convenient way from the terminal and electronic currencies to bank payment.