Free traffic from VK – I’m starting a new topic. Traffic arbitrage from VKontakte

Likes do not give the real picture. As well as reposts, the number of subscribers, the reach of the page and publications. Just imagine, you have a super cool public page with 50,000 subscribers, more than a hundred people repost you every day. But only 5 people a day go to your site. What to do to increase the number of transitions? What metrics to use? We will write about this in this article.

What should you know about traffic from VKontakte?
  • Traffic from social networks much "colder" than from a search engine or contextual advertising. Therefore, the conversion to lead may be significantly lower. But at the same time, it is cheaper and can be more loyal.
  • Working on social networks will be effective especially in niche cases low frequency queries, since the cost of the final conversion will be lower.
  • Unlike organic search traffic, or traffic from contextual advertising, the audience of social networks is limited. For example, in a group of pressure cookers, there will be fewer and fewer real buyers over time. This point affects the cost of transition and lead. After some time, a lead always becomes more expensive. The cost per lead can be kept. However, if you constantly interact with your audience, write content and optimize it, then the community can become an effective source of new customers.
  • What are the types of leads on social networks?
  • Direct sale of a product or service. This group of leads cannot be called complete. It is relevant for online stores. How does this work? Through targeted advertising or publication advertising, users go to the catalog, add the product to the cart and place an order. This way you can sell webinars, books, events (concerts, seminars), and book hotels.
  • The second group - the client has not yet decided who he will buy from and is comparing options. Here in exchange for contact information potential client provide your commercial offer, price list for services, product catalog, demo or trial of a product.
  • Collecting contacts of your audience in order to then “warm them up” using email newsletters, advertising publications, webinars, books for purchase.
  • So, what are the sources of leads and traffic from social networks:
    • The most popular, but by no means the easiest option is targeted advertising on VKontakte.
    • Paid publications in communities. At the right approach, these two methods can bring targeted and fairly cheap traffic. ( How to set up advertising: tips, examples, super stories: Manual 1 , Manual 2)
    • Viral content, or content that is reposted.
    • Friending. You must register a network of accounts without adding them to your group or page. In your latest posts, leave links to your group and page.
    • Create meetings. Events are more suitable for events. From a community with your target audience, you buy a publication with an invitation to a meeting of your community or collect traffic to the meeting from targeted advertising. The meeting will include a link to your website where the lead can leave his contact information.
    • Photo albums. Suitable for online stores. You buy an album in a public community with your audience in which you place photographs. In their signatures, indicate a link to your website or group.

    But all this may not work if you don't prepare your page.

    How to prepare a page on social networks so as not to lose leads?
    Internal ranking factors on VKontakte:
    • The uniqueness of the description, as well as keywords in the description.
    • Uniqueness of posts.
    • Optimized group name.
    • Presence of keys in the group link.
    Group activity indicators taken into account by VKontakte:
    • Number of subscribers (average number of the best groups, according to Searchengines, is 2,200 subscribers).
    • How often and in what quantities are posts in groups commented on (for the best, this figure was 2.5 comments).
    • Average number of posts per day (the average number of posts for the best groups is 0.4 per day).
    How to follow up with leads?

    The first thing you need to do: for this you will need to integrate UTM tags into all VKontakte links. How to add a UTM tag to a link? Very simple. There are special builders for this, for example, Google link builder, or you can attach them using the SMM service - You can use such links everywhere: in targeted advertising, blog posts, wiki menus, etc.

    Second: analyze the results. Which segments give more leads, where the conversion is higher, how much a lead costs and how to reduce its cost. To do this, goals are set in Yandex Metrics or Google Analytics. Here, goals mean what desired action the user should take on the site. Add an item to your cart, download the price list, subscribe to the newsletter, book a room, receive a commercial offer, etc.

    Third: we consider the cost. It’s easy to calculate: the amount of money spent on attracting users is divided by the number of leads.

    Beware, Trash Audience! A situation often occurs when a user performs a target action, but does not make a purchase. The problem may be on your side, or there may not be a problem at all if your social media content can re-engage the user, convincing him to purchase or register. But direct and associative conversions in Google Analytics worthy of a separate article.

    So, in conclusion.

    Lead generation on VKontakte is a complex and lengthy matter. And to ensure that your efforts to attract traffic are not unsuccessful, be sure to adapt the group in such a way that it:

  • Had several entry points to your website (if sales can only be made through it).
  • Solve specific questions of your clients.
  • Make it easy to navigate in the group (place it in a visible place contact information and make sales comfortable).
  • Add keywords to appear organically Google search and Yandex.
  • Measure your audience regularly. Set goals...
  • ... and do them!


  • Publications by Dmitry Rumyantsev.
  • VKontakte has been the main source of income for spammers since its inception. The topic of obtaining traffic from this social network. networks a huge number, most one of them is no longer working. I offer you a working method of generating traffic, and with a controlled audience.

    Let's begin. We will generate traffic using spam based on video recordings, but this is not simple spam :)

    We will spam in a special way, so first read the manual to the end, and then start working.

    First of all, we need to buy accounts, preferably for the country in which you live. We buy:

    For starters, 5-10 pieces will be enough.

    Then we register in this affiliate program:

    Once you have registered, go to the promo links tab:

    Let's go to miscellaneous, find a paysite for the Iphone 5c raffle.

    We will work with him.

    I advise you to create an additional subaccount, you never know what else you want to use.

    Now we need redirects, because... VKontakte links are banned at once. I myself used UCOZ before, manually adjusted sites and inserted a redirect code into the template. The domains turned out to be thematic, perhaps this increased the envelope. The code itself:

    < metaHTTP- EQUIVREFRESH» content=»0; url=link to paysite">< br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br> < br>< br>$ POWERED_ BY$

    So many line breaks so that those who slow internet did not see the Yukoz copyright during the redirect.

    Redirects are the most important part of spam, because... That's why they get banned. Your task is to find for yourself such redirects that VK does not ban after 5-7 posts, and they will be used purely by you. I found such redirects, but sacrificed a little traffic. Yukoz works best, but sometimes they are put under the filter, and you have to either wait or use other domain zones, which are also soon put under the filter. Therefore, you should always have in stock redirects on different domain zones that are well passed by Contact.

    This, of course, can be automated, but in our case there is no automation.

    And so, let’s say we already have redirects (at least 10-15 pieces). Not banned from VKontakte!!! Check domains!

    You can also buy redirects, but they must be good. So check this whole thing carefully.

    How to check a domain for ban on VK:

    We will spam, but we won’t just send links, which means we need text. But the text we need is not simple; now the whole secret of our traffic will be revealed, and why it is so highly converting.

    Here is a sample text that we will send, I advise you not to use it, but write your own.

    Attention! Due to the receipt new products, we are holding a drawing for the most real iPhones 5c!If you saw this message, it means you are one of those lucky ones who were chosen from several million other VKontakte users to participate in the competition. To win the competition, you need to fill out your application for participation as quickly as possible, because new iPhone Only the first 10 people who apply will receive it! Good luck! To apply, go here: *link*

    Honorary list of lucky winners selected by the random number generator:

    1) Person's name

    2) Person's name

    3) Person's name

    4) Person's name

    5) Person's name

    6) Person's name

    7) Person's name

    8) Person's name

    9) Person's name

    10) Person's name

    11) Person's name

    12) Person's name

    13) Person's name

    14) Person's name

    15) Person's name

    The whole point of such spam is that when you send a message, these 15 people receive an alert right on the page they are on, and this allows you to grab the bulk of the traffic, because a person will look at the alert in any case and see this message.

    What if it's a schoolboy? So he will shit his pants and click on the link :) although practice has shown that people over 20 convert no worse, and even better, than schoolchildren.

    The next step will be links to videos. You can take them manually, first you will need the number of accounts involved in the work, but I use a parser from MrFizik VkVideo Parser&Spamer (as a spammer it is not suitable for our purposes).

    Social networks have long been used to make money on the Internet, and users not only create communities for advertising, but also use traffic conversion.

    Such projects have different audiences, and from them you can select users with specific interests to make money.

    Profitable conversion of traffic from VKontakte, which we will discuss in this article, is available to every user. The idea is to launch advertising through thematic communities in order to attract users to various affiliate programs. This earning scheme is already actively used, and it can be highly profitable.

    How to make money from VKontakte traffic?

    First you need to decide on the common interests of visitors to social networks. Why do they visit these projects? Mainly for searching for entertainment and interesting pastime, based on this, best option for offers they will go to entertainment portals.

    There are a lot of affiliate programs for this and here are several areas that are suitable for such earnings:

    • virtual casinos;
    • online games;
    • various entertainment resources;
    • dating sites;
    • online stores;
    • selected original and current products.

    It has already been presented on our website as one of the options for earning money, you can read more about it. The essence is almost the same, collect traffic and convert it through all kinds of offers.

    Where to look for affiliate programs?

    Use the search on our website and type “Affiliate program”, after which you will see a lot of information about various services, which can be used.

    Where to run advertising?

    When you decide on an offer, for example, decide to organize, start searching thematic communities. To do this, simply use the VKontakte search, specify keywords and get a list of suitable groups:

    After this, all that remains is to go to different groups and contact their administrators to receive prices for advertising. To select good offers, simply request prices and choose the most profitable options.

    Effective advertising

    You may not succeed just because you don't work on advertising. It’s not enough to add a regular photo or just insert text, your advertising post should be interesting and attention-grabbing.

    Here's a great example:

    This post is accompanied by affiliate links, and each sale of a product will bring income to the advertiser, despite the fact that he does not sell anything on his own, but only directs customers to one of the virtual stores.

    You can also engage in such activities, but as you must have guessed, you will need to invest money first. Search favorable conditions for partners, you may even be provided with effective advertising materials (texts, pictures and videos), with the help of which it will be easier to attract buyers from VKontakte.

    You might also be interested.

    Below we will outline the material, after studying which you will be able to get traffic from VKontakte, namely, thousands of unique visitors every day and, of course, make good money on the Internet from this. You may have already read or heard somewhere about some of the methods that the author describes below, but this manual will present an improved and modified version of traffic extraction from Vkontakte.

    You might be interested in:

    As you already understand, we will take traffic from VKontakte and subsequently successfully monetize it, so I think it’s worth starting with a redirect, ways in which we will redirect traffic to our resources.

    Today in the article

    Preparing to extract traffic from VKontakte Redirects

    In fact, there are quite a lot of redirect methods, and there are even very clever ones, but they have rather low conversion rates. After a lot of testing, I have identified the two simplest and most successful ones below.
    1. Redirect through your favorite blogspot.
    For this we will need a Google account (I think there will be no problems with registration)

    • Go to
    • We create new blog.
    • We edit the “Now on the blog” template and write in the code after:

      window.location='Link to site';
    • Pictures for correct display edit to size 537x240.

    If you have a lot of images, then the “XnConvert” distribution kit, complete with a manual, will help you quickly cope with this task.
    I also recommend uploading your pictures to paid hosting in order for everything to work stably and without failures, do not use free hosting.
    After editing the “Now on Blog” template, in the “On Mobile” template, put a checkmark as in the picture:

    Don't forget, otherwise users mobile devices will not get to our site!

    We simply add the rest here:
    Upload 3 videos to YouTube and create annotations using these links.
    As a result we get 3 different redirects to 3 different offers (or your websites and any other resources where you are going to send traffic).
    I think there will be no difficulties when creating annotations. An example video is in the archive with the manual.
    I also recommend using a preview image when adding a video; you can add your own image as a screensaver before starting. We select the image in accordance with the topic of our traffic, i.e. if this is an advertisement for a product, then an image of some product, or a person with this product; if it is adult, then there will be a beautiful female body (no porn, maximum erotica, if the preview contains explicit youtube images will subsequently block this video and this may affect the reputation of the channel, which will not allow the use of annotations in the future).

    Randomization of video redirect

    Youtube doesn’t like it when you upload the same video and simply doesn’t let it through, so the wonderful software “Video Spin Blaster”, a distribution package in an archive with a manual, will help us cope with this problem.
    Next, follow the simple steps below:

    Visually, these videos will be no different from the original, but YouTube will perceive them as unique content.

    You’ve already looked through a bunch of pages of my manual, and you’re probably thinking, “What is the actual essence of the work?”, that’s usually how manuals are written, but today I decided to do it differently.

    We make money on the Internet using traffic from VKontakte

    We will get traffic from VKontakte from news on VK, you may have come across this, maybe you saw it or tried it, but today I will teach you how to do it correctly.
    1. Buy autoreg. VK account.

    2. Buy 10 live accounts. Among the criteria, it is important that the login contains a phone number. (we buy accounts according to the country of residence, not necessary, but recommended)

    • We set the name and avatar in accordance with the chosen topic
    • we put a closed wall
    • remove the creator from the contact list
    • leave the group
    • add it to bookmarks for quick access

    (we must create a group through Tor, subsequently the groups will be blocked and this will protect our main account from being banned)

    5. Log in via Tor to your live account and add to the created group.

    6. You can now log in to the group creator through a regular browser, because... autoreg is the creator, then he has all administrator rights, even without being in the community. We assign the added account as the group editor.

    Tor is not for you normal browser, so be patient, it does not perform all actions instantly. (when we insert the VKontakte link, a preview should appear with the picture that we added to the background of our video, if this does not happen, erase it and paste it again, after 3-5 seconds a preview appears, which means that everything is ok, then it will appear much faster, but if it still doesn’t appear, press f5 and try again, everything should work)

    8. After the video, we place a pack of keywords (more on them later), press Ctrl+Enter and like the sent message (if we forget to like, then in practice liking increases the conversion by almost 30%).

    The whole trick is that when a person writes any word in a post we have posted in a news search, our post will be displayed and even if this word is at the end of the text, far beyond the “show in full” button, he will still see our video, will notice a like and an attractive preview picture, and accordingly will become our potential visitor.
    This principle of operation somewhat reminds me of doorways.
    Traffic from VKontakte will be massive and passive, for example, 20 posts can bring passive traffic up to 2 weeks, now imagine that you post 200 posts a day? The work is simple and after necessary preparations comes down to Ctrl+C – Ctrl+V. People who skillfully use such keyboard shortcuts as Alt+Tab, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+Enter will find it extremely easy to work with.
    I recommend posting not in batches, but intermittently, regularly. Believe me, you will earn more on the Internet if you post 20 posts in the morning, 20 in the afternoon and 20 in the evening than if you rivet 2 hundred at a time.
    Personally, I'm in free time, using a PC, I post 1-2 posts at a time every 5-20 minutes, it’s not stressful and doesn’t distract me from other things at all. However, if you wish, you can automate everything.
    Automation allows you not to waste time on work, and shows an increase in conversion of up to 50%, the disadvantages are:
    that no preview appears, and a much smaller number of keywords are used in one post. The advantages are that the program can work even when you are not at home, and posts are more often included in news feed.
    For automation I used Vkboard from Mr.Fizik.

    Key queries

    Well, finally we come to the most important point - key queries.
    I see people on VK who are trying to work similar method, but either nothing works out for them, or they go broke on their accounts.
    The correct selection of keywords is the key to powerful and long-lasting traffic!
    I have attached a parser to the manual, you enter the keyword or link you are interested in keywords, and the program scans the PS, and parses all the text from several hundred sites, starting with the first one in the search results, while the program is running, I turn off the antivirus (it complains about some sites, not about the program, I have AVG).
    The program scans search results depending on your geo-location, so if you are interested in specific regions, for example Moscow, you should change your IP address to Moscow, and by changing the IP, the program will parse text from all sites, even those included in the Roskomnadzor register.
    As a result, we get several hundred articles in a text document, but that’s not all, all this text needs to be cleared of garbage, for which it’s easy to get a ban, and here a cool free software called “Notepad C++” comes to our aid again. distribution kit in archive with manual.
    Opening text document Through this editor, press the combination Ctrl+H in the “replace with” column and write a space.
    And in the find column, we list the stop words and after each one, click the “Replace Next” button.
    Stop words using the adult theme as an example:
    Net Ua
    Info Children's Malolet Zoo Prohibited
    As you understand, in order not to list all the verbs and adjectives, you can do it as in the example above, but it is necessary to do this procedure, because this will protect your page from being banned, and accordingly will allow each post to bring more traffic.

    How to work and common problems

    As soon as we have finished preparing redirects and keys (text), we post 5-10 posts; no more than 50 posts can be placed in one group on the day of its creation.
    Observing following rules you will reduce the risk of a ban several times, and accordingly you will receive 10-15 times more traffic, unlike those who work in the usual way:

  • When creating a group, you post the first few posts, their number should constantly change, you cannot create groups and always post 5 posts, in the future, if one group is banned, all the others fall under the filters, remember, when posting posts in batches of several pieces, always change them quantity.
  • Considering the VK limit of 50 posts per group, never reach the limit, post fewer, 49 each (an added avatar is also a post, even if you deleted it)
  • Change the location of the VKontakte link. If you posted 20-30 posts and from the beginning you had a vkontakte link, and then the text, place it at the end of the text or in the middle, change its location every 20-30 posts.
  • If you have finished posting and do not plan to post anything from your work account within an hour, then leave the group, so the account owner will not display your posts in the news and he will not complain about this message. Which, firstly, extends the life of our records and saves our accounts.
  • If your account is blocked, no matter what, upload a new video, you can leave the links in “related websites” the same, the main thing is to change the preview for the new video.
    When copying keywords from a text document, we use the same editor and copy approximately 3540 lines. If you copy 50, then the last 5-10 may not be displayed, and if you copy 60-70, the message may not be sent, because... the character limit will be exceeded, so try to observe these points and then VK filters will pay less attention to you.

    If you put into practice the information that you just learned, it will bring not only tons of traffic at a penny cost, but also with the right approach to monetization also decent income on the Internet.
    Yes, I came across something similar on the Internet, but this kind of thing will never bring even a 10th part of what can be done according to the scheme described above.

    Extraction of fresh and relevant keywords

    So, we have already learned how to extract keywords using a regular parser, and we know how important they are because the flow of traffic and its volumes directly depend on the keywords, today I will tell you how to extract fresh and relevant keywords all the time and fully automatically!
    And again he comes to our aid interesting program from MrFizik called VkCommentParser.
    From the name it’s probably already clear what it does, yes, it parses comments from communities. I couldn’t keep track of how many entries it covers, but the whole point is that entries in communities are constantly updated, and accordingly the comments are updated, and in the comments everything that is fresh and relevant is always discussed!

    I will not describe how the program works; as you can see in the screenshot, it is very simple, although I recommend parsing one community at a time, i.e. they parsed one, then cleared the list of communities, then added the next community, parsed it again, etc. By the way, if someone dabbles in doorways, then you can use it to generate texts.
    Important! Be more attentive to clearing stop words, they often write to me asking “which stop words should I delete?” I explain again, stop words are, firstly, domain zones (don’t forget that there is one domain zone like “rf”), secondly, stop words are essentially anything prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation, as well as everything immoral in essence, I also recommend clearing obscene words, if you are draining traffic to your products, clear words such as “free” ", "freebie", etc.
    One more point: if you use this software to extract keywords, we clean it again using notepad++, it would also not hurt to delete empty lines(in the Edit menu => remove empty lines). I also don’t recommend posting too large posts, on average you need 5-10 thousand characters, this is convenient to do using the same editor, the “Sel” value is the number of characters:

    Automation of traffic extraction from VKontakte

    We will automate the extraction of traffic from Vkontakte using a program from MrFizik called VkBoard, it’s paid, in my opinion, current price check with the author. In general, I constantly praise this software because it has paid for itself hundreds of times. In general, if you have this miracle, then read on:
    First, we need to stock up on good proxies, don’t bombard me with questions “where to get a proxy”, in the end we ask Google this question.
    Next, in the “community links” we insert our community(s). We insert our link from the blog into the “sent text”.
    I warn you right away that when working through software, posts will not contain images from the blogger, this greatly reduces the click-through rate, so I recommend using video redirection through annotations.
    In the “attachments” we must insert a link to a video of the form “videoХХ_ХХ”, for this we simply place the video from youtube as the first post, then click on the name of the video itself so that a video playback window opens on VKontakte and address bar we are looking for something like “video11111-11111” this will be our attachment. Be sure to check the “repeat VKontakte newsletter when reaching the last community” checkbox, even if we only have one.

    We set the captcha limit to no more than 5, I always set it to 3.
    (I hope you know what a captcha is and you have an antigate key with a balance, if not, then register, 10 cents is enough for the work, captcha crashes extremely rarely or never, but you need to be on the safe side).
    Delay, very important point, we need to make the contact think, the program is a living person, I recommend setting the delay from 900 to 1800.

    Attention! I recommend dividing thematic text into files weighing 500 kb, opening via notepad++
    press Ctrl+A, Ctrl+J, thereby you combine all the text into one line, copy it and paste it into the first window, do the same with the second test document and paste the text into the second window.
    The posts themselves will be smaller, this directly affects the volume of traffic, so we create 5-6 groups, thereby compensating for the limitations.
    For those who are especially greedy, the program has a tab “distribution by comments of posts”, insert a link to the VKontakte group there, everything is the same, the work follows the same principle, comments along with the video are displayed in the news according to key queries.
    I recommend that you use a different account to post comments than the one that posted the posts themselves, and do not forget that commenting in the community must be enabled.


    A very pressing question is “where to send traffic?” and why don’t I name specific affiliate programs?
    Is it really hard to guess that I’m not saying this intentionally for one simple reason: if I write where to drain, you’ll start pouring on the same thing over and over again, which will limit your exhaust, so I don’t do this for your own good.
    I recommend that you start by using something free (clicks/registrations/applications/installations/subscriptions, not to be confused with SMS subscriptions, although that’s also an option), and only then, when you get a feel for the work, you can gradually switch to products.

    Traffic distribution: Have you ever heard of what traffic back is? No?

    Then open any affiliate program and look for the FAQ/Help section, and finally Google it!
    In a nutshell, back traffic is the address where the visitor will be automatically redirected if he does not meet the offer criteria such as geo/device, etc.

    Where should traffic go?

    I recommend a vape affiliate program in which we create a stream and you can specify a post-back, for example, to some mobile application in the adwad affiliate program.
    This is all an example, choose any software. In the get a link section, we select landing pages and get links below.

    What should we do with them?

    Feel free to open the description and figure out what we should do with it, rather than asking me questions like “where should I go?” or we take the Javascript redirect and insert it after the end if we really can’t wait to just cut it in.
    To do this, take a regular PHP redirect script, find it yourself in Google!
    Reception of the stream in the affiliate program may not begin immediately, but within an hour, so don’t panic, just wait.

    What do we get as a result?

    A person plays a video => clicks on the annotation => through a redirect blogger (we use it as linked websites, we will approve it, so that if we decide to change the niche, we’ll just change the link in the blogger and that’s it) => it transfers to the pad, it can be a PHP redirect, which I wrote about above (in this redirect pad we write the path to the affiliate program to which we transfer traffic and enter the same Javascript redirect) =>. At this moment, the user’s IP is determined and if it is accepted by wapsubscriptions, it is sent to the landing page => After which, it can be transferred to the mobile application =>. If its IP is not suitable, then it is redirected to the affiliate landing page to which we initially drain the traffic =>. If he doesn’t fit there either, then with the help of a traffic back he will be transferred to another PP.

    What's the salt?

    A person comes in, if he is from a mobile phone, then either he will subscribe, for which he will need to press 1 button without any SMS, or perhaps install a mobile application, but if a person is from a computer, he will get to a landing page selling “something” if it doesn’t fit according to the criteria, he will be transferred to “some” registration.
    If you don’t understand, then read what is written above again and again, if it’s still not clear, then read it another 20 times, no less!
    If you drive more quietly, you will continue

    How do we work?
  • We take self-registration and create several groups.
  • For each group, create a folder for yourself in the end.
  • In the folder we create a text document called “accounts”, there we insert the accounts of “living” people, we will work with them only in this group.
  • In the same folder we create a text document called “links”, we insert links there, we work with them only in this group!!!
  • If our account is blocked, it means that the vkontakte link that he posted will never be used again in our lives, even if they put the barrel of a gun to our temple, I’m serious, it was deleted and forgotten like a bad dream.
  • We parse a lot of keywords, a lot of them, take a request, for example, “saucers”, parse keywords for the request “large saucer”, “small saucer”, “saucers for children”, saucers for mugs”, etc. Requests at least 10 pcs. Try to ensure that the volume of all texts exceeds at least 5 megabytes, ideally 15-20 MB.
  • We post posts of 10-15 thousand characters, unless of course you are parsing using the new method that I wrote about above, then there will be a profit.
  • You don't have to post a million posts a day. Work in parallel with your business, sit, drink coffee, post, communicate on social media. Networks, posted a post, went to smoke, posted a post, you don’t need to put in 50 posts in 15 minutes, it won’t give you a profit. If you are a beginner, post 40-60 posts a day, and traffic from VKontakte will accelerate for at least a week, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it will be there.
  • You can post more, but if you have already “smelled” the material, so to speak, and already know what’s what, i.e. catch the first profit, if you have enough text for randomness and you post on different topics, then of course do more, but even I didn’t make more than 100 posts a day on one topic, more doesn’t mean better, the quieter you go, the more you will!
  • Good luck in making money on the Internet!

    Be sure to download the archived appendix to the manual!

    When someone hears about affiliate programs, and even more so those related to gambling, sports betting or something similar, doubts arise.

    Is anyone else falling for this? Why, such affiliate programs bring good income, and many cost in simple ways attracting people to such sites.

    Free traffic from VK – palyu new topic, which one of our regular readers told us about. Social networks help to collect any traffic and send it anywhere.

    Even if a domain is blocked, you can create a separate one and make a redirect, but today we will not delve into technical side this question.

    A tricky way to get free traffic VKontakte

    We have already told you how to receive . Using this method, you have to send a lot of posts and the pages quickly freeze. Now invented new way, it has already begun to be actively used.

    To attract attention, you need to create some interesting post and it is advisable that it offers an easy opportunity to earn money:

    A very real situation: a person sets off on a long journey, but is ready to hand over his pet into good hands for a reward.

    Many people will respond to such a “freebie”, but when you visit the page of the author of this post, experienced user everything becomes clear, because in the first place is the advertising of the bookmaker’s office:

    Ideally, it would be better to make the page more natural, provide more information and instead of a simple advertisement, add a post like this:

    Again we go on a trip with our loved one, this time to Paris. I'm tired of answering everyone where we get so much money. The Vulcan online casino helped us get rich, where we had already received substantial winnings many times. It’s nothing complicated and you can start without investing; beginners are given a bonus of 10,000 rubles. Try it without risking anything, you too can make your dreams come true.

    At first, we thought that this was nonsense and that we couldn’t collect a lot of traffic this way, but when we saw the traffic to the page, we were surprised. Over the last week, the account has been viewed by over 1000 people, daily traffic varies from 100 to 300 users:

    We were even more surprised when the author of this idea shared earnings statistics. For last month, he earned over 30,000 rubles from VKontakte traffic. In his words, it didn’t go away more than an hour per day, it was just a part-time job, the idea turned out to be very successful.

    How to create many pages to collect traffic from VK?

    To get the most out of this method, you need to use multiple accounts at the same time. Each of them should look natural, the posts are published differently, and it would be even better if. Then your audience reach will increase.

    You won’t be able to register pages without a phone number, so it’s easier to buy them on Buyaccs. It makes no sense to overpay for defrosting; even if these are one-time profiles, they pay for themselves quite quickly:

    Prepare posts right away, let it be caring for fish, helping around the house, or something else.

    The most important thing is that the work is simple and there must be a reward for it. Don't promise too much, doubts will arise. Everything should look like the truth; users should stumble upon a post with advertising by accident.

    VK traffic arbitration

    We will not deviate from the main topic, but we will talk a little about more effective way get a lot of clicks from social networks.

    It’s really difficult to attract many users to your pages; it makes sense to use well-promoted public pages and accounts with a large number subscribers.

    What does arbitration involve? Investing money in advertising. You negotiate with group administrators or owners of popular profiles and add posts with links to their walls.

    For beginners, we have a useful article -. Professionals actively use this method; several have even been written about it. e-books. But today we are not talking about this, so we presented this information only briefly.

    Where to drain traffic from VKontakte?

    Most interesting question, which affiliate program is suitable for VK traffic? In general, there is no difference; almost all systems allow transitions from social networks.

    However, the conditions are not favorable everywhere, and sometimes it is too difficult to find target audience. Use the best affiliate programs for VKontakte:

  • GlopArt – huge selection various information products with fixed deductions.
  • BongaModels – paid erotic chats, paid 25% of the money spent by viewers.
  • Binpartner – advertise binary options, receive up to 70% from each client.
  • Golden Tea is an economic game with a 5-level affiliate program.
  • – another game with money withdrawal, where it is profitable to earn money from referrals.
  • HashFlare – service cloud mining for investments, gives 10% from deposits.
  • Top Shop – sell products from a teleshop, receive up to 20% of their cost.
  • EPN – invite customers to stores like Aliexpress, they give you a percentage of their purchases.
  • Leads – about 200 offers with loans, banks, investments, insurance, etc.
  • MinerGate is a foreign project for earning cryptocurrencies with a profitable affiliate program.
  • We ourselves use all these sites, however, to convert traffic from the blog, and not from social networks. In fact, there are actually a lot of sites with which it is profitable to cooperate.

    Even the well-known cashback service LetyShops is suitable. The most important thing is that the service or product is in demand.

    What to do if VKontakte blocks a link?

    When working with CPA affiliate programs and other popular services, the transition may be blocked. Most often this happens in cooperation with online casinos and bookmakers, which are prohibited in Russia.

    There is a solution to the problem, and it is absolutely free:

  • Google's website builder allows you to create a simple resource and get a free domain in a few minutes. Go to and create a new blog. It is better to choose a name in accordance with the chosen affiliate program:
  • Minimal page setup will be required. Choose any topic, come up with a title. You can post information from other resources, the site will still not be promoted in search engines (mobile version It's better to disable it altogether):
  • Now we need to cut back affiliate link. This is done through the service (others similar services), everything is simple there, you enter the address and get a short version of the link (we will redirect to it):
  • Now you need to return to the site builder and click “Edit HTML”. You don't have to understand programming, just add the code as shown in the image:
  • To make it easier for you, we have prepared ready-made templates with code where you just need to insert your shortened links. Change the LINK value (add a link to your created blog instead:
  • This is added after Head:

    This is after Body: document.location="LINK";

    Of course it's much better to rent own domain and make a redirect from it. It is safer, more convenient and works flawlessly.