What is wireless. WLAN - what is it and how to use it? How to connect and configure WLAN

The Windows operating system constantly runs an unimaginably huge number of different services, which, in turn, regulate and control the operation of the computer. Each service does its own thing and coordinates certain processes occurring in the operating system. In this article, we'll look at what WLAN Auto Configuration (WLANSVC) service is, and where and how to enable it.

What is AutoConfig Service

First, let's look at what kind of service this is and why it is needed at all. It defines and provides the algorithms that are required to configure, discover, connect, and disconnect local Wi-Fi networks in the iEEE 802.11 standard.

In addition, this service allows you to create a virtual access point on your computer. That is, thanks to WLAN auto-configuration, you can use your laptop as a router.

And now the same thing, but in the simplest words. The essence is in the name - auto-tuning. This means that this service regulates the operation of wireless networks on your computer, controls the operation of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi radio modules, configures connections automatically, and so on. But do not confuse this setting with the settings of DHCP and the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols, which you can edit manually (IP address, subnet mask, etc.). WLAN auto-configuration is a more in-depth network configuration.

Thus, it becomes clear that, in principle, the computer will work with the WLANSVC service disabled. However, you may not be able to use certain features of the wireless adapter. One of these functions is Wi-Fi distribution.

As a rule, most often users encounter an error when the system was unable to start the WLAN auto-configuration service at the time of organizing wireless network distribution.

It is clear that in this case you will not be able to use your computer as a router.

To fix this you will need to start the WLANSVC service. How is this done? Everything is quite simple. It’s immediately worth noting that the instructions below apply to all versions of Windows OS, starting with Vista. That is, the setup process is absolutely identical for versions of Windows 7,8 and 10.

Activation of WLANSVC service

Now we have reached the main topic of this article - how to enable the WLAN auto-configuration service. There are several ways to launch the tool for managing internal Windows services. The simplest are two methods:

  1. Through the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Using the “Run” service.

In the first case, open the “Control Panel”. In Windows 7 this is done through the Start menu. Click the “Start” button (on your keyboard or in the lower right corner of your desktop). Next, open the desired option.

In the G8, the control panel opens in a different way. Press two keys on the keyboard at the same time - + [X] - and select the desired item in the menu that appears.

Further steps are the same in both operating systems. In the window that opens, select the “System and Security” category.

After this, go to the “Administration” section.

Another window will open, in which simply launch “Services” by double-clicking with the left mouse button. After this, a service will open in which you can manage Windows services.

You can launch the same tool in another way. Press [Start]+[R] simultaneously. The Run window will open. We write services.msc here and click “OK”.

So, we find in the proposed list the item we need “Wlan Autoconfiguration Service”.

Open it by double-clicking with the left mouse button. Then everything is quite simple. A window will open in which you need to click the “Launch” button, and in the “Startup type” line, select the “Automatic” value.

Here you can also stop the WLANSVC service. But there is one caveat. It lies in the fact that if this service is completely disabled, then the above method will not allow you to enable the treasured WLAN auto-configuration. In this case, you need to enable it through the system parameters.

To do this, press the [Start]+[R] keys simultaneously and enter msconfig in the window that appears. Click.

A WLAN network is a type of local area network (LAN) that uses high-frequency radio waves rather than cable connections for communication and data transfer between rkbtynfvb. This is a data transmission system that is used as an alternative to a cable local network within one building or within a certain territory. WLAN works based on WiFi technology.

What are the advantages of using a WLAN instead of a wired LAN?

Increased productivity. A WLAN network provides room-free networking and Internet access. A WLAN gives users the ability to move around a business or organization while remaining connected to the network.
Simple and fast creation of a local network. No need to pull or reinforce cables.

Installation flexibility. A wireless network can be built where cables cannot be laid; WLAN technology facilitates temporary network installation and relocation.
Reduced operating costs. Wireless networks reduce installation costs because cable connections are not required. As a result, savings are achieved, the more significant the more often the environment changes.
Scalability. Network expansion and reconfiguration for WLAN is not a difficult task: user devices can be integrated into the network by installing wireless network adapters on them.
Compatibility. Different brands of compatible client and network devices will communicate with each other.

Is setting up and administering a WLAN difficult?

No. It is easier to build a wireless local network than a cable one, and the administration of both types of networks is almost the same. The WLAN client solution is built on a plug-and-play principle, which means that computers simply connect to a peer-to-peer network.

What is the communication range of WLAN devices?

RF range, especially indoors, depends on product characteristics (including transmitter power), receiver design, noise immunity, and signal path. The interaction of radio waves with common building objects, such as walls, metal structures and even people, can affect the range of the signal, and thus change the coverage of a particular system. Wireless networks use radio frequencies because indoor radio waves penetrate walls and ceilings. The range or coverage area of ​​most WLAN systems is up to 160 m, depending on the number and type of obstacles encountered. With the help of additional access points, you can expand the coverage area and thereby ensure freedom of movement.

Are WLAN networks reliable?

Yes, WLANs are extremely reliable. Since wireless technology has its roots in the defense industry, security for wireless devices has been a concern from the very beginning. This is why wireless networks are generally more reliable than cable networks. WLANs use Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) technology, which is highly resistant to data corruption, interference, and detection. In addition, all wireless network users are authenticated using a system ID, preventing unauthorized access to data.
To transmit particularly sensitive data, users can use the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) mode, in which the signal is encrypted with an additional algorithm, and the data is controlled using an electronic key. Generally speaking, individual nodes must take their own security measures before being included in network traffic. In WLAN networks operating under the 802.11b specification, 40-bit and 128-bit encryption algorithms can be used along with user authentication to ensure higher network security. Traffic interception, whether intentional or unintentional, is virtually impossible.

What is IEEE 802.11b?

IEEE 802.11b is a technical specification issued by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) that defines the operation of wireless local area networks operating in the 2.4 GHz band at 11 Mbps using the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum protocol.

What is the throughput of an 802.11b WLAN?

WLAN 802.11b networks operate at speeds of up to 11 Mbps. For users, the speed is comparable to the speed of a cable network. Just like in a regular network, the throughput of a WLAN network depends on its topology, load, distance to the access point, etc. Typically, there is no noticeable difference in the performance of a wireless and cable network.

What is an access point?

An access point connects the cable and wireless networks and allows clients of the latter to access cable network resources. Each access point expands the overall processing power of the system. Users can move between access points without losing connection to the network, just like when connecting to the network using a cell phone. In other words, an access point is a hardware and software device that acts as a hub for a wireless network client and provides connection to a cable network.

How many users can one WLAN system support?

The number of users is almost unlimited. It can be increased simply by installing new access points. By using overlapping access points tuned to different frequencies (channels), the wireless network can be expanded by increasing the number of users in the same area. No more than three overlapping channels that will not create mutual interference can be installed simultaneously; these channels will triple the number of network users. Similarly, you can expand your wireless network by installing access points in different parts of the building. This increases the total number of users and gives them the ability to move around the building or area of ​​the organization.

How many users does one access point support simultaneously?

The number of users in this case depends, first of all, on the traffic load. In a WLAN network, bandwidth is shared among users in the same way as in a cable network. Based on the number of users, network performance also depends on the type of tasks performed by users.

Nowadays, there is an increasing need to access information on the Internet at any time and anywhere in the world. This opportunity is provided by wireless connection technology WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network). This technology uses radio frequencies rather than wired systems to connect and transmit information, which allows a huge number of users to be on the Internet at the same time.

In principle, this is ordinary wireless Internet, which can be used not only from a laptop or tablet, but also from a smartphone.

Today, such convenience is available in most modern models from various manufacturers. You can use the function for free and regardless of whether your device has a SIM card or not. The connection can be made in the “Wireless Networks” settings while within the range of the access point. The only drawback of this technology is that in a Lenovo smartphone, like in any other mobile device, the battery quickly drains during a session of such a wireless connection.

Setting up a wireless connection

When purchasing smartphones from Chinese manufacturers, many users do not take into account the Wi-Fi technology available in almost all mobile devices, which makes it possible to use the Internet through hot spots or access points.

Nowadays, many establishments provide the opportunity to use the Internet for free. But how to activate this function on your phone? The instructions below show you how to set up a wireless Internet connection on your Lenovo in a couple of minutes.

  1. It is necessary that GPRS is configured in the smartphone in advance.
  2. In the device menu you should find the Wi-Fi or WLAN icon.
  3. Open, and in the menu that appears, select “Search for available networks.”
  4. Select the icon for an unblocked network.
  5. In the options, select the “Connect” item.

If everything is done correctly, the Lenovo smartphone will connect to a free network and the corresponding icon on the screen will turn green or blue. After such a connection is made, you need to go to the browser and use the Internet.

In the options, you need to select a network profile and “Profile Mode” and click the “Custom Settings” button. Next, you need to select the SIM card through which you will access the Internet, and in the “Java profile for SIM” click WLAN and OK, then select “Start”. This completes the connection, and you can now freely use the Internet.


Speaking about all the advantages of free wireless Internet access, we should not forget about the disadvantages. The fact is that such use of Wi-Fi in public places implies an unsecured connection, since there is no need to enter a password.

Consequently, other participants in the local network can see the Internet resources you visit and the data you enter, and attackers are able to intercept them for their own purposes. Therefore, it is not advisable to enter passwords or conduct financial transactions in such places.

A WLAN network is a type of local area network (LAN) that uses high-frequency radio waves rather than cable connections for communication and data transfer between nodes. This is a flexible data transmission system that is used as an extension - or alternative - to a cable local network within the same building or within a certain area.
What are the advantages of using a WLAN instead of a wired LAN?
Increased productivity. A WLAN network provides room-free networking and Internet access. A WLAN gives users the ability to move around a business or organization while remaining connected to the network.
Simple and fast creation of a local network. No need to pull or reinforce cables.
Installation flexibility. A wireless network can be built where cables cannot be laid; WLAN technology facilitates temporary network installation and relocation.
Reduced operating costs. Wireless networks reduce installation costs because cable connections are not required. As a result, savings are achieved, the more significant the more often the environment changes.
Scalability. Network expansion and reconfiguration for WLAN is not a difficult task: user devices can be integrated into the network by installing wireless network adapters on them.
Compatibility. Different brands of compatible client and network devices will communicate with each other. Is setting up and administering a WLAN difficult? No. It is easier to build a wireless local network than a cable one, and the administration of both types of networks is almost the same. The WLAN client solution is built on the PlugandPlay principle, which assumes that computers simply connect to a peer-to-peer network (peertopeer).
What is the communication range of WLAN devices?
RF range, especially indoors, depends on product characteristics (including transmitter power), receiver design, noise immunity, and signal path. The interaction of radio waves with common building objects, such as walls, metal structures and even people, can affect the range of the signal, and thus change the coverage of a particular system. Wireless networks use radio frequencies because indoor radio waves penetrate walls and ceilings. The range or coverage area of ​​most WLAN systems is up to 160 m, depending on the number and type of obstacles encountered. With the help of additional access points, you can expand the coverage area and thereby ensure freedom of movement.
Are WLAN networks reliable?
Yes, WLANs are extremely reliable. Since wireless technology has its roots in the defense industry, security for wireless devices has been a concern from the very beginning. This is why wireless networks are generally more reliable than cable networks. WLANs use Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) technology, which is highly resistant to data corruption, interference, and detection. In addition, all wireless network users are authenticated using a system ID, preventing unauthorized access to data.
To transmit particularly sensitive data, users can use the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) mode, in which the signal is encrypted with an additional algorithm, and the data is controlled using an electronic key. Generally speaking, individual nodes must take their own security measures before being included in network traffic. In WLAN networks operating according to the 802.11b specification, 40-bit and 128-bit encryption algorithms can be used along with user authentication to ensure higher network reliability. Traffic interception, whether intentional or unintentional, is virtually impossible.

What is IEEE 802.11b?
IEEE 802.11b is a technical specification issued by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) that defines the operation of wireless local area networks operating in the 2.4 GHz band at 11 Mbps using the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum protocol.

What is the throughput of an 802.11b WLAN?
WLAN 802.11b networks operate at speeds of up to 11 Mbps. For users, the speed is comparable to the speed of a cable network. Just like in a regular network, the throughput of a WLAN network depends on its topology, load, distance to the access point, etc. Typically, there is no noticeable difference in the performance of a wireless and cable network.

What's happened ?
An access point connects the cable and wireless networks and allows clients of the latter to access cable network resources. Each access point expands the overall processing power of the system. Users can move between access points without losing connection to the network - just like when connecting to the network using a cell phone. In other words, an access point is a hardware-software device that acts as a hub for a wireless network client and provides connection to a cable network. How many users can one WLAN system support? The number of users is almost unlimited. It can be increased simply by installing new access points. By using overlapping access points tuned to different frequencies (channels), the wireless network can be expanded by increasing the number of users in the same area. No more than three overlapping channels that will not create mutual interference can be installed simultaneously; these channels will triple the number of network users. Similarly, you can expand your wireless network by installing access points in different parts of the building. This increases the total number of users and gives them the ability to move around the building or area of ​​the organization.

How many users does one access point support simultaneously?
The number of users in this case depends, first of all, on the traffic load. In a WLAN network, bandwidth is shared among users in the same way as in a cable network. Based on the number of users, network performance also depends on the type of tasks users perform before activating Internet access. In most cases, all you need to do is launch your browser and type in the address of a website.

Questions are often asked in the comments about the fact that the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network (even though Wi-Fi is on), or you can’t start Wi-Fi distribution on your laptop. Very often, such problems arise due to the fact that the WLAN auto-configuration service is disabled. There is such a service in Windows, it manages wireless connections. So, if the WlanSvc service is stopped, then you will not be able to connect your computer to Wi-Fi, or launch an access point on your laptop.

If you just want to connect your laptop to a Wi-Fi network, then due to the stopped WLAN auto-configuration service, the laptop simply will not see available wireless networks. There will be a status. And when you try to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop, the error “Failed to start the WLAN autoconfiguration service (1068)” will most likely appear. In any case, this problem needs to be fixed somehow. You just need to check whether this service is running on your computer. And if not, then launch it and set automatic launch in the settings.

I will show how to enable the WLAN auto-configuration service in Windows 10. But, if you have Windows 7, 8 or even Windows Vista, then everything will be exactly the same. The process itself is no different.

What is WLAN AutoConfig Service?

Without complicated and boring terms, this service in the Windows operating system manages all wireless connections (via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth). That is, the WlanSvc service is responsible for searching, connecting, disconnecting and other operations that are necessary for the operation of wireless connections on a laptop. It is clear that if this service is stopped, then Windows will not be able to see available wireless networks and will not be able to connect to them.

There may also be a problem when trying to start distributing a Wi-Fi network in the Windows command line. If this service is stopped, an error will appear: "The Wireless Network Auto Configuration (wlansvc) service is not running."

Basically, that's all we need to know about the WLAN auto-configuration service. In the system, this feature is always enabled by default. You may ask, why then does it need to be turned on? Everything is very simple, there are many instructions on the Internet where they advise disabling this service “to make the computer work faster.” Also, the service can be disabled by some programs; various system optimizers especially like to do this. And if you do not have the original Windows image installed, but an assembly, then the service may be disabled immediately after installing the system.

Yes, if you do not connect your computer to wireless networks, then you do not need this service; the computer will work fine without it. But this is not a reason to turn it off.

How to enable WLAN AutoConfig service in Windows 10, 8, 7

Press the keyboard shortcut Win+R. The Run window will appear. Enter the command " services.msc", and click "Ok".

Set the "Startup Type" to "Automatic". Click the "Ok" button and "Apply".

Restart your computer. After these steps everything should work.

What to do if the WlanSvc service does not start?

If you are faced with the fact that the WLAN auto-configuration service does not start, then the problem may be that the service itself is completely disabled. Let's check and turn it on.

Press the keyboard shortcut again Win+R, but this time we enter " msconfig", and click "Ok".

We find the service we need in the list and see if there is a checkmark next to it. If not, then check it, click “Ok”, and “Apply”.

Restart your computer.

Update: enable "Normal startup" if error 1068 appears

This solution was shared with us in the comments. It is very simple and helped get rid of errors 1068 when starting the WLAN service. Press the Win + R key combination on your keyboard, copy the msconfig command into the appropriate line and click Ok.

Set the startup option to "Normal startup", click on the "Apply" button (must be active) and "Ok".

Restart your computer.

If these tips did not help you solve your problem, then describe it in detail in the comments. If there is a problem with your Wi-Fi connection, then see the article. And if you came to this page to find a solution to the problem of distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop, and the method described above did not help, then look at the solutions in the article.