How to remove grease from kitchen furniture using folk remedies. Traditional recipes for cleansing

The health of every person depends on how well his body can cope with harmful substances that enter the body. Hidden dangers threaten from all sides. Harmful substances are hidden in prescription and over-the-counter medications, nutritional supplements, polluted air, and processed foods, and it is almost impossible for the modern world to avoid them. Liver works as hard as she can to protect her human from the elements, and could use a little friendly help. But how to do this?

What is the liver and why is it so important?

Most of the harmful substances enter the human body through swallowing and inhalation. Others pass through the skin, and still others come from bacteria or are released by dying cells. Helps get rid of these harmful substances liver, the largest gland in the human body. It breaks down harmful substances and removes them from the blood before they can have a significant effect on the body. But liver Not only does it filter and purify the blood, it also metabolizes nutrients and medications to provide the body with some of the proteins most important to its functioning. That's why it's so important to maintain a healthy liver and do not subject it to excessive stress. But exactly liver taking the rap for a wild weekend. She works around the clock to process fatty foods, neutralize alcohol and compensate for the unsystematic use of medications. It is not surprising that she works hard.

Signs that your liver needs cleansing

If a person has one or more of the following symptoms, it means they are liver can no longer work at full capacity and needs purge e. And if there are five or more symptoms, you need to see a doctor, and the sooner the better.

Heartburn, belching, nausea, feeling of bitterness in the mouth

High blood pressure

Increased irritability, restlessness, anxiety, depression

Chronic fatigue

Slow metabolism, inability to lose weight

Too oily or too dry skin, acne, poor healing of wounds and scratches, bruising

Fortunately, liver and you can help make money again. If used for a moderate number of symptoms liver cleansing at home, you can feel better in just a couple of weeks.

Preparing for a liver cleanse at home

It is believed that cleaning liver is necessary at least once a year, and in case of “unscheduled” deterioration in work liver and even more often. However, this procedure is not easy - to liver cleansing you need to prepare properly.

Visiting a doctor. Although at first glance it seems that the procedure liver cleansing completely safe and harmless, it is not. Some of the recipes offered by traditional medicine cannot be used for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, diabetes, and the development of acute inflammatory diseases. It is also not recommended to carry out liver cleansing during treatment for infectious diseases (including colds). Therefore, before purge oh, you should contact official medicine and get your blood levels checked liver intravenous enzymes, do an ultrasound and undergo all examinations prescribed by the doctor.

If there are contraindications to purge No, you can safely start preparing.

Diet. All week before liver cleansing it is necessary to adhere to a special diet that helps restore function liver And. The first thing you need to do is remove the following foods from your diet: white bread, sugar, salt, spicy, fried and fatty foods. Alcohol should be completely eliminated and smoking should be stopped. What can you eat? Vegetable soups, white meat (poultry and fish), cereals, vegetables and fruits with low fatty acids (bananas). Instead of sugar with tea, you can use honey. Drink freshly squeezed juices, especially vegetable ones. When determining the list of permitted and prohibited foods, you can use diets called “table No. 5” or “table No. 7”; they are prescribed to those suffering from diseases liver and patients.

Of course, at first it will be difficult to get used to plentiful but bland food, but then the person will be rewarded with a feeling of unprecedented lightness throughout the body and a surge of vigor. This is a sign that the body is ready for what is to come liver cleansing.

Purgation. A couple of days before the start purge And liver and we should proceed to an equally important part - purge e intestines. Preferably before starting purge and drink a laxative and do a course of cleansing enemas. An enema is also given after finishing purge And liver and, in order to effectively and quickly remove those removed from liver and substances.

Ways to cleanse the liver at home

One of the most common problems of modern man is the stagnation of bile in the intrahepatic ducts, which can cause an increase in liver and in size and even diseases such as fatty hepatosis and liver fibrosis. Therefore, the main goal when cleansing the liver is to normalize the flow of bile so that harmful substances are eliminated from the body more quickly.

Folk remedies for cleansing the liver at home

Liver cleansing using medicinal herbs. In folk medicine for liver cleansing herbs that have a choleretic effect are used - these are burdock and dandelion roots and milk thistle seeds. Although there are many myths surrounding milk thistle, there are laboratory studies that show that milk thistle (also known as milk thistle) helps with liver health without any side effects. Animal experiments have shown that silymarin, an active substance found in milk thistle, protects the liver from damage. It is also known that milk thistle can reduce liver inflammation, and turmeric extract protects it from damage. However, the lack of clinical data prevents the prescription of these drugs in official medicine.

Milk thistle for purge and liver are consumed in two forms - seed oil and cake, or meal, remaining after extracting the oil. To cleanse the bile ducts of the liver, a person takes 2.5 tablespoons of milk thistle oil, lies on his right side and warms the left upper quadrant of the abdomen with a heating pad for a couple of hours.

To reduce the likelihood of bile stagnation, if desired, you can consume milk thistle meal and oil every day before meals.

Also on pharmacy shelves you can find choleretic infusions - ready-made mixtures of medicinal herbs that have choleretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. They can be used for liver diseases. As a rule, such collections include sandy immortelle, yarrow, peppermint, coriander, chamomile, marigold and tansy.

Liver cleansing using magnesia (magnesium sulfate). In addition to being a laxative, magnesia also has a choleretic effect. For purge and liver take magnesia powder, 1 tbsp. l. The drug is dissolved in half a glass of water and drunk on an empty stomach. Then the person lies on his right side and places a heating pad on the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. You need to lie down for at least an hour and a half (which can be difficult, since the laxative effect of magnesia is quite strong). This procedure - taking choleretic drugs while simultaneously warming the liver area - is widely used in official medicine and is called “tubage”.

Attention! In the presence of gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and inflammation of the pancreas, heating the liver is dangerous - you can provoke internal bleeding, which can even lead to death.

Liver cleansing using mineral water. The easiest way purge and liver - buy several bottles of mineral water, which has a choleretic effect. Since most mineral waters on the shelves are carbonated, this gas is used for purge and the liver must be released; To do this, unscrew the cap of the bottle and leave it standing for several hours until the gas completely evaporates. When the preliminary preparations are made, the actual purge A.

The person lies on his right side, applies a warm heating pad to the right upper quadrant of the abdomen and drinks a glass of mineral water heated to 40°. You need to drink at least three glasses with a break of half an hour.

Liver cleansing using oats. One of the favorite traditional medicines is liver cleansing using a decoction of whole oat grains. It is prepared as follows: a glass of oats is poured with a liter of hot water and infused for 10-12 hours in a warm place (you can place the pan with the broth in the oven, or you can use a thermos). To enhance the effect, you can add a teaspoon of crushed lingonberry leaves, birch buds or rose hips to the oats. Afterwards, the broth is filtered through a fine-mesh sieve or gauze and taken two or three times a day, half a glass before meals. A nice addition to purge Eating liver with oatmeal decoction will give you a beautiful complexion.

Liver cleansing olive oil and lemon juice. One of the most popular methods of cleansing the liver is, and perhaps the most unpleasant. For cleaning, take half a glass of extra virgin olive oil (or cheaper oil - flaxseed, sunflower or corn) and half a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice. A person lies on his right side, takes a heating pad and drinks one tablespoon of mass and one tablespoon of juice every 15-20 minutes. All liquid must be drunk within one and a half to two hours. After this, you need to go to the toilet, and if you don’t feel like it, you should use an enema.

Great doubts about the effectiveness of this method are raised by the claims of many traditional healers that the formations emerging from the intestines are gallstones. In fact, it is just a substance formed in the intestines from oleic acid under the influence of lemon juice. If desired, the same stones can be created independently about improvised means. Whether it’s worth it to grow strange formations in your intestines with your own hands is up to you to decide.

Liver cleansing using radish. The ancient Russian method of cleansing the liver has still not lost its effectiveness. For it, 10 kg of radish is taken, the vegetables are washed and, without removing the peel, they are scrolled through a meat grinder. The resulting pulp is squeezed out, the result should be about three liters of juice. Store the juice in the refrigerator and drink a tablespoon of juice each time before meals. Radish juice shows the best results in combination with the diet described in the preparation section.

Liver cleansing using beets. To cleanse the liver using this method, you should prepare a special liquid in advance - beet kvass. To do this, you need to take several large beets, cut them into cubes and place them in a three-liter bottle. Add a few tablespoons of flour, 500 g of sugar, close tightly and leave in a dark room for two days. Then you should add 700 g of raisins, 4 cups of sugar, half a glass of water to the bottle and leave to ferment for a week. The contents of the vessel must be stirred regularly, every day. The resulting liquid is taken half an hour before meals three times a day.

A full course of liver cleansing using beet kvass requires three liters of the drink. The method works great in combination with physical activity, especially running. If you have diabetes, it should not be used.

Is it worth taking dietary supplements when cleansing the liver at home?

In recent years, the market has been flooded with biologically active substances that supposedly can cleanse the liver and remove all “waste” and “toxins” from it. Often, supplement manufacturers claim that their product must be taken daily for the liver to function properly.

True, doubt is raised by the fact that during certification, manufacturers of dietary supplements are only required to prove the safety of their product for humans and whether the conditions of its production comply with sanitary standards. The question of the effectiveness of the drug itself is simply not raised. The composition of dietary supplements, the degree of their purity, the strength of the effect - all this is not controlled in any way. The instructions accompanying the dietary supplement usually indicate the method and dose of use, but say almost nothing about the active substance.

In the best cases, the study examined the main medicinal substance, but not the complex effect of all the substances contained in the dietary supplement. Sometimes it happens that they can even interfere with the absorption of each other by the human body.

Whether it is worth taking these very dietary supplements daily to maintain liver health, or whether to limit yourself to a one-time dose after excesses allowed the day before - the question remains open. And, most importantly, it is unknown how dietary supplements will affect an already diseased liver.

Prevention of liver diseases

Liver cleansing– not a panacea; it alone is not enough for liver health. To prevent the occurrence of liver diseases, the following preventive rules should also be followed.

Do not abuse alcohol, stop smoking. Both of these negatively affect liver cells and can even lead to liver diseases.

Try not to gain weight. To maintain a normal body (and the norm, according to nutritionists, is a body mass index of 18 to 25), you need to eat right, eat processed foods, fatty, fried and sweet foods in moderation, and also engage in physical exercise. Obesity carries an increased risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Avoid situations where you can become infected with viral hepatitis. This includes both drug use and unprotected sex with casual sexual partners. It is also undesirable to get tattoos in tattoo parlors, where there may be doubts about the quality of the ink.

Consider possible risk factors. If a person has had relatives in their family who suffered from liver disease, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations. Often, hereditary liver diseases wait for years, without causing any symptoms, before developing in full force.

Silver jewelry and cutlery are popular all over the world. They require special attention because over time their surface becomes black. There are many industrial and folk care products. How to choose the appropriate method and clean silver at home quickly and effectively?

Reasons for the appearance of black plaque on silverware and jewelry of different sizes

Silver often darkens. Why is this happening? The main reason for the appearance of black plaque is sulfur. When reacting with it, silver sulfide is formed, which causes the products to darken.

Blackening is similar to rust on iron. However, noble metal does not rust, it simply darkens due to the appearance of plaque.

In everyday life, silver can darken due to contact with cosmetics, mercury, alkali, and also from sweat. Products that are in direct contact with the neck oxidize most quickly: chains, crosses. When silver comes into contact with water, hydrogen sulfide is formed, another cause of plaque. Experts recommend removing jewelry from your body when doing chores or swimming, this will help avoid darkening.

The degree and speed of plaque formation depends on the composition. Pure silver is not suitable for jewelry; it is easily deformed. To increase hardness, copper is added to it.

  1. Alloys with a high copper content (800 and 830 fineness) have a yellowish tint and are usually used to make cutlery and coins. Such silver oxidizes more strongly than high-quality items, so cutlery requires systematic care.
  2. The highest quality material for making jewelry is considered to be 925 silver with a small amount of copper. This metal is used to make cutlery and jewelry.

Silverware must be periodically cleaned to remove black deposits and dirt.

Silver cutlery, unlike most tableware, cannot be washed in the dishwasher. The consequences of such care can be sad. Products become stained, may completely lose their beauty, and become unusable.

Silver items should not touch rubber, as it contains sulfur. Upon contact, the metal quickly turns black and takes on an unsightly appearance.

High-quality cleaning of silver using ultrasonic devices, napkins and traditional methods

In order to get rid of plaque, silver items can be taken to a jewelry workshop or cleaned yourself.

How to clean tarnished and matte silver in a jewelry workshop

  1. Jewelers carry out professional cleaning using ultrasound; it cleans plaque and completely removes dirt. The effectiveness of this procedure is several times higher compared to conventional means.
  2. In addition to ultrasound, professionals often use a steam generator. It is suitable for removing grease, hydrogen sulfide deposits, and polishing paste residues. Using a steam generator, all organic and inorganic contaminants are removed where ultrasonic baths do not guarantee complete cleaning.
  3. The final stage is polishing with special napkins. They are impregnated with finely dispersed active substances, perfectly remove plaque, and add shine to silver.

A special cloth impregnated with active substances cleans silver and gives it shine.

Correct means for removing blackness from silver at home: acid, potato broth, Coca-Cola, soda, ammonia, foil

  1. Acids. Silver is a noble metal and has low reactivity, but nitric or hot sulfuric acids can dissolve it. You can clean the product by immersing it in warm 6% vinegar.
  2. Citric acid. There is a known method of heating silver for 20 minutes in an aqueous solution of citric acid (2 tablespoons per glass of water). However, exposure to acids can damage the stones in jewelry.
  3. Ammonia. Soak your jewelry in it for a few minutes, then wipe dry. The product is quite aggressive and is not suitable for products with stones. In addition, ammonia has a pungent odor.
  4. Laundry soap. It is suitable for gently cleaning jewelry with stones.
  5. Toothpaste. It removes tarnish on silver well, but it is rarely recommended to clean items with the paste, as microcracks may appear.
  6. Lipstick. It does not leave scratches, although it contains microscopic abrasive particles. Lipstick should be applied to the fabric, rub the product, and then wash it with soapy water.
  7. GOI paste. This is a special polish designed for cleaning different surfaces. Its use requires special care; if used incorrectly, scratches may remain on the jewelry.
  8. Cleaning with a solution in an ultrasonic bath. There are ultrasonic baths on sale that are used at home, but it is better not to clean products with stones in them.
  9. Potato broth. A good, proven product for whitening jewelry without stones.

How to easily clean dark spots and add shine to silver items: lipstick, ammonia, GOI paste, salt, ultrasonic bath - gallery

Lipstick quickly removes blackening from silver A weak vinegar solution is a home remedy for cleaning silver jewelry. Citric acid cleans the surface of silver items without stones Baking soda paste removes stubborn stains on silver Toothpaste is a time-tested product for cleaning silver items. GOI paste is a special product for cleaning and polishing surfaces A solution of laundry soap gently cleans silver items Ammonia is an effective but aggressive agent; it is used only to remove stubborn dirt. Ultrasonic bath for home use perfectly cleans silver

According to reviews, professional cleaning products (Silver Cleaner, etc.) are considered the best. They not only do not damage silver items, but also create a protective film.

Recipes for solutions and mixtures for whitening oxidized silver spoons, blackened chains, earrings, crosses and other jewelry

Required Ingredients How to prepare and use Restrictions on use
Ammonia + toothpaste
  1. Apply the paste to the product and clean with a soft brush.
  2. Wash the jewelry with warm water.
  3. Immerse in 10% ammonia for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse under running clean water.
The recipe is not suitable for silver jewelry with stones.
Citric acid + ammonia
  1. Take 9 parts of ammonia and 1 part of citric acid.
  2. Dissolve in a small amount of water.
  3. Place the silver in the solution for 15–20 minutes.
  4. Rinse in water.
Cannot be used for products with stones.
Raw potatoes + water
  1. Grate the potatoes and add water.
  2. Place the jewelry in the solution for 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse with water.
Suitable for all types of silver products, including those with stones.
Toothpaste + baking soda + ammonia
  1. Mix the components in equal proportions.
  2. Apply to the product and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Thoroughly rinse off any remaining product with warm water.
The composition is recommended for cleaning silverware.
Foil + baking soda + boiling water
  1. Cover the bottom of the pan with a piece of aluminum foil.
  2. Place a silver item inside.
  3. Fill the container with a hot soda solution (1 tbsp per 0.5 liter of water).
  4. Wait 20 minutes, the black coating will completely disappear.
  5. Rinse off any remaining product with water.
The recipe is effective, but is not suitable for blackened silver and jewelry with stones.
  1. Pour soda into the container with the decorations.
  2. Keep on low heat for 5 minutes.
  3. Rinse off any remaining cola with water.
The product is not suitable for products with stones.

Which method is better: professional cleaning or a home recipe? It is necessary to look at the degree of contamination and composition of the alloy. The decision whether to have a product cleaned or not depends only on the desire of the owner, but it will be useful to consult with professionals before starting the procedure.

How to remove plaque from silver and gold items using vinegar

Often jewelry is made from both metals at once. Silver items with gold inserts are usually made from 925 sterling silver and gold. Their combination gives the jewelry extraordinary grace.

Owners often have a question: is it possible to clean silver and gold together? Methods for removing contaminants from these metals vary, but if necessary, you can clean them at the same time. To do this, soak the items in vinegar for several hours and then wash with a mild detergent.

We add shine to yellowed silver jewelry, jewelry with cubic zirconia, pearls and silver-plated items

Modern silver jewelry is not inferior in beauty to jewelry made from precious metals. However, over time, just like silver, it ceases to shine and becomes dark and matte. Is it possible to cope with this problem at home?

  • If the jewelry is made of metal without coating, then it is cleaned with tooth powder. You can use baking soda with a small amount of water for bleaching;
  • Silver-plated jewelry should not be rubbed too hard during cleaning. It is better to use a soap solution to which a little ammonia has been added;
  • black deposits on jewelry with cubic zirconia or pearls can also be easily removed with a soap solution. After treatment, the jewelry becomes shiny and clean again.

How to remove dirt and oxidation from blackened silver: using delicate products

Blackening is a complex process and is done in a variety of ways that have been known for hundreds of years. Real blackened silver is valued more than other types of processing of this metal. Products made from it have a noble dark shade.

Blackened silver jewelry should be regularly cleaned of dirt and dust. However, they should not be boiled, abrasives or aggressive chemical solutions (for example, ammonia) should be used. You can gently rub some areas with an eraser.

It is best to wash blackened jewelry with delicate products: water from boiling potatoes or a solution of soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water).

Effective ways to clean rhodium-plated silver earrings, rings and bracelets

Currently, new methods of making jewelry are being used. There is a way to coat silver with a thin layer of rhodium metal. This gives the jewelry a shine and brightness that is superior to sterling silver. Resistance to corrosion and scratches increases, because rhodium has high strength. The coating does not react with acids, sulfur, and is not afraid of aggressive environments.

Rhodium plating is a thin protective layer. Such products must be cleaned with extreme caution, never using caustic powders or other abrasives.

The best option for caring for rhodium-plated silver is professional cleaning in a jewelry workshop.

What composition copes with the blackening of gold-plated silver plated

Electroplating gives silver jewelry an elegant look and protects it from tarnishing. A layer of gold is deposited on the surface of the product from a solution of its salt. For silver earrings, brooches, rings, the coating is approximately 1 micron.

Gold-plated silver is cleaned carefully, without using powders or aggressive solutions.

To clean such products, use only non-abrasive products: special wipes, professional sprays to remove plaque. They do not destroy the gilding, returning the jewelry to its original appearance.

Quickly clean silverware with enamel using toothpaste and ammonia

Decorative enamel coating is very sensitive to acids and alkalis. Any detergents are completely unacceptable for cleaning enamel jewelry.

  • jewelry can be washed in cold water with a small amount of ammonia;
  • The enamel can be cleaned with tooth powder using a soft brush, then wiped with a napkin.

How to remove iodine stains and restore shine to jewelry that has become dull after cleaning

It happens that spilled iodine or other liquids turn the jewelry yellow-brown. To remove stains, place the silver item in a soapy solution with ammonia, and then rinse with water.

If the product has become dull after cleaning.

  1. Take a sheet of foil, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda, 1 tbsp. l. salt, 0.5 liters of hot water.
  2. Place foil at the bottom of the container, add salt, baking soda and fill with hot water.
  3. Place the silver in this container for a few minutes, the plaque will disappear.

Good ways to clean old silver, jewelry with inserts and tarnished silverware - video

Known methods for cleaning silver items must be used carefully so as not to damage the jewelry. Then jewelry and cutlery will delight you with their beauty for many years.

How to clean it at home

How and with what to clean suede?

Let's start with the basics. Natural suede is leather with special finishing. The outer layer is the inner layer, which contains natural collagen. This allows the material to be cleaned quite easily. Suede is absolutely not afraid of water. After getting wet, it dries and restores its previous shape. But there is one caveat. Many unscrupulous manufacturers, when cutting a product, make smaller parts and then, by steaming, give them the required shape. This is a pressing of suede. Such things can shrink to their original size after getting wet. Therefore, suede should be dried flat.

So, we clean gold at home, then you will learn how to clean products made of yellow and red metal. There are also some guidelines for cleaning white gold jewelry.

Ammonia, water and washing powder

Buy ammonia at the pharmacy and combine it with washing powder or dish detergent. To prepare the solution, take the components in the following proportions:

  1. a glass of water;
  2. a teaspoon of ammonia;
  3. tablespoon of your chosen detergent.

Now let’s start figuring out how to clean gold with ammonia. First you need to boil water, then pour it into a deep bowl. Pour detergent into it and pour ammonia. Mix the mixture well, the powder should dissolve well in the water. Then we place the items in this mixture, let them lie there for two hours, then wash the item under running water, then wipe it dry with a soft cloth.

Dish detergent

So, first of all, let's go through the safest methods, and we will start from the upholstery material. Below we will look at a list of the most common types of furniture upholstery. As a rule, furniture stores offer either fabric or leather (usually leatherette, of course).

Cleaning gold items with stones

If your gold jewelry is decorated with precious stones, then cleaning should be done very carefully. Especially with stones such as malachite, amber, pearls, turquoise, opal and moonstone, which do not tolerate high humidity. Rings and rings with stones can be cleaned using an ear stick, which should be dipped in cologne and gently clean the stone from below and above. It is not recommended to clean the ring setting with sharp objects, as this can damage it and scratch the stone.

Cleaning gold with stones can also be done with alcohol if you need to remove old greasy stains from them. It should be remembered that if the stones are glued, then under no circumstances should they be immersed in water. After applying the alcohol solution, it is enough to simply wipe them with a cloth soaked in water and dry them.

How to properly clean an iron?

After soaking, rinse the product in running water, dry and rub with a soft cloth, or even better, suede. Instead of soaking, you can wipe the silver with cotton swabs soaked in alcohol or cologne, or with a cloth on which a little lipstick has been applied. Such items need to be cleaned regularly, because old dirt will be very difficult to clean from them.

How to clean 925 sterling silver

Such products should only be cleaned with special products or in a workshop. Any solutions, and especially abrasive substances, can cause irreparable harm to these valuable things.

How to clean silver alloys

Cutlery, figurines and other household items are often made from an alloy of silver with nickel and copper, or with the addition of zinc or iron. Such alloys are called cupronickel or nickel silver. To clean, they are placed in a zinc container filled with salted water for 3-4 hours.

How to clean rhodium plated silver items

Sometimes jewelry is plated with rhodium. It is quite chemically resistant, but wears off over time. Do not use any abrasive materials or brushes to clean such products, only a soft cloth.

Vinegar and acetone are contraindicated for cleaning faux fur at home.

Is it possible to wash fur?

Natural fur should never be washed! It will lose its appearance, fade, and the base will become brittle. In addition, shrinkage of the fur product will inevitably occur.

With faux fur everything is much simpler. Faux fur is a knitted fabric with a pile, so items made from such fur can be washed in a washing machine at low temperatures on a delicate cycle. But only if the knitted base is synthetic; for a cotton base, washing is unacceptable. After spinning, the product must be dried on a flat surface, unfolded. When the fur becomes slightly damp, the pile needs to be combed, otherwise after drying it will turn into icicles.

Prepare a solution of hot water and soda. Place foil on the bottom of the container and place decorations for cleaning. Pour in the prepared solution of water and soda and leave for 8 hours (overnight). Rinse well in clean water.

Gold cleaner N 7 (soda+water+detergent)

The baking soda-foil cleaning option replaces detergent, and the process itself takes little time (up to half an hour).


1 glass of water

1-1.5 tbsp baking soda

1/2 tsp dishwashing liquid

How to clean:

  • Your favorite gold jewelry will stay clean and shiny longer if you take note of a few simple tips:
  • Before you begin household chores, such as washing dishes, cooking or general cleaning, remove your gold rings and bracelets.
  • Remove gold jewelry before taking a bath or shower, or before going to the gym.
  • Some ingredients in topical medications and cosmetics can negatively affect the appearance of your favorite rings, earrings or bracelets. Therefore, before medical or cosmetic procedures, also remove jewelry. An alcohol solution of iodine can leave dark spots on the surface of a precious metal. To remove stains, soak the jewelry in a hyposulfite solution for 30 minutes and then rinse with water.
  • Do not store jewelry in cardboard boxes or boxes, as cardboard may contain sulfur, which has oxidizing properties.

Knowing how to clean gold at home will make it easy to update the look of your favorite gold jewelry any time.

Any one accumulates a large amount of garbage as it works. This includes tmp directory files, registry entries created by programs but not used, logs, logs. All this helps reduce the speed of the computer. This article will provide information on how to speed up application response times and make working with the OS more comfortable.

If you do not perform these actions regularly, the speed of opening context menus, folders, and launching programs will slow down. The free space on your hard drive will decrease all the time, which will lead to freezes or even the inability to load the operating system.

Windows built-in tools

The story about programs that can clean your computer should start with the built-in utility. It works less efficiently than third-party products. It is worth paying attention to for users who rarely work on a computer, as well as those who do not have the rights or ability to install software. The utility is included by default with all modern versions of Windows. To run it on any OS, just enter the line “cleanmgr” in the input field of the “Run” window. Now all that remains is to click on “OK”. The main utility window will appear on the display. It needs to indicate which partition the program will continue to work with.

HDD analysis will continue for several minutes. Its speed is affected by the size of the hard drive, the percentage of defragmentation, and the time that has passed since the last time a similar operation was launched. When the scan is finished, the utility will provide a superficial report and prompt you to select groups of files to delete. Next to each item there is a checkbox, and opposite it is written the number of megabytes of information occupied.

To check the boxes next to the names of all groups. Click "OK" and confirm your intention. To remove more unnecessary information from HDD partitions, in the main window of the utility you need to click on the “Clean up system files” button. Using the approach described above, you will have to spend no more than 10 minutes to complete all the steps. As mentioned earlier, standard Windows tools are ineffective, which means that during the scan the utility did not find all the garbage.

Third Party Products

One of the most popular programs for optimizing PC performance is CCleaner. Many users prefer it, as you can use this tool literally in a couple of clicks. The application interface is as simple and clear as possible, so even an inexperienced user will not need to study the reference manual.


CCleaner is an absolutely free product, so you should download it only from the official resource. In addition to the opportunity to get the latest version of the utility, you will know for sure that you will not infect your PC with a virus. The program requires installation before cleaning the computer. After launching the installer, Windows will warn the user about the danger of executable files downloaded from the world wide web. Do the following:

  1. Select "Yes".
  2. A window will appear on the display. In it you need to select the language that is preferable to use in the interface.
  3. After clicking on “Next”, the user will be able to make preliminary settings. All parameters will be clear to any user who has at least once installed programs in Windows.
  4. Now all that remains is to click on “Install” and wait for the process to complete. Installation is quick. It will take one or two minutes.

How to clean up your computer: deleting temporary documents

In the main window of the program there is the inscription “Cleaning”. After clicking on it, the utility will perform an analysis, the function of which is similar to that organized in the built-in tool. The columns on the left indicate the names of groups of files that will subsequently be deleted. Some of them are checked by default. Check the boxes next to unnecessary files. Click on "Analysis" and wait while the application collects data. The completion time of a function is affected by the amount of garbage on the system.

After scanning, a window with a detailed report will appear on the screen. In it you can view the location of all documents being deleted and the amount of data being freed. To clean your computer, click on the appropriate button. Files important for the operation of the operating system will not be deleted. However, if you don't want to get rid of your browser history or Windows error logs, it's worth examining the report first and carefully reviewing the names of the groups that are flagged.

System registry

In general, the speed of a computer depends little on the garbage in the registry. However, disorder in it negatively affects the stability of specific programs. Partitions and records should be cleaned when utilities that were functioning normally suddenly began to fail. If it is impossible to install new applications due to errors during the installation process, it makes sense to optimize the registry:

  • Click on the icon labeled “Registry” in the left block of the program.
  • Without unchecking the boxes, click on “Search”.
  • The utility will begin scanning, which will last several minutes.
  • After it is completed, click on "Fix".
  • CCleaner will offer to create a backup copy of the data, which it will later erase.
  • After selection, a window will appear on the display with detailed information about the partitions and keys to be deleted. There is a “Fix” button in it, which you should click on.


The "Tools" section of the CCleaner utility provides the user with several tools for manipulating operating system settings, installed applications, and hard drive partitions. The main features of this section that are worth paying attention to are programs and management of startup entries.

It includes those applications that run either with Windows or after the user logs in. Startup should be cleared of unnecessary or rarely used programs. It is unlikely that you will be able to speed up your computer using this method, but the OS loading time will be noticeably reduced. The application uninstallation function is completely similar to the standard Windows tool. The advantages of CCleaner are greater visibility and quick access to functionality.

Revo Uninstaller

Revo Uninstaller differs from most programs aimed at removing garbage from a computer's HDD. While most utilities erase already accumulated data, Revo Uninstaller combats one of the reasons for PC clutter - improper software removal. During its operation, the application monitors the activity of programs, remembers which files were created after each specific one, and what data was written to the registry and changed in it.

By removing a program using Revo Uninstaller, the user can be 100% sure that there is no debris associated with it left on the computer. Utilities installed before being equipped with the application in question are also uninstalled without leaving any tails. This is possible thanks to the built-in complex analysis system. The user just needs to click on the “Uninstall” item, and after scanning, check all the inscriptions. Anyone who likes to fully control the operation of programs will be able to study the detailed report. It records all paths to files and registry settings that will be deleted.


Remember: cleaning your computer once is not enough. Windows of any version requires regular service. The more programs are installed in the operating system, the more often work is done on the PC, the less frequent maintenance should be.

Effective Cleansing Methods

The first way to get rid of waste and toxins is fasting. With food, a huge amount of harmful substances enter the human body, which interfere with the functioning of internal organs. Proper fasting allows you to remove excess toxins without much harm. For this reason, the diet should not reach the point of fanaticism, since the body cannot be put at risk. It is enough to withstand 1-2 days or regularly spend fasting days on vegetables, fruits or kefir. During fasting, the microflora is restored, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and joints.

To improve the result, it is recommended to supplement fasting with physical exercise, which speeds up the process of removing waste and toxins.

Cleansing with activated carbon is a fairly common method for home use. The secret is that coal acts as a filter, absorbing all harmful substances. After this, it leaves the body, cleansing it of accumulated “dirt.” How to take coal? The course lasts 2 weeks. The number of tablets is calculated according to a simple scheme: 1 per 10 kg of person’s weight. Take this amount of activated carbon twice a day, always with water for absorption by the body.

Remember that you should not get carried away with cleansing enemas, as this leads to disruption of the natural microflora and the appearance of. With frequent use, the intestinal muscles stop working independently. It is better to replace the enema with a herbal decoction with a laxative effect.

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Tip 2: How to cleanse the female body of waste and toxins

Women's condition body depends on the action of external factors - environmental conditions, quality of water and products, the presence of stress and the degree of their intensity, etc. Removal toxins will help get rid of excess weight, skin problems, and normalize the functioning of internal organs.


Be sure to prepare for cleansing. The day before the cleanup begins body you need to limit your diet, give yourself a fasting day or give up dinner. Regardless of the choice of cleansing method, it is necessary - you can go to the bathhouse or visit the sauna.

Choose gentle cleansing methods. Radical cleansing techniques can cause hormonal imbalance, which body undesirable. Therefore, choose gentle and long-lasting methods aimed at gradual cleansing - buckwheat, fasting days, taking laxative infusions, etc.

Be sure to adjust your diet. This is important in terms of ensuring a smooth entry and exit from the detox program - you want to maintain a clean state for as long as possible. Therefore, gradually give up fatty and sweet foods, increase the share of vegetables and fruits, clean water and green tea, get rid of canned and smoked foods.

Drink cleansing teas. This is one of the main cleaning methods body– prepare the mixtures yourself or purchase ready-made formulations. The range of herbal infusions is wide - they remove salts and excess fluid, normalize and speed up digestion, cleanse the intestines and remove toxins.

Increase your consumption of clean water. To allow waste to come out body faster and more actively, it is necessary to provide suitable conditions - increasing daily water consumption will help get rid of waste substances. If you add lemon juice to water, you get a wonderful tonic drink for the blood, intestines and stomach.

Take baths for. Choose the one that is easier for you to properly prepare - it could be herbal extracts, milk, salt and soda, turpentine emulsions, mustard, etc. Follow the conditions for performing baths, and you will notice how clean your skin has become, and losing a few kilograms will be an additional reward.

Video on the topic

Violation of water-salt metabolism in body leads to deposition salts in different organs. Deposition salts causes various diseases. In the joints - osteochondrosis, gout, in the kidneys - nephrolithiasis, in the gall bladder and ducts - cholelithiasis, in the vessels - atherosclerosis, and so on. Herbal infusions come to the rescue, helping to effectively cleanse the body of salts.

You will need

  • - blackberry shoots;
  • - flax seeds;
  • - milk;
  • - carrot seeds;
  • - watermelon seeds;
  • - dill seed;
  • - valerian root;
  • - honey


To cleanse from salts take blackberry shoots, without leaves, in an amount of about two meters per 0.5 liter of vodka. Cut the shoots into centimeter pieces, put them in a 0.6 liter jar and fill them with vodka. Set to 3 to infuse in a cool, dark place. Take a tablespoon of tincture three times a day half an hour before meals. Course - until the tincture runs out.

The following helps clear the bubble from sand. Take a glass of flaxseed crushed in a mill, pour 750 ml of fresh cow's milk into it and simmer this mixture over low heat in the oven to one glass. Strain while hot. Drink one glass on an empty stomach for 5 days. Repeat after 10 days. During treatment, exclude spicy, salty, fried and smoked foods.

To remove salts Prepare a decoction of carrot seeds from it. Take 3 tablespoons of carrot seeds, pour 750 ml of boiling water in a thermos and leave for 6-8 hours. Then strain and drink a glass in three doses.

An effective means of elimination salts Not only watermelon juice, but also an infusion of watermelon seeds is considered from the buds. Grind the watermelon seeds to a powder. Brew 2 tablespoons of powder in a thermos with half a liter of boiling water and leave overnight. Drink in one sitting on an empty stomach in the morning. The course of treatment is two weeks.

To dissolve salts prepare the following in the vessels. Take a glass of dill seed, add 2 tablespoons of crushed valerian root and 2 glasses of honey. Stir everything and put it in a thermos, then add so that the volume of the composition is 2 liters. Leave for 24 hours, then pour into a jar and refrigerate. Drink a tablespoon 30 minutes before each meal. The course of treatment is until the medicine runs out.

Video on the topic

Please note

You should know that cleansing from salts should be carried out very carefully, since this process is often accompanied by pain.

Useful advice

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  • how to cleanse the body with salt deposits in 2019

Sometimes parents don’t understand why their child gets sick so often? Constant problems with the gastrointestinal tract, frequent colds, dysbiosis reduce immunity, and the child easily picks up viral infections. To increase resistance to disease, help him cleanse his organism.


To clear organism baby from toxins, you must consult your doctor. Follow the advice you receive strictly. Remember this will be long lasting. Even if your baby looks completely healthy, you should not interrupt the procedure without first consulting a doctor.

For children starting from age 10, you can use beet puree. Take a small one, 5 g of butter, 70 g of the usual baby milk and a quarter of a small lemon. Rinse the beets thoroughly in running water and boil. Once cool, peel the beets. Take a piece weighing approximately 100 g and rub through a very fine sieve. Season the prepared puree with butter and lemon juice to taste. For children over 1 year of age, add a spoonful of yogurt with biocultures to the beet puree. For younger children, it is better not to use beets, as they have too active an effect on the intestines and are good for preventing constipation.

Take small soft apples, preferably sweet varieties. Wash them well and cut out the core. Place thoroughly washed and dried raisins into the resulting holes. Place the apples on a baking sheet and bake at about 100 degrees. Cooking time will be approximately 20 minutes. For kids, make puree from baked apples.

Symptoms, expressed in the form of skin rashes, brittle hair, a constant feeling of fatigue, in addition, extra pounds, irritability, are all signs of slagging in the body.