How to put page numbers without a title page. How to Number Pages in Word

To correctly prepare a document in word processor, you need not only to know the basics visual design text, but also know how to number pages in Word.

Thanks to this, you can create a file division into sections and subsections, create a table of contents and a title page.

Using headers and footers

  • lower;
  • upper.

The footer usually contains text footnotes and short explanations that may appear along the text.

You can place the sheet number in both the header and footer.

Double-click the top or bottom margin of the document to add information to the footer of any page ( word version 2013).

To correctly enter the number in the headers and footers, select one of them. Then in the designer tab that opens, select “Page number”.

Select the number position and desired style as shown in the picture.

In the same way, you can add headings, the date and time the file was created, information about the author, and other types of data to the footers.

Manually numbering only the first page

Sometimes users need to number only the very first sheet of a document.

To number only the first one in Word, follow the instructions:

  • Move the manipulator cursor to the end of the last line. Then select the “Insert” menu item and tear the page into two invisible sections. This way you can enter numbers separately for each section.
    Only the first page will serve as the first section;

  • After the break in the frame, select the desired header and footer and add a number as shown in the image above.

Display numbering only on the first page

In the same way, you can add a number for one sheet in all more earlier versions Word programs.

Numbering from a specific page

Most often, users need to add document numbering from a specific sheet: from the second, third, and so on.

All methods are similar in versions of Word 2003, 2007, 2010.

Advice! In Word it is also possible to make the written number differ from the real one. In this way, you can put numbers on all pages except the first few, which are intended for the title, annotation, introduction and content.

To number the sheets of a document from a specific sheet to the end of the file, follow following instructions:

  • Get started with headers and footers. To do this, click on one of them anywhere in the text. Open the drop-down list, which is designed to work with numbers, as shown in the figure below and open the window for formatting numbers;

Setting the number format in Word

  • Using this window, you can set some formatting for the document, namely: put appearance numbers (Arabic or Roman numerals, other symbols), include chapter numbers ( this function necessary to create content).
    You can also configure numbering from a specific sheet. In this case, the first one will be assigned from the page specified by the user. In the "start with" field, enter the sheet you want.

Formatting sheet numbers (from page 3)

In the same way, you can number starting from 3, 4, 2, 5 pages and so on.

Automatic numbering

Automatic numbering can be configured not only for pages, but also for pictures, rows in a table, and other text elements.

Using this type of notation will greatly facilitate the work during the creation of the entire work.

Also, by setting up numbering automatically, you can protect yourself from the appearance in the document of numberings that are not related to each other, the so-called floating numbers.

Let's consider the option when automatic numbering needs to be configured for document objects. In this case, you need to create a special style.

Styles of Word files are saved and allow you to work with new files according to the same principle.

To create a style automatically, follow the instructions below:

  • Go to the main tab of the program and in the field with styles, open the drop-down list, as shown in the figure. Click on “create style”;

  • Then click on the “Format” key and select the numbering tab;

  • Set up the type of numbering.

Settings automatic display numbering of all objects

The style creation panel has a convenient user interface, this way you can configure the display of the page number without title page(all except the first one).

From the lesson " How to number pages in Word 2007» you can learn about page numbering methods in a worldwide popular office text editing program - Microsoft Word. In this tutorial we will use the 2007 version of this program.

Our task: Learn how to number pages and automatically number all pages in a document.

What do we need: only Microsoft Word 2007, which is usually installed along with other office programs Microsoft. Program developer website - Microsoft Word

Let's say we have a ready-made Microsoft Word document and we need to number all the pages in it. Let's say this file is in the folder:

Fig 1. Microsoft file Word in a folder

Perhaps your file will not have “.docx” in the name, but only the file name, for example “document”. This is the same thing, depending on the settings on the computer (whether file extensions are shown or not, this function can be turned on or off).

Open the file we have double click left mouse button on the file icon. After a while our file will open and we will see the contents:

Fig 2. Contents of the document.docx file

Yes, maybe it will be a different work :)

Figure 3. "Insert" tab

In this tab, find the “Header and Footer” block and left-click on the item “ Page number ", after which the menu will appear:

Fig 4. Managing page numbers

Next, we will be asked to choose where we want to place the page numbers and how they should be numbered. Positioning options are available to choose from: at the top of the page, at the bottom of the page, and in the page margins. Most often in documents the page number is indicated at the bottom of the page, in the center.

On at this stage You don’t even need to mentally imagine where it is and what it will look like, all positions show visually what it will look like in reality. To see an example page number locations just hover your mouse over the required positioning element, let's say we want to place page numbers at the bottom and in the center:

Fig 5. Pagination menu

We point to " Bottom of the page" and select in the center. After selecting the position of the page numbers (clicking the left mouse button on the type of positioning), the program will automatically switch to the so-called “ Constructor" and the cursor will automatically be positioned on the page number:

Fig 6. "Design" tab

We don’t change anything here, but just click on the “ Close the header and footer window»:

Fig 7. Button to close design mode

Now, as we see, having looked through our document, all pages are numbered in Arabic numerals from 1 to the number of sheets in the document. But what should we do if we are not satisfied that the page numbering in Word will be in Arabic numerals? This means we need to change the format of the page numbers. To do this, find the tab “ Insert" and click on it with the left mouse button. In this tab we find the item “Page number” and in the pop-up menu click on the item “ Page number format...»:

Fig 8. Tab with number formatting

After clicking, the “ Page number format»:

Now our document has page numbering and this numbering is in Roman numerals. If you change your mind and decide to number the pages in a different format, then you need to do these simple steps again.

In further lessons we will learn how to remove page numbers both completely and partially from the first page.

In the process of writing an essay, diploma or book, we all use the text editor for Microsoft Word documents. Proper formatting should generally include page numbering in the document. Many people have difficulties and do not know how to number pages in Word, although it is quite simple to do.

This article describes in detail how to number pages in Word, choose the numbering location, format, and also exclude numbering of any document page.

Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

In all versions older than Word 2003, numbering is the same. The screenshots below are presented at Word example 2017, but they will also work for older versions.

To add numbering to open document go to the “Insert” tab. In the “Header and Footer” section, click “Page Number” and select a numbering position. In the screenshot below, I have chosen the footer location with centered placement.

After this action, numbering will appear at the end of each page, as well as displaying the top and footer. To close the display of headers and footers, click the “Close Header and Footers Window” button.

If desired, you can change the numbering format, for example, by making the numbers not Arabic, but Roman. To do this, again go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Page Numbers” item open “Page Number Format”.

Here you can choose the appearance, as well as which number the numbering will begin with. Why this may be required you will find out in the next paragraph.

Removing numbering from the title page

In the majority educational institutions One of the requirements for document formatting is the absence of numbering on the title (first) page. If you simply enable page numbering, as shown above, then the numbering will be on the first sheet. To start numbering from the first page, but not display it on the title page, do the following.

Go to the “Layout” tab and click on the “Page Setup” link, as shown in the picture below.

Go to the “Paper Sources” tab and check the “Distinguish between first page headers and footers” checkbox. After that, click OK.

Now numbering is carried out as before, but its number is not displayed on the first page, in our case number 1.

When you want the numbering not to be displayed on the first page (title page), but on the second so that it starts with the number 1, you need to set the numbering from 0 in the menu “Insert” - “Page Number” - “Page Number Format”. the first page will start with number 0 without display, and the second page will start with number 1, the third page with number 2 and so on.

Numbering from the third page

Let's complicate the task a little. We need the numbering to be present, but not displayed on the first and second pages. After all, the first page is usually the title page, the second can be a table of contents, where numbering is also not required.

To number from the third page you will need to do an operation called “Page Break”. To begin, return all numbering settings to default if you have hidden the display of numbering on the cover page. Let's assume that on at the moment you have numbering enabled from the first page and the number 1 is displayed on the title page, the number 2 on the second page and so on.

For convenience, turn on the display of all characters in Word. To do this, on the “Home” tab, click on the “Display all signs” button.

Now that you have all the characters displayed in your documents, including spaces and empty lines, left-click on the last character on the first page of the document. Then on the “Layout” tab, click “Breaks” - “Next Page”.

Do the same steps with the second page of the document. If you did everything correctly, then the enabled display of all characters function will show you break lines at the end of the first and second pages. In the picture below they are shown with red arrows.

Now the third page is numbered 1. If you want it to be numbered 3, then in the menu “Insert” - “Page Number” - “Page Number Format” set the value to “Start from 3”.

There is only one problem left, on the first two pages we have page numbers displayed. To remove them, select the first page, go to the “Layout” tab - “Page Options”. Next, in the “Paper Source” tab, check the box next to “Distinguish between first page headers and footers.”

Do the same steps on next page your document.

Thus, we were able to make sure that the numbering on the first two pages was not displayed and started from the third, and from the number we wanted.

By the way, this method with a break, allows you to start numbering not only from the third page, but from absolutely any one.

To remove numbering, double-click on any page number and press the DEL key. All numbers will be removed from the document.

Page numbering in Word 2003

There are still quite a few people who use the outdated Word 2003. In it, page numbering is done in a slightly different order than for newer versions of the program.

IN open file Word 2003 click in top menu“Insert” - “Page numbers”.

Set the position of the numbers (for example, at the bottom of the page) and alignment (for example, to the right). By unchecking the “Number on the first page” item, you can disable numbering on the title page of the document.

Click on the "Format" button. Specify the numbering format (for example, Roman numerals), and also specify which digit to start page numbering with.

After making changes, click OK and all pages will become numbered.

To number from the third or any other page in Word 2003, first turn on the display of all characters. After that, move the cursor to the last character on the first page and click on horizontal menu“Insert” - “Page Break”. Do the same on the second one. From now on, numbering will start from the third page.

Sometimes when editing a Word document you need to start numbering on page 3. This is used mainly for coursework, practical, theses and abstracts, the requirements for which state that the title page and contents should not be numbered. So, how to start numbering from page 3 in Word?

The first thing you need to do is add numbering to all pages of the document.

Note! You can also change the font, size, and other numbering options. Go to the “Home” tab, select the number and set the necessary properties.

Setting up numbering from page 2

If you need to remove a number from the first sheet, double-click in the header area where the numbering is located. With this action you activate the mode of working with headers and footers.

Ready! Numbering in the document now starts from the second page.

Numbering from page 3: step-by-step instructions

To do continuous numbering pages in Word, first of all you need to divide the document into two parts. The first part will have page numbers, and the second will not.

  1. Place your mouse cursor at the end of the second page, then go to the "Page Layout" section, then select "Breaks" and "Next Page".

  2. If you did everything correctly, the document is divided into two sections. The first is pages 1 and 2, the second is starting from page 3. To unlink the previous section, double-click in the footer area.

  3. Go to the required section using the “Next Section” button in the “Transitions” tab. Next, select “Same as previous section” to disable the connection.

  4. You should be in the second section. Select the “Header and Footers” panel, then “Page Number” and “Page Number Format”.

  5. In the “Page Numbering” section, in the “Page Number Format” box, select the “Start With” tab and enter the number 3. Click on the “OK” button.

Note! You can change page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016. The sequence of actions for all these versions is similar.

Ready! You have set up numbering from page 3 and can now print the document. If you want to start numbering from any other page, you need to follow exactly the same procedure, but place the break at the end of the page that does not need to be numbered.

Video - How to make page numbering in Word from page 3


The Microsoft Word text editor provides its users with maximum possibilities. IN this editor You can type texts, select the most suitable fonts and sizes for its design. Separate options allow you to create frames, highlight text, add images to the document, change styles, select and much more. For large documents It is possible to number pages. This process quite simple and will be accessible even to a beginner who is just learning Microsoft basics Word.

The Microsoft Word text editor provides its users with maximum possibilities. In this editor you can type texts and select the most suitable fonts and sizes for its design. Separate options allow you to create frames for text, highlight text, add images to a document, change styles, select synonyms, and much more. For large documents, it is possible to number pages. This process is quite simple and will be accessible even to a beginner who is just learning the basics of Microsoft Word.

Download the Microsoft Word text editor to your computer. This program it is possible (and most secure) from the official Microsoft website located at Download one of the versions of the program offered on the site and install it on your computer, following the prompts of the installation wizard.

Any version of the program starting from 2003 is suitable for operation. IN top line menu on the work panel, find the “Insert” tab. A list with numerous insert functions will appear before your eyes. various objects. Find and click on “Page Numbers”. A small window will appear called “Page Numbers”.

Decide in which part of the page the future number will be located. To do this, select with the arrow desired item in the “Position” and “Alignment” columns. Also check the box next to “Number on the first page” if you want it to be there. If the first page does not require numbering, leave the corresponding field blank.

At the bottom of the window, click the “Format” button. A new Page Number Format window will open where you can use additional functions according to that in Word. You can choose a wide variety of number formats, from standard Arabic numerals to in Latin letters and Roman numerals. If you want to additionally include the chapter number, then check the box next to it and use the arrows to adjust the heading style. The very last column is the “Page Numbering” column, where you need to indicate from which page the sheets of the document will be numbered.

Also in versions Microsoft Office In Word 2003 and 2007, page numbering can also be enabled through the header and footer. Headers and footers are areas of a page located in its margins. Headers and footers are located on the sides, as well as at the bottom and top of the page. They are often used for logos or other images, titles, stamps, document headers, footnotes, document titles, and date placement. You can also set page numbering in headers and footers. In this case, the document pages will be automatically increased by one with each page.

To set page numbering through headers and footers, top panel Microsoft Open Document Tools Office Word Find the View menu. Click this button and in the drop-down menu click “Header and Footers”. After this, a header and footer panel will open on the program’s working field, and an area for entering text will appear at the top of the page. From the "Header/Footer" menu, move to the bottom of the page by clicking the "Header/Footer" button if you want to place page numbers at the bottom. On the same panel there is a “Page Number” button. Click this button and it will appear on the page serial number.

You can open the “Header and Footer” menu in another, simpler way. To do this, double-click on the bottom of the page - on its bottom margin. Then enter the line number in the field. Here you can also select other values ​​for the header and line numbering. When you open a header and footer, the document's working panel will open additional window. In the left part of the panel, find the “Page Number” section, click the button and in the drop-down window, specify the value you need for placing the page number (top of page, bottom, page) and page numbering format. This can be a numeric value, alphabetic, alphabetic, numeric - symbolic. In addition, from the menu that appears when opening the header and footer, you can specify other values ​​for the header and footer by selecting and checking one of the settings items: special footer for the first page or different headers and footers for even and odd pages.

You can also open the header and footer panel by opening the Design menu. Next steps carried out in accordance with the steps described above.

IN Microsoft package Office Word 2010 pages are numbered in the document as follows. In the top panel, select “Insert” and in the “Header and Footers” subsection, find the “Page Number” icon. Click on it and select the position of the numbering (top, bottom, in the margins, current position), after which the program will offer you a whole list of examples of numbering design. Select the one you like and left click on it. The numbering will be placed on all pages of the document in the footer.

To number pages in Microsoft Office Word 2013, open the document you want to number and find the “Insert” tab on the work toolbar. Click this button and open the advanced full menu"Inserts". Find the “Page Number” item, move your mouse to this inscription, click the button and select the numbering format in the drop-down window. That is, you need to indicate how the numbers will be located on the pages of the document: at the top of the page, at the bottom of the page, in the margins of the page, current position. Select the number format and numbering format (numeric, alphabetic, etc.).

Numbering in Microsoft Office Word is much richer than in other versions of the program. So, if you open the full “Insert” menu and click the “Page Number” button, you will see typical variations in the placement of signatures on. Click again on the lines with arrows and select a template that will help you enter page numbers automatically. When you click on a number, there is a small panel in which you can change the font and color of the number.

Related article


  • How to set page numbers in Word
  • Official Microsoft Word website

Page numbering is necessary for proper organization of the document. Numbering is especially important when you need to print voluminous document with table of contents. Numbering makes it easy to find required pages and navigate topics that are not broken down in the text. In text Microsoft editor There are several ways to set page numbering in Word.


For Microsoft Office Word 2003 and 2007 editions a suitable method enabling numbering through headers and footers. At the top line in Word select "View" and click "Header and Footer" from the drop-down menu. A header and footer panel will appear on the program's working field, and an input area will appear at the top of each.
In the Header/Footer panel, you can navigate to the bottom by clicking the Header/Footer button if you need to arrange pages at the bottom. On the same panel you will find the “Page Number” button. By clicking on it, its serial number will appear on the page.

Another way that allows you to insert page numbers into editions of MS Word 2003 and 2007 is to enable numbering via insertion. In the top menu, select “Insert” - “Page Numbers”. A dialog box will appear on the screen. In it you can select the position of the page number on (top/bottom) and set the page numbers. If you don't want to home page was her number, uncheck the corresponding box in the dialog box.


Video on the topic

Please note

For those who want to protect their Microsoft documents Word and Excel from viewing and editing, it is possible to put a password on them. Set a password to change Word and Excel documents. Often there is a need to lay out for public access important documents in Word or Excel, which contain information necessary for employees’ work, which can change several times during the day.

Useful advice

Of course, the situation is not very pleasant, but sometimes you probably have to “mess up” a document yourself, be it a resume or letters from a loved one, or something else very important that you don’t want to show to anyone, for this there is a need to put a password on Word document. So let's start, in an open Word 2007 document you need to click the button on the left top corner, then select “Prepare” from the drop-down list, and then “Encrypt document”


  • how to change page numbering in Word

A text document on a computer looks clear and orderly, because the pages are arranged in a clear sequence. However, when printing a document on paper, you may become confused about the text if the pages are not numbered in advance.


When printing important texts and preparing them for checking, you need to be careful and responsible. Often a positive assessment of an activity depends on its correct design on paper in compliance with all established rules printed documents. Since it is an indispensable assistant in work and typing, and for this they are used standard programs, for all documents a certain set of requirements. To standard specifications printed text include font size and type, line spacing, text alignment, and page numbering, providing comfortable work with printed text document.

You can, of course, number a Word document manually - just by typing the desired number in the desired place, but if you need to organize many pages of text, then use the settings Microsoft programs Word.

If you are using the 2003 version of Microsoft Office, open a Word document and look for the Insert menu in the top toolbar. Click on this workspace and select the Page Numbers service. The numbering settings window will open in front of you. Hover your cursor over the “Position” column and select where the numbering will be located on the sheet: at the top or bottom of the page.

The “Alignment” column will adjust the position of the numbering relative to the text. Choose whether the number will appear in the middle of the line, to the right, or