How to invite friends to a VK group: step-by-step instructions. How to invite friends to a VKontakte group and what services will help you invite more people to the group

At first, when we created a group or public, we just need to get hold of the first participants and invite friends to our group in contact. Yes, so that it is safe and effective.

In this article I will show you how to invite the first hundred people to a group. Your community will already become popular and, with proper further development, will begin to bring you money.

Therefore, the next step after creating, designing and filling the main content of the group is adding friends to the group!

How to add friends to a group in contact - 2 simple steps

First, let's talk about how to add friends to groups. The features of adding friends to public pages will be discussed below.

Interestingly, you can send invitations to friends to the group both if you are its leader, administrator, moderator or editor, and if you have nothing to do with the administration of the group.
Read about the difference between a group and a public here (LINK).

Step 1

We go to the VK group to which you need to send invitations.
A prerequisite is that we must be members of the group, i.e. you need to join it first.

So, we find the button under the cover - “You are a participant”
Click it, select from the drop-down list - “invite friends”

Step 2

Now, we simply click “invite” next to each friend we want to add to the group.
At this step, you can set a friend filter.

If a group, for example, is about women’s hairstyles, then we don’t need male friends in the group, then we set a filter by gender - as in the screenshot:

You can also filter friends by city and age.

Usually, they write everywhere that you can only invite 40 friends once per day.
In fact, this is not entirely true. After just 8 hours, the system considers that another day has come and the ability to send invitations to friends to the group opens again 

Thus, you can invite 40 friends in the morning and evening on the same day.

During invitations, you will often see a so-called captcha - it’s not scary. We do everything that is required there (we tick the box that I’m not a robot, point to the necessary pictures and move on).

Sometimes, after clicking on the “invite” button, a message like this will appear:

This means that in the settings of his account the person has set a ban on inviting his loved one to groups. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to invite him to our group using this method.

Tips for safely inviting friends to a group

There is always a risk that a friend will be dissatisfied with the fact that we invited him to this or that group.
This means that he can click on the “spam” button, and if there are several such people a day, the administration in Contact can freeze your account – at first for several hours, and then for several days and even weeks.

To prevent this from happening, you can take precautions:

  • We invite only those friends who are potentially the target audience of the group (for this we set a filter, as described above)
    The system allows you to invite 40 people at a time, but we can play it safe and invite a little less.
  • You can create another account in which we obviously make the friends we need and send invitations to friends to the group in contact from it.
  • You can ask your loved ones to make several invitations to their friends to join our group. Warning in advance not to get carried away with this and invite no more than 10-20 people per day, so as not to end up in spam.

Invited friends will see the number “1” next to the “Groups” item on their page. And a certain percentage of those invited will definitely accept our invitation.

Usually, if the group is commercial, then the participation rate is about 20 - 30% of those invited.
And if there is a group for interests, for communication, etc. then 50–60% join.
It all depends on how close the audience of our friends is to the target audience of the group.

I repeat once again: all of the above applies only to this type of contact communities as a group. If you have a public page, then everything is different.

How to invite friends to a public page in contact, or how to invite friends to a group in contact if this column is not there

If you don’t have a “invite friends” column in your group, then this is not a group at all, but a public page or, as it is also called, a public page.
Here you have 2 options:

You can “tell your friends” about the group in this way several times from time to time, so that you can appear in their news more often and remind you of yourself. 

How to invite friends to a group in contact from your phone - 2 options

It is also possible to invite friends to a group in contact from your phone. Let's consider 2 options:

Option 1. Invitations from the Kate Mobile app

  • Go to the “Groups” tab in the application
  • We select the group to which we want to make invitations (namely a group and not a public page)
  • Click the button with three dots in the upper right corner
  • Select from the drop-down menu - “invite a friend”
  • We put a tick next to the names of those friends whom we want to invite to the group

Option 2. Invitations from the browser on your phone

  • We go to the browser from the phone, usually I use Chrome
  • In the search bar we type in: “vk”, or “in contact” or “vkontakte” - there is no difference
  • Login to our account
  • Click the button in the upper left corner with three lines
  • Select “Full Version” from the drop-down menu. To find this item, you need to scroll down a little
  • Now, you see the page in a contact in the same way as on a computer, and you have all the necessary functionality, including invitations to the group.

And we already know from the first half of this article how to invite friends via VKontakte from a computer.

Now you know how to invite friends to a group in contact and how to add friends to a group in contact and to public. And also, you know how to invite friends to a group in contact from your phone. 

If you don’t know how to add discussions in a group, I invite you to read the article.

I wish you many subscribers and that your audience loves your group, so that the group is quickly replenished with target members who make purchases from you - regularly! 

Also on the VK group

- tips for beginners

- detailed instructions

There were times when democracy reigned on VKontakte - you could invite anyone and as many as you wanted to the group. But those golden times are gone. For some time now, you can only invite your friends to the community and no more than 40 people per day. This is how the owners of the social network fight spam. And indeed, if you put yourself in the shoes of users, then before invitations to join somewhere came in batches.

The changes associated with the transition to the new VKontakte design are described at the end of the article.

But you can also understand community administrators - they need to somehow promote their “brainchildren”, and this can only be done by increasing the number of participants and subscribers. They know very well how to invite people to a group on VKontakte, but not everyone knows how to make this phenomenon widespread.

Just in case, let us remind you: to invite users from your friends list to the community (others will not work), go to it and click “Invite friends” in the menu on the right, you will see a drop-down list.

You can select from there, or you can click the “Invite friends from the full list” button, which is located in the lower field of the window. Do not forget that you can invite no more than 40 users per day, the system will not allow you to do more.

Invitations to the VKontakte group in large quantities

What to do if 40 invited users per day does not suit you? Of course, do everything with someone else's hands.

  • Firstly, you can increase the number of administrators and moderators and give them the task of attracting new people.
  • Secondly, you need to periodically remind participants that you would be glad if they invite their friends. You can write news about this at a certain interval. A participant can invite friends according to the same principle as administrators, if the community is open, this does not apply to closed ones.

You can encourage participants to distribute by motivating them with something: by establishing some kind of virtual prizes or awards. You can, for example, organize interesting quizzes or competitions, for example, choosing the best photo. Since many people love it when their photos are positively assessed, they will be happy to invite their friends to participate and at the same time add to the group with their presence.

You can also add people to a group in contact in a faster way - using “bots”. There are people who are engaged in such specific “promotion of groups”, naturally for a certain fee. In just one or two days, the number of participants can be artificially increased by hundreds, or even thousands of users. It all depends on how many “souls” you pay for. But this method is not very good if the community is important to you.

An invitation to a VKontakte group can be done in a more “legal” way, but also in a paid way. You can order advertising promotion on content exchanges. There you can create an order for an invitation to the community, and set conditions that the performers must meet. For example: a certain city of residence, gender, number of friends, and so on. This method is quite popular now and many of those who promote groups resort to it.

Important addition at the request of readers:

There are groups, and there are publics, they differ both in capabilities and functionality. You cannot invite friends to public pages in this way. If you have a button - only you are subscribed to news and unsubscribe from news, then your community status is public, not group.

The modern social network VKontakte is rapidly gaining momentum, and this is due not only to the need to communicate and make new acquaintances. Almost every person who has his own business promotes it with the help of numerous users of the popular service. It is in order to advertise their goods or services that a businessman’s group must be well promoted and have a sufficiently large number of subscribers. A good start would be to invite your friends to join the group!

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Why and how to invite friends to the VK group

Inviting friends to the group will not be difficult. But there are times when a person does not know how to do this, or something simply goes wrong. In this article you will find information on how to solve this situation if difficulties arise, and how to gain a large number of subscribers in a short period of time.

I can't invite friends to the group

You can only invite your friends to the group. Outside users can be invited to the group only through a personal message, or by advertising your group in communities of similar topics. This process is quite difficult, since it requires time and even money.
With all this, you need to know that inviting friends has a limit of 40 friends in 24 hours. By inviting 40 people, continuation of the process using the button will become available after a day.

There is no "Invite friends" button in the group

Very often, when trying to invite his friends in a group, the user finds himself in a situation where the “Invite friends” button is missing; instead, you can see: “You are subscribed,” “Unsubscribe,” “Hide news.” In this case, instead of a group, you have become the legal owner of a public page, which, in principle, excludes the possibility of inviting friends with the click of one button.

To solve the problem, you need to change the public to a group. It's very easy to do. In the lower right corner under the community photo there is a menu that contains the option to transfer the page to a group.
After completing this procedure, the button will be available and you will be able to fill your community with new visitors.

Cheating invitations to a VKontakte group

Since the number of friends invited to the group has a limit, which is quite limited, promoting the group using the button will take a long time. In this case, getting more subscribers will help a lot.
There are several ways to invite friends to a group. In the first case, you can become a member of the local VK system “I will join mutually.” This method on how to invite people to a group looks like this:

  • When searching for communities, you need to find groups where leaders of various communities offer to join your community in exchange for your joining their groups.
  • Agree to exchange via personal message.
  • Join a companion group.
  • Wait for him to join your group.

It is worth noting that such a maneuver has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, this process takes a lot of time, secondly, there is no guarantee that after you join, the companion will reciprocate, thirdly, there is no guarantee that a few days after joining the person will not leave your community - which is most often and it happens.
The second option for boosting VKontakte invitations is to use special services. Typically it goes like this:

  • Registration on the service.
  • Completing special tasks (joining communities, liking, reposting).
  • Receiving points for completing tasks;
  • Purchasing subscriptions to your community in exchange for points.

This option is a little similar to the process of creating groups on VKontakte, but the difference is that people completing tasks do not unsubscribe from being in the group. In addition, activities in this group require time. Which for some is a drawback.

Sending invitations to the VKontakte group

Sending invitations to a VKontakte group is perhaps the most optimal and fastest way for both the group and business. Thanks to mass mailing, your group will be seen by a very large number of people, which is a big advantage. In addition to this advantage, the advantage of the newsletter is the search for community visitors by interests, age, gender, city, etc. etc. In order to set up a newsletter, you can use specialized services (Convenient and safe to use the service for promotion - Bosslike), or contact specialists who will certainly not miss the criteria that will serve as a reliable indicator for selecting a suitable audience.
It should be remembered that unqualified actions can lead to blocking of your community for cheating (See).
Once a newsletter is installed in your group, subscribers will begin to grow, make your community interesting and then natural participants will inevitably appear.

Invitations to the VKontakte group for a competition

In addition to all of the above methods for promoting a group and recruiting its members, there is another proven way to invite people to the group - an invitation to participate in a competition (See). This method has also proven itself quite well, and the prize may not be at all expensive. In order for visitors to the social network to know that you are holding a competition, you need to create a special post indicating the name of the prize and the date of the competition, and then post it in third-party groups. The condition for taking part in the competition is to post on your wall and maintain the post until the results are summed up. The winner is selected using a special application.

Many questions arise. One of them is dedicated to filling the group with live participants. Moreover, users must be really interested in the topics of the community.

Inviting friends to the group- one of the most effective and free methods of community promotion.

How to invite friends to a group on VK

You can invite to the group only your friends. It will not be possible to send an invitation to users who are not friends.

Every 24 hours you can invite to 40 people to any groups from one account. You can first choose their interests and then invite them to the community.

This will provide high-quality and productive traffic for your group. After all, users themselves decide whether to join the community or not.

But be careful: excessively adding strangers as friends and sending them invitations may result in temporary account suspension.

To invite to a group on VK our friends, do the following:

1. Go to the community, to which we want to invite friends.

2. Join it (If you are not a leader), click on the inscription "You're in a band" and select the link "Invite friends."

3. A list of your friends will open, from where and We send invitations.

  • If you wish, you can cancel invitation;

If you need invite friends to the group according to certain criteria (age, gender, interests), then click on the link.

A list of all your friends will open. We select friends through “Options” according to certain criteria and click next to them "Invite to group."

As I already said, you can send per day up to 40invitations. If you try to add more, you will see a message like this.

And, if you see such an inscription.

  • This means that your friend limited the circle of persons who can invite to communities;

Invite to a VK group from your phone also very simple:

1. We open a community in which you need to send invitations.

2. In the upper right corner, click on the ellipsis.

3. We invite our friends to the group with a simple by clicking on the first and last name.

  • Selecting criteria from a mobile phone is not possible;

I can’t invite friends to the VK group

If you decide to invite friends to the group, but instead see this picture (there is no button "invite friends").

This means that you are not a member of a group, but a public page (public).

  • You cannot invite friends to public pages;

But there is a way out: you can safely invite friends in just one click (if you are the owner of a public page).

Remember: it depends on the real participants, so invite those friends who will find the community’s material interesting and useful.

Cheating invitations to a VKontakte group

Since invitations to the group are limited to one user (up to 40 people per day) and you can only invite friends to the group, then you can resort to getting subscribers.

Among all the services providing such services, I chose the 2 most worthy ones (February 2019). I think you've already heard about them.

Sending invitations to a group on VK

If you want to use the Inviting service, I can recommend one of the best programs for promoting communities.

It has a huge number of useful functions (autoposting, liking, inviting, parser, mailing, liker).

One of my favorite features is inviting. Using this function, you can set up mass mailing of invitations to a group of users or friends.

Moreover, there will be no account blocking for suspicious activity due to simulating the work of a living person.

Inviting users into the community is a very effective way to promote a group. What do you think about this?

Invitation to an open group

The restrictions imposed by VK allow you to send no more than 40 invitations per day. For most users, the established limit is enough for the eyes.

  1. In the navigation menu on your page, open the “Groups” block. We select the one to which we are going to invite friends, and click on the link hidden under its name.

  1. In the main menu, under the group logo, look for the area where it says “You are a member.” Open the drop-down menu and select the marked item.

  1. An additional window will open containing a list of your friends. Here we will have two options available. In the first case, we select the necessary people from the general list manually. Then, using the highlighted button, we send an invitation. In the second case, open an additional menu.

  1. If you have many contacts, this option is more convenient. You can sort your friends in the side menu marked with the number “1”. Here you can choose to belong to a specific group. For example, you can send invitations only to work colleagues or relatives. This assumes that friends have previously been placed in these categories. The Options menu, marked “2,” allows you to sort by gender, age, and geographic location.

  1. Whatever method you choose, if a person has not limited communication with himself in the settings, he will receive a notification sent. Otherwise, you will see the message shown in the screenshot.

Invitation to a public page

VKontakte allows the creation of three types of communities: group, event and public page. The latter is intended to disseminate information and news and you cannot invite anyone to it. Having opened such a page, we see that there is no corresponding item in the subscription menu.

  1. If you are an admin in such a community and want to promote it by inviting friends, proceed as follows. Click on the ellipsis marked with an exclamation mark to open the action menu.

  1. We move to the last point and transfer the community to a group.

  1. A warning message will appear informing you of the consequences of your action. As you can see, nothing critical will happen to the page. After 30 days, you can reverse the changes, making it public again.

  1. The selected action will need to be confirmed. This can be done using an application installed on your phone or via SMS message.

  1. We enter the received digital code in the field provided for this.

The community will immediately be converted into a group, and the menu will have the option to send invitations. Now you can use the instructions from the first part of the article and collect as many subscribers from among your friends as you can.

In conclusion

If desired, invitations can be sent from an Android smartphone. Once you open a group, you will see a checkmarked menu at the top of the screen. The first point in it allows you to send invitations. It’s strange, but in the VK application for iPhone the developers have not implemented this feature.

The given instructions will help you better understand the intricacies of the social network and not feel like a “dummie”.

Video instructions

The videos below will help you see how the described operations are performed in real time and better understand how to work with groups.