How to use a mouse on a laptop. Other Important Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know About

Quick and skillful use of the mouse makes it much easier to work with graphical interface. After downloading operating system, an oblique white arrow appears in the center of the desktop, called a pointer or cursor. Moving the cursor over an object is done by moving the mouse over a special surface – .

The classic mouse is equipped with two function buttons: left and right. Between them there is a scroll wheel, the main purpose of which is to scroll the document vertically. Clamping left button Using the mouse and scrolling the wheel, you can zoom the document up or down.

The left mouse button is the most used, so it is customary to say: click the mouse or click the mouse, which means pressing the left button. Historically, pressing a button on a computer mouse is called a “click”: double click, mouse click, click on a link, etc.

When you hover the mouse cursor over an object and press a button, an action is performed that can be applied to this object.

Basic techniques for working with a mouse.

Let's look at the basic techniques for working with a mouse.

  • Single left click. Selects the selected object on which the mouse cursor is placed.
  • Double left click. Launches programs, opens or . When working with text documents double clicking selects words and paragraphs. If you double-click on a word, it will be highlighted. Selecting an entire paragraph occurs by double-clicking to the left of the paragraph.
  • Triple left click. A technique used when working with text documents. Triple-clicking inside a paragraph selects the entire paragraph. Triple-clicking to the left of the document will select the entire document.
  • Single click right click calls contextual with selection possible actions to the object.
  • Drag with mouse. A technique for moving one or more objects, and in the case of working with text documents, moving text fragments. The technique is to hold down the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over an object and move this object to right place.
  • Mouse selection. This technique is used to highlight several objects or a section of text. Selection is carried out by placing the cursor in any corner of the place where the necessary objects or test fragment are located, holding down the left mouse button and moving the cursor in the opposite direction diagonally. Those. if you set the cursor to select in the lower left corner of the text or group of objects, then you need to drag it to the right top corner. Selected objects or a piece of text will be highlighted in color. To remove the selection, you need to click the mouse anywhere on the screen.
  • Scrolling a document with the mouse wheel - scrolling. Allows you to scroll a document in a vertical plane directly with the scroll wheel or by moving the mouse. If you move the mouse, you need to click on the wheel, the cursor will change to a double-headed arrow, and moving the mouse up or down will shift the text in the same direction. Pressing the scroll wheel again will turn this mode off.

Good day everyone and good mood, my dear friends. Force majeure can happen at any time and we must always be ready plan "B". What will you do if your keyboard suddenly “flies”? If things are urgent, then you can. What to do if the mouse breaks?

In fact, there is a solution, and even more than one. So don't rush to panic if you have some urgent work. I'll show you how to use a keyboard instead of a mouse. Of course, this is not a way out of the situation, but as a temporary urgent solution to the problem, it’s just right.

Arrow navigation

Some people don't know or even bother, but in fact, all the functions of a mouse can be performed using the keyboard. And for this you don’t even need to call any third party programs etc. Default keys can do all this.

In fact, these are all basic combinations. To be able to use a keyboard as a mouse perfectly, you need to know them even more and train for a long time to do it automatically, like seasoned computer scientists. But if this method is not for you and you don’t want to bother, then the second method is suitable for you.

Mouse imitation

In addition to regular hotkeys, you can use a full-fledged mouse with a pointer, but work with it using the keyboard.

To do this, press the key combination ALT+SHIFT+NUM LOCK. After this you will hear a strange beep and a sign will appear in front of you. Click OK. And now mouse mode will be activated.

But the truth is, the pointer speed leaves much to be desired. The mouse substitute is very slow. But there is a way out.

Now, when you activate the keyboard mouse, to speed it up, hold down the key CTRL. Then your work will become more convenient and much faster.

In general, to work more conveniently, more productively and faster, I recommend that you watch wonderful video course, which will help you with this. You yourself will notice how your work becomes more productive, and even more interesting. You will be able to optimize all processes of working at the computer. Overall, I recommend you watch it.

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Just as we use our hands to interact with objects in the material world, we can use a mouse to interact with objects on a computer screen. You can move, open, edit, drop, and more by moving the pointer and clicking the mouse buttons.

Main parts of a computer mouse

Usually computer mouse has two buttons: main button (usually left) and secondary button (usually right). You will use the main button more often than others.

Most mice also have a wheel between the buttons, making it easier to scroll through documents and web pages. On some mice, the wheel can be pressed like a third button. Advanced mice may have additional buttons with other functions.

How to Hold and Move a Computer Mouse

Place the mouse near the keyboard on a clean, flat surface, such as a mouse pad. When holding the mouse, do not strain your hand. The index finger should be on the main button, and thumb- on the side.

To move the mouse, slowly drag it in any direction. Don't move the mouse - it should be aimed with the wire away from you. When you move the mouse, the pointer (see picture) on the screen moves in the same direction. If the table or mouse pad is gone and you can't move the mouse any further, pick it up and move it closer to you.

Hold the mouse effortlessly and keep your wrist straight

Pointing, clicking, and dragging objects with the mouse

Pointing at an object on the screen means that the mouse is moved so that the pointer touches the object. If you hover your mouse over an object, a small window will often appear with a description of the object.

For example, if you hover over the “Trash”, a rectangle will appear on the desktop with the following inscription: “Contains files and folders that have been deleted.”

The pointer may change depending on what it is pointed to. For example, if you hover over a link in a browser, the pointer will change from an arrow to a hand pointing with a finger.

Most mouse actions combine hovering the pointer with pressing one of the mouse buttons. There are four main ways to use mouse buttons: click, double click, right click and drag.

Click (pressing a button)

To click an item, place the pointer on the item on the screen and press and release the primary button (usually the left button). Clicking is most often used to select (highlight) an object or open a menu. This is sometimes called a single click or mouse click.

Double click

To double-click an object, move the cursor over it on the screen and quickly click twice. If the interval between two clicks is too long, the system may interpret them as two separate clicks rather than a double click.

Double-clicking is often used to open items on the desktop. For example, you can open an application or folder by double-clicking its icon on the desktop.

If you can't double-click, you can adjust speed double click (time interval allowed between clicks).

Execute next steps:

  • Click to open the Mouse Properties window.
  • Select a tab Buttons, and then move the slider Double click speed to decrease or increase speed.

Right click

To right-click an object, move the cursor over it on the screen and press and release the secondary button (usually the right button).

By right-clicking an object, you can usually display list of actions that can be performed on it. For example, if you right-click the Recycle Bin icon on your desktop, a menu will appear that allows you to open the Recycle Bin, empty it, delete it, or view its properties. If you're not sure what to do with an object, right-click.

Drag and drop interface elements

Objects can be moved around the screen using drag and drop. To drag an object, move the mouse pointer over the object, press and hold the Primary button, move the object to the desired location, and then release the Primary button.

Drag and drop is often used to move files and folders to another location, as well as to move windows and icons on the screen.

Using the mouse scroll wheel

If your mouse has a scroll wheel, you can use it to scroll through a document or web page. To scroll down turn the wheel back ( to yourself). To scroll up turn the wheel forward ( Push).

Setting up a computer mouse

You can customize your mouse to suit your preferences. For example, you can change the speed at which the mouse pointer moves across the screen or the appearance of the pointer.

If you are better with your left hand, you can make your primary mouse button the right one. More information see Changing mouse settings.

Safe use of a computer mouse

Properly holding and moving the mouse can prevent pain or injury to your wrist and hand, especially when long-term use computer.

Here are some tips to help prevent problems:

  • Place the mouse at elbow level. Your forearms should fall relaxed to your sides.
  • Do not squeeze or grip the mouse tightly. Keep it light.
  • Move the mouse by rotating your arm at the elbow. Do not bend your wrist down, up or to the side.
  • Click mouse buttons with ease.
  • Keep your fingers relaxed. Don't hold them tightly over the keys.
  • When you are not using the mouse, do not hold it.
  • Take short breaks from working with the computer every 15-20 minutes.

More information about others components computer, see

We work without a mouse.

101 keyboard combinations that can make your life easier (part 1)

If you work with a computer a lot, then you know that to work quickly and productively you need to try to do without a mouse.
Test yourself by noting how many of the 101 suggested combinations you actually use.

- Raise or lower the page. Spacebar – lower the page, Shift+Space – raise the page.
- Find. Ctrl+F or Alt-N for next page.
- Add a page to bookmarks. Ctrl+D.
- Quick search./.
- New tab. Ctrl+T.
- Go to the search bar. Ctrl+K.
- Go to address bar. Ctrl+L.
- Increase text size. Ctrl+=. Reduce text sizeCtrl+-
- Close the tab. Ctrl-W.
- Refresh the page. F5.
- Go to home page. Alt-Home.
- Restore closed page. Ctrl+Shift+T.
- Bookmarks by keywords. This is the most productive. If you visit a site frequently, you bookmark it (of course!), then go to bookmark properties (right-click on them). Add a short keyword into the keyword input line, save, and after that you can simply enter this keyword in the address bar (Ctrl+L) and immediately go to the site.

- Write a new letter. C.
- Reply to the letter. R.
- Reply to all.A.
- Forward the letter. F.
- Save the current letter and open the next letter.Y+O.
- Delete the letter and open the next one. #+O (or Shift-3+O).
- Send a written letter. Tab-Enter.
- Search. /.
- Navigation. Move down J and up K through the contact list.
- List of messages. N and P move the cursor to the next or previous message in the message list.
- Ignore. M– letters with marked addresses are no longer included in the list of incoming letters and are archived.
- Select a chain of letters. X – the email chain will be selected. You can archive it, apply a shortcut to it, and select an action for it.
- Save the draft. Control-S.
- Go to the list of messages. G+I.
- Go to tagged emails. G+S.
- Go to address book. G+C.

- Create keyboard shortcuts fast switching. To create shortcut keys for quick switching, right-click on the shortcut key creation icon (you can find one on your desktop) and enter the combination. For example, such as Ctrl-Alt-W for the Word program.
- Switch between windows. Alt-Tab – select desired window, then lower the keys. Or hold Windows key, press Tab to go through the buttons on the taskbar and find the window you want, then when you find it, press Enter. If you add Shift button To any of these methods, window selection will be done in the opposite direction.
- Go to the desktop. Windows key-D.
- Context menu. Instead of right-clicking, press Shift-F10. Then scroll up or down the menu using the up and down arrow keys.
- Shutdown. To quickly shut down your computer, press the Window key and then U. With this key, you can also press S to pause, U to shut down, or R to restart.
- The most general. You, of course, know this, but for beginners you need to mention the most famous combinations: Ctrl-O – open, Ctrl-S – save, Ctrl-N – open new document, Ctrl-W – close the window, Ctrl-C – copy, Ctrl-V – paste, Ctrl-X – cut. Ctrl-Z – undo (backward), Ctrl-Y – undo (forward). To see the contents of the clipboard in MS Office, press Ctrl-C twice. Ctrl-Home – go to the beginning of the document, Ctrl-End – go to the end.
- Menu. When you press Alt, a menu appears that you need to navigate using the arrow buttons. Alt plus the underlined letter of each menu option leads to the use of that option. Or simply remember the key combination for this option for even faster use.
- Windows Explorer(Explorer). Windows-E - My Computer program starts.

The computer and its components fail, usually at the most inopportune moment. And if in the event of a hardware failure it will not be possible to continue working, then in the event of a failure of peripheral devices, not all is lost. This article will talk about how to control the cursor if the computer mouse stops working.

You can work on a PC or laptop without a mouse.

It is possible to control the cursor using the keyboard. There is nothing complicated here.

After the above steps, the system will give you the ability to control the cursor without using a mouse. To operate you will use the following panel keys Num Lock:

In fact, this mode is simply emulation (imitation) of a mouse using the Num Lock panel. Using it is not difficult at all - a little practice and you will quickly get the hang of it.


Working with hotkeys is not new, but for inexperienced users computer this will be a real problem. We will list a number of the most popular hotkey combinations.

  • Ctrl+C -Copy;
  • Ctrl+V -Paste;
  • Ctrl+X -Cut;
  • Ctrl+A -Select all;
  • Ctrl+F -Search;
  • Ctrl+Z- Undo last actions;
  • Ctrl+Y -Repeat last actions;
  • Alt+F4 -Quit the application;
  • Alt+Tab -Switch between elements;
  • F5 -Update the active element or desktop;
  • Ctrl+S -Save;
  • Ctrl+N -Create document;
  • Ctrl+O -Open;
  • Ctrl+P -Print;
  • Ctrl+W -You can close/open a file or folder;
  • WindowsKey+E - Opens Explorer;
  • F1 - Help;
  • F7 - Spell check;
  • F12 -Save as...;
  • Power -Turn off the computer;
  • Alt+PrtScr - Snapshot of the active window;
  • Win+D - Minimize all windows;
  • Alt+Enter - Disable/enable full screen mode;
  • F2 - Rename object;
  • Shift+Delete - Delete an object, bypassing the trash bin;
  • Ctrl+Esc - Start.

Such a number of combinations is quite difficult to remember - for this reason, the previous method will be more practical for inexperienced Windows users. As practice shows: the more time a person spends at the computer, the more often he uses hot keys. If you remember at least some of them, your work will immediately become more productive. However, the above list is not full list hot keys. To view all available combinations, you can go to Windows Help.

Assigning hotkey shortcuts

This method implies preliminary preparation and will not be suitable for users whose mouse suddenly fails. Its essence is that for each shortcut you can assign any, not occupied by the system key combination. To do this you need to take the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the shortcut you are interested in.
  2. Go to properties.
  3. Click on the field titled " Quick input» and press a convenient key combination.
  4. Click OK.

That's it. At large quantities free time, you can assign hot keys to almost all shortcuts on your computer. This will help partially avoid using the mouse.

How to control a laptop without a mouse

Operating a laptop without a mouse is very simple - the developers themselves took care of this by inventing a touchpad (English touchpad: touch - touch, pad - pad). This device is located below the keyboard and is a small rectangle, usually equipped with buttons. Using the touchpad is not difficult, but some skill is required to manipulate the cursor. Otherwise, it is no different from a mouse.

If it happens that both your mouse and touchpad are broken, then the methods for controlling the cursor on a laptop and simple computer identical.

A little advice: Buy an inexpensive mouse as a spare. This kind of forethought will help you continue working in the event of an unexpected breakdown.

We hope the article was informative and answered all your questions regarding controlling your computer without using a mouse.