How to make a beautiful Instagram in one style. What you can write about yourself on Instagram: examples

Useful tips and tricks on how to create an Instagram profile
A huge number of people use social networks not only for personal communication, but also for business development. These platforms help promote products or services without unnecessary advertising costs. But for an account to gain popularity, it must be attractive to users, and this section will tell you step by step how to beautifully design an Instagram profile.

Choosing a nickname

Many users believe that a large number of interesting photos are enough for the popularity of the page, and do not pay due attention to the design of the header. This section includes a nickname, username and avatar. This is the very first information that a visitor sees, and it should grab attention. Let's figure out how to make a profile header on Instagram, starting with a nickname.

An example of a correct Instagram nickname

The nickname is located at the top of the page. It is on him that the account can be found by other users. To make it easier for them, you need to follow several principles. An ideal nickname should:

  • easy to remember and read;
  • be fairly short;
  • do not cause unpleasant associations.

It is important that the key information about the account can be easily remembered by any person, and without much difficulty enter the combination into the search bar. As a rule, users have enough patience for two or three attempts, and in case of failure, they simply leave this venture. This is especially undesirable in situations where an Instagram profile for business is being registered.

To avoid mistakes, you should avoid writing a nickname:

  • punctuation marks;
  • complex structures consisting of various characters and underscores;
  • the use of several words in joint spelling, or broken by dots.

In other words, a variant of the nickname “@@ [email protected]@pedi_kur ”cannot be called successful. Better to choose something less cumbersome.

We specify the username

The next step, how to style the header beautifully, is to write the username. It is highlighted on the page in bold and is also quoted in the search engines within the platform. You will need to perform the following actions:

Choosing a username also needs to be taken seriously. If you needed to design an Instagram page to promote a business, for example, an online store, it is better to indicate its name here. And if services are offered, it is permissible to write your own name and surname with the appropriate mark, for example:

  • "Galina Vasnetsova - eyelash extension";
  • "Alexey Ignatov - professional photography";
  • "Angelina Denglieva - wedding hairstyles" and so on.

And you can also indicate the locality where a specific service is provided. In some cases, emoticons will also be useful, which will give a certain originality to the page. And in the settings, various fonts are available, and spelling the name in intricate letters will help to design the header beautifully.

Some users make a common mistake and write page names in Arabic, Greek, Armenian and other languages. You should not do this if you do not want to write in Russian, in such situations it is better to use an English font, since most people speak this international language to one degree or another, which cannot be said about less common dialects.

A high-quality avatar is an essential attribute of a popular Instagram profile. The choice of a photo should be carried out in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Quality. Although the profile avatar on Instagram is very small, you should not post an unsuccessful photo, taken, for example, in low light.
  • Format. Since the avatar will have a round shape, this should be taken into account when choosing the appropriate image.
  • Uniqueness. Some people find it cool to put a photo of a famous person as an avatar. But many people do this, and as a result, users searching for a specific page do not always understand which of the dropped out list they really need.
  • Informativeness. Since the picture will be very small, users should immediately understand what or who is depicted. Therefore, as an avatar, it is better to choose a photo that does not contain many unnecessary elements.
  • Aesthetics. For the avatar, it is better not to choose images that may contain pornographic elements or inscriptions that can offend the feelings of other users. Such a page will only alienate potential subscribers.

Once you have found a suitable image, it will not be difficult to install it. You need to do it like this:

  1. Go to the section for editing the profile.
  2. Click on the command to change the main photo.
  3. Configure avatar settings.

Filling out the description section

The description is a kind of "visiting card" that is seen by users who visit the page. Here they indicate basic information about themselves, and if the account creator is preoccupied with the question of how to create an Instagram profile for business correctly, it is worth placing information about the company in this section.

It is important that the potential subscriber realizes the benefits, namely, understands why he needs to subscribe to a specific page.

Not the least role in filling out this section is played by the design. You can place text in two ways: on a new line or centered using different fonts. Let's look at both options.

A new line

Unfortunately, it is impossible to complete the design in this way from a mobile device; you will need a computer or laptop. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Go to the social network using any browser.
  2. Move to the section for editing the profile.
  3. Write down the necessary information, separating the lines with the "Enter" button.
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Check the status of the profile on the phone.

If everything is done correctly, the information will be placed sequentially, each item on a new line. This will make the text easier for users to read.


This type of design is as simple as the previous one. You need to proceed in this order:

  1. Go to Instagram from your computer.
  2. Open the profile editing tab.
  3. When filling in the appropriate section, put spaces at the beginning of the lines until they are in the middle.
  4. Save settings.

It is worth noting that with this formatting, you will not be able to enter large text, since the number of characters is limited, and spaces are also counted as characters.

We post additional information

In order for the Instagram profile not only to look beautiful and original, but also to be as informative as possible, it is worth indicating additional information. This is especially important if the user promotes goods or services through the page.

As additional information, you can specify:

  • other free communication methods, namely contacts in popular instant messengers (WhatsApp, Viber and others);
  • links to accounts in other social networks;
  • other links, for example, to a website, video or blog.

Posting a photo

When considering the question of how to design a profile on Instagram beautifully and outside the box, the photos placed in it play an important role. The following tricks will help make this section attractive:

An example of photo design for Instagram and VKontakte

And finally, the last point that should not be forgotten. The profile must be open for visits, otherwise it is unlikely to become popular. To change the settings, you need to visit the corresponding menu and move the "slider" opposite the line to close your account to the left.

Using the given tips and tricks, you can independently make your page on a popular social network beautiful, original and memorable. Having visited it once, users will want to "visit" regularly, which will significantly expand the circle of subscribers.

For a professional design of your Instagram profile, you can contact our web design studio

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When creating an Instagram account, many users want it to be beautiful, memorable and actively attract new followers. But for this you need to try, taking the time to properly design.

There is no one-size-fits-all recipe for getting your Instagram account right, but there are still some tips you can listen to to make your account look really interesting.

A user, entering your Instagram profile, should immediately have an idea of ​​what this page is about, who is its owner, and also how you can contact him.

Please enter your name

If the profile is personal, then you should indicate your name in the profile. If an impersonal profile, for example, is a tool for promoting goods and services, then instead of a name, you will need to indicate the name of your online store.

Add a description

The description will be visible on the main profile page. This is a kind of business card, so the information presented in the description should be short, capacious and bright.

As a result, the description in the appendix looks like this:

Place the description in the center

As a result, our name and description looks like this in the application:

Add a "Contact" button

Most likely, you want to make a high-quality profile in order to promote goods and services, which means that potential buyers and customers should easily and quickly contact you. To do this, add a button "Contact", under which you can place the required information: your location, phone number and email address.

Place an active link

If you have your own website, be sure to place an active link in your profile so that users can instantly go to it.

An avatar is an essential element of creating a quality profile. An avatar photo must meet several criteria:

  • Be of good quality. Despite the fact that the Instagram avatar is very small, this photo is perfectly visible, which means it must be of decent quality and shot in good lighting.
  • Do not contain unnecessary elements. The photo installed on the avatar is very small, so users should immediately understand what is depicted on it, which means that it is desirable that the picture be minimalistic.
  • A unique image should be used as an avatar. Do not use pictures from the Internet that are set as an avatar of a thousand or two users. Consider that an avatar is your logo, so just by one avatar, the user should immediately understand whose page it is.
  • Be of an appropriate format. All Instagram avatars are round, which means that this moment must be taken into account. It is advisable if you pre-crop the picture with the help of any mobile photo editor, making it square, and then set the already changed result as your profile photo.
  • If you have an impersonal profile, then you should use a logo as an avatar. If there is no logo, it is better to draw it, or use any suitable snapshot that matches the theme of your profile as a basis.

Change avatar

All Instagram users love not only informative, but also beautiful pages. Take a look at the popular accounts - almost all of them show the same style of image processing.

For example, when editing a photo before publishing, you can use the same filter or add interesting frames, for example, making the image round.

Try the following applications to edit your photos:

Instagram these days has become not just some useless social network for posting the most mundane and meaningless photos, but an excellent platform that can ideally help to reveal your creativity and photographic potential.

We can definitely say that many users thought about approaching design your profile on Instagram on the other hand, inspired by a photographer from the same social network.

Moving on to the basics of creative design on Instagram, it is worthwhile to understand that the better and more original the account, the more likely it is to attract new subscribers, but this aspect will be touched on only superficially in this article.

1. Nickname.

Any profile starts with a nickname. Of course, for many it may not seem very important, but if you pay attention, then many famous photographers and famous people have Instagram nicknames to a greater extent minimalistic, consist, as a rule, of one word and there are practically no symbols other than letters. If your nickname is short, then it will be easily remembered by new subscribers.

Plus minimalism is in vogue now.


An avatar is a visiting card of every user. The more beautiful it is, the better. It is not difficult to guess that future subscribers are also judged by the avatar. Basic information should be there too. It is enough to write just a few words about yourself, for example, name, place of residence, activities and devices for photography.


This is the most important and, perhaps, the most important part of the profile design. It is easy to see that most famous photographers have a certain subject and it is unlikely to come across a photo from another opera. Decide what you like to photograph the most, be it nature, your city, or even food. The main thing is to stick to the main topic.

Registration of an account on Instagram


Again, referring to famous photographers, most of them have processed photos in the same style, that is, they used approximately the same filters, brightness, contrast, saturation, etc. Thus, the profile can be kept in a specific color scheme. If you photograph winter landscapes, then in white, if summer - in green.


Modern photo processing applications on Google Play and the App Store have reached such a level that photo processing will not be the slightest difficulty. Not everyone has the skill or ability to use Photoshop at the moment when the need arose to upload a photo to Instagram. That's what photo editors for mobile devices are for. An excellent choice would be editors such as VSCO Cam, Afterlight, Aviary and others. With skillful use of a mobile editor, you can completely forget about Photoshop.

It's not hard to see that styling your Instagram profile isn't all that difficult. The more beautifully everything is decorated, the easier it is to find new subscribers, and you can also please your eyes. And look for inspiration from new photographers, subscribe to them and try to develop your style in practice.

Photo (cover)

Instagram profile design: why it is important

Profile header information:

  1. Helps to find you in search, which means it can bring new subscribers.
  2. The first thing a person sees when they land on your page. After reading it, he decides whether to subscribe to your page or not.
  3. Affects how many of your followers will eventually become your customers.

Be sure to set aside 10-20 minutes and get your profile right. But before doing that, update your Instagram app to the latest version. So you can use all the innovations of the platform and do not miss any opportunity to promote your account.

How to choose a nickname on Instagram

In the settings, the field is called "Username".

When wondering how to choose a nickname on Instagram, keep in mind the main thing - you should not complicate the life of a potential client. The nickname should be so simple that a person, having heard it, can easily find you in a search for a social network. If the nickname is complex, rewrite it and make it clear and memorable.

Examples of simple nicknames:

The account is the first in the issue not only for the request "Galiya Berdnikova", but also for the request "businesswoman"

Profile description

In settings annexes this field is called "About me".

The maximum length is 150 characters.

The first time they visit your account, the person decides if they want to continue watching you. You can interest him by describing the profile.

A Few Tips

  • Website, if any. Make an eyeliner to the link with a call to click, for example, a new collection, a product with a discount, and so on.
  • Hashtags and accounts. Recently, in the profile description, you can mark another account or hashtag, and it will be clickable. You can mark your related account, for example, a business account in a personal or vice versa, as well as add your main hashtags. After checking the account, you need to confirm the check in another.

It is clear what the company is doing. There is an address, work schedule and contacts for communication, which is important in the case of offline business

Unusual font in the profile description

A custom font in your profile header is a way to emphasize your most important text.

To create a description in an unusual font, you can use:

This is how fonts on Instagram might look like.

"Eternal" stories

In a different way - pinned stories, Highlights.

Highlights - Collections of "Stories" that are displayed under the profile description. Moreover, they are displayed only in the mobile application, when viewing your account from a computer, you will not see them.

These are kind of albums for Stories that you can pin to your account. In such an album there can be either one story or several at once.

To create such an album, while viewing your story, click the "highlight" button.

How can Highlights be used?

  • Catalog of goods / services- you can create albums for a special product or service.
  • Content rubricator- especially relevant for bloggers or for those who promote a personal brand, constantly write and share their posts using hashtags for headings.

When there are a lot of headings, you need to inform subscribers about which headings you have, tell what you write about in them. To do this, you can make albums with Stories. Hashtags in Stories are clickable, so it will be easy for the reader to navigate to the category page.

  • Significant events- the events you want to announce. Or important events that have already happened and to which you want to attract more attention.
  • Promotions and sweepstakes.
  • Information about yourself or the project. For example, you can record several videos with a short story about yourself.
  • F.A.Q. (answers on questions). How to place an order, payment methods, how to get to the store - you can add answers to all the questions that subscribers often ask you. Pin Stories with answers to questions, and they will always be "at hand" for the visitor of your account.

Instagram's interface is fundamentally different from the interfaces of other social networks. It automatically opens the profile in the "layout" mode, without post texts - the user sees only the visuals. Their combination with each other and the overall appearance of the profile is called the buzzword layout.

It is important that it is harmonious and thoughtful. A beautiful visual will push users to subscribe even without a detailed view of the account, will improve the usability of the profile and reduce the CPA (cost per action), i.e., with the same budget, the number of subscriptions will increase.

What should be the layout on Instagram?

A good layout has two main criteria:

  • compliance with the identity - the corporate style of the brand;
  • adherence to certain patterns that work for visual appeal and improvement of perception.

Let's consider each of these criteria in more detail.

Compliance of the profile with the corporate identity of the brand

The corporate identity of any brand usually consists of the following elements:

But this does not mean that an Instagram profile should be identical to the site or, for example, POS materials (materials that promote the promotion of a brand or product at points of sale). You can modify it, add something new, but you should completely forget about it!

For example, if the website design looks like this:

Instagram profile identity can be as follows:

Compliance with certain patterns

The main rule: no one forbids you to come up with new options for designing a profile, combine them with each other and apply to any elements - arrange text, colors, certain templates or compositions of your posts according to these schemes.

So, what are the options for designing profiles?

1. Choosing a single color palette

If all the photos in the profile are completely different and there is no single concept, this option is perfect. The only thing that is required is to think over how the photos will be combined with each other and look together. For example, you can design a profile in one color scheme.

However, if you have more than just a travel blog, but a selling page, this will not be enough. It is important that the user has something to cling to. To do this, use the standard principles of composition that are commonly used in subject photography.

Any correct composition has:

  • focus point- the subject on which you want to focus, for example, your product;
  • props- the surrounding objects, which create a plot and atmosphere and, when correctly positioned, direct the gaze to the focal point;
  • negative space- the background on which the gaze rests. On the one hand, it gives the picture "air", makes the frame less congested, and on the other hand, it gives it a plot and atmosphere.

Senior Strategist ORM Ingate

The same compositional elements can be considered in relation to the profile as a whole. For example, using subject (perhaps even catalog) photos as focus points, lifestyle photos with your product as “props”, and thematic / entertainment content as negative space.

The product can be depicted at least in every photo, but depending on how it is photographed and what role it plays in the frame, the image as a whole in relation to the profile will play one of the above roles: focal point, props, negative space.

You can also focus on colors. For example, keep the focus points bright and the negative space neutral hues.

2. Placing content diagonally

This is one of the simplest and most commonly used layouts. Place text and photos with similar content or composition diagonally, and you will be happy! :-)

3. Placing content in a checkerboard pattern

Here, too, everything is simple. Nevertheless, the eye is very eye-catching.

4. Placing content in thematic blocks

You can also add separator bars to thematic blocks with the title of that block. This option is great for those who use Instagram as a sales tool and rarely update their profile.

Senior Strategist ORM Ingate

Usually, in response to an offer to post content in thematic blocks, we hear concerns that when you start posting dividing posts, they will annoy users. But they won't.

Thanks to the archiving feature, this point can be easily circumvented.

How to do it?

1. Lay out the posts of the dividing block and immediately archive them (perhaps someone will see them in the feed, but these will be only a few).

2. After some time (preferably from several days to a week), return these posts from the archive (they will appear in your profile, but will not appear in the users' feed).

3. Then just post content related to that block.

5. Placing content line by line

With this layout, you can tell your story to users. And they can read it like a book, line by line, from left to right.

By the way, many big brands use this layout. For example, Bentley and Furla:

6. Placing content with vertical lines

Make a contrasting line from your posts and place it vertically in the center or side. It will "pull" users along, forcing them to dive deeper into your profile. You can also line up all your content.

7. Placing content on a gradient

With such a layout, all photos should contain bright color accents, which will gradually and smoothly replace each other, flowing into one another. However, in this case, there are two options:

1. You can lay out photos with colored stripes, observing the order of using colors in the rainbow.

2. Or lay out the photo in such a way that the ribbon shimmers in different colors like a precious crystal.

The main thing is that all transitions are smooth. For example, in one photo the prevailing color is pink, and in the next you want the main color to be green. In this case, make sure that the photo with green also contains pink, but in a small concentration.

8. Placing content in a puzzle

To do this, you need to make a whole picture, and then break it down into details. The option, when you first create individual posts, and then build them in a certain sequence, is wrong.

The main thing is that each detail should look like an independent image and carry a certain semantic load.

Let's take a look at some examples.

Not right:

It is worth saying that this option can also be. But only if you are going to use a jigsaw puzzle as a dividing block, for example, to distinguish between old and new clothing collection.

In any case, in order not to annoy users with photos with some body parts and individual details, it is better to archive such posts immediately after the calculation and retrieve them from the archive a little later.

Last but not least, don't be afraid to experiment and mix styles. In this case, Dolce Gabbana is a great example.

Create your own unique layout that will attract attention and be remembered among other similar profiles :-) Remember, Instagram is the place where your company will be judged by the cover.