How to remove an unnecessary sheet from Word. Section or page break

Working with documents involves not only typing text, but also formatting it and bringing it into compliance with certain requirements. Therefore, it is so important to know how to delete a page in Word and get rid of unnecessary numbers. This allows you to improve appearance document, which has a positive effect on its readability and overall perception.

Removing blank and extra pages

To delete a page in Word 2010, just remove all the characters that are on it. Even if you see in front of you blank sheet, there may be hidden signs formatting.

If at the end of a Word document you see an extra empty page, then do the same with it - display hidden characters and delete them all.

If there is text on the sheet you want to delete, it is best to select it before deleting. Otherwise, you will have to wash each letter separately, which is inconvenient. You can select text with the cursor by holding down left button mice.

Another way to quickly select:

  1. Place the cursor at the beginning of a piece of text.
  2. Hold down the "Shift" key.
  3. Place courses at the end of the fragment.

The procedure for deleting empty sheets in Word 2003, 2007 and 2010 is absolutely identical. No new methods have appeared over the years.

How to delete page numbers in Word

Adding and removing numbering in Word 2010 is as simplified as possible - all these procedures are performed by pressing one button. The procedure will be as follows:

There is an easier way:

  1. Double left click on the page number. A footer window will open.
  2. Select a number.
  3. Click "Delete".


Removing sheets is sometimes accompanied by changes in document formatting. The user simply accidentally removes the signs that are responsible for how the text is placed on the sheet. This rarely happens, but if it happens, correcting the defect becomes quite problematic. The easiest way out is to copy the desired fragment and paste it into a new document.

As a result of editing text, unnecessary blank pages appeared in your document, or you cannot delete extra sheet at the end of the document? Let's figure out what needs to be done to delete a page in MS Word.

Let's start with how to remove blank page in the middle Word document . Most often, such pages appear in a document due to large quantity unprintable characters on them - you have deleted all the text, but the hidden characters remain. This includes page breaks, spaces, and new lines.

You can enable non-printing characters by clicking on the corresponding button on the “Home” tab.

To delete them, move your mouse to the left margin of the document and select all the characters. If you have several blank pages in the middle of a document, you can place the cursor at the beginning of the page you want to delete, hold down “Shift” and place the cursor at the end of another page. Now press "Delete" or "Backspace".

Blank pages in Word in the middle of a document can also appear due to page breaks. They usually separate the beginning of a new chapter from the previous text. Or maybe you just accidentally pressed the key combination “Ctrl+Enter”.

To delete such a page, place the cursor on the last line (or at the end of the text) on previous page, then click Delete.

The blank page will be removed and the text will rise.

Now let's consider how to delete a page in Word that is located at the end of a document. By turning on non-printing characters, you will see that they are present on the page. It could even be a few signs of the beginning new line. Select them with the mouse and press the “Delete” or “Backspace” key. You can also place the cursor at the end of the text and hold down the Delete key until the empty sheet disappears.

That's all. Now you know how you can delete a page in Word. Moreover, these recommendations are applicable in any MS Word: 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013.

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Correctly identifying the cause of the appearance of extra pages will help quickly resolve the problem. Regardless of version Microsoft Word(2003-2016) there are 4 main reasons for the existence of blank pages at the end of a document:

  1. Unnecessary problems or new lines.
  2. Presence of hidden symbols.
  3. Moving part of a table.
  4. The presence of transparent or white pattern(rarely).

Reasons for a blank page

If, when working with a document during the editing process, pages appear that do not contain text, most likely there are page breaks or empty paragraphs on it.

Note: If a blank page appears only when printing a document, then the problem is in the printer settings (page between jobs).

Method 1: Removing extra spaces and paragraphs

Most easy way– delete the extra page using the Backspace or Delete keys, designed to remove characters from the text.

Step 1. Go to last page document and place the cursor on it.

Step 2. Press the indicated keys until the unnecessary page disappears.

Step 3. If there are a lot of empty paragraphs on the page, then the key will have to be pressed several times.

Method 2: Remove hidden characters

Since the appearance blank page usually means there are hidden characters on it; in order to remove them, you need to make them visible.

Step 1. You need to click on the “non-printing characters” icon, which is located on the main tab. By turning on the display of hidden symbols, you can see the reasons for the appearance of extra page and eliminate them.

Step 2. Highlight the extra empty paragraphs and delete them.

Step 3. In addition to empty paragraphs, the reason for the appearance of a blank page can be a manually entered forced break page or section break.

To delete it, place the cursor in front of the break and press the Delete key.

Method 3: Edit the table

If you couldn't delete the page using the previous two methods, you probably have a table at the end of your document. In Word, after each table there is an empty paragraph, and if the table reaches the end of the page, the paragraph moves to the next one. You won't be able to simply remove this empty paragraph symbol. In order to remove a blank sheet, you need to make this paragraph hidden.

Step 1. Show hidden spaces.

Step 2. If the table creates a gap on the next page, then reduce line spacing table cells or font, remove unnecessary line breaks.

How to delete the first page in Word

To remove the cover page in recent Microsoft versions Word, you need to follow these steps.

Step 1. Go to the "Insert" tab.

Step 2. Select the "Cover Page" menu.

Step 3. Specify the appropriate value – “Delete current cover page”.

In versions earlier than 2007 title page is no different from all other pages in the document, so similar methods are used to delete it.

How to delete a page in the middle of a document

The appearance of an unnecessary blank page in the middle of a Word document is usually associated with a section break. This function is rarely used in practice and is mostly added to a document by accident during editing.

Method 1: Remove the section break (Method 1)

Extra page in the middle text document usually appears due to the installation of a section break. It can be removed using the following steps.

Step 1. Place the cursor in front of the break.

Step 2. Click Delete key.

Note: If you remove a blank page from the middle of a document that is the result of a section break, the formatting may change after the section break is removed. If you need different formatting after this page than before this page, then leave a section break. Otherwise, when you delete a break, the formatting will automatically become the same throughout the entire document - the same as it was in the text located before the break.

Method 2: Remove the section break (Method 2)

Step 1. Go to the “Layout” tab.

Step 2. Change the type of break - set to “no break”.

Now you know how to delete a page in Word. The tips listed can be applied in Microsoft Word of all versions.

How to delete a blank page in Word - instructions with animation updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

When working with PC users, they are faced with the fact that a blank sheet randomly appears in the document itself. And here, if you plan to print it on two sides, the user faces a problem, since it is a blank sheet that can ruin everything. The question arises how to delete a sheet in Word.

To work you will need the software used in Word.

How to remove a blank sheet in Word?

To understand the reason for the appearance of empty space and answer the question of how to delete a page in Word, you need to look at those characters that are not printed. This is done as follows: on the toolbar, you need to click the button located near the buttons of the drawing panel and document diagram. It happens that this panel is not displayed in the editor window, in this case you need to click the “View” menu and check the “Standard” item in the toolbar.

Once the button has been pressed, a variety of various characters, which were not visible before, dots and other signs. Thus, you can remove unnecessary spaces. You need to view the entire document, which will allow you to reduce it by a few lines. If it is large enough, then the volume can be reduced even by a whole paragraph.

It is necessary to look very carefully at all the pages in Word until many points are discovered. It is necessary to remove such an element, since there is a high probability that it was this element that caused the blank characters to be moved to another page.

If you remove this element fails, to answer the question of how to delete a blank page in Word, you can try another option: try all deletions of a given value. In addition, deletion can be done not only using the Delete button, but also Ctrl+X or Ctrl+Backspace. The latter is usually used to remove a word from the text.

It also happens that the method with non-printable characters does not help, then you should try using editing. How to edit in Word? To do this, use the “Web Document” mode, which can be selected in the “View” menu by clicking the corresponding tab. After editing is completed, you need to remember to change the viewing mode back.

If the question arises of how to delete not just one page, but several at once, then you need to place the cursor in front of the sheet that you plan to delete initially, and scroll to the document that you want to get rid of last. As a result of such manipulations, everything unnecessary should be highlighted. All that remains is to press the Delete or Backspace button.

Sometimes the user’s inattention leads to unnecessary fragments appearing in the document, breaking the text. Remember a few effective methods to fix common errors in different versions Word.

Deleting a blank page using the Delete or Backspace keys

The easiest way to fix the situation. Removing empty Word pages performed in 2 stages:

  1. Manually select an empty fragment under the text.
  2. Press the Delete or Backspace key.

How to remove forced page breaks

The error often occurs when the user accidentally presses the Ctrl+Enter key combination on the keyboard.

Switch to the main tab top panel. There you need:

  1. Click on the “¶” symbol to display hidden characters.
  2. Find a line with the phrase “Page Break” resulting from a random key combination.
  3. Place the mouse cursor in front of the separator and press Delete.

Deleting an empty paragraph

After press multiple times Enter keys appear empty lines. Solution:

  1. Reveal hidden characters by pressing the "¶" button.
  2. Remove all unnecessary signs ¶ in the Word document.

Disabling the Section Break feature

This option is needed to configure the top and footer, boundaries, etc. If you get rid of the gap, the text formatting will disappear - it will be transformed in accordance with the new section. Instructions for disabling:

  1. Place your mouse cursor on the paragraph where the break appears.
  2. Press RMB to context menu Click on "Paragraph".
  3. In the new window, check the box next to the “Don’t break paragraph” option.