How to log into the community application. Useful VKontakte applications for working with communities

Good day, over time I will also write entries on the blog about social networks, as well as the tools that are available in them. Today I would like to talk about programs for promoting VKontakte groups, which allow you to promote your public pages and groups almost automatically, you just need to set the necessary parameters and the process will go on its own, while you, at the same time, go about your business.

Why is it necessary to promote VKontakte groups?

In the first stages promotion of groups or public pages on VKontakte is required to show that the group is in demand among users who are already accustomed to seeing many groups with a larger audience than in the initial stages in your group, so the principle comes in handy here visual appeal, both the number of users in the group and the number of likes, reposts, and comments.

Agree, you are more likely to click like on the post that is on current moment already contains a certain amount likes and is attractive in your eyes, but you are less likely to do this if the post is attractive, but does not contain a single like or repost.

Now you can boost absolutely everything on VKontakte - polls, likes, comments, reposts of posts, group members, personal pages, subscribers to public pages, meetings, and not only on the VKontakte social network itself, but also in widgets located on third-party sites.

List of free programs for promoting groups or public pages on VKontakte

In fact, today's tools sufficient quantity, which are practically no different, the difference is that paid versions are purchased one-time, for the other part, one-time payment for paid versions is not available and the programs have subscription fee, but I won’t educate you on the intricacies of the paid versions, since this post is about free programs, so I offer you a list of free programs, or rather their demo versions, but even with the functionality of the free versions, you can confidently promote publics and groups in short periods of time.

  1. Grabber VkDog is a very cool thing at a time when you don’t have time to search for materials to publish in groups, with the help of this program you can rob content from the walls of other groups and post it in your groups, which will reduce your labor costs. For posts, you can also add your own copyright, which will be attached to each raked post, for example, you can specify a link to a group so that when a post is reposted, the link to the group will be displayed on the wall of each user who shared it. For the grabber to work, just specify the login and password for account VKontakte group administrator. Moreover, the program implements the ability to operate the program through the Antigate service, which allows you to bypass automatic input captcha (characters from a picture that require manual entry), if it pops up, I remember there was a time when you had to manually carry out similar actions, but in this software this approach implemented. Yes, 5000 entered captchas at the standard rate of the service is only $5, imagine how many months the program will work without stopping. But this is not all the charms; in addition to bypassing captcha, the tact program has the ability to publish posts from one list of groups immediately to another list of groups. You can also set a delay interval between checking for new posts, I recommend setting from 900 to 1800, if you use Antigate, if you don’t, then 1800-3600 seconds, which is equal to 30-60 minutes. If you do not want to rob only new posts that appear on group walls, you can check the “Rob old posts” checkbox and indicate the value of likes that the posts received; if this value is lower than the set value, the posts will not be published. The program also has stop words available that will filter out posts before publishing. For example, you need to publish only those posts that contain a specific text or phrase, for example, “cars.” The program will select posts for you and publish those posts in which contained this phrase. In short, set the values ​​indicated in the screenshot and the program will work without interruptions, you don’t have to be afraid that your VKontakte account will be blocked, experimenters also have access to the range here, you can set eigenvalues, thereby determining at what limit the account begins to be frozen. From paid analogues that are available on the market, the ViKing Group Builder program is now very popular, which, in addition to all the functions of this grabber, also has planning and flexible settings filters.
  2. ViKing Botovod Lite (official website: - indispensable program to promote groups in the sense that you can make money
    absolutely everything - likes, polls, group members, pages, public pages, video views. To launch and operate the program you do not need to have superpowers, just download the file from the link and run Botovod.exe, confirm the conditions user agreement and start working with the program. In order to launch the program, you need to add your account or a fake one at the time of the first launch, I advise you to add a fake one, you never know. In the Lite version of the program, all actions are performed through exchange between other system accounts, where, as each action is completed, your fake account in parallel, other accounts carry out promotions on the posts or groups that you specified. Now there are many exchanges for purchasing accounts, where for a few rubles you can buy a couple of dozen working accounts and spin everything you need for your health. In the extended version of the program, in addition to increasing the speed of promotion, a chatterbox is also available, which can respond to various comments, and its ability to learn is pleasing, this allows you to create communication in groups, but it can also learn bad phrases, so if you are going to use it, keep an eye on at this moment. A task scheduler is also available, which allows you to certain periods time to perform specified actions.
  3. Viking Troll Lite is a program with which you can add comments to VKontakte group posts; this program has the ability to comment on posts from the account you choose. All accounts that participate in the comment system are from the same users as you, so if you add an account to the system, then know that from your account to free version, users will also be able to leave comments. In principle, the system is based on stars, with the help of which you can write comments on entries and to receive additional stars, it is necessary for someone else to start writing from your account, but this is labor-intensive, so in the light version this is a disadvantage. For those who don't want to wait for their account to get stars in the system, there is always paid version, which allows you to buy stars at low prices.
  4. VkGroupBotCleaner - allows you to clear groups of dogs (blocked users) by simply pressing one button. To run the program Just enter the username and password for the group administrator account and the program will do everything for you. This program intended for small groups, since in groups with a large number users this function is present, the developers of the social network VKontakte took care of this. But for small groups it is perfect solution, which will help to significantly reduce your labor costs. To clear a group, you will need to enter its id and click on the “start” button, an intelligently understandable program, use it for your health
  5. The auto-posting service CleverPub is a fairly easy-to-use service; in order to start working in it, you need to go through authorization and select the groups necessary for posting, set up posting periods and support the required materials. I think that no special descriptions are required, since it is intelligent clear interface a service where even a beginner can figure it out.
  6. And of course, I can’t help but mention such a service as - a service for promotion and promotion on the most popular social networks on given time. Such as: YouTube, VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Instagram. Safe work at a professional level, high-quality and live audience, guarantees of order fulfillment. With the help of the service, you can almost instantly promote your account or group, become more popular and recognizable on social networks. Start promoting right now. With this service you will significantly save your time!


For some, promoting groups is like a dark forest that cannot be overcome, but judging from the other side, the tools in open access There are many, this article presents only analogues of tools; if you dig, you can find dozens of similar ones, which will greatly facilitate the work. Remember, an important component in the first stages of the formation of highly visited groups is precisely the size of the group and fake communication, which is not difficult to create when using the provided list of programs.

If you think that the niche is already completely occupied, then you are deeply mistaken! Of course, now is not the time when groups with scant content have gained their popularity and at the moment the number of such groups is measured in millions, now is a different time - the time of content, where content plays important role, so when posting entries to the group, think about this moment too.

We are glad to welcome you again, friends, to the pages of the blog site and to be useful to you in mastering the Internet space. Rimma Belyakina is in touch with you.

In the last article I had the pleasure of telling you. Today you will learn about useful services, programs and applications for VK group administrators, created to help them.

Without special applications VK community administrators and SMM specialists would have a hard time because of the routine; they would have to literally do all the work manually. It’s good that today dozens of powerful tools have already been created and are actively used, designed to significantly facilitate the work of administrators.

What are these applications and what are they for?

Not everyone, however, knows what applications are, how they work and what they are needed for. Let's first understand the terminology.

For the sake of modernity, the application is also called an applet (from the English application), which, in fact, is translated as “application”. Over time, application became an abbreviation for app, and let is a diminutive used to denote a small component within a large one. software, that is, such a small application program is obtained. And it is needed to perform certain user tasks or solve some problems.

This functionality allows you to improve interaction with subscribers, significantly saves group administration time and at the same time serves as a platform for promoting services.

Top Ten

Many creative services can compete for the rating of the most common assistants in group administration. On at the moment There are quite a lot of them and it’s easy to get lost in the selection. Besides different services perform different tasks.

In my opinion, the best ones that deserve attention first of all are these.

Group management

1. Moderator
An excellent assistant, one might say a lifesaver for any administrator. Allows you to keep abreast of all events in the group, establish operational feedback with subscribers, control the receipt of all comments, messages and suggested posts, fight spam. Allows you to see who has joined or left the group. A kind of community analyzer.

2. VK Admin
Powerful tool for managing communities with mobile device. IN official group The application can be downloaded for Android and iOS.

Functional features of the application:

  • publishing posts,
  • moderation,
  • appointment and removal of managers,
  • communication with clientele,
  • statistics tracking,
  • editing products,
  • community registration and other operations.

3. SmmBox
It will help if you don’t have time to search and select content. The search is carried out by keywords or categories, and the delayed posting function will quickly cope with filling several communities simultaneously for several days or weeks in advance.

Eat official video, which will not leave your questions unanswered.

4. SMMplanner
The auto-posting service automates the work of community administrators in creating a schedule of posts in well-known social networks. networks. Simple and convenient service, which makes it possible to plan content long in advance. Works with pictures, links, videos.

5. CleverPub
Advanced SMM service for VKontakte group management. Performs many functions simultaneously, including auto-posting, is easy to use, and provides access to various types of analytics.


6. SocialHammer
Quite a popular service for promoting and promoting VKontakte and Instagram accounts. Automatic service, operating on a 24/7 system.

The services that SocialHammer offers include:

  • invitations to friends,
  • invitations to the group,
  • reposting from communities,
  • answering machine,
  • liking
  • search for target audience.

For more information about how the service works, watch this video.

7. Sociate
An effective and convenient service for advertising on social media. networks. Administrators - for work, SMM specialists - to promote the community through advertising.

8. Epicstars
Online platform for advertising on social media. networks. Automates the advertising process. By adding a page or account to the database, the platform will help you select a site with target audience and will provide you with progress statistics.


9. SocialStats
The most powerful universal tool analytics of communities and personal pages.

Can do a lot of things:

  • analysis of photo albums,
  • video recording statistics,
  • rating interesting communities among your group members and friends,
  • statistics of posts on the wall and much more.

A visual introduction to SocialStats in this video.

10. AllSocial
Group and public statistics service. Conducts analysis and rating of communities, provides data on the number of subscribers, and selects a platform for advertising through a search engine and various filters.

Other useful administration services

It is also worth paying attention to some other valid applications, since they are able to compete for the right to serve faithfully in the administration and promotion of groups.

  • Adstamer advertising exchange With great advantages for group administrators and advertisers.
  • Bosslikefree promotion likes, followers in the quantity you need. Promote a group with Bosslike and get a thrill from the popularity.
  • Do you have an Internet project and are you interested in promoting it? SEO sprint will offer you many ways to promote it by attracting potential clients.
  • Starcomment– an application that allows you to monitor comments, reviews and new entries both in your own and in other people’s communities. Same good service. Read more about him.
  • Want to know what your clients say about you? Babkee they know everything!
  • SocRocket will notify you at cosmic speed about new posts, messages or comments to your e-mail or Telegram.
  • Random App– an application for conducting prize draws. How can there be no competitions? “Bread and Circuses” is relevant at all times.
  • Deserter– allows you to find out who has subscribed or left your group or a competitor’s group.
  • Transferring photos– you can move photos between albums, find duplicates, sort by date, likes.

There are also apps that you can add directly to your community, and followers will see it in the menu. These applications solve such problems as conducting tests, collecting donations, online booking of appointments, surveys, selling tickets, advertising events, posting vacancies, and others. Be sure to check it out to the directory of approved applications, you won't regret it.


In conclusion, I suggest you watch another video from the special manager. VKontakte projects with solid advice on how to use, why and what tools to use, how to interact with the audience and how to promote your content.

What applications do you use? After all, there are many more of them. It is impossible to describe everything in the format of one article. It would be great if you shared your ideas, best practices, and tips with us and our other readers.

Friends, thank you for your attention. I hope the article was useful to you. If so, please rate it below and share it on social media. networks, write comments. See you again!

The VKontakte social network is an ideal platform for doing business. The audience is huge, and the number and quality of instruments is expanding every year. In 2016, developers introduced applications for communities, which made life much easier for group owners and SMM specialists. What is popular today and requires attention, read on.

Adding and using applications: browsing the catalog

To use the community application on VK, you must have access in administrator mode and perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the edited group, find the ellipses on the right and select “Community Management”.
  2. In the settings, find the “Applications” item and go to the appropriate page.
  3. In the proposed menu, we access popular widgets or use the catalog.

The main feature of applications in the community is associated with the number of their simultaneous applications. Programs do not run in parallel, so only one solution can be used. When switching between them, all information is saved and available for return.

In case insufficient quantity tools, there is the possibility of independent development. To do this, read the help and technical part. Next, let's look at the main useful options and solutions for your business communities.

Online registration YCLIENTS: commerce automation with a CRM system

Many people have long known about the YClients service, a powerful comprehensive business automation product. The CRM system allows you to monitor the movement of goods, the appearance of requests and the level of service. Development is considered paid, but the cost is only 1 thousand rubles per month. The main advantage is the use in mobile version site.

To connect the system, you will need to install the application, launch it, and then fill out information fields on the website. Registration is complete, then we top up the balance and establish contact with the manager. The specialist will share the details further work for product setup. At the end of the process, clients from the social network can easily order the purchase of goods or sign up for services.

Applications application: a simple combination of CRM and questionnaires

Another system for automating business processes is the Applications software. The product combines elements for questionnaires and results tracking commercial activities. The manager, through a special form, can accept an order for the purchase of goods or services, track implementation and implementation deadlines. All communities where something is sold must install the application.

To install, run standard procedure adding through “Community Management”, and then configure. To do this, we create a form and issue notifications. When filled out, all information will be reflected in the applications. Therefore, each resource owner can easily track the data and make the appropriate decision.

Donations to online wallets: help from subscribers for the project

I like working for the benefit of the social network and own community, but it doesn't make a profit? Ask your subscribers for help through a specialized application. The widget is called “Donations” and allows you to submit a request for help in supporting the project in a simple form. The script works with several payment systems, which expands the capabilities of the owner and author.

Configuring the plugin is carried out in a number of steps: standard installation, opening the program, entering details. The main thing is not to forget to save the changes. The shape and its dimensions can be edited, the latter is also done in the settings.

“Vacancies” widget: fast and convenient recruitment

This technical solution suitable for large companies and message boards on social networks. The application is installed as standard through community management, and setting it up will not take more than 5 minutes. A correctly implemented plugin allows you to receive employee responses and their resumes, which reduces the time of searching for interesting candidates for unfilled jobs.

When filling out the form, the new one must indicate full information. Details are important in this matter, do not skimp on the text. Don't forget to check the boxes to send notifications to the administrator.

If a resume has arrived or someone has responded, everything will be shown in the central part of the application. For community owners, the “Contact” button is available, which provides a transition to the second stage of candidate verification – an interview.

Two universal applications for business “Tests” and “Questionnaires”

Do you need to increase activity in the group or find out the community's opinion? Then two indispensable applications Questionnaires and Tests will come in handy. Installation is carried out in a standard way, and their use is completely free. IN primary settings We recommend that you take the formation process seriously landing page. The program is in many ways similar to Google Forms, so for advanced users, understanding the system will not be difficult.

Using questionnaires, it is possible to collect feedback, contact information, or receive informational feedback on a particular issue. There are some restrictions regarding fields, so be aware and use this fact wisely. If you need to disable the form, use the appropriate item in the settings. Don't forget to turn on notifications.

Simple and kind “Chat”: quick communication

It is possible to make a group more popular using chat. An old and proven tool for quick exchange information is ideal and simple solution for a social network. Connection will take a few minutes, with virtually no configuration required. Even when turned on for the first time, you can work with the unit.

The settings provide options for limiting users, adding titles and video broadcasts. The design of the chat also plays an important role; take care of the external presentation. All advertisers can be blacklisted, and using filters will limit obscene language.

Product store: widget for selling products and services

A popular and in-demand application for commercial groups is a “Product Store”. The element appeared recently, so not all communities took advantage of the innovation. The system allows you to present information on the pages regarding the most popular products. There are restrictions on the number of units placed, but this can be solved by consistently updating the assortment (replacing old products with new ones).

To install and configure the application, you must complete standard actions which were described in the first section. The widget will be located on the right side. For a product card, you can add a description, price and picture. In 2017, the application turned out to be the most popular among communities.

Sending messages: individual letters with targeting

Another application that requires consideration is the module for sending messages to group subscribers. A strong product provides everything necessary to increase sales conversion, as well as promote services in a short time. Setting up the page is done in seconds. When sending messages, it is possible to select an audience by country, age and gender.

Applications for VKontakte groups are a unique tool for solving many business problems and problems of interaction between commerce and clients. We recommend that you consider and test other options that are publicly available in the “Community Management” section or go to the developer environment.

Hello friends!

In today's article I will talk about the settings of the VKontakte group. Where to find them and what needs to be indicated in them in order to promote more effectively in VK. In general, the information will definitely be useful, so read below.

What are the settings for and where are they located?

Initially, when you create communities, you immediately go to the VKontakte group settings and there you need to set all the necessary data. In addition, usually the group settings constantly change depending on the tasks, and I’ll tell you where to find them later.

In the screenshot below, I showed where you can get to the settings of your community, namely by clicking the “Manage Community” button under your community’s avatar (in the case of a public page, it will say “Manage Page”.

Basic settings of the VKontakte community

Let's go through the basic settings of the VKontakte community.

Other community settings

Now let's look at the other tabs. “Participants” tab. Here you can see who is in your community, and also, if necessary, remove someone from the community.

These are, in principle, the basic settings of the VKontakte community. You can easily figure them out yourself, but if suddenly you don’t work in social networks at all and you need promotion, then you can safely contact us.

I provide consultations and also help promote VKontakte communities.

I hope you found this article helpful and will share the link on social media. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates to stay up to date with all the events.

That's all, bye everyone!

Good day everyone, my dear friends and visitors to my blog site. How are your communities doing there? Yes, yes. Are they filled with subscribers? I hope so, because today we will learn how to manage a group on VK, keep order, in general, how to become a mayor and a sheriff at the same time.

All control levers are contained in the same-named item in your community. You just need to log into your group and select the item "Community Management".

In this block you simply change information about your group, i.e. you can change the name, address, subject, type of content displayed. I already talked about this in. By the way, I’ll just change the address of the group, since such an opportunity presented itself.


Here we will act as real sheriffs, namely, monitor the participants. First, be sure to check the participants for dogs. Remember, I said in mine that when you add people from the Olike service, some of them will turn into dogs. Please. So they began to appear.

Remove these little dogs from the community. This is trash, and trash needs to be taken out of the house. Also here. Keep your community clean. You can also delete other unwanted people if they have done something wrong and you don’t need them.

But here we are as sheriff, so we will be able not only to expel, but also to appoint assistants. When a group grows, it may be difficult to lead it alone, so you may want to hire an assistant or group administrator. To do this, click opposite the right person(you can find it by searching) "Appoint as manager".

A new window will open where you will have to select the type of manager to be appointed:

  • Moderator - deletes materials that he considers unnecessary for the community.
  • Editor - can not only delete and edit materials, but also write and publish materials himself. In addition, he can edit and change main photo groups.
  • Administrator - Well this type can do everything, even appoint new leaders.

When you click on “Display in content block” you can see a link to this person’s page in the “Contacts” block.


Here you can blacklist errant boys and girls. Moreover, you can send them here as if for some certain time, for example, for an hour, or forever. To do this, you simply need to go to the page of the user you want to punish and copy the address of his page. After that, paste this address into the special line and click "Add to blacklist".

A new window will open where you will have to set the blocking period (for example, Week) and the reason for being blacklisted (for example, insult). Well, at the same time, explain to the person why he received a ban in the comments, for example, “What are you doing, you such a scoundrel? Are you crazy or what? Well, I'm kidding) You should leave an adequate comment.

By the way, if you don’t want to see this scoundrel in the group at all, you can leave him on the list forever. Many people think that it is easier to remove, but in the case normal removal he can always come back. So add it to the list too.


Look, my crocodile visie is still here, which I installed from the Olike service when I needed to fill the group with the first subscribers.

Well, that’s about all I wanted to tell you about managing a group. Everything seems absolutely simple. What do you think?

So you can already easily administer your group on VK. You already know all the basics. But if you want to do it on a professional level, that is, administer other people’s communities on a paid basis, then it’s best to go through professional 2-month training, where you will be taught how to properly administer groups, how to find employers, how to present yourself, etc.

Well, I say goodbye to you. I hope you liked the article, so don’t forget to subscribe to blog article updates and share with your friends on social networks. And be sure to check out the other blog posts. You will surely find something interesting for yourself. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin