The computer mouse does not work well for a reason. What to do if the left mouse button does not work or only works every once in a while

The mouse is an integral part of any computer system and since 1981, it has become the main tool for interacting with the operating system.

Therefore, it is not surprising when the mouse on a computer or laptop freezes and does not respond to anything, no matter for how long: it freezes for a second, for a few seconds, periodically or constantly, it is infuriating.

Unfortunately, such a problem exists and practically does not depend on the OS, be it windows xp, windows 7 or windows 10, especially if it is a wireless mouse.

Most often, the mouse cursor slows down and freezes due to its own fault. Why? Because consumers, as a rule, are guided by two criteria - price and wired or wireless.

This is wrong. Choosing a mouse is even more important than choosing a keyboard and choosing one is not easy as a huge number of different types, shapes and models have flooded the market.

In this post I will partially touch on the choice, since you may need to buy a new one after reading this guide.

The main part will relate to the topic of the article - why a wireless mouse often or sometimes freezes on a computer or laptop.

Note: Not everything is known, but now there is a way to use the keyboard without a mouse -

What are the differences between computer mice?

There are two main types - optical and laser. Both technologies are very similar. Both use a beam of light that bounces off a surface and informs the computer of the mouse's position.

Laser technology allows for much more precise interaction, making it a popular choice for gamers and other users who need precise cursor targeting.

Laser also allows you to get a higher DPI, which is especially important for gamers.

For the average user, dots per inch above 1000 are more than enough, and there are practically only such models on the market.

The advantage of optical technology is that they are simply cheaper. Even in the case of gaming ones, the models are very similar to each other, differing only in the sensor and greatly in price.

If you want to use your mouse on almost any surface, you should look at one with a laser sensor.

It will also not work on just a sheet of glass or other transparent surfaces, although there are exceptions, for example, the Logitech Performance Mouse MX is equipped with Laser Tracking technology, which allows it to be used on glass (with a thickness of 4 mm above), since the laser is so precise, which can reflect the beam from microscopic imperfections in the glass.

An alternative to optical and laser sensors is provided by Microsoft with BlueTrack technology, using a wide beam of blue light.

It can work on any surface (except glass and mirror surfaces) while ensuring precision. Although it is not the best solution for hardcore gamers, office users will feel the difference in technology.

How I fixed the problem with my wireless mouse constantly freezing

It annoyed me to the point of fury that my mouse constantly began to freeze for several seconds - in the center of the monitor, in the upper left corner, in a word, this happened everywhere - it froze and did not move.

I repeat, it started to freeze, it worked fine before, only I used it on a laptop.

I analyzed the situation, the only thing I noticed a difference in was that when I was connected to the laptop I was next to it, but in the computer the distance increased to at least 1 meter and there were 2 obstacles in the way in the form of the wall of a bedside table and a computer desk.

Then I bought a USB extension cable, as in the picture below, connected the dongle to it and placed it near the mouse.

A miracle happened, the freezes stopped, the nerves calmed down, the work returned to normal, in a word, the mouse froze due to a bad pairing.

The first reason why a computer mouse freezes is a weak sensor.

If you have problems with your computer mouse freezing—not always responding to key presses or changes in position—then the first thing you should check is the sensor.

The optical sensor reacts to objects that are sent by a beam of light - that is why the cursor moves and responds, which changes position on the screen.

Keep in mind that it should not be placed directly on glass or slippery surfaces.

In addition, it is worth cleaning the sensor, wheels and keys (you will need to disassemble them) - a can of compressed air and a toothpick are ideal for this.

The second reason why a computer mouse freezes is drivers.

Problems with using a computer mouse can also be caused by a driver installed on your computer or laptop.

To remove and reinstall the pointing device driver, open Device Manager and look for the Mouse and Other Pointing Devices section.

Then select the HID-compatible mouse, and RMB select the "Uninstall" option. After this procedure, restart your computer - the system will automatically install the default driver.

The third reason why a computer mouse freezes is USB ports.

USB ports connected to the motherboard can also cause the problem. If you have not yet been able to solve the problem of your computer mouse freezing, you should check whether the device is damaged.

The easiest thing would be to connect the mouse to another computer. This way you can be sure that the problem is not with the device, but the cause should be looked for in the computer.

In addition, you can test your computer mouse in Safe Mode - to do this, upon boot, press the F8 key and select the Safe Mode menu item.

If it turns out that the mouse works properly in Safe Mode, then the reason is likely to lie in the system settings.

If the mouse is connected to the front USB port of your computer, try connecting it to the rear USB port. That's all. Good luck.

Sometimes users encounter a problem when the mouse does not respond to clicks. Why might this happen? How is it proposed to deal with the task? What features and nuances of the process are recommended to pay attention to? Sometimes factors that are not at all related to input devices can influence the mouse. Users can immediately take faulty equipment to system administrators for diagnosis. This is a logical decision, but there is no need to rush. You can independently figure out why the mouse does not always respond to clicks, and even cope with problems without outside help.


The first and fairly common cause of the phenomenon under study may be simple clogging of equipment. If the mouse does not respond well to clicking or does it every other time, it is recommended to check its cleanliness.

Clogging can be eliminated only with new equipment. If the device has been working for some time, then if there are problems with the mouse, you can clean the component. It's not that hard to do. The result will not be long in coming - after the user removes all the dirt accumulated under the buttons, the mouse will work at full capacity.


But this is only one option for the development of events. In fact, there are a lot of possible scenarios. Mouse not responding to clicks? It is likely that the equipment is faulty. Relevant for any devices - both new and those that have been working for some time.

It is recommended to take faulty equipment to a service center. There, the technicians will check the device and tell you whether it can be repaired. If yes, then you can leave the mouse at the service center until the problem is fixed. Otherwise, you will have to completely change the input device.

Functionality check

If a new mouse or a mouse that has already been cleaned of dirt and dust does not respond to clicks, you can check its functionality yourself. To do this, it is recommended to connect the device to another computer, install hardware drivers and make sure everything works.

This technique allows you to make visits to service centers with specific complaints. Also, with the help of such a check, you can often understand the sources of problems and failures. What other scenarios are possible? What should you pay attention to in this or that case?

Jacks and connectors

Mouse not responding to clicks? What to do? For starters, don't panic. This problem occurs among many users; often the source of the problem is a purely technical component; this does not pose any danger to the computer or operating system.

Alternatively, the cause of problems with the mouse may be a damaged connector. The socket to which the equipment is connected is damaged, as a result of which contact between the machine and the manipulator is established only once.

There is only one way out - connect the mouse to another socket. This is the only way to fix the problem. By the way, the connection connector on the device may also be damaged. In this situation, it is better to purchase a new mouse. After all, connectors are usually not repairable. Or after these manipulations they still break, and very quickly.


What if the mouse does not respond to clicks or does it every once in a while? There are a lot of options for the development of events. It has already been said that often all problems are technical. But there are exceptions.

For example, the following layout is typical for gaming mice. It's all about the drivers. This software is responsible for recognizing devices in the operating system. An old version or the complete absence of these applications can lead to the fact that the mouse will not work at all. Or they will find themselves among equipment unknown to the computer.

In this case, you just need to install drivers on your computer (usually they are included with mice) or update existing ones. After this, the operating system reboots. Is there progress? Then you don't have to worry. The mouse still doesn't work fully? We need to look further for the source of the problem. There are still many alternatives.


Only laptop owners encounter this problem. Does the mouse not always respond to clicks or does not work at all, although there is a cursor? You can try to check the operation of the touchpad. If it functions normally, it is recommended to disable this component.

The thing is that some laptops and operating system builds do not support simultaneous operation of the touchpad and mouse. Therefore, a hardware conflict occurs. As a result, the mouse refuses to work normally.

As soon as the touchpad is disabled, the connected device will return to full functionality. And you can continue to use the mouse. By the way, you shouldn’t be surprised if the problem arose suddenly - no one is immune from this.


But if the mouse does not immediately respond to clicks, then the problem may be different. For example, slow response from input/output devices is sometimes due to high processor load.

Why does this phenomenon occur on computers? There are a lot of options. Among the most common are the following:

  • a large number of functioning programs;
  • the computer does not comply with the system requirements of the operating system;
  • viruses;
  • long-term operation of equipment without shutting down or rebooting;
  • lack of hard disk space for normal operation of the OS.

In any case, you need to provide the processor with unloading. It is recommended to close numerous programs running in the background and restart the machine. It's better to give her a few hours to rest. Next, the user must resume trying to connect the mouse. The problem should go away.


Mouse not responding to clicks? A virus, as already mentioned, is the real cause of a problem with equipment. Any computer “infection” can lead to this phenomenon.

What to do in this case? We need to try to cure the computer. If the problem occurs on a laptop, the touchpad will help. With it you can easily control your computer and cursor. The anti-virus system will find and disinfect potentially dangerous files. If this fails, the user will be prompted to delete the document.

As a rule, when the cursor cannot be controlled at all, the computer is taken to a service center. There, the system will quickly be cured of all viruses without causing any damage to the owner’s data.


If the mouse does not respond to clicks, you should pay attention to the system requirements. The thing is that all modern equipment has certain demands on the computer. Non-compliance with this makes the device impossible to operate. Or it will function unstably.

When an incompatibility with the operating system is detected, you can solve the problem in several ways. Either the user changes the OS or the connected equipment. The second option is most often encountered in practice. It is recommended that Windows 10 owners pay special attention to compatibility issues. A lot of equipment conflicts with this operating system. Therefore, there is no need to be surprised that Windows does not respond to mouse clicks.

What to do in this situation? It has already been said: either change the connected equipment, or change the operating system. What exactly to do? Everyone decides for themselves.

Power supply

This is the last reason why the mouse connected to the computer is not responding. It's all the fault of the power settings. This problem most often occurs on laptops.

It is recommended that you visit your power settings and turn off the feature that allows USB ports to be disabled. After all, it is to them that information input/output devices are connected. After this, all settings are saved and the computer restarts.

As practice shows, after this the mouse works better. It's actually not that difficult. It is enough to go through all possible options. This is the only way to understand 100% what’s going on. There is also no need to rush into purchasing new equipment. It is likely that you can do without it.

If the user doubts his abilities, he can take the computer along with the faulty equipment to a service center. They will quickly help you not only diagnose, but also fix any computer problem. What exactly to do? The final decision always remains with the user!

The mouse moves incorrectly or is unstable


The computer mouse is not stable and the cursor does not move correctly.

May be caused by:

This issue may be caused by one of the following: They may vary depending on the mouse connected to the computer.

  1. The computer mouse is dirty.
  2. Poor surface.
  3. Humidity and other external disturbances on the fingers (for Touchpad).
  4. Other input devices are interfering with normal operation.
  5. Driver problems.
  6. The optical part is blocked.
  7. The mouse is faulty.


Computer mouse is dirty

Make sure that the mouse and the surface on which it operates are clean; dust and other materials can interfere with the operation of the LED (laser) in an optical mouse and the ball in an optical-mechanical one.

Bad surface

While most computer mice will work on any surface, if you're suspicious, we suggest trying a variety of other surfaces: a mouse pad, a book, paper, or something else to make sure it's not the surface causing the problem.

Humidity and other external disturbances on the fingers

Users who use a touch pad may experience strange mouse cursor behavior due to moisture or other materials on the finger. For example, hand cream.

And for the reliability of the entire device, a case for a Samsung 9.7 tablet, or another model, which will protect it from mechanical damage, will not hurt.

Disable other external input devices

If you have other input devices such as another external mouse, graphics tablet, keyboards, etc. Try disabling these devices to make sure they are not the cause of your problem.

Updating drivers and removing old ones

Since drivers control how the mouse interacts with the operating system, if there are problems with the drivers, then there may be problems with moving the mouse cursor. Make sure you have the latest drivers from your manufacturers.

If you have replaced your old mouse with a mouse from another manufacturer, we strongly recommend removing the old drivers.

The optical part is blocked

Users who use an optical mouse are likely to experience strange mouse cursor behavior because part of the optical eye is blocked. Most often it is related to hair.

Computer mouse is faulty

If you have done all the above steps to troubleshoot your mouse, and nothing helps, then most likely it is broken. Another test we suggest doing to determine whether the problem is with the mouse or not is to connect it to another computer. Otherwise, you may need to replace the mouse.

Date: 08/15/2015 16:19

the mouse started working in reverse - when you move it up, it moves down, it moves to the right, to the left, and when to the right, to the left it moves up, down... Tell me what to do, thanks in advance!

Date: 09/04/2015 19:26

Same problem as Vadim. Canyon mouse.

Date: 09/08/2015 21:12

Same thing, also a Canyon mouse!

Date: 11/01/2015 18:42

same problem what to do with ritmix mouse

Date: 11/01/2015 23:16

Same problem as everyone else what the hell

Hello, here are some options that can help you all to remove mouse inversion. If someone has already solved this problem, please post in the comments. 1. As strange as it may sound, change the batteries in your mouse. As far as I understand, many users have problems because of this. 2. Control panel/mouse settings, see if there are any inversion settings there. 3. Look for inversion settings in your mouse software. 4. Update your mouse drivers. 5. Remove and restore the mouse in Device Manager.

Date: 11/09/2015 02:17

Cameron mouse, the same problem, appeared suddenly. For proper operation, you have to use the mouse with a 90 degree rotation to the left. All attempts to fix it were unsuccessful. On another computer, the same thing. It's time to grab a screwdriver and hammer.

Date: 12/19/2015 20:31

I bought a wireless mouse, I go to the left, and it goes up, I go down, and it goes to the right, in general, I thought it was so convenient for the Chinese to simply hold the hand with the mouse sideways. However, I decided to take it apart and came to the conclusion that the Chinese had soldered the light receiver incorrectly, or whatever it is correctly called. I poked around with a screwdriver, shorted the contacts on this receiver, and suddenly, for unknown reasons, its orientation returned to normal. I bought the mouse for 150 rubles, I didn’t mind picking at it, but if you have the same situation with an expensive new mouse, it’s better to return it and take the money =)

Date: 01/03/2016 16:36

The same problem with the CNS-CMSW4G mouse, you have to turn it 90 degrees to the right. I tried all the above tips, nothing helped, I wrote to canyon technical support

Date: 04/20/2016 20:12

the same as all CANYON

Date: 05/06/2016 14:11

CANYON seems to have this feature.

Date: 05/20/2016 13:39

Anyone else managed with the Canyon mouse? With a change of direction?

Date: 06/18/2016 21:13

What to do if the mouse cursor does not open the Internet, office or other folders when you turn on the computer, although the cursor moves, the mouse seems to work. But it doesn't activate.

Date: 06/19/2016 14:13

Marina Most likely, your computer that just turned on is still busy with other processes (loading background programs, antivirus, etc.) and cannot respond to your actions for some time.

Sometimes users encounter a problem when the mouse does not respond to clicks. Why might this happen? How is it proposed to deal with the task? What features and nuances of the process are recommended to pay attention to? Sometimes factors that are not at all related to information can influence the mouse. Users can immediately take faulty equipment to system administrators for diagnosis. This is a logical decision, but there is no need to rush. You can independently figure out why the mouse does not always respond to clicks, and even cope with problems without outside help.


The first and fairly common cause of the phenomenon under study may be simple clogging of equipment. If the mouse does not respond well to clicking or does it every other time, it is recommended to check its cleanliness.

Clogging can be eliminated only with new equipment. If the device has been working for some time, then if there are problems with the mouse, you can clean the component. It's not that hard to do. The result will not be long in coming - after the user removes all the dirt accumulated under the buttons, the mouse will work at full capacity.


But this is only one option for the development of events. In fact, there are a lot of possible scenarios. Mouse not responding to clicks? It is likely that the equipment is faulty. Relevant for any devices - both new and those that have been working for some time.

It is recommended to take faulty equipment to a service center. There, the technicians will check the device and tell you whether it can be repaired. If yes, then you can leave the mouse at the service center until the problem is fixed. Otherwise, you will have to completely change the input device.

Functionality check

If a new mouse or a mouse that has already been cleaned of dirt and dust does not respond to clicks, you can check its functionality yourself. To do this, it is recommended to connect the device to another computer, install hardware drivers and make sure everything works.

This technique allows you to make visits to service centers with specific complaints. Also, with the help of such a check, you can often understand the sources of problems and failures. What other scenarios are possible? What should you pay attention to in this or that case?

Jacks and connectors

Mouse not responding to clicks? What to do? For starters, don't panic. This problem occurs among many users; often the source of the problem is a purely technical component; this does not pose any danger to the computer or operating system.

Alternatively, the cause of problems with the mouse may be a damaged connector. The socket to which the equipment is connected is damaged, as a result of which contact between the machine and the manipulator is established only once.

There is only one way out - connect the mouse to another socket. This is the only way to fix the problem. By the way, the connection connector on the device may also be damaged. In this situation, it is better to purchase a new mouse. After all, connectors are usually not repairable. Or after these manipulations they still break, and very quickly.


What if the mouse does not respond to clicks or does it every once in a while? There are a lot of options for the development of events. It has already been said that often all problems are technical. But there are exceptions.

For example, the following layout is typical for gaming mice. It's all about the drivers. This software is responsible for recognizing devices in the operating system. An old version or the complete absence of these applications can lead to the fact that the mouse will not work at all. Or they will find themselves among equipment unknown to the computer.

In this case, you just need to install drivers on your computer (usually they are included with mice) or update existing ones. After this, the operating system reboots. Is there progress? Then you don't have to worry. The mouse still doesn't work fully? We need to look further for the source of the problem. There are still many alternatives.


Only laptop owners encounter this problem. Does the mouse not always respond to clicks or does not work at all, although there is a cursor? You can try to check the operation of the touchpad. If it functions normally, it is recommended to disable this component.

The thing is that some laptops and operating system builds do not support simultaneous operation of the touchpad and mouse. Therefore, a hardware conflict occurs. As a result, the mouse refuses to work normally.

As soon as the touchpad is disabled, the connected device will return to full functionality. And you can continue to use the mouse. By the way, you shouldn’t be surprised if the problem arose suddenly - no one is immune from this.


But if the mouse does not immediately respond to clicks, then the problem may be different. For example, a slow response from information is sometimes due to high processor load.

Why does this phenomenon occur on computers? There are a lot of options. Among the most common are the following:

  • a large number of functioning programs;
  • the computer does not comply with the system requirements of the operating system;
  • viruses;
  • long-term operation of equipment without shutting down or rebooting;
  • lack of hard disk space for normal operation of the OS.

In any case, you need to provide the processor with unloading. It is recommended to close numerous programs running in the background and restart the machine. It's better to give her a few hours to rest. Next, the user must resume trying to connect the mouse. The problem should go away.


Mouse not responding to clicks? A virus, as already mentioned, is the real cause of a problem with equipment. Any computer “infection” can lead to this phenomenon.

What to do in this case? We need to try to cure the computer. If the problem occurs on a laptop, the touchpad will help. With it you can easily control your computer and cursor. The anti-virus system will find and disinfect potentially dangerous files. If this fails, the user will be prompted to delete the document.

As a rule, when the cursor cannot be controlled at all, the computer is taken to a service center. There, the system will quickly be cured of all viruses without causing any damage to the owner’s data.


If the mouse does not respond to clicks, you should pay attention to the system requirements. The thing is that all modern equipment has certain demands on the computer. Non-compliance with this makes the device impossible to operate. Or it will function unstably.

When an incompatibility with the operating system is detected, you can solve the problem in several ways. Either the user changes the OS or the connected equipment. The second option is most often encountered in practice. It is recommended that Windows 10 owners pay special attention to compatibility issues. A lot of equipment conflicts with this operating system. Therefore, there is no need to be surprised that Windows does not respond to mouse clicks.

What to do in this situation? It has already been said: either change the connected equipment, or change the operating system. What exactly to do? Everyone decides for themselves.

Power supply

This is the last reason why the mouse connected to the computer is not responding. It's all the fault of the power settings. This problem most often occurs on laptops.

As practice shows, after this the mouse works better. It's actually not that difficult. It is enough to go through all possible options. This is the only way to understand 100% what’s going on. There is also no need to rush into purchasing new equipment. It is likely that you can do without it.

If the user doubts his abilities, he can take the computer along with the faulty equipment to a service center. They will quickly help you not only diagnose, but also fix any computer problem. What exactly to do? The final decision always remains with the user!

If the mouse is connected to the system unit via the PS/2 connector (the round socket on the rear panel, next to which there is sometimes a picture of a mouse), it cannot be connected and disconnected in a “hot” way, i.e. when the computer is turned on. A short circuit can occur, to which PS/2 ports are very sensitive.

If you see that the cursor does not move and the system does not respond to mouse keystrokes, turn off the computer using the keyboard. To open the Start menu, press Ctrl+Esc or Win. Use the Down Arrow and Enter keys to select the Shutdown command and confirm the shutdown request by pressing OK.

Disconnect the mouse wire from the port and carefully, being careful not to bend the electrode pins, connect it again - the problem may be a lack of contact. Turn on your computer. If the mouse works, it means you did everything right.

The USB ports are designed for hot plugging. However, if the mouse is connected via USB, still turn off the system unit before connecting the connector - rebooting may help.

If the problem persists, try the mouse on another computer. If the cursor moves and the keys work, the port on your system unit may be faulty or there are software problems.

To identify the source of the trouble, alternately connect known-good mice to the computer via PS/2 and USB ports. Usually you do not need to install special drivers - standard Windows utilities are also suitable. If not a single device works, there is most likely a software problem.

Using the Win keys, directional arrows, Tab and Enter, from the “Start” menu, go to the “Control Panel”, activate the “System” icon, in the “Hardware” tab, click “Device Manager”, then expand the “Mouse and other pointing devices” list . Use the combination Shift+F10 to call up the context menu and select the “Delete” command, then reboot. The system, having detected a new device, will reinstall the drivers for it.

If you connected new equipment or installed a new program, the cause may be a hardware conflict. Log into the system in safe mode when it boots in minimal configuration. To do this, restart your computer and press F8 after a short beep. In the boot mode menu, select “Safe Mode”. When the system asks you to continue working in this mode, answer “Yes”. If the mouse works fine, remove the new hardware and software. Boot into normal mode.

If your system has System Restore enabled, try selecting “Load Last Known Known Configuration” from the mode selection menu. The system will offer you several system restore points to download. Choose the one closest to the time when the problems started. If the attempt fails, try another date.

There is another way to enter system recovery mode. When rebooting, select the “Safe Mode” option, but answer “No” when asked by the program to continue working. You will then be prompted to select a restore point.

OS Windows has a built-in “Troubleshooter”. To launch it, go to the “Control Panel” using the keyboard and expand the “Mouse” icon. Go to the “Hardware” tab using Shift+Tab and click “Diagnostics”. To run diagnostics, use the “Next” button. To select an answer to the system questions, press Shift. Perhaps as a result, it will be possible to find out the reason for the inoperability.

If these methods do not help, check your computer for viruses. Download the free AVZ4 program and deploy it to a flash drive. Press Win+R and enter the command F:\AVZ4\avz.exe into the “Open” window, where F: is the name of the removable disk in the system. Start scanning.

If the mouse works, but from time to time, right-click on a free space on the screen, select the “Properties” option and go to the “Options” tab. Click "Advanced" and select the "Diagnostics" tab. Move the Hardware Acceleration slider one notch to the left and confirm by clicking OK.


  • Download AVZ4
  • The mouse on the computer does not work

Today there are two ways to connect a computer mouse: via a USB interface, and also via a cord. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

You will need

  • Computer, mouse, drivers.


Connecting a wireless mouse via USB. This method can be divided into two stages: installation of the necessary software and the mouse itself. Before you can use yu, you need to install drivers on your PC, which must be included in the general delivery package (the kit must also include a USB transmitter that will work with it).

Driver installation. Insert the software disc into the drive, and then install the appropriate drivers for your mouse model on your computer. During the installation process, it is not recommended to change its paths (if you are an experienced PC user, you can install the drivers in the directory you see fit). After the mouse software has been installed on your computer, you can proceed to connecting it.

Insert the transmitter that comes with the mouse into any active USB port. Make sure your mouse has a charged battery. After the computer detects the device, switch the mouse toggle switch to the “ON” position. You can now continue working with your new mouse.

Connecting a mouse via wire. Here you do not have to make any manipulations with the system settings. All you need to do is plug the wire into the appropriate socket on the back of the PC (the plug is usually marked green, so you need a socket of the appropriate color).

Users of computers, including laptops, have a hard time imagining working without a mouse. Rarely does a user know how to control a computer using a keyboard, and in many applications, not all controls can respond to keyboard actions. If your mouse cursor stops responding, try the following:


Restart your computer. If the keyboard still works, press the Windows key to bring up the Start menu. Go to Shutdown using the arrow keys on the right side of your keyboard and press enter. If neither the mouse nor the keyboard responds to your input, use the reset button or turn off the computer using the power button. Press and hold the computer's power button until the computer turns off (you'll hear it from the fans inside the case).

Turn off your computer and check the mouse cable. Remove and reinsert the connector. If your mouse has a USB connection interface, this can be done even when the computer is turned off. If PS/2, be sure to turn off the computer before performing any manipulations, otherwise you risk damaging the PS/2 port on the motherboard.

Try connecting the mouse to another computer to check. If the mouse doesn’t work there either, it means it’s broken. Unfortunately, computer mice are not repaired due to the cheapness of the device. Buy a new mouse from a computer store. Ask a consultant to help you choose the best option for a computer mouse. First of all, you will need to explain what exactly you do. For example, special gaming computer mice have been created for games.

If the mouse works, but you have difficulty hitting the interface elements, clean the window on the “belly” of the mouse, from which the red beam shines. Wipe it with a slightly damp cloth or plastic cloth. Go to the manipulator settings in the “Control Panel” to adjust the speed of the cursor movement. Move the cursor in different directions to fully adjust the sensitivity and speed.

Video on the topic

A modern computer mouse is a fairly reliable device that can work reliably for many years. However, sometimes it also has problems. Instead of going to the store to buy a new mouse, you should try to repair your old one.

You will need

  • - soldering iron and solder;
  • - insulating tape.


The most common cause of a mouse not working is a broken wire where it exits the case. This malfunction usually occurs in users who actively work with the mouse - for example, gamers or professionals using graphics programs. Failure of a mouse can lead not only to its failure, but also to the shutdown of the computer. The latter occurs in the event of a short circuit in the broken wires, which triggers the protection in the power supply.