You need to study to become a programmer. A: - Three things that I know

Students who are studying in high school are increasingly thinking about what they need to take to become a programmer. This topic interesting because you can get this profession in several ways. Sometimes, in order to become a programmer, you don’t even need to get higher education. There are a lot of self-taught programmers in Russia. Only they find it difficult to achieve success in their career.

That is why many are interested in what they will have to take to enter the this direction training. What will applicants have to face? And where can they go to study to become a programmer?

Description of the profession

The first step is to understand what specialty we are talking about. The thing is that programming is something that is required more and more often with the development of IT technologies. People who create programs, applications and website development are called programmers.

In fact, the graduate will have to learn to understand software and system codes, write your own software and web pages. Learning to become a programmer is a rather complex process. But after graduation, a person will have more than enough job prospects and success.

With a programmer's diploma, you can get a high-paying job not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Or even start your own business. That's why many people think that they need to become a programmer. After all, enrolling in education involves facing entrance examinations. In Russia this is the Unified State Exam or State Examination.

Methods of obtaining education

But before you get interested in the upcoming exams, you will first have to understand where exactly you can go to study. A lot depends on this. The thing is that programming is now found in almost every educational institution. Under certain circumstances, you won't have to hand over anything at all. Only, as practice shows, you often have to think about the question posed earlier.

So where to study to become a programmer? On at the moment suggested:

  1. Enroll in a university in the appropriate field. Usually programmers are trained in mathematics and information departments. For example, you can contact MGIMO or Moscow State University. Programming is not found in liberal arts universities.
  2. Finish college. Here it is suggested either to go to school after 9th grade, or after 11th. Good way obtaining secondary vocational education. Some schools don’t even require you to think about what you need to take to become a programmer. It is enough to simply provide a certificate of education. But in practice, most often students are accepted based on the results of the State Examination and the Unified State Examination.
  3. Take retraining courses. Usually no exams are required. People are sent for training either from the labor exchange or from work.
  4. Seek private help training centers. It is enough to complete specialized programming training courses. IN in this case you don’t need to think at all about what you need to take to become a programmer. There are no entrance tests, just pay the tuition fee.

Where exactly should I go to study? Everyone chooses this for themselves. But most often in practice, admission to colleges and universities occurs. This is why you have to think about what you need to take to become a programmer.


We have to pay attention to the fact that there is no clear answer. Much depends on where exactly the applicant is applying. Universities and colleges now train to become programmers using various entrance exams. And this will have to be taken into account.

It is recommended to first decide on the place of admission, then in a specific institution to clarify the information of interest. Universities and colleges require the same exams. But which ones exactly? What subjects will allow you to become a programmer?

Mandatory tests

After 9th or 11th grade? There are 2 compulsory subjects. They will have to be taken in any case, not necessarily when applying for programming.

In Russia, by law, in order to successfully obtain a certificate, you must pass exams in the Russian language and mathematics. At the moment, discussions are underway, according to which it will be necessary to take another test under any circumstances. foreign language and geography. But so far there are no such bills in action.

Does your child want to learn a profession called “programmer”? What exams need to be taken after 11th or 9th grade? Mandatory:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics (preferably specialized level).

Common Exams

What's next? Usually, 3 subjects are required for admission to a particular specialty. The Russian language, although compulsory, is often not taken into account. That is, it is necessary for graduation from school. There are still 2 items left.

What do you need to pass to become a programmer? Most often, applicants are required to take the Unified State Exam or State Examination in the following subjects:

  • informatics;
  • physics.

Accordingly, to become a programmer, a student will have to face:

  • mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • physics;
  • computer science.

It is in this combination that the requirements of colleges and universities are most often found. But this is not the only scenario. Some subjects that are not related to mathematics and technology may also sometimes require passing. As already mentioned, it all depends on the educational institution to which a person applies.

Other items

There are other subjects required in combination with mathematics. Are you interested in the direction called “Programmer”? What do you need to take after 11th grade? It is likely that the future programmer will be required to have Unified State Examination/State Examination results in:

  • foreign language;
  • biology;
  • social studies;
  • history.

Now it’s clear what needs to be taken to become a programmer. That is why people first prefer to undergo specialized paid courses. And only then do they think about actually entering a university or technical school to study programming.

Developer software is engaged in writing programs for various types computers. This largely creative profession requires large quantity skills, knowledge and experience. But the first thing a programmer needs to know is what personal qualities the representatives of this environment have. Sphere information technology does not stand still and is developing rapidly. A true specialist must always be aware of all changes, which means he needs great interest and a tendency to self-education.

Next thing you need to know English language. Every developer knows it at least at a technical level, because with its help it will be easier to understand the commands of most programming languages. It is foreign countries that are developing the fastest in the field of software development. Therefore, English is useful to get acquainted with the latest news in this area.

Today, many faculties of higher educational institutions not only explain in detail what is needed to become a programmer, but also immediately train specialists with the necessary basic skills in the field of mathematics and physics. However, many developers argue that higher education in this area is not the main thing. It is more important here to be able to find non-standard and good decisions while working on tasks.

The following points that a programmer needs to know will depend on the specialist’s area of ​​work. For example, for a website developer it is also very important to graphic editors, as well as knowledge modern languages web development. One of them is PHP.

People who are thinking about it should understand that basic knowledge of the language itself will not be entirely enough. To get a good job and decent pay, you need to understand OOP, which is used in writing popular frameworks and CMS. Working with is the next stage of what a PHP programmer needs to know.

At present, it will be enough to familiarize yourself with the work of the most common database - MySQL. A true specialist is also unlikely to be able to do without languages. HTML layout and CSS. Despite the fact that PHP is a server language, it is associated specifically with the assembly of web pages written in HTML. You will also need knowledge of JavaScript syntax and an understanding of the work of common frameworks - JQuery or ExtJS. Nowadays it’s easy to master all these modern instruments through numerous blogs and online courses.

Having knowledge of what it takes to become a programmer, as well as owning them, you can choose various areas of activity - writing programs for automating the business of companies, developing and modernizing websites and applications. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to work for permanent place in any company. It is possible to independently find orders of interest without leaving home, or organize your own business, which can become a real source of success. However, such an undertaking will require additional knowledge in the field of economics, project management, and jurisprudence.

Many people have a question: “Can I become a programmer if I don’t know anything about programming?” We answer: “Of course.” It is certainly possible to become a programmer from scratch. Moreover, becoming a successful programmer is real! Therefore, let's look at questions typical for a novice programmer.

How to become a programmer from scratch or where to start?

First, you should decide what you need programming for: is it your future job, a hobby, or just an interest.

Have you decided?

Then you have a small list of things to do before you start practicing:

  1. Search educational materials. These could be books, magazines, blogs of experienced programmers, and so on. The main thing is that you understand what they write about, so it’s better to look longer for an author you like, so that in the future you can study with pleasure, and not force yourself to study textbooks. It is also worth looking for a dictionary of terms, you may need it in the future.
  2. Communication with programmers. It would be useful to seek help from a specialist to find out how he started programming, what programming languages ​​he started with, and so on.
    Secondly, don't waste time. Get to work. What you need to do next to start programming:
  3. Choose a programming language in which you will be comfortable creating.
  4. Choose a program for beginners (similar to Pascal ABC, which is used to teach students and schoolchildren).
  5. While reading, analyze examples in practice (try to create similar situations in parallel).

How to become a web programmer and how is this specification different?

Web programming has a focus on developing web applications. This is one of the sections of programming. To become a web programmer from scratch you will need:

  1. Study and understand which language will be more pleasant for you to program, which language is widely used in your field and what capabilities it has. Most often used HTML languages and JavaScript and most web programmers specialize in them.
  2. Practice after reading the material. Create your small website on free hosting(even ucoz will do), where you can implement and test your developments. Testing can also be done directly in the browser; many of them support this function (these are popular browsers like EI, Firefox, Chrome and Opera), usually this function is in the "Web Development" tab.
  3. Show your work to web programmers, they will tell you what needs to be changed and where you shouldn’t go crazy with the code.

How to become a 1C programmer and use it in your work?

1C programming is often required in a variety of companies and firms. To successfully engage in 1C programming you need:

  1. It is advisable to complete any accounting courses (perhaps with a specific focus on studying 1C) so that you have an idea of ​​what you are doing.
  2. Try filling out forms and programming with some data (this is available in almost all 1C programming textbooks).
  3. Visit thematic sites and forums; users probably have their own personal experience who could help you.

How to become a successful programmer?

The more you practice, the higher the likelihood of success.

You might be interested.

Hello! Today we’ll look at what it takes to become a programmer from scratch. You won't master this in a couple of months. You need to know too much to become good specialist.

I am no stranger to programming. C, Pascal, JavaScript, HTML, CSS - this is just a partial list program languages, with which I had to work to create small algorithms and, of course, websites. There are different successes in different directions, but this is not about me now.

Let’s return to the main topic and consider the 5 stages from preparation to employment as a programmer. In fact it turned out short plan“from scratch to result” format.

How to become a programmer and choose profitable jobs to your liking?

There are different specialists in this field. Some write accounting programs, others - websites, others - program microprocessors. Hundreds of examples can be given. You can't master everything unless you're a genius.

At the initial stage, it is important to decide on the specific types of work you plan to do.

The first can be potentially profitable, the second can simply be liked (a business “to your liking”). From my own experience, I will say that maximum returns can be achieved by combining both.

To help everyone who has decided to become a good and in-demand programmer from scratch, I will give a few of my observations on profitable areas of employment. These are programming and maintenance:

  • 1C accounting and related programs;
  • sites with standard and mobile version;
  • mobile applications.

To begin with, we choose one of the proposed or another direction of future employment and master it “inside and out.” The phrase “I can do this, but I don’t know that” is not professional at all.

Of course, it’s impossible to know everything. However, a good and sought-after specialist must be able to independently and quickly find and study information that he does not know, and apply new knowledge in practice.

Selecting significant programming languages ​​to learn from scratch

Based on the choice made at the previous stage, the programming languages ​​that should be studied are selected. How to do this? Elementary - search on the Internet. Ultimately, good professional must be able to find, assemble, study and analyze new data even if it is scattered across numerous sources.

As an example, let’s say sites are selected as future work. Then from scratch you will need to at least master HTML, CSS, JavaScript and work with related software. I think it’s clear that the ability to work on a computer and use popular programs- this is the default.

Self-paced and professional training

How to become a programmer from scratch on your own? The first steps have been taken, we have decided on our goals. In terms of training, four main options can be distinguished:

  1. vocational education in educational institutions;
  2. additional education in educational institutions (courses);
  3. electronic courses from masters of their craft;
  4. remote training programs with theory, practice and technical support professionals.

If you don’t have a diploma yet and have a lot to learn in life, then the first two options are suitable. I don’t consider them, the situation is standard.

For me personally, of particular interest are paid versions third and fourth options. Do you know why?

Only achievement good result brings pleasure. Only demonstrating excellent results brings good money. And with the help of these options this can really be achieved.

Yes, you can try to learn everything on your own and for free. Didn’t you think that in 5-10 years a simple realization might come - “if I hadn’t saved on my education and immediately studied with a professional, then...”? Think about it.

By the way, just look at what amazing courses and training programs you can find in electronic format. Examples:

  • JAVASCRIPT and JQUARE for beginners;
  • Modern PHP;
  • Turnkey online store;
  • Joomla 3 – professional website in one day;
  • School of bloggers with practical training via the Internet.

What do you think of the examples? Honestly, I just don’t know how many months, not even years, it takes to acquire this knowledge on your own using ordinary textbooks without any help.

Preparing for employment or starting a business

So, let’s say the training has just been completed. It's time to get down to business.

What results are you ready to show immediately after training so that you can be given a well-paid job when high competition on the labor market?

Look, during training examples of work appear. The successful ones should be collected into a classic portfolio. Only this may not be enough.

We still live in modern world where many people use the Internet. For an individual professional programmer, it is advisable to create your own website, better blog. If you are wondering how to do it, I gave a link above good school for bloggers. So, on the site, among other things, you can place your electronic portfolio with clear examples works

Such a site will have two serious advantages:

  • it can be shown to employers as proof of your qualifications for a good job;
  • it can be used to attract clients if we're talking about about your own business.

I haven't said that yet good blog can generate income from advertising. In general, there are actually a lot of advantages.

If you are applying for various vacancies that require you to provide a resume, I also recommend that you think about filling it out correctly. Previously I told you to stand out from all the applicants for the position.

Employment and first orders

If the four stages described above have been completed correctly, then you now have the necessary knowledge and skills to good portfolio, resume and personal website. Do you think that now many employers will be able to refuse such a specialist after an interview?

In parallel with the search for classic vacancies or instead of them, you can start looking for customers using your blog or on special remote work exchanges. To begin with, you can pay attention to.

This concludes the article. If available free time, then you can scroll through the materials on this blog. It contains a lot of interesting information about programming and making money on websites and without them.

Subscribe to project updates through the special form below, or in social networks. See you later.

Hi all! My name is Konstantin Botnar. I've been teaching programming for almost 8 years now. It all started when I was a graduate student and gave lectures to my peers at one of the Odessa universities. Now I teach at the Hillel Computer School, teaching the Introduction course: an introduction to programming. I want to dispel a little myths around the most in-demand profession of the 21st century and tell you who programmers are and what they do.

Graduates set sail for free

Tyzhprogrammer, or What is a special mindset

This is perhaps the most common myth. They say different things: that programmers have a different brain structure, that they are aloof and withdrawn. And without this you cannot become a successful professional.

Is this true? Partly. But a successful programmer doesn't always have to be a snob. What is important and necessary for a programmer to know:

  • Be able to work in a team. Regardless of where to start: web programming, creating mobile applications, layout and much more - this teamwork. Therefore, without this - nowhere.
  • Understand what priority is and how to set it correctly. Even in the most prestigious company Programmers are often faced with tasks in the style of “Do it now, but this was needed yesterday, but here it is – quickly and only to correct.” Structuring tasks is one of the most important skills of a cool progger.
  • Have phenomenal perseverance. No, you won’t have to sit in the office from bell to bell, but you definitely will spend a lot of time on your laptop or computer. This is why IT specialists are considered unsociable: it’s just that while everyone is resting, most of them prefer to work.
  • Don't be afraid to improve and learn new things. Programming languages ​​are becoming outdated, new ones need to be learned, mobile applications are being created on new platforms, and dozens of services are appearing every day. If you want to become a good programmer, you need to be flexible and ready to improve your skills.
  • Love your computer. There is nothing more to add here. Your car is your main working tool.

These skills alone can bring a stable and good income. What if we add professional skills and education to this?

What a programmer needs to know

Surprisingly, the role of mathematics in the life of a progger is greatly overestimated. Yes, this science is basic, and knowledge of vyshmat can be a good foundation for building a successful career. But this is far from the main thing where you need to start learning programming. Even without mathematical knowledge and technical base you can build a career as a cool programmer. In the process of studying in computer school You can get absolutely all the knowledge that a good specialist really needs.

Future programmers

The truth is in the details

A career in IT is a lot of work, which can only be handled with great care. There are many areas where perseverance is also important - surgery, jewelry, different measurements. But in programming this skill is almost basic.

Self-discipline, attentiveness and hard work are the three pillars on which the career of a successful programmer in a world-famous company stands. You won’t be able to just sit at your laptop, just like you won’t be able to scroll through your feed on social networks, like and watch videos.

What you need to be prepared for when starting:

  • Even simple tasks sometimes require huge amount time. Of course, later they can be solved much faster, but at first you will have to work very hard to find a solution to the problem.
  • How to program - the important thing is not not to fall, but to be able to get up. Any failure along the way, a broken code, or an omission of a variable is just a step towards a successful future. And even if the site is down, you can’t abandon it and just leave. You need to raise your knowledge and experience and find that very variable.
  • Where to start programming: remember that you are unlikely to succeed the first time. Neither a good site nor convenient mobile application, not even a chatbot. Making mistakes in programming is absolutely normal, and I would even say that it is useful. My best graduates spent several hundred hours searching for solutions and implementing their projects. And they wrote correct code. But then for them this task was something comparable to a puzzle in children's books.

Algorithms are important

Everything in programming is based on algorithms. If in general, then there is the concept of decomposition. This is breaking down large and complex goals into small subgoals. Or simplifying the task as much as possible. As a result of fragmentation, the problem no longer seems so complicated, and its solution seems to lie on the surface.

This attitude towards things is called algorithmic thinking. Do you recognize yourself? Congratulations! Then the path of a programmer is just for you! All that remains is to add necessary knowledge and experience.

But often the importance of algorithms and the ability to compose them correctly are simply underestimated. As an example, try creating an algorithm for cleaning an apartment or making coffee. Now imagine that in programming, for absolutely any task, you will need to prepare dozens of commands and conditions, otherwise they simply will not be executed.

Not everyone thinks in such algorithms. Some people visualize images, others imagine abstract models. They, of course, can create an algorithm, but this will be the fruit of long and hard work, but not the talent and natural nature of their brain. In this case, maybe it makes sense to find yourself in a profession related to creativity or communications?

Programmer: expectation and reality

How to become a programmer is to become a team player. Often an IT specialist needs helpers, like-minded people, and support. IN work environment he is constantly in contact with the customer, prepares test tasks, approves them.

It is not so easy for a single person to survive in the IT field. Remember, the sooner you can get out of your room and sell your project, the faster you will climb the career ladder.

The most difficult thing in programming is to start, so I want to give future web programmers a simple, but very significant and important advice: Don't be afraid of new beginnings.

  • Nobody got up and wrote a website in one day.
  • There are no people who are now making millions using old knowledge.
  • To improve yourself, you need a little: be yourself and improve.

Each project is new environment, unexplored tasks, updated team. You can, of course, retreat. But then you cannot become an IT guru. Plunge into this experience, learn something new from it, gain experience and knowledge.

In programming, you won’t be able to use knowledge acquired 10 years ago. Too mobile environment. And there is too much demand for dynamic and flexible professionals. Therefore, I wish you to always keep your finger on the pulse and correspond to the time in which you want to work.

Do what you love

It’s trivial, but there’s no way around it. Programming is something that should make you weak in the knees and want to finish the weekend and get to work. After all, if you don’t admire your work, then how will you create a masterpiece? Good programmer leaves a piece of himself in the project. Not only time or knowledge, but also a little love for the common cause.

Therefore, if programming is easy for you good job with an excellent prospect, it’s better not to waste your time, effort and money. Find something else - something that can become important part your life. An integral part.