Unable to sync error 54. iTunes error and fix

Multifunctional program iTunes designed for devices on based on iOS known Apple users Not only useful options, but also numerous failures that appear on different reasons. The occurrence of errors is not uncommon when working with iTunes, and each of them is numbered, which helps to identify the possible cause and eliminate the problem, narrowing down the options for solutions. One of the most common error notifications that occurs during the iPhone sync or another "apple" with a computer, accompanied by code 54. Almost always given failure called software malfunctions, so the solutions will be simple and it is unlikely that you will have to resort to serious measures, so it is not at all necessary to be a specialist or the most advanced user.

How to fix error 54 in iTunes.

You can fix the problem in several ways, each of which is relevant depending on the source of the problem. Usually, Unknown error 54 in iTunes appears when data is transferred from the device, as a result of purchases to iPhone, if they were made using another device. It can also occur when copying applications, etc. If you receive a notification telling you about iTunes error 54, you can often just click on the “OK” button and the window will disappear and the synchronization will continue. But such a trick does not always work, so if the failure has not been eliminated, you need to try one by one available solutions aimed at eliminating possible causes malfunctions.

The simplest but effective universal method getting rid of a software failure - rebooting devices. IN standard mode we restart the computer or laptop, as well as the smartphone forcibly, after which you can try to perform the synchronization procedure.

Method 2. Re-authorization

Quite often, logging out of the account helps to cope with error 54. iTunes records and reauthorization. The procedure will require the following steps:

After the manipulations, we try to start synchronization. You should also make sure that you are signed in on your smartphone and computer with the same Apple ID.

Method 3: Deleting old backups

The program does not update backups, but creates new ones, which over time leads to clutter and iTunes errors. It is not difficult to correct the situation, before the procedure, disconnect the Apple device from the computer. The accumulation of old backups is deleted in this way:

Method 4: Clear iTunes Sync Cache

In some cases, clearing the sync cache also helps. To complete the procedure, you need to reset the history in the synchronization settings, then delete the SC Info folder from the Apple Computer directory. After that, you will need to restart your computer.

Method 5: Merge Files in iTunes Media Folder

The program stores files in the directory " iTunes Media”, but due to failures or user actions, they can be scattered, which entails error 54. You can merge the library files like this:

Method 6: Dealing with software conflicts

Programs can conflict with each other, provoking at the same time incorrect work. The same applies to protection tools - antiviruses, firewalls and others, regarding some iTunes processes how virus threat. By suspending the work of programs, you can understand whether this is so. If the error is caused by antivirus blocking, you will need to specify iTunes in the list of exceptions. It is best to update the software on your computer to the latest version.

Method 7: Reinstall iTunes

Complete removal of the program and subsequent installation of the latest available version sometimes also effectively solves the problem. Remove iTunes with all components follows from the section software stored on your computer by navigating to it using the control panel. After deleting and restarting the PC, download the latest version of iTunes from the official source.

other methods

In the fight against iTunes errors, you can also use third party programs, aimed at eliminating failures of the application or operating system iOS systems. It is better to download software from official sources. If error 54 occurs when transferring purchases to iTunes Store, best solution will download them from the service through the iTunes Store - "More" - "Purchases" - an icon with a cloud. Content can be transferred in small portions, thereby observing which data caused the error. Often, a failure with code 54 occurs when transferring .pdf files, so the best way to transfer books is through iBooks using email.

When none of the above solutions work, the cause of error 54 in iTunes may be hardware problems. To find out which device is causing the failure, you need to try the synchronization procedure on another computer. This will help rule out or confirm problems with the PC. If the situation repeats, then the case is in the iOS device, then you will have to seek help from specialists to solve hardware problems. iPhone troubleshooting or iPad.

Almost every user iTunes faced with the fact that the program refused to perform any action and showed a pop-up window with the number of the error that occurred ...

What do these iTunes errors mean and how to solve the problems that have arisen - more on that below ...

Cause of error 1: The iTunes version is too old or the firmware does not match the device.

Solution for error 1: Update iTunes to the latest version, download the firmware again (make sure you download the version of the software for the device you want).

Cause of error 2: The downloaded firmware is not packaged properly.

Solution for error 2: Most likely, you are trying to install custom firmware (not original assembly). Just download original firmware, or use third party software for installation custom firmware.

Cause of error 3: This error user can watch when completed iPhone firmware, iPad, which may indicate a faulty modem inside the device.

Solution for error 3: In fact, the error is similar to error -1, and if the latter is corrected by recovery mode, then error No. 3 can only be solved at the service center by replacing the modem.

Cause of error 5: The firmware is not installed in the mode for which it is intended. (DFU Mode/Recovery Mode).

Solution for error 5:

Cause of error 6: Firmware installation error due to corrupted Boot/Recovery logo (occurs when custom settings firmware). Solution for error 6: Download the original firmware, or try to install in different modes(DFU Mode/Recovery Mode).
Cause of error 8: iTunes can't install firmware because it doesn't fit this device(for example, install firmware from iPod Touch on the iPhone).

Solution for error 8: Download the original firmware for your device model.

Cause of error 9: Kernel Panic. Critical error kernels. Analog blue screen Windows. It may occur when data transmission over the cable is interrupted at the time of installation. Or when using poorly assembled custom firmware.

Solution for error 9: Check the USB port and connector on iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.

Cause of error 10: No LLB found in the firmware ( low level Bootloader), installation is not possible.

Solution for error 10: Rebuild custom firmware or use the original one.

Cause of error 11: Some of the files were not found in the firmware.

Solution for error 11: Rebuild custom firmware or use the original one.

Cause of error 13: The cable or USB port is damaged. Either beta iOS version trying to install from under Windows.

Solution for error 13: Change USB and cable. May also help disabling usb 2.0 in BIOS.

Cause of error 14: Broken firmware file. Or a problem with the cable or USB port.

Solution for error 14: Disable your antivirus. Change USB and cable. Try the original firmware.

Cause of error 17: Trying to update non-original firmware (custom).

Solution for error 17: In this case, you need to restore the device from DFU or Recovery Mode.

Cause of error 20: The device is in Recovery Mode.

Solution for error 20: In this case, you need to enter DFU Mode.

Cause of error 26: Errors when compiling the firmware.

Solution for error 26: Download another firmware.

Cause of error 27 and 29: An iTunes error that occurs in older versions of the program.

Solution for error 27 and 29: Update iTunes to the latest version.

Cause of error 28: Malfunction of the 30-pin/Lightning cable or connector in the device.

Solution for error 28: Repair at a service center or replace the 30-pin/Lightning cable.

Cause of error 34: There is not enough space to install the software (on the hard disk).

Solution for error 34: Free up some space for installing the software (on the drive where iTunes is installed).

Cause of error 35: Incorrect folder permissions (the problem occurs on Mac OS).

Solution for error 35: In terminal.app enter:
sudo chmod -R 700 /Users//Music/iTunes/iTunes Media
, where is the username.

Cause of error 39: The error occurs while syncing photos.

Solution for error 39: Several of your photos cause this error, you need to find them using the exclusion from synchronization method.

Cause of error 40, 306, 10054: Problems connecting to the server.

Solution for error 40, 306, 10054: It is necessary to disable anti-virus software, proxy, clear the browser cache.

Cause of error 54: Occurs when purchases are transferred from the device to iTunes.

Solution for error 54: You can try a number of things:

  • iTunes > store > Authorize this PC
  • Delete C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\SC Info
  • Exclude music from synchronization by deleting the folder (then you can return the folder to its place)
Cause of error 414: The content is intended for persons over 17 years of age.

Solution for error 414: Agree to such policies or change your date of birth in your account settings.

Reason for error 1004: Temporary problems with the Apple server.

Solution for error 1004: Flash later.

Reason for error 1008: Apple ID has invalid characters.

Solution for error 1008: To avoid such an error, you must use only Apple ID letters and numbers.

Cause of error 1011, 1012: iPhone/iPad modem problem.

Solution for error 1011, 1012: Hardware problem, needs repair.

Cause of error 1013, 1014, 1015: When checking the firmware, after updating, a mismatch error occurred.

Solution for error 1013, 1014, 1015: You need to download the TinyUmbrella utility. Use the Kick Device Out of Recovery function in it.

Reason for error 1050: Servers Apple activation temporarily unavailable.

Solution for error 1050: Activate the device after a while.

Reason for error 1394: The operating system files of the device are corrupted.

Solution for error 1394: Restore the device or try to jailbreak again if the error appeared after it.

Cause of error 14**: Cable communication error.

Solution for error 14**: Either the firmware file is broken (you need to download another one), or the usb cable is broken.

Cause of error 1600, 1611: The error occurs when installing custom firmware via DFU mode.

Solution for error 1600, 1611: Try to install via Recovery Mode.

Reason for error 1609:

Solution for error 1609:

Reason for error 1619: iTunes is too old for your device.

Solution for error 1619: Update iTunes to the latest version.

Cause of error 1644: The firmware file is accessed by third-party programs.

Solution for error 1644: Restart your computer, turn off antiviruses if you are not working with the firmware file yourself.

Cause of error 2001: The error occurs on Mac OS. Problem with drivers.

Solution for error 2001: Update MacOS.

Reason for error 2002: Third-party processes work with iTunes, thereby blocking access.

Solution for error 2002: If it's not an antivirus, then restart your computer.

Cause of error 2003: Problems with USB port.

Solution for error 2003: Use a different USB port.

Cause of error 2005: Problems with the data cable.

Solution for error 2005: Use a different data cable.

Cause of error 2502 and 2503: Installer errors due to limited access to temporary files. Found on Windows 8.

Solution for error 2502 and 2503: The problem is solved by adding full user access to the C:\Windows\Temp folder. This is done as follows:

  • press right click mouse over the folder C:\Windows\Temp;
  • go along the path "Properties - Security - Edit" and select your user;
  • tick the box next to Full access”, then you need to save the changes.
Cause of error 3000, 3004, 3999: Error accessing the Apple server.

Solution for error 3000, 3004, 3999: Access blocked by some program. For example antivirus. Disable them, reboot.

Cause of error 3001, 5103, -42110: iTunes can't download the video due to hash errors.

Solution for error 3001, 5103, -42110: Update iTunes
Delete the SC Info folder:

  • Win7 - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes
  • Vista - C:\Program Data\Apple Computer\iTunes
  • Mac OS - /users/Shared/SC Info
Reason for error 3002, 3194: There are no hashes stored on the server. (Apple or Saurika).

Solution for error 3002, 3194: Update to stable version firmware. Remove line: gs.apple.com from hosts file in:

  • Win - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
  • Mac OS - /etc/hosts
Turn off antiviruses, try to restore via shift. Also, an error may occur when trying to rollback to previous version iOS. IN Lately downgrade is not possible, calmly upgrade to latest version iOS. A complex error, the explanations for which were highlighted in a separate article -.
Cause of error 3123: Problems authorizing a computer in iTunes.
Reason for error 3195: Error receiving SHSH.

Solution for error 3195: Try updating the firmware again.

Reason for error 5002: Payment refusal.

Solution for error 5002: Look for errors in the completed bank card details.

Cause of error 8008, -50, -5000, -42023: The firmware download session has expired.

Solution for error 8008, -50, -5000, -42023: Delete the Downloads folder in your iTunes Media folder.

Cause of error 8248: The problem occurs if plug-ins for iTunes are installed that are incompatible with new versions of the program.

Solution for error 8248: Remove iTunes plugins. It often happens that the problem is in the Memonitor.exe process, close it.

Cause of error 9006: Something is blocking the download of the firmware.

Solution for error 9006: Download the firmware from another place, or solve the problem with antiviruses.

Reason for error 9807: Something is blocking verification of signatures and certificates.

Solution for error 9807: Solve the problem with antiviruses.

Reason for error 11222: Access blocked.

Solution for error 11222: Disable your firewall and antivirus.

Cause of error 13014, 13136, 13213: Something gets in the way work iTunes.

Solution for error 13014, 13136, 13213: Update iTunes, restart your computer, turn off your antivirus software. The problem should be gone.

Cause of error 13001: The media library file is corrupted.

Solution for error 13001: Delete iTunes library files.

Cause of error 20000: An error may occur when using a non-standard windows themes.

Solution for error 20000: Install default theme Windows.

Reason for error -39: iTunes cannot download music from the iTunes Store.

Solution for error -39:

Cause of error -50: I'm having trouble connecting to the itunes.apple.com server.

Solution for error -50: Update iTunes. Relogin your account. Turn off your antivirus software.

Reason for error -3259: Connection timeout exceeded.

Solution for error -3259: Update iTunes. Check if you have an internet connection. Delete pending downloads, logging out/logging in might help iTunes account. If it doesn't help, try restarting your computer.

Reason for error -9800, -9812, -9815, -9814: The system time and date are incorrectly set.

Solution for error -9800, -9812, -9815, -9814: Set, in the system settings, correct date and time.

Cause of error 0xE8000022: damaged iOS files.

Solution for error 0xE8000022: Restore firmware.

Cause of error 0xE8000001, 0xE8000050:

Solution for error 0xE8000001, 0xE8000050: Reinstall the AppSync tweak from Cydia.

Cause of error 0xE8008001: The problem occurs when installing applications on a jailbroken device.

Solution for error 0xE8008001: Install the AppSync tweak from Cydia.

Cause of error 0xE8000013: Synchronization error.

Solution for error 0xE8000013: Synchronize your device again.

Cause of error 0xE8000065: Mistake in operating system.

Solution for error 0xE8000065: Restart your computer, use a different USB port. If it does not help, then the problem is in iTunes and you will need to restore the firmware.

If you did not find the answer to your question or something did not work out for you, and there is no suitable solution in the comment below, ask a question through our

There are regular complaints about iTunes. Every now and then errors fly out, which is very annoying and takes a lot of time from users. Often during synchronization iPhone program iTunes gives error 54 (error 54). In this article, we will explain why error 54 appears when syncing iPhone with iTunes and what are the ways to fix and avoid it.

Error 54 in iTunes

Error 54 occurs while syncing data between an iOS device and iTunes. The most common cause is a locked file on your computer or iPhone/iPad. Usually when you see a pop-up message "Can't sync iPhone. An unknown error occurred (-54)" the user can simply click on the "OK" button and the synchronization process will continue. But this option does not always help. If the problem still remains, then you can use the suggested methods to solve it.

How to fix "error -54" error in iTunes

1 way

The easiest way that can help you deal with this problem is to reboot. Close iTunes, restart your computer. And restart your iOS device. Then try to sync your data again.

2 way

Check which iTunes version installed on your computer. Apple strongly recommends always using the latest software. If updates for iTunes are available, then install them. It is also recommended to install the most new version firmware on your mobile device.

3 way

Very often, errors in iTunes occur due to conflicts with other software. Check installed programs on your computer, try deleting and then restoring some of them - they may be interfering. Also, in extreme cases, you can turn off security programs (antiviruses), but then do not forget to turn them back on.

4 way

Changing permissions often also solves this problem. You need:

1.Open windows explorer via the HOME button.

2. Open the Music folder, you will find the iTunes folder there - right-click on it, then select "Properties".

3.Now in the window that opens, you need to remove the checkbox next to the "Read Only" item. After that just click on OK to save changes made.

4.After that, a window may appear in which you will be asked to apply the changes made to this folder and all files in it. We agree!

5 way

To solve the problem, you can also try to merge the content into iTunes folder in case there were software failures during the file transfer and the data is stored in several locations. Here's what to do:

In iTunes, click File. Select Library - Organize Library.

Please note that if "error 54" appears when transferring purchases from the iTunes Store to a mobile device, it is better to download them from the gadget itself via iTunes app Store - section "More" - "Purchases" - an icon with a cloud. If you are trying to transfer iBooks, it is better to send them from the application to e-mail.

6 way

1. From the iTunes main menu, click "Account" - "Sign Out".

3. In the next window, enter your Apple ID and password and click on the "Deauthorize" button.

7 way

It is possible that the cause of error 54 was the accumulation of old backups. The right decision is to get rid of the old and junk files backup.

1. In iTunes, click "iTunes" - "Settings" - "Devices".

2. You will see a list of backup files. Click on the "Delete backup" button to delete each file.

8 way

If the above methods did not help, use the Tenorshare TunesCare program. It can fix the error in automatic mode. All you need is the following:

1. Download the TunesCare program to your computer from the official website. Install it.

2. Connect your mobile device to your computer using USB cable. The program will automatically recognize it.

3. Click in the program window on the button "Fix iTunes problems” and wait for the process to complete.

9 way

Tenorshare ReiBoot will also help you solve error 54 that occurs while syncing with iTunes. This tool is able to fix numerous bugs that occur in the operation of iOS devices.

1. Download the ReiBoot program from the official website, install it on your computer and run it.

2. Connect your phone to your computer with a cable.

3. Click in the program window "Solve all iOS Freezes", then "Fix Now" and follow the further instructions. After downloading the firmware or importing it, the process of fixing the error will begin. Wait for completion.

We hope that at least one of the methods described above helped you solve error 54 in iTunes.

iTunes (iTunes) is a stable and reliable program, and therefore many users who first encountered the error of this utility are not a little surprised. Unfortunately, no program is immune from failures, but, fortunately, in the case of iTunes, in most cases there is a way to quickly fix this or that problem, unless, of course, it is some unknown error. The fact is that all kinds of bugs that iTunes can “please” with, Apple engineers classified, assigned them numbers and provided guidance on how to fix them.

In this article, we will explain why error 54 appears in iTunes and how to get rid of it.

Error 54 appears when there are certain problems with iTunes sync and iOS device, and in the vast majority of cases it is software, not hardware in nature. So calm down, you most likely didn’t break anything, and you can get rid of the error yourself - just follow our guides and everything will work out. However, before proceeding with our recommendations, make sure that you are not trying to synchronize a very large amount of information at once - try to exchange files in parts, and perhaps the errors will disappear.

Error 54: elimination

So, error 54 interrupted your work with iTunes, this happened (with a 99.9% probability) at the time of trying to synchronize this or that content using the utility between the PC and the iOS device. An error window appeared in front of you: "Can't sync iPhone [ device name]. An unknown error occurred (-54)." First and most simple measure its elimination, which is recommended, including on the page Apple support- click "OK" in the pop-up window - quite often this action helps the synchronization to continue smoothly.

First aid

If this "trick" does not work, we perform the following - also very simple instructions- restart iTunes and restart the iOS device, and then perform another sync attempt.

Combining Content in the iTunes Media Folder

Is the error still preventing you from syncing files? We move on.

If this is not your first time working with iTunes, then you know that in order to transfer content from a PC to an iOS device, you must first of all execute the “Add file to library ...” command. With the help of this very media library, the program arranges your files in special folder iTunes Media and, let's say, gets permission to work with them. But sometimes library files due to software failures and/or incorrect user actions are stored in multiple locations, often resulting in error 54. To merge files in iTunes Media:

Important point! If you are trying to transfer purchases from the iTunes Store to an iOS device through the program, and error 54 bothers you, it may be best for you to try downloading them directly from the device itself - to do this, open the "iTunes Store" application on your iPhone / iPad / iPod, tap the “More” section, then “Purchases” and click on the “cloud” icon.

Sign out of iTunes

Error 54 still in place? Then we try to deauthorize - or, simply put, log out of your iTunes account:

Now we go into account again, and check if the error has disappeared:

Deleting old backups

Deauthorization did not help? We move on. You have probably done this more than once with iTunes backup copies of information stored on an iOS device. Every time you create one, iTunes does not update old copy, but creates a new one, over time they accumulate, which can cause errors of one kind or another. Therefore, it is advisable to get rid of them from time to time, but if you encounter error 54, then this is not only desirable, but necessary:

Eliminate software conflicts

If all the above measures did not help you fix the error, then most likely the problem is software conflicts. As a rule, such conflicts arise if some program has not been updated in time and / or protective programs identified iTunes as a suspicious utility. Let's understand in order what to do in both cases.

Software Update

First of all, we will update everything outdated.

Disable security programs

If the updates did not help, we take the last "desperate" step - disable the antivirus and / or firewall. Do not worry! We will not force you to work without security programs, the main thing for us now is to check whether the problem is in them or not in them. If the error disappears when you disable the security utilities, then most likely iTunes somehow got into suspicious programs and you need to transfer it to trusted ones. Sometimes this measure does not help, then we recommend updating your security programs. If the update does not help, you will need to remove them completely and reinstall them.

Well, as a last resort, if the error appears even after reinstallation, we advise you to simply disable your antivirus and / or firewall at the time of synchronization.

Instead of a summary: if nothing helps

Well, with this, the ways to fix error 54 have come to an end. We hope you managed to "defeat" her. Otherwise, we recommend contacting Apple Support. If they don't find it there right decision, then, probably, the cause of the error is still hardware in nature - perhaps the iOS device is to blame, perhaps the PC. One way or another, in this situation, you will have to contact service center, unless, of course, you are 100% sure that you can handle the repair yourself. By the way, to check who is to blame - a PC or an iOS device, try to synchronize with another computer - if the error is there, the apple is to blame, otherwise the PC.

Apple devices like the iPhone and iPad interact with software products considered one of the most reliable. However, they are not immune to errors. In particular, sometimes music from iTunes to iPhone does not sync. There can be quite a few reasons for this. This is especially noticeable when Apple device connects to a computer or laptop with Windows on board. But the problem can be fixed. The following are the simplest ways to help solve errors of this kind.

iPhone not syncing with iTunes: why?

The very first problem that awaits any owner Apple device, is that the appropriate device driver is missing or incorrectly installed in Windows. Now we are not talking about initializing the same iPhone as a USB device in the sense of recognizing information on the internal drive.

The problem is for the most part in that control program iTunes was unable to connect to the iPhone while attempting to establish a session. And this may be due to the fact that the program itself is “buggy”. The simplest way out would be reinstalling iTunes using the official installer for Windows, downloaded from the developer's site or from the AppStore.

Music from iTunes to iPhone does not sync: what to do first?

But that's only computer programs. But it also happens that the iPhone does not synchronize with 54) directly on the mobile gadget.

The manufacturer himself recommends reloading the device, merging the files in the media library (and in small parts), deleting the content and downloading it again, excluding files from it PDF format. Perhaps the problem of iPhone not syncing with iTunes will be resolved. However, it is worth considering some other points.


In some cases, the device may appear to establish a connection, but in reality this does not happen. To fix just such failures, you just need to log out of your account, and then log in again.

In the most extreme case, the “account” should be deleted, and when the device is rebooted, specify it again. Sometimes it helps.

Troubleshooting Wireless Problems

Worse, when the iPhone does not sync with iTunes over WiFi. Here you will have to check the network settings directly in Windows system with the installation of the correct parameters of the TCP / IP protocol of the fourth version (v4), which is currently used most actively (the IPv6 version has not yet reached us).

In the very simple case you should set the receipt of addresses to the machine, but sometimes you can use Google services, whose addresses consist of four eights or two eights and two fours.

Reset settings and reinstall the operating system

Finally, if you still get an error after that, indicating that iTunes could not connect to the iPhone, you can try to general reset. To do this, use the menu for deleting personal data and parameters from the main section.

If, after this, there is a situation where the iPhone does not sync with iTunes, you will have to use more stringent methods.

In this case, close all programs and Apple computer or PC call finder app, then for Apple, hold down the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Cmd + G (this does not work for Windows), where you need to write /var/db/lockdown (unlock will take place). On Windows, you can still try to go into the AppData directory, which is hidden, and delete the Apple directory from there, but I think this is not the best option.


As can be seen from all the above material, the question of why the iPhone does not sync with iTunes can be considered settled. In fact, in most cases, resort to complete reinstallation system or download new firmware no need. The methods described above will suffice. Few, maybe normal reboot device will help. Yes, and reinstalling the software in the form of an applet on your phone and Windows computer will not hurt either.

On the other hand, if all of the above methods do not help and music from iTunes to iPhone does not sync, you should not be content with what you have either. By at least, most simple solution can be called deletion iTunes programs from a Windows computer on board (and it doesn’t matter which version) and re-installation followed by logging into the account through the existing AppleID.

But if we talk specifically about Windows, in some cases it may be necessary to remove updates that cause errors of this kind. This can be done through the appropriate menu of the "Control Panel" using the uninstall function recent installations. But on the iPhone itself, you will have to reboot (this is at least).

For the rest, I think special problems not expected. The situation is such that either the problem device itself can be rebooted, or the application will be re-installed on both the smartphone and the computer. In the rest, as it is already clear, there are no problems. You should not download the latest version of iOS, especially since the same fourth iPhone versions update is not supported. Do you need it? So, to put it mildly, a smartphone can be “ditched”.

But in principle, the system can be repaired, and very simply. To do this, you just need to follow the recommendations outlined above. And the problem itself is how exactly to establish a connection mobile device and computer, remains with the user. In any case, a course of action can be found. But it is the reboot that will be required initially. The emphasis is on this. In addition, reinstalling the program itself or updating it can solve some problems associated with the lack of synchronization.