Description of the NET USER command. Removing the username from the welcome screen

All operating rooms Windows systems By default, they show the username on the logon screen. On the one hand, this makes it easier for the user to log into the system, but on the other hand, it reduces the security of the computer. In case of unauthorized access to the computer, the attacker already knows the user name and all he has to do is guess the password.

Finding a password is not exactly an easy task, but for particularly critical computers it is better to remove the username from the welcome screen, thereby increasing their security a little more. This can be done using group policies or editing the registry.

We remove the display of the last username

If the computer was turned off, then after turning on and loading the OS, the name of the user who last logged into the system is displayed on the welcome screen.

For local computer press Win+R and execute the command gpedit.msc, launching the Local Group Policy Editor snap-in. To disable display of the user name, you must enable the Interactive logon: Do not display last user name policy. It is located in the Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options section.

The same settings can be made by editing the registry. To disable the display of the user name on the welcome screen, you need to create a DWORD type parameter named dontdisplaylastusername and set its value to 1 .

As a result of the changes, we get this picture.

Removing the display of a user on a locked computer

If the computer is locked, the screen displays by default the name of the user who locked it.

As additional measure security, you can remove the username from the welcome screen in this case too. There is a special policy for this, located in the Computer Configuration\Windows Configuration\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Settings section. It’s called “Interactive logon: Display user information when the session is locked” and has three configuration options:

1. Display name, domain and user name;
2. User display name only;
3. Do not display user information.

Note. User name and display name are different things, although in most cases they are the same.

To configure using the registry, you need to create a DWORD type parameter named DontDisplayLockedUserId and assign it one of three values:

1 — show display name, domain and username;
2 — show only the display name;
3 — do not display user information.

After setup, the locked computer screen will look like this.

These simple settings will increase the security of your computer/server. Well, in a corporate environment, for centralized configuration it is better to use domain group policies, the names of the policies are the same as in the local snap-in.

Good day, dear readers!

Account Control is system component Windows, which first appeared back in Vista, has survived the test of time as it is also present in Windows 10. Many users did not like the high intrusiveness of the window asking for permission to make changes on the computer when installing any program. Therefore, most often users ask how to disable User Account Control. Windows entries or UAC. ( Updated: December 24, 2017)

What is UAC and why is it needed?

UAC (User Account Control) or User Account Control first appeared in Vista and migrated from there to all subsequent versions of Windows. Its idea is to prevent unauthorized changes to the computer without the user's knowledge. Of course, this is done to increase system security and reduce the risk of infection from viruses. This is not a panacea for all ills, but enabling UAC installs additional line defense of your system and increases security, in addition to all other means of protection (antivirus, firewall...)

A notification box appears when you try to make changes that require administrator rights, such as installing new program V Program Files. If you are an administrator, just click OK. If you have an account regular user, a notification will appear asking you to enter your administrator password to continue with the installation. Moreover, administrator rights are granted to the user only during the installation of the program; after installation is completed, the rights are taken away.

How to disable UAC?

There are several ways to access the UAC configuration window, from where this control can be disabled. I will describe some of them.

The first is to simply take an action that will trigger a notification. For example, launch some distribution program recently downloaded from the Internet, even if you have already installed it. A notification window will appear asking you to click on the small, discreet link at the bottom right called Configure notifications.

then click on More details. Then click the link Configuring the issuance of such notifications.

Second - Windows search. Click on the magnifying glass icon to the right of Start or press the Win+S key combination. And in the search below, enter either ‘ uac‘or start typing’ changing control parameters...‘. I recommend the first option (uac), as it is much faster and you will get one exact result. The best match will appear at the top as an item Change User Account Control settings. Click it with the mouse or the Enter key.

Another way - context menu Start. Click right click on the Start button and select Control Panel.
Update 24-Dec-2017 : In newer versions of Windows 10, you may not find Control Panel if you decide to try this option. Therefore, I can offer an alternative: open the Run window (Win + R) and enter (or better yet, copy and paste) the following command: UserAccountControlSettings.exe. (see screenshot on the right). Press Enter and a window with UAC parameters will open.

or like this

In Control Panel, change the view mode to Large or small icons and select User Accounts.

Update 24-Dec-2017 : V latest versions Windows 10 you may not find the above instructions for old Panel control and sadness. Click instead Win+I(will open Windows Settings ). To call up User Account Control, enter in the search uac, press the down arrow to highlight what you found and press Enter. Or just click on the result;)

When we get to the notification settings, the default slider is at level 3. Move it to the lowest position (never notify). Click OK.

That's it, we just disabled UAC in Windows 10. And no reboot is required, unlike Windows 7, for example.

How to turn UAC back on? Exactly the same. Move the slider to any of the three levels in the settings, except the lowest one. Each of them will mean enabling UAC again.

If you don't mind UAC, but dimming the desktop when showing a notification takes a long time, try moving the slider to the second position from the bottom:

For what reasons do you disable UAC on your computer? Is excessive importunity and frequent appearance annoying? Share in the comments.

NET USER - user account management

NET USER command intended for adding, editing or viewing user accounts on computers. When you run a command on the command line without parameters, a list of accounts is displayed Windows users present on the computer (this command also works well in Windows 10). User account information is stored in the Windows database.

NET USER Command Syntax

net user [username [password | *] [options]]

net user username (password | *) /add [options]

net user username , Where

  • username- Specifies the user account name that can be added, deleted, edited, or viewed. The name can be up to 20 characters long.
  • password- Assigns or changes the user password. Enter an asterisk (*) to display a password prompt. When entering from the keyboard, the password characters are not displayed on the screen.
  • /domain- Performs an operation on the main controller for of this computer domain.
  • net help command- Displays help for the specified net command.
  • /delete - Deleting a user account.

Additional NET USER Command Options

  • /active:(yes | no) - Activates or deactivates an account. If the account is not activated, the user cannot access the server. By default, the account is activated.
  • /comment:"text" - Allows you to add a description of the user account (maximum 48 characters). The description text is enclosed in quotation marks.
  • /countrycode: nnn - Uses the country code specified for operating system, to implement the appropriate language files when displaying user help and error messages. A value of 0 is the default country code.
  • /expires:(date | never) - Account expiration date. The never value corresponds to an unlimited validity period. The date is specified in mm/dd/yy or dd/mm/yy format depending on the country code. The month can be indicated in numbers, in full or in abbreviated form (three letters). The year can be indicated with two or four digits. Date elements are separated by slashes (/) with no spaces.
  • /fullname: "name" - The user's full name (as opposed to the user account name). The name is indicated in quotation marks.
  • /homedir: path - Indicates the path to home directory user. The specified location must exist.
  • /passwordchg:(yes | no) - Indicates whether the user can change their password (the default is can).
  • /passwordreq:(yes | no) - Indicates whether the user account should have a password (the default is must).
  • /profilepath[:path] - Specifies the path to the user's login profile.
  • /scriptpath: path - Path to the script used by the user to log in.
  • /times:(time | all) - Time to login. The time parameter is specified in the format day[-day][,day[-day]],hour [-hour][,hour [-hour]], and the increment is 1 hour. The names of the days of the week can be indicated in full or in abbreviated form. Hours can be specified in 12- or 24-hour notation. For the 12-hour representation, am, pm, a.m are used. or p.m. The value all corresponds to no restrictions on login time, and empty value means a complete ban on logging into the system. Days of the week and time values ​​are separated by a comma; Multiple entries for day of week and time values ​​are separated by semicolons.
  • /usercomment:"text" - Allows an administrator to add or edit a comment for an account.
  • /workstations:(computername[,...] | *) - Allows you to specify up to 8 computers from which the user can log into the network. If the /workstations parameter is not specified with a list of computers or is specified as *, the user can log on to the network from any computer.

NET USER Command Examples

  • To display a list of all users on this computer, use the command: net user;
  • To display information about the user "petr" use the following command: net user petr;
  • To add a Petr user account from full name user and the right to connect from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Monday to Friday, use the following command: net user petr /add /times:Mon-Fri,08:00-17:00/fullname:"Petr".
  • To delete an account you must enter the command: net user petr /delete;
  • To turn off account you need to enter the command: net user petr /active:no.

Video - Working with the NET USER utility

Most of the time, the UAC (User Account Control) pop-up message starts to irritate Windiws users and they simply disable this intrusive account control. Despite its noble goal - to protect the system from all kinds of malware, constant confirmation of an obviously known action very quickly becomes boring. But now it is possible to add frequently launched applications that require administrator rights to a figurative list of exceptions, thereby disabling startup confirmation without disabling UAC itself.

IN in this case It’s not for nothing that the list of exceptions is called figurative because there is no such thing as a list itself. In its place there is a system of created special shortcuts, which allow you to run applications with admin rights without confirming this action. For this purpose there is such third party utility How .

This free utility. You can download it without any problems from the link at the end of this article. In the downloaded ZIP archive you can find versions of the program for Windows 7 and Windows 8 for both architectures - 32 or 64. The archive itself is just over 1 MB in size.

After the first launch on Windows 8, your system may display such a message.

Since this utility tries to interfere with the operation of your computer, Windows 8 regards it as malware. Here you should click on the word “More details”.

Since for Windows 8 the publisher of this software unknown, she refused to carry it out. Therefore, click on the “Run anyway” button to force the utility to run.

Note: After clicking the “Run anyway” button, this unknown program will be included in the real list of exceptions of the system and in the future, when it starts, such messages will no longer appear.

The utility interface is very easy to use. It only has three buttons: New shortcut, Modify shortcut and Remove shortcut. There is also a menu with minimal settings (Settings).

First of all, we go to Settings, where we can change the program language. Judging by the author's last name, on the page where you can download the utility, it supports the Russian language.

Also in the settings there are these additional options like adding a program shortcut to the context menu of the right button of Explorer, as well as launching the utility while holding down SHIFT key when you right-click on the shortcut.

In order to create a shortcut with privileges, simply select “New shortcut” in the main window.

In the window for creating a privileged launch shortcut, everything is very simple. All lines speak for themselves. You don't need to enter anything in the default command line options. Unless you know all the necessary additional options that this application supports at startup and want to apply them.

After pressing the OK button, the program will create specified location a shortcut to a file, the launch of which will no longer require confirmation if you use this shortcut to launch.

The second option "Change Shortcut" allows you to change an existing shortcut to a shortcut with privileges.

And the last option, “Delete shortcut,” opens a window with previously created shortcuts to remove unnecessary ones.

The utility exists for both Windows versions 7 and Windows 8. Tested on Windows 8 32-bit.

To disable UAS, you need to open the Control Panel and log into accounts users, move the slider and restart the computer. Just keep in mind that after this the security of your PC will immediately decrease.

Although account control uac records increases protection, many want to get rid of it as soon as possible. How enable uac protects your computer?

For any changes in the operating system, the system prompts the user for confirmation, thereby preventing viruses, rootkins, Trojans, worms and spyware from independently modifying files.

Therefore, before you disable UAS, think about whether you should neglect such protection? Yes, the constantly appearing window to confirm the operation is annoying, but perhaps you should be patient a little and get used to it.

uac disable function Windows control 7 is slightly different from vista and XP, but this mode is in the same place and does not cause any difficulties.

To disable User Account Control in Windows 7, you need to open the Control Panel and follow three steps.

Where is uac located?

A new window will open for you. There, at the very bottom, there is an option to “change user settings”

Now you will see the slider located at the top, move it to them as shown in the picture and click “OK”.

The system will immediately prompt you to reboot, follow this action and the service will uac control, will be disabled.

Windows 7 disable uac

To remove uac (disable) in Windows 7, you can use another method. To do this, click “start” ( windows icon) and at the very bottom in the search enter the following words: UserAccountControlSettings, a utility will appear at the very top, click on it and follow the steps described above. This method of disabling UAS is a little simpler.

How to disable UAS vista

In vista, disabling UAS is a little different. You follow the same path as in, but you won’t see the slider there, it’s not there in vista.

There, all you need to do is uncheck the box next to the line “use account control.... Computer" and restart your PC

How to enable uac

To enable UAS, follow the same steps as when disabling it, only you need to move the slider not to the bottom, but to the top, and restart the computer as well.

Whether this protection is necessary or not. This is for everyone to decide for themselves. I always turn it off, but I think that for users who have knowledge in the field of protecting their computer from external threats weak, or even zero, then it is not entirely advisable to disable UAS.