The main elements of the Excel working window. Formatting sheets in Excel

3rd level contains a formula that can consist of text, numbers, or built-in functions.

4th level contains the name of the cell; this name can be used in formulas of other cells, while providing absolute addressing of this cell.

Level 5 contains the notes for this cell (free text). If the cell contains a note, then in the right top corner a red square (dot) appears

Cell blocks

To work with several cells at once, you need to select cell block . This is done as follows: Click on a cell and hold down the mouse button and drag the pointer across the sheet. This will select adjacent cells. A block is described by two addresses separated by a colon - the address of the upper-left and lower-right cells. In the figure, for example, the block is highlighted: A2:D4 .

Rice. 4. Creating a block of cells

Rice. 5. Cell block

2.3. Excel Windows

Team New Window(menu Window) creates additional window for active workbook, so you can view different parts of the workbook at the same time.

You can open more than one new window for of this sheet or workbook; their maximum quantity limited only by the amount of available memory.

The title bar shows the workbook name followed by the new window number after a colon. For example, the second window of the BUDGET.XLS workbook would be named BUDGET.XLS:2.

Team Arrange everything(menu Window

Team Arrange everything(menu Window) Displays everything open documents in the windows so that they do not overlap on the screen. This mode used to display windows that are not visible or to organize the placement of windows on the screen.

Active Workbook Windows, if this flag is checked, then the command Arrange Arranges only the windows of the active workbook. If the checkbox is not checked, then the command Arrange organizes all non-hidden windows.

Team Arrange Icons organizes all windows minimized into icons. This command is only available if the minimized window is active. The icons are arranged horizontally from left to right at the bottom of the application window.

Teams Hide And Show Hide the active workbook window or show a previously hidden window. The window that will be shown is selected from the list of hidden windows. Although the hidden window is not visible, it is still open. You can hide a workbook that should be open, but does not need to be visible. If the workbook window is password protected, the password will also be requested when the window is hidden.

Add-ons cannot be made visible using the command Show. If all windows are hidden, then the command Show moves from menu Window in the menu File .

Teams Smash And Remove Split(menu Window)

Rice. 12. Window splitting

Team Smash breaks active window for two or four windows. This command allows you to scroll subwindows simultaneously. Two horizontal panes will always have the same column headers; two vertical subwindows will always have the same row headers.

Use the command Fix Subwindows to cancel scrolling in the top, left, or both sub-windows of the split.

Team Remove Split removes a split in the active window. This command is only available when the active window is broken. Double click on split marker or on the split line also removes the split.

Team Fix Subwindows Fixes the top subwindow, left subwindow, or both subwindows on the active worksheet. This command is needed to keep row or column headings on the screen when you have long lists scrolling through your worksheet. This command prevents subwindows to the left of a vertical split from scrolling horizontally, and subwindows above a horizontal split from scrolling vertically.

You can also use the button Fixation Sill to fix or unfix the sill on the worksheet. If the window is not divided into subwindows, then this command will split the window by active cell.

Note: Fixing headers on a worksheet does not affect printing .

Team Cancel Commit Unlocks the sill from the worksheet. You can also click the button again Fixation Sill to undo the commit. This command appears in the menu Window only if a commit has already been entered using the command Fix Subwindows .

Teams 1, 2, 3, ...9 (menu Window) Lists current open windows at the bottom of the menu Window. Selecting a window number switches to it. The mark is located in front of the active window.

If more than nine windows are open, the command appears at the end of the list Other Windows. Select it to view a list of all open windows.

2.4. Data entry and editing

To enter information into given cell you need to place the cursor on it or click on this cell with the mouse. After this, you can start entering data. When you enter the first character, you enter input mode and the word is displayed in the status bar Enter .

If information has already been entered into a cell and you just need to add or correct previously entered data, double-click the desired cell or press the F2 key while the desired cell is highlighted. At the same time, you switch to input mode and can make the necessary changes to the data that is in this cell.

You can restore the contents of a cell without leaving the input mode. To do this, press CTRL+Z or ESC. Data recovery and exit from input mode is carried out by clicking on the red cross located in input line .

Input line .

Bar below toolbars Microsoft Excel, used to enter or edit values ​​or formulas in cells or charts. This displays the constant value or formula of the active cell. To enter data, select a cell, enter the data and click on the button with a green “checkmark” or press ENTER. Data appears in the formula bar as you type it.

Name field is located at the left end of the input line. Use the name field to give names to the active cell or selected block. To do this, click on the name field, enter a name there and press ENTER. Such names can be used when writing formulas or when constructing diagrams. You can also use the name field to jump to a named cell or block. To do this, open the list and select the desired name from it.

Table 1 shows an example of creating a table to calculate gross income.

Table 1

bananas 2.90rub
grape 5.20rub
pineapple 6.80rub
No. Name Supplier company Purchase price Qty Purchase amount Sales amount Gross income
(rub) ($)
1 bananas Frutis 2.00rub 200
2 bananas SUMP 2.32rub 80
3 bananas Forum 1.98rub 165
4 bananas Like 1.86rub 320
5 bananas UFO 2.05rub 120
6 grape Frutis 4.00rub 90
7 grape SUMP 3.65rub 100
8 grape Forum 4.05rub 65
9 grape Like 4.66rub 22
25 pineapples UFO 6.60rub 55

Copy data is processed in a standard way for the Windows environment.

Service operations for editing text

Traditional editing operations are searching

fragments of text, replacing them and checking spelling. They are performed with the commands Edit\Find, Edit\Replace and Tools\Spelling or, what is the same, through the Find and Replace window, called up by pressing the F6 key.

Please note that in the Replace dialog box, you can replace not only text fragments, but also formats and special characters(paragraph marker, empty space or string, etc.). For example, if in the "Replace" window in the field " Find_____" enter the symbols "^p^p", and in the field " Replace with___ _" - characters "^p", then all in the text will be deleted empty lines(^p means paragraph marker).

Word allows you to auto-correct - automatic control and correcting errors during typing. To do this, you need to execute the menu command Tools\AutoCorrect Options and specify

in the fields of the AutoCorrect window that appears, which combinations of characters (words) need to be replaced, and with which ones. For example, if in the field " Replace " enter "since" in the field " on "- "since" and click the Add button, then when the radio button is selected " Replace as you type " (checkmark in the line) the editor will automatically correct all “since.” to "since".

The Window item consists of the commands New, Arrange all, Compare next to..., Split and a list of open documents, which are located one above the other.

The New command creates a new window with the same content as the active window, i.e. a copy of it. In this case, the copy number is added to the file name, for example, text1, separated by a colon, i.e. text1:2. To delete any window, click the Close button.

The Arrange All command displays everything open files(documents) in separate windows on the screen (at least two windows must be open before executing this command).

Using the command simplifies simultaneous work with several documents, for example, moving data from one file to another. It is also convenient to use this command to execute practical tasks To laboratory work. By opening two windows, in one of which the task is displayed, in the second (working) you can perform this task, having it in front of your eyes all the time.

To organize rolled up documents in the program window, you need to select Arrange Icons from the Window menu; collapsed documents will be ordered from left to right at the bottom of the program window. If there are no collapsed documents, the Arrange Icons command is not available.

The "Compare next to..." command suggests displaying one of the documents open in the editor in two columns next to the active document. In this mode, it is possible to scroll both documents simultaneously and separate work with any of them.

"Split" command - dividing the active window into several areas with separate scroll bars. Allows you to simultaneously work with in different parts one document - copy, move, delete, edit, etc.

You can also use a split checkbox to split a document:

1 Place the pointer on the stakeout pin at the top vertical stripe scroll (gray bar above the “Top” button).

2 When the pointer changes to a double-headed split arrow, drag the stakeout line to right place.

To return to one window, double-click the layout line or close one window and maximize another.

To move or copy parts of a long document, split the window into two parts. In one area, find the text or pictures you want to copy or move, and in another area, find the location where you want to copy those objects, then select them and drag them across the layout line.

Other Windows command - displaying a list of open files. To go to given file you should select his name from the list.

To minimize the document window in the program, you need n Click the Collapse button in the header of the active document.

To restore a minimized document window, you need to select the name of this document in the File or Window menu items or click on its icon on the taskbar.

Security questions

1How to set margins and page orientation, display the date and time, set text markings, its color, and font size?

2Ways to create a new document.

3Ways to open an existing document.

4Methods of initial and repeated saving of a document.

5Methods of selecting, copying, moving, deleting document fragments.

6What options relate to text formatting?

7View and print text.

8Name the main elements of a window text editor Word.

9 How to set automatic transfer words, spelling and grammar checking, printer binding?

10 What is meant by the term “paragraph”?

11 What is included in the concept of “character format”, “paragraph format”?

12 How to select a character, word, line, paragraph, entire document?

13 How to swap paragraphs using the toolbar?

14 How to undo an incorrectly performed action and restore the undo?

15 How to set the autocorrect mode (give a specific example).

16 How to create numbered and bulleted lists with hanging indents?

17 What commands are included in the Window menu item?

18 What do the New, Arrange All, Divide, Compare Next to... menu commands do?

We got acquainted with the structure of the window and its structure. However, for confident work on a computer, especially for a novice user, this is completely insufficient.

Let's look at this issue in more detail. We need to learn how to manage Windows windows.

What does this mean?

Using window control buttons various menus and window panels, controlling various window elements using the mouse and keyboard.

You can do the following basic things with Windows windows:

  • change their size;
  • expand to full screen;
  • minimize a window maximized to full screen, switch to windowed mode;
  • minimize all windows;
  • close;
  • move around the screen;
  • arrange them on the screen.

Windows can be in 3 states: normal– looks like a rectangular area occupying part of the screen, full screenfull screen mode And folded into a button on the taskbar.

Now everything is in order.

Resizing the window Windows

In the upper right corner there are three window control buttons. The purpose of each button is easy to find out by moving the mouse cursor over it and holding it a little, you will see a tooltip with information about the function of the button.

Minimize button - minimizes the window so that it disappears from the screen and remains as a rectangle on the taskbar. To restore the window on the screen, just click on this rectangle with the left mouse button or right, selecting the corresponding command from the context menu (in Windows 7 - from the “Recent” section, select the name desired folder or file).

In addition to the control buttons, you can use system menu windows. You can call it by clicking right click mouse on the title bar or on the button of this window in the taskbar (Windows XP).

Close button – stops, exits the program, closes a folder or file window (you can also close a window using the context menu of the window button on the taskbar or using the “close” command system menu).

The middle button has the dual purpose of Expand and Collapse. When the window is in normal mode, the button has a rectangle on it; clicking on it will expand the window to full screen. The button image will change to a double rectangle. Clicking this button will return the window from full screen view to normal window mode. Don't be surprised if a program window doesn't maximize full screen, the developers simply excluded this possibility in their program.

You can also minimize and maximize a window by double-clicking on the title bar, as well as using the context menu of the window button in the taskbar or the system menu commands “maximize” - “restore”.

Restore – returns to previous state window sizes and location. The command is active when the window is in full screen mode.

If you have many windows open at the same time, and you need to look at something or find something on the desktop, open a folder, open a program, instead of closing open windows one at a time and wasting unproductive time on this, you can minimize them all at once. In Windows XP this is done special button, located in the panel quick launch.

Please note that the Quick Launch bar may be disabled. The easiest way to display it is to right-click on the taskbar, in context menu select the “Toolbars” command, in the next menu click on the “Quick Launch” line.

In Windows 7, the “Minimize all windows” button is pinned to the taskbar at the right edge of the screen. All windows can be minimized and maximized using the keyboard shortcut Windows + D

Moving windows around the screen

To move the window anywhere on the screen, align the mouse pointer with the window title bar and click left button mouse, holding it in this position, move the window to another location.

The window can be moved using the window system menu. After selecting the Move command (available only in normal window mode, the cursor becomes a four-headed arrow), using the arrow keys (these are called “cursor keys”) Move the window to the desired location and press Enter. You can cancel the move mode by pressing the Esc key.

Resizing a Window

Using - move the cursor (pointer) to the border of the window or to any corner of it and press the left mouse button. The mouse pointer should change to a double-headed arrow. Without releasing, move the mouse (cursor on the screen) in the desired direction, increasing or decreasing the size of the window. At the moment when right size picked up, release the mouse. The same operation can be performed using the keyboard. The “Size” command of the window system menu is intended for this; it activates the mode for resizing the window using the cursor keys horizontally and vertically. The command can only be executed when the window has normal look. When you're done moving, press Enter. You can cancel the action by clicking Esc key.

But not all windows can be resized, for example, query windows and some dialog boxes.

Arranging windows automatically

Open windows can be arranged on the screen in a cascade, from top to bottom (called "stacked" in Windows 7), and from left to right (called "side by side" in Windows 7).
“Cascading windows” of the same size, overlap each other so that only the titles are visible, except for the first window.

“Top to Bottom Windows” and “Left to Right Windows” are also the same size, but they are located next to each other on the screen, dividing the screen into equal parts.

“Show Desktop” minimizes all open windows to the taskbar and allows you to see the Desktop without any open windows.

“Cancel...” (last command).

To arrange windows in one of these ways, you need to select one of the listed commands in the taskbar context menu.

Switching between windows

It is positioned as a multitasking system, in which you can simultaneously work with several windows, programs, documents, moving from one to another. The operating system considers any open windows to be a running task. Switching between windows is actually a transition to performing another task.

If there are several open windows ( running tasks) only one of them can be active, the one in which you are working, all others at this moment are inactive.

How does the active window visually differ:

    its title is brighter, in other windows the titles are dull, less saturated in color;

    on the taskbar, the active window button is different in color or looks more convex than the buttons of other windows;

    The active window is in the foreground, covering other windows (unless it is above or next to it).

Basic ways to switch between windows:

Numerous windows open folders, programs and documents clutter your desktop, making them difficult to keep track of. Therefore, it is important to learn how to quickly switch between the necessary windows. Ways to move from one window to another:

When many windows of the same program are open, the buttons are grouped (this feature must be configured in the taskbar properties). For selection the desired window Click on the group button and select it in the list.

If, when you move a window, a gray outline first appears, and then the window itself moves, do next steps:

We learned how to resize a window, move windows, minimize all windows, and switch between windows in operating system Windows.

Perhaps this information on the blog will be useful to you, your friends or relatives, share it, click the buttons social networks. Share your experience in the comments, ask questions if you have problems and difficulties.

Worksheet- This is actually a spreadsheet, the main type of document used in Excel to store and manipulate data. It consists of cells organized into columns and rows and is always part of a workbook.

Workbooks are MS Excel files that can contain one or more worksheets. Such files have the extension . xls .

If you look at the Excel window pictured ,
then you will notice that it contains many different elements. Some of them are common to all programs in Windows environment, the rest are only in the Excel window.

The work area of ​​the main Excel window is occupied by a workbook window consisting of worksheets. By clicking on any cell of the worksheet, you will make it current (it will be marked with a frame). IN name field, the address of the current cell will be shown, for example A1 . As with many other Windows programs, you can present a worksheet as separate window with my own title— we will call this window the workbook window, since in such a window you can process several worksheets.

Worksheet Elements

    Main window title field.

    Menu bar.

    Control buttons


    Name field.

    Formula string.

    Status bar

    Workbook window title field (Excel child window).

    Active sheet of the workbook.

    Button for selecting the entire sheet.

    Active (current) cell.

    Column name.

    String name.

    In the Excel window, as in others Windows programs, under the window title there is a menu bar. It contains The main thing Excel menu . Using the commands from this menu you can execute All possible actions over workbooks and data in tables.

    A bar at the bottom of the screen that displays information about the selected command or operation being performed. The highlighted command is briefly described on the left side of the status bar. It also provides information about the operation being performed, such as opening or saving a file, copying cells, or recording a macro. Right side The status bar shows whether keys such as CAPS LOCK, SCROLL LOCK or NUM LOCK are enabled.

    Each sheet is a table consisting of rows and columns.

    The main screen contains the following objects: the main menu bar, two toolbars Standard and Formatting, the formula bar, the name field, the status bar, and scroll bars.

    Interaction with Excel is carried out by selecting commands from the main menu. All commands are hierarchical. As a result of selecting one of these commands, its drop-down menu appears on the screen.

    To execute a command from the main menu, place the mouse cursor on the desired command and click the mouse button.

    To cancel the selection of a drop-down menu option after it appears on the screen, press the Esc key and you will be taken to the menu of the previous level.

    To receive reference information click mouse sign ? from the main menu. A menu will appear from which you select the command Calling help. Also, the dialog box for many commands contains a button Reference, when clicked, Excel will provide you with information on how to use this dialog box.

    Button Reference, located on the toolbar Standard, adds a question mark to the mouse cursor ? . After this, information about commands and screen elements can be obtained by placing the mouse pointer with a question mark in the desired location and pressing the left mouse button.

    After ending your current Excel session, run the command File | Exit.

    Cell- this is the main element spreadsheet only it can contain any information (text, values, formulas)

    active workbook, so you can view different parts of the workbook at the same time.

    You can open more than one new window for a given sheet or workbook; their maximum number is limited only by the amount of available memory.

    The title bar shows the workbook name followed by the new window number after a colon. For example, the second window of the BUDGET.XLS workbook would be named BUDGET.XLS:2.

    Team Arrange everything(menu Window

    Team Arrange everything(menu Window) Displays all open documents in windows so that they do not overlap on the screen. This mode is used to display windows that are not visible, or to organize the placement of windows on the screen.

    Active Workbook Windows, if this flag is checked, then the command Arrange Arranges only the windows of the active workbook. If the checkbox is not checked, then the command Arrange organizes all non-hidden windows.

    Team Arrange Icons organizes all windows minimized into icons. This command is only available if the minimized window is active. The icons are arranged horizontally from left to right at the bottom of the application window.

    Teams Hide And Show Hide the active workbook window or show a previously hidden window. The window that will be shown is selected from the list of hidden windows. Although the hidden window is not visible, it is still open. You can hide a workbook that should be open, but does not need to be visible. If the workbook window is password protected, the password will also be requested when the window is hidden.

    Add-ons cannot be made visible using the command Show. If all windows are hidden, then the command Show moves from menu Window in the menu File.

    Team Smash splits the active window into two or four subwindows. This command allows you to scroll subwindows simultaneously. Two horizontal panes will always have the same column headers; two vertical subwindows will always have the same row headers.

    Use the command Fix Subwindows to cancel scrolling in the top, left, or both sub-windows of the split.

    Team Remove Split removes a split in the active window. This command is only available when the active window is broken. Double click on split marker or on the split line also removes the split.

    Team Fix Subwindows Fixes the top subwindow, left subwindow, or both subwindows on the active worksheet. This command is needed to keep row or column headings on the screen when you have long lists scrolling through your worksheet. This command prevents subwindows to the left of a vertical split from scrolling horizontally, and subwindows above a horizontal split from scrolling vertically.

    You can also use the button Fixation Sill to fix or unfix the sill on the worksheet. If the window is not divided into subwindows, this command will split the window by the active cell.

    Team Cancel Commit Unlocks the sill from the worksheet. You can also click the button again Fixation Sill to undo the commit. This command appears in the menu Window only if a commit has already been entered using the command Fix Subwindows.

    Teams 1, 2, 3, …9 (menu Window) Lists currently open windows at the bottom of the menu Window. Selecting a window number switches to it. The mark is located in front of the active window.

    If more than nine windows are open, the command appears at the end of the list Other Windows. Select it to view a list of all open windows.


    A spreadsheet is a program designed to work with large tables numbers. Such programs are called table processors. They operate with data of a simpler and more homogeneous nature.

    Microsoft Excel is designed to work with data tables, mainly numerical ones. When you format a table, you enter, edit, and format text, numeric data, and formulas.

    The latter possibility means that the contents of a cell can be some formula for calculation based on data (numbers) located in other cells.


    To facilitate and optimize work in Microsoft Excel, there are various means and methods to facilitate routine work. One of these means are Masters (helpers). There are several of them:

    Chart Master, which simplifies the construction of diagrams;

    Function Master, which makes it easier to write functions;

    Master of Hints, For quick search information (although he is not a master, in the strict sense of the word).

    Web Page Wizard, to create an HTML page when Microsoft help Excel.

    Template Wizard, allows you to create new template or database.

    Master pivot tables allows you to analyze not only any slice of available information, but also organize columns, rows and page headings using the drag-and-drop method.

    Transformation Wizard, allows you to convert documents to Excel from other formats.

    Microsoft Excel includes several features that can make your work easier and help you perform the calculations you need.

    The first is table auto-completion. Mode Autofill, which allows you to create sequences of numeric or text values, with virtually no manual data entry, has also been expanded. In Microsoft Excel you can create your own native modes autofill. For example, if you need to create sheets with headings like January, February, March etc., mode Autofill
    at your service. Moreover, the team Sorting now also processes custom (i.e. created) lists Autofill, so you can always sort your data.

    The second is the command Autosummation, which allows you to add numeric values ​​with one click, gives you the ability to do this with both rows and columns at the same time. Using this command, you can summarize general results even in tables with subtotals.

    There is also such a possibility as Selection of parameters(obtain the required result by changing the initial data) and Finding a solution(finding the roots of equations).

    Another interesting Excel feature is the ability to work with geographic maps Map….


    In order to block access to personal email accounts Microsoft tables Excel 97, follow one of the following procedures, depending on whether you need to lock more or less of the cells.

    To prevent most cells from being editable:

    1. Select the cells that need to be left unlocked. To select cells scattered, hold Ctrl key when you click on the cells.

    2. Give a menu command Format | Cells and open the tab Protection.

    3. Uncheck the box Protected cell and click OK.

    4. Give a menu command Service | Protection and choose Protect sheet OK.

    To protect only some cells:

    1. Select the entire table, click the select all cells button in the upper left corner of the table or press Ctrl+Shift+spacebar.

    2. Give a menu command Format | Cells and select a tab Protection. Uncheck Protected cell and click OK.

    3. Select the cells that need to be blocked. To select cells randomly, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on the cells.

    4. Give a menu command Format | Cells and open the tab Protection. Check box Protected cell and click OK.

    5. Give a menu command Service | Protection and choose Protect sheet. Enter your password if necessary and click OK.


    When preparing documents for various purposes, lists are widely used. A list is several paragraphs, each of which begins either with a certain character (bullet list) or with a sequentially changing number (numbered list). In addition, Word allows you to organize multi-level lists, both bulleted and numbered, when several more can be placed within one list.

    A multi-level list contains two or more levels of bulleted or numbered lists within one general list. For example, a numbered list may include parts labeled with letters below each numbered item, or each level may be numbered separately, as in Document Outline View
    Numbered and bulleted lists ≈ useful tools formatting to create lists of data in text, which you have already seen many times in this book. Word can automatically create any of these types of lists. Use bulleted lists for related but unorganized data. Use numbered lists for data of the same type that can be ordered and numbered. When you create a numbered or bulleted list, each paragraph counts separate element list and it is assigned its serial number or label.


    To create bulleted list just follow these steps:

    · highlight paragraphs that must begin with a bullet symbol;

    · press the Markers button

    · on the toolbar or select the List command from the Format menu and select the desired one on the Marked tab.

    You can easily create a list while typing. To do this, just format the very first paragraph as a list. Then, when you press ENTER at the beginning of the next paragraph, the bullet is inserted automatically. To end the list, press ENTER twice or press the Markers button again.

    Creating a numbered list is similar to creating a bulleted list:

    · highlight paragraphs that should be numbered sequentially;

    · click the Numbering button on the toolbar or select the List command from the Format menu and select the desired one on the Numbered tab.
    Note. Similar to bulleted for a numbered list, numbering is also continued automatically. But if you need to start a new numbering in the same document, you need to call the List command and on the Numbered tab click the switch to start again.

    When creating a multi-level (up to 9 levels) list, it is advisable to select its format in advance and set it already when typing the first paragraph:

    · highlight the first paragraph of the list;

    · select the List command from the Format menu and select the desired one on the Multi-level tab.

    · enter the list by pressing the ENTER key after each element;

    · move paragraphs - list elements, to required level:

    - highlight a paragraph,

    — click the Increase indent or Decrease indent button on the toolbar.

    You can change the list item level as you type. To move a paragraph to the next level, just click TAB key at the beginning of the paragraph. To increase the numbering level at the beginning of a paragraph (before typing), you must simultaneously press the SHIFT+TAB keys.

    Changing the format of the list may not suit you when preparing the document standard samples numbering or labeling lists. To change marking characters, numbering, indents, fonts, etc. you need to perform the following operations:

    · select paragraphs - list elements;

    · in the Format menu, select the List command;

    · in the dialog window, select a tab for required type list;

    · click the Change button;

    · Select the required formatting options.

    IN last point to change format multi-level list required:

    · select the level whose format you want to change in the Level field;

    · change the format of this level;

    · repeat the procedure for all levels whose format needs to be changed.


    In newspaper columns, text flows from one column to another on the same page.

    Go to markup mode (Markup mode. The mode of displaying a document or other objects as they will appear on paper. For example, headings, footnotes, columns and inscriptions take their actual places.).

    Select Select All from the Edit menu.

    Select the desired piece of text.

    Click a section (Section. A portion of a document that has specified page formatting options. A new section is created when you want to change settings such as row numbering, number of columns, or headers and footers.) or select multiple sections.

    On standard