Interfered with installation. Changing user rights

Hello friends, today's article is about restoring Windows 10. Since the system is new and under active testing, the very first thing you need to master in this system is the recovery tool. It must be said that on this stage it differs little from the already familiar means Windows recovery 8.

Most often when various problems with a new operating system, you will have to apply a simple rollback using a restore point. So let's take a look at it first.

Friends, if you do not know at all what system recovery is, then just read the article and you will understand everything along the way.

How to restore Windows 10

In a nutshell, System Restore works like a time machine, that is, Windows 10 secretly does snapshots herself. These pictures are backups critical system files and drivers. Restore points are created by the system before some significant event. Most often, such an event is the installation of some program or driver by us. We can also create restore points ourselves whenever we want and restore the system using this point if we don’t like something in Windows.

Create a restore point in Windows 10

Right-click on the lower left corner of the desktop and select Control Panel

system and safety


System protection

We make sure that System Restore is enabled for the partition on which Windows 10 is installed, usually (C:). Select drive C: with the left mouse and click Configure

We mark the item Enable system protection. Dedicated to store restore points 15% disk space . Apply and OK.

Now we know for sure that recovery is enabled for the C: drive. Create a restore point

You can name the restore point whatever you want, but personally I call it the creation date.

The restore point was successfully created.

How to restore Windows 10 using a restore point

When is System Restore used? For example, you installed a program and you don't like how the computer started working after that. Or you caught the virus at lunchtime, but in the morning before work you created a restore point, apply a rollback using this point and the virus will disappear.

Click Restore

Select the restore point we need with the left mouse and Next

Once started, System Restore cannot be interrupted. you want to continue. Yes !

Windows 10 contains a set a large number side functions and related system additions, which are called components. Many of them are designed to create corporate networks, servers and other functions that ordinary user will never be needed, but will still take up hard drive space even when disabled. However, among the components there are really important ones, the need for which many do not suspect. Therefore, before disabling and enabling any component, you need to learn about its significance.


Before you start turning off everything that your eye does not like, it is worth considering:

  • All potentially unnecessary components are disabled by default and vice versa. Enabling and disabling processes should only be done purposefully if you are sure that you do not need or interfere with a certain component.
  • The enabled state of the program should be understood as "Allowed for use". No need for separate component, it will never run.
  • Based on the previous paragraph, processes just like that will never load your RAM, and disabling them will not improve the overall performance of your computer.
  • There is no process optimization for games. Windows Components 10 can be represented as a set of tools available to the system, which will never be used unnecessarily. The only component used in games is the .NET Framework, which will be automatically enabled when the game is launched, even if you have previously disabled it. Moreover, it always updates itself to required version when installing the game, regardless of the Internet connection (all game installers that use the .NET Framework, an updater for this component is sewn in, even in pirated versions). When the game is running, all other components will sit in place and not work, regardless of their enabled state. Enable and disable various components will not affect the operation of the game in any way, and their optimization is a fiction of inexperienced users.
  • The only side of the components that can be considered negative is the space they take up on the hard drive, but their volume is very small, and simply disabling it will not help to remove it. Complete removal components is a pointless, difficult and sometimes dangerous exercise.
  • If you install an application on your computer that requires one of the Windows processes, required component will be automatically connected, but there are exceptions (depending on the application).
  • Some programs are very important to the day-to-day functionality of your system, and it's worth knowing the purpose of each before proceeding with the shutdown.

Turn programs and features on or off on Windows 10

If you still decide to disable components or want to make sure that you have everything you need enabled, you first need to find them through the control panel.

  1. Open the control panel. It can be found through the search in the "Start" menu or by clicking on the same "Start" right click mice.
  2. Open the "Programs" section when categorized.
  3. Click Turn Windows features on or off.
  4. Here you can enable or disable all available processes. A square instead of a checkmark means that only part of the nested components from the group is included (to expand the group, click "+"). Don't forget to click OK.

Video: How to find components on Windows 10

Component values

Various Windows versions 10 have different sets available components, but we will consider full list of all possible. We will present the list in the form of two tables: those needed by the average user and specialized processes designed for rarely used and narrowly focused computer capabilities (most of them are disabled by default).

Even if some of them seem unnecessary to you, it is better to leave them in place so as not to suddenly encounter unknown error, because erroneously shutting down unknown processes will not bring anything good.

Table: components that should not be disabled

Component NameIts meaning
.NET Framework 4.6 (or later)Needed for all applications written in this version of .NET, including all earlier ones, and there are a lot of them. This is the only component used in games. Usually this component is adjacent to its disabled predecessor and completely replaces its absence.
Windows PowerShell 2.0Introduced as a new shell for the command line and adds an impressive list of features. PowerShell takes much longer to launch than the command line and has a few other undeniable bugs. However, its presence on the computer does not exclude the possibility of using standard version command line. Disabling may make it impossible for you to fix some rare but very evil system errors.
Media ComponentsThese are standard Windows players. Even if you use alternative applications for movies and music, turning them off is not recommended. Can be replaced by some plugins and applications.
Print to PDFProvides the ability to print PDF files and adds limited interoperability with PDF documents. The narrow list of Print features is unique and not replaced by alternative browsers.
API support for remote differential compressionResponsible for synchronization certain files. Used by some applications and standard means Windows.
Support public access to SMB 1.0/CIFS filesInitially responsible for working with printers when using a network of several computers, but contains some algorithms designed to work with outdated equipment, which is not always related to printing or scanning.
XPS ServicesResponsible for working with XPS documents. This format is quite rare, and most of the features of this component are in "Print to PDF". But sometimes it is necessary, and turning it off makes no sense.
Document printing servicesResponsible for standard program for printing and scanning documents, and also has many side functions of the adjacent profile.

Table: Components that can be turned off

Component NameIts meaning
.NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)An outdated version of the .NET Framework. May be erroneously enabled by some applications. All its functions required by an ordinary user are in the adjacent new version, this option is for some developers.
Hyper-VDesigned to create and use virtual machines. If you don't know what it is, you can safely turn it off.
Internet Explorer 11Fallback Microsft Edge. Even if you don't care about it, it's better to turn it off, as it may launch farewell pages when you uninstall some applications or call up help materials. Once disabled, these requests will be redirected to the default browser.
SNMP protocolIs used for deep customization routers old model and similar network equipment. Ordinary users do not need it at all, and old routers can work without it.
Windows Identity Foundation 3.5Add-on for legacy NET Framework.
IIS Web Core EmbeddedDesigned for developers. By itself, it usually does not turn on.
Built-in shell launcherCreates a safe isolated space to run. A component that is difficult to use and is completely unnecessary for ordinary users.
Telnet ClientSlightly expands the possibilities of working with Telenet servers, but contains vulnerabilities and endangers the system.
TFTP clientThe situation is the same as with the Telenet client. Both clients do not contain any features required by the average user.
Work Folders ClientDesigned to work with corporate networks.
Legacy ComponentsMay be used by some outdated versions applications. If necessary, they turn on automatically, regardless of presets and Internet connection.
RAS Connection Manager Administration PackCreated for creating a VPN-connections via standard Windows services. Third Party Programs to create a VPN, either it is not used, or it will be launched automatically.
RIP ListenerDesigned to work with corporate networks and expand the narrowly focused functions of network equipment that are not needed by ordinary users.
Simple TCP/IP Services
Microsoft Message Queuing ServerBackup service for sending system reports to Microsoft servers.
Windows Activation ServiceOnly for developers, has nothing to do with everything you might think of when you read the title.
Services Active Directory for easy access to directoriesDesigned to work with corporate networks.
IIS ServicesDesigned for servers and corporate networks.
MultiPoint ConnectorProgram for implementation remote access. Initially designed for corporate networks. It has more reliable and functional counterparts.
XPS ViewerStandard XPS document browser. All the functions contained in it are in Microsoft Office.
Windows TIFF IFilterSlightly speeds up opening TIFF files and some related actions.

Errors that appear and their correction

Despite the simplicity of the design of the system of components, even here errors can occur. Fortunately, solutions to these problems have long been found and are feasible even for inexperienced users.

Empty component window

This issue can occur if the user does not have the authority to configure them, or if one of the applications has modified the registry settings.

Changing user rights

  1. Through the start menu search, find and open "gpedit.msc".
  2. In the left part of the window, go along the path "User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Control Panel" and click once on the "Programs" folder.
  3. The status of all settings in the right part of the window should be "Not configured". If so, move on to the next method.
  4. If the state of a setting is different, open it, set the correct state and confirm the change.

Registry editing

  1. Through the start menu search, find and open "regedit".
  2. On the left side of the window, navigate to the path "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control" and click once on the "Windows" folder contained there.
  3. In the right part of the window, open the "CSDVersion" parameter.
  4. Set the parameter to zero and confirm the changes.

Windows components not installing

This can happen due to the work of old processes, in the place of which new ones are trying to take their place. There are 2 ways to solve the problem:

Component store corrupted

If the operating system is unstable, accompanied by frequent system errors, possibly corrupting the component store, but conceived it's not that hard to pick up.

  1. Through the Start menu, type "cmd" in the search and open command line as administrator.
  2. Type the command "sfc /scannow" and press Enter.
  3. If you are told about the impossibility of restoring files, try entering the command "DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth" to try to raise the storage through the update center (internet connection is required).

If this method does not help you, you will have to completely restore the storage through Windows Powershell.

Full storage recovery

In fact, this is the same as described above, only through the Powershell shell, which has additional powers. This method requires an internet connection.

Something interfered with the installation

This very “something” is the limitation on the Internet connection, which you most likely turned on so as not to receive automatic updates Windows.

  1. Through the Start menu, navigate to System Settings.
  2. Open the "Network and Internet" section.
  3. Click Change Connection Properties.
  4. Remove the switch from metered connection.

Windows 10 features are pretty important operating system. And even if their meaning is imperceptible to users, the thoughtless shutdown of all components is unlikely to lead to anything good. If you are firmly convinced that any of the components interferes with you, you should better familiarize yourself with its purpose and only then turn it off. Turning on the same unnecessary components It will not harm your computer, but will only add a few unclaimed functions to your computer.

For most of us, Windows has become so familiar and familiar that it has become an old trusted friend. We are well aware of his merits, have learned to put up with his shortcomings and know exactly what to expect from him in a given situation. However, this friend has whole line habits that continue to annoy us just every day. In this article, you will learn how to quickly and easily get rid of some annoying users Windows features in literally five minutes.

Deletion confirmation

With every removal Windows files asks us as little children: “Are you sure you want to delete this file? No, are you sure? Maybe it's just a joke?" If you are tired of convincing the system every time of the seriousness of your intentions, then turn off the confirmation dialog in the basket settings.

cap lock

Does anyone actually use cap lock for its intended purpose? In my opinion, most often we press this key quite by accident. As a result, the case of letters changes and we have to retype the text again.

Luckily you can disable caps key Lock in Windows by simply changing the settings in the system registry. Download file disable_caps_lock.reg from this page (by the way, note that there are a number of other uses for this ill-fated button), double-click on it and you will disable the Caps Lock key altogether.

Extra click to select application window

Windows 7, when choosing from several windows of one application, for example, if you have several copies of Explorer running, on the first click it shows us window previews first, and then with the second click it allows you to activate the desired window.

You can speed up the process so that with a single click on the application icon in the taskbar, the last one is restored. active window. The next clicks will cycle through the windows in the order in which they are used.

To do this, you will also need to make changes to the system registry. Open the start menu, type in the search bar regedit and start the registry editor. Open the following key:


Right click in right panel and create new parameter DWORD, name it LastActiveClick. Double-click the LastActiveClick setting and change its value to 1. You will have to log out and log back in after this operation.

Sound scheme

The creators of Windows have tried to make the most pleasant signals that accompany the operation of the system. However, people different tastes and if the proposed sound scheme If you initially don’t like it or just get bored, then you can turn it off altogether or change it to another one.

Right-click on the speaker icon in the system tray and select Sounds. In the window that appears, set Without sound, if you like silence, or change the scheme to something that is pleasing to your ear.

Action Center Alerts

white flag Alert Center in the system tray is a hell of a notion from Microsoft that constantly scares users with its menacing messages. If you find his presence and behavior too intrusive, then follow the path Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Action Center\Configure Action Center and teach him the rules of conduct. Clear the types of notifications you don't want to receive.

Sticky Keys

This feature is quite useful for people with handicapped, but is completely unnecessary for most other users. It turns on by pressing it five times. Shift and accompanied dialog box confirmation, which is especially annoying if it happens during computer game, which is not uncommon.

To disable this bad habit, follow the link in this pop-up window and disable the option Turn on Sticky Keys when you press Shift five times.

Extra items in the context menu

Many programs we install like to add their own items to the right-click menu without even asking our consent. What's more, some of them forget to clean up their items after they've been deleted. If you are annoyed by the traces of these programs in the context menu, then you can clean them out with system registry. But it's much easier to use CCleaner, which can not only do this, but is also universal tool to service your computer.

Run the program, go to the section Service and on the tab Context menu turn off unnecessary items for you.

And what Windows features annoy you and how do you deal with them?

In the section on windows question 10. Installing the component. Something prevented the installation of the component. given by the author Rasta Max the best answer is at what stage did it appear?
Roman Kuznetsov
namely? what is the component?

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: windows 10. Installing a component. Something prevented the installation of the component.

Answer from Zzz[newbie]
Most likely you have an Internet connection via a 3g modem. Connect via WiFi or wired Internet and the problem with downloading components will be solved - they will be downloaded and there will be no error

Answer from flush[expert]
try turning it on

Answer from dry out[guru]
You can see which component is not installed by clicking - "View additional components log")) I did not install the component - "Speech recognition for English ..." because I turned off the service windows updates:) It turns out to this day, this question is relevant))

Answer from undersized[newbie]
Faced a similar problem. unable to load speech recognition package for in English. it turned out that I checked the metered connection for all known WiFi networks. and because of this Windows was unable to download the package. After disabling this feature (limited connection), everything was downloaded and installed. I consider it a disadvantage Windows Diagnostics, in that he did not write a clear reason for the manifestation of the error.
And I set this checkbox to smaller windows was active on the network.