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The evolutionary theory of human development, proposed by the English scientist Charles Darwin, became a real sensation in the scientific world. Until then, the whole world was in full confidence that man is God's creation. The Darwinian theory, unlike other versions of the origin of man, was able to clearly explain how his evolution took place.

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution

Humanity has long tried to unravel the mystery of its appearance on the planet, but the only answer was found only in religion, according to which man is a manifestation of God’s plan.

This explanation suited people until scientific knowledge began to actively develop and expand. Scientists have struggled for a long time to unravel the origins of man, but only the British naturalist Charles Darwin succeeded.

Rice. 1. Charles Darwin.

His revolutionary theory for those times, according to which man descended from primates, caused real dissonance in society. Not all scientists, not to mention ordinary people, wanted to see monkeys among their ancient ancestors.

However, Darwin's theory presented a lot of significant evidence. Humans had too many connections with the animal world: skeletal structure, nervous system, digestive, circulatory and respiratory organs. Humans had the greatest similarity with primates.

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The most important prerequisite for the “humanization” of primates was the use of natural objects as tools for protection from enemies or hunting wild animals.

Rice. 2. Primitive tools.

Main stages of human evolution

The process of evolutionary development of humanity, from primates to modern humans, took several million years. In total, there are five main stages of human evolution, each of which has its own distinctive characteristics.

All evolutionary processes are based on the most important law of nature - natural selection, thanks to which a species has the opportunity to adapt as best as possible to environmental conditions.

Rice. 3. Primitive society.

Table “Stages of Human Evolution”

Stages of human evolution

Structural features



Great apes - Australopithecus

Height 120-140 cm. Skull volume - 500-600 cubic meters. cm, upright posture

They did not build permanent dwellings, did not use fire, the way of life was gregarious

Sticks and stones

Ancient People - Smart Man

Brain volume – 680 cubic meters. cm,

Didn't know how to use fire

Tools in the form of stones with pointed edges

The most ancient people - Homo erectus (Pithecanthropus, Sinanthropus, Heidelberg man)

Height 170 cm. Brain volume – 900-110 cubic meters. see The foot has an arch, the right arm is better developed, constant upright posture, changes in the jaw apparatus, the appearance of curvatures of the spine

They kept the fire going, built houses, and hunted together. There were the beginnings of articulate speech

Various stone tools, among which the most important is the stone ax

Ancient people - Neanderthals

Height 156 cm. Brain volume - 1400 cubic meters. cm. There is the rudiment of a mental protuberance, a developed hand, an arched foot, a high cranial vault, and a not so massive lower jaw

They could build dwellings, make and maintain fire. Accommodation in groups of 50-100 people.

A variety of labor tools: scrapers, points made of stone, bone and wood

The first modern people are Cro-Magnons

Height 180 cm, brain volume - 1600 cubic meters. see: The appearance is characteristic of modern man

Developed speech, the beginnings of religion and art, and the ability to make clothes appeared. Living in settlements as part of a tribal community. Development of agriculture and cattle breeding

A wide variety of materials were used to make tools: wood, bones, stones, horns. They were used to make spears, darts, knives, scrapers

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When studying the topic “Table “Stages of Human Evolution”” according to the 11th grade program, we learned which theory indicates the origin of man from primates, and through what stages of evolution man had to go through in order to reach the pinnacle of his development.

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The human line separated from the common trunk with monkeys no earlier than 10 and no later than 6 million years ago. The first representatives of the genus Homo appeared about 2 million years ago, and modern humans no later than 50 thousand years ago. The oldest traces of labor activity date back to 2.5 – 2.8 million years (tools from Ethiopia). Many populations of Homo sapiens did not replace each other sequentially, but lived simultaneously, fighting for existence and destroying the weaker.

In the evolution of man (Homo), three stages are distinguished (in addition, some scientists also distinguish the species Homo habilis - a skilled man) as a separate species:

1. The most ancient people, which include Pithecanthropus, Sinanthropus and Heidelberg man (Homo erectus).

2. Ancient people - Neanderthals (the first representatives of the species Homo sapiens).

3. Modern (new) people, including fossil Cro-Magnons and modern people (the species Homo sapiens).

Thus, the next person after Australopithecus in the evolutionary ladder is already the first person, the first representative of the genus Homo. This is a skilled person (Homo habilis). In 1960, the English anthropologist Louis Leakey found the most ancient tools created by human hands in the Oldowai Gorge (Tanzania) next to the remains of Homo habilis. It must be said that even a primitive stone ax looks next to them the same as an electric saw next to a stone axe. These tools are just pebbles split at a certain angle, slightly pointed. (Such rock splits do not occur in nature.) The Oldowan pebble culture, as scientists called it, is about 2.5 million years old.

Man made discoveries and created tools, and these tools changed man himself and had a decisive influence on his evolution. For example, the use of fire made it possible to radically lighten the human skull and reduce its weight. Food cooked over a fire, unlike raw food, did not require such powerful muscles to chew it, and weaker muscles no longer required the parietal crest to attach to the skull. The tribes that made the best tools (like later more developed civilizations) defeated the tribes lagging behind in their development and drove them into barren areas. The production of more advanced tools complicated internal relationships in the tribe and required greater development and brain volume.

Pebble tools of a skilled person were gradually replaced by hand axes (stones chipped on both sides), and then by scrapers and points.

Another branch of the evolution of the Homo genus, which, according to biologists, is higher than Homo habilis, is Homo erectus. The most ancient people lived 2 million - 500 thousand years ago. This species includes Pithecanthropus (in Latin - ape-man), Sinanthropus (Chinese man - his remains were found in China) and some other subspecies.

Pithecanthropus is an ape-man. The remains were discovered first on the island. Java in 1891 by E. Dubois, and then in a number of other places. Pithecanthropus walked on two legs, and their brain volume increased. A low forehead, powerful brow ridges, a half-bent body with abundant hair - all this pointed to their recent (monkey) past.

Sinanthropus, whose remains were found in 1927 - 1937. in a cave near Beijing, in many ways similar to Pithecanthropus, this is a geographical variant of Homo erectus.

They are often called ape people. The straightened man no longer ran in panic from the fire, like all the other animals, but started it himself (however, there is an assumption that a skilled man had already maintained a fire in smoldering stumps and termite mounds); not only split, but also hewed stones, and used processed antelope skulls as utensils. The clothes of a skilled man, apparently, were the skins of killed animals. His right hand was more developed than his left. He probably spoke primitive articulate speech. Perhaps, from a distance, he could be mistaken for a modern man.

The main factor in the evolution of ancient people was natural selection.

Ancient people characterize the next stage of anthropogenesis, when social factors begin to play a role in evolution: labor activity in the groups in which they lived, the joint struggle for life and the development of intelligence. These include Neanderthals, whose remains were discovered in Europe, Asia, and Africa. They got their name from the place of the first discovery in the valley of the river. Neander (Germany). Neanderthals lived in the Ice Age 200 - 35 thousand years ago in caves, where they constantly maintained a fire and dressed in skins. Neanderthal tools were much more advanced and had some specialization: knives, scrapers, percussion tools. The shape of the jaw indicated articulate speech. Neanderthals lived in groups of 50–100 people. Men hunted collectively, women and children collected edible roots and fruits, and old people made tools. The last Neanderthals lived among the first modern humans, and were then finally supplanted by them. Some scientists consider Neanderthals to be a dead-end branch of hominid evolution that did not participate in the formation of modern humans.

Modern people. The emergence of people of the modern physical type occurred relatively recently, about 50 thousand years ago. Their remains have been found in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. In the Cro-Magnon Grotto (France), several fossil skeletons of modern people were discovered, who were called Cro-Magnons. They possessed the entire complex of physical features that characterize modern man: articulate speech, as indicated by a developed chin protuberance; the construction of dwellings, the first rudiments of art (cave paintings), clothing, jewelry, perfect bone and stone tools, the first domesticated animals - everything indicates that this is a real person, completely separated from his animal-like ancestors. Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons and modern people form one species - Homo sapiens - Homo sapiens; this species was formed no later than 100 - 40 thousand years ago.

In the evolution of Cro-Magnons, social factors were of great importance; the role of education and the transfer of experience increased immeasurably.

Today, most scientists adhere to the theory of the African origin of man and believe that the future winner in the evolutionary race arose in Southeast Africa about 200 thousand years ago and settled from there throughout the planet.

Since man came out of Africa, it would seem to go without saying that our distant African ancestors were similar to the modern inhabitants of this continent. However, some researchers believe that the first people who appeared in Africa were closer to the Mongoloids.

The Mongoloid race has a number of archaic features, in particular in the structure of teeth, which are characteristic of Neanderthals and Homo erectus (Homo erectus). Populations of the Mongoloid type are highly adaptable to various living conditions, from the Arctic tundra to equatorial rain forests, while in children of the Negroid race in high latitudes, with a lack of vitamin D, bone diseases and rickets quickly develop, i.e. they are specialized to conditions of high insolation. If the first people were like modern Africans, it is doubtful that they would have been able to successfully migrate around the globe. However, this view is disputed by most anthropologists.

The concept of African ancestry is contrasted with the concept of multiregional ancestry, which suggests that our ancestral species, Homo erectus, evolved into Homo sapiens independently at different points around the globe.

Homo erectus appeared in Africa about 1.8 million years ago. He made the stone tools found by paleontologists and possibly more advanced bamboo tools. However, after millions of years there are no traces of bamboo. Over the course of several hundred thousand years, Homo erectus spread first across the Middle East, then into Europe and to the Pacific Ocean. The formation of Homo sapiens on the basis of Pithecanthropus led to the coexistence of later forms of Neanderthals and emerging small groups of modern humans for several thousand years. The process of replacing an old species with a new one was quite lengthy and, therefore, complex.

Human evolution. In 2 books. Book 1. Monkeys, bones and genes.

Extremely interesting, informative, written in excellent language, understandable to any literate person. Plus the author's humor, without any simplification or flattening. Popular, in the best sense of the word, presentation, without sacrificing content!

Alexander Markov's book is a very fascinating story about the origins and structure of man, based on the latest research in anthropology, genetics and evolutionary psychology. The two-volume book “Human Evolution” answers many questions that have long interested Homo sapiens. What does it mean to be human? When and why did we become human? In what ways are we superior to our neighbors on the planet, and in what ways are we inferior to them? And how can we better use our main difference and advantage - a huge, complex brain? One way is to read this book thoughtfully.

Alexander Markov - Doctor of Biological Sciences, leading researcher at the Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His book on the evolution of living beings, The Birth of Complexity (2010), became an event in popular science literature and received wide recognition from readers.

Human evolution. In 2 books. Book 2. Monkeys, neurons and the soul.

An absolutely amazing book. Even more interesting than the first part. The author managed to simply and with humor tell about everything that has been achieved by science in areas of biology that are very far from the average person and even in completely new disciplines, such as, for example, evolutionary religious studies.

A great book that reads like a detective story.

Evolution. Triumph of an idea. Evolution: The Triumph of an Idea

The evolution of life over four billion years is a magnificent tale full of conspiracy, intrigue, surprise and death. Matt Ridley, author of Genome.

Amazing book. This is not only about Darwin himself and his theory, but, even more importantly, about the development of Darwinism. About how modern science represents evolution today. What Darwin was wrong and what he was definitely right. A lot becomes clear. We recommend. A big plus of the book is good paper and easy to read font.

One of the best modern scientific journalists, with his characteristic thoroughness, clarity and constant humor, provides a complete overview of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution in the light of today's ideas and scientific discoveries.

This book provides an understanding not only of the basic principles of Charles Darwin's theory, but also talks about the latest research into the processes of evolution. Shows how modern science expands and deepens the theoretical heritage of the great scientist. The book simply and majestically reveals to us the entire history of evolution, a process that still, like several billion years ago, moves the entire world around us.

A book for everyone who seeks to find answers to eternal questions: Why do disputes about the origin of life and man on Earth continue to this day? What was behind the ideas of a great man who was painfully paving the way for new knowledge in a conservative society? How do evolutionary biologists put forward and test their hypotheses, and why can they categorically not agree with the arguments of creationists? In search of an answer to these questions, the reader makes many amazing discoveries about the life of animals, birds and insects, forcing one to think about human morals and ethics, about the place and purpose of man in the Universe.

Historical stages of human development (Table). Primitive people table

Historical stages of human development (Table)

The reference table contains the main stages of human development from primitive society to modern history, indicating the chronological framework, the duration of each stage and a brief description. This material will be useful for schoolchildren and students when doing homework, exams and the Unified State Exam.

Stages (period) of history

Chronological framework

Duration of the period

Brief description

Primitive society

about 2 million years ago - 4th millennium BC

about 2 million years (20,000 centuries)

The formation of man, the improvement of tools, the transition to agriculture and cattle breeding from hunting and gathering.

Ancient world

4th millennium BC -mid 1st millennium AD

about 4 thousand years (40 centuries)

The split of society into rulers and ruled, the spread of slavery, cultural upsurge, the fall of the Roman Empire

Middle Ages

476g. - mid 17th century

about 1200 years (12 centuries)

The beginning of the era of great geographical discoveries. The establishment of the class system in Europe, religion, urbanization, and the formation of large feudal states acquired great importance.

New time

mid 17th century - early 20th century

about 300 years (3 centuries)

The formation of industrial capitalist civilization, the emergence of colonial empires, the bourgeois revolution, the industrial revolution, the development of the world market and its fall, production crises, social. contradictions, redivision of the world, the end of the First World War.

Recent history

1918 - early 21st century

about 100 years (less than a century)

Power rivalry, World War II, the invention of nuclear weapons, the spread of computers, changing the nature of work, restoring the integrity of the world market, the formation of a global infocommunication system

Spur History Ancient human ancestors (table)

OptionsLower PaleolithicMiddle PaleolithicUpper PaleolithicMesolithicNeolithic
1. Nature and climateThe climate of that time was warm and humid. Europe was then covered with subtropical forests, where saber-toothed tigers, elephants and rhinoceroses lived. In some areas the beginning of glaciation.The Ice Age during the Mousterian era began the longest and most significant Rissian glaciation. Mammoths and cave bears are typical. Tundra vegetation.Würm glaciation. Glaciers already occupied a smaller area. But with their arrival it became sharply colder. Arctic foxes and lemmings disappeared, but mammoths continued to live in their placesFinal thawing of the glacier. The Arctic cold climate changed to a warmer subtropical one. Glaciers melted, new rivers formed, and the water level in the World Ocean rose.The climatic conditions, flora and fauna of this period are close to modern ones. The climate is warm and humid. Average temperature is +17 degrees Celsius. Birch-pine forests.
2. Type of personParapithecus, Propylopithecus, Dryopithecus, Udabnopithecus, Ramapithecus, Australopithecus, Pithecanthropus, Sinanthropus.NEANDERTHAL, CRO-MANNON MODERN MAN (HOMO SAPIENS)
3. Tools and advances in technologySticks, stones, hand axes, flint plates, spears, spears, points.Flakes, scrapers, points, scrapers, flint, harpoons, spears.Cutters, scrapers, adzes, knives, piercings, points, spear tips, darts, spear throwers, harpoons, bone staffs with holes - a device for straightening darts and spears.

The invention of the bow and arrow, tools for wood processing appeared.

Microliths are flint products for making knives. Invention of the boomerang.

Hoes, digging sticks, grain grinders, and pottery appear.
4. Classes

1) hunting (as evidenced by sharpened axes)

2) production of primitive tools

3) learned to maintain a fire and fry food

2) gathering

3) making clothes from animal skins

4) artificial fire production

2) gathering

3) fishing

4) making primitive music. tools

1) domestication of the dog

3) fishing

4) in the process of gathering, people began to care about wild plants

5) making tools

1) development of agriculture and cattle breeding

2) ceramics, spinning and weaving appear

3) common methods of stone processing: sawing and drilling

4) hunting, fishing, cattle breeding

5) Improving food storage and preparation methods.

5. SpecializationMen were engaged in hunting, and women were engaged in cooking. Specialization: hunting.The man was engaged in hunting and making fire, while the women and children were engaged in gathering. Specialization: hunting.By the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic, the human collective had lost its primary herd nature and was giving way to a new, higher organization of the primitive tribal community.In Western Asia, goats, sheep, and cattle were domesticated. The beginnings of agriculture appeared in the upper layer of the Shamidar cave. In the north, clothes were made from animal skins.Pigs were raised in Egypt. They bred deer.
6. Social organizationProto-community (primitive herd). Led by leaders. Sexual relations are not regulated.The first rudiments of the most ancient form of clan society, the maternal clan community, arise. Relations between the sexes were disorderedA clan society already existed. Several communities united into a clan. Matriarchy. The marriage was a group one.Tribal systemTribal system. The clan was formed by blood relatives (brotherhoods). In general, people lived under a primitive communal system.
7. Thinking and speechThe evolution of work activity has contributed to the development of human thinking. The development of thinking cannot be considered independently of the development of speech. People's speech also consisted of poorly differentiated sounds, which needed to be supplemented with facial expressions and body movements.The development of labor and society entailed corresponding progressive changes in the consciousness and thinking of primitive man, which is the process of improving his tools of labor.The strengthening of the role of hunting, the increase in the proportion of meat food, and the complication of production activities led to the improvement of speech and thinking. Suppression of “zoological instincts”. Restriction of sexual relations.In the Mesolithic and Neolithic, thinking and speech are more advanced than in the Early, Middle, and Late Paleolithic. Their social relations and forms of ideology differ significantly from the primitive forms of society and the ideology of the heyday of the maternal clan community.
8. Type of homePrimitive huts are canopies made of hastily thrown together branches. Caves and grottoes were used. The first above-ground dwellings were made of branches supported on a central pillar. Neanderthals lived in caves, but in some places they also built above-ground dwellings that were structurally quite complex.The ancient dwelling had an oval outline in plan. Length 15-16 meters. Area approximately 600 square meters. The home was heated by several fireplaces.Light and small buildings could not survive to this day. The area of ​​the sites of this time is smaller than the Paleotic ones.They lived in long houses. 8-10 meters wide, up to 8 meters high, 60 to 90 meters long.
9. ReligionCharacteristic is “fetishism”, i.e. worship of inanimate material objects to which supernatural properties are attributed.During archaeological excavations, religious burials were discovered. In some cases, entire cemeteries are found.The cult of animals (cattle breeding supposedly begins with it), the cult of mother earth also developed; the prerequisite for the emergence of plowing is the magical ritual of fertilizing the earth

Chronological table of the Primitive era and the Ancient World | Story. Abstract, report, message, summary, lecture, cheat sheet, notes, GDZ, test

4.5 million years ago

emergence of australopithecines, the first humanoid creatures

1.75 million years ago

emergence of prezinjanthropes

1.5 million years ago

appearance of Pithecanthropus

100 thousand - 35 thousand years ago

existence of Neanderthals

40 thousand years ago

the emergence of man of the modern physical type (“homo sapiens”)

3 thousand years BC e.

formation of the Sumerian state in Mesopotamia

Around 3100 BC e.

formation of a unified state in Egypt

Around 3000 BC e.

formation of the Cretan civilization

XXIII-XVIII centuries BC e.

Indus (Harappan) civilization

Beginning of the 2nd millennium BC e.

formation of the Xia dynasty in China

2000 BC e.

appearance of the Achaeans on the Balkan Peninsula

1792-1750 BC e.

reign of King Hammurabi in Babylon

Mid-18th century BC e.

conquest of Egypt by the Hyksos

Around 1500 BC e.

reign of pharaoh Thutmose III

Around 1450 BC e.

volcanic eruption on the island. Thera, the death of the Cretan civilization

1424-1388 BC e.

reign of pharaoh Akhenaten

Around the XIII-XII centuries. BC e.

Trojan War

Around 1100 BC e.

Dorian invasion of the Balkan Peninsula

End of the 11th century BC e.

formation of the Israeli-Jewish state

VIII century BC e.

rise of the Assyrian state

776 BC e.

first Olympic Games

753 BC e.

founding of the city of Rome

612 BC e.

destruction of Nineveh, capital of Assyria

594 BC e.

Solon's reforms

562-527 BC e.

reign of Pisistratus in Athens (intermittent)

550 BC e.

formation of the Persian state

538 BC e. 525 BC e.

Persian conquest of Babylon Persian conquest of Egypt

509 BC e.

reforms of Cleisthenes in Athens, establishment of a republic in Rome

492 BC e.

the first Persian campaign against Greece led by Mardonius

490 BC e.

second campaign of the Persians, Battle of Marathon

480 BC e.

Xerxes' campaign against Greece, Battle of Salamis

450 BC e.

creation in Rome of the “laws of the twelve tables”

444-429 BC e.

reign of Pericles in Athens

431-404 BC e.

Peloponnesian War

399 BC e.

death of Socrates

338 BC e.

Battle of Chaeronea, conquest of Greece by Macedonia

336-323 BC e.

reign of Alexander the Great

334-324 BC e.

Alexander the Great's campaign to the East

264-241 BC e.

First Punic War

218-202 BC e.

Second Punic War

221-202 BC e.

Qin Empire in China

202 BC e. - 220 AD e.

Han Empire in China

149-146 BC e.

Third Punic War, fall of Carthage

146 BC e.

conquest of Greece by the Romans

103 BC e.

military reform Mary in Rome

82-79 BC e.

dictatorship of Sulla in Rome

74-71 BC e. Material from the site

slave revolt led by Spartacus

60 BC e.

first triumvirate in Rome

49-44 BC e.

civil war in Rome, dictatorship of Caesar

43 BC e.

second triumvirate in Rome

30 BC e.

establishment of the empire in Rome, beginning of the reign of Octavian Augustus

proclamation of Christianity as the state religion of the Roman Empire

transfer of the capital of the empire to Constantinople

division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern (Byzantine)

capture of Rome by the Goths

fall of the Western Roman Empire

Historical stages of human development

Currently, the historical path traversed by humanity is divided into the following segments: the primitive era, the history of the Ancient World, the Middle Ages, the New, and the Contemporary. It is worth noting that today among scientists who study the stages of human development, there is no consensus on periodization. Therefore, there are several special periodizations that partially reflect the nature of the disciplines, and the general one, i.e. historical.

Of the special periodizations, the most important for science is the archaeological one, which is based on differences in tools.

The stages of human development in the primitive era are determined over more than 1.5 million years. The basis for its study was the remains of ancient tools, rock paintings and burials that were discovered during archaeological excavations. Anthropology is a science that deals with the restoration of the appearance of primitive man. During this time period, the emergence of man occurs, and it ends with the emergence of statehood.

During this period, the following stages of human development are distinguished: anthropogenesis (evolution, which ended about 40 thousand years ago and led to the emergence of the species Homo sapiens) and sociogenesis (the formation of social forms of life).

The history of the Ancient World begins its countdown during the emergence of the first states. The periods of human development expressed in this era are the most mysterious. Ancient civilizations left monuments and architectural ensembles, examples of monumental art and painting that have survived to this day. This era dates back to the IV-III millennium BC. At this time, there was a split in society into the governed and the rulers, into the have-nots and the haves, and slavery appeared. The slave system reached its apogee during the period of antiquity, when the rise of the civilizations of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome took place.

Russian and Western science attribute the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, which occurred at the end of the fifth century, to the beginning of the Middle Ages. At the same time, in the encyclopedia “History of Humanity”, published by UNESCO, the beginning of this stage is considered the moment of the emergence of Islam, which appeared already in the seventh century.

The stages of human development in the Middle Ages are divided into three time periods: early (5th century - mid 11th century), high (mid 11th century - late 14th century), later (14th-16th centuries).
In some sources, the civilizations of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages are not differentiated within the theoretical framework of “stages of growth” and are considered as a traditional society based on a natural/semi-natural economy.

During the modern period, the formation of industrial and capitalist civilization took place. The stages of human development at this stage are divided into several segments.

First. It originates when revolutions take place in the world aimed at overthrowing the class system. The first of them occurred in England in 1640 - 1660.

The second period came after the French Revolution (1789-1794). At this time, there was a rapid growth of colonial empires and a division of labor at the international level.

The third period begins at the end of the 19th century and is characterized by the rapid development of industrial civilization, which occurs due to the development of new territories.

Recent history and its periodization are currently controversial. However, within its framework the following stages of human development are distinguished. A table available in school textbooks shows that this era consists of two main periods. The first began at the end of the 19th century and affects the entire first half of the 20th century - early modern times.

The Great Crisis, power rivalry, the destruction of the colonial systems of European states, the conditions of the Cold War. Qualitative changes occurred only in the second half of the 20th century, when with the development of industrial robots and the spread of computers, the nature of work changed. Changes also affected the international sphere, with cooperation replacing rivalry.

3.3. Periodization of primitiveness -

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3.3. Periodization of primitiveness

Over the course of many thousands of years of history, primitive society went through the stages of origin, formation, flourishing and decay. The periodization of primitiveness is important for understanding the emergence and development of culture. Such periodizations are usually based on changes in the types of tools and basic materials for their manufacture or changes in social organization. Since both are ultimately interconnected, we offer a summary table.

The scale of anthroposociogenetic time is difficult to compare with the rhythms of history, with the everyday time of our lives. If this colossal period is compressed into a day, it turns out that at the beginning of the day (0 hours) people, who still retained the signs of their animal ancestors, began to make tools. The “upright man” lived between 2 and 7 p.m., the Neanderthal lived between 7 and 11:30 p.m. The late period of the Stone Age - the Neolithic - began very close to the end of the day, at 23:55. At 23 hours 56 minutes the Bronze Age began, and states with their cities, writing, constantly developing technology and a complexly organized society appeared just 3 minutes before midnight. Turning to the origins of culture involves finding out how, over hundreds of thousands of years of the initial history of the formation of human society, everyday economic and household activities were formed, labor skills and simple tools were developed, and natural human needs were satisfied.

History of Russia. 10th grade.


Human development in the primitive era


Distinctive features

Reasons for changes


Early birth community. Matriarchy. Dwellings: caves, huts, dugouts. Classes: driven hunt. Tools: choppers, scrapers, pointed points, bone piercings. Origin religion, art

Movement into the territory of modern Russia came from Central Europe and South Asia.

Parking lots: on the Don, Oka, Kama, Desna, Ural, Yenisei, Angara, Lena

Glaciation period

(100-30 thousand years ago)

Glacier boundary: Middle reaches of the Dnieper and Don

Tribal community(identification of elders and military leaders), formation of tribes. The period of matriarchy.

Classes: hunting, gathering, fishing,

domestication of the dog, the beginning of intercommunal exchange. Tools: bow and arrows, spear tips, thin knives (spear thrower, development of microlithic stone technology).

Semi-sedentary lifestyle.

Art: Sculptures (goddesses, ancestors of the clan, animals), drawings on the walls of cave sanctuaries, decorations. Development of Northern Europe, Northern Siberia, America

Climate change (melting of the glacier - the turn of the 13th-12th millennium), invention of the bow

Late-birth community(tribal nobility, collective labor, generic (collective) property). Transition to patriarchy Producing farm. Tools: stone axes, adzes, chisels, hoes, sickles, grain grinders, etc. Design of religious ideas, development of knowledge about nature, development of art

Stops: from the shores of the White and Baltic seas to the Azov region and the North Caucasus.

Neolithic Revolution(transition from an appropriating economy to a producing one)

Main features of primitiveness:

1.primitive tools,

2. human dependence on nature,

3. collective work,

4.joint farming,

5. public form of ownership,

6.relatively equal distribution of the products of labor among community members, 7.absence of the state.

The periodization of human history at the stage of the primitive communal system is quite complex. Several options are known. The archaeological diagram is most often used. In accordance with it, the history of mankind is divided into three large stages depending on the material from which tools were made:

1. Stone Age: 3 million years ago - end of the 3rd millennium BC.

2. Bronze Age: end of the 3rd millennium - 1st millennium BC.

3. Iron Age: 1st millennium BC

The last two stages are associated with the emergence of the first state formations. The era of the primitive economy chronologically coincides mainly with the Stone Age, in which three periods are distinguished.

1. Paleolithic (ancient Stone Age): 3 million - 12 thousand years BC.

2. Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age): 12 thousand years BC-8 thousand years BC.

3. Neolithic (New Stone Age): 8 thousand years BC-3 thousand years BC. Filling out the table.

Comparative characteristics of matriarchy and patriarchy

Comparison Questions



Woman's position

Dominant: head of the clan, keeper of traditions, customs, religious cults, participates in public life and decision-making

Subordinate: primarily involved in housework

Man's position


Dominant: head of the clan, main field of activity - production

Principle of inheritance

Through the female line

Male line

Time of occurrence

Early birth community

Stage of decomposition of tribal relations

Type of marriage

Paired - the family does not constitute an economic unit, easily dissolved

Monogamy - monogamy

Draw students' attention to discussions about identifying such a form of social relations as matriarchy.

5. Neolithic revolution.

Prerequisites for the Neolithic Revolution:

1.climate change at the end of the Ice Age;

2. improving the technique of making tools;

3.cultivation of wild plants and domestication of animals.

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
LAN: appearance, definition of the concept
LAN administration
LAN hardware components
LAN topology
Peer-to-peer and two-peer LANs
Automated workstations in LAN
Corporate LAN
Department networks, campus networks, and corporate networks
Telecommunications tools for connecting remote LANs
Examples of global communication of remote LANs

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
About 20 years ago, institutions began to connect computers into networks
for joint information processing.
The emergence of computer networks
made it possible to speed up the exchange
information between
Local network
users and more
use effectively
computer equipment.
File server

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
Local area network (LAN) is a network
combining computers into a small
territory - within one room, floor,
buildings or groups of compactly located buildings.
Geographically it can spread up to 1-2 km.
For the name "local network" use
and the English term LAN - Local Area Network
A local network allows you to share computer resources,
that are currently connected to the network.

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
A large LAN is managed by a system administrator. It sets the degree of accessibility
resources, determines passwords for accessing resources, user rights.
Groups of employees working on one
LAN users
project within the LAN are called
working groups.
Several groups can work on one LAN.
Their participants may have different rights for
access to shared network resources.
The set of techniques for dividing and limiting the rights of network participants is called network policy.
Managing network policies (there may be several of them on a network) – network administration.
The person who manages the organization of work of LAN participants is a system administrator

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
In order to be on a local network, each computer included in it must have:
network card (network adapter);
network cable;
operating system that supports
work on a network (for example, Windows, Linux, etc.).
Network cards and network cables - the main part
network equipment.
The task of the network adapter is to transmit and receive network
signals from the cable. The adapter accepts commands and
data from the network operating system, converts this
information in one of the standard formats and transmits
it into the network via a cable connected to the adapter.

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
In local networks, due to short distances, it is possible to use expensive
high quality communication lines. Therefore, they provide a high data exchange rate - about
100 Mbps. When building a LAN, communication lines are laid anew and are usually built from
cables (over long distances in global networks they are often not economically available):
coaxial cable,
communication lines
twisted pair,
fiber optic cable.
twisted pair
Fiber optic
Copper electrical cables
(most common)
A cable consists of conductors, shield layers and
isolation. The cable also includes connectors for
Cable composition: conductor,
layers screen, insulation
connecting it to network equipment.
Connector for connecting to the network
equipment. Numbering in the connector

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
Table "Characteristics of cable lines"
Communication type
Twisted pair wires
Coaxial cable
up to 10
Telephone line
public - PSTN
Fiber optic cable
(fiber optic lines
communications - fiber optic)
electric current
different frequencies and
Light beam
What is a wire
Pair of insulated twisted wires
(shielded or unshielded)
Insulated copper core, shielded
metal braid
Two-core insulated subscriber wires
lines and multi-core cables for telephone communications
Hollow flexible conductors (fibers), coated
reflective substance inside

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
Computers on a LAN can be connected to each other in different ways -
Network topology is a graph of connections of a computer network, i.e. type of node connection and
communication lines. There are 4 main topologies:
The Point-to-Point topology is the simplest.
With this organization, the network consists of 2 computers,
directly connected to each other.
The advantage of such an organization is its simplicity and
relative cheapness.
The disadvantage of such an organization is to connect such
So you can only have 2 computers.

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
With this organization, the network consists
from several computers,
everyone is connected to a common network
data bus.
The bus is a coaxial cable.
Main disadvantage: when broken
bus, all network nodes lose communication.
If you need to connect another node
to the network, then for the duration of installation work
the connection will also be lost

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
Such a network consists of several computers,
each of which is connected to a cable closed in a ring. The signal is transmitted along the ring to
one direction and runs from the computer to
computer. The computer that received the signal from
neighboring car, amplifies it and transmits
further along the ring. This happens while the signal
will not reach the computer to which it is addressed.
Disadvantage - if at least 1 computer stops
work, the entire network stops working, and time
transmitting the signal to the required machine noticeably
increases compared to others
ways to connect computers to a network

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
A network consists of several computers, each of which is connected
to the same central device. Such a device
called HUB. The main disadvantage of this topology is
When HUBa fails, the remaining nodes lose communication.
The main advantage is the ability to connect
new nodes to the network are not
interrupting the work of others
nodes Because of this important
advantages of this type of network
in front of others, and also because of
relatively low
cost, such
networking is
the most common.

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
If there are more than 10 computers connected to a local network, the network may
be insufficiently productive.
To increase productivity
some computers emit
for storing files and
software applications.
Such computers are called servers, and
local network - server based.

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
Based on the nature of the distribution of functions, there are 2 types of networks:
Peer-to-peer networks are small
Networks with dedicated servers (two-peer) –
local networks in which everything
medium and large networks, in which part
computers are
functions performed for station maintenance
functionally equal.
assigned to servers (LAN with file server).
Typically include up to
15 stations
Networks with servers are characterized by types
network services (servers) used in them.

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
This is a topology with a file server for different workgroups.
In this case, one central server is also used for the entire network.

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
General peripheral devices are also connected to the server:
printers and copiers, modems, scanners, faxes, plotters, etc.
In companies, enterprises of various
specialization based on personal
computers (workstations)
equip specialized workstations
– automated workstations.
Depending on category
specialist working on a PC
special ones are installed on it.
For example, this is how work is organized
position of manager, accountant,
Network printer

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
Corporate network diagram
A corporate network is a telecommunications network that connects
all structural
divisions and offices of the company. The term "corporate" means
"large enterprise network" More often, a corporate network is geographically distributed (combines remote offices and branches).
Tasks of a corporate network: interaction of system applications,
access to them by remote users.
A corporate network allows you to organize:
unified electronic document management
general document archives
remote mode of access to files, devices
printing, to servers with databases
voice transmission, video conferencing
Corporate network
(telecommunication environment)
automatic data collection from video surveillance systems
centralized access to the Internet
providing access to global data networks,
to financial trading and information systems

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
The listed features simplify internal
company processes give the company advantages
over competitors, namely:
ease of company management;
transparency of the company's work;
operational control of the activities of all services and
structural divisions;
quick and timely response to external and
internal changes;
access to all information resources
enterprises in real time;
operational communication;
saving money on long-distance calls.

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
Depending on the scale of the enterprise, on the variety of solutions
tasks distinguish between department networks, campus networks and corporate networks.
Departmental networks are networks that are used by a relatively small group
employees working in the same department
enterprises. These employees decide
some common tasks, such as leading
accounting or are engaged
marketing. A department can consist of up to
Example of a department-wide network
(or workgroup network)
100-150 employees.
The main purpose of the department network is to share local resources (applications, data, laser
printers and modems). Typically department networks have 1-2 file servers, no more than 30 users
and are not divided into subnets. Most of an enterprise's traffic is localized in these networks.
A small number of users allows the use of peer-to-peer network operating systems on the network,
for example Windows.

Campus network is an association of several small
networks of different departments of the enterprise within
building (or one area of
several km2).
Name from English campus - student town.
Previously, often on the territory of the student. towns arose in them
necessity. Now the name is not associated with this, but
denote networks of any enterprises and organizations).
Network services include interactions between
networks of departments, access to shared databases
enterprises, access to shared fax servers,
high-speed modems and printers.
As a result, employees of each department receive
access to some files and resources
networks of other departments. Campus networks
provide access to corporate databases
regardless of what types of computers they are on
are located.
Campus network example
Branch 2

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
Corporate networks are also called
enterprise-scale networks
(this is a literal translation of the English term
"enterprise-wide networks")
Such networks connect many computers in all territories
enterprises. Can be difficult
connected and capable of covering the city,
Number of users and computers
can be measured in thousands,
servers - hundreds.
Example of a corporate network
(enterprise networks)
Due to distances between networks
individual territories have
use global connections.

Technology. 10th grade. Section "Information Technologies"
To connect remote local networks
and individual computers in a corporate
networks use different telecommunications means: telephone channels,
radio channels, satellite communications.
Organization of a local satellite network
optimal for communication 2-30 remote
stations when a solution is urgently needed
corporate telephony tasks,
conference calls, traffic transit
real time or high
Example of a corporate network using
satellite communications
(also called "local satellite network")
The network can be built according to topologies
"star", mixed.
In such networks, a shared bandwidth resource is allocated
abilities that can quickly
distributed among remote stations.

Technology. 10
10th grade.
Class. Chapter
Section "Information"
"Information Technology"
LAN enterprises remote over long distances,
united into a single corporate network based on
global communication lines:
1. Consolidation of office networks using
wireless equipment
2. Consolidation of local
enterprise networks in
corporate network on
leased basis
data channels
3. Use when building a corporate
enterprise Internet networks as
data transport medium