Simple, fast and convenient batch processing of photos. Overview of Batch Image Processing Software

When a novice photographer is faced with the need to process a large number of photographs, the question inevitably arises: How to reduce the time spent on processing, how to automate routine operations?

To do this, Adobe Photoshop has several tools in its arsenal: operations or actions, scripts or scripts, and droplets.

Operations, otherwise also called action games, macros or macros are recorded and saved actions on an image that can be applied to another image, as well as used in batch processing. Actions are also the basis for creating droplets.

Droplet is a small application, a kind of program that automatically processes all images dragged onto it. The droplet icon can be placed, for example, on the desktop, and folders with images for processing can be dragged onto it.

Scripts or scripts are also programs, but written in one of the scripting programming languages. Using scripts allows you to automate operations for which it is impossible to write an action, that is, the capabilities of scripts are much wider. The only drawback is that in order to write scripts, you need to master certain programming languages, for example, Java Script.

In this article, we will write a simple action and see how to use it in batch processing using the command Image processor

As an example, let's take a method of toning photos using a color fill in blend mode. Hard light... Here is the original photo

First, we will create a set in which we will place the operation being recorded. To create a set, click on the folder icon in the Operations palette. In the dialog box that opens, enter a name for the set.

Now, with an active set, click on the icon for creating a new operation

In the dialog box that opens, enter the name of the operation. Assign a color and keyboard shortcut as needed so that you can quickly start the operation. Click on Write down to start the recording process. Now in the palette Operations the recording icon will be active, it will turn red.

Before you start recording, it is advisable to plan all the steps and write them on paper. A well-planned action works without errors and the stability of its work does not depend on which version of the program is used, Russian or English. A properly recorded action will work in any. If this is not the case, it means that some methodological errors were made during planning and recording, for example, the names of layers or channels were written down.

Now let's create an adjustment layer. Colour... To do this, click on the icon for creating an adjustment layer in the palette. Layers, then select the layer from the list Colour.

In the dialog box that opens, select the desired color. It is necessary in advance, even in preparation for recording, to write down the values ​​of this color in RGB channels, in order to then enter it and immediately get the desired color.

Change the Blend Mode of the layer to Hard light

We will get something like this

Now we need to weaken the effect of the adjustment layer on the skin. The skin is known to be the lightest in the red channel of the image. Make an adjustment layer mask active. To do this, press the key combination CTRL + \... The active layer mask will be outlined.

Now let's load the red channel of the image onto the mask. To do this, go to the Image - External channel menu. In the dialog box that opens, set the following settings Layer - Background, since it is from the background layer that we will use the red channel. Channel - Red, you need to check the box on the right Invert, since for the mask we need just the inverted red channel, Blending - Normal, Opacity - 100%... After completing the settings, click OK. Now the effect of the adjustment layer is through the mask based on the inverted red channel, which looks like this

We got a subtle toning effect on the image.

You can now stop recording the action. Then, returning the original state of the image using the palette History, you need to check the action of the action. Now it can be used for batch processing.

Batch processing is best done with a script Image processor... It can be found in the menu File - Scripts - Image Processor.

Or, which is much more convenient, you can run the image handler from the module Bridge, having previously selected the photos for processing in it. In Bridge Image processor is in the menu Instruments -Photoshop - Image Processor.

Configuring Batch Options in a Dialog Box Image processor is not difficult. You need to choose the location for saving the files, the format and quality of saving, as well as a set of actions and the actual action that must be applied to the selected images.

Some years ago I told you about one very useful free computer program that allows you to massively change the size of images, their quality, name ... Today we will talk about a similar (also free) program, but with much more functionality.

This miracle program is called - ImBatch... With her batch photo processing will become fun for you, not a tedious job.

Today, almost everyone has a phone (smartphone) with a built-in camera, and therefore the number of digital photos on the computer disk is constantly increasing exponentially. How to manage to change all of them size, name, quality, convert them and apply various filters to them?

The free (for non-commercial use) computer program ImBatch will help you with this, which is designed specifically for batch processing of many photos.

ImBatch - batch photo processing

Working in this program is very easy, simple and even pleasant, thanks to the many built-in skins (covers) ...

There is nothing complicated in ImBatch - we add a photo (you can even add a whole folder at once) ...

... select one image, several or all at once ...

... and assign a task (of which there are a lot in the program) ...

As you can see, you can batch crop photos, resize them, flip, rotate, change tags or delete them, rename all photos, correct colors, contrast and do many other operations. It makes no sense to list them all - you yourself will see everything by running the program ...

After you decide on the tasks, you can safely poke the magic button (at the top left of the program window) to start the process of batch processing of photos ...

Don't "skip" warnings - read them ...

A more detailed description of all tasks for batch processing of images in the ImBatch program can be found on its official page... There are also video tutorials - I recommend watching them.

By the way, under the "Tools" button you will find several useful utilities - a context menu editor, a script editor, an EXIF ​​and IPTC tag editor, as well as a monitor for new files in specified folders with images ...

Photoshop has many handy features that make the life of a photographer or web designer much easier. One of these useful features is batch processing, which allows you to bring the image editing process to full automation. This functionality will be very convenient in cases when you need to process a large number of images according to the same principle.

For example, you have about two dozen photographs that you need to make the same size, black and white and add brightness. Actions with each photo will be the same - open, desaturate, add brightness, crop and save. Imagine how tedious and time-consuming it will be to process each photo separately. The batch processing function in Photoshop just solves this problem and allows you to entrust all these tedious actions to the program. The principle of operation of this function is that Photoshop records (remembers) all user actions, and then applies these actions in the same order to the selected images (photos).

Let's take a look at this whole thing in practice. For example, let's take several pictures (photos) of butterflies of different sizes.

Let's say that we need to make all photos (pictures) the same width (450px), desaturate them (make them black and white), add brightness and save them in high quality jpg format.

First of all, open one of the pictures (photos) with the Photoshop program, select "Window" - "Operations" in the top menu bar, or simply press the "Alt + F9" key combination.

After that, in the pop-up window, enter the name of our new operation, in this case "Butterflies" and press the "Write" button.

After these manipulations, Photoshop will begin to record all our actions, so you need to act clearly and in the right order. And so, the recording has started and to begin with, we unlock our image in the layers panel on the right by clicking on the lock with the left mouse button. If we don't unlock the image, then we won't be able to edit it.

The lock icon for the image layer has disappeared, which means that it is unlocked, now let's set the image width we need (450 pixels). To do this, in the top menu bar, select "Image" - "Image size", or press the key combination "Alt + Ctrl + I".

In the window that opens, set the required width of the picture (450 pixels), while the button for fixing the size must be pressed, so that the width of the image changes in proportion to the height, otherwise the picture will turn out to be distorted.

Set the desired width and press the "Ok" button. The next step is to desaturate the photo, i.e. make it black and white, for this in the top menu bar select "Image" - "Desaturate" or press the key combination "Shift + Ctrl + U".

Now let's add brightness, for this in the top menu bar select "Image" - "Correction" - "Brightness / Contrast".

In the pop-up window, set the brightness slider, let's say at 40 and press the "Ok" button.

The last step remains - to save the image in high quality jpg format. To do this, in the top menu bar, select "File" - "Export" - "Save for Web", or the key combination "Alt + Shift + Ctrl + S" and in the settings window that appears, select the JPG format and set the quality value to 80, after which press the "Save" button and select the location to save our image.

And the last step is to close the window with the edited image, just close it without saving the changes.

Now let's pay attention to the window of operations, in which the record of our actions was curled all this time. Stop recording by clicking on the stop button, we will see that the red dot has gone out, i.e. recording of actions has stopped. Now you can see that we have created an operation with a number of actions, all the actions that we performed were recorded by Photoshop, and they are contained in the list in order.

Now we can apply the operation we created in batch processing to all the images (photo) we need. To do this, in the top menu bar, select "File" - "Automation" - "Batch Processing" and set the following settings in the window that appears:

1) In the "Operation" section, select the operation we created.

2) In the "Source" item, by clicking on the "Select" button, select the folder with our "Photos" images that will be processed;

3) We put a check mark on the suppression of dialogues and on the prohibition of color management;

4) In the "Output folder" item, by clicking on the "Select" button, select the folder on the computer where the processed images will be saved.

5) Click the "Ok" button

As a result, Photoshop will automatically process all your images according to the specified operation.

Greetings, my dear blog readers. Today we will, as always, study some of the nuances of working in graphic programs, and I will show how to automate the processing of many images at one time. This knowledge will definitely come in handy in your daily work.

The reference editor for raster graphics Photoshop, among other things, contains convenient tools for automating the same type of actions on multiple objects. Let's say you want to quickly reduce the size of your photos and improve their quality before e-mailing them. Take 5 shots, for example. All of them need to be set to 800 pixels wide while sharpening. Such a task in the program can be carried out in several ways, two of which are discussed below.

Batch processing photos in Photoshop with an action

A Photoshop Action is a sequence of automatically executing commands applied to one of the images. Once saved, the action can be extended to all others. Before proceeding directly to action, you should create two directories on your computer to store the original and processed images. Let's call them Old and New, respectively, and place the original images in the first one.

Open any of the processed photos in the editor (for example, the version of photoshop cs6), for example, a 4.jpg image with a width of 1200 pixels.

Then go to the "Window" menu and put a tick on the "Operation" line. In the opened tab of the same name, click the "Create a new operation" icon.

In the top line of the "New operation" tab, enter its name - (in our case - "Size + Sharpness") and click the "Save" button.

Attention! From this point on, you need to be especially careful, since all subsequent user actions will be recorded in action. Unnecessary and, moreover, erroneous manipulations with the keyboard and mouse must be excluded.

In the "Image" menu go to "Image Size", enter a value for the width (800) and click OK. The screenshot shows that the "weight" of the file will be more than halved.

In the "Filter" menu, select "Sharpen", then "Smart". The peculiarity of this command is that it does not act everywhere, but only in those fragments where it is required.

After saving the corrected picture by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl + S keys, the last line "Save" will appear in the action records. It remains to click the "Stop playback / recording" button.

Now the created action can be applied to all objects. To do this, in the "File" menu, go to "Automation" and click on "Batch Processing".

In the window of the same name that opens, in the "Operation" list, specify:

  • the name of the recorded sequence;
  • the name of the folder of the original objects (D: \ Old);
  • the name of the output directory for recording the corrected photos (D: \ New);
  • naming option for output objects. Since our initial images were simply numbered, we need to choose a "Sequential number" from a single digit and "Extension", which will repeat the original.

After clicking OK, batch processing of photos in Photoshop will take place. The recorded sequence will be applied to all pictures in the Old directory. After a few seconds, all corrected images will appear in the New folder. As you can see in the screenshot, their width has become 800 pixels.

Obviously, in the general case, a recorded action can include a significantly larger number of commands than the two described. For example, you often need to protect your copyrighted images from copying. To do this, the author's logo or watermark is applied to them using the editor's tools. But the essence of the matter will not change from this. The difference is that it will take more time to create the action, and it will be completed in tens of seconds instead of several.

Using a droplet

Batch processing of photos in Photoshop can also be produced by means of a droplet. This is the name of a special executable file that automatically processes photos that are dragged onto its icon. Similar to the first method, droplet uses a pre-recorded action.

To create a droplet, you need to perform the following sequence of actions.

In the "File" menu, go to "Automation", then - "Create Droplet".

In the window that appears, specify the location where the droplet will be saved. A little later it will become clear why it is convenient to write it to the same directory where the images being corrected are located, i.e. New. In the “Output folder” block, the default value “Save and close” means overwriting the corrected objects in place of the initial ones. (Of course, you can save them in a different directory if necessary.)

In the "Operation" list, you must specify a previously created action.

After clicking OK, a droplet named Nameless.exe appears in the New folder.

After that, it is enough to select all the pictures, drag them to the droplet icon and click "Open with".

In the same few seconds, the photos dragged onto the icon will be fully processed. All pictures will be exposed to the action packed into a droplet. The screenshot shows the result - the same 800 pixels.

As follows from the above description, a droplet created by a specialist can be easily used by users who do not own the program. Upon receiving (for example, on a USB flash drive or by mail) a droplet, they will only need to drag a photo onto it without opening Photoshop. A prerequisite here is only the presence of this program on the computer.

I also advise you to read and familiarize yourself with the free software for processing large quantities of photos in a couple of minutes. Subscribe to the blog mailing list and don't forget to like it. All the best and see you soon in the next posts.

Respectfully yours, Galiulin Ruslan.

Hello everybody! Today we will deal with one of the main automation function in photoshop, and how to apply them in practice. We will create a complex action, build a Droplet based on it and perform a batch edit operation on an entire folder.

Part I - Creating an Action

Step 1 - Let's get started!

First of all, transfer all the images you want to process into one separate folder. Open any of these photos.

We will use it to create Actions in Photoshop.

Step 2 - Configuring Action.

First, open the Actions window (follow the following path Window> Actions or press Alt + F9). A window will open for creating a new Action group of which you need to specify an arbitrary name.

After creating a group, let's create a specific action. Click on the “create a new operation” icon at the bottom of the Action panel. Let's call the new action "Vintage Halftone".

After creating, note that you have in the bottom pane of the window Actions three small icons appeared: stop, record and play. To continue, you need to make sure that the recording icon is active.

Step 3 - Resizing the Image

Let's build an action. After you have opened your image and activated the recording icon, we proceed to recording the steps.

The first step is to resize our photo. Since we are planning to use images in the web gallery, we need to reduce their size. To do this, go to the following path Image> Image Size and set the width to 700 px and tick the box to keep the aspect ratio. In addition, check the boxes Resample Image and choose Bicubic Shaper (best for reduction).

Step 4 - Copy the image.

Now, we need to reset the colors we are painting. To do this, you can use the key D on keyboard.

Do not change colors using the color picker or the eyedropper.

Then double click on the "Background" layer in the layers palette. And click "OK"
Drag the layer onto the icon "Great new layer" to create a copy of the layer.
Make sure “Layer 0 copy” is selected and you can proceed to the next step.

Step 5 - Add Diffuse Glow

Add a Diffuse Glow filter to the "Layer 0 copy" layer. This will increase the lighting and give the photo a dramatic look. We go along the next path Filter> Filter Gallery and choose Distort> Diffuse Glow. Here you need to set the value, as shown in the screenshot below, and click the OK button.

Step 6 - The changeOpacityandMerge layers

Reduce the opacity of the "Layer 0 copy" layer to 75%.

To change the opacity of a layer, it is better not to use the slider, because when you change using the slider, Photoshop records each step for each percentage (100, 99, 98, 97 ... 75) and we do not need this.

The final layer should be named "Layer 0 copy".

Step 7 - Gaussian Blur Filter

Duplicate "Layer 0 copy" as we did earlier (step 4).

Make sure the layer "Layer 0 copy 2" is selected and go to the following path: Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur, set the radius to 2 pixels and click OK.

Step 8 - Change the Blending Mode of the copy.

Change the Blending Mode of Layer 0 copy 2 to Overlay.

If you want to experiment with different blending modes, click on the Stop button in the Actions window. Then press Record and select the desired blend mode.

Set the Opacity to 70%.

Step 9 - Create a layer fill

Now, we need to add a black background to our work.
To do this, go along the following path: Layer> New Fill Layer> Solid Color, press OK and select the color # 000000.

Move the "Color Fill 1" layer to the very bottom.

Step 10 - add a layer mask

Click on the "Layer 0 copy" thumbnail and follow the next path: Layer> Layer Mask> Hide All.

Step 11 - select the layer mask

Now we will create a random stroke on our images.
After creating the layer mask, we have to click on its thumbnail, and then select everything by pressing the combination Ctrl + A on keyboard.

This is an important step, if you don't click on the layer mask thumbnail you will end up with an incorrect result.

Also, when you select everything, you cannot use the Marquee Tool and make random selections. If you do this, Photoshop will store the coordinates as exact numbers for a specific image only, and it won't work on another photo.

Step 12 - transforming the selection

Let's choose Marquee tool in the tool palette. Right-click on the selection, and select the option Transform Selection.
You should pay attention to the top panel, there are two values ​​for W and H (these are width and height, there should be a value of 100%). Click on the shortcut with a small chain in the middle and change the values ​​to 95%. Thus, we have reduced the selection area by 5%. Click on the checkbox and apply the transformation.

Step 13 - creating a custom border

Let's change the selection arbitrarily.

Make sure the "Layer 0 copy" mask is selected.

Then we go along the following path: Select> Refine edge, and set the value as shown in the screenshot below and click OK.

You should end up with something like this.

If you are working with a different image size, you have to play a little with the Refine edge values.

Step 14 - fill the selection

Now fill the selection with white.

Reset the colors with the D key. Then select the Marquee tool in the tool palette, right-click and select Fill ... In the dialog box, set the settings as shown in the screenshot below.

Remove selection by pressing Ctrl + D combination.

Step 15 - copy the actions

Now we need to repeat the process of creating an arbitrary border (steps 10 to 14), but this time on the layer "Layer 0 copy 2".

To simplify the work, these actions can be simply duplicated in the "Actions" window.
In order to copy the steps, you must first select “Layer 0 copy 2”. Stop recording.

Then we select (in the Actions window) all stages of the process for creating boundaries, i.e. from “Set Selection” to the step before Select “Layer 0 copy 2”.

Click on the button on the right and select Duplicate. They will be copied.
The selected actions can now be simply dragged below the "Select‘ Layer 0 copy 2 ’" step. Then we start the playback of the selected fragments.
Now, click on the last step in the Actions window and start recording.

Step 16 - Halftone Pattern

Click on the layer mask thumbnail "Layer 0 copy." Next, go along the following path: Filter> Filter Gallery, and go to Sketch> Halftone Pattern here you need to set the values ​​shown in the screenshot below, and then click the OK button.

Step 17 - add the Photo Filter

Select "Layer 0 copy 2" in the Layers Palette and then go to Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer> Photo Filter, choose a color (# 957345) and set the Density to 100%. Click OK.

Step 18 - Hue / Saturation

Step 19 - fill a new layer

Create a new layer in the layers palette, and place this layer above all other layers. Let's leave the name "Layer 1." Then press the key combination Ctrl + A (select all) on the keyboard, then select the Marquee tool, right-click and select "Fill ..." and use the foreground color. Everything should turn black.

Step 20

Now add a Pattern Overlay effect to "Layer 1". I recommend using "Gray Granite" from the Grayscale Paper package.

Step 21 - rasterize the layer effect

Let's create another layer.
After creating it: Shift + click on the "Layer 1" layer in the layers palette to select both layers. And press the key combination Ctrl + E to merge the selected layers.

Step 22 - Changing the Blending Mode and Opacity

Change the Blending Mode of "Layer 2" to Multiply and set the Opacity to 75%.

Step 23 - Flatten image

Select all layers in the layers palette. Right click and select Flatten image. Finally, in the Actions window, you can click Stop.
That's all! Now you can apply these actions to any images.

End of Part I - check it out!

It is worth checking how correctly our actions work on other images. To do this, open the image, find our action (Vintage Halftone) and press the play button.

Save the action itself before proceeding.
To do this, select our set of actions in the Actions window, and then go to the advanced options (the icon in the upper right part) and select Save Actions ... Enter a name for your action and save it anywhere.
After saving, you can proceed to batch editing.

Part II - Batch Editing

Step 1 - creating the Droplet

Droplets apply actions to one or more photos or even a folder by dragging and dropping them onto the drop icon.
You can save the droplet anywhere and use it as many times as needed. To create a droplet, go to the following path in the menu File> Automate> Create droplet ... There you can choose from many options.

First select your original images folder and save the droplet there. For the Play option, select your Vintage halftone set and action. It is better to select a different folder for the destination folder.

In addition, you can customize the name of the resulting image by adding custom text, number sequence, extension, and choosing maximum compatibility. Once you have configured the droplet, click the OK button.

Step 2 - Working with droplet.

Now open your photo folder. Select and drag the desired photos onto the droplet icon. We will see that Photoshop will automatically edit the selected photos and save them to the specified folder.


Automating actions in Photoshop can often save you a lot of time. Future designers, webmasters and photographers should be able to use it.

I advise you to try these techniques to save your time.

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