Card access systems. How to build a simple access control system

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In today's world, security at various facilities is given special attention, regardless of whether it is a large enterprise or a small office, school or shopping center. Along with the traditional staff of security officers involved in the performance of these functions, various technical systems are used that expand the capabilities and functionality of security services. The access control and management system ACS is just such a system, and it will be discussed in this review of the editorial site.

Basic elements and configuration of an access control system for a small business or office building

An access control and management system, or ACS, is an element of a security system created on the basis of technical devices and electronic control systems combined into a single network running on specially developed software. In addition, the access control system allows you to automate the accounting of working time at the enterprise and in the office, thereby facilitating the work of the organization's personnel department.

Types of access control systems

According to the type of work and the method of transmitting information, access control installations are: autonomous, network and wireless.

Autonomous - these are systems that provide control over a single (office, store, etc.) or several rooms, united by a common purpose, when the work is controlled using a separate (autonomous) controller. In such installations, the control controller is not connected to other electronic control devices, but operates autonomously. The access point to the controlled area, as a rule, is the front door. An electronic lock or latch is used as an actuator in autonomous control systems, and an access control card with various types of readers (bar, magnetic, proximity) is used as an identifier. The stand-alone controller, as a rule, works only "to enter" the controlled area, and "to exit" control buttons or sensors are used.

Network - these systems are equipped with a more powerful and functional controller (or group), which ensures the operation of access control systems in large areas where a large number of people can be at the same time. In such systems, entrance points of enterprises or other structures serve as access points, and turnstiles or gateways are used as an actuator. Identifiers can be of various types, and the actuators themselves are equipped with remote readers.

In wireless control systems, communication between the ACS server and other control elements is carried out via the Internet, and between the controller and actuating devices - via communication channels (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc.).

Functions of the ACS automated control system

The main functions that determine the purpose of the ACS are: delimitation and control of access to a certain zone of space (premises), accounting for the working time of employees and automation of the work of the security service.

Access differentiation and control

This function involves the execution of the following activities:

  • restriction of access of people and entry of vehicles into the controlled territory;
  • the necessary restriction of access for employees and visitors to certain premises and work areas that are not intended for public use.

Accounting for working hours

This function is intended for personnel services and simplifies their control over the working hours of employees of the enterprise and their labor discipline. In addition, thanks to this function, the security service can regulate the access of personnel to the controlled area on weekends and holidays, as well as after hours.

This function is expressed as:

  • control and registration with the preservation in the archive, the time of entry and exit of people to the controlled territory;
  • creation and operational regulation of a database of employees, their access levels and mode of operation.

Guard mode

What is ACS in security - is:

  • control and management of temporary restrictions on the passage of people and the passage of vehicles through access points for both permanently registered and one-time visits;
  • registration of the date and time of entry and exit of vehicles with fixation in the memory of the access control system;
  • operational and mobile management of access points - blocking and unblocking;
  • remote control of executive devices.

Other features

Depending on the class of equipment used, the functionality of the entire system may vary. As additional functions, ACS can be combined with video surveillance and fire alarm systems. Also, methods of transmitting a wireless signal can be used as an additional one, for which communication channels are used: Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, ZigBee or GSM.

Technical means for managing the movement of personnel and visitors

The access control system to the premises includes a number of different technical devices that need to be considered separately:

  • User IDs.

This group of devices includes:

  • "Proximity" cards - contactless, radio-frequency devices containing in their design an antenna and a chip on which a certain number (code) is fixed, assigned to a specific user;
  • magnetic cards - a visually visible magnetic stripe is applied on their surface;
  • Wiegand cards;
  • cards with a printed barcode;
  • keychain ("Touchmemory") - a metal tablet equipped with a ROM chip.

Biometric identifiers can be installed in the ACS system, with the help of which access control is carried out on the basis of human biometric data.

  • Readers.

Devices of this group can be auxiliary or autonomous type, which determines how they are installed in relation to the ACS controller. The type of reader depends on the type of identifier - magnetic card, smart card, contactless or proximity. When using magnetic cards, the code entered on the magnetic tape is checked. For smart cards and contactless devices, information is received from the built-in microcircuit, and when using proximity, the code is read from the built-in chip.

  • Controllers.

This element of the system is its "brain" and coordinates the work of all other equipment. For different ACS systems, different types of controllers are used: stand-alone, networked or combined. Standalone ACS controllers, as already mentioned above, are used in systems with one access point, for networked ones - the number of actuators is regulated by the need and technical capabilities of the controller. Combined devices can perform both types of functions, which is convenient when communication with the control system server is disabled, because. operating modes are switched from one to another automatically.

  • executive devices.

This group of mechanisms can be safely classified as intellectual technology: electronic and electromechanical locks, magnetic and electromechanical latches, turnstiles and barriers, automatic gates and other mechanical devices.

  • Video surveillance equipment.

The combination of ACS with a video surveillance system expands the capabilities of the access control system, because it becomes possible to video record the moment of entry and exit of people, entry and exit of equipment, and the work of the security service is also simplified - all necessary operations can be performed from one workplace.

  • ACS software.

Software (SW) is an integral part of a network and combined access control system that ensures the interaction of the electronic "brain" with devices and mechanisms. For each type and brand of controllers, their own software is developed, which is due to the copyrights of instrument manufacturers. The controllers are implemented with pre-installed software, which allows, if necessary, to perform installation and configuration independently - especially for stand-alone access control systems. If necessary, the software can be purchased separately, as from the companies that develop a particular device, or you can download a free version on the Internet.

In the domestic market, there are a number of companies offering free software for access control systems for ACS:

  • company "RusGuard" (Moscow) − ACS-102-CE-B (POE) controller with built-in POE splitter and ACS-102-CE-B (WF) with Wi-Fi module and other equipment;
  • company "The era of new technologies" - produces a whole line of devices under the brand name "Era";
  • company "Stork" (St. Petersburg) - produces controllers that support the RS-485 communication interface.

The software installed on the PC allows you to use all the functionality of the system: monitor the events occurring at the controlled facility online and configure user rights, create personnel cards and issue passes, keep track of working hours and implement alerts by sms and e-mail.

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The need for additional protection arises for many homeowners who want to limit access to their site. One of these tools are. Let's talk in more detail about these devices, their types and technical nuances of installation.

Features of ACS for different types of controlled objects

For a large enterprise or small office, administrative building or school, access control systems, if they are similar in nature, differ somewhat in details, depending on the type and mode of use of the controlled object, the category of users, and the need to transfer information to the head office or office .

Features of ACS for large corporations

Creating an access control system for large companies and organizations is the most difficult task of all the possible options for constructing such a system. This is due to the fact that, as a rule, a large company has representative offices located in different regions of the country, and the head office is located in a large metropolis. In this case, the structure, mode and nature of work in regional representative offices can differ dramatically, which requires a powerful controller and wide-ranging software.

In such systems, in addition to the high-power controller, remote interface modules are used to create a centralized or distributed network configuration required for a particular company.

Features of ACS for small offices, hotels and shops

Controlling access to an office, shop or hotel room is somewhat easier, because. in this case, the number of actuators and readers is limited. For a small office, it may be sufficient to have an autonomous access control system that allows you to control only the entrance to the premises. For hotels, an important point of the control system is the presence of a video recording function in common areas and a programmable individual one for rooms.

In addition, access control systems installed in hotels perform a number of specific functions: increasing the level of customer service and ensuring security during their stay.

Features of ACS for schools

The characteristic features of ACS installed in schools are:

  • Efficiency:
  • the presence of simple executive devices that only ensure the prevention of the passage of strangers into the territory or into the school building;
  • the possibility of a student passing without an identifier, followed by a guard mark in the software of the school control system;
  • photo identification allows you to verify the identity of the passerby;
  • control of repeated passes through the actuating device.

  • Compliance with safety standards in emergency situations, regulated by the Fire Safety Rules for such facilities.
  • Having child-friendly identifiers.
  • Biometrics, identification without presenting an identifier (handsfree), as well as informing parents.

Features of ACS for organizing traffic in car parks

For the normal operation of an ACS installed in car parking lots, it must perform the following functions:

  • control the operation of traffic lights depending on the availability and location of vehicles in places of reverse traffic;
  • manage traffic taking into account the priorities of entry/exit from different parking levels, if any;
  • provide control over the operation of the system in both automatic and manual modes, allowing the operator to change the priorities of movement.

In other respects, the operation of ACS in car parks is similar to the mode of using network systems.

Installation and maintenance of the access control system - the nuances

The main operations for mounting the elements of the control system (actuators, readers, etc.) are performed without much difficulty, even by unskilled personnel. For this, traditional fasteners are used (self-tapping screws, anchor bolts, etc.), and, if necessary, the base slab is poured (barriers, barriers, etc.).

It is more difficult to connect the controller and install distribution networks, due to the requirements for such communications:

  • distribution networks should be laid covertly;
  • power supply of ACS devices, as well as communication networks, must have redundant power lines that ensure operability in case of failure of the main lines, or have an autonomous source (battery).

When the instruments and devices are installed and communications are installed, the most crucial moment begins - setting up the system. At this stage of the work, the linkage between the actuators, identifiers and the system control panel is carried out. During the operation of the ACS, maintenance consists in checking the electrical connections, correct settings and monitoring the condition of consumables: charging batteries and updating memory cards.

Prices for access control and management systems ACS

The cost of equipment and installation of ACS depends on the system configuration, the number of access points, as well as the types and brands of equipment used.

The table below shows the prices for various ACS systems when they are sold through Internet companies, as of Q2 2018:

Type of ACS systemAverage cost (as of April 2018), RUB
With access by electronic TM (TouchMemory) key with electromechanical rim lock for indoor installation4350
With telephone access via the Internet with an electromagnetic lock for installation on a street entrance door7900
With video intercom and outdoor panel with access by electronic TM (TouchMemory) key with electromagnetic lock14000
With fingerprint and card access with a moisture-resistant electromagnetic lock for installation on a wicket/gate25300
With online attendance and fingerprint and card access with electromagnetic lock for indoor installation31800

As can be seen from this table, which shows only a small part of the ACS kits used for small protection facilities, on the market for such equipment, you can choose the model that is required in terms of functionality, reliability and in accordance with the financial capabilities of the buyer.

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We will tell you what a car keyless entry system is, how it works and how to protect a car with this system from theft.

What it is?

The keyless access system is a contactless authorization of the car owner using a key or an additional immobilizer tag of the security system. Those. approached the car, he recognized you and unlocked the doors, sat down and simply pressed the button to start the engine. This system (Keyless Entry, Smart Key, Keyless Go) is present on premium cars or in additional options for cars of medium or budget classes.

How does it work?

As soon as the driver approaches the car and press the button on the door handle, the car “wakes up” and starts a dialogue with the key:
  • Hello, I am car X with ID Z. Who are you?

This message is transmitted on the air at a purity of 125 kHz, and if the key fob is nearby and understands the language of the request, it immediately answers the machine using its own operating frequency (433 or 868 MHz). Moreover, it answers with a cunning digital combination generated by an individual encryption algorithm:
  • Hey, I'm your key! Response code ZXY56.G477.Q106.
To eliminate electronic fraud, the answer from the electronic key must come in real time (delays are counted in nanoseconds), so any attempts to open the car are doomed to failure. But even such clever actions do not always save from theft.

An attacker will need a special repeater (“rod”), which costs tens of thousands of euros, and an assistant who should be located next to the key, i.e. next to you. When the hijacker presses the button to open the car, the signal is transmitted through the repeater to the assistant's device, which is already communicating with the alarm key fob. With the help of such actions, you can steal any car.

Let's take an example of theft. You parked your car outside the mall, closed it, and entered. Intruder No. 1 with a receiver approaches your car, and Intruder No. 2 is near you with a signal repeater for your key. The car at this moment identifies that you are allegedly nearby and opens. Intruder #1 gets into the car and drives away.

How to fight?

There is firmware that will change the alarm control code to another, which means they will be out of reach of repeaters. The cost is from 5 to 20 thousand rubles. Or hide the alarm key fob in a metallized foil screen - a simple but effective way.

A roll of household foil is taken, unwound to the width of the shoulder strap. Fold the resulting square in half, then in half again. We fold the four-layer square diagonally, put the key in and bend the corners. It is more convenient to put a bundle in a jacket, unlike iron boxes.

If we talk about reliable protection against theft, then no matter how modern the “signaling” is, you need to additionally install mechanical anti-theft tools, such as steering wheel and gearbox locks. With them, the protection of the car will be more reliable.

With mechanical security systems, the meaning of the "hands-free" system is lost - it takes time to install and latch a mechanical lock. In addition, they save from car theft, but not from theft of things in the cabin. Another thing is an additional label that works in a different range and according to a different algorithm than the standard keyless entry system. You can store it next to your documents. You can install an additional label in a professional anti-theft service.

Another method is to refuse the "keyless entry" function when buying a car. In the old fashioned way, use the usual key, but you will save your nerves without fear of theft.

Mobile Indoor Access Technology is a comprehensive solution that combines iClass SE/multiClass SE readers and the HID Global service package, which includes mobile IDs, mobile access applications, and a web service (dedicated portal). Android and iOS operating systems also provide highly secure access control based on this technology, allowing you to grant or revoke mobile identifiers over wireless channels. To exchange information between a smartphone and an access control system reader, solutions are used not only based on NFC, but also Bluetooth, which provide ID recognition at a distance of up to 2 m.

The rapid development of mobile devices has an impact on various areas of society. For example, mobile technologies that are embedded in access control allow combining security and comfort by replacing keys, key fobs and access cards with smartphones. At the same time, the confidence and educational level of users are constantly growing, and the speed of the spread of Bluetooth and NFC technologies has shown that mobile access control implemented using them is a popular solution. What's more, this HID solution is already integrated into the Lenel OnGuard end-to-end security system, a multi-server platform for the ISF of large corporations and mid-sized offices.

RFID access card emulation using NFC technology
After Google introduced a new version of NFC for Android 4.4 in 2013 called Host-based Card Emulation (HCE), it became possible and cost-effective to implement NFC services in access control using mobile devices. This solution provides a number of advantages:

  • emulation of standard contactless access cards in a mobile application
  • compatibility with readers with NFC modules
  • the optimal solution for access control for identification at close range - by touching the smartphone to the reader.

NFC HCE technology is supported by Android 4.4 and BlackBerry mobile operating systems and is not yet supported by iOS.

Bluetooth Smart Technology and Proximity Access Control
One of the reasons for the success of Bluetooth Smart technology is its use in Apple devices starting with the iPhone 4S and Android 4.3. In other words, Bluetooth Smart is the only contactless technology supported by both major operating systems for mobile devices. Due to low power consumption, no need for additional pairing with access control devices and long range, Bluetooth Smart is best suited for tasks that control access to premises or parking lots.

HID iClass SE readers with a Bluetooth module can be installed on the inside of the door or at a distance from it so as not to disturb the design of the entrance group. Due to the range of 2 m, access control will be carried out as reliably as with close identification. And with Bluetooth Smart supported by iOS 7 and 8, Android 4.4, BlackBerry 10 and Windows Phone® 8.1 operating systems, mobile access based on this technology can be implemented using a very large number of smartphone models. To activate the process of transmitting an identification code from the phone to the iClass SE reader of the access system, HID Global's patented Twist and Go technology is used: just turn the smartphone when approaching the reader and its response vibration will inform the user about successful identification and access permission.

Convenience and simplicity of "issuing" identification codes
The presence of a global network connection system in most modern smartphones allows you to manage mobile access control system identifiers in real time. For centralized identity management, HID Global has created a special cloud portal that greatly simplifies the work of personnel involved in the issuance of badges. The procedure for "issuing a pass" to an employee is as follows: after entering the user's name and email address in the program interface, an invitation is automatically sent to him with instructions to download the mobile application. When the application is installed, a mobile ID will be transferred to the smartphone, and the access control administrator will receive a notification that the procedure has been completed.

The use of modern protocols for encrypting mobile identifiers
HID Global Mobile Identifiers for Access Control are portable, i.e. transmitted to smartphones wirelessly. They are developed using the Secure Identity Object (SIO) data model and have cryptographic protection based on modern protocols and encryption algorithms. When exchanging data between access control devices (smartphones and readers), a secure protocol (Seos technology) is used, which guarantees the reliability of the channel, regardless of the communication technology used.

Support for mobile devices with iClass SE readers
In addition to smartphones and mobile IDs, the HID Mobile Access solution includes iClass SE and multiClass SE readers. These devices can be configured to work in the mode of near or far identification, and the presence of a directional antenna provides a reading range of up to 2 m (when working with a Bluetooth module). iClass SE and multiClass SE support a large number of standard technologies: iCLASS Seos®, standard iCLASS®, iCLASS SE, MIFARE®, MIFARE DESFire® and HID Prox, which allows them to be used when migrating access control systems to new technologies.

Mobile appHID Reader Manager to configure the access control system from a smartphone.

A video from the manufacturer on the topic "Access control using a mobile phone" can be viewed at this link.

For more information on HID Mobile Access
and other company solutionsHID please contact the central or regional offices of ARMO-Systems, which is the official Russian distributor of HID Global equipment.

If you are faced with the need to install a room access system and are lost in an endless list of components, read this article and you will learn how to choose equipment for a simple access control and management system (ACS). The article will focus on the common request "I want the door to open with a card." Everyone understands what it is for: convenient, reliable and relatively safe. Let's start with the lock - one of the two main devices of the access control system responsible for security.

Which castle to choose?

The choice of lock depends on the design of the door and the degree of intrusion protection you want to provide. There are 1) electromagnetic, 2) electromechanical and 3) electric latches, 4) solenoid and 5) motor locks - the list is sorted by the degree of burglary resistance. Approximately in the same sequence, the complexity of installing the lock increases. Prices for the first four types of locks vary greatly, but motor locks cannot be cheap.

Electromagnetic lock

We connect the components of the access system

A cable is required to connect the components of the access control system. The number of cores is determined by the connection diagram, as a rule, you need or. If the lock is installed on the door, such as electromechanical or solenoid, then mechanical protection of the cable is used. A cable with a monocore ("twisted pair" or power) in this case will not work - such a cable is not intended for frequent bending.

Solution ready

To assemble a simple access control system, you will need: a lock, access cards or keys and a reader, a controller, an exit button and a power source. Locks are normally open and normally closed; the choice of a specific model depends on the design of the door and the requirements for burglary resistance. The reader must be suitable for the chosen type of cards or keys. The most resistant to attempts to deceive the system is the reader Mifare running in protected mode. As for the controller, any stand-alone access controller will provide the necessary minimum of functions. Working hours and access schedules are provided by network controllers. The pinnacle of exit button evolution is the non-contact illuminated exit button, but any simpler exit button will do. The power supply must supply sufficient current. It is better to use a separate source for the lock in order to increase the resistance of the system to breaking. An 8-core signal cable is suitable for connecting system components, but for connecting electromechanical and motor locks, it is better to take a separate cable with a larger cross section.

Using this guide, you will easily assemble an access control system that meets your requirements, even in the smallest detail. To save your time, we have selected the most frequently requested configuration options in ready-made solutions.

Passing through the cards is convenient when you need to identify a specific person. Each such key has a unique number. According to it, if desired, you can organize the accounting of working time, let the guest into his room, write off some points from the client in the fitness center. Our ready-made sets of control systems with card access will fit in 90% of cases.

Why RFID cards are convenient

Cards are often used in access control systems for the following reasons:

  • They are inexpensive and compact. The size of the card is comparable to a regular business card. And a small RFID tag can be stuck on a child's backpack or phone.
  • Quick release of a new key. You can make a new card for an employee, tenant or guest in 30 seconds. If the card is lost, it can be quickly removed from the controller's memory.
  • Different form factor suitable for different occasions: ID card slots, moisture-resistant silicone wristbands, key rings.

  • No one will watch you enter the code.
  • You do not need to remember the code, just present the card to the reader.

About the security of card formats

The level of security depends on the standard:

Em Marine

Em-Marine is the least protected. They can be copied at any key-making workshop.

But for most budget sets, Em-Marine is used. This makes it easier and cheaper.


Mifare is a more secure type. Copying is not so easy, although it is fundamentally possible.

Such identifiers, for example, are used in access control systems for fitness centers and swimming pools. When some points, hours, etc. should be debited from the card.

Mifare Plus

Mifare Plus X 4k, Mifare Plus SE 1K, ICODE SLI X, ICODE SLIX2, DESFire EV1 8K, (ID, Ultralight, Classic, Plus, DesFire), other formats operating at 13.56 MHz.

These cards can also be used in non-secure mode, just like regular cards. But a serious level of copy protection is provided only by the use of unhacked encryption protocols and the use of a protected mode of operation of the reader and the SL3 controller.

The access control system can be made more secure by using dual authorization: code + card or special solutions on readers that can read the protected area of ​​the card. If you are interested, call us, we will tell you everything.