Title - what is it, and what is it for? Page title - what is it and what should it be? Real examples on WordPress.

title(title) - the most important tag for internal optimization of html-code of pages. Search engines attach a lot of importance to the text contained in the title, so you should use this factor as efficiently as possible.

Syntax: Page title

Physically, the content of the title tag is the title of the page, which is displayed in the topmost field of the browser. Also, the content of the title is displayed in the search engine results at the request of users (these are the names of links in the search results). Therefore, the title of the page should reflect its essence as capaciously as possible and must contain keywords. For each page content title must be unique.

Search engines may not take into account all the words contained in the page title, but only a certain number of the first words (the rest can simply be cut off). For different search engines, these indicators are different, and besides, they can simply change over time as the algorithm is adjusted, so it is highly recommended to place keywords and phrases at the beginning of the title.

It is desirable to include the most important keywords in the first ten words (and 80 characters). In any case, the closer to the beginning, the better.

There is an opinion that it is better to avoid using stop words in the title (and, o, or, I, to, before, not, etc.), as search engines ignore them anyway.

Yandex help quote:

"In any language, there are words that appear much more often than others. Words that occur too often to be meaningful for a search are called stop words. Typically, these are pronouns, prepositions, and particles. Search engines usually ignore stop words, even if they occur in the request text."

Yandex query statistics (or rather impressions) reflect this rule quite well:

To date, the results of statistics for these queries are identical and look like this:

However, the results of search results for the same queries differ quite significantly. According to the first request of the site, the site is not currently in the TOP-10 at all, and according to the second one, it is in first place:

What request is more often typed in Yandex is unknown. Search engines return the results that are most relevant to the query, taking into account "stop words", although they do not display the number of requests with "stop words" in their statistics.

This screenshot, by the way, is a good food for thought. Here is a small analysis of page code optimization performed on it.

If possible, try not to use in the title "(!LANG: stop characters": () - = / \ ! | + _!}
Or, to put it more correctly, try to arrange keywords in title before "stop characters" and not after them, since there is an opinion that search engines may attach less importance to words in title, after the "stop characters". Although this assumption, perhaps, belongs to the category of myths.

It is not advisable to use the same word in the same case and mood several times without special need.

The title must contain meaningful text. Simply listing keywords and phrases can result in penalties from search engines. In addition, the meaningless text of the link in the search results does not at all contribute to clicking on it.

The presence of key queries in the title greatly facilitates the subsequent promotion of the site. There is no more significant tag for search engines. And if, without much damage to SEO, you can ignore the use of the keywords meta tag or selection tags on the page, for example, then the title tag should by no means be ignored if you hope to bring the site to the TOPs for competitive queries.

Related Articles.

Competent compilation of the tag - this is one of the most important foundations for the successful promotion of a website page. There is a set of requirements according to which it is necessary to compose a tag <title>for the promoted page.</p> <p>Of course, only one perfectly composed <title>will not be enough to promote the page for some low-frequency queries, not to mention mid- and high-frequency keywords. But without this tag, any promotion will be useless.</p> <h2>1. What is a tag <title>... and what is it for

HTML tag ...- is one of the heading tags, which is located at the top of the page between the tags .... In the language of optimizers, it is often called "title". It is not mandatory, but if you want the site to take worthy positions in search engines, then its necessarily you need to use, and taking into account many nuances (about them a little lower).

html tag syntax ...
<span>Page title</span> Page content

Tag compiled from the text on a particular page. An article that is placed on the page must have an occurrence of keywords and phrases in the text from the title. Moreover, it is not necessary to have a large number of keywords, just one is enough. In this case, <title>will have a very positive effect on the position of this page.</p> <p>For example, if we have the topic of the article "How to choose skis for skating", then it is logical that the title should be something like this:</p> <blockquote><head > <title ><span>How to choose skis for skating - 5 tips from experienced skiers</span>

We wrote simply and clearly what the article is about. Nothing extra. At the end, the phrase "5 tips from experienced skiers" appeared in order to cover an even larger set of requests. Moreover, most likely, your article will have such a subtitle. As a rule, one article contains not one, but several more mid-frequency queries.

To correctly select these additional keys, read:

2. What it looks like in issue</h2> <p>In the issue, it is "title" that is displayed as the title of the page. For example:</p> <p>This tag is the first thing users see when they enter a search query. Therefore, in addition to the importance of the tag <title>for SEO optimization, it is also very important for the user. After all, on the basis of its user decides whether to go to the site or not.</p> <h2>3. Links from social networks contain <title></h2> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/zarabotat-na-sajte.ru/seo/img/title-v-socsetyah1.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Or an abbreviated version without an image in VK</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/zarabotat-na-sajte.ru/seo/img/title-v-socsetyah2.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/zarabotat-na-sajte.ru/seo/img/title-v-socsetyah3.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <b>Incoming links and title</b> <p>Inbound links to the promoted page should generally contain the words from the acceptor page's title tag. Moreover, some of the incoming links should have a direct entry, some of the links should have a partial one, some of the links should contain word forms synonyms in their anchor, and so on. This is necessary so that the promotion takes place on one request.</p> <h2>4. How to compose a tag correctly <title></h2> <h3>4.1. Uniqueness <title>inside the site</h3> <p>All pages on the same site must have a different Title. Unique <title>- the key to your success in the issuance of all search engines. This is so important that you can equate it with the uniqueness of the content on the page. I want to emphasize that I mean uniqueness within a single site.</p> <p>If you do not follow the rule of uniqueness, then this will have an extremely negative effect on the promotion of the site for this request, since this will automatically create duplicate pages on the site.</p> <h3>4.2. <title>must match the content of the page</h3> <p>Specify only those keywords that the page actually answers. With the introduction of behavioral factors, this began to influence positions in the issue even more strongly.</p> <p>For example, a user visits a page with a title that meets his requirements, and the content of the page is completely different, then it is logical to assume that the majority will simply close the page and continue to search for information in a search engine. As a result, the behavioral picture of such a resource will quickly deteriorate, which in the end can negatively affect the position of the entire site as a whole.</p> <h3>4.3. Order of keywords in a tag <title>has the meaning</h3> <p>First word in tag <title>the most significant for the search engine, therefore, in the first place you need to use the most important keyword on the page.</p> <p>It is also worth noting that if some related keywords do not quite fit the content of the page, then it may be worth not specifying them at all, even at the end of the title, this enhances the importance of the first keyword.</p> <h3>4.4. Adequate length <title></h3> <p>Number of words in <title>should not exceed 5-6. The optimal number of characters in the title according to the PS is 70. This figure is usually used to compose the title tag for the main page. For internal pages, its length is slightly less - 40-60 characters. But again, this is just a recommendation. If there is a need to make a title of 120 characters, then make it 120 characters. Everything that is done for the benefit of users is rewarded and encouraged.</p> <h3>4.5. Punctuation marks</h3> <p>Use punctuation marks in your <title>only if it is absolutely necessary, and there is confidence that the search engine will correctly evaluate the idea that you wanted to convey to visitors. The point is that punctuation marks can break the tag <title>into different semantic parts. A person can understand this, but a search engine can understand everything in a completely different way.</p> <h3>4.6. Don't use useless words</h3> <p>Never include words like "homepage" in the title. This is useless garbage for users. There are chances of being pessimized in passing off as an abuse of such words. The title should be all about the case.</p> <h3>4.7. Specify <title>, if it's necessary</h3> <p>Don't make a single word title. For example, many sites have a "articles" section. If you pay attention, many sites make a serious mistake and have a title in the form of a single word "articles", but this is absolutely contrary to common sense. This word clearly needs clarification. For example, "articles about football" - if your football theme will look much more understandable. And it is even better to supplement this with one more more clarifying word.</p> <h3>4.8. Duplication can be helpful</h3> <p>Sometimes it is very useful to indicate the name of your company at the end of the title. For example, " <span>key phrase | Company name</span>". This is a good scheme that has proven itself for a long time. Despite the constant duplication of the name of your company in the title, this design allows you to reduce the bounce rate on the pages of the site, since the user who goes from search engines already knows approximately that he is visiting the organization's website (by the way , perhaps about which he had already heard something before).</p> <p>Recently, the Russian language has been significantly enriched due to new words, both invented in our country and taken from English. People who often create publications on the Web often refer to one of the terms that can be classified as borrowed. It's about the concept of "Title". What is it? Is it difficult to write a title correctly? You can learn about this and more by reading this article.</p><h2>What is called this word?</h2><p>Title, title or page heading is a text element in which the content of the publication is very concisely described. You can see it by looking at the top left corner of your browser. This program element will display the title of the page. The title of the article you are reading right now matches this title in an amazing way. But after reading our material, you will have no questions left about why this happens.</p><p>The title is not a prerequisite for every page (although it is highly desirable). It can only be placed once. For visitors, the page is hardly noticeable and little used, but from the point of view of promoting the resource in the ranking of search engines, it is an indispensable element. As many users may have noticed, when entering a query, those links that best match the search are displayed first. And perfect match has a significant impact on relevance score. And along with it, it also affects the place of the site in search results (it is significant, but not decisive).</p><p>A few of the most common shortcomings when creating a page header should be mentioned.</p><ol><li>The first is its elementary absence.</li><li>The same title on all pages, which makes it ineffective in terms of website promotion. The best option is to assign as the title of the page the title of the article, category or task of a value that displays the entity "Site navigation" and the like.</li><li>A simple indication of pages: "Main", "Second", "Third" ...</li> </ol><h2>What else does the page have besides the title?</h2><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/fb.ru/misc/i/gallery/37840/1060186.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Categories are additional resource pages. They represent a concentrated narrow-topic content even within the site. So, if the resource is about trees, then there can be such categories: “coniferous”, “deciduous”, “fruit”.</p><p>Keywords are a thematic direction, information about what exactly is written on it. If we draw an analogy with this article, then these are the words “title”, “title” and “page”. Description deserves special attention.</p><h2>What is a description?</h2><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/fb.ru/misc/i/gallery/37840/1060187.jpg' height="298" width="288" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>This is a brief description of the content of the page, which has a length of up to 150 characters (rarely up to 300). It is important because it is displayed to users when shown in search engines as a summary of this part of the site. Here a pattern emerges. If you write an attractive description, you can see that it brings more clicks to the site than before. And vice versa. Because of this, title and description are the most important in terms of attracting new users from search engines. But the descriptions must be of high quality and reflect the content of the article so that the resource does not earn a reputation as a “bad” site.</p><h2>How to write a good page title?</h2><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/fb.ru/misc/i/gallery/5158/1062953.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>The right title, which will allow you to effectively promote the resource, must meet a number of requirements.</p><ol><li>It should contain the most important queries that are also present in the visible part of the page.</li><li>Size limit: up to a hundred characters, including spaces. More could be done, but according to the biggest search engines, they are wary of sites with such large titles.</li><li>The uniqueness of the words used: no more than two. The fact is that until recently, ten years ago, the title of the page played a very important role in determining the position of the site. Therefore, many unscrupulous writers literally satiated the content of the pages with keywords. And they didn't forget the title. Therefore, filters were introduced that filter out too much repetition of the same words, considering the page not to contain useful information. Therefore, deciding to create not the right title, but a little “twisted”, you are likely to make it worse.</li><li>Writing fluency is a must. The title must be compiled based on the rules of the Russian language.</li> </ol><h2>How to prepare a correct description?</h2><p>How to write an attractive description?</p><ol><li>It must be correct, comply with the rules and norms of the Russian language.</li><li>He must briefly describe the page in such a way that the person who reads the description wants to see all the information.</li><li>The description should intersect to a large extent with the content of the site, because if it does not, then the visitor will quickly leave, and from the point of view of the search engine, there will be a negative user factor (when readers quickly leave the site, and the PS considers that the information is of poor quality ).</li> </ol><h2>pages in terms of programming?</h2><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/fb.ru/misc/i/gallery/37840/1060190.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>And what is the “protagonist” of the article from the point of view of programming? It is created using the HTML markup language and placed at the beginning of the program code after It looks like this:</p><p><title>The title of the page is written here

If you want to see this for yourself, open the program code of this page and at the very top you can find the title. It will be displayed in the first ten lines. As you can see, the title is not such a complicated concept as one might think earlier.

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Friends, I hasten to inform you that I decided to take part in one very cool competition.

I am participating in the Easter Miracle contest. The prize fund is 35,000 rubles! Competitive works are accepted from 04/10/2017 to 04/30/2017. The organizer of the project is Irina Zaitseva's blog. Read all the details of the competition here http://irinazaytseva.ru/pasxalnoe-chudo.html

So let's get back to the secrets of optimization. Do you think they even exist? You can find my answer to this question at the end of the article. But one thing I can tell you right away, winning the love and reciprocity of search robots is a difficult task.

To do this, you need to comply with a number of technical requirements for the design of the finished article and at least create a well-thought-out title.

About what a title is, for what purpose it is prescribed, how it is indicated, what parameters of the tag are relevant today, we will discuss with you.

Title (title) is an important attribute, necessary for the promotion of articles in different search engines. It is visible in the browser tab before opening the resource and in the list generated by the search engine. Hover over the browser line and here it is - His Majesty the title.

The purpose of the title is to make sure that Internet visitors go to your web resource, that is, to attract their attention, “hook”, make them go to your site. But then they can already like, share information with friends, and finally purchase goods and services offered on the pages.

So, what should be the title? How to make sure that they choose yours and go to your article?

He must:

  • to arouse the interest of the visitor, to encourage the transition to the resource;
  • fully, reliably, but briefly convey what is contained in the "body" of the article;
  • help increase clicks/transitions;
  • position the site on the first pages when typing queries.

Where is title located?

Before publishing on the Web, the article is placed in an HTML shell. The title tag is an important code and part of the head tag. With HTML-scan, the formatted text looks like this:

Buy cheap doors

the text itself

To view it in code, either press Ctrl+U together or right-click View Code. That's where we found him.

A title is a concise title that summarizes its essence. It should not be confused with first, second and third level headings.


. Unlike them, the title gives more generalized and accurate information.

Also, do not confuse it with a description. I will prepare a detailed article about description, so I won’t dwell on it now. so as not to miss this important material.

And now let's see how our title looks like when entering a query in the Google search engine.

Which of the three options do you like best? Which one is catching? Chur, just be honest! Me - the third option 🙂

But seriously, as you can see, Google shows in the search results not the title of the article, but the title. This is the first moment. And second: pay attention to its length. Scraps look very ugly and unattractive. So keep this in mind when composing titles.

By the way, you noticed that the main keyword (keyword), which matches the user's query, is highlighted in bold formatting.

What does Yandex show us? And it shows the title, not the title.

That's how search engines work with the title. Therefore, not only the title in the article is important, as many people think, but also the title.

Title design rules

Title-type meta tags are filled in by webmasters simultaneously for both people and search engines according to the following rules:

  • A valid (i.e. "working") tag should contain the main keyword. It is at the beginning of a paragraph. It is allowed, the presence of several additional keywords, other than those found in the headers.
  • The number of characters and stop words in the title is reduced to a minimum. Search robots "hate" dots and question marks, do not consider prepositions, particles and interjections as meaningful words. Dashes, colons, and commas are allowed.
  • The title is created in accordance with the norms of the Russian language. The science of how to write it is not mastered by specialized programs. This is not a set of keywords. Otherwise, the search engine will perceive the document as "spam", and this leads to a decrease in the blog's position in the search results.
  • The title in a short and concise form conveys the content of the article.
  • It must be on topic, otherwise you will simply mislead search robots. I think this is completely useless to you, so you need to take the title seriously.

The effect of the title is hard to predict. Sometimes summaries lead to the fact that Internet visitors find a resource on 1-3 pages of search results. And all this is thanks to the outstanding talent of the blogger.

  1. SEO experts recommend starting a title with a keyword. The keyword is followed by a colon, and then the more common description begins.
  2. Some optimizers add a few extra keywords to the description. Additional keywords of other content become part of the h1 heading.
  3. To get the maximum effect, the title is compiled in a size of no more than 12 words.
  4. The main keyword is used in a pure occurrence, without declension and dilution with other parts of speech, as well as punctuation marks.
  5. The key query used in the title should be logical (“how to cook okroshka”, and not “how to cook okroshka”).
  6. The title should be chicken, just don't be too smart.
  7. The title must be true. Try to write in it only about what is really in your article, and not just provocative words (“how to cook okroshka: secrets from the chef”, and not a word about secrets in the article).
  8. The brand name is included in the title when the pages refer to a popular brand name (an additional incentive to click).
  9. In connection with the advent of the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin, templates for titles, keywords and descriptions are easily rewritten. To change the title tag, just go to the admin panel, find the "All posts" tab and select the article in which you want to make changes.

Title examples

An example of a good title: Types of search queries: full classification

An example of a bad title is incoherent, illogical text or a set of keywords: Doors, buy, cheap, price

Many novice bloggers think that the more keywords they put into a title, the higher it will rank in the SERPs. Make no mistake, it's not!

Filling in the title in the Yoast SEO plugin

I will not tell in this article where to get and how to install this plugin, since I have already described everything in detail in the article "". If you do not have this plugin, then follow the link, read, install and come back 🙂

So let's say you have it installed. We begin work on filling in all the data by pressing the "Edit snippet" button.

I will talk about filling in other metadata in the next article.

New time dictates its own laws. Now the top will be those projects that are created for people, and not for "soulless" and "insensitive" search engines. Let me remind you that recently a new algorithm from Yandex Baden-Baden was released. For those who are not in the know, read my detailed article.

In conclusion, I want to say that everything is important for website promotion: unique content, lack of spam, and the correct formatting of page codes in the head tag. You can read a very detailed guide to internal SEO site optimization with recommendations.

Here is my answer: there are no secrets!

Now you know what a title is, so take this into account and spend enough time creating it.

Video for dessert, for those who read the article to the end 🙂

To receive news from the blog! Share the article with your friends!

Do you pay attention to writing a title? Do you think it depends on it, what place does an article take in search results?

See you soon!

Ekaterina Kalmykova was with you

The Title tag is the title of the html document. Title is almost always used in search engine results. At the moment, it is very important for classic SEO and for attracting attention in social networks.

The main purpose of the Title tag is to accurately and concisely describe the content of the page content.

This element is very important how to users(when they decide whether to go to this page from the search results), as well as search engines(one of the important factors in determining the relevance of a page to certain search queries).

Optimal title tag structure

Main keyword - secondary keyword | brand name

Optimal length for search engines

Google usually displays the first 50-60 characters, or as many characters as will fit in 512 pixels. If all your titles are 55 characters, then you can expect about 95% of the pages to be fully rendered.

However, search engines may choose to display other text as well: the title in the results can be changed

  • for your brand
  • custom request
  • or for any other reasons (for example, keyword spamming)

Why is the title tag so important?

Title has long been considered one of the most important factors among internal ranking factors (most important: page content) and it appears in 3 places:

1. Browser. Displayed at the top of your browser + in your bookmarks.

2. On search result pages. When using keywords in the title, search engines will highlight them in search results if the user has completed a query with those keywords. This gives the user more reason to click on your link.

3. On external sites. Many external sites, especially social networks, will use the title as an anchor link to your page.

For example, this is how it looks on Facebook:

And now let's figure out how best to optimize and write the title on your site.

How to properly optimize a title

  • Always remember the length

As mentioned above, search engines will shorten your title if you exceed the boundary threshold. But, on the other hand, this length is not a very hard rule.

Since long titles can work much better to get traffic from social networks. And also, even if some keywords were not displayed by the search engine, this does not mean at all that they do not take any part in the ranking. Therefore, it is desirable to make the title as natural and clickable as possible, while sacrificing length.

  • Put the main keywords at the beginning

According to experiments and our experience, the closer the key phrase is to the beginning of the title, the more weight it has in ranking. In addition, the likelihood that the user will click on our link in the search results increases.

  • Brand Strengthening

If your brand is well-known in your target market, then in such cases, it needs to be placed in the visible area of ​​the title so that users pay attention to it in the search results. In other cases, the brand is better added to the end of the title tag.

  • Readability and emotional impact

Creating an eye-catching title can help to significantly increase the number of clicks from the SERPs. When you're creating headlines, it's very important to think about all of the user interactions beyond SEO and keyword usage.

Tools that can help with title optimization

In order not to wait for how your page will look in the SERP, but to immediately get the maximum effect, we recommend using the following SERP simulation services:

As a result, you can see how the title looks in the search results:


The title tag is equally important for both , and end users. Using well-constructed and unique titles for all pages of your site will help you rank higher in the search engines.