VK registration Russian version. Free registration on VKontakte

In order to register on Vkontakte for free right now, you need to go to the main page of the VK social network at https://vk.com/... The social network Vkontakte will automatically open in a new window. After that, the main page of Vkontakte will load. It is used for entry and registration. In this case, you are registering, so we pay attention to the center of the screen, where instant registration is written. Under this heading we see the fields, they must be filled in - this is the first and last name. After filling out, click register.

If now there is no time to search for classmates and classmates, then you simply select the Completion of registration. Next, you need to read the article from the section Completing registration.

Search classmates

In order to find your classmates, we indicate the country, city, schools, year of graduation, class. After that, a list of registered VKontakte classmates will appear. To view the list of classmates, scroll the mouse wheel or move the slider of the Internet browser on the right side. In order to add a classmate as a friend, click next to the photo and name. Then go to the next step.

The next window is a form for searching classmates. There is an option not to search for fellow students, choose to skip this step, or complete registration. Read on from the heading Registration Completion.

Search for classmates

To find your classmates, you select the country, the city of the university, the year of graduation, the faculty, the department and add friends for ourselves by clicking on the photo to add to friends. To view the list of classmates, you need to scroll with the mouse wheel, or move the slider of the Internet browser. As friends have been added, click go to the next step.

Completion of registration

The last point is linking a mobile phone number to an account. This is for the security of the page. Choose a country and enter your mobile phone number. After that, click to get the code. A message with a code will be sent to the specified phone number. This SMS is free.

Enter the confirmation code and password and enter the site. This password must be entered every time you enter the page on the Vkontakte social network.

Everyone, you are registered!

  • Registration video without a phone

If you could not register on Vkontakte

It was not possible to register VK right now according to the instructions, write to us at. Write down the steps taken. We will answer individually.

Alas, "VKontakte" has been dominated by scammers who strive to get a penny out of gullible citizens by offering them paid registration in this social network.

It is important to know that such a procedure has always been and remains free of charge.

Until 2012, it was possible to register on VKontakte for free and without an invitation by specifying your e-mail. Now you cannot do without a phone number.

Of course, there is a way not to provide a real mobile phone number, but we'll talk about that later.

7 steps to register in "VKontakte" with a mobile phone

1) Go to the official website

Rice. 1 Official website VKontakte

2) To the right of the block for entering registered users there is a section "Instant registration" with two fields for entering:

  • Your name (1 in Fig. 1),
  • Your surname (2 in Fig. 2).

Enter your data in them and click on the blue button “Register” (3 in Fig. 1).

3) On the opened page “Registration confirmation” in the “Country” field (if you have such a field) select your country from the list.

Enter the digits of your number in the “Mobile phone” field (1 in Fig. 2, there is no “Country” field):

Rice. 2 Registration on VKontakte for free with a mobile phone, without an invitation

4) Within no more than 5 minutes (with rare exceptions), an SMS with a five-digit code will be sent to the specified phone number (1 in Fig. 2), which must be entered into the “Confirmation Code” column that appears.

5) Now, under the specified field, one more field should appear with the inscription “Password”. In it, enter the desired password for the subsequent login to the social network. It is worth abandoning standard passwords (passwords) like your date of birth or your name. For your own safety, it is better if it is a combination of letters and numbers.

When the characters you entered make up a strong password, a green line and a button “Enter the site” will appear under the corresponding field, and press it.

It is advisable to write down the password and login for entering the site in a notebook or somewhere: everything that is not written down is forgotten and often no longer remembered.

6) After entering the social network, you will be prompted to enter additional. information about yourself:

7) After completing the indicated pages, click the "Go to my page" rectangle.

Registration is over, feel free to add, fill out a questionnaire about your hobbies and preferences - and communicate with friends and acquaintances. The avatar is added and the questionnaire is filled in if desired, in order to have “your own face” in the social network.

Please note: if you do not have time to fill out the fields of the questionnaire about the school, university and other accounts right away, then just click “Proceed to the next step”, and you will return to entering data in the indicated columns next time.

Registration without phone number

Now about how to register a new VKontakte page for yourself without specifying a real mobile phone number and without sms. There are three effective ways.

1 Landline telephone

This method is suitable for everyone who has a landline phone at home.

  • When registering, at the step of specifying the mobile in the field, enter the digits of the city number in the eleven-digit format.
  • Click the “Let the robot call” button.
  • Within a minute, your home phone will receive a call.
  • And the robot will pronounce the code in a clear voice, and you enter it in the appropriate column on the website.

Please note that this method is perfect for those who need to have several accounts on the blue social network at once, since an unlimited number of users can be registered on one landline phone.

2 Virtual mobile number

For this method, you will need a free email address in order to register on the pinger.com website (or any other resource that provides virtual mobile number services for receiving SMS).

1) Go to pinger.com and at the top right click “Textfree web” (fig. 3):

Rice. 3 Site Pinger.com - virtual mobile number services

2) On the opened page, click “SIGN UP”. A window will open (Fig. 4):

Rice. 4 Registration on Pinger.com to get a virtual mobile number

3) Go through the registration procedure by entering standard data:

if you have accounts in these services.

4) In the window that opens, you will be asked to select a virtual mobile number, and then click “Confirm”.

7) Insert the number (using the Ctrl + V keys) into the corresponding field on the VKontakte registration page (Fig. 2).

8) Go back to the tab where the pinger site is open and wait for SMS online in this window.

3 For foreign users

This option is suitable for those who have a Facebook account. But it is available only for those who are not in the CIS country. Therefore, first you should install an IP anonymizer on your computer and run it so that VKontakte thinks that you are from another country (the USA, for example).

If you do everything correctly, then when registering, Vkontakte will prompt you (in English) to enter your first name, last name and gender, or click the registration button through the FB “Sign in with Facebook”. Feel free to click it and get a new VK account right now.

The audience of the social network Vkontakte is growing every day. However, not all pages on this resource are real. There are a large number of people who would like to have an additional account for business or personal purposes. Today we will talk about how to register in a contact without a phone number and what an account confirmation via SMS gives.

Why do you need confirmation of VK registration via SMS

Until 2012, there was a workaround - you could register on the site, specifying only email... However, this freedom led to a huge number of fake and fraudulent accounts that created a heavy load on the server and interfered with free communication on social networks.

At the moment, activity in the profile goes through the phone. The risk of fraudulent schemes involving page hijacking has decreased several times. You can track who and where went to the profile. In addition, binding to the phone is a guarantee of the well-coordinated work of the mobile version of VK.

How to register on a social network without a phone

Although the developers are trying to make the registration of fake pages as difficult as possible, there is still such a possibility. We counted four currently relevant ways that allow you to join a virtual network through the fake page.

We create two pages for one phone number

How it works? Suppose you have a main page that fully matches your personality, but really want to create a fake account. Exit your page, register a new one - with the necessary data, photos and interests. At the end of registration, the system will ask you for a phone number to which you can send a verification code. You have such a phone. Enter the received code in the required field and that's it - you can use the page!

Now go back to your main account. The system will ask you for a phone number - and you again can enter your numbers.

Someone else's number

You can follow a simple path - to register for VK, purchase an additional SIM card. This option is good for those who need only one additional page and have the opportunity to regularly communicate using the second SIM card so that it is not blocked.

If there are people in the circle who categorically do not welcome social networks, you can ask for a phone from them. However, if you do not want to buy a SIM card or ask your friends for it, you can always register through a landline phone (if you still have it). To do this, enter 11-digit number into the required field and request the code. The landline phone does not have a display, so an automatic program will call you, which will dictate the desired code. In this case, you can register any number of additional pages in the contact.

Login with Facebook

Although Vkontakte is the Russian-language version of Facebook, its owners are actively seeking to capture the audience of their older brother. For foreigners, there is a wonderful opportunity to enter the site using a Facebook account.

Can a resident of Russia use this opportunity? Of course yes. But for this you have to cheat a little and enter the site through the Anonymizer. We are offering to you several popular sites:

  1. Chameleon: http://cameleo.xyz/
  2. http://noblockme.ru/
  3. https://bannerproxy.github.io/ru/anonymizer

By clicking on the desired social network, we open a welcome window with the option "register with Facebook". And to register in a foreign social network, you only need email, so this option is very convenient for those who want to get a large number of fake pages.

Registration via virtual number

Another interesting way for those who want to get an additional page without bothering to search additional SIM cards or changing the ip-address... You can find several resources on the Internet that allow you to receive SMS to a virtual number without having to buy and insert a SIM card into your phone. Here are the most popular ones:

  1. https://onlinesim.ru/
  2. https://sms-reg.com/
  3. receive-sms-online.com/
  4. http://sellaite.com/smsreceiver/

We advise you to choose those sites that are targeted at residents of Russia - otherwise you may receive an American phone number.

How to work with these systems? After selecting the desired site, Sign up via email and buy the option to rent one of the virtual numbers. It is worth it quite inexpensively.

Now enter the rented number in the required field and wait for the system to process your application and send an SMS code. It will be displayed on the screen of your monitor and by copying it, you can finally register the new page.

Summing up

It is quite possible to create a page without confirming the phone number if you know a few tricks. The disadvantage of these methods is that if you lose access to the page (for example, if it is blocked for spam), it will not be easy to restore it.

When choosing any of the methods, you must decide for yourself whether you need only one additional page or you want to create several fake accounts... Are you ready to pay for access to a virtual number or endure inconvenience due to the need to constantly re-register two pages recorded on one mobile?

Registration in VKontakte is simple, however, until recently, it was possible to create your own page only by the invitation of friends. Now, you can register in VKontakte for free, right now, because the administration of the social network has removed this obstacle.

How to register in VKontakte - instant registration

To register on VKontakte, go to the main page of the official website of this social network: vk.com (follow the link, or, copy and paste into the search box).

Registration of VKontakte ru

You will see, on the right, a window " New to VKontakte?"(Instant registration), for beginners. This is the window you need! Enter your First Name, Last Name, enter your date of birth and click the green button Continue registration.

Now you need to enter your mobile phone number, which will receive a code to confirm registration. In our time, one cannot do without observing security measures! Therefore, only one page in Contact can be registered for one phone number.

After that, press the button: Get the code.

Enter the code you received in the SMS and click "Send code".

Another window will appear - Password. This is where you need to come up with a good password so that no hacker can figure it out! When the comment Strong password appears, then everything is fine!

Now click Enter the site, and your new VKontakte.ru page will open in front of you, under the heading "Welcome"!

You will be asked to provide some more information about yourself, upload a photo, find and import your friends from other social networks.

Attention! I advise those visitors who wanted to register in VK very quickly! If you have reached this part of the lesson, you are already registered! Now, you can enter your page at any time, using your login and password. Don't forget to write them down! You can add the rest of the information gradually on subsequent visits to the site.

Adding information to your VKontakte page

So, you decided to add information to your newly created VKontakte page. To do this, click on the small triangle in the upper right corner, next to your name.

A menu will appear in which click the Edit item.

On the page that opens, on the right, find the section you want to edit. For example, I selected the Education section. In the window that appears, we will see 2 tabs: 1) Secondary and additional education, 2) Higher education.

Search classmates

So that your classmates can find you, and you, too, indicate the school in which you studied. To do this, first, from the list, select the Country in which you studied, then - the city. If the city is not in the list, then enter its name.

A list of schools in your hometown will appear. Find your School. Then select the Year of issue. If you had several parallel classes, then indicate the class (a, b, c).

Search for classmates

In order for you to be found by fellow students, indicate the university where you studied.

To do this, select the Higher Education tab

Select Country and then City where you studied. A list of universities will open. Choose your university.

A list of faculties of your university will appear - select your Faculty. Then the Chair.

Find friends on other social networks

In this step, you can add friends from other popular social networks.

On subsequent visits, you can update information, change the design of the page, and do not forget to periodically change the password for your account.

Video: Registration in VKontakte and filling out the questionnaire

In the video tutorial, we show:

  • registration on VKontakte, filling out a questionnaire, free and fast,
  • how to add a photo by fulfilling all the requirements for photos posted on a social network,
  • how to edit information about yourself,
  • how to comply with security requirements so that your profile is not hacked.

Login to your page in VKontakte

Things that are obvious to advanced computer users are not always obvious to novice computer users. Therefore, I decided to show the entrance to my page in VKontakte the next day, after registration.

Login to your page in VKontakte

Above the Instant registration window that you filled out, you will see the contact login window. Enter:

  • Login. This is the phone number provided during registration in the international format. It starts, for Russia, from 7, for Ukraine, from 380, etc. No spaces or hyphens. (+) does not need to be put at the beginning, but if you put it, it will not interfere with correct identification.
    You can, as a login, enter the email specified during registration.
  • Password. I hope you wrote it down.
  • Press the Login button and "My Page" will open in front of you, that is, your personal page in Contact.

It's hard to imagine the modern world without social networks. This is one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century, which allowed people to communicate with each other without any barriers. On the vastness of the World Wide Web, there are a large number of social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). Nevertheless, the VKontakte website is the most popular on the Russian-speaking Internet. If you want to join the new era of online communication, you just need to register in VKontakte.

Initially, to register on the social network, one had to receive a special invitation. Now registration in VKontakte is available to everyone. All you need to create your own page is a mobile phone. It is to him that your social network account will be linked. If you forget your password, you can always access the page through your mobile phone.

Please note that only one VKontakte account can be linked to one number. If you create a second page, the first one will lose its binding to the phone. Registration of a new user takes place in several steps. Let's now see how to register in VKontakte.

Step one: personal data

Go to the official website VKontakte. The start page should be displayed. In the left corner there is a "Register" button. Click on it, which will open the registration form. It is necessary to enter your personal data in it: name and surname. Having done this, click on the "Register" button.

If someone has already logged into their account on your computer and because of this you cannot register in the VKontakte social network, then in this case you need to leave the page. To do this, in the upper right corner of the site, click on the username. A drop-down list will appear in which you must select the "Exit" item.

Step two: education

The social network will ask you to indicate the school in which you study or once studied. This item, if desired, can be skipped by pressing the corresponding button. However, we would recommend that you indicate the place of study. After all, thanks to this, the site's algorithms will help you find your classmates.

The country is determined automatically. All that remains for you is to indicate the city and the name of a particular school. Then VKontakte will ask you to determine the higher educational institution in which you study or studied. Everything is the same here, so no problems should arise.

Step three: mobile phone

To register a new page, VK will require you to specify. We enter it and click on the "Get code" button. After a couple of minutes, an SMS will be sent to your mobile phone, in which a short set of numbers is indicated. Of course, there is no charge for the message. Enter the received code in the appropriate field on the site. After that click on "Send Code".

If after a few minutes the SMS has not arrived, you must click on the "I have not received the code" hyperlink. The system will send a new message to your phone. If it does not work, then you need to click on the button "Yes, let the robot call." This will cause the bot to call your phone and dictate the code.

Previously, VKontakte registration was carried out via e-mail. However, over time, the rules for creating pages have become stricter. And in 2017, you won't be able to register in VK without a phone number.

Step four: password

The most important step remains, which is mandatory for those who want to register on VKontakte for free. You need to come up with and specify a password with which you will gain access to your account. A special form will appear on the page. It is in it that you need to enter the password.

There are certain requirements for the password. Firstly, its size must be at least 6 characters, but not more than 32. Secondly, you cannot use special characters like *,%, $, etc. We recommend that you use complex passwords that contain characters of different case and numbers. This way you can protect yourself from hacking. Also pay attention to the language in which you enter the password.

Step five: login to the site

When the VK page is registered, you can go to it. To do this, you need to go to the official VKontakte website. Enter your phone number and password in the appropriate form, and then click on the "Login" button. Voila - you went to your page. Now you can communicate with your family, friends, colleagues without any restrictions for free.

Number recently used

Sometimes it happens that a new page is not registered in VKontakte. The site does not create an account justifying this by the fact that the number was recently used. What to do in this case? The simplest solution is to register using another phone. In the future, you can re-link the page to another SIM card. This is done through the section "My Settings", item "Change phone number".

If this option does not suit you, then there is only one way out - contact VK technical support. Describe your problem and send a request to support. As a rule, VKontakte employs highly qualified employees who promptly respond to incoming applications. Therefore, you will not have to wait long for an answer. To speed up the process of solving the problem, attach the phone number to which you want to link the page to the application.