World Wide Web - World Wide Web. What is the World Wide Web (World Wide Web, WWW, Web)

"World Wide Web" (WWW)

The World Wide Web (WWW) is the most popular and interesting Internet service, a popular and convenient means of working with information. The most common name for a computer on the Internet today is www; more than half of the Internet data flow comes from WWW. The number of WWW servers today cannot be estimated accurately, but according to some estimates there are more than 30 million. The growth rate of WWW is even higher than that of the Internet itself.

WWW is a worldwide information repository in which information objects are linked by a hypertext structure. Hypertext is primarily a system of cross-referenced documents, a way of presenting information using links between documents. Since the WWW system allows these documents to include not only texts, but also graphics, sound and video, a hypertext document has become a hypermedia document.

A little WWW history. The World Wide Web (WWW) is one of the important components of the World Wide Web. And she has her own story.

This is interesting. The European Particle Physics Laboratory (CERN) is located in Switzerland. In 1980, a man named Tim Bernes-Lee, who was then working at CERN, began developing a project for a global computer network that would provide physicists around the world with access to various information. It took nine years. In 1989, after many years of technical experiments, Mr. Tim proposed a specific option, which was the beginning of the World Wide Web, or WWW for short.

Over time, many realized that such services could be used by different people, not just physicists. WWW began to grow rapidly. Many people helped her in this: some developed hardware, others created software that developed WWW, and others improved communication lines. All this allowed it to become what it is now - the "World Wide Web".

Principles of client and server operation. WWW works on the client-server principle, or more precisely, client-servers: there are many servers that, at the client’s request, return to him a hypermedia document - a document consisting of parts with a diverse representation of information (text, sound, graphics, three-dimensional objects, etc.). ), in which each element can be a link to another document or part of it. Links in WWW documents are organized in such a way that each information resource on the global Internet is uniquely addressed, and the document that you are reading at the moment is able to link both to other documents on the same server and to documents (and in general to Internet resources ) on other computers on the Internet. Moreover, the user does not notice this and works with the entire information space of the Internet as a single whole.

WWW links point not only to documents specific to the WWW itself, but also to other services and information resources on the Internet. Moreover, most WWW client programs (browsers, navigators) not only understand such links, but are also client programs for the corresponding services: FTP, gopher, Usenet network news, email, etc. Thus, WWW software tools are universal for various Internet services, and the WWW information system itself plays an integrating role.

Let's list some terms used on the WWW.

The first term - html - is a set of control sequences of commands contained in an html document and defining the actions that the viewer (browser) should perform when loading this document. This means that each page is a regular text file containing text that is visible to everyone, and some instructions for the program that are invisible to people in the form of links to other pages, images, servers. Thus, questionnaires and registration cards are filled out, and sociological surveys are conducted.

The second term is URL (uniform resource locator - a universal pointer to a resource). This is what those links to information resources on the Internet are called.

Another term is http (hypertext transfer protocol). This is the name of the protocol by which the client and WWW server interact.

WWW is a direct access service that requires a full Internet connection and, moreover, often requires fast communication lines if the documents you are reading contain a lot of graphics or other non-text information.

The rapid development of the Internet, which began in the early 90s, is largely due to the emergence of new WWW technology. This technology is based on hypertext technology, which has been extended to all computers connected to the Internet.

When using hypertext technology, the text is structured and link words are highlighted in it. When a link is activated (for example, using the mouse), a transition occurs to the text fragment specified in the link or to another document. So, we could convert our text into hypertext by highlighting the words “hypertext technology” in the first paragraph and recording that when this link is activated, a transition will occur to the beginning of the second paragraph.

WWW technology allows you to navigate not only within the source document, but also to any document located on a given computer and, most importantly, to any document on any computer currently connected to the Internet. Documents implemented using WWW technology are called Web pages.

Structuring documents and creating Web pages is carried out using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). The Word text editor allows you to save documents in Web page format. Web pages are viewed using special browser viewing programs. Currently, the most common browsers are Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera.

If your computer is connected to the Internet, you can download one of the browsers and go on a journey through the World Wide Web. First, you need to download a Web page from one of the Internet servers, then find the link and activate it. As a result, a Web page will be loaded from another Internet server, which may be located in another part of the world. In turn, you can activate the link on this Web page, the next Web page will load, etc.

The Internet is growing at a very fast pace, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find the necessary information among tens of millions of documents. To search for information, special search servers are used, which contain accurate and constantly updated information about the content of tens of millions of Web pages.

World Wide Web(English) World Wide Web) - a distributed system that provides access to

related documents located on different computers connected to the Internet. The World Wide Web is made up of millions of web servers. Most of the resources on the World Wide Web are hypertext. Hypertext documents posted on the World Wide Web are called web pages. Several web pages, united by a common theme, design, as well as interconnected links and usually located on the same web server, are called a website. To download and view web pages, special programs are used - browsers. The World Wide Web has caused a real revolution in information technology and a boom in the development of the Internet. Often, when talking about the Internet, they mean the World Wide Web, but it is important to understand that they are not the same thing. The word is also used to refer to the World Wide Web web(English) web) and abbreviation WWW.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. We all live in the era of the global Internet and use the terms site, web, www (World Wide Web - World Wide Web, global network) quite often and without particularly going into what it is.

I observe the same thing from other authors, and even ordinary interlocutors. “Site”, “Internet”, “network” or the abbreviation “WWW” have become such common concepts for us that it doesn’t even occur to us to think about their essence. However, the first website was born only some twenty years ago. What is the Internet?

After all, it has a rather long history, however, before the advent of the global network (WWW), 99.9% of the planet's inhabitants did not even suspect its existence, because it was the lot of specialists and enthusiasts. Now even the Eskimos know about the World Wide Web, in whose language this word is identified with the ability of shamans to find answers in the layers of the universe. So let's discover for ourselves what the Internet, website, World Wide Web, and everything else is.

What is the Internet and how it differs from the World Wide Web

The most remarkable fact that can now be stated is that Internet has no owner. In essence, this is an association of individual local networks (thanks to the common standards that were once adopted, namely the TCP/IP protocol), which is maintained in working order by network providers.

It is believed that due to the ever-increasing media traffic (video and other heavy content moving in tons on the network), the Internet will soon collapse due to its currently limited bandwidth. The main problem in this regard is updating the network equipment that makes up the global web to a higher speed one, which is primarily hampered by the additional costs required. But I think that the problem will be solved as the collapse matures, and there are already separate segments of the network operating at high speeds.

In general, in light of the fact that the Internet is essentially no one’s, it should be mentioned that many states, trying to introduce censorship on the global network, want to identify it (namely its currently most popular component WWW) with.

But there is actually no basis for this desire, because The Internet is just a means of communication or, in other words, a storage medium comparable to a telephone or even plain paper. Try applying sanctions to paper or its distribution around the planet. In fact, individual states can only apply certain sanctions to sites (islands of information on the network) that become available to users via the World Wide Web.

The first prerequisites for the creation of the global web and the Internet were undertaken... What year do you think? Surprisingly, it was already in the dense 1957. Naturally, the military (and, naturally, the United States, where would we be without them) needed such a network for communication in the event of military operations involving the use of nuclear weapons. It took quite a long time to create the network (about 12 years), but this can be explained by the fact that at that time computers were in their infancy.

But nevertheless, their power was quite enough to create an opportunity between the military departments and leading US universities by 1971. Thus, the Email transfer protocol became first way to use the Internet for user needs. After a couple more, overseas people already knew what the Internet was. By the beginning of the 80x, the main data transfer protocols were standardized (mail, ), and the protocol of the so-called Usenet news conferences appeared, which was similar to mail, but made it possible to organize something similar to forums.

And a few years later, the idea of ​​​​creating a domain name system (DNS - will play a crucial role in the formation of WWW) appeared and the world's first protocol for communication via the Internet in real time - IRC (in colloquial Russian - irka) appeared. It allowed you to chat online. Science fiction that was accessible and interesting to a very, very small number of inhabitants of planet Earth. But that's just for now.

At the junction of the 80s and 90s, such significant events took place in the history of infrastructure development that they, in fact, predetermined its future fate. In general, such a spread of the global network in the minds of modern inhabitants of the planet is due to almost one single person - Tim Berners-Lee:

Berners-Lee is an Englishman, born into a family of two mathematicians who dedicated their lives to creating one of the world's first computers. It was thanks to him that the world learned what the Internet, website, email, etc. are. Initially, he created the World Wide Web (WWW) for the needs of nuclear research at Cern (they have the same collider). The task was to conveniently place all the scientific information available to the concern in their own network.

To solve this problem, he came up with everything that is now the fundamental elements of the WWW (what we consider the Internet, without understanding its essence a little). He took as a basis the principle of organizing information called. What is it? This principle was invented long before and consisted of organizing the text in such a way that the linearity of the narrative was replaced by the ability to navigate through different links (connections).

The Internet is hypertext, hyperlinks, URLs and hardware

Thanks to this, hypertext can be read in different sequences, thereby obtaining different versions of linear text (well, this should be clear and obvious to you, as experienced Internet users, now, but then it was a revolution). The role of hypertext nodes should have been, which we now simply call links.

As a result, all the information that now exists on computers can be represented as one large hypertext, which includes countless nodes (hyperlinks). Everything developed by Tim Berners-Lee was transferred from the local CERN grid to what we now call the Internet, after which the Web began to gain popularity at a breakneck pace (the first fifty million users of the World Wide Web were registered in just first five years of existence).

But to implement the principle of hypertext and hyperlinks, it was necessary to create and develop several things from scratch. Firstly, we needed a new data transfer protocol, which is now known to all of you HTTP protocol(at the beginning of all website addresses you will find a mention of it or its secure HTTPs version).

Secondly, it was developed from scratch, the abbreviation of which is now known to all webmasters in the world. So, we have received tools for transferring data and creating websites (a set of web pages or web documents). But how can one refer to these same documents?

The first made it possible to identify a document on a separate server (site), and the second made it possible to mix a domain name (obtained and uniquely indicating that the document belongs to a website hosted on a specific server) or an IP address (a unique digital identifier of absolutely all devices on a global or local network) into the URI. ). Read more about it at the link provided.

There is only one step left to take for the World Wide Web to finally work and become in demand by users. Do you know which one?

Well, of course, we needed a program that could display on the user’s computer the contents of any web page requested on the Internet (using a URL). It became such a program. If we talk about today, there are not so many main players in this market, and I managed to write about all of them in a short review:

  1. (IE, MSIE) - the old guard is still in service
  2. (Mazila Firefox) - another veteran is not going to give up his position without a fight
  3. (Google Chrome) - an ambitious newcomer who managed to take the lead in the shortest possible time
  4. - a browser beloved by many in RuNet, but gradually losing popularity
  5. - a messenger from the apple mill

Timothy John Berners-Lee independently wrote the program for the world's first Internet browser and called it, without further ado, the World Wide Web. Although this was not the limit of perfection, it was with this browser that the victorious march of the World Wide Web WWW across the planet began.

In general, of course, it is striking that all the necessary tools for the modern Internet (meaning its most popular component) were created by just one person in such a short time. Bravo.

A little later, the first graphical browser Mosaic appeared, from which many of the modern browsers (Mazila and Explorer) originated. It was Mosaic that became the drop that was missing to there was an interest in the Internet(namely to the World Wide Web) among ordinary residents of planet Earth. A graphical browser is a completely different matter than a text browser. Everyone loves to look at pictures and only a few love to read.

What is noteworthy is that Berners-Lee did not receive any terribly large sums of money, which, for example, as a result he received or, although he probably did more for the global network.

Yes, over time, in addition to the Html language developed by Berners-Lee, . Thanks to this, some of the operators in Html were no longer needed, and they were replaced by much more flexible tools for cascading style sheets, which made it possible to significantly increase the attractiveness and design flexibility of the sites being created today. Although CSS rules are, of course, more complex to learn than markup language. However, beauty requires sacrifice.

How do the Internet and the global network work from the inside?

But let's see what is Web (www) and how information is posted on the Internet. Here we will come face to face with the very phenomenon called website (web is a grid, and site is a place). So, what is a “place on the network” (analogous to a place in the sun in real life) and how to actually get it.

What is intet? So, it consists of channel-forming devices (routers, switches) that are invisible and of little importance to users. The WWW network (what we call the Web or World Wide Web) consists of millions of web servers, which are programs running on slightly modified computers, which in turn must be connected (24/7) to the global web and use the HTTP protocol for data exchange.

The web server (program) receives a request (most often from the user’s browser, which opens the link or entered the Url in the address bar) to open a document hosted on this very server. In the simplest case, a document is a physical file (with the html extension, for example), which lies on the server’s hard drive.

In a more complex case (when using), the requested document will be generated programmatically on the fly.

To view the requested page of the site, special software is used on the client (user) side called a browser, which can draw the downloaded fragment of hypertext in a readable form on the information display device where this same browser is installed (PC, phone, tablet, etc. ). In general, everything is simple, if you don’t go into details.

Previously, each individual website was physically hosted on a separate computer. This was mainly due to the weak computing power of the PCs available at that time. But in any case, a computer with a web server program and a website hosted on it must be connected to the Internet around the clock. Doing this at home is quite difficult and expensive, so they usually use the services of hosting companies specializing in this to store websites.

Hosting service Due to the popularity of the WWW, it is now quite in demand. Thanks to the growing power of modern PCs over time, hosters have the opportunity to host many websites on one physical computer (virtual hosting), and hosting one website on one physical PC has become called a service.

When using virtual hosting, all websites located on a computer (the one called a server) can be assigned one IP address, or each one can have a separate one. This does not change the essence and can only indirectly affect the Website located there (a bad neighborhood on one IP can have a bad effect - search engines sometimes treat everyone with the same brush).

Now let's talk a little about website domain names and their meaning on the World Wide Web. Every resource on the Internet has its own domain name. Moreover, a situation may arise when the same site may have several domain names (the result is mirrors or aliases), and also, for example, the same domain name may be used for many resources.

Also, for some serious resources there is such a thing as mirrors. In this case, the site files may be located on different physical computers, and the resources themselves may have different domain names. But these are all nuances that only confuse novice users.

The Internet is occupying an increasingly important place in our lives. No other technology created by man has gained such widespread popularity. Internet - The World Wide Web, which covers the entire globe, enveloping it in a network of television towers. It began to gain its popularity back in the relatively distant 1990s. In the article we will discuss where it came from and why it became so popular.

Internet like the World Wide Web

The second name of such a plan was not without reason. The fact is that the Internet unites many users around the world. Like a spider's web, it envelops the entire globe with its threads. And this is not an ordinary metaphor, it really is. The Internet consists of wires and wireless networks, the latter of which are invisible to us.

But this is a lyrical digression; in fact, the Internet is connected to the World Wide Web (www, or Word Wide Web). It covers all computers connected to the Internet. On remote servers, users store the necessary information and can also communicate on the Internet. This name is often understood as the World Wide Web or Global Network.

It is based on several particularly important protocols, like TCP/IP. Thanks to the Internet, the World Wide Web, or in other words the Word Wide Web (WWW), carries out its activities, that is, transmits and receives data.

Number of users

At the end of 2015, a study was conducted, based on which the following data were obtained. There are 3.3 billion Internet users worldwide. And this is almost 50% of the entire population of our planet.

Such high figures were achieved thanks to the spread of 3G and high-speed 4G cellular networks. Providers played an important role, thanks to the massive introduction of Internet technologies, the costs of maintaining servers and manufacturing fiber-optic cables decreased. In most European countries, Internet speeds are faster than in African countries. This is explained by the technical lag of the latter and the low demand for the service.

Why is the Internet called the World Wide Web?

Paradoxical as it may seem, many users are sure that the above term and the Internet are one and the same. This deep misconception that hovers in the minds of many users is caused by the similarity of concepts. Now we'll figure out what's what.

The World Wide Web is often confused with the similar phrase “World Wide Web.” It represents a certain volume of information based on Internet technology.

History of the World Wide Web

By the end of the 90s, the dominance of NSFNet over ARPANET technology was finally established in the world. Oddly enough, their development was carried out by one scientific center. ARPNET was developed by order of the US War Department. Yes, yes, the first to use the Internet were the military. And NSFNet technology was developed independently of government agencies, almost out of pure enthusiasm.

It was the competition between the two developments that became the basis for their further development and mass introduction into the world. The World Wide Web became available to the general public in 1991. It had to work somehow, and Berners Lee took up the development of the system for the Internet. After two years of successful work, he created hypertext, or HTTP, the famous electronic language of HTML and URLs. We don’t need to go into details, because now we see them as regular links for website addresses.

Information space

First of all, this is an information space, access to which is carried out through the Internet. It allows the user to have access to data located on servers. If we use a visual-figurative method, then the Internet is a volumetric cylinder, and the World Wide Web is what fills it.

Through a program called a "browser", the user gains access to the Internet to surf the Web. It consists of an innumerable number of sites that are based on servers. They are connected to computers and are responsible for storing, loading, and viewing data.

Spider webs and modern man

Currently, Homo sapiens in developed countries have almost completely integrated with the World Wide Web. We are not talking about our grandparents or about remote villages where they don’t even know about some kind of Internet.

Previously, a person in search of information went straight to the library. And it often happened that the book he needed was not found, then he had to go to other institutions with archives. Now there is no need for such manipulations.

In biology, all species names consist of three words, such as our full name Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Now we can safely add the fourth word internetiys.

The Internet is capturing the minds of humanity

Agree, we get almost all our information from the Internet. We have tons of information at our fingertips. Tell our ancestor about this, he would eagerly stare at the monitor screen and sit there all his free time in search of information.

It was the Internet that brought humanity to a fundamentally new level; it contributes to the creation of a new culture - mixed or multi. Representatives of different nations mimic and adapt, as if merging their customs into one cauldron. Where does the final product then come from?

It is especially useful for scientists; there is no longer a need to gather at consultations in a country that is located 1000 km from yours. You can exchange experiences without meeting in person, for example, through instant messengers or social networks. And if an important issue needs to be discussed, then this can be done via Skype.


The World Wide Web is a component of the Internet. Its operation is ensured thanks to storage servers, which provide information to the user upon request. The Network itself was developed thanks to scientists from the USA and their enthusiasm.

World Community of Networks;
♦ what is the World Wide Web;
♦ Web server, Web page, Web site;
♦ WWW hyperstructure;
♦ browser - WWW client program; problem of finding information on the Internet.

The Internet is a global community of networks

Would you like to look into the residence of the US President - the White House, or visit the Louvre - the largest art museum in the world, or find out what the weather is like in Antarctica, or get information about the performances taking place tonight in Moscow theaters? All this and much more can be achieved without leaving the table on which a personal computer is installed, connected to the world networks Internet.

The Internet unites thousands of local, industry, and regional computer networks around the world. An individual user who is not a subscriber to any of the listed networks can also connect to the Internet through the nearest hub.

All of the above computer network services ( e-mail, teleconferences, file archives, etc.) also work on the Internet. In this case, only problems of communication language may arise. The language of international communication on the world wide web is English. Here's another incentive for you to study diligently English language !

What is the World Wide Web

The most interesting service provided to Internet users since 1993 has been the ability to work with the World Wide Web information system (abbreviated as WWW). This phrase can be translated as “world wide web.” It was working with the WWW that was meant when at the beginning of this paragraph you were offered all sorts of information miracles.

It is very difficult to give an exact definition of what the WWW is. This system can be compared to a huge encyclopedia, the pages of which are scattered across computer servers connected by the Internet. To get the right information, the user must get to the corresponding encyclopedia page. Perhaps with this analogy in mind, the creators of the WWW introduced the concept of a Web page.

Web server, Web page, Web site

A web page is the main information unit of the WWW. It is a separate document stored on a Web server. A page has a name (similar to a page number in an encyclopedia) by which it can be accessed.

The information on a Web page can be very different: text, drawing, photograph, multimedia. Web pages also contain advertising, reference information, scientific articles, the latest news, illustrated publications, art catalogs, weather forecasts and much, much more. To put it simply: Web pages have “everything.”

A number of Web pages can be related thematically and form a Web site. Each site has a main page, which is called home (Home page). This is a kind of title page, starting from which you can view documents stored on the server. Typically, the home page contains a table of contents - the names of sections. To access the desired section, just move the mouse pointer to the section name and click the button mice.

WWW hyperstructure

However, it is not at all necessary to view Web pages in a row, flipping through them, as in a book. The most important property of the WWW is the hypertext organization of connections between Web pages. Moreover, these connections operate not only between pages on the same server, but also between different WWW servers.

Typically, hyperlinked keywords are highlighted or underlined on a Web page. By clicking on such a word, you will follow a hidden link to view another document. Moreover, this document may be located on another server, in another country, on another continent. More often than not, the Internet user has no idea where the server he is currently communicating with is located. Figuratively speaking, in one session you can “fly” around the globe several times.

The role of a key for communication can be played not only by text, but also by a drawing, a photograph, or a pointer to a sound document. In this case, instead of the term “hypertext” the term “hypermedia” is used.

You can reach the same Web page in many different ways. The analogy with the pages of a book no longer works here. In a book, the pages have a certain sequence. Web pages do not have such a sequence. The transition from one page to another occurs through hyperlinks, forming a network that resembles a web. This is where the name of the system comes from.

Summarizing the above, we can give the following definition:

The World Wide Web is a hyperconnected information system distributed throughout the world, existing on the technical basis of the World Wide Web.

Browser is a WWW client program. The problem of searching for information on the Internet

The user is helped to navigate the “web” by special software called a Web browser from the English “browse” - “inspect, study.” Using a browser, you can find the information you need in different ways. The shortest way is using the web page address. You type this address on the keyboard, press the enter key and are taken straight to the location.

Another way is search. You can start moving from your home page through hyperlinks. At the same time, there is a danger of going the wrong way, getting entangled in the “web”, and ending up in a dead end. However, the browser allows you to go back any number of steps and continue searching along a different route. Such a search is similar to wandering in an unfamiliar forest (though less dangerous).

Special search programs are good assistants in navigating the WWW. They “know” everything or almost everything about the WWW. Such a program just needs to specify a set of keywords on a topic that interests you, and it will provide a list of links to suitable Web documents. If the list turns out to be too long, you need to add some more clarifying terms.

During Internet sessions, an Internet user appears to be immersed in an information space with unlimited resources. Recently, the term “cyberspace” has become widespread, which refers to the entirety of the world’s telecommunication systems and the information circulating in them.

The WWW system is developing very quickly. Already, all its resources are difficult to review. Thick directories and catalogs are published that become outdated faster than telephone books. Therefore, simultaneously with the increase in the volume of information, the search system on the World Wide Web is being improved.

Briefly about the main thing

The Internet is a worldwide global computer network.

World Wide Web - World Wide Web: a hyperconnected information system distributed throughout the world, existing on the technical basis of the global Internet.

A web page is a separate WWW document.

Web server is a computer on the Internet that stores Web pages and the corresponding software for working with them.

A website is a collection of thematically related pages.

Hypermedia is a system of hyperlinks between multimedia documents.

Web browser is a client program for the user to work with the WWW.

Searching for the desired document on the WWW can occur: by specifying its address; by moving through a “web” of hyperconnections; by using search programs.

Cyberspace is the totality of the world's telecommunication systems and the information circulating in them.

Questions and tasks

1. What is the Internet?
2. How is the phrase “World Wide Web” translated?
3. What is WWW?
4. What information can be obtained from the WWW?
5. How is the connection between Web pages organized?
6. What is the analogy between the WWW and the web?
7. What is hypermedia?
8. What is a Web server?
9. By what methods can you find the desired page on the WWW?

I. Semakin, L. Zalogova, S. Rusakov, L. Shestakova, Computer Science, 9th grade
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