YouTube however, Leontyev's latest release. “However” with Mikhail Leontyev (04/07/2017)

However, hello! There is nothing unexpected in the sensational test of a new North Korean ballistic missile, which turned out to be unexpected for many. This is the result of a consistent, long-term, successive, although, how to put it, unconventional policy of the North Korean leadership over the past 50 years.

“The time has come to take the North Korean problem seriously,” writes the German Die Welt. - Now Kim Jong-un can target not only Japan and Guam, but also the entire territory of the United States. Germany and the whole of Europe may be at gunpoint - even all neighboring regions, right up to Tenerife and the Cape Verde Islands.”

“During these months,” reports the Italian Corriere della Sera, “Kim invested resources, carried out transactions with foreign countries to obtain technologies and overcome technical obstacles, but, most importantly, he did not give up a millimeter.”

About a millimeter - that's for sure. But as for “operations with foreign countries” to obtain technology, this is clearly inadequate. Let us repeat: over the past 50 years, and this is the age of their nuclear program, North Korea has achieved colossal results and does not need any external technologies.

And there is no reason to believe that any sanctions, including even the most painful Chinese ones, will discourage Kim III from completing the task that the previous Kims consistently and steadily pursued. This task is to transform the DPRK into a nuclear power. The fourth, in fact, after the USA, Russia and China.

The only variable here can be considered the policy of the United States, which continuously shied from “negotiations under pressure” to pressure without negotiations. And the new administration decided to compete with Kim in aggressive rhetoric, threatening to resolve the issue by force.

“North Korea’s nuclear strike on Seoul and Tokyo could lead to the death of more than two million people,” the US-Korea Center “38th Parallel” provided such data even before the current test of an intercontinental missile capable of reaching US territory. Even without nuclear weapons, Pyongyang has a powerful group of artillery and multiple launch rocket systems deployed near the armistice line, in the affected area of ​​which Seoul is located. Back in 1994, when the Pentagon analyzed the power scenario regarding the DPRK, the losses of the United States were estimated at 100 thousand American soldiers and half a million South Korean ones.

“Too many Americans believe this war will be like the invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan. But it will be completely different,” said General Rob Givens, who served in South Korea.

A military solution to the North Korean nuclear problem is impossible due to the inevitable unacceptable damage. Unacceptable, first of all, for the United States, no matter what Trump dreams of there. Therefore, in the contest of backhanded compliments that Trump carelessly entered into, he is almost doomed to lose.

From the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”:

- Fie on you! Oh, what a machine... This is truly a new word in science and technology!!! Fuck you again!

Moreover, Trump’s domestic political positions look much less strong and comfortable than Kim Chem-un’s domestic political positions. Despite the fact that Trump, having gotten involved in an incendiary controversy with the North Korean leader, clearly intended to strengthen these positions rather than weaken them. Perhaps it's all starting to get to him.

Trump's reaction turned out to be unexpectedly calm and balanced, even philosophical. “I will only say that we will take care of this,” said the American president. “This is a situation we can handle.”

A situation we can handle. Let's talk about it. It's like a session with a psychoanalyst. As for Kim, this is the most visible product of American foreign policy education. He has learned Gadaffi's lesson well and trusts only his nuclear program.

However, goodbye!

It was necessary to prove to Goebbels that Poland had nothing to do with the provocateurs dressed in Polish uniforms who attacked the German radio station on the eve of September 1, 1939. Goebbels would have reported to the Fuhrer - and look, there would have been no Second World War.

The cruise missile attack on the Syrian Shayrat airbase near Homs was planned in advance, before the provocation in Idlib, which served as a reason to accuse the Syrian authorities of using chemical weapons.

Let’s explain to the very intelligent Tillerson that Assad did not use chemical weapons. Otherwise he doesn’t know! We should not give a damn about the domestic political reasons for which these smart guys commit certain shameless foreign policy antics. There is no Trump-Obama, there is a stationary geopolitical enemy who takes into account only force and who operates in the logic of war. Fortunately, it's still cold.

Russia’s decision to suspend the Memorandum on the Prevention of Incidents in Syrian Airspace essentially means a ban on Americans flying in the Russian Aerospace Forces’ coverage area.

That is, for the Americans and their allies, the dream of a no-fly zone over Syria has already come true. And these actions of ours are quite adequate to the current situation. Note, actions, not words.

From the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune":

Did I tell you - it's better not to come? Did you say?

Well, he did.

Did I tell you: I’ll throw you down the stairs?

He spoke.

Well, don't be offended...

We understand the motives of the Trump team, for which both Syria and Russia are just an excuse to solve internal political problems. But this understanding in no way constrains us in our ability to protect our interests.

However, goodbye!

However, hello!

It very much seems that in America a Pandora's box is ready to open, the likes of which they have never seen before. Republicans in Congress voted to publish the so-called Nunes report on the investigation into the fabrication of compromising material on Trump by the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign.

We are talking about an investigation that proved that the Clinton campaign and the leadership of the Democratic Party ordered and paid for the so-called “Steele dossier,” which claimed that Trump was practically recruited by the Russians with the help of compromising material collected by the FSB. The administration, based on this fake dossier, initiated an “investigation” by the Ministry of Justice and the FBI. And from the transcripts of conversations between two FBI employees involved in this investigation, it became clear that they were not engaged in an investigation, but, in fact, political persecution of Trump in the interests of the Democratic candidate. Moreover, from these conversations it follows that after the election of Trump, a kind of “secret community” formed in the US security forces, acting against the president. So, immediately after the first decryptions became known, about 50 thousand records from the agents’ phones were erased, and the FBI explained the loss as a technical failure.

“I think this will not end with layoffs. I am convinced that there are people who will go to prison. I am very convinced by the evidence,” said Congressman Matt Gaetz.

“In conclusion, I’ll say it very simply: someone will eventually be imprisoned, and the only question is who and when. But given only the information that we already have - and even more so the data that we will receive from the memo and missing emails - someone will definitely sit down and get down to business,” said the former US presidential candidate Herman Kane.

We are talking about a three-page, still secret report by Senator Nunes, the publication of which the Democrats are trying to block, citing national security interests. It was this publication that was unblocked by Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee. Despite pressure not only from the Democrats, which is natural, but also from the US Department of Justice, whose leadership was appointed by Trump. In fact, the nature of the accusations and the mutual brutality of the parties are such that not only employees of the Ministry of Justice, the FBI, the administration, but also functionaries of the Democratic Party, right up to Clinton, can really go to jail.

There are two parallel investigations: about “Trump recruitment” and about “Russian interference”, which are not formally related to each other. But, logically, emotionally and propagandistically, they are so intertwined that the collapse of the “recruitment case” will inevitably entail “Russian interference in the elections,” which, by the way, is the basis for the second round of anti-Russian sanctions. Numerous opponents of Trump in the press have already realized this and are trying to somehow unravel them, but it is almost impossible to do this using purely journalistic methods.

The investigation into the Democratic conspiracy not only gives Trump a free hand, including in relations with Russia, but also creates a direct threat to both the Democratic leadership and the Russophobic lobby in the intelligence services. And this cannot be allowed. And the only way for them is to drown this matter in a new wave of anti-Russian hysteria.

And such a war can only be ensured for them by Ukraine, which must finally work off the Maidan cookies. And they will try to drive Poroshenko to Donbass, despite the fact that he cannot help but understand that this will be his “swan song.” At the same time, customers are not at all interested in the level of combat readiness of the Ukrainian army, nor its potential military successes, nor the fate of Poroshenko himself. The main thing is to provoke us to the maximum.

And we need to understand and calculate this.

However, goodbye!