Set up a mailbox on Rambler. Rambler mail: login to your personal account, to my page

Every PC user must have a registered address email, if not for correspondence, then at least for . Rambler is a post office that once occupied a leading position. Popularity today of this service has dropped noticeably, but the service continues to actively develop.

Today we will take a closer look at the process of registering and logging into Rambler mail, and will also look at the main causes of the problem associated with logging into Rambler mail.

Registration in Rambler

To begin creating a new Rambler mail account, go to the registration page.

In the window that opens, you will need to fill out a standard form by entering your full name, gender, locality, as well as the phone number and code that will be sent to it. If earlier the telephone input could be disabled optionally, now this column is required to be filled out.

Once you confirm your registration by entering the code from SMS, registration will be completed. To open your email account, click on your name in the upper right area of ​​the window.

The screen will display additional menu, which will display the number of incoming letters, clicking on which the system will open a page with them, as well as the “Exit” button, which allows you to end the session with your mail account in the browser.

Login to Rambler

Login to the Rambler post is carried out from the main page of the service. After going to it, in the upper right corner of the browser, click on the button "Login" .

Why can't I log into Rambler mail?

1. Invalid input email addresses and password. Most probable cause, due to which you cannot log into Rambler mail. If one of these parameters is entered incorrectly, the message “Incorrect email or password” will be displayed on the screen when you try to log in.

Please note that if you do not remember your password, click on the “Forgot your password?” button below to go to the recovery page. If you don’t remember the exact email address, then the task becomes more complicated, because... You won't be able to remember your email using Rambler's built-in tools. Here, other accounts to which your email is linked, as well as friends and colleagues to whom you have previously sent emails, can help you.

2. Your email account has been blocked. A similar situation occurs when you don't log in long time into your mail account, as a result of which it is blocked by the system. As a rule, after logging in, the account is unfrozen, but if this does not happen, contact Rambler support for help.

3. The mail account has been deleted. If, when logging into your mail, you encounter the message “The mailbox does not exist,” double-check that the email address you entered is correct. If you are completely sure that it is correct, then your email account has probably been deleted. Unfortunately, deleted mail accounts cannot be restored.

4. Outdated version browser or conflicting settings. If you can't access your email, it may be your browser's fault. First of all, launch any other web browser on your computer and try to log into your account through it.

If logging into Rambler was successful, you should update the problematic browser, and then check the settings that may lead to problems logging in, for example, some browser add-ons can change network settings, which is why mail cannot work correctly.

5. Problems on Rambler's side. IN lately More and more users began to note problems with Rambler. Unfortunately, in this situation, you can only wait for the problems to be resolved. To know the exact time frame for establishing the service, as well as the reasons for mail inoperability, please contact


Enter your mailbox Rambler in the specified line. Confirm that you are not a robot by entering the security code - the symbols in the picture. The case does not matter in this case. Be sure to check your keyboard layout.

Reply to security question. When registering your mailbox, you indicated a secret question and answer to it. Stretch your memory and answer it. If it is not your question that is displayed, then most likely you entered the mailbox name incorrectly. In this case, go back one point. After that, enter the security code that confirms that you are a person.

Think up and enter twice New Password to the mailbox. Don't choose simple ones. The password must consist of at least 6 characters and consist of Latin letters and numbers. Be sure to pay attention to the keyboard layout language. Also remember, you have it turned on Caps Lock. Don't choose a password that matches your name, mailbox name, or your date of birth.

Authorize a new password for your mailbox. To do this, enter your mailbox name and new password into the login form. In case you for a long time didn't use the data postal address, the Rambler system will notify you that it is blocked. In order to access the mailbox, you must re-enter a new password for the mailbox.

Contact Rambler support service [email protected] , if you have any difficulties at any point. Pre-prepare the information about your mailbox that you remember, including your IP address, last date entry, quantity, approximate name and password.

Useful advice

If you do not remember your e-mail or password, please contact Rambler support service. In this case, restoration is possible only if the data you provided during registration is accurate and complete.


  • forgot my password on rambler

A modern business person must always stay in touch, for this there is e-mail, which is very easy to create in the 21st century. The easiest way is to use Internet mail.


In the dialog box that appears, fill in the required form Registration: Write your “login”. Enter personal data (full name).
Now you have to specify your future email address using latin letters and numbers. Come up with a "mail" that is easy for you to remember. Also indicate a password that will contain at least 6-7 characters, preferably consisting of numbers and letters, this is more.

Forgot your password? Don't worry, you will be asked Security Question, to which you will simply respond by specifying the word when registering your email box. For example: “What is your godfather’s last name?”
It is advisable to write down all this data manually or print it out so that in the future there will be no problems with restoring information.

And so, all the data is indicated, now you have it, which you can go to by clicking on the link in your bookmarks or on home page search engine" ". Also in your browser you have the opportunity to make mail your home page, go to the browser settings, then in the “ ” window and write “”

On the left side of the main page, enter your email address and password, click "login". The browser will offer , but this is not very secure as it is an easy target for hackers.
Next, you will see a page with incoming and outgoing messages. For convenience in using your mail, you will be given the opportunity to upload any documents, files, etc. Just find the “Attach file” box
Good luck!

Video on the topic


  • Rambler mail. in 2019

Tip 3: How to restore your mailbox on Rambler

Recently, users of the Rambler mail service began to notice that their mail boxes blocked by for unknown reasons. Many of them are convinced that mass blocking is a service error, because... Most users have been working with mail for more than 5 years. But it is still possible to restore access after blocking an email address.

You will need

  • Feedback with technical support of the Rambler mail service.


The mail service of this company is located at the Internet address According to those who tried to restore their email, the chances of doing this are quite small, but still there. As it turns out, I recently launched new service, which calculates the addresses from which spam was sent. They try to block the constantly growing collection of spam addresses.

If you encounter such a problem, write an email to [email protected] asking you to indicate the reasons for blocking your e-mail. If your addressee is on this list, in response to you a letter will arrive with the heading “Your mailbox has been unblocked.” But you don’t consider yourself a spammer, so you need to write another letter in response. How to write a letter for technical support? It is enough to fill it out according to a certain template.

At the beginning of the letter, indicate the words of greeting; the phrase “Good day” is not ethical, so write “Hello.” Further in the body of the letter, indicate that you use mail only a few times a day and do not engage in spam mailings.

If you are sure that your computer is not infected with any viruses or you have recently performed a corresponding scan, attach a screenshot of the window antivirus program. To do this, press the PrintScreen button or Alt + PrintScreen (screenshot active window). In any window graphic editor, incl. MS Paint, press shortcuts Ctrl keys+ N and Ctrl + V. To save the file, press Ctrl + S, enter a file name, select png format and click the "Save" button.

After attaching the file to the body of the email, be sure to add words of gratitude, such as “Thanks in advance.” Click on the "Submit" button. As a rule, after such a letter and verification of your account, you receive a response letter, which indicates the reasons, and often links, by clicking on which you can restore access.

Tip 4: How to recover your mailbox password on

Almost everyone modern user Now I have my own mailbox. And almost every second user has forgotten their password. How can you recover the password to your personal mailbox, or rather your mailbox?


First, go to the website itself. To do this, launch your Internet browser and enter in the field address bar your browser without quotes “”. The main page of the site will open in front of you.

On the left side of the page that opens, find a small block called “Mail”. Find the inscription “Forgot?” and click on it with the mouse. The password recovery page will open. On it you need to enter your login from your mailbox, and then click the “Next” button.

On the new page that opens, you must answer the secret question that you specified when creating the box itself. If your answer turns out to be correct, you will find yourself on a page where you will need to enter the code from the picture so that the system can verify that you are not a robot. After all completed operations, the system will restore your access to your email box within a few minutes.

There may be cases when you can restore password It is impossible to access on your own for some reason. Then you need to contact support. To do this, fill out special form. In this form, try to indicate as much as possible personal information about yourself: your first and last name, your date of birth, place of residence, additional e-mail, as well as approximate information about last login on this box. This form will allow you to restore access to the maximum extent possible short terms.

If the data you entered matches the data previously specified during registration, a link to reset your password will be sent to the address you provided within three business days. Do not repeat requests before expiration given period. If requests are repeated, the system will issue a new one. password in response to each of them, and accordingly you will not be able to figure out for yourself which of the passwords given to you is correct.

When registering a postal box On it is recommended to set a password that is as complex as possible. But the more difficult password, the greater the chance of forgetting or losing it. In this case you can use one of simple options password recovery.


Go to the main page of Next to the window for entering your login and password to enter your email, there is a link “Forgot password?" Click on it, after which you will be offered one of the password recovery methods, depending on which one you chose during registration.

One of the password recovery options that you can choose during registration is to recover it by entering the answer to your security question. In this case, you need to enter the answer to the question specified during registration, after which you will be redirected to the password recovery page.

If during registration you chose to recover your password using your mobile phone, you will be redirected to a page where you will be required to enter your mobile phone number. If it matches the one specified during registration, a code will be sent to it. Enter it in the appropriate field, after which you can create a new one password for your mail box.

If during registration you specified a spare email account, then the option that will be offered to you is to restore it using a link that will be sent to it. Follow it, after which you can create a new one password.

If none of the above methods suits you, then you can contact the resource’s technical support service. You will be required to provide information such as login, date and time of registration of the mail box, as well as the date and time of the last use of the service. You can either use a special submission form or write directly. In addition to the above information, you may be required to provide any additional information. Provide it and follow all instructions provided to you by the technical support specialist.

Haven't looked at the post office for a long time box and forgot your login information? The situation is unpleasant, but fixable. The main thing is not to despair. Restoring access to email is possible in almost any case.

You will need

  • - registration on the Rambler mail service.


If you have a problem with your password on Rambler, don’t worry too much. It is easy to restore this account. By at least, the password can always be changed. To do this, on the main page of the mail service, in the window for entering credentials, click the link that says “Forgot your password”, after which you will automatically be redirected to the page to change your password.

The first step of the procedure for restoring access to mail is that you will need to indicate your login that you use on Rambler in a special field and enter the characters from the picture confirming that you are not a robot. If the text is hard to read, update the image by clicking the "Show more symbols" link. Then click Continue.

In the next window, answer the security question that was specified when registering your mailbox. Write the correct option and go to the next page by clicking the “Continue” link.

The third recovery step will require you to provide a new password. Enter it in top line and duplicate it in the second one. Please note: the password must be complex, strong and consist of 6-16 characters in length - English letters, numbers and special characters. Russian letters cannot be included in the code. To avoid forgetting your password, save it to your phone. text document or notebook. Then click Continue again.

This completes the procedure for changing the password. And on next page you will be prompted to return to your email. Click the appropriate link, it is located on the left top corner. After the transition, you will find yourself on the main page, where you will need to once again enter your login and a new password. In order not to constantly enter your credentials to log in to your email, on the main page of the Rambler service, check the box next to the inscription “Remember password”.

If you do not remember your login, then only the support service of the Rambler service will help you. It will be possible to restore your e-mail only if you enter all the data specified during registration. Otherwise you will have to create new box.

Registration new email will also be required if the old box has been deleted.

Please note

In email you can only change the password. The login remains the same.

Trying to protect their accounts from intruders, Internet users often forget their own tricky account passwords. If something like this happened to you and you can't remember password to enter your mailbox at " Rambler", access will have to be restored.

You will see a registration page that requires two steps.

The first stage involves entering own name and last names, as well. If the address is successfully verified for uniqueness, you can click on the “Next” button.

At the second stage it is necessary, necessarily consisting of letters, numbers and signs. You also need to come up with a security question and answer it. If you lose your password, it will help you recover it.

Upon completion of the above steps, the system will display a congratulation message on successful registration.

By analogy with services such as Yandex and, the created mailbox becomes an account for authorization on other services provided by Rambler.

Please note that when registering an account in Rambler mail, the system does not prompt you to enter phone number for greater reliability. This decision sometimes turns out to be decisive when choosing a service, because some users simply do not want to link their own number to account.

  • The interface in Rambler mail is clear and understandable, some users even consider it overly simple.
  • The main goal of the Rambler mail developers was to ensure ease of use.
  • By clicking on the “Add other boxes” button, you can connect all email addresses from various postal services, this way you will combine them into a single system.

Options for viewing incoming messages

  1. By clicking on the number displaying the number of incoming emails. It is located in the main window of Rambler mail.
  1. If you are on the site and using the services provided, a bar will be displayed at the top, which displays the number of incoming messages. By clicking on the number, you can go to your email.
  1. Install special extension for the browser – Rambler Assistant. This great solution for those who need to be constantly in touch.

Rambler mail will become an indispensable assistant for users who value simplicity and ease of use. Here you will not find an overly bright design, overloaded pages, or the imposition of absolutely useless services.

Note! Since I haven’t written on the blog for a very long time, I have prepared articles on the topic for you, namely, where I describe how to register correctly and more. You can also read what to do first when your or.

I will end here. I would like to ask you to write whether my articles help you at all or not. Otherwise I write and never leave reviews. Thank you all in advance and I wish you all health and peace!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky


Registering an account on Rambler

Account, ID, account, user profile- these are practically synonyms.

To authorize and access all services and applications, you need to create an account on Rambler. Authorized users everyone will be available personal services. Including Rambler mail. If you already have an account on your computer, tablet or phone to access Rambler projects, then you can use the corresponding email address to log in. You can log in using email addresses from social network accounts.

Otherwise create new address by clicking on the link - Registration .

How to create an account on Rambler?

If you registered on RAMBLER&Co projects, log in under your name. Connect your account social network to pre-fill out the form and access RAMBLER&Co projects in one click.

Register your email.

Or page - Registration - website

To register on Rambler, you must fill out a form.

In which you indicate your first name, last name, date of birth and gender, select a login from the proposed options or enter your own, and also create a password. The selected login and password will be the key to your account on Rambler/mail and other services.

Verifying your Rambler account via SMS

Enter your mobile phone number (to use some services, your phone number is required). You will also need it if you forget your password. And click the button - Get code

Enter the confirmation code received in the SMS message
and click - Register

If you are unable to provide your mobile phone number, please enter your security question and answer to recover your password.

On the page - Profile, you can add email addresses, numbers mobile phones and indicate the security question and answer to it.
This may be required to restore access to your account.
To enter your mailbox, click - Mail

And go to the page - Inbox your mailbox - [email protected] on Rambler_mail

Checking your mailbox on Rambler / mail

On any page of the Rambler media portal, click on the item - Login.

Enter your email address, password and click - Login

From folder - Inbox by clicking on - Write

Write and send a letter to your email address

In a folder Inbox, click on the line - First message.

And read the letter you sent to yourself.
Your email address on is working.

Username is the mailbox name(before the - @ symbol) .
As username, for Rambler account , you can use any email address. For example Yandex, Hotmail or Gmail.

Other mailboxes- you can collect mail from all your mailboxes in one place.

One account for all Rambler services

Rambler / Mail automatically connects to various Rambler applications and services

Do you use devices under Windows control, iOS or Android, or switch between all three, your account stores everything you need on the device you use.

All these services are compatible with your Rambler account

It doesn’t matter whether you use all Rambler services at once or just some of them - thanks to your account you will have access to your settings, photos, files and others important materials on any device.

News- a complete picture of the most important events in Russia and the world

Mail- easy access to any of your mailboxes.

Finance- exchange rates, financial and economic news.

Search - quick search and personalized results.