LJ popular. Visual Shards Blog

Well, the Live Journals service (popularly known as LJ) is still relevant and popular. And although top bloggers have long acquired accounts on fashion social networks and many of them have already become stars there, their main field of activity still remains their Live Journals. Do you want to know who you should definitely subscribe to on LiveJournal, who you should read and who you should follow, so as not to be branded a retarded person? Our review will help you with this. So, the top 10 Russian bloggers whose LiveJournal is worth bookmarking:


Live Journal tema.livejournal.com belongs to Artemy Lebedev. For those in the tank, Lebedev is a famous Russian designer, blogger and traveler, owner of Artemy Lebedev Studio. Known for his selfish position, shocking antics and abundance of obscene and expressive expressions in his work. Lebedev's LiveJournal blog - tema - has been in the top 10 of this resource in terms of traffic for several years now. During its maintenance, about 2.5 thousand entries were written, for which over 1.3 million comments were received (a LiveJournal record). He is on the friend list of just under 80 thousand LiveJournal users; he himself added only 20 users to this list.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I haven’t talked about free methods of promotion for a long time, namely getting backlinks. I’ve recently become fixated on Gogetlinks and Miralinks (especially on the latter exchange, because I add to it those free articles from that I receive for bonuses from Profit Partner - I’ll probably only calm down when the bonuses run out).

At the beginning of my journey as a webmaster, I didn’t even know these nuances, so I made mistakes. You can determine whether a backlink is blocked from indexing or not quite simply using SEO extensions for popular browsers. For convenient use, and for the new Google Chrome or Firefox browser - a plugin.

True, you can block the entire page from indexing in the file, but this will be unlikely and is more likely to be relevant when receiving free bold links from profiles (mine lives here).

But even if the traffic to your resource is not yet too high, I still recommend installing several trust rating counters. They most likely will not slow down page loading, but bold backlinks will not bother you, even from pages with zero PR (trust, as far as I understand, refers not to individual pages, but to the entire site). This helped me at the initial stage of blog development (the most difficult thing is when there is no money, but there is a lot of work, and the prospects for this labor feat are not clear).

Well, if your project can be classified as a blog (it is enough to have a Feedburner counter for this), then be sure to add it to all imaginable and inconceivable blog ratings that you can find. In any case, this is a freebie, and even if the links from them go through a redirect or are closed from indexing, don’t despair.

Okay, now let's talk about site ratings. In my opinion, there are only three or four worthy ones. Naturally, they are the fattest and most trusted, and also have the habit of not blocking backlinks to participants’ resources from indexing. You all know them very well, but nevertheless I will repeat:

    — the most trusted rating of sites of all those available in RuNet (PR=9 Tits=170000). It is clear that not all of its pages have a PR value other than zero, but in the section “All / Internet, communications / Website creation” PR = 5. It is in the Top of this section that my blog is located:

    What’s noteworthy is that after relatively recent changes in the interface and functionality of the rating, in addition to a backlink to the main page of your site, you can get another one for any article (underlined in the screenshot). Two free links are not one. You can add this additional hyperlink by clicking on “My Sites” and entering “Change Settings” for the resource you need:

    — select a counter for your resource and in its settings put a checkmark indicating your intentions to participate in the ranking of sites. Which section you will choose is up to you to decide, but “Personal Pages” seemed the most promising to me:

    PR, as you can see, is very decent. I can’t even imagine how much such a link from an equally trusted resource could cost. And the LI counter itself is perhaps one of the most convenient for you and me (mere mortals, with brains not turned to an analytical way). I have already described working with LiveInternet statistics, and also described in the article about all this terminology (hits, hosts, sessions).

    As a result, funds were invested in the development of technical resources and I now have no complaints about the stability of work and the loading speed of their informer (which could not be said when it was a spylog).

    With my current traffic, you can only count on getting to pages with PR=5, but with twice the number on the Openstat informer, you could already aim at PR=6:

  1. — I personally left this ranked catalog for two reasons. Firstly, his confidence has dropped somewhat lately, and secondly, he has become mercilessly stupid. In general, I leave the use of it to strengthen the authority of your resource in the eyes of search engines at your discretion. It is quite possible that over the last year that I have abandoned the hotlog, it has become more stable.
  2. is a rather interesting project, which after the next update acquired additional features (often even unique ones, such as a widget for the most popular pages of your site, which can be inserted into a template and shown to users).

The best ratings of popular Runet blogs

In fact, the word “best” is not entirely appropriate here, because almost all blog ratings are at the same level of development and do not stand out as anything special. Although, some of them have a larger trust and allow you to get an open backlink, and some are practically zero and the backlink in them will be closed. But in both cases, the Tops of the best Runet blogs can attract users to your resource, albeit in small numbers, but still.

Out of competition worth mentioning Yandex blog rating. This is a separate song, although now it seems like a swan song. You can see the position of your resource in this Top by simply entering its url in the “place” field instead of the word “name”:

If your young blog is not there yet, then you can add it using the appropriate form. Personally, I use this rating to find out who wrote what about me on other blogs and forums that are indexed by the great and terrible Yandex. It’s not difficult to do this by simply replacing my URL in this line with yours and pasting it into the address bar of the browser:


These unique social signals are obtained. It also displays entries from , which will contain a link to your resource (possibly passed through abbreviations).

By the way, if you suddenly have the idea of ​​​​promoting to the Top of the Best Runet Blogs, then a very good way would be to buy tweets from microblogs that occupy quite high places in it. I discovered this by accident when I decided to try shopping at

As I already wrote, this is the first blogger from whom I started reading LiveJournal. I found this blog by accident, when I was looking on the Internet for answers to questions about my not very successful (or rather, not at all successful) relationship with one guy. Since the author is a psychologist, and psychologists are always interesting to psychologists, I immediately liked her blog.

2. prostitutka_ket

Once upon a time, her blog was recommended by Egor Gord, who has been mentioned more than once by me here, in his article about useful blogs that you can read before bed. Here's what he wrote about her:

“Yes, she is a prostitute. And she writes books and blogs on LiveJournal. She knows male psychology subtly, knows how to write scandalous posts, and is a complete mystery of the Runet.

You can judge her, sitting in your right ass, personally, I like her. Her articles are eye-opening. They read it. They are discussing it. She's interesting...

She also wrote a book, which caused a lot of different reviews among readers. Which means the book was a success!”

That's how I learned about the existence of the prostitute Kat. And although I haven’t had time to study her blog well yet, I’m always interested in reading her posts.

3. miss_tramell

This blog was also recommended by Yegor Gord in the same article. He gave the following arguments:

“Yes, a lot of water. Yes, there are a lot of rumors and gossip. However, no matter what they say about her, the motivation she gives for girls is priceless. Changes girls for the better. Therefore, it is effective to read. Her daring style harshly filters readers into two opposing camps. Some people hate her and are jealous of her. And someone adores her.”

That’s how I learned about the existence of Lena Miro, too, along with the prostitute Kat.

4. shakko_kitsune

I first saw this blog in the ranking on the first page. And since the topic of art has always seemed interesting to me, I could not be indifferent to the author-art critic, and I read it sometimes. True, this is not the only blog about art on LiveJournal, of course; there are other, no less interesting blogs on the same topic. However, I’ll tell you about them later when I review various LiveJournal blogs about art.

5. Alexeyosokin

I also saw this blog for the first time in the ranking on the first page. However, now this author has not been there for a long time - he is currently in 256th place in the overall ranking. However, this does not make it any less interesting. He writes about wildlife, mostly wild, but sometimes there are articles about domestic animals. Travels and photographs a lot.

Of course, this is also not the only blog about wildlife that I read; there are many others that are no less interesting. But I’ll also talk about them some other time, since I plan to do my own review of blogs on this topic.

6. ljpromo

This blogger has also not been on the first page of the ranking for a long time, where I once found him. Previously, he had many articles about LiveJournal: his own tops, ratings, research, useful tips. However, lately he has been writing more about his travels. I hope he hasn’t abandoned the topic of LiveJournal and will write more about it.

7. morena_morana

She writes no less daring and shocking articles than Lena Miro. And in some ways, it seems to me, it even surpasses it. In any case, I find it interesting to read.

8. aleksei_turchin

And this is our Belarusian blogger. He writes interesting facts about various films, and his blog is called “my video salon.” It is also interesting to read it.

9. maxim_nm

Another Belarusian blogger. He writes a lot of interesting facts about the Soviet Union. True, the bad thing is that they are mostly negative, and this does not add objectivity to the blog. Apparently, the author set out to dispel the myth that life was once good in the Soviet Union.

True, I lived in the USSR very little - I was born six months before its collapse, and, of course, I couldn’t remember anything during those six months. It didn’t matter to me then what kind of diapers they wrapped me in – Soviet or not. And even if it doesn’t matter, then in any case I don’t remember anything about it, since my conscious life began much later.

But I think it cannot be that a country has only disadvantages and no advantages. If the author had written more objectively, and also mentioned the positive aspects of Soviet life, and not just the negative ones, then perhaps he would have been in a higher place in my TOP.

Today, when LiveJournal is no longer a cake, it is rapidly changing with the times, with the help of financial instruments, a blog with almost any content can get to the top of the ranking. If interesting exclusive content used to rule the show, now it’s mostly cash injections, provocative headlines and other ways to get to the top. But most newcomers begin their acquaintance with LiveJournal from the TOP. So which blogs are really interesting?

1. varlamov.ru . Everyone knows about Varlamov, and yet, among the daily bombardment of top posts, in my opinion, the most interesting ones are about cities. From the "bad"/"good" series. Travel notes from abroad are also good. Everything else is for everyone, but there are also many such amateurs among his army of readers.

2. macos . Varlamov is wrong about Alexander Belenky, I don’t know what went wrong between them. In fact, he’s a normal guy, I’ve known him for a long time. Which one of us doesn’t get carried away from time to time? You literally read his photo stories from different countries avidly, they are so interesting and professionally done. It’s a pity, there are fewer and fewer of them on Alexander’s blog, and more and more yellowish ones. But this is understandable; what is the demand, so is the supply.

3. theme . Behind the mask of an Internet boor and outrageous person lies an erudite and intelligent citizen. It’s enough to read his posts about design, urban structure, and Tyomin’s notes from ALL corners of the world (even with mediocre photos) - generally unique material that no one else has. And courage... Maybe from some complexes.

4. sergeydolya . I have been following Sergei’s blog since 2008, and I met him personally around 2012. I learned a lot (it seems to me) from him. Lump, what else can I say. It’s a pity, after switching to NIKON, for some reason the photographs became much worse.

5. nemihail . Misha has found his niche and works well, with a quickdraw. By the way, provocative headlines and a clever introduction to the cut are largely his invention, adopted today. There is even such an expression - “not to be mischievous”. In real life he is a very sociable and not at all star-studded person, respect.

6. aquatek_filips . Sergei Anashkevich is a very cool photographer and traveler. I still remember how I filmed the night sky with him in Jordan, and I also learned something from him. I am always glad to meet and travel together with Sergei.

7. dpmmax . Psychiatrist from Tolyatti Maxim Malyavin, who runs a blog together with his wife, is a very pleasant person in personal communication. Besides, he’s a colleague, so it’s very, very interesting to be with him. The blog contains the most sparkling psychiatric stories, I recommend it.

8. kiss_my_abs . Sonya Gudim's blog will be primarily of interest to fit young ladies, but even for me, a person far from this topic, it is interesting to read her stories.

9. dolboeb . Anton Borisovich Nosik is the guru of Runet and LiveJournal, this is indisputable. His sophisticated analytical articles “on the topic of the day” will seem too contradictory to many, but reading them is certainly useful.

10. dubikvit . A blog filled with interesting stories from the past - mainly about how certain films were made. Very exciting.

11. popados . Arthur Shigapov, who has traveled most of the world and written many guidebooks to different countries, is bright and sharp-tongued, his posts are read in one breath. The sweetest person in life.

12. mossudmed . Notes from a Moscow forensic expert, accompanied by vivid and ominous macro photographs telling the story of why a particular person died. It will be interesting for readers with strong nerves.

13. ammo1 . Alexey Nadezhin writes daily about all kinds of gadgets and electronic accessories, conducts tests of various pieces of hardware - from light bulbs to computers.

14. doctorbel . Notes from a resuscitator.

15. lovigin . Everyone knows Peter Lovygin as a talented photographer who gets into various assholes of the world and vividly talks about them. His photographs cannot be confused with anyone else's. Master of his craft.

16. stalic . An expert in oriental cooking and the author of several books on this topic. In addition, even before the advent of Instagram, I was a professional in terms of taking perfect food photographs.

17. ljpromo . Oleg Ovchinnikov, who lives where there is a cloudless sky over the entire country, is a LJ expert. It is from his blog that you can glean secrets and lift the veils hidden from prying eyes. With all questions about ratings and other insurance companies, go to him.

Turning out of the large room, I walked along the long corridor from the kitchen to the hallway, where the bell whistled indignantly. She walked slowly, hoping that the caller would realize that no one was there and leave. There was a rare, rare day when no one was there. Precious moments of loneliness, since my mother worked at home - my sisters and brother were still too young to be left unattended. This means that whenever I returned from school, there was always someone in the apartment. But today it wasn’t.

But those on the other side clearly knew that I wasn’t going anywhere. I opened the door: Alyosha Starostin was standing there with a bouquet of flowers. It seems like tulips.

“Congratulations on Women’s Day,” he shouted, smiling joyfully from somewhere almost from under the chandelier.

“Don’t yell, your ears will curl up,” I hissed, knowing full well that he couldn’t speak more quietly, he just couldn’t do it. His voice was as “hefty” as he was. For a teenager, I was rather big, but by the age of 16, my childhood friend grew so tall that he seemed like a giant: I remember his huge hands, so hefty and clumsy that he constantly broke something, a mane of brown hair curled almost under the ceiling, in the same place there was a loud voice and a smile. Constant smile.

  • March 1st, 2019 , 02:41 pm

An American about moving to Moscow, baptism and Russian hospitality

At the age of 18, Matthew realized that he wanted to leave America. There was no clear reason for this: “I just didn’t see my future there,” - he says. Boy originally from the suburbs of New York, lived and studied in the USA, Germany and England, but wanted to stay in Russia after visiting on service in the Orthodox Church of St. Petersburg. Matthew was baptized with the name Matthew and has been working as a translator and advertising specialist for the last 6 years. Moscow office of Yandex, speaks excellent Russian, and generally became his own. In addition, the American has one very unusual hobby - in the summer, together with other volunteers of the Common Cause project, he restores wooden churches of the North.

I first came to Russia when I was 24 years old. Before this, I had many prejudices about the country. I remember a conversation with one of my best friends in New York: he was talking about some event in Russia, which he heard about from the news, and at the end he added that it would be interesting to visit there. To which I very harshly replied that I would never go there and in general - it “sucks and the last century, where there is nothing.” And now I’ve been living here for 6 years and I understand how much I was mistaken.

  • February 22nd, 2019 , 03:26 pm

  • February 15th, 2019 , 03:02 pm

There are a huge number of science fiction films - modern and old, domestic and foreign. They present all types of fiction - from hard science fiction to fantasy and horror. And, of course, science fiction films are always in demand among teenagers. Including teenagers from believing families. And their church-going parents are most often unhappy with this - they argue (sometimes with good reason) that such films are harmful to the soul.

Meanwhile, science fiction films, especially if watched with children and then discussed in the family circle, can be a wonderful tool for both the ideological development of a teenager and for building the right parent-child relationships. That is, when in a family, in addition to everyday life, in addition to any pragmatic aspects, there is the main thing: common interests, trust, understanding, spiritual closeness. We should not condemn teenagers’ passion for science fiction cinema, but turn it into a valuable resource.

But to do this, you need to know which films should be recommended to teenagers and what to talk about after watching them. Of course, there are many such films (although they are rare in the general stream of science fiction films), and their choice in any case will be subjective.

In this selection we offer five domestic science fiction films made during the Soviet era.

  • February 8th, 2019 , 01:12 pm

– Sergey Yuryevich, today many people in the arts remember Soviet times with nostalgia. And you said in one of your interviews that the 90s were the best years in your creative life. What is this connected with? – With the fact that just in the 90s real opportunities to do something appeared, and at the same time desires and ideas had not yet died out. What would never have passed censorship in the Soviet years has become quite accessible. It’s amazing how quickly any idea goes from concept to implementation. Compared to the years of “stagnation” - almost instantly.

Now everything is completely different. Today, creativity is increasingly hampered by the general vulgarization of art.

It seems to me that there is a whole complex of different reasons at work for this. Pop culture... it still remains vulgar. It is governed by the laws of the market, and primarily by the laws of money. This changes everything, including the taste of the viewer, because art becomes accessible mainly to that part of the population that not only does not need it at all, but just needs it for auxiliary purposes. Let's say, as a pleasant addition to dinner before bed... in any sense of the word.

  • February 1st, 2019 , 03:00 pm

  • January 25th, 2019 , 04:09 pm

When a famous writer comes out with a new book, the first instinctive impulse is to compare it with previous ones. In this sense, Evgeny Vodolazkin’s novel “Brisbane” turns out to be a difficult task. Yes, of course, there is semantic continuity with “Laurel” and “Aviator” (and it’s strange, if it weren’t there, then the author would cease to be himself), but there is also something new, both in content and in the way of writing.

Let's start with the second one. "Brisbane" is a novel about the life of a musician, structured as a polyphonic musical work. There are two voices - the lower and the upper, which each lead their own part, gradually getting closer. The Lower Voice is a third-person story of the life of the talented musician and guitar virtuoso Gleb Yanovsky, from his early childhood to adulthood, covering the time range from 1971 to 2000. The upper voice is the diary of Gleb Yanovsky, written in the first person, from 2012 to 2014. Fragments of the story are interspersed with fragments of the diary, both of which are quite short, no more than a few pages, which gives the impression that both voices are heard at the same time.

  • January 18th, 2019 , 03:53 pm

These are the stories of people whose lives intersected on the streets of Moscow. Some of them once lost their homes. Others created the House. “House of Friends” is the name of the foundation founded by colleagues of Elizaveta Glinka, the same Doctor Lisa. The foundation's volunteers help the homeless, and one of the main areas of their work is street medicine.