0 00 all messages unread important messages. How to make an unread message on VK

You and I have already learned how to restore messages (see). Now let's continue the topic of correspondence on VK. Quite often there is a need to read what has been sent to us. But in such a way that the message remains unread. This is necessary so that the person who wrote to us does not find out that we read his message.

Now I'll show you how to make a VKontakte message unread.

Is this possible?

Until the message has been opened, it is displayed with a gray highlight. And the message counter shows that we have new messages (see).

It’s good when they sent one word or sentence. It will be visible in the general list of dialogues, without opening a correspondence.

Keep in mind that if you open the dialog, the message will change to the “Read” status. The backlight will disappear and the message counter will reset to zero. And the sender will know that you have read his message.

It is impossible to make a message that you have opened unread!

How can this be?

There is a little trick. Here is a special link for you - vk.com/im?q=day:01012001. At the end there is a group of 8 digits. What do they mean?

  1. The first two are the day.
  2. Second - month
  3. The last four - a year

Copy this link and paste it into your browser. Specify the date for which you need to read the message discreetly. Let’s try to look at today’s correspondence as an example (the article was written on February 16). The link will look like this:


We will go to the page to view the full version of the dialogues. As you can see, here is a correspondence in which there are 6 unread messages. On this page they are displayed in a list.

Video lesson: how to make a read message unread on VKontakte


With this simple trick, we can read our correspondence unnoticed.


Everyone loves to receive VKontakte messages, but many users try to view the text anonymously, pretending that the messages have not been read. A person decides to do such things for various reasons. Firstly, he does not want to take part in the correspondence (especially if it is a group conversation). Secondly, the user currently does not know what to write. Thirdly, there is no desire to continue communication with this or that user. Fourthly, it is necessary to delay the response time by choosing a new line of behavior. It is quite possible to read messages on VK and leave them unread. Next, we'll figure out how to do this.

Anonymous reading of messages on a computer

No special applications or programs are needed. It's quite simple. You just need to perform the following sequentially related steps:
1. Log in to the social network;
2. Go to personal messages;
3. Place the mouse cursor in the address bar, which needs to be cleared to the im? characters. As a result of this, the following link should appear: https://vk.com/im?;
4. Add q=day:17122017 to the link to get https://vk.com/im?q=day:17122017. The numbers at the end of the link will indicate the date until which all correspondence messages will be found in the search. Accordingly, select the numbers and enter those that you need.

How to read VK messages from your phone so that they remain unread

The second method is only suitable for owners of mobile gadgets that run on the Android operating system. You can read notifications received on VKontakte through an application called kate mobile. You need to download it and install it on your mobile device in order to view messages with it. Just before this, in the settings you need to check the box next to the line “Activate stealth mode”. The “close message unread” option is also set there.

Important nuances

Often, users accidentally click on messages and later regret it. How can you make a notification unread again by returning its status to “sent”?

In the new VKontakte design, this function was eliminated simultaneously with the removal of the “archive of old messages” tool. Now all deleted messages and notifications will automatically disappear forever, as will the ability to hide activity in correspondence. In order not to rack your brains over how to turn a message back to unread, you should carefully think about whether or not you want to read a message from a specific person.

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When sending a message to VKontakte, we sometimes wait for a response to it. But it is not known whether the interlocutor read it or whether it has not yet been read. Unread messages are fairly easy to identify from both your phone and computer.

Quick navigation:

How to find out if my message on VK has been read from a computer.

If you wrote a VKontakte message to another person and sent it, then it is very easy to find out about the status of its reading. For this purpose, color highlighting is used, a standard functionality from VK developers.

Go to your VK messages. You will highlight unread messages against the background of the rest; they are highlighted darker than other read messages.

In the example in the image, we see 2 unread messages from list of all dialogs.

Of course, the visibility of such a highlighting leaves much to be desired; perhaps this designation of unread messages should have been made more contrasting. For example, depending on how the laptop screen is positioned, this selection changes from clear to completely indistinguishable, merging.

In the dialog itself, if you go in, we will also see a darker, blue highlight around the sent message if the message has not yet been read. If the message has been read, then there will be no highlighting and the color will be light, like the rest of the background of the VKontakte site.

It is not visible whether the message has been read or not on VKontakte.

Depending on the angle at which you look at the screen of your monitor, your computer or laptop. Highlighting unread messages may blur together and be difficult to distinguish. Just try looking at the dialogue from a different angle.

How to see unread messages on VK from your phone.

In the VK application for mobile and in the mobile version, there is a rule that messages that are unread are highlighted in a darker color than the rest of the background.

In the example, circled in red are 2 messages that have not yet been read.

How to find out who read a message in a VKontakte conversation.

Again, following the example of Whats App, where gray checkmarks appear when the message is delivered and change color to green when the message is read. The checkboxes remain gray as long as these are unread messages.

There is no such function on VKontakte, but if you sent your message, be sure that it will arrive when the interlocutor logs into the social network. net.

Let's consider an extremely common situation: a certain user writes to you on VK, whom you cannot block so as not to offend, and at the same time you do not want to correspond with him, but you want to read the messages that he writes. But if you read his messages, he will see it. In general, there is a problem. Therefore, it is not surprising that users ask how they can read messages without being noticed.

First way

Let's start with a 100% working method. The point is this: if you type a link to VK with the current date in the address bar, you will see all the messages that were sent to you before the specified date, including unread ones. The point is that these messages will be shown in full, and not in a shortened form, as if you go to the “My Messages” section. See for yourself - in the first example, a message was sent in the “My Messages” section.

As you can see, there is a difference. You can thus read the entire message without opening them! This is easy to do: copy the link vk.com/im?q=day:30092015 into the browser line, just indicate the current date (in the specified link the date is September 30, 2015).

Second way

The second method is not as good as the first because it does not work in all cases. The gist of it is that you must link an email address to your account if you have not done so before. Then email notifications will be sent. In mail, you will see part of the message, but they will not be considered read until you read them on the VKontakte website or in the mobile application. The only problem is that notifications only show part of the message. Using the same principle, you can set up SMS messages that will be sent to your phone, but this is a paid service and was created to simply notify the user of new notifications.

You can configure alerts in the “My Settings” section, “Alerts” tab.

It is better to use the first method, it works flawlessly. For now, anyway.

Each of us is familiar with such circumstances: we read a message, but do not want or cannot respond to it immediately. And our interlocutor sees that the message has been read, but there is no answer. Awkward situation, right? Fortunately, it can be avoided.

How to quietly read messages in any services

The most obvious option is to view new messages directly on the notification panel of your mobile device, without opening the conversation itself. This way you can read at least short remarks from your interlocutors.

In iOS, if you swipe left on a message in the panel and click “See,” it will show even more text that might not fit in the preview. Many Android devices offer a similar feature. But if the message is very long, then using the panel you will not be able to read it to the end.

There is another universal, but not the most convenient way. Once you receive a message, you simply turn it off and read the dialogue in the appropriate program. The interlocutor will not know that you have read it until you connect the gadget to the Internet. This is the only way to secretly view the text of a message, for example, in Instagram Direct, and many other applications in the settings of which you cannot disable the read receipt.

Now let's look at options designed for specific programs and services.

How to quietly read messages in iMessages

Developers allow you to hide the fact that you have read them using settings. If you use an iPhone or iPad, go to Settings → Messages and turn the switch next to Read Receipt to clear mode. After this, the interlocutors will not see whether you read their messages or not.

To turn off read receipts on, go to “Messages” → “Settings” → “Accounts” and uncheck the box next to “Read receipts”.

How to quietly read messages on Facebook

Officially, this possibility is not provided. But there are solutions from third-party developers.

If you use the Google Chrome browser, then download Unseen for Facebook. Once installed, it will automatically hide the read status from your interlocutors.

If you prefer Firefox, there is a similar plugin for this browser - Message Seen Disable for Facebook.

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to hide the read status in the mobile version. So, if you need to ignore someone, you will have to use it on a computer.

How to quietly read messages on WhatsApp

For this purpose, there is a special option in the settings of the WhatsApp mobile application. Open the “Settings” section → “Account” (“Account”) → “Privacy” (“Confidentiality”) and turn off the “Read receipts” toggle switch. After this, the messenger will stop marking messages with blue checkmarks.

This setting is not available on the desktop version of WhatsApp. But if you use it in the mobile application, the changes will also apply on the computer.

How to quietly read messages on Viber

In this popular messenger, you can also disable viewing reports directly in the official mobile client. To do this, go to Settings → Privacy and turn off the Viewed option.

This setting is not available in the desktop version of Viber. But if you use it in the mobile application, the changes will also apply on the computer.

How to quietly read messages on VKontakte

There are no standard functions for this. But you can try workarounds.

Android users have access to an alternative VKontakte client, Kate Mobile. If you log into it using your account and click “Settings” → “Online” → “Close unread”, the program will hide the status of messages. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a client for iOS with the same functionality.

There is also a way to secretly read messages on the web version of VKontakte. You can use the link http://vk.com/im?q=day:xxxxxxxx, specifying instead of X's the numbers of the current date in the DDMMYYYY format: for example, 19032018. A window with messages will open in which you can read them unnoticed by the senders. But keep in mind that developers can close this loophole at any time.

How to quietly read messages in Outlook

You can turn off browsing reports in Outlook on the web. Go to Settings → Mail → Message Handling → Read Receipts and check “Never send notifications.” The changes will be saved for all Outlook clients.