A special footer for each page. How to remove headers and footers in Word. How to remove or change header and footer in Word text

Of the additional formatting options, the most commonly used option is to create headers and footers. Headers and footers are areas located on the top and bottom margins of document pages. Headers and footers typically contain information such as the document title, subject, author's name, page numbers, or date. When using headers and footers in a document, you can place them in various text for even or odd pages, for the first page of a document, change the position of headers and footers from page to page, etc.

To work with headers and footers in Word 2007, use the "Header and Footers" panel of the "Insert" ribbon.

After insertion, the header and footer is available for editing, and the contextual ribbon “Designer” (Working with headers and footers) appears.

The edited header and footer can be added to the header/footer gallery using the "Save selection to header/footer gallery" option.

Setting up a footer

The "Designer" ribbon of the contextual tool "Working with Headers and Footers" allows you to quickly make the following header and footer settings:

    different headers and footers for even and odd pages;

    separate header and footer for the first page;

    hiding the main text while working with headers and footers;

    inserting and editing page number;

    controlling the position of the header and footer;

    insertion of various objects into the footer: current date and time, pictures, standard blocks, ClipArt objects.

Headers and footers can be configured separately for different sections. But to do this, you need to break the connection between them, because... By default, all headers and footers are interconnected. To do this, you need to go to the footer that needs to be designed differently, and “squeeze” the “Same as in the previous section” button.

If, on the contrary, there is a need to bring the headers and footers into different sections to one view, then the “Same as in the previous section” button must be “pressed”.

A quick transition between headers and footers and the main text of the document can be done by double-clicking on the desired element (header/footer or main text).

To remove headers and footers, use the "Delete header/footer" item of the corresponding header/footer buttons.


To number pages, use the "Page Number" button ("Insert" ribbon, "Header and Footer" panel).

You must select the option for placing the number on the page itself and, if necessary, adjust the format of the number itself.

If necessary, page number elements can be saved by adding them to the building block collection. To do this, after inserting and setting the number, click the "Page Number" button and select the command "Top/Bottom of Page" - "Save selected fragment as page number".

If there is a need to remove the number only from the first page, you need to do the following:

    open the "Page Layout" ribbon;

    open the "Page Setup" panel window;

    On the "Paper Source" tab, check the "Differentiate headers and footers on the first page" checkbox. " .

Practical work No. 2 Formatting a text document. Working with headers and footers.

Purpose of the work– studying the functionality of the Word 2007 word processor and acquiring practical skills in formatting text documents.

Changing character formatting options affects (in descending order of priority level):

a) selected fragment of text;

b) an unselected word pointed to by the text cursor;

c) characters that will be typed immediately after changing the formatting parameters (if the cursor does not move).

Task No. 1

Open the Proba.docx file you created earlier

In the second paragraph, make the following changes using various formatting options (formatting requirements are in parentheses):

Characters to be entered(Times New Roman, 14, K) appear in that place on the screen (Arial, 12, red, crossed out), where is the cursor,(Arial Narrow,10,underlined) which shifts to the right,(Times New Roman,12,superscript) leaving behind a string of characters. (Times New Roman, 12, interlinear) When reaching the right margin of the page (Times New Roman, 10, underlined, F, dark red, small caps, spaced 0.25pt) the cursor automatically moves to the next line. (Monotype Corsiva, color fill - yellow, 12) THIS PROCESS IS CALLED(Arial Unicode MS, 12, F, all caps) Flowing Text(Times New Roman, 12, K, red, start with capitals), and pressing a key ( Comic Sans MS , 20 ) E n t e r (Times New Roman, 12, spacing - sparse by 2 pt, shifting each character down by 3 pt, relative to the previous one) creates a new paragraph, (Times New Roman, 12, spacing - condensed by 1.5 pt) rather than new line.(Times New Roman, 12, double strikethrough, recessed)

As a result, your text should look like this:

Task No. 2

Divide the third paragraph of text into two columns. As a result, the text should look like this:

Task No. 3

Insert page numbers into the document:

Insert - Page Number - Top pages- Page X of Y- Bold numbers 3

Task No. 4

Insert headers and footers into the document:

Insert - Footer - Conservative

Task No. 5

Place a Drop Cap at the beginning of the fourth paragraph. As a result, you will receive the following text:

Exit the program, saving changes to the document

Setting up headers and footers.

Headers and footers

A header or footer is graphic or text information that is located at the top or bottom of the page (above the top or below the bottom margin). Most often, the headers and footers indicate the title of the chapter, section number, author of the book and element of graphic design. The latter is added so that the user remembers the graphic element, which, as a rule, carries a symbolic meaning. Especially vivid examples This can be seen in works with rich artistic design, for example, in the adventure/fantasy genre.

A well-designed and visually aesthetic footer is the calling card of a document. Spending a little time creating a header and footer will greatly increase the attractiveness of your document and improve its readability somewhat.

A header and footer can be created for each section of the document. But keep in mind that working with the header and footer is only available in page layout mode. Even-numbered and odd-numbered page headers can be different, and header and footer text can be formatted with virtually no restrictions.

Adding a header

1st method.

    Go to the "Insert" tab and in the "Header and Footer" group, click the "Header" button;

    In the drop-down list of ready-made header and footer samples, select the one you need. After clicking on it, you will be taken to the header-footer creation area (the “Design – Working with Header-Footer” tab will automatically open, and special groups and buttons for working with header-footers will be displayed on the ribbon), and the main text will be colored in gray and will not be available for editing;

Figure 1. Ribbon with the “Design – Working with Headers and Footers” tab open.

    Enter the required information in the header area. By default, it is entered left aligned. To change this, use the following methods:

    Go to the “Home” tab and in the “Paragraph” group, click on the required text alignment buttons;

    Use hotkey combinations: to align left – , right -< Ctrl+R>, in the center -< Ctrl+E>;

    Press the key , once for centered text, twice for right-edged text, and use the left arrow button to return. If you haven't entered text yet, you can use the Backspace button.

After setting the header and footer, to close the header and footer window, click the “Close Header and Footer Window” button in the “Close” group or double-click anywhere on the page.

2nd method.

  • Click right click mouse in the top margin area, then click “Change Header”.

Adding a footer is similar.

Figure 2. Selecting a footer.

Editing Headers and Footers

1st method.

    In the window open document Double click in the area of ​​the desired footer. The header and footer area will go into the formatting process, and the main text will become uneditable (grayed out);

    Make the necessary changes.

2nd method.

    “Insert” tab - in the “Header and Footer” group, click the button for changing the document header and footer;

    In the window that opens, select the “Change header (footer)” tab;

    After making changes, click Close Header and Footer Window or double-click anywhere on the workspace.

Hiding body text when working with headers and footers

Sometimes you need to focus solely on working with headers and footers, and the content in your workspace can be distracting, especially if it's rich in graphics, decorated text, and photographs. In this case, it can be hidden. To do this:

    Open the “Design – Working with Headers and Footers” tab using one of the above methods;

    In the Options group, uncheck the Show document text box.

Figure 3. Hiding body text.

Transition between headers and footers

Sometimes when editing the footer area you may want to quickly move from header to footer (or vice versa). To do this:

    In the Transitions group, click the Go to Header and Go to Footer buttons to move to their respective header and footer editing areas.

If a document is divided into several sections, each of them may have headers and footers independent from each other. In this case, the transitions are carried out like this:

    Go to the “Design – Working with Headers and Footers” tab;

    In the Navigations group, click the Back and Next Entry buttons to navigate forward and backward, respectively.

Figure 4. Buttons for moving between independent section headers and footers.

If you want the headers and footers of the current section to be designed in the same way as the previous one, click the “Same as in the previous section” button.

Figure 5. Transitions between headers and footers.

First page footer

In most documents, it is customary to distinguish between the headers and footers of the first and remaining pages. This is due to the fact that the first footer, as a rule, reflects basic information about the document, such as the author or the title of a book or article. It is not at all necessary to reflect this in the headers and footers of the following pages, since they are often reserved for the titles of chapters and parts. In this case, you need to set a separate header and footer for the first page:

    After creating the necessary headers and footers, on the first page of the document, click in the header or footer area (depending on which one you want to create);

    In the “Options” group, check the box next to “ Special footer for the first page" and then enter the required information in the header and footer area;

    Exit header and footer editing mode by double-clicking in the document workspace.

Headers and footers for even and odd pages

Different headers and footers for even and odd pages are often used in books, with the title of the work at the top of the left page of the spread and the title of the chapter at the top of the right page. The differences between even-numbered and odd-numbered page headers apply to the entire document. That is, a different header and footer for a separate section of the document can be set using “Special header and footer for the first page,” but in the case of even/odd page headers, the changes will be general for the entire document.

    In the Options group, check the box next to “Differentiate between odd and even page headers.”

Change the distance between the header and footer data entry field and the edge of the page.

The standard (default) distance between the header and footer data entry field (in the header and footer area) and the edge of the page is 1.25 cm (about half an inch). The default value does not always match the desired one, so you need to set a different value:

    Go to the “Design – Working with Headers and Footers” tab using one of the methods described above;

    In the “Position” group, in the fields for specifying the distance between the edge of the page and the header and footer data entry area, enter the desired value. For the header in the “From top to header” field, for the footer - in the “From” field bottom edge to footer";

    Close the header and footer editing area by double-clicking the document workspace. At the same time, you will close the “Design - Working with Headers and Footers” tab and automatically go to the “Home” tab.

Please note that if you move to a new line (by pressing “Enter”), the height of the footer area automatically increases by the height of the line (it depends on the font size and line spacing).

If you need to add placeholder or set alignment, use the Aligned Tab window. To do this, in the Position group, click Insert Aligned Tab. In this window you can:

    adjust alignment relative to margin or indentation;

    align text left/right or center;

    choose one of five placeholders (they are relatively infrequent, but still used to create headers and footers for chapters and sections of a document).

Figure 6. Changing the distance between the edge of the page and the footer margin.

Inserting additional elements in the header and footer

You can add not only text data to the footer, but also various pictures, shapes, date and time, etc.

In order to insert a particular element in the footer area, do the following

    Double-click in the footer area;

    In the “Insert” group, select and insert the desired object by clicking on the corresponding group button;

    Close the header and footer editing area.

There are four buttons in the “Insert” group:

    “Drawing” – places a drawing in the footer;

    “Date and time” – inserts into the footer current date and time;

    “Picture” – places a picture in the footer;

    “Express blocks” – places autotext elements in the footer.

Figure 7. Example of header and footer design.

Removing a header and footer

If you have created a bad header and footer and it is easier for you to delete it than to edit it, you can easily do this.

1st method:

    Go to the header and footer editing area;

    Highlight the entered data, and then delete it by pressing the Delete key.

2nd method:

    “Insert” tab - in the “Header and Footer” group, click the “Header (Footer)” button;

3rd method:

    Double-click in the footer area.

    In the Header and Footer group, click the "Header (Footer)" button

    In the window that opens, click on “Remove header (footer”).

Programs related to Microsoft package Office, such as Word and Excel, opens to the user ample opportunities on editing documents. The inscriptions printed on each sheet in the header or below save the person from having to enter information twice. However, there are times when this data is not needed and needs to be erased.

How to remove a header and footer in Word 2003

Technology never stops developing, and neither does software for computers. It can be noticed that Word versions and Excel, released in 2003, are strikingly different in interface from their younger counterparts. There are also differences in the functionality of the programs; they also affect the headers. This simple algorithm will tell you how to remove headers and footers in Word 2003:

  1. Activate the “Header and Footers” submenu from the “View” drop-down menu double click mouse over the text to be deleted. Please note that the cursor and labels are inside the dotted field.
  2. Select all unnecessary information using the cursor.
  3. Press the Del key or use the Cut command.

It is worth highlighting that after these steps, the header data will disappear from all sheets of the document on which they were previously created. However, if you only remove the writing from the top margin, the lower entries or page numbers will remain intact. For them complete removal from open file You will need to repeat the process for the dotted field below by double-clicking on it.

How to remove headers and footers in Word 2010

More than 10 years have passed since the text editor was released in 2003. For this Microsoft time Office has been modernized both functionally and externally. Work with Microsoft sections Word 2007, 2010, and then 2013 became somewhat more convenient, although visual differences from previous version striking. However, in these programs you can perform the same actions, but in different ways. For example, how to disable headers and footers in Word 2010 will help you figure it out this instruction:

  1. It is not difficult to distinguish header data, which is the same for the entire document or its parts, from the main text. The color of letters and logos, if present, will be more subdued.
  2. Click on the inscription twice. You will not see a frame in this version; the border for the main text is a dotted line.
  3. A new “Designer” submenu will appear on the taskbar, where you can edit the entry if desired. However, to remove information or part of it, you will need to select the text and press the Del key.

A similar algorithm works not only for 2010, but also for the 2007 version of the editor. For these programs, in addition to standard actions Other options have been added with headers and footers. For example, the “Express Blocks” submenu will help automate the process of inserting information and visually diversify the document. Among the available options, you can choose not only top or bottom inscriptions, but also side ones, located on the right or left, depending on the markup.

Working with headers and footers

Cases are not uncommon, especially if we're talking about O student works when it is necessary to correct the document only partially, leaving the main material unchanged. This is where questions regarding working with Word editors and Excel. For those who are just starting to work with these programs, it is often unclear how to remove the header and footer from the second page, leaving it on the rest. However, the capabilities of these well-known editors allow you to perform these and similar actions.

How to remove the header in Word

Data located at the top, as a rule, is intended to communicate some kind of important information, coordinates, heading names. They can be the same for each section or different if necessary. The header area often contains the following information:

  • name of the organization;
  • title of work;
  • company logo;
  • author's name, address and telephone number;
  • date of writing the document;
  • a short summary or quotation.

When this or other information is not needed and needs to be removed, knowledge of the intricacies of a text editor comes to the rescue. How to remove a header in Word is clear from this algorithm:

  1. Double click left button mouse by moving the cursor to the lighter text at the top.
  2. In the “Design” tab that appears on the left, select the “Header” submenu, and then go to the very bottom to select the “Delete” command.

How to remove the footer in Word

Information placed at the bottom of the document is more common. There may not be any data in the page header, but the footer, especially large files, is almost always present. The fact is that at the bottom of the sheet: on the left, in the center or on the right, page numbers are placed. Occasionally this information is supplemented by the title of the work, the name of the author, and the title of the section. It’s easy to remove such information along with sheet numbering in the following way:

  1. Click on the text at the bottom of the page (double click).
  2. Select everything unnecessary and remove it using the Del key or in the “Footer” submenu, select the “Delete” command.

How to remove header and footer from last page

Upon completion of writing a coursework or dissertation, authors indicate the sources used. The same design is acceptable for scientific works or books. The header data required for previous sections is misplaced on the last sheet of the file. To correct the situation, follow this algorithm:

  1. Place the cursor after the final sentence, select the Page Layout tab, then the Breaks submenu and the Next Page command.
  2. Find the headers and footers of the created final sheet and double-click on them.
  3. In the “Designer” tab that appears after clicking, disable the “Same as in the previous section” option.
  4. Activate the Delete command inside one of the submenus for the header or footer.
  5. Type the main text on the final page.

How to remove a header and footer from the first page

The title page of any document must be designed in a certain way, no unnecessary information, be it a page number or a section title, should not be present on it. Newbies starting to work in text editor, should know that you can automate the process of removing unnecessary data from the first page. The following instructions will tell you how to remove headers and footers in Word:

  1. Before creating a cover page, place the cursor before the beginning of the first sentence of the body text.
  2. Go to the “Page Layout” tab, go to the “Breaks” submenu and click “Next Page”.
  3. Double-click on the header and footer on the next sheet after the title sheet. Disable the "Same as previous section" option.
  4. Make a couple of clicks on the inscription on the first page and delete it (Del or using the appropriate submenu).

Video: how to remove headers and footers

After watching this two-minute video, you will know how easy it is to number an entire document. Page numbering in Word program 2003 is very easy to do!

To number your work from first to last sheet, starting with number 1, enter the Insert Menu - Page Numbers. In the dialog box, make settings for the location of the page number in the document: at the top or bottom of the page, left, right or center. Check the Number on the first page checkbox. Go to the Format tab to set the settings on the Start from 1 switch. Here you can also configure the number format. Save the settings by clicking OK. And OK again in the main dialog box. Your document is now numbered.

Delete page numbering Can , by clicking on any number on any page twice with the left mouse button.

And then select the number itself in the same way. Click Delete key or Backspace. Exit footer mode by double-clicking anywhere in the document.

You can give a number format as normal text, by first selecting it and going to Menu Format - Font. You can make it larger or smaller, bold or italic, white on a black background, using the buttons on the formatting bar. But it will still be different in color from the text in the document.

So that the numbering is outside the page frame , place the cursor in front of the number and move it with the Tab key.

To start numbering from the second page starting with number 1, do not check the NUMBER ON THE FIRST PAGE box. And in the FORMAT tab select convenient format numbers. In the START WITH switch, correct the number to zero. Don't forget to click OK.


Headers and footers decorate your work and exude professionalism. In the header and footer we can write any text and format it like any other text in Worde. The contents of the footer can be format, like regular text. You can align left, right, or center using the buttons on the Format Bar. Make it bold, italic, or underlined. But still it will not be as pronounced as the rest of the text in the document.

In the footers there may be
document title
section name
author's name
creation date
page number
and so on

IN header The title of the document may be written, and the page numbering may be indicated at the bottom. Or in the footer on the left is the name of the document, and on the right is the page number.

Go to Menu View - Header and Footer and check the box next to Header and Footer. Decide where you want to place it, at the top or bottom. Place your cursor in the header or footer. Or use the Header/Footer button on the Header/Footer creation panel.

Different headers and footers in one document

To title page headers and footers were distinguishable from others , do the following. In the File Menu - Page Setup, in the Paper Source tab, select the Start section radio button From the next page. In the Distinguish headers and footers field, check the First page box and click OK. Or go to the View Menu - Header and Footer and configure page settings from the Header and Footer panel by clicking on the button
Page options. Double-click at the top or bottom of the first page in the header and footer field and make them blank or unique. Separately create a footer for all other pages.

Miscellaneous headers and footers on even and odd pages . In the File Menu - Page Setup, in the Paper Source tab - Distinguish headers and footers on even and odd pages, check the box. Create a header and footer once on an even page and once on an odd page and get automatic filling throughout the document.

Numbering pages from the third page in Word 2003

Watch the video in which I will show you how to create numbering from any page of your document. Using this method, you can number pages only where they are needed.

We'll share your text documentinto two sections: pages without numbers and with numbers. Let's create a gap between them. To make it clearer for us, let’s activate on Standard panel tools button Non-printing characters.
Place the cursor on the last line of the second page. Let's go to the Insert Menu - Break. In the dialog box, select the radio button New section from the next page. Click OK. The cursor will jump to next page and it will appear extra line which must be removed immediately so that the main text does not move. There will also be a section break icon, which we see because we have visible non-printing characters. IN normal mode the gap is not visible. If necessary remove page break, Place the cursor at the beginning of this break and press the Delete button.

Enter the header and footer creation mode. Menu View – Header and Footer. To go to the footer, click in the footer or use the Header/Footer button on the Footer panel

We have Section 1, Section 2, Footer panel and the inscription As in the previous one.

When you hover the cursor over the buttons of the Footer Panel, the short name buttons. Button SAME AS PREVIOUS is now active, which means the connection between sections is maintained. We need to press it out so that we have page numbers only in the current second section.

Click the Page Number Format button in the dialog box. Select the Start from 1 switch. If you want the numbers on the first two pages to be invisible, select the Start from 3 switch. OK. You can now click Insert Page Number Field.

Exit the header and footer creation mode by double-clicking the left mouse button anywhere in the document.

Remove page numbering at the end of a document

Place the cursor on the sheet where you want to remove the page number. Enter the header and footer mode. Menu View - Header and Footer. Go to header or footer. It depends on where the figure stands. On the header and footer creation panel, press the Same as previous button, and then delete the number itself. This way you can remove pagination only on the pages you want.

If there are several such sheets, then go to the desired footer for each sheet, cancel As in the previous one and delete the number.

Now you know how page numbering is done when working with a Word document and how page numbering is removed from some pages.

How to number all lines in a Word 2003 document

When working with a document in the program Word numbering lines are made in order to view and delete empty lines. In some cases, in order to accurately indicate the place (line) in the document where the necessary information is contained.

Go to File Menu - Page Setup to the Paper Source tab. Click the Line numbering button. A dialog box will open where you need to check the box Add line numbering. The settings in this window help you start counting from the number you want. Indent as much or as little distance from the text as you like. Take the step you need. For example, if step 1, then the numbers will be 1,2,3,4,... If step 2, then the numbers 2,4,6,8,... If step 3, then 3,6,9,... It depends on your goals . And yet, if you just need to number the lines in a row, then use step 1, that is, do not change anything.

Other settings.
If you select the switch opposite the item On each page, then on each new page Line numbering will begin again.
If the switch is in each section, then in each new section (if you have them) there will be a new line numbering.
If you set the switch to Continuous, then the numbering of lines from the beginning to the end of the document will not be interrupted.
Click on the OK button in this window, and after it closes OK in the previous window. Immediately after this, the lines in the document are numbered. Moreover, if you add or delete lines, the numbering will change automatically.

You can cancel line numbering by unchecking the Add line numbering checkbox.

If you need to do in a part of the text that is already numbered lines without numbering, then first you need to select this part. Go to Menu Format - Paragraph Position on Page tab. Check the Prohibit line numbering checkbox. OK.